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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Thanks Everyone for the kind words.

I have not found out how David passed. He was healthy. He got up in the morning and was sitting on the couch. His partner went outside and 5 minutes later came back in and found him. That is all we know for now.



David was in Hughesville, outside of DC.



My heart goes out to you and David's family. It makes it a little harder when there is an unknown. By the way Hughesville is just 10 minutes south of where I live.

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Scott, you have my condolences as well.


Gladys, thankyou for always being encouraging. "The prize goes not to the swiftness but to the one that endures and stay the course to finish the race. We are still in the race because we are still on this board.;)"


I like that. I still have not weighed myself. I am tracking what I eat though and may post it again for accountability.


Connie, I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise! I'm pretty sure a coworker of mine will be working on that ship. She was a volunteer here, and they recently flew her to Europe for a couple weeks to be on a brand new princess ship. She is doing something with the lights/entertainment or something like that. She stopped back in yesterday and said that she will be going back on for 6 months doing 1 week sailings of the caribbean/bahamas. She didn't tell me what ship, just that it was the brand new princess ship that just came over from Europe. Sorry, don't know much of anything about the Princess line, but I am very jealous!! :D


Dar, those pictures made me cringe...and made my ribs hurt!! :p

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Scott- hang in there, I hope the week is going as well as it can be.


Sounds like everyone is doing well... Gladys how is the Slimquick Cleanse going? I am doing well here.... eating pretty much on target, but I def do fall into that "maintaining" habit when a few people say I look good and have lost.


I have 54 days till the cruise, and I would love to lose another 10... but def a few more inches if the pounds do not fall off.

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Scott- hang in there, I hope the week is going as well as it can be.


Sounds like everyone is doing well... Gladys how is the Slimquick Cleanse going? I am doing well here.... eating pretty much on target, but I def do fall into that "maintaining" habit when a few people say I look good and have lost.


I have 54 days till the cruise, and I would love to lose another 10... but def a few more inches if the pounds do not fall off.



Hey Amy

I did well yesterday; however today I messed up a little. However I am not going to the bathroom like I thought I would. Where is the cleansing?:eek: However I am not discouraged, I am still in the race.


I think at the rate you are going you will loose another 10lbs by cruise date. :) Yaaah Amy!!!!!!

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Good Morning Everyone


Arise and shine. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Don't let yesterdays mistakes, failures, errors or disappointments effect your new beginning. Mercy and grace is renewed every morning.


Have a great day today!!!!!:) What do we want? WEIGHT LOSS. When do we want it? SOON!!!!!;);)



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Gladys, thanks for the Word this morning!


Dar, hope all is ok, haven't seen you on.




Hi Kelly (and gang)....Everything is fine....fine as wine! I've been busy with the kitchen project. It's taking more time than expected to wash out every cupboard besides all of the nooks and crannies. Still not finished. But it's been good and I've had lots of good time and conversation with my daughter who is helping me.


My husband is leaving for a hunting weekend so I am going to be the merry hunting widow. :D When I was young, I might have been sad about this but not at my age....no way! I usually indulge myself with Applebees takeout and a bottle of wine or champagne and a bunch of movie rentals...and that's just Day One! I'm trying to think of some good healthy things for dinners for this weekend. I love sushi, so it might be that on one day. There just don't seem to be as many splurge options for healthy eaters...am I wrong on that?


If anyone has any suggestions, I'm up for that...HELP! :eek:


I do think that I am going to do one fun splurgey meal and that will be IHOP at midnight. That is fun and I'll probably call some of the kids to meet me there for pancakes, etc. Other than that I'll behave myself.


You all remember Tim...the one from across the ocean. We had prayed for his wife after she had a serious medical condition. I checked to see if he was posting anywhere and found him. I wanted to just report that his wife is out of the hospital and it sounds like she is doing well and that he is very happy and grateful for her recovery. I read that they had to cancel one cruise but changed it over for another that would allow her more rest time. I imagine that weight-loss is the last thing on Tim's mind so we won't likely see him on the boards, but maybe when things are more settled, he'll be back around. In the meantime, I thought it would encourgage everyone who had prayed for his wife, Ann, way-back-when, when the crisis occurred. God is good.

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Hey Amy

I did well yesterday; however today I messed up a little. However I am not going to the bathroom like I thought I would. Where is the cleansing?:eek: However I am not discouraged, I am still in the race.


I think at the rate you are going you will loose another 10lbs by cruise date. :) Yaaah Amy!!!!!!



Hi Amy...I'm glad that you are posting on this topic. I'm always interested in what other people are trying and whether those things work or not. The shared information on this forum is so useful. Keep it up. I'm working on getting into my groove again. I don't want to get satisfied with a small accomplishment and there is that temptation to do that after losing a little weight. I need to do some pondering this weekend, I think.



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Dar, thanks for the update on Ann. I'll continue to keep them in my prayers.


Glad to hear all is ok with you and you're just busy.

Healthy option dinners. How about some grilled or roasted vegetables with chicken. Maybe experiment with some of the different winter squash that are out. Last night we had one called sweet dumpling. It was so good. I am thinking about getting more and stuffing them. Maybe with wild rice, black beans, peppers and a little bit of hot Italian sausage for flavor.

If you end up with extra of the grilled or roasted vegetables they are yummy in soup.


Scott, just want you to know I've been thinking & praying for you these last few days.


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Hi Everyone,

I forgot to weigh in yesterday, my DH had to go early for a surgery so I left in a hurry, so I weighed today.


SW 182

LW 174.2

CW 172.6

GW 145


So, I lost 1.6 lb and am so happy. I was way up Saturdya after the cruise, but I started somthing new Sunday along with my son and it is working great so far. I think I mentioned we joined a gym, the whole family and we met with a personal trainer as part of the sign up deal. This is what he told us to do and we both are and it is working so far.


Do cardio at least 5 times a week for 45 to 60 minutes

strength train 3 times a week for 30 minutes and push yourself a little more than you normally would.


As far as eating, eat at least 5 times a day, no more that 4 hours apart.(if you go longer your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the fat) Eat oatmeal with skim milk for breakfast, then eat protein and healthy carbs (whole grain breads, brown rice, potatoes) veggie for main meals, snacks can be veggies, fruits, almonds low fat cheese etc.


I just thought I would share this info with you, I hope it keeps working. It feels like I'm eating alot so we'll see.



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Hi all.... Tomorrow morning will be my first way in post Slimquick cleanse, and on the system I lost about 3 lbs in a week so we will see if it stayed off or it was a temporary motivator. But if nothing else it was that.... a motivator. I have been busting my butt at the gym and eating pretty well. I will def do it again twice before my cruise. I did it the first week in November, will do it after Thanksgiving and again after Christmas. Even if it just takes off the holiday weight that will inevitably come with those 2 dinners, it is worth it!!!


SUSHI.... def my fav good for you but totally satisfying indulgence. I went for sushi last friday night, and my boss treated us to some this week, when possible I have my rolls with brown rice.


Erin... you out there? I know you were having a bit of a rough time with so much going on, but hope everything is ok!


I will post tomorrow after my weigh in!!!

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Amy, thanks for thinking of me! I've been reading and keeping up with everyone, just with a lack of anything substantial to post.


I keep making excuses in my brain. "This is just not a good time in my life to try to lose weight." But there never is a good time, right? There is always SOMETHING going on! I find myself making boxed or frozen convenience foods for meals, or ordering pizza or something. Then I'm too embarassed to post that here. I try to watch portions, but know I won't really get anywhere unless I overhaul what I eat.


I am a planner. I make these elaborate plans that are fool-proof to losing weight. The only problem is I have a hard time sticking to them for more than a few days. I feel deprived, then I binge.


I've still been reflecting on what Gladys posted a few days ago, that we are all still in it because we are all still on the boards. I began doing some heart searching. Why am I on this board? My scale doesn't budge. I feel like we are a team and that I am somehow holding everyone else up by not contributing to the success.


But then I see that Wow, holy cow, I can run a mile straight for the first time in my life!! :p I know that I am in fact healither than I was when I started. I would just love to see it more on my waistline.


Connie, I am impressed with that new routine you are starting!


Dar, thanks for taking the time to update on Tim/Ann. Let us know what healthy indulgences you figure out. You're a master chef, I'm sure you'll make something delicious!


Scott, I too am still thinking and praying for you. Hang in there.


Kelly, you made my mouth water with that talk about the grilled chicken and vegetables! Yum!


Well I'm not trying to write a book, so this will conclude my post. :o :)

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So I weighed in....



Up from the post-slimquick weigh in, but lower than virtually every other time I have stepped on the scale.


I also feel like my weight jumps up and down constantly, and there is no question that my system is not as empty as when I did the Slimquick, so I still stick by my initial endorsement of the cleanse. My measurements did not go up, so I am still happy about that.


Erin: just keep running, the outside of your body will catch up with how healthy the inside is getting! And never forget that muscle weighs more than fat!

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Good Morning All


Erin - I read your post and some of the things you wrote describe each and every one of us and what we face on this weight loss journey. Excuses, I am the queen of excuses. Here is a good one "Why do I need to loose weight, I have a husband and he is satisfied with my weight and I am not trying to empress anyone." Than after saying that I splurge. Here is another one, "As long as I am a size 12, I am ok". Now I can wear some size 10s and now I say, "You can splurge and loose weight, so eating these donuts are not going to hurt me". Than I eat a dozen Krispy Kremes. Here is the best excuse ever "I really need to maintain my weight because my skin will start to sag with all that weight loss and to have that skin cut of is not covered by insurance;it would cost us a fortune and the scares will be horrible."


You are here on this board because deep in your heart you know you make a difference in each of our lives. You give us hope with your sucess, you give up courage with the way you seek and acheive your excercise goals, you give us joy because we know you care about us and most of all you put a smile on our face every time you post, that lets us know you are still with us and still in the race. Nothing beats failure but a try and as long as we are trying we have not failed.


Connie - Yoo hoo:D:D 1.6lbs


Amy - Don't understand, what happen? Was it water loss for the slimquick? As you said you are still ahead of the game:D Now that is encourging.


The slimqucik did not work for me or should I say I found it very difficult to stick with protein, fruits and veggies. So I ate what I wanted to eat. I really did not apply myself:rolleyes:.


SW: 178.0

LW: 165.5

CW: 165.0

HP: ???.?


Although I did not have a sucessful week, there is this week. I will take it one day at a time. Today before I eat anything, I will ask myself "Do you really want to eat that?" and " Is this the better choice"?


Today I Eat to Live and not Live to Eat!!!!!

What will I live by tomorrow:confused::confused:



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Hello Everyone,

I am back from Maryland. It was a very sad time. Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers. I was able to keep up on my workouts and I kept my eating under control. It really is amazing how much food is brought in on this type of occasion.


Here is my weigh-in for this week.


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 234

CW: (current weight) 232

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Good Monday Morning Everyone! though right now it is getting closer to noon!

Just waiting for the kitchen floor to dry so I can go and find some lunch. Probably PB&J. I like that because it is quick & easy. I only use 1slice of double fiber bread. It gets me to my next feeding time around 3ish. That will be an apple. That will hold me till dinner. That is a question mark right now though I think I have enough spaghetti pie if I have salad with it.


Scott, good for you on staying with your exercise/eating when you were away. Stressful times is usually when we fall into bad habits. Plus you had the temptation of all that food.

I hope you and your friends family can continue to heal. I think it is harder when someone so young dies.


Speaking of stress, Erin, you fall into that category. Your life sounds so busy. I hope that you will continue working towards your goals. Even on the days that the scale is moving slow you are still getting healthier. Like you said, you never thought you'd run a mile! So keep working at it.

Are you getting excited for your cruise? Mine is 13 days away and I can hardly wait!


Amy & Gladys, after you were talking about the slimquick I almost thought about it. I have issues that I was hoping it would help with but seeing that it didn't really do much for Gladys I am not going to try. I am going to try upping my metamucil to 3x a day. For all the fiber I eat and water I drink I still am not regular. Plus because of hot flashes/night sweats I gave up coffee. It has helped with that and I am sleeping alot better. But no coffee is making my irregularity even more irregular. Not that any of you really wanted to know that!


I did have a nice thing yesterday. I put on a pair of pants that are always just alittle tight. I have not worn them since last winter/spring maybe. They fit better than they ever did! I was so surprised! My running paid off! YEAH!

Hope you all have a good Monday!


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Morning/afternoon... I am home sick for the day. Probably could have made it to work but if everyone else takes a sick day when they "feel a little bit under", why should I go in until I feel miserable like I always do.


I was pretty good over the weekend... one slip up with some ice cream on friday night, but oh well.


Gladys & Kelly: The slimquick cleanse def helped me with all of those issues you talked about. I take fiber pills daily and eat fiber1 and I am never regular. The slimquick helped me with that and I think the weight loss was mainly waste, bloat and water buildup that I am constantly carrying around. Sorry to be graphic. I will def do it again right before my cruise so I feel the flat tummy I experienced right afterwards.

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I love you guys! The honesty expressed by Erin and Gladys really cheered me up when I finally got to the forum today. I was up at 3 a.m. with an upset stomach. I'm going to guess that it was due to all of the junk that I ate this weekend....pizza, Chinese, Applebees, etc. This has been a really abnormal weekend for me....oh yes, then there was Friday night with pancakes at 2 a.m. Needless to say, I've been feeling really bad about myself this week. I can't overstate that. But when I got here, I see that I am not alone and that cheered me up. I guess sometimes we cheer others up with our successes and sometimes we cheer others up with the honesty that we have regarding our weaknesses.


Today has been a good day for me. My stomach is still upset, but I am focussing on cutting way back,to give it a rest, and to enjoy some coffee, tea, or water in between some mini meals until things are back to normal.


I've just hovered in the same weight range and that has been due to my own fault lately. I went up a pound, actually, and will post that. And if I don't like how I am feeling about that and feeling embarrassed about it, then that is the consequence that I have to face. So, friends, I'm typing it in. But on the upside, I've wondered something. If I've been following my weight-loss plan half-heartedly (reaping the results of that with no losses for a while), I wondered, "Will I drop a significant amount of weight in the next couple of weeks as if I am starting all over?" I've alwyas wondered this when I've fallen off the wagon with food. Usually, in the past, here's been the pattern (over a 20 year period)...


1. Talk myself into a diet.

2. Lose a few pounds the first 2 weeks--usually 8 lbs.

3. Get REALLY excited.

4. Go into a plateau.

5. Get discouraged.

6. Tell myself, "Why give up all that food just to stay the same weight."

7. Quit the plan altogether and eat, eat, eat.

8. Gain it all back, plus some, and end up more miserable than I was when I started.


Right now I feel like I've slipped enough to find myself at #6 or even #7. It was a big deal for me to go into the 170's and still is important that I stay here, at the very least, rather than regain it all. If I can do this and get my stuff together, I might find that I will lose several pounds in a couple of weeks and get excited all over again. I want to nip this problem in the bud now before I get to #8. I believe it can be done and this will be the first time that I am willing to go there and face the problem and make a change when I find myself slipping. I think some of the problem is when we stop believing in ourselves and get a defeatist attitude. Not good. Back to finding some wise saying to meditate on and talk myself through the empty tummy feelings that do come at the front end of weight loss. They only last for 2 or 3 days for me. This oughta be interesting.


SW: 188

LW: 175

CW: 176

GW: 125-135


I have about 18.5 weeks before my cruise! Okay, so I won't be down to my goal weight. But I COULD be about 20 lbs. lighter than I am and I KNOW that would make me feel so much better. I also know that a few REALLY GOOD days is a huge mood lifter. All of a sudden, things look brighter. Oooh, this old body with all of its urges sure doesn't like to be told what to do, does it? But the me inside...the spirit...has to take hold and make the body and its impulses line up with the will. I tell myself, "What the heck? It's not like you are fasting, or starving, or impoverished and without food. Isn't this so-called "suffering" silly?"


Kelly...remind me again...how much did you lose? And I really appreciate you being here because you are maintaining your own weight, showing us that it is possible, feeling good about your upcoming cruise, and encouraging everyone.


You all are great! Thanks for being part of the team.


Gladys...I look forward to 12s, then 10s, but you are going to be one hot mama at your goal weight. And feeling like a million bucks! Don't let those thoughts rob you of that joy. I'm taking my own advice in saying that. No excuses. Are we all together on that girls?

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Morning/afternoon... I am home sick for the day. Probably could have made it to work but if everyone else takes a sick day when they "feel a little bit under", why should I go in until I feel miserable like I always do.


I was pretty good over the weekend... one slip up with some ice cream on friday night, but oh well.


Gladys & Kelly: The slimquick cleanse def helped me with all of those issues you talked about. I take fiber pills daily and eat fiber1 and I am never regular. The slimquick helped me with that and I think the weight loss was mainly waste, bloat and water buildup that I am constantly carrying around. Sorry to be graphic. I will def do it again right before my cruise so I feel the flat tummy I experienced right afterwards.



Amy...I never did make it to the store for sushi! I talked about it all weekend...the one healthy thing that I could have done for myself and I didn't do it. So tomorrow, when I go out shopping for groceries, I'm buying a couple of trays of sushi. The grocery stores have it, though not as authentic as some restaurants, it will do in a pinch. ;) I love the wasabi paste but that stuff sure burns your nose when you take too much...and I always end up gasping for air because I forget how little it takes to blow holes in one's sinuses.

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I am SO happy to wake up and see everyones posts this morning! :D


I'm still refusing to weigh myself. That scale just makes me want to give up, so I'm still avoiding it.


Dar, I know what you mean about being encouraged by other's vulnerability as well as success. I now feel like I have to really work hard at this for you guys! I can't let you down! We are in this together! When I am thinking about giving up, you all are right there encouraging me.


Scott, every week I am really impressed by your ability to keep going, even with the loss of your friend. You inspire us all.


Kelly, I too am really glad to have you here rooting us on. Can you share your story? I'm not sure if you posted it here before I came, or on another thread, but in any case I am unfamiliar with it. And yes, I am getting really excited for the cruise! Last night I just layed awake in bed thinking about it!!


Amy, I sure hope the outside catches up to the inside! I'm glad that the cleanse worked well for you!


About "so-called suffering" that Dar mentioned... it is so hard to keep things in perspective, isn't it? It's been an interesting month for me. I am doing my pediatric rotation in nursing school, spending Saturdays and Sundays in the PEDS unit in the hospital. It is very humbling to say the least. From the 5 year old who was severely beaten by a caregiver to all the kids with leukemia... so skinny because they are so sick... I am just so thankful for my life, my whole life including my weight issues. I figure those teenage girls would do anything to switch places with me. Just the look in their eyes says it all. So when I'm on the beach next weekend, feeling insecure in my bathing suit, I know I will think of them, my preoccupation with myself will vanish, and I will relax and enjoy all the gifts God has given me. ;) :)

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Boy, Erin, your insightful post really hit me this morning. When we lose sight of all that we have (ungrateful wretches that we can be ;), we get so lost in our own little spheres. Oh poor me! I can't have cake today...or I can have only two bites...but I can't have onion rings, or french fries or blah-blah-blah. You are absolutely right in pointing out how things really are. Its so important to be thankful for what we have.


I went down the pound that I had gone up, when I weighed myself this morning. Erin, it may not be true for you, but part of that 1-8 list for me is that when I get to about 6 or 7, I start avoiding the scale. It's been a pattern and I realized that I had done that this weekend...I started wanting to skip my morning weight-check. I've done that in the past and ended up a few pounds heavier by the time that I would weigh myself. I've even done that to the point of putting on an extra 20 lbs. last year. I didn't want to face the scale to see what was happening and I let myself get bigger and bigger. I'm glad that I made myself get on it, now, since for all that pigging out this weekend, I only gained a pound and now that pound is off this morning. If I'd let it, go, I'd be up 5 by this coming weekend. I almost was going to skip the Monday weigh-in this week but I kept saying, "You haven't missed one yet, so why start now, face it and move on." Hard for me. Maybe none of this will apply to you. Truthfully, as long as you are eating right, and you ARE exercising (unlike myself) then you are fine.


Off to eat breakfast...scrambled eggs with Tabasco sauce, light toast, OJ...mmmm.


Erin...you are so lucky to be travelling so soon!!!! Yippee!!

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Good Morning All


We are truly in this together. There is a movie called Back draft with Kurt Russel as the main character and he is a firefighter and what I like about this movie is that all the firefighters have an unwritten code that they live by and it is "You go we go". They depend on each other to survive and they each know that if they give up in a battle the ones that are holding them up will go down with them. There is one scene where the floor collapse under a firefighter and Kurt is holding on to him to prevent him from falling into the burning flames. The firefighter gets weak and tired and want to let go off Kurt's hand and Kurt looks him in the eye and says "You go, we go". The falling firefighter with every strength of his being worked with Kurt to be pulled up to safety. That touched my heart and it constantly reminds me that we need each other to survive. We were not meant to stand alone in any situation in our life, whether it is good or bad, happy or sad. God has put all kinds of people in our lives to help us through. This board may not seem like much to some on the outside, but it means a lot to me and I thank God for all of you.


Dar - As you stated you give up, gain the weight back plus more. None of us is back at our starting weight with more weight added on. We have accomplished the main hurdle.


Erin - Thank you for reminding me that I am blessed. We are all truly blessed. I have ignored the scale many times because of fear. What helped me was that I gave myself a date that I would get on the scale and I worked my butt off to loose whatever what I could by than and to my surprise, the damage was not that bad. May I suggest you forget about your weight for now. Enjoy your cruise and your husband and when you get back, work your butt of to loose whatever weight you can in two weeks. You can do it. :);) Erin enjoy your cruise and wear your swim suit with great confidence and remember there will always be some that looks better than you in a swim suit and always someone you look better than in a swim suit. :cool:


I got my doc papers in the mail on Saturday and have been doing the doc dance ever since. I hope to loose at least 5lbs before we leave in 31 days on our Christmas cruise.:eek: Believe it or not that is only .16oz a day. Time will tell.;)



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You can do that .16, Gladys!


Okay, your note caused me to do a youtube search for a "doc dance." I thought for sure that someone has invented one already. The closest I found was a guy TALKING about getting his Carnival cruise docs and his wife doing the doc dance but that was it. That inspired me. I am going to boldly go where no man has gone before. I'm going to invent and choreograph a doc dance. (Like I need one more crazy-brained thing to focus on!) But I feel there is a true need for an original doc dance that will benefit mankind and bring joy to millions. Hee-hee. So first, I have to find a song.....I'll let you know when I find the perfect "doc dance" song. That won't be easy.


For now, I found a good example of a dieter who dieted too hard...doing his own sad dance (I wonder if he was on Atkins)....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6WMbV5Op58

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