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Need a buddy for weight loss

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I realize it has been a while since I posted, I have been checking in every day but did have not been eating so well so I had nothing positive to say. I have not weighed myself since the happy 155 moment, but will weigh in again this Friday. I am doing the Slimquick cleanse again in an effort to dispose of any waste that has build up in my system through the shiva and holiday. Shivas are filled with all types of food... people bring everything from home cooked meals, to deli platters and in our case sushi platters. But in addition to the meals which that family mourning should not have to worry about, EVERYONE brings sweets... cookies, cakes, brownies etc. Luckily no one brought apple pie or cupcakes, my two weaknesses, but there was plenty else for me to sample, and then decide not to finish.


Thanksgiving was bittersweet, a wonderful day with great family, but of course missing my mom.


I am fully back on track now having been to the gym both days over the weekend, and back there tomorrow morning. I have 33 DAYS till my cruise. The bathing suits are do-able, now I have a formal night dress I want to get into. I have not worn it since the month of my wedding, and it is not far from zipping, so with a little more determination I can get there.


Erin, can not wait to hear about your trip, and looking forward to everyone getting back on here and being chatty!

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Hi Everyone!

I am back and had a fabulous time. I will be posting a review with lots of pics on the RCCL board, and will post a link to that here so you all can see it.


Scott, that is amazing that people didn't even recognize you. You are absolutely an inspiration.


OK, I'm going to hold off posting a lot on this board until I have all my pictures uploaded online and get my review done. But I will be back! :p

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Good Morning Everyone


Have not posted here for a week. Been very busy with Thanksgiving and preparing for our Christmas Cruise 19 days. Have not had a chance to catch up on all the post because my work schedule is hectic. Just thought I do a quick post before I go off to work to say hello and give my weigh in


SW: 178.0

LW: 169.0

CW: 165.4:)

HW: ???.?


It appears that I lost 3.6 lbs but I know it is mostly the water that I was retaining. Since my cruise is so close, I am watching what I eat. Hopefully I can shed a few lbs before the cruise. My work schedule will be very busy up to Dec 12.



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Morning Everyone.


Weighed in at 177 this morning.


This morning I broke out of the rut for the second day and balanced my carbs and protein. That's a big deal for me to focus on since I love grains and would prefer slices of bread, toasted and covered with butter, cinnamon and sugar or rice pudding or bread pudding, etc. So this morning was two eggs scrambled and fried with Pam, just ONE slice of unbuttered toast, with strawberry jam, a tangerine and coffee. I feel really full and off to a good start.


Way to Go GLADYS! 3.6 just fell off. Keep it going, girl. Your cruise is coming up fast. Yay!


We've had two snowstorms here in Michigan and it has been BRRR cold. I had to drive my granddaugther to her little school yesterday and stared at the beautiful countryside as I pulled out of the school lot. The snow was coating the shaven cornfield that lies directly across from her school, and the trees were/are just hanging with snow. They are bending under the burden of snow. As I drove on, I kept watching for photo ops since I had thrown my camera onto the van seat before leaving. There in front of me, at a corner stop, was a pasture, fenced in, with two horses just munching grass beneath the snow. They were so beautiful! One was a golden color and the other was a dark brown. I saw no traffic coming, so just stopped right in the road, dropped my side window, and snapped a couple of photos with my long lens. It was cool because the brown horse came to the forefront and pawed the snow with one hoof as if he were hamming it up for the camera. I just can't help but marvel at God's creation. So beautiful.


I think that by the end of this week, if I remain faithful to the "program," I'm going to start feeling geeked about losing weight. It's not like starting at that all-time high like I did in June.

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Hi everyone,


Well I weighed in today, I haven't officially for quite awhile (I don't even remember what I weighed last time) I know I have been up and down for several weeks. I have been faithfully working out but not doing so good with the food. But my weight today isn't as bad as it has been.


SW 182

CW 174.6

GW 145


I leave Friday for Miami and the LIberty of the Seas on Saturday so I have been super busy trying to get Christmas gifts purchased and wrapped, pack for 5 people:eek: and last night my DH broght all the decorations out of the attic so I am gonna try and get that done today and tomorrow.


Erin-I love your review and all your pictures!! glad you had a good time.


As far as the dieting goes, I know I will probably gain a few on the cruise, I am not gonna stress over this. My plan is to try and work out at least 4 days on the cruise in the gym, take the stairs most of the time and only eat desert once or twice during the week. I will try and make good choices but also indulge in a few things I love. No matter what the scale says when I get back I will get right back on track!!!!


Well, off to decorate.



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Hi all, been quiet lately, guess it is all our post-Thanksgiving guilt!


I went to a gym class last night that beat me up!!! I have been very comfortable in my gym routine on the treadmill and with the weights so I decided to push myself. I will def do the class for the next two Wed. nights since I know it was absolutely toning me. I work a very "spunky" outfit yesterday that I know I could not have pulled off a month ago! High waisted black pencil skirt, belted at the waist over a dark maroon button down shirt. I got more compliments yesterday on my figure and my outfit than on my wedding day!!!!


With that said, the scale is not moving much, but I will officially weigh in this weekend. I have exactly 1 month till my cruise and I am determined to get into my sexy black dress!!!!

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Good Morning Everyone


Have not posted in a while because of work and trying to get ready for our Christmas cruise. We leave in 2 weeks. With my work load at work and preparing for this cruise, I have been great with watching what I eat. Sometimes I am so busy that I forget to eat and have to remind myself to eat something.


Erin - your review was Great!!!!! and I loved the pictures.:)

Connie - Happy Sailing:)

Dar - Your Thanksgiving dinner sound wonderful. Thinking about your deep fried turkey made my hungry. You sound like an excellent cook. If I lived near you I would be sitting on your door step with DH and DD waiting for an invite for dinner.;) Stay excited about your cruise because it is not as far away as you think. Time will creep up on you and before you know it, it is Sail Away.

Scott - One word - Success!!

Amy - Determination will get you into that little black dress.


So much to do and so little time. I thank God for my Mom because she is coming up Tuesday to start pressing our clothes. I need to have everything laid out by than.:eek:


Next week in my last week at work. I will be off from 12/15/08 thru 1/5/09:D. Will post my weight Monday morning.


Have a great weekend






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Hi everyone!

Boy, this board has been quiet lately! I have just added the last of the snorkeling pictures to my review, so it's officialyl finished!


So, Connie should be enjoying her cruise right now!


If you all don't mind, I'm going to have a new start date with my diet. I have gained back all the weight I lost (HOW did that happen!?!?) so rather than feel like it was a loss, I'm just going to start over and give it my all.


Here is my plan: Weigh myself only every 28 days, and do measurements every 2 or 3 months. I really want to see a difference after 28 days!!


I am going to write down everything I eat and track it by weight-watchers. My goal is 25 points daily, with one meal a week as a "blow" meal. This gives me some flexibility and makes it a bit more realistic for me. This also will allow me to fully enjoy things like going out for my birthday (this Wednesday) and going out with the girls next week, not to mention Christmas. It's easier for me to eat right most of the time when I know that one meal a week I can eat whatever I want.


As for working out, I will start out with cardio for 30-45 minutes twice a week, strength training twice a week, and swimming once a week (a great full body workout).


My start date was officially 12/7/08.

SW: 186.5

GW: 155


I feel prepared to accomplish this.


So here is what I ate yesterday:

tea with 1 TB honey (1 pt)

2 eggs (4 pts)

whole wheat bagel (Lenders) (3 pts)

2 servings Mexican shepherd's pie (10 pts)

2 servings butterscotch SF FF pudding (1 pt)

Mesquite chicken breast (4 pts)

2 more servings butterscotch SF FF pudding (1 pt)

TOTAL = 24 points!


Day 1 mission accomplished! :D:D:D


I REALLY wanted an ice cream fix yesterday, but just made some pudding and that satisfied the sugar craving, and the whole box is only 100 calories! :p So I had a lot, but figure it is a good start and WAY better than eating 4 servings of ice cream! :eek:

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Hi Everyone! We came home to snow yesterday! Seems funny that just 2hrs 40min away (by plane of course) I was wearing sandals. Here I need boots!

The cruise was so wonderful. We met many nice and interesting people.


I gained 3lbs which is not bad considering all I ate & drank! But I did get up this morning and get on my treadmill, lift weights. I did not exercise on the cruise. Used the stairs alot.


Erin, your plan sounds do-able. My FNP says to eat right most days. That I can do. To say we are going to eat right everyday just sets us up for feeling like we failed.


I read your review last night, it sounds like you enjoyed your trip!


A busy day awaits! Hope you all have a nice day!


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Hi all.... So I have 27 days till the cruise and more determined than ever to get into that damn black dress. Tried it on again this weekend and still not zipping up all the way, but I will get there.


I am officially back to a normal schedule, post the loss of my mom and Thanksgiving. So my gym routine is still on track, with the addition of some aerobics classes and I am watching what I eat.


Apparently our scale at home is broken.... no seriously. My husband said it was not right, and then a friend spent the weekend and said she can not imagine she gained 9 lbs in one night, so I am wary to get back on it. My plan is to keep watch of my measurements, keep trying the black dress and weigh myself at the gym.


OK off to work. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Hi Kelly! Welcome back! I'm glad you enjoyed your trip! 3 pounds is not bad at all for a whole week on a ship!


Amy, you cracked me up about trying to get in that dress! I'm sure the dress is a better indicator anyway of how you are doing than the scale. It's good to here that you are back on track.


Dar, did I miss something? Where have you been? No posts from you since December 2nd! :confused:


I made my point goal again yesterday! :D

tea with honey (1 pt)

South Beach chocolate high protein bar (3)

Quaker low fat strawberry bar (2)

wheat bagel with two eggs (7)

sugar free strawberry jello (0)

1/2 serving healthy choice chicken soup (1)

Beef Strogonoff (1 cup noodles plus 1/2 cup sauce) (6)

OMG I still have 5 points left!!!!!!

1 serving to-die-for full fat chocolate icecream with oreos (5)

TOTAL = 25 points!


It took me an extra long time to cook last night becaue I had to measure and calculate everything I put into the strogonoff. I made it with light sourcream and 98% fat free mushroom soup, and 93% fat free ground meat, drained. It definately wasn't as flavorful as in the past, but it was still good. I realize I didn't eat any vegetables. I was concentrating so hard on measuring/counting the strogonoff and figuring how much a serving was that it was done and I realized I hadn't cooked anything else! At that point I didn't want to find a vegetable, I just wanted to eat!! :p


With measuring my food I also ate less. I didn't have enough points left to eat a second serving, and although I wasn't full, I was satisfied. Then I was so excited to realize I had enough left for a bowl of ice cream! It was heavenly.


Just for fun I weighed myself... I am 4 pounds lower than on Sunday. Even if it is all water, it is very encouraging to see the scale drop for once instead of going up! :)

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Good Morning Everyone


Kelly - Welcome back. Glad you had a great time. 3lbs gain is not bad after coming off a cruise, you should be very proud of yourself:D.


Erin - I like the way you think. Your plan to start over and not look back makes a lot of sense. Sometimes we can not see ahead because of our past and you have decided to leave the past in the past. Reading you plan helped me this morning because I was a little discouraged because the scale did not move at all for my weigh in and I barely ate anything last week.


Dar - Yes, where are you?


Here is my weigh in:

SW: 178.0

LW: 165.4

CW: 165.4



Ok, I am working in the field today, so off to work I go.





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I guess everyone is busy with the holiday season... :confused:


Last night was my "blow it" dinner (it was my birthday) so DH took me out for some excellent Spanish food. I ate way too much! But I ate lite the whole day. Today I am determined to get back on it even though I was sabatoged this morning.


A friend brought me a pumpkin latte from starbucks this morning just to be nice. I didn't ask for it, but what was I to do but drink it? It would have been rude not to. So after I was done I looked up the nutrition online... turns out that one little latte was 8 points, a third of what I can have today. But I'm not going to let this stop me today. Like Kelly says, eat good most of the time and when I have something bad I'm not going to eat 10 more things bad just because I feel like I blew it.


Does that make sense?


I hope you all are doing well! :)

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Happy Birthday Erin... well deserved treat day!


I am in crunch mode!!!! 25 days till my cruise and the dress just isnt there yet. Now granted I have a closet full of formal dresses I could bring, it is the idea that this dress has only been worn on my body when I was bikini worthy so I know I will be bikini worthy again if I get in it!!! I was at the gym Mon-Wed already, wont be there today because of school, and probably not tomorrow cause they open late on Fridays. I will got back Saturday morning and will be eating lite/right.


I like your plan Erin.... I forsee the Christmas holiday being a two day splurge, and next week I have work holiday luncheon. The final week I will be good except for some alcohol splurging on New Years Eve.


I will keep you posted!

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Hey kids...Thanks to a good cup of coffee at 10 p.m., I'm up in the wee hours but finally have time to get back to the boards. I can't believe how fast the time flew by. I didn't even realize how few times I posted in a couple of weeks.


I finished gift buying on Saturday--early for me. Still have other events and some baking to do this week. Last week was VERY hectic and I feel like I barely had time to breathe.


I'm glad you guys kept it going here, though, because it was nice to come back and read the positive notes. Erin, it sounds like you are making some really good choices and seeing payoff and that encouraged me this morning. I hate to sound like a broken record, but last week was no better for me. Yesterday was a big birthday celebration at a Chinese/Sushi place. :rolleyes: I could use your prayers on this (pray that I will stay focussed) because I'm completely frustrated. I do intend to have a good week and be a good girl and see the pounds drop again. I felt like crud after that dinner yesterday. I realized that I was experiencing symptoms just like when I first started...a thump-thump-thump heartbeat, etc. Too much salt is usually the cause.


We are having company this Friday (besides another dinner out on Tuesday), then a big family get-together on Saturday, but I am going to do something cool for my contribution to the hors douvres on Friday. I went to a specialty food place and bought 7 or 8 kinds of exotic cheeses, plus crackers and some French toasted bread and various jams--again exotic stuff like fig and kumquat and black currant and some honey that is flavored with rosemary. I wanted a snack that was interesting and somewhat healthy. We had a similar cheese board served to us at a holiday dinner so I thought I'd try it at home. The board was flat and long and narrow, the cheese was in little mini piles down the center, going from mildest to strongest, then the crackers were the length of the board along the cheese and the dollops of jams and honey, etc. were on the other side of each of the cheeses. I can't wait to try this. Also some scallops that I'm going to sautee in olive oil. Simple, elegant and should help me to get through this upcoming weekend. I'm still looking for a cool, long cheesboard though.


Gladys...I can't believe your cruise is now just 5 days away! Wow. Has anyone here ever done a holiday cruise before? I think that would be awesome. If I were "loaded" I think that would be the coolest thing ever to take the whole family on a trip like that.


Amy...I was just thinking of how close you must be to "bikini worthy". Wow. I know that I'll never be there because at 50, the body just isn't what it was at 18. It has taken quite the beating. :o I believe you will get that dress up, but just know that you must look fantastic at this point. Don't wait until you are 50, looking backward as I have done and wonder why you didn't appreciate how thin you were.


Sad news...our nephew's 3 year old was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and it has spread to lymph nodes and lungs. We will be with that side of the family on Saturday and I imagine that there will be quite a dark cloud hovering over. Hard to think of fun and merriment when a family in the group is hurting so much.


2:36 and I still feel full from dinner at 2 p.m. on Sunday! Not good at all! Today I want to have a plan and stick with it. I might be back on the forum a few times today as I really need to stay focussed on weight loss. Before you know it my cruise date will be here and then I'll be kicking myself for not getting with it sooner.


On the light side....If any of you saw the movie The Christmas Story, you will get the humor. We all sat at the Chinese restaurant and kept threatening to ask the staff to sing "Jingle Bells" instead of "Happy Birthday" for our son (age 30). Do you remember how the restaurant staff sang it in the movie? "Jingle Bars, Jingle Bars...," "No, no, no. Not 'jingle bars'! 'Jingle Bells!" "Fa-ra-ra-ra-ra, ra-ra, ra, ra!"

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Happy Birthday Erin! It only comes once a year so you have to enjoy it! I still like having mine and next week I'll be 49. I'm trying to decide what kind of cake I want. For me nothing says birthday like cake!



Hey Kelly! Do you remember Red Velvet Cake? That was my favorite cake as a kid! The frosting!


Erin...Sorry I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday!Happy%2520Birthday%2520to%2520You%2520!!!.jpg

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Erin...I just finished viewing every photo on your review. They were just fantastic. I love good photos! The review just made me all the more excited for our trip. Did you feel that deflation that you can get on the last day, knowing that the trip was over? I kept teasing my husband last time, saying that I was going to grab on to a support post and they were going to have to pry me off it to get me off the boat. :)


I realized that I have 102 days on my counter, but it is 101 for our flight so soon we'll be at 99 days to go. Now that should fly by!


Loved the fish photos. I have a photo of that same blue fish. Maybe a fish book would be a fun gift for my daughter--one of those DK books with the great pictures. I also thought some underwater cameras would make great stocking stuffers.

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Hello Everyone,

This Holiday season has been tough. So much food and so little willpower. The scale sure has slowed down. My friend had a baby last month and she took some photos with me and the baby. Her dad saw the pictures and asked who I was. I have known this family for 25 years. What a feeling.I am leaving for Sanibel Island this Friday. I will need all the help I can get. My current weight loss is now at 64lbs.


Here is my weigh-in.

Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 224

CW: (current weight) 221

GW: (goal weight) 199

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Scott, the closer you get to your goal the slower the lbs may come off. Don't get discouraged, just keep up the new way of eating, exercising. When a special occassion or holiday comes up enjoy the day, make choices in what you will eat or drink. Then get back to eating/exercising again.

And enjoy the new you!


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Dar, I was thinking red velvet! It's DH favorite. I always make him heart shaped red velvet for his birthday. Since we were on the cruise he did not get it this year so I thought I'd do it for mine.

My favorite cake is homemade angel food but I make that through out the year. The red velvet is only for DH birthday and Valentines day.

Do you do the frosting with the cooked milk & flour? DH likes a cream cheese. I find that to overpowering for the cake.


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Dar, I was thinking red velvet! It's DH favorite. I always make him heart shaped red velvet for his birthday. Since we were on the cruise he did not get it this year so I thought I'd do it for mine.

My favorite cake is homemade angel food but I make that through out the year. The red velvet is only for DH birthday and Valentines day.

Do you do the frosting with the cooked milk & flour? DH likes a cream cheese. I find that to overpowering for the cake.



Yes! The "Flour Frosting" and it is my favorite. I love that frosting. Not too sweet, but surely not low-fat with that butter and shortening!:eek:

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Hello Everyone,

This Holiday season has been tough. So much food and so little willpower. The scale sure has slowed down. My friend had a baby last month and she took some photos with me and the baby. Her dad saw the pictures and asked who I was. I have known this family for 25 years. What a feeling.I am leaving for Sanibel Island this Friday. I will need all the help I can get. My current weight loss is now at 64lbs.


Here is my weigh-in.

Start Date 7-21-08

SW: (start weight) 285

LW: (last weigh-in) 224

CW: (current weight) 221

GW: (goal weight) 199


Thanks for admitting the struggle. I have had a rough time with this for about 2 months. What a cool thing to be unrecognized by old friends. Wow. That must have been the best feeling. Is it enough to propel you further. My problem has been that when I've lost control, I lost it for a LONG time. I'm doing all I can to get my act together. If I don't regain control, I know that I will regain all that I lost, plus more. It's just not an option to fail.




SW: 188

LW: 178

CW: 178

GW: 125-135

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