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Need a buddy for weight loss

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Good Morning Everyone


Kelly - I did not mean I needed help with my dinner party. I have hosted many Thanksgiving dinner parties as well as formal dinner parties. My dinner parties are planned out with time allocation and I have a DH who is right by my side to help with anything. We are a great team with our entertaining.


I need help with ways not to gain weight over the holidays. It's hard for me because so many social functions between Thanksgiving and New Years and they are all centered around eating. Yes you can practice portion control but that does not prevent the weight gain for me. I even tried eating off of a small plate. Portion control sounds good but it is not realistic for people like me. My intention is to control portions and than in the mist of all the holiday festivities I forget.


Erin - Enjoy your cruise. You have a great testimony on what God has done in your life:). You have a spirit of determination and we here know that you can loose the 5lbs you gained. As Dar said we are in this together;). Please share your cruise experience with us when you get back and if you feel comfortable some pictures.


This morning I got on the scale and I am up 4lbs:eek::mad:. I pray that some of that is water; but if not:confused:. I am off all this week and I plan to get in some exercise every day. Also I plan to cook dinner everyday to prevent us from doing fast food. I know that will minimize weight gain.


This will be a very busy week for me and if I don't have time to drop back in, I want to take this time to wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving and a very blessed week.


Also I want to give thanks to each of you for partnering with me in my endeavor to loose weight. You have been there for me when I have lost and when I have gained. You never judged me nor condemned me. I thank God for each and every one of you. May God bless you, keep you, may He smile upon you and lift His countenance upon you, be gracious unto you and give you His peace.



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Gladys, thank you for your uplifting words this morning! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sorry I misunderstood your question. It seems I know more people who can't cook lately. So that's were I went. It sounds like you are one of the ones that enjoys it! I do to and I know Dar does.

That's part of what makes weight loss and maintaining hard. Not only is food good but we need it.


In ladies bible study we are doing the Practice of the Presence of God. That's why I've liked the word practice lately. We don't get better at anything without practice. Our relationship with God, with others, with a musical instrument. I've been looking at my eating and that to is a practice. I want to eat more vegetables. When I get back from vacation I am going to practice this.


Ok enough of my morning rambling!


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Hello Everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving, I hope it will be a wonderful week for everyone. I am going to be spending the day at my Grandmothers. Then on Friday I am driving to Chicago for the day to take my Mom shopping.


Here is a thought we should keep in mind this week.


We control the food. The food does not control us. Keep that in mind and lets all have a great holiday week.


Here is my weigh-in


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 232

CW: (current weight) 229

GW: (goal weight) 199

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HI everyone,


I have learned alot over the past week. On top of all the emotional lessons learned, I have been instituting my self control when it comes to the food. When sitting shiva, it is the community that brings food to the mourners to comfort them as well as make sure they have nothing to worry about and are not "entertaining." Some people send meals, others bring boxes upon boxes of baked goods. At times, I will take a bite, think if it is really worth it, and then throw the rest of the cookie, donut etc. When Scott experienced his loss a few weeks ago, someone had mentioned how people who ahve not seen you in a while will comment on your looks. I have had those moments, which are actually a nice change form the many "how are you" and "how are you feeling" questions. It is actually quite therapuetic to talk about my gym habits and weight loss regime.


So with this self control lesson learned I would suggest that over the holidays there is no harm in tasting, but when you come across a cookie, cake, brownie that is just like all the rest, taste it and then ask yourself if it is really worht finishing. MOst of the time we are just eating because it is there, not because it is our favorite thing.


Now if someone brings cupcakes or apple pie over the next two days, those I will finish!


Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. This week I am thankful my mother is no longer suffering, that she was able to see me grow up and get married, and that she is resting knowing that I am ok.

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Today has been crazy busy and the rest of the week will be even crazier. I have literally a minute to leave a post. My daughter was using me to shoot photos for her class tonight, then my granddaughter will be here in a couple of minutes and we are heading out for some outerwear for her...We got a nice little dump of snow today. Brrrr.


I am pre-menopausal, and am experiencing some water issues this week and other symptoms that I won't go into. Not a good week for me. I am giving myself the week off from the weigh-in as I'm up a couple of pounds (my jeans still zip up, thank goodness!). This will be the first time since June, that I didn't post my weigh-in, but I just feel like it is going to make me feel like crud to do so. I know you guys will understand that sentiment!


I can't catch up with reading the posts just yet but wanted to say Hi to Sabrina...I remember you! Congratulations on the upcoming wedding!


I'm so excited for Erin with her cruise almost here, then Kelly before you know it. When you guys get back, please share the details. Erin, you have to be so much more toned from the running. Getting toned will make you looks 10 lbs. thinner, whether the scale reflects that or not.


Take care, all. I hope to be able to catch up tomorrow. I cook Thanksgiving dinner which means housecleaning and some cooking on Tuesday, then the table set up and "tablescape," then the baking on Wednesday and some of the cooking, then Thursday is a madhouse. I do have to say that I am SO EXCITED, because my son is bringing a girl that he seems to REALLY like. It will be my first time meeting her tomorrow for a bit, then she'll be here for dinner on Thursday. She sounds like a doll. I absolutely love my daughter-in-law and I want another one! Then the babies! I love it when my son calls me all excited about this girl. He spent SIX HOURS on the phone with her...so what does that tell you? Yeah, I think he's got it bad! Can you feel me smiling? We've all been praying for the right match to come along for him and we've been waiting very patiently! I eat when I'm happy so I pray that I make it through the holiday just eating normally. Like Kelly said, you can have whatever you like....just not all at once!



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Here is my weigh-in...first week back:


Starting date: September 22nd

Starting weight: 217

Current weight: 197.5


I'm trying not go for food because I'm stressed out. I work in the schools as a sub, and am lucky enough to have a school that I can report to every day. However, our wonderful mayor has been cutting the school budgets, and if it comes to it, I'd be the first to go. I've been hearing rumors from other teachers, and it's always worse when you don't really know what's going to happen. With my wedding coming up in May, and the holidays, this would be an AWFUL time for this to happen (not that any time is actually good). I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to stay on track with my diet.

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Sabrina: Wow great progress in 2 months!!!


Here's my weigh in:

SW: 165.8

LW: 159.4?

CW: 155.6!!!

GW: 145


OK so it has been a long painful journey, and recently I have been through so much, but getting on the scale and seeing my lowest weight yet (even after the slimquick I was at 156) I am very proud. Meanwhile, I did not eay great today, but did go to the gym and will go back to the gym tomorrow. My current weight is definitely my silver lining to the dark clous hanging over me recently. Even if I do not hit 145 by my cruise (ONLY 41 DAYS), I feel confident I can at least hit the 140's and sail out at 148 or 149!

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Amy- Congrats!! That is so exciting-- and you've hit the ten pound mark. I really like your idea of just taking a bite and asking if it is really worth it to finish it.


Sabrina, congrats on the upcoming wedding, and for losing twenty pounds so quickly!


Kelly, I also like your comment about practicing better eating habits. That sounds very doable.


Dar, the site that Kelly mentioned (myfitnesspal) I believe is the same one Scott mentioned. :)


I will definately share my cruise experience with you all when I get back. I am planning on writing a review with pictures on the royal caribbean page. I really love when people do that so I'm hoping to do the same! On a side note, have you all heard of John Bevere? He was at my church this past weekend speaking, and literally left immediately after the sunday service to jump on a cruise ship! Apparently his family really enjoys cruising, and him talking about it made me even more excited! I'm going to try to start packing tonight!

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Erin, I feel your excitement! I've been putting some stuff out on the spare bedroom bed. It's hard to decide what to bring. If we did not have to fly it would not be so bad. At least this time we don't have any stops. It's a straight through flight! I envy you being able to drive to the port.

I hope you have a good time, can forget about the stuff you have going on at home and come back refreshed with a new energy.

Ok so I am hoping that for us to! This is a much needed vacation.


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Hi everyone,


Sorry I have been MIA for awhile, I hope everyone is doing well. My weigh in is tomorrow so we'll see:rolleyes:


I am having over 30 people over tomorrow so I have been busy, my first turkey is cooking now, the 2nd one I'll cook tomorrow and my mom is bringing a big ham, I sure hope that's enough!!


Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!



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Erin, I feel your excitement! I've been putting some stuff out on the spare bedroom bed. It's hard to decide what to bring. If we did not have to fly it would not be so bad. At least this time we don't have any stops. It's a straight through flight! I envy you being able to drive to the port.

I hope you have a good time, can forget about the stuff you have going on at home and come back refreshed with a new energy.

Ok so I am hoping that for us to! This is a much needed vacation.



Hi Kelly (and the rest!). Happy Thanksgiving (a bit late). I don't know what it is but it just being one day after Thanksgiving really has me fired up for our cruise but we have a long time to wait. I get SO excited, some days!


My daughter was drying dishing and we were making a lot of funny jokes about people in shape and people out of shape, like, "Healthy people do crunches," then "unhealthy people eat crunchies." We kept laughing as we tried to outdo one another. Anyway, I had an epiphany today. When we cruised last year, I really didn't have a problem with weight gain. I ate whatever I wanted but only ate two meals a day, with a snack in between to carry me over. It hit me today because I had a big dinner yesterday but had skipped breakfast and really didn't eat much after dinner except for a piece of pumpkin pie. If any of you think I'm off in my theory, please feel free to say so, but I told my husband that with all of the socializing, that is often where I have the most trouble. I'm fine when I'm home and just doing my thing. I'll eat veggies, fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. But its the social stuff that is tougher. I wondered this...If I were to cut back to two meals on days when we have social events AT LEAST I'd hold my weight on those days rather than gain. I'm going to do this through the holiday season and see how it works, with really healthy eating on the days between social eating events. Tomorrow we have two couples coming here for our study so we're ordering pizza. I want to just try eating cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, then just a snack midday, with pizza and a salad at night.


I think some of the water weight is coming off, after the rough week. I feel like really kicking it in gear and know that before you know it, my cruise date will be here, just like it is almost here for Kelly and Erin is already gone! Kelly...I'd be crazy excited if I were you!!


Gotta run as its time to watch White Christmas with my family. My daughter wants to exercise during the movie so that, as she put it, she won't turn into "Suzy Longbottoms!" I think she inherited my sense of humor. :eek:

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Hi All! So happy to see the original post and all of the replies. I couldn't even wait until I had read everything before posting my own reply. Count me in too!


I'm going on my FIRST CRUISE EVER on 12/22 (Paradise) and just want to feel comfortable in summer clothes and a bathing suit. I'm about 50-60 pounds away from my target, but don't expect to lose any big amount before we go. Just want to feel like the exposed skin is toned.


I'm excited about this group, and am looking forward to sharing success stories.:D


I am just now catching up on reading posts. First cruise!! We did ours in 2007.....first...and it was AWESOME!! Now my hubby and I are hooked. I am so, so excited that our daughter is coming with us on our next one as it will be a first for her in everything...first flight, first cruise, first time out of the US. She is going to go nuts! Where are you going? Which cruise line? Are you planning it yourself? I've been watching the cruises by planning myself this time rather than go through an agent. Saved $1400 by just switching from one week to a week earler, then have watched for discounts. Found one for $125, then another that saved us $300 when rates dropped and I called on it, then another is coming up, most likely, due to fuel prices declining, so that will save us $133. Its fun!


Regarding fuel prices, in a college town about an hour away, gas prices dropped to ...... .98 per gallon!!! One kid said that he believed the world must be coming to an end! :eek:

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Welcome phdiva and sabrett!


Dar, I agree that budgets are like dieting, they take work! And yes it feels good to have success in both. Even though my house is a loss, we've been able to pay off all of our credit card debt ($10,000!!) in the past year and a half. It feels so great not to have those payments every month. And God is taking care of our housing sitatuion, we already have a *paid for* place to move into once we sell this one. DH is fixing up his mom's house now (both his parents passed away, and we paid off their house -- they only owed $5,000) so we will be able to move in there practically debt free if all goes well.


OK ladies and gent, I faced the scale this morning. I gained back the five pounds I lost. I half expected it because I know I havn't been eating well and I have not been working out as much. We leave for our cruise this Friday, which means I will be having pictures taken of myself. :eek: I am really not looking forward to this, but I am tired with toying of the idea of weight loss, not giving it my all. I'm going to come back on Monday absolutely committed to it. I'm almost done with school for the semester, so it's going to be a great time to start new habits I'll be able to stick with.


The housing story is AWESOME, Erin. God does provide for His own. We had a debt like that in 2007, too, and I got very serious and tired of how easily it can happen. Even though I've been overall disciplined, I let the CC get out of control before and after the cruise, so paid it off with a lot of reeling in of my spending habits, plus started my crazy savings plan for the next cruise. This time its all paid for up front, which is much better than the first one. Clipping those coupons!


I've been like you...not giving it my all for the last month and really let about a whole month slip by, just playing around, rather than being serious. I'm SO ready for getting myself into line so I'll be right there with you when you get back! We're still eating leftovers from Thanksgiving so I'm down to 2 meals a day and its helping.

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Hello Everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving, I hope it will be a wonderful week for everyone. I am going to be spending the day at my Grandmothers. Then on Friday I am driving to Chicago for the day to take my Mom shopping.


Here is a thought we should keep in mind this week.


We control the food. The food does not control us. Keep that in mind and lets all have a great holiday week.


Here is my weigh-in


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 232

CW: (current weight) 229

GW: (goal weight) 199


Hey Scott....cool about the shopping. I've been thinking about how fun it would be to go into Chicago for shopping. In Michigan City, Indiana, there is a train that drives to the city so that shoppers don't have to fuss with traffic and parking. I heard it was $8! I love the Magnificent Mile and was there in the spring. Have you ever heard of a restarant called Fogo de Chao (sp. ?)...it's a Brazillian chain that is fantastic for people who like grilled meats.


Great job....you've broken through the 230 barrier!

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So with this self control lesson learned I would suggest that over the holidays there is no harm in tasting, but when you come across a cookie, cake, brownie that is just like all the rest, taste it and then ask yourself if it is really worht finishing. MOst of the time we are just eating because it is there, not because it is our favorite thing.


Amy, that is such an excellent reminder. Old habits die hard and sometimes I find myself doing that very thing...eating something just because it is there or because it was served to me. I have been working on going back to being picky and only having what I REALLY want. Your advice is perfect for the holiday season.


I love reading about the customs that you are sharing..."sitting shiva"...as you put it. I feel that I am ever-learning. What kinds of dishes did people bring? Sorry, but it's my curious cooking side that has me asking.


It's also exciting to see old friends and get paid those compliments. I wonder how it went for Scott in that regard? Because of my current weight, I feel that by giving myself a fresh start, losing another 10-15 will be really exciting for me and will put me into a weight range that I haven't been in a good long while. It will really be a noticable loss. I'm excited and need all of the help and encouragement I can get; so I'm asking my family to be really supportive and to gently remind me if I gravitate toward something too often. Back to my two or three bite rule! Two or three bites of anything is fine, more will bring my weight loss to a screeching hault. Between now and Christmas, that is going to be my chant.


If I gear my thoughts more toward sharing a plate of something special, rather than hogging it to myself, I think I can do a better job than last year. ;)

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Amy- Congrats!! That is so exciting-- and you've hit the ten pound mark. I really like your idea of just taking a bite and asking if it is really worth it to finish it.


Sabrina, congrats on the upcoming wedding, and for losing twenty pounds so quickly!


Kelly, I also like your comment about practicing better eating habits. That sounds very doable.


Dar, the site that Kelly mentioned (myfitnesspal) I believe is the same one Scott mentioned. :)


I will definately share my cruise experience with you all when I get back. I am planning on writing a review with pictures on the royal caribbean page. I really love when people do that so I'm hoping to do the same! On a side note, have you all heard of John Bevere? He was at my church this past weekend speaking, and literally left immediately after the sunday service to jump on a cruise ship! Apparently his family really enjoys cruising, and him talking about it made me even more excited! I'm going to try to start packing tonight!


Hey Erin, I've heard of John Bevere, though I can't remember how, exactly. I think my friend has mentioned him. When you get back, please write to me....


dark.irish@att.net. I will have cruise questions and more!


Has anyone done a Mediterranean cruise? My hubby wants to do that one after our so. caribbean; so I am starting to plan. I really like Royal Caribbean; so we will stick with them, and I hope to take the big ship...I forgot the name of it...maybe its Independence. It has the wave thing.

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So many posts! Sorry guys. I had a lot of catching up to do.


I have a question. For those of you who work out.....If I start working out (treadmill, little weights for the arms, crunches) after NYE, will I see a noticable improvement by my cruise date of March 28th? In other words, is 3 months long enough to see a visibile improvement?


The reason that I'm asking is that my foot and knee are still not better. Well, my knee is much-improved but not all better, but my foot feels a bit worse. I am still carrying too much weight for my bone structure and it is stressing those joints. I want to lose the next 10-15 to see if the loss will reduce the stress and improve the issues...especially in my foot (tendons). If not, I am going to see a foot specialist after the new year. I can't stress those points with exercise at my current weight. But I'm going to try after NYE, hoping to be down to about 160 by then. The exercise should help me have more consistent weight loss but I am also wondering if I will see a noticable improvement in my muscle tone. 3 months?????

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Thanksgiving Dinner Menu here....


Deep Fried Turkey (injected with rosemary and garlic marinade...killer good)

Oven roasted turkey

Herb stuffing (some stuffed inside the turkey, some in the crock-pot, and some made into "stuffin' muffins".)

Mashed Potatoes

Turkey Gravy

(all of that part of the meal is made by my husband!)

Fresh orange cranberry sauce

Tipsy Sweet Potatoes (Jack Daniel's recipe)

Green Bean Casserole

Oven Roasted Veggies (mix of fresh veggies: brussel sprouts, sweet onion, garlic cloves, turnips, baby carrots, asparagus, green beans, sweet red bell pepper chunks, and cherry tomatoes roasted with olive oil, rosemary, thyme, sea salt, and freshly cracked black pepper)

Waldorf Salad (fruit)

Relish Tray

Homemade yeast rolls


Pre-dinner: Apple Pie Martinis Ala Mode and Spinach Dip with party rye


2 homemade pumpkin pies (found an excellent recipe)

Whipped cream

Berry pie (only item that was store-bought)


Dove Dark chocolates



Can you guys see why I was so tired? I also had to set up an 8 foot folding table to accomodate everyone, plus decorate it up with my cute Jolly Snowman plates and the works. I love my holiday dishware

....found them at Target one year....red, white, and retro!

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Hey Scott....cool about the shopping. I've been thinking about how fun it would be to go into Chicago for shopping. In Michigan City, Indiana, there is a train that drives to the city so that shoppers don't have to fuss with traffic and parking. I heard it was $8! I love the Magnificent Mile and was there in the spring. Have you ever heard of a restarant called Fogo de Chao (sp. ?)...it's a Brazillian chain that is fantastic for people who like grilled meats.


Great job....you've broken through the 230 barrier!


We did see the restaurant. It looked wonderful. We have the same type of place here called CENA. We are going there on my birthday in January.

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Hey Erin, I've heard of John Bevere, though I can't remember how, exactly. I think my friend has mentioned him. When you get back, please write to me....


dark.irish@att.net. I will have cruise questions and more!


Has anyone done a Mediterranean cruise? My hubby wants to do that one after our so. caribbean; so I am starting to plan. I really like Royal Caribbean; so we will stick with them, and I hope to take the big ship...I forgot the name of it...maybe its Independence. It has the wave thing.


We did an Orient Cruise line Med. cruise in Nov. 2005 and we have the one on the brand new Carnival Dream in Oct. 2009. Can't wait

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Amy, that is such an excellent reminder. Old habits die hard and sometimes I find myself doing that very thing...eating something just because it is there or because it was served to me. I have been working on going back to being picky and only having what I REALLY want. Your advice is perfect for the holiday season.


I love reading about the customs that you are sharing..."sitting shiva"...as you put it. I feel that I am ever-learning. What kinds of dishes did people bring? Sorry, but it's my curious cooking side that has me asking.


It's also exciting to see old friends and get paid those compliments. I wonder how it went for Scott in that regard? Because of my current weight, I feel that by giving myself a fresh start, losing another 10-15 will be really exciting for me and will put me into a weight range that I haven't been in a good long while. It will really be a noticable loss. I'm excited and need all of the help and encouragement I can get; so I'm asking my family to be really supportive and to gently remind me if I gravitate toward something too often. Back to my two or three bite rule! Two or three bites of anything is fine, more will bring my weight loss to a screeching hault. Between now and Christmas, that is going to be my chant.


If I gear my thoughts more toward sharing a plate of something special, rather than hogging it to myself, I think I can do a better job than last year. ;)


There were some people who didn't even know who I was until I spoke. It is a great feeling.

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Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great Holiday. In Chicago, we walked until our legs fell off. If you can believe this, I continued with my workouts. My mom and I shared most of our meals. It was so much easier than I expected. My Thanksgiving Dinner consisted of Turkey, Mashed potatoes, corn, and 1/2 of a cookie. I felt so good that evening, usually I feel overstuffed and bloated. Now I just need to get through Christmas and New Years.


Here is my Weigh-In


Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 229

CW: (current weight) 224

GW: (goal weight) 199


A great week, only 25lbs from my Goal Weight.


The before and During pictures are amazing. I know why people don't recognize me.

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Quickie Post....


Having a good day. Back to cottage cheese, fruit, etc.


SW: 188

LW: 176

CW: 177

GW: 125-135


I'm feeling puffy today but am making myself accountable to my daughter and am asking for family support. I'll be posting my weight and food tomorrow too. It does help.



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