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I journal my food everyday along with my workouts. Here is the website that I use.

Diet & Exercise Journal - MyFitnessPal.com





Thanks. I usually can only handle the journaling for a few days. Is that an excuse? I don't know. I just usually fall behind when I try to do it for long. For now, I'm going to use the forum to keep myself honest. You know how I know that I was eating too much? By deciding to journal here today, I have cut way back and I am feeling the pain. I feel starving :rolleyes: right at the moment...the way I felt on Day One back in June. I need to finish lunch as I've been eating bits in short bursts. I have this ALMOST uncontrollable urge to eat more chocolate. The journalling here helps or I'd probably have caved already.



Coffee with creamer and Splenda

a little tossed salad with Light Asian Dressing

Asian chicken soup

1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese

raspberry sorbet

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I've been lurking, reading every word, but hesitant to post. I feel as if I'm almost unworthy to post. I am back up to 181.5. I was so happy to see the 170's. :( So Dar, I am right there with you. I figure if you have the courage to post, I can too.


Thanks for the link Scott, I signed up today and will try it out. I figure you are doing great, so it can't hurt to try it! :) I was pleasantly surprised at my total caloric intake for yesterday. I thought it would have been more than it was!


Thanks Kelly for posting the link to that article. I read it and was encouraged that while watching the scale daily to keep you on track once you've reached your goal is great, but while losing it is often more frustrating to watch it because of normal fluctuations.


I had an awful dream last night. I dreamed that my cruise is this weekend, and I put on my bathing suit in the mirror, and when I looked at myself didn't even recognize myself. I was huge!! (Much, Much larger than I am in real life, even in the worst photographs of myself!!) I just remember this feeling of horror as I realized what I had done to myself! I CAN'T let that happen!! Has anyone else ever had a dream like that before?


On the weather note, I woke up FREEZING this morning!! It's in the 50's!! Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 40's!!! Everyone down here is complaining about how cold it is, but I love it! :D It's time to make a big bowl of grandma's chili and curl up under the blankets and snuggle with my DH to keep warm! :p Love it!

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Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I had my trip to Orlando and had a great time!! Then a busy weekend and I also ate and drank way to much, I guess that is why I didn't post here but now it is time to get back on track!! On Sunday I was up 4 pounds, today I am only up 2 pounds, tomorrow I weigh in, I hope it is down the 2 pounds but either way it is time to get back on track!!!


Erin-I read what your friend told you about the first 3/4 mile, I think that is so true! Every time I start the run after a few minutes I think that there is no way I will finish and I think about quitting but if I push through it, it seems to get easier. Sunday and Monday I ran 2.5 miles in 30 minutes (5.0mph) I can't beleive I am doing that! 2 more runs and I will have completed the course, I have started it several times before and always quit after a few weeks. Next I have to start adding a little speed.



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I am new to this thread. I have read all your posts and need some help.

I only need to lose about 10 lbs. but have been stuck at the same weight for about 6 months. I only eat about 1000 - 1200 calories a day, walk 2 miles daily and still stay at the same weight. I count points with Weight Watchers (but don't go to the meetings anymore, already know their routine). I have thought about the advertisements on TV about the Colon clense and wonder if this is my problem.

We are going on a 2 week cruise to South America on 12/7/08 and then our daughter is getting married on March 7, 2009. If I gain 5-7 lbs. on this cruise then I have 2 months to get the weight off. Have tried the plan about ranging your points from high to low and still nothing. Does anyone have any ideas. I already bought my dress for the wedding so have to at least stay at this weight after going on the cruise. Signed desperate:eek:

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Hi Fabian52, WElcome!!

I am definately not an expert, but have you tried adding some time or intensity to your walks? I have started a jogging program and it does seem to help (except for weekends like the last one, I ate and drank WAY to much) or maybe walk 3 miles instead of 2?


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Hi Fabian52, WElcome!!

I am definately not an expert, but have you tried adding some time or intensity to your walks? I have started a jogging program and it does seem to help (except for weekends like the last one, I ate and drank WAY to much) or maybe walk 3 miles instead of 2?


I have also starting jogging but am not really a jogger. I jog for a couple of blocks then walk and still nothing. I guess I will just have to continue with what I am doing and hope for the best. I am definitely at a plateau.


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Kelly and Connie...I'm so glad that I'm not alone in this. Yesterday I was feeling stupid when I stepped on the scale. Stupid, and embarrassed and weak. I made a decision to face up to it and "pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again." Isn't it weird how we can even feel embarrassed here? No one knows us; so we are just about as free to be honest with ourselves here as anybody. Its not like one of you are going to hunt me down and then point at me and laugh or something. Isn't it crazy how we can sometimes feel afraid to face reality? Well, anyway, I'm giving myself a big ole fat pat on the back today. :D ....for admitting that I screwed up!


Fabian...Nice to have you here. Welcome. I know this will sound crazy but I've been told this over and over and over again...pick a day a week and eat more on that day. My husband says that Chinese food does it for him so when he was trying to lose weight, he'd do great all week, have a big Chinese food lunch, then eat light for nighttime.. If it were me, I think it would be better to pick a Friday, then not weigh-in until Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm thinking that having a few days between the higher calorie day would be better due to the extra salt intake that you'd likely have. I fought this idea forever but my son, my hubby, other successful losers, and author Bill Phillips all advocate this. I feel like I'm very lacking in expertise this week to be offering any advice ;) but I think they are right. My problem is that I haven't been doing a one day calorie boost but a two or three day boost which just equals lack of self-control. If you are hesitant and you're saying to yourself, "How on earth will that do any good? More calories equals more stored fat and I've been stuck for 6 months while keeping my calories so low." The principle has more to do with a stuck metabolism. The math says that you HAVE to have lost more weight during those past 6 months, since you have been faithful with your low-cal intake (1000-1200) yet you are still stuck. So maybe it would be a good opportunity to be a guinea pig for all of us and take the advice of many experts. My friend has gone to WW since 2005 and is VERY slender now. She gave me that same advice, via WW. Eat more for one day. What can it hurt? Maybe just a 500 calorie boost for one meal or whatever you think. It sounds like what you are dealing with isn't the need for further drops in calorie....your metabolism is fighting you because it is responding as if it is in danger which equals a big SLOWDOWN. Who says these plateaus don't exist? I've had two for 5 weeks just since starting and I had one for 12 weeks, several years ago. They are very frustrating. Kudos to you for staying with your program in spite of it.


One more thing....what about the tape measure? Are you losing any inches in spite of the frozen numbers on the scale?




Got hectic and I couldn't post but this is what I ate for the rest of the day.


Afternoon: Swiss Miss 25 cal hot cocoa


Dinner: Portion Control: meat loaf, smashed redskins, lima beans, homemade applesauce


Snack: glass of milk



It's cold here too and it was sunshiney yesterday yet HAIL was falling. THIRTY FOUR DEGREES right now! Almost cold enough for snow! I'm with you Erin. The chill in the air put me in the mood for making comfort food (meatloaf) and peeling a bowlful of apples. I turn on my gas fireplace, snuggle under my big quilt and put on my fluffy soft socks.




oatmeal with about 1 T. maple syrup

4 oz. oj

coffee with fake creamer and Splenda

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Fabian, I would suggest using the site Scott suggested. myfitnesspal.com In the tools section you can check your BMR and see how many calories your body needs. Then you can track your calorie intake and exercise. This way you will see if you need more or less calories. I think you might be needing more. And when you eat more make them count. Eat lean meats, whole grain cereals, breads. Add more beans, legumes and vegetables.


Also like Connie said, intensify your workout. It is the best way to see results. Connie and Erin are both using the couch to 5k program. You can do it outside or on the treadmill. I used it in the spring. I am 48 and not a runner, not athletic at all! But it helped get rid of some bellyfat! If running isn't for you walk further but also do fast walking then slower walking. Those bursts of faster help to burn more than walking at the same pace.


But you have to make sure you are eating enough. So check out the my fitness pal site. We always think to lose weight we have to eat less. Sometimes we are eating to little and not enough of the good stuff our bodies need. I know, that's what I did. I tried to keep my calorie intake at 1200 or under. I could not lose a pound. But when I checked my BMR, added the exercise I was doing I realized that I was undereating. My daily calorie goal is 1520. I don't track everyday anymore. After awhile you learn portion sizes, self control. But when I think I am getting out of control I go back and start tracking again.


And of course please keep coming here for encouragement and to let us know how you are doing.


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Thanks everyone. I will try the website and boost my calorie intake one day a week, probably on Friday and weigh myself at home on Tuesdays.

Does anyone have any thoughts to the colon clense stuff. There is so much on-line about it. Expensive and kind of hesitant. Menopause has not been kind to me. Just turned 53 last week and my metabolism has slowed down like you would not believe. I lost 30 lbs., 10 years ago in 4 months and it was no problem. Doesn't work like that anymore for me.

Thanks for your support. :)

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Posting more of today's menu....You guys cannot believe how many times this has stopped me from munching! I've got mixed emotions. Took off in the van to run errands and there was a bag of the new Doritos next to me! If not for knowing I was posting, I would have eaten a bunch, I think, plus some chocolate, plus a slice of buttered bread that was calling my name.



about 1 cup Dannon low-fat yogurt with wheat germ added

a fresh cold Macon apple

a few baked Wheatable crackers





What I'm having....

Small piece meatloaf

some baked squash

homemade applesauce (mostly leftovers from yesterday)





Glass of Milk

Pudding (either low-fat or sugar-free chocolate raspberry)


I'm posting dinner early since I have a dance lesson tonight. If I vary, I'll post, but not likely.


Scott...I didn't get to the journaling site yet but wondered...is there anyone there reading your journal? It helps me to get control when I know that you guys here are going to see what I ate today. I know I can't bore everyone with this for days on end but for two or three days, I think it will help me to get my snacking under control. I am in a snacky mood--is it the weather? I haven't felt like this in a while.


Fabian...As far as the cleanse goes, I'm not into that sort of thing. The weight you would lose isn't fat anyway...water and other "junk." I just can't imagine that it is good for people to do that unless there is a medical reason. Think about what a bad case of Montezuma's Revenge does to you. It dehydrates you and makes you feel horrible. The last time I had a bug like that, my heart rhythms went wacko and I almost had to be admitted to the hospital. It seems like people are selling a product that gives you diarrhea. After my illness, I realized how serious it can be to get dehydrated so I'm leary of anything like this, no matter how many people think it is a good idea. I had a friend who was into colon irrigation. How natural is that? Is there any proven medical research that backs it or attests that its a good thing to do. Truly it's your choice, and I'm just adding my opinion for what its worth. This topic has come up before on the forum. If anyone has facts to add, baked up by research, then I'd be open-minded enough to hear them out.

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Thanks everyone. I will try the website and boost my calorie intake one day a week, probably on Friday and weigh myself at home on Tuesdays.

Does anyone have any thoughts to the colon clense stuff. There is so much on-line about it. Expensive and kind of hesitant. Menopause has not been kind to me. Just turned 53 last week and my metabolism has slowed down like you would not believe. I lost 30 lbs., 10 years ago in 4 months and it was no problem. Doesn't work like that anymore for me.

Thanks for your support. :)



I hear you on the slowed metabolism. I've had some real mood swings this year so I know that it is the meno problem. I've never lost weight so slowly in my entire life. I just want to snore every time I step on the scale. Its a bit tough on the motivation. On top of slowed metabolism I realize that I've yo-yo dieted for so many years and that every time I go off, then back to my old habits, I up my body fat percentage. That's what I've heard on the news. When we lose weight, we lose fat AND muscle. When we gain it back, we gain ALL fat. That is why we often tend to go up just a little bit more with each regain. I was steady at 165 for years, then began to inch up, diet, lose, go off, regain. I inched up to 172...then 177....then 181...then my all time high when I started here on the boards...188! (my scale...higher on a medical scale) That steady fat increase just makes it harder to lose each time. I'm done with it and ready to get to my goal, no matter how hard it might seem or how long it might take. I want to feel good like Kelly is feeling about her weight. I want to be able to enjoy good foods, healthy foods, and eat sensible portions so that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I think I'll just cry when I hit goal weight!

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Welcome Fabian! It seems like you are getting good advise already. I have nothing to say about a colon cleanse, positive or negative. Personally, I would not do it. But I havn't researched it enough to be committed to that opinion.


Dar, maybe I'm alone in this, but I actually like reading what you had to eat! :o I compare it to what I had, and usually I am like :eek: because I feel like I eat alot more than that. It encourages me to watch what I eat as well. I think I might have to start doing this again as well...


I can't seem to be able to run past 1 mile. :confused: Once I reach it, my heart rate is in the 180's, my feet are dragging, and I am just exhausted. I almost fell off the treadmill! :o I tried to keep going awhile after that, but found it increasingly hard, so I figured I better walk instead for my own safety. I have run it 3 times now... I suppose it will get easier, but usually at this point I am increasing the distance. I just don't see that happening right now.

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Welcome Fabian! It seems like you are getting good advise already. I have nothing to say about a colon cleanse, positive or negative. Personally, I would not do it. But I havn't researched it enough to be committed to that opinion.


Dar, maybe I'm alone in this, but I actually like reading what you had to eat! :o I compare it to what I had, and usually I am like :eek: because I feel like I eat alot more than that. It encourages me to watch what I eat as well. I think I might have to start doing this again as well...


I can't seem to be able to run past 1 mile. :confused: Once I reach it, my heart rate is in the 180's, my feet are dragging, and I am just exhausted. I almost fell off the treadmill! :o I tried to keep going awhile after that, but found it increasingly hard, so I figured I better walk instead for my own safety. I have run it 3 times now... I suppose it will get easier, but usually at this point I am increasing the distance. I just don't see that happening right now.


Hi Erin....I'm simply amazed that anyone can run a mile. You have accomplished so much, already. I can't offer any advice because I still haven't started exercising but all I can say as an onlooker is that you are doing wonderfully. Maybe someone with more knowledge can get into this with you but I was wondering what you eat before you run. Do you wait to eat after or do you eat before? My husband should have known better but one time he actually ate a candy bar before he worked out with his weight system, then he was drinking a BIG pop....like one of those big ones from the gas station (probably Coke)....and during his workout he got ill and had to literally crawl up the stairs. His dad was a doctor and when my hubby told him about how he felt, his dad pointed out the obvious about the sugary stuff. I don't know what the best thing is before your run, regarding food (to eat or not to eat and if to eat, then what?), but maybe there would be something to consider that would help to keep your energy steady?


I'm glad I'm not boring you silly with my menus. I did drop a pound when I weighed myself this a.m. so I'm back to 174. I can't believe how hard this has been this week. I'm not kidding when I say that I feel like I"m starting from scratch. What you said is interesting....about comparing what you eat when you read my menu. That is the same thing that I try to do when I see skinny friends eating. I try to figure out what they are doing differently, routinely, than what I am doing. Sometimes when you travel with friends, or go camping, etc., you get a better glimpse into their lifestyle and lights do go off.


I'm so thankful that I can come here and get support and encouragement. I am 100% convinced that I would not have made it this far without you guys! I also woke up this morning and thought about how I only have to get to 168 to reach my 20 lb. mark...that's only six more pounds. Yes, there is plenty more beyond that but to reach 20 off has to do a world of good for my body, so I'll be looking forward to that and my goal is to be there by Thanksgiving.




cup of coffee with splenda and creamer

egg fried in Pam

2 pieces of light wheat toast with ICBNB spray

4 oz. OJ


I'm posting breakfast early before I eat it. Breakfast has been getting a bit boring to me...yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled or fried egg, sometimes French toast made with the light bread. How about you guys?


Back when I was dating my husband (we met when I was 14 and he was 17), he bought me a little recipe book that I could write in. It is literally falling apart as it is dated 2-26-75....a birthday gift and probably for my hope chest. Anyway, I have a very old recipe in it, from my Mom's Weight Watchers days for a breakfast item. If I had cornmeal on hand, I'd make this today.....It's fast and pretty good.


Cornmeal-Pineapple Muffins


1 beaten egg

1 oz. corn meal (1/3 cup)

1/3 cup dry milk (I sometimes would skip this.)

1/4 t. soda

pinch salt

1/2 cup crushed pineapple (natural juice)

4 t. sweetener

1 t. vanilla

baking spray


Preaheat the oven to 400.


Blend ingredients in a mixing bowl with a spoon until just blended. Pour into a small round casserole dish that has been sprayed with baking spray. (This is what I use, but you could probably use muffin tins, sprayed first and adjust the baking time--use a toothpick or end of a knife to make sure that the stuff isn't gooey, before you remove it from the oven. Poke it and look for goo.) Bake for 15-20 minutes.


I've substituted a shredded apple (peelings and all)...using a big apple. You can add 1/4-1/2 tsp. cinnamon to that variation.


On the old WW program, this recipe would serve one person and would be one serving of protein, one of milk (out of 2 per day), one of fruit (out of 3? per day) and one of bread (out of 2 per day). It's really a pretty filling breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea. Now if I could only slather it with syrup and add a plateful of bacon. Now THAT would be my kinda breakfast. I love bacon! I rarely make it because I can't stop eating it if there is a plateful on the counter.


This recipe sounds good....cancel my breakfast posting. I'm out of cornmeal but I do have corn flour in the house and will try substituting that. I think this would be really filling......(long pause)....it's in the oven! Mmmmmm.

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Erin, this might not help you since you want to do the 5k at Thanksgiving. I was reading on another site about someone who did the couchto5k and she said that one of the weeks she did the same week for 3 weeks. She needed extra time to work up to it.


On eating before or after. There is pros and cons to both I guess. For me I get up, get dressed and get on the treadmill. If I tried to do it later I know I would not. 6am is my time. For a while when I was running outside I would take a half a banana. I'd eat it during my warm up walking. Then eat the other half when I got home. It did not seem to make a difference in how I felt or ran if I ate it or not. But bananas are good for you. And I have not been eating any lately.


On boring breakfasts. I read that people who eat the same things for breakfast and lunch have an easier time losing and keeping weight off. For me I like boring.

MWF are days I run/walk on the treadmill and lift weights for upper body. (5lb weights) After that is 1 egg fried in smart balance with one slice of whole grain bread toasted with smart balance and a little jam. I try to use a bread that is double fiber.

TU,THU are either oatmeal or fiberone. Either of those I add blueberries to.

Saturday use to be scones with coffee in bed. But I have not made any for a while. It's a pretty healthy recipe. You can add any kind of fruit or nuts, or DH's favorite chocolate chips. They are a drop scone and are very easy. I make a batch and then freeze individually. Take one out of the freezer, place on a paper towel, microwave for 30 seconds and you have a nice hot scone. If anyone is interested in the recipe I can post it.

Sundays are hurry up get ready for church. We use to go out to eat after but $ are tight now so we come home and eat. Sometimes it's leftover pizza.



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Cornmeal Pineapple Muffins....


I baked mine in a small French white round dish (the corning bakeware) and it took a bit longer to have it baked through--more like 22 minutes. I drizzled the top with just a little blackberry syrup that I had found in the refrigerator. That syrup was the perfect topping for the muffin. The muffin really comes out more like a cake than a muffin. I turned it out upside down onto a plate so it was very steamy and moist, then drizzled with a little of the syrup and some ICBNB spray, too. It was delicious. I haven't made one of those in years.


I'd love the scones recipe, Kelly. Sounds nice to make something like that for a Saturday. We skip breakfast on Sunday too. I have to bring something in the car for the ride home because we're starving by that point. It's a 25 minute drive back toward home for us and we don't get out of church before 1 or 1:30, even. There are usually 3 big open boxes of donuts, with coffee and tea, every Sunday--just killer. I don't touch them or if I do, I break off one bite and say, "Excuse my fingers, but you know I don't have cooties."


Does anyone know of some kind of salty breakfast meat like sausage, that would still fit into a weight-loss plan? I don't love turkey bacon and I'm not a big ham person either. It's okay in a bind, but not that great. I think the Jennie-O is what I tried last and if I'm right on that, it had this really fake scalloped edge on it and the meat looked like it was dyed white and reddish brown to look like the stripes on bacon. I guess I'd rather eat less of something real and have it taste great, then more of something so-so. I'm thinking about playing around with ground turkey or chicken and seasoning the heck out of it so that it tastes like sausage. Can this be done? I'd love to get into a routine of fixing a nice breakfast on Saturday mornings.

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Weigh in today


sw 182

lw 172.6

cw 174.2

gw 145

I am up 1.6 pounds, I guess it could be worse. Boy, once you go off your plan it sure is hard to get back on!


Dar-do you like canadian bacon? I like to take a lite english muffin, 1 egg, 1 slice of can bacon and a little lite cheese and make a egg mcmuffin, it is yummy and filling.


ERin-don't feel bad, just think how far you have come, 1 mile is a great accomplishment!! If you have to stick with that for a few weeks it will be fine, then maybe just add a tenth of a mile or so each week. Every day I get on the treadmill to run I think I won't be able to finish, but so far so good, I have 1 more run to complete the 9 weeks, although I am not running 3 miles in the 30 min I am only running 2.5 but that works for me.



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Dar, I think you can buy turkey breakfast sausage. Just watch the sodium counts. It is probably better to make your own so you can control it.


I like jimmy d dean sausage, the regular. It's just spicey enough so you get alot of flavor. I checked the cal.

for 1 1/2 oz it has 50 cal, 3g total fat, 1g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 360 mg sodium and only 1g of protein. So even though it has good flavor the high sodium and low protein will make me save it for only sometimes.


A serving of oscar meyer center cut bacon also has 50cal but Total Fat 4g, Saturated Fat 2g, Trans Fat 0g Cholesterol 15mg, Sodium 270mg, Protein 4g

So it has less sodium alittle more fat but more protein. They don't say what a serving size is though. Only that there are 10 servings per package. So I'm guessing that's 2 slices.


I agree that I'd rather have less of something that tastes good than more of something that does not. I also find I eat less of it. Like if I have sour cream on a baked potato. If I use the full fat kind it seems to have more flavor so I use less. If it's the no fat I end up putting more to get more flavor or adding butter. So what have I saved?


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Weigh in today


sw 182

lw 172.6

cw 174.2

gw 145

I am up 1.6 pounds, I guess it could be worse. Boy, once you go off your plan it sure is hard to get back on!


Dar-do you like canadian bacon? I like to take a lite english muffin, 1 egg, 1 slice of can bacon and a little lite cheese and make a egg mcmuffin, it is yummy and filling.


ERin-don't feel bad, just think how far you have come, 1 mile is a great accomplishment!! If you have to stick with that for a few weeks it will be fine, then maybe just add a tenth of a mile or so each week. Every day I get on the treadmill to run I think I won't be able to finish, but so far so good, I have 1 more run to complete the 9 weeks, although I am not running 3 miles in the 30 min I am only running 2.5 but that works for me.





Connie...That's a good idea about the mcmuffin. I'm going to buy some Canadian bacon and try that out at home. I think I made them MANY years back.


I noticed that you have a cruise coming up just one week away! Are you excited? What's on the agenda with that cruise? My next one isn't until March and we are going to the southern Caribbean--St. Lucia, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Antigua, Barbados. I can hardly wait.


Kelly....Good old Oscar Mayer....I think their low-fat hot dogs were the best that I"ve ever tasted. I need to buy more.




Say Cheese!

I intended to have a turkey breast sandwich but when I opened the pack of turkey breast, I saw mold. Ewwww. I had already eaten a little chunk of cheddar cheese.

1/2 cup or so of low-fat cottage cheese

about an ounce of hard cheddar cheese

an onion bagel with some light cream cheese

an Empire apple

a serving of Pringles Light

Coffee with Splenda

I feel pretty full--lots of protein in the cheese maybe?

Snack: Can of V-8

My son (32) and his wife and our grandson are coming for dinner so I just sang opera into his voicemail...."Chili or Pasty's? Chili or Pasty's? Chili or Pasty's? Chili or Pasty's?" He's going to be saying, "My mother is so weird."

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Dar-the cruise I have next week is the 2night pre-inaugural naming ceremony for the Ruby Princess, it is a cruise to nowhere, but everything is free!! Trista and Ryan from the bachorlette are going to be on it, I think Gavon Mcleod is too. They are having alot of special things from the way it sounds with special guest appearances, it should be fun. They are also having a wedding vow renewal thing, I don't know if it is a group thing or individually. I am really excited. My mom is going to stay with the kids for us. For the naming ceremony and dinner the 1st night it is formal, they suggest "ruby red attire" I have a long black skirt and my friend is letting me borrow her top, it is red silk with black trim, really pretty!!



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1 egg

1/2 C soy milk

1/4 C fat-free milk

2C flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/4 C sugar

6 TBL Smart balance (or other margarine)

1 TBL wheat germ

2 TBL ground flaxseed

about a 1/2 C fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, whatever you like

Preheat oven to 400F.

Beat egg in 8oz measuring glass, add soy to the 3/4 C line, fill to 1 C line with the fat free milk.

In a large bowl sifft together flour, sugar, baking powder. Add smart balance. Mix until it resembles a coarse meal.

Add wheat germ, flaxseed meal, fruit.... Stir to just to mix those in.

Stir in the egg and milk mixture. Stir just until moist, do not overmix.

Drop by 1/4 cupfuls onto greased baking sheets.

Bake for 12 min. or until golden brown.

Makes 12 scones.


I thought they were alittle small so I went with 1/3 C, then you get 8.


I like smart balance because it is healthier than margarine and has a good flavor. I've also made them with all fat free milk and all soy milk. Just depends on what I have enough of.

I've also been using part white whole wheat flour in my bread baking. I've done it with a crumb cake but I don't know that I want to do it with other cakes. Just trying to get alittle healthier. 1/3 C white whole wheat and 2/3 C white flour is the ratio when substituting.

My favorite is to put in some grated orange peel and chopped cranberries. If I don't have fresh I use craisins (I don't chop those) If I am taking them somewhere I might put a glaze over them then alittle more grated orange.


Using flaxseed meal lets you cut down on some of the fat you use. I trade some out for the oil in my banana bread and no one ever knows.

3TBL flax seed meal equals 1 TBL oil. It doesn't sound like you are taking out much oil but the benefits of the flaxseed meal are good.

What makes flax seeds so healthy?


Flax seeds contain high levels of alpha-linolenic acid which is an omega-3 fatty acid similar to the beneficial fats found in cold water fish like salmon. Increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Flax seed oil contains as much as five times the amount of alpha-linolenic acid found in its next closest oily competitors, canola and walnut.


Flax seeds also contain high levels of lignans, an anti-oxidant that may reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer. It is also a good source of fiber, providing additional heart health benefits.


It is important to note that the benefits of flax seeds are only available in the ground form. The human digestive tract doesn’t digest the whole seeds very well.


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