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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Connie...Your cruise sounds so fun! I think red is my favorite color. I love that deep blood red in clothing. Gorgeous! We'll want to know all about yoru cruise after you get back.


Kelly--Thanks for the scones recipe. I'll try it soon...maybe this Saturday. I love cranberry and orange, too....maybe I'll go wild and add some chocolate chips to the two! Oooooh.



I never did end up drinking the V-8 this afternoon 'cause I was too busy for a snack.

About a cup of chili

8 saltine squares

It took me forever to get to my dinner because I got busy playing Littlest Pet Shop with my grandson. So everyone was eating and asking me if I had eaten yet and I said, "Go ahead, I'm playing and organizing the dogs and cats and this is important." My grandson was the only one who understood the importance of proper sorting.:D

1 Dove chocolate

Later: glass of 2% and probably another apple...They're so good and freshly picked. And a cereal bar thing...90 calories. I think they are the Quaker Oats kind.

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Sounds like everyone is having chili! :p I made a big batch last night. So yummy!!


Dar, did you ever figure out how to post pictures? I forgot to tell you. To post the actual pictures and not just thumbnails, you need to upload them to a website. A lot of people seem to use photo bucket, but I have mine on shutterfly. Once the picture is on shutterfly, I right click on it, press copy, then come over to this screen and right click-paste in the "reply to thread" box I am typing in right now. That won't make the picture huge like some people have (for that you have to use photobucket or something else that allows you to adjust the size of the picture). But it will make it big enough.


Here's an example: My dog scrap:



And my dog Bear:



OOOH, now I'm in the picture-posting mood!! I love my dogs!


Here is DH in Cozumel (I LOVE this picture!)



And an enlarged version of my avator (sp?):


That was fun! :D

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Connie- How did you get the chance to do a pre-inagural? Are you a TA? That sounds like a blast!


I have no breakfast ideas to contribute. Sorry! :confused: Those scones sound delicious! I do enjoy turkey-bacon. It does look funny, but tastes good enough to satisfy that craving. And when it comes to bacon, I can never stop at two slices! :o

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Great pictures Erin! Love the dogs.


I am a TA and I finished Princess's online training, the highest I could go. I think I heard they sent out about 1200 invitations and only 500 TA's could go, luckily I was on the computer when I received the email and replied right away, several others from my office received it but nobody else replied quick enough, I am really lucky! I thought I would get an inside on the lowest deck but found out I am in a balcony on deck 10 right in the middle of the ship!! I think there will also be alot of media and princess execs on the cruise. They are covering tips, parking, drinks. From what I hear the only cost would be the shops, casino and spa, that is my kind of cruise!!



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Morning all.... after coming home and trying to get back on track after England, I was off to a 3 day conference in Cleveland, OH where again, food was being served to me. So it may have thrown me off just a little, but now I am home and focused again. Was back at the gym this morning and doing well!


So I am a little behind on everyone's posts but see Erin is still doing great on the running and Connie is super super lucky!!!!


Speak to you all soon... I have decided not to weigh in till Monday, just so I don't get too depressed if the little Ohio trip set me back.

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First...Thanks Erin for teaching me how to post pics. I'll have to start a shutterfly account. I think maybe flikr is another that I've seen. I just have never put my photos on a website. Love the photos. Your dogs are cute! And the photo of your hubby....LOVE it! The colors in the photo are fantastic!!! I have to show my daughter, the budding photographer. She'll flip. I can't wait for our cruise because she will have a riot shooting pictures at the various ports. She's never flown on a plane so everything will be a first for her.


Opinions. I keep having this recurring "dream" of writing line dances and either teaching or producing an instructional video. I hate exercise but I LOVE dancing. I think I could dance for long periods of time without feeling tired, except for my poor feet because by the time I'm done, I'm limping myself back to a chair! I just left a post on another thread regarding a line dance called the "Cupid Shuffle"...you can see it on youtube. The instructional one, taught by the artist, is a good one to view at first because he breaks it down. Anyway, I wrote out the instructions and posted. Its a really easy dance.


I love our ballroom classes (they include salsa, rumba, cha-cha, hustle, west-coast swing, east-coast swing, samba (Brazillian dance), merengue (Dominican),etc.). The thing I realize a lot is that many women or guys want to learn but they don't have partners to come with. Often, they never show up because they don't want to dance alone. I have lots of female friends who want to learn so badly but can't because their husbands won't even consider getting out there and looking dorky. I also know a few guys who are doing their best to learn but have a harder time because they dont' have a regular partner.


With line dancing, everyone can join in--no partner required. All ages can dance together and everyone is doing the same thing simultaneously--it's a very unified and fun family thing. That's why its so popular at weddings! I can do the Electric Slide but it's getting boring. Line dancing is a great workout--after two line dances, I am panting and sweating. You HAVE TO keep up or face some serious embarrassment! :) I"ve been there, trust me.:o I laugh a lot while I'm learning because I screw up almost more than anyone. That's why I often think that I'd be a good teacher because I can slow things down and explain them well rather than leave people in the dust.


My idea is to plan out and teach ballroom steps to great tunes so that anyone can learn some basic ballroom and the terminology like: grapevine, rock-replace, outside turn, inside turn, fifth-position breaks, etc. Fun contemporary tunes will keep it fresh and keep the kids motivated. How fun and funny to see granny and grandchild both dancing to cool tunes. I hope to be dancing with my grandchildren when they are teenagers. Besides new tunes (I have very eclectic taste in music, believe me.), old classics would be fun too, like Mustang Sally (current tune on the latest CD that I burned).


I have access to a dance studio, which isn't common for most people. It is really nice but small enough so that business is a little slow. The owner told me that if we ever wanted to use the studio, we could do that and whatever we make, we give them 50% (any fees). We can plan dance parties or whatever. I haven't mentioned the line dance idea. They do have a line dance class but it is not a fitness class and only teaches the same couple of dances for people who show up for the Friday night dance party. Its usually a lot of people in our age range or older. I have something more in mind for a workout and hope to get more young people involved, including kids. If I teach my 3 grandkids (11, 8, 7) how to do this, I could get them to join us and inspire the others.


Maybe I'm in la-la land and just dreaming big today but I wanted to ask for feedback. Am I crazy? I'm really a homebody and go back and forth over the committment. In the meantime, I'm going to continue studying this, plotting out the steps, planning the music, then develop a one hour workout. If I did that and got more fit and speeded up my weight loss, that would be great advertising in and of itself, I think.

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Easy instructions on the Cupid Shuffle


Now watch a good version....I think this one is cute because it is a group of kids auditioning for the singer's video. It's fun to watch because they each have their own twist on it....


Now wouldn't that be a painless workout? I think the mind goes numb when you dance and you forget how sore you might be feeling. You can dance for a long time and not even realize how fast the time went by. It's sort of like when you play music or watch tv while walking on a treadmill. All-of-a-sudden an hour has gone by and you are surprised.


P.S. If anyone decides to try this for themselves, make sure to wear some leather-soled shoes or just socks to make it easier to turn. When in the dining area, I put super-soft fuzzy socks on because they make it so easy to turn. Dance shoes have sueded soles just for that purpose. The soft socks or dance shoes put less stress on your knee joints because you don't have to crank your body on the turns.

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Dar, if I lived closer I would take some lessons! We did 8 weeks of ballroom dance last winter. We had alot of fun. Being that we are both musically challenged it would have been good to have specific music for each dance to practice at home. We asked the instructor but she never gave us a list. We really wanted this is a song for this dance.

Your right about it being good exercise. And anytime you can find something you enjoy doing it makes it more fun.


Gladys, where are you? I've been missing your encouraging words. I hope all is well with you. And your just in a busy time and can't post.



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Dar, if I lived closer I would take some lessons! We did 8 weeks of ballroom dance last winter. We had alot of fun. Being that we are both musically challenged it would have been good to have specific music for each dance to practice at home. We asked the instructor but she never gave us a list. We really wanted this is a song for this dance.

Your right about it being good exercise. And anytime you can find something you enjoy doing it makes it more fun.


Gladys, where are you? I've been missing your encouraging words. I hope all is well with you. And your just in a busy time and can't post.




Hi Kelly...It took a while for us to figure out the music ourselves. I asked our instructor the same thing...for musical suggestions, etc., and got no help from that teacher. If you ever need helpful suggestion just let me know. I usually go over every song and figure out the beat to put it with the right dance and list that info on my iTunes song listing.

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Hi Everyone, I hope your all doing good and staying away from the Halloween candy!! I had a few pieces but nothing like I normally would have. I have been having a rough week getting back on track.


My FIL had emergency surgery for a blood clot in his leg on Tuesday night, he kept bleeding and they had to give him blood but it finally stopped and he came home today. My mom and dad had to put their dog to sleep yesterday, she was 13, so we were all really sad.


Our family joined a gym this week, I have a membership to shapes that is about to expire and its about a 20 minute drive. My son talked us into joining one just 2 miles up the street and the whole family can go, it's called snap fitness and you can go 24/7 anyway part of the deal is you get a consultaion with a personal trainer, I had mine yesterday. Not fun having this hulky guy measure and pinch all my fat:eek: Needless to say I have to much body fat, he told me I should keep doing the cardio and that my jogging is good but what will help me more is doing the strength training and that I have to eat 5 or 6 times a day, less carbs more protein. He also had me do some of the nautilus machines and really had me push hard so I know how hard I should be pushing and how it should feel. I am pretty darn sore today. My son, DH and I just got back from their today, I like being able to go with the family. Yesterday my son and I rode these bikes and you can race eachother, he picked one with a bunch of hills, I only made it a mile and a half, but it was fun.


Well, now we are off to my youngest sons baseball game. Have a great weekend.



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So as I have said before, the scale is my worst enemy.... but I have found a new best friend in my tape measure!!!! Since my last measurements (about a month ago) I have lost: 2 INCHES ON MY THIGHS, 1 INCH ON MY WAIST AND 1 INCH ON MY HIPS!!!!! On Halloween I put on pants I bought my senior year of high school, and tonight I tried on clothing in my closet I have not dared to wear in 2 years!!!


Hope everyone had a great weekend (and ate better than I did in my post-Halloween hangover).

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The forum was down this a.m. when I had computer time. The notice was that the site was under maintenance. Anyway, I wasn't excited to post today since I didn't lose anything and actually weighed in at 175. I ran the gauntlet at church, so to speak, meaning that we had a huge potluck after the service. It was the biggest spread of food that I've ever seen. If I were to estimate, I would say that there were two long tables (8 footers connected), each about 30 feet long, then another that was about 25 feet, at least, loaded with desserts. That makes about 85 feet of food!! I was pretty selective and didn't pig out and didn't go back for seconds of anything, but was still up this morning. I'm not feeling very bright and chipper about this today. I'm starting to get that rather desperate feeling that I had before I first found the forum. I'm not a quitter though. Glad to see that you posted, Scott. 3 pounds more toward your goal is wonderful. Are you working out hard?


I think I'm having a problem and am eating more like someone who is on a weight maintenance program rather than someone who has their heart set upon losing weight. Something's gotta give, that's all that I can say. Sorry to be so repetitive, guys. I don't like it that I'm not putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak. I'm feeling a bit crabby about myself today. I'll be back tomorrow, in a better way. :)


SW: 188

LW: 174 (is that right?)

CW: 175

GW: 125-135

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"I think I'm having a problem and am eating more like someone who is on a weight maintenance program rather than someone who has their heart set upon losing weight. Something's gotta give, that's all that I can say. Sorry to be so repetitive, guys. I don't like it that I'm not putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak."




I havn't weighed myself since last weigh-in. One reason I havn't is because it has been cold(er) here, so instead of weighing myself in a tank top and shorts, I would be weighing myself in multiple layers of sweats. I thought that would throw off my scale, and I didn't want to see a higher number. But, I'm also just plain scared of the scale. I'm tired of getting all depressed over it.


I need to just measure myself. I still havn't done that. A big part of my problem right now is I am TIRED. For the next month I am working 7 days a week, and I never get to sleep past 4:30 AM. Between tests and papers and trying to sell our house (someone came by to see it last night, so we cleaned, cleaned, cleaned) I just don't have enough time to worry about what I'm eating. Excuses are just excuses, but...


mmm...pringles. :o :rolleyes:

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Great job Scott!!!


Dar and Erin-hang in there, I am kindof in the same spot you are in. I am trying to do what the personal trainer said and eat more often but I don't feel like that will work, we'll see. He did tell me if I start doing the weight machines (which he said I really need to do) for about 1 month I will probably stay the same weight but it will eventually come off, so like Amy said, I better make friends with a tape measure!!!


I am leaving Thursday for the 2 night cruise, lets hope I don't gain back 10 lbs:eek: Dh and I do plan on working out in the gym onboard Friday, so hopefully that helps a little.


WEll, off to vote.


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It sure has been quiet here, I hope everyone is doing ok!!

We're leaving tomorrow morning for the cruise so I have been busy getting everything in order for my mom who is staying with the boys. I haven't even started to pack yet, I guess I better get going. My husband has been out of town since Monday and flys in tonight.


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It has been quiet :-) Connie... ENJOY THE CRUISE!!! Don't worry about the weight loss for even a second while there, we lose weight to look good on cruises... you'll come back to it when you get home.


Scott- Congrats! I hope to be taking off the lbs like you!!!


Erin: Just keep your cruise in mind as motivation and you will do it!

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Connie, you're probably already gone but I hope you have a nice cruise!


To everyone who is in a slump. Take one day at a time. Do the best you can for today. Remember this is a lifestyle change. We will always be working for this. If you stop now all the hard work you've already done will be for nothing because you will gain back. If you keep your hand to the plough and keep working you will continue to make progress.


I am still wondering where Gladys is? If your checking in I hope everything is ok.


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Connie, you're probably already gone but I hope you have a nice cruise!


To everyone who is in a slump. Take one day at a time. Do the best you can for today. Remember this is a lifestyle change. We will always be working for this. If you stop now all the hard work you've already done will be for nothing because you will gain back. If you keep your hand to the plough and keep working you will continue to make progress.


I am still wondering where Gladys is? If your checking in I hope everything is ok.



Thanks for the encouragement, Kelly! Yeah, you can just feel the slump vibe, can't you? You guys are all so funny...Amy, Connie, etc. I finally shut my yap up for a little while and everyone comments on how quiet it is. :D You know I'm teasing. I was encouraged to read about Amy's tape measure results. Hang in there, Amy. When one of us is in a slump, the others can carry us with good reports to help get our motivation up and running again. I've been having hot flashes today so know that my hormones are screwy. For all male participants, just be thankful that you do not have to go through this craziness, and please be kind to all cranky old middle-aged women.


Connie is so "lucky" to be on a trip already. And you, Kelly, don't have too long to wait. I dream of those aqua blue waters a lot. How about the rest of you? My husband wants to go to the Mediterranean next, after our upcoming cruise. I love the Caribbean....the water, the temps, the happy people, and the music. I want a big picture of the Caribbean mounted over my fireplace. They say that your living room says a lot about what is important to you. One wall is covered with 8x10s of my kids and grandkids; so that tells you something. My fireplace mantle has jars of sea shells, aqua blue candles, a huge conch shell, a book on shell-collecting and a bottle that says "Message in a Bottle" written on it (was full of bubble bath at one time and now contains dyed blue water). Can you tell that I like the Caribbean after visualizing my mantle decor? I just hope to find the perfect photo image or shoot one myself and add on some script, then have it blown up....That would totally complete my mantle.


Have a good night, all!



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Hello Everyone


I have not posted here for awhile. I got sick with an upper respiratory infection and was out of commission for a week, than DH and DD got the flu at the same time and I was nurse maid for a week. Everyone is doing great. Than I got kinda busy with my job since I was off from work a week. Still have not caught up on my work and have a lot to do before my Christmas cruise.


I have not had time yet to catch up on all the posting. Hope everyone is doing well and hope everyone is happy. I don't have anything to report on my weight. I have not gained or loss weight over the pass 3 weeks and I have not been trying to. I really needed a break from my weight loss regimen. I was so focused on weight loss that I did not pay much attention to the other part of my life. I have a cruise coming up shortly, a Christmas cruise leaving out of San Juan and I have talked on board with some of my fellow CC mates. I am getting excited about it. I also took the time to plan all our excursions.


Dar - where is your picture?


Erin - When is your cruise? Are you excited?


Kelly - Good advice. This is a life style change. I also read that if you can maintain your weight for a period of time you are on the road to success.


Connie - have a great and safe cruise. Bring back lots of pictures to share with us.


Amy - tape measure:). Something I will buy and use. thanks


Scott - You make us:).


Ok when I went to the DR, he said I was healthy and he said I look great. I feel good but I am not sure how I look. DH says I am sexy but than again what else can he say. DD says I am fat but than again she weighs 104lbs. Each of us need to be comfortable with our selves. How many of you are comfortable with yourself? What do each of us think of ourselves? HMMMMMMMM let me think about that and I'll let you all know. I hope all of you think about that and share that with us.


I am back with a new attitude. ;)

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Welcome back Gladys! Hopefully your family has all their sickness out and you will be able to prepare for and enjoy your cruise!

It's good to have an attitude adjustment sometimes. I think I like myself better on the days I have a good attitude. When I can keep things like my weight, did I eat healthy enough, why is my hair so funny (it's naturally curly and somedays I just don't know what it's doing!)and the list goes on. When I keep all of it in perspective.


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Hi Gladys...I found out taht I have to link to the photo from another website. I've never had a website for storing my photos. They are all on my home computer in my photo file. Now I'll have to figure out how to do something new. I thought and had hoped that it would be easy to just insert a photo from my computer. I'm going to try to figure out another option. We'll see.


Okay Gladys...If you have a new attitude, then do us a favor and get us revved up. I'm NOT happy with my current status and weight so discontent is abounding, in that regard.



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I'm posting two "before" shots and could not even bear to post the side profile shots. OUCH! The blue dress is gorgeous but the belly roll is not. m_47639fa10d2d49eab55dd28707acf4f3.jpgm_578254a8c7dd4a6887dd13ca651b320f.jpg We took others but these were hard enough for me to post. You get the idea. I look really pregnant in the sideviews. Ugh! I'm going to pester my daughter to send me her fall shots of me in the "Italian Housewife" ensemble. ;) I do think those turned out pretty well. I'm almost ALWAYS the one behind the camera and not the one in a shot, so when turns out well, I get really excited about it. Her photography prof is playing with those pics of me on Photoshop. He said that he can take 10 years off by removing flaws, like wrinkles, zits, and whitening the whites of my eyes. Believe it or not, I told her that I wanted the wrinkles left in place because I am who I am. Now if he could have made me slimmer, I guess I would have lived with that ;).

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