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Anybody starting a weight loss plan this week


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Can't discuss this with just anyone, most I know couldn't relate. I'm thinking some of you on this site will know what I'm talking about. Just lik BRNSNBRWS I have a lot of weight in my torso, but I also have large breasts and a huge abdomen. Today I actually saw my belly button (without using a mirror) for the first time in I can't remember when, and when I hooked my bra, I used the middle hooks instead of the outside hooks!!

Like the title says, it's the little things that will keep me on track because I am seeing changes already even if it's been only 11 days. My husband and son have both noticed my face and shoulders getting thinner, and I wore a blouse today that I haven't worn in some time because it was pulling where the buttons are, but not today.

Like I mentioned earlier, I know WW works, but I always found myself using points for sweets,fats, and carbs, instead making healthier choices and always justified it by telling myself it was allowed. When the scale only showed minimal results, I would get discouraged. They also changed our meeting time to 7 AM, just a little too early for me. ( Getting up before 6 to get ready and drive to the meeting, isn't my favorite thing.)

Anyway good luck to everyone, hope we all lose weight or inches this week!!!


You are right, it is the littlest things. So glad you are making progress with your new program.

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Don't be discouraged especially if you have really increased your exercise, you might be building muscle and it weighs more than body fat. I know when I started running again I did not loose a single pound for 2 weeks but my pants were definitely looser.

Just keep doing what you are doing and it will kick in I promise. I loose so slowly 15 pounds in 4 months. But hey I will take any loss I can get.


I know WW is a slow process for some people. I just get discouraged. I keep telling myself if I didnt lose any weight in my first weigh in tomorrow, that "Keep at it"....


I started a new gym in Jan, but didnt do WW...now I am doing both. So I hope to see some sort of results in a month. I do know that too much weight loss in one week is not realistic. I cant help it, I like to eat, plain and simple. I just need to make better choices.

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I started a new gym in Jan, but didnt do WW...now I am doing both. So I hope to see some sort of results in a month. I do know that too much weight loss in one week is not realistic. I cant help it, I like to eat, plain and simple. I just need to make better choices.



You and I are in the same boat. I started running in Jan. but really haven't been as focused on the diet as I could be. I have been winging it on my own. I am loosing weight slowly but I decided to go back to WW this week to see if I can't add a little more accountability to the diet side of it. I love food, especially sweets and breads. I think it is a family curse LOL.

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Ok,had my first weight in. I lost 2.2 pds :), my son lost 1.2 pds, so it was a good weigh in for both of us.

I really dont like going to the 7am meetings. BUT...my husband has to be at work at 8am, and my younger kids are 8 and 3(my son is 14).,So if I dont want to take all 3 kids to a WW meeting, Iopt for the 7am.. Ive tried taking the other kids in the past, but leave the meetings early because of them.

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Jackie congratulations to you and your son! Keep it up. My first weigh-in will be this Tuesday and I hope I do as well as you. I have 18 mo. until I cruise so a 1 to 2# loss a week for me would be a great weight loss. I have to lose this weight before I cruise or I won't enjoy the cruise. My lower back hurts so bad and I know it's because my abdominal muscles are shot and the pull of my abdomen on my lower back is killing me. This time I think I will succeed in reaching goal because I want to get rid of the pain. Again congratulations and keep it up!


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Jackie congratulations to you and your son! Keep it up. My first weigh-in will be this Tuesday and I hope I do as well as you. I have 18 mo. until I cruise so a 1 to 2# loss a week for me would be a great weight loss. I have to lose this weight before I cruise or I won't enjoy the cruise. My lower back hurts so bad and I know it's because my abdominal muscles are shot and the pull of my abdomen on my lower back is killing me. This time I think I will succeed in reaching goal because I want to get rid of the pain. Again congratulations and keep it up!



Thanks Diane..Losing weight is such hard work. In the past I would always indulge after my weigh in...BUT..that would start a bad cycle..Today me and my son went to Chik Filet for lunch, but we shared an order of fries with our sandwich. I know some people can give that stuff up completely,but I hate feeling deprived :)

Good luck with your weigh in this week.:)

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Well, I guess we are all in the same boat. I started WW ( for about the 10th time) in Jan. and lost 10 pounds - gained 4 back this month. I have to get motivated again...I am leaving in 102 days....and I want to have pictures with me in it...that I will enjoy looking at.

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Well, I guess we are all in the same boat. I started WW ( for about the 10th time) in Jan. and lost 10 pounds - gained 4 back this month. I have to get motivated again...I am leaving in 102 days....and I want to have pictures with me in it...that I will enjoy looking at.



LisaT12 you can do it, I know it is hard sometimes, if it was easy we would all be skinny. Just look at one day at a time. Commit to saying on your plan just for tomorrow, and then tomorrow worry about the next day. I have to do this sometimes when I hit a rough spot. When I start thinking about how much I have to really loose it gets overwhelming, but I can handle one day. :rolleyes::p

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Well today marked 2 weeks on my new plan and the scale went down another 3 pounds, for a total of 13. DD and DS are both being so supportive, it's gotten me out of doing a lot of cooking. Just an added benefit. My walking is really progressing, and I'm not as winded as I use to be. Walked with a girlfriend on Saturday up and down the hills in our valley for almost 2 hours. We yacked so much, we didn't realize how much time had passed. Good job everyone. We all know it isn't easy

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Well today marked 2 weeks on my new plan and the scale went down another 3 pounds, for a total of 13. DD and DS are both being so supportive, it's gotten me out of doing a lot of cooking. Just an added benefit. My walking is really progressing, and I'm not as winded as I use to be. Walked with a girlfriend on Saturday up and down the hills in our valley for almost 2 hours. We yacked so much, we didn't realize how much time had passed. Good job everyone. We all know it isn't easy

Great job:) Isnt it fun to walk with a friend, all the talking makes the time go by so fast.

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Had my first weigh-in since rejoining WW's. Down 4.2#'s. My daughter was down 5.4# and my sister down 5.8#. There were 2 other ladies doing thier first weigh-in and they were both down almost 7#'s. I know this program works I just have to keep working it.

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Had my first weigh-in since rejoining WW's. Down 4.2#'s. My daughter was down 5.4# and my sister down 5.8#. There were 2 other ladies doing thier first weigh-in and they were both down almost 7#'s. I know this program works I just have to keep working it.


Those are some great results. I could never lose that much in one week. I am happy with 1-2 pds a week at a steady rate. I love to eat too much to lose to fat...Chocolate is my friend;)

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It seems like the first week is usually a bigger than usual weight loss for alot of people. Next week I will probably drop to the 1 to 2# range, at least for me. I have a bad back and do not exercise. My sister, who is 67, joined a gym and she works out several days a week. She will probably have bigger weight drops than me. My daughter is 25 and likes her wine on weekends so her weight drop will probably slow down. She started working out also. I will be very happy if I steadily lose 1 to 2#'s a week!

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U Can Do It Too:

Can you tell me anything about Kimkins. I am really thinking of starting it and am curious as to what it is all about. Do you find it easy to manage???




Kimkins was touted as a low-carb eating plan but in reality is low calorie, low fat and low calorie. The founder of the plan has been shown as a morbidly obese woman who according to her family has never lost the 198 pounds she claims.


Please google Kimkins and save your money and health!

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U Can Do It Too:

Can you tell me anything about Kimkins. I am really thinking of starting it and am curious as to what it is all about. Do you find it easy to manage???





It is really simple. You eat low carb, protein, fats, and fresh veggies. There is a list of condiments and great support on their site. There are many plans to chose from depending on what works for you.


As of today I am down 82 lbs since Jan 1.

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Me and my son had our 2nd weigh in at WW yesterday. I lost 1.4 pds for a whopping 3.6;) . Its actually ok, I will be happy with a 1-2 pd loss each week. My son lost 4.4 pds, lucky duck he is. He kept saying "how can I have lost weight, we have had fast food a couple times this week".....

I explain that, he now drinks diet coke with his fast food meals and not a dr pepper or coke, and we always split an order of fries, never have our own. I am really not denying him anything, just making him more aware. He is almost 14. He is not obese, I would say I would be ok with him losing 14-15 pds.

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Me and my son had our 2nd weigh in at WW yesterday. I lost 1.4 pds for a whopping 3.6;) . Its actually ok, I will be happy with a 1-2 pd loss each week. My son lost 4.4 pds, lucky duck he is. He kept saying "how can I have lost weight, we have had fast food a couple times this week".....

I explain that, he now drinks diet coke with his fast food meals and not a dr pepper or coke, and we always split an order of fries, never have our own. I am really not denying him anything, just making him more aware. He is almost 14. He is not obese, I would say I would be ok with him losing 14-15 pds.


Congratulations to you and your son! I have my 2nd weigh in tomorrow night. Not sure how I'll do this week. Haven't been as strict this week as I was last week. Haven't really been eating bad but I could have eaten better. Oh well I'll see tomorrow. I agree with you, 1 to 2#'s a week would be great!

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Kimkins was touted as a low-carb eating plan but in reality is low calorie, low fat and low calorie. The founder of the plan has been shown as a morbidly obese woman who according to her family has never lost the 198 pounds she claims.


Please google Kimkins and save your money and health!



Sorry Kimkins IS NOT low Calorie. Many women who had eating disorders thought they could lose weight fast and decided to eat low calorie and did it by themsleves. They chose not to eat. They started egg white challenges and that is what most who are complaining now ate. Can you imagine eating egg whites ONLY at all your meals? Well that is what many of them did. Or they would do a liquid cleanse for weeks and get sick and blame Kimkins. Kimkins does not promote liquid fasts.


The Kimkins site does not promote low calories. I eat around 1250-1450 calories a day....that is not low calorie. I eat beef, fish, eggs, chicken, vegetables, good fats, yogurt, cheese, whey protein and an assortment of condiments. I take vitamins and mineral capsules every day. My nutritionist approve and so does my doctor. I no longer take high blood pressure meds, high cholesterol med and do not have to use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. There a many people who have reached goal and are maintining on the site and they are HEALTHY.


I advise you to get all the facts and not just from those bored lazy housewives who have nothing else to do but complain about a diet that they did not follow as written. It is easy to blame someone else for their own decisions to eat low calories. BTW, almost all the ladies who are complaining today are FAT. Most say to eat High Fat Diet (eat 70% of thier calories from fat). Eating all that fat IS NOT Healthly. I guess you will believe them. Can't believe everything you read on the Internet.


The founder of the South Beach Diet is FAT too. But because he is a doctor, you would say it is a healthy diet. Who cares how a founder of a diet looks as long as long as the diet works.

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Sorry Kimkins IS NOT low Calorie. Many women who had eating disorders thought they could lose weight fast and decided to eat low calorie and did it by themsleves. They chose not to eat. They started egg white challenges and that is what most who are complaining now ate. Can you imagine eating egg whites ONLY at all your meals? Well that is what many of them did. Or they would do a liquid cleanse for weeks and get sick and blame Kimkins. Kimkins does not promote liquid fasts.


The Kimkins site does not promote low calories. I eat around 1250-1450 calories a day....that is not low calorie. I eat beef, fish, eggs, chicken, vegetables, good fats, yogurt, cheese, whey protein and an assortment of condiments. I take vitamins and mineral capsules every day. My nutritionist approve and so does my doctor. I no longer take high blood pressure meds, high cholesterol med and do not have to use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea. There a many people who have reached goal and are maintining on the site and they are HEALTHY.


I advise you to get all the facts and not just from those bored lazy housewives who have nothing else to do but complain about a diet that they did not follow as written. It is easy to blame someone else for their own decisions to eat low calories. BTW, almost all the ladies who are complaining today are FAT. Most say to eat High Fat Diet (eat 70% of thier calories from fat). Eating all that fat IS NOT Healthly. I guess you will believe them. Can't believe everything you read on the Internet.


The founder of the South Beach Diet is FAT too. But because he is a doctor, you would say it is a healthy diet. Who cares how a founder of a diet looks as long as long as the diet works.


Good luck to you on your weightloss. This is my last comment to you as I truly don't wish you ill will and do not think this is the place for this debate. I posted my opinion, you have posted yours.


"Who cares how a founder of a diet looks as long as the diet works". If the founder cannot lose weight and keep it off using her own eating plan, I think that means a lot.


Again, good luck with your choice.

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I had my 2nd weigh in tonight and I am down 2.8#. I was happy with that. A 2# weight loss every week would be great, I don't look for that to happen but I will be happy with whatever weight loss I have. I know I didn't gain this weight overnight so I won't lose it overnight. I will say it was alot easier and alot more fun to gain it!LOL

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Haven't posted in a week, but I'm still following my plan of choice and still losing. This week I lost 7 pounds, for a total of 20. I"m feeling fine, exercising and am ecstatic with the results. My sugar cravings are gone (same for chocolate) and I'm getting use to eating my vegetables without butter. My walking is progressing well, and I think my legs, and lungs will be ready for all the walking we will be doing on our pre-cruise stops.


Everyone has their own way of trying to lose weight. I'm sure most of us have been on healthy and unhealthy diets over the years. Besides WW, this is probably one of the healthier, more well balanced ones, I've been on. Because of my food likes and dislikes, I am finding my menus rather boring, but because I'm seeing quick results, at least for the time being I'm willing to live with that.


Everyone have a healthy and fun week. Let's all lose some pounds, no matter how we choose to do it.

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Haven't posted in a week, but I'm still following my plan of choice and still losing. This week I lost 7 pounds, for a total of 20. I"m feeling fine, exercising and am ecstatic with the results. My sugar cravings are gone (same for chocolate) and I'm getting use to eating my vegetables without butter. My walking is progressing well, and I think my legs, and lungs will be ready for all the walking we will be doing on our pre-cruise stops.


Everyone has their own way of trying to lose weight. I'm sure most of us have been on healthy and unhealthy diets over the years. Besides WW, this is probably one of the healthier, more well balanced ones, I've been on. Because of my food likes and dislikes, I am finding my menus rather boring, but because I'm seeing quick results, at least for the time being I'm willing to live with that.

Everyone have a healthy and fun week. Let's all lose some pounds, no matter how we choose to do it.



Great job :)

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