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TR: Carnival Legend May 4th


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The last two years, DH and I have taken a 10 day trip to Florida. We spend a long weekend in the St. Pete/Clearwater area, then a week kickin' it with Mickey. We got engaged on last year's trip. This year he wanted to do something different, as this year's trip was our honeymoon.


He really wanted to return to the Gulf Coast. It is sentimental now for us. We have a special place for all eternity on the beach at Fort DeSoto Park. So we looked for a 7 day cruise that leaves out of Tampa, on Sunday... and to my delight, the Legend is all that, with a stop in Cozumel!


I had lived in Cancun for a while and have been trying to convince him to take a land vacation there, with no luck and little hope. I was pumped to go back to Mexico. I knew my chances of ever returning to Cancun hinged upon our 8 hours in Cozumel.


So our plans were made. Fly into PIE (St. Pete/Clearwater airport) and pick up our car, a convertible. Four nights at the Dolphin Beach Resort. (We stayed there last year, and for us it's perfect!) And of course, our cruise.... stay tuned!

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April 30 - May 1: Dolphin Beach Resort, St. Pete Beach


After a nice dinner, my new SIL drove DH and I to our local airport to catch our flight. Our flight was delayed 45 minutes. We were able to make up some time inflight and landed only like 20 minutes later than our expected arrival at the St. Pete/Clearwater airport. Luckily, the airline has an agreement with Alamo, so Alamo's employees have to stay later than expected to be able to get us in our cars. I gathered our bags from baggage claim while DH got our car. Woooooooo to be back in Florida! This area is becoming like home to me. This is the third year in a row we have came here.


We rode I-275 to Pinellas Bayway, our exit. My excitement built as we approached the turn for Fort DeSoto Park. Somehow I knew from the first time we went there in 2006 that that place was special... and that's where we got engaged last year. We passed the turn, but that's ok because it was going on midnight and I knew it was closed... besides, it's only Wednesday night and my cruise doesn't leave until Sunday!


So we turned right at the Don CeSar and made the short drive north to the Dolphin Beach Resort. As I said, we stayed there last year, and for us it's the perfect place. Reasonable rates, boardering on cheap even, but the rooms are clean and comfortable. Did I mention that it is right on the beach? A nice, wide beach with white sand. They do have a pool, and there's a restaurant and bar onsite. Right across the street there is a Bennigan's, a Chick-Fil-A, a Publix, and a liquor store. It's not that far of a drive away from Fort DeSoto and the Sunshine Skyway, and also rather close to John's Pass.




It's after midnight by the time we get settled into our 1st floor room, so just like last year, we ordered Domino's.... WRONG MOVE!I woke up early Thursday morning with the feeling that something's not right. Then I tasted the pizza and realized that my body had rejected it. I'll spare you the details. I'll just show you a picture. The clock on my nightstand says 3:13 PM, and I'm sick in bed on my honeymoon! Grrrr!


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May 1st, continued: Dolphin Beach Resort


My mom is an RN, and I kept in constant contact with her over the phone. DH got me some applesauce from Publix, and was then free to do his thing, although he was good about checking on me. He got a burger and some beers at the beach bar, then wandered the beach and snapped some pics.




I was able to see palm trees from my bed, a HUGE plus for me, especially now. Here and there I was able to step out on my poolside terrace for a smoke. I didn't go any farther though, and wasn't out for long. Another great thing was the bird of paradise plant right next to my terrace. Sure they were here and there around the pool area, but mine was the only one in bloom. The BOP flower was featured in my wedding bouquet the last Saturday; it was in my maids' bouquets as well.



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May 1st, continued: Dolphin Beach Resort


All is not lost with this day. Eventually I did feel well enough to swim in the warm pool... and later watch the sunset on the beach behind the hotel.





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Great so far ~ looking forward to the rest of it.


Thank you!


I hate being sick and being sick on vacation is the worst! Looks like a beautiful hotel though and hopefully you got better quickly!


Yes, that was horrid! Especially when my cruise was days away! I was looking forward to the 24 hour pizza onboard. I do love that hotel, no frills but we're on the go when we're there anyways; it's more just a place to crash, but it is clean and convienient. I was pretty much over it quick, although I didn't really get my appetite back until after the cruise!

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May 2: Shopping, Siesta Key & Venice


So much better today! Both prior years in this area, we have crossed the Sunshine Skyway and made our way to the outlet mall. I think it has become a tradition for us. We're both shoppers. ;)








I like how this sign says it's 1261 miles to the Pleasant Prairie outlet mall... that's like 75 miles from my house..... TBC

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I got a stomach bug right before an annual weekend getaway last year and my appetite wasn't the same for at least a couple weeks. My dad got it the day before we left though!


That sucks! For me, I think it was food poisoning. Like I said, I tasted the pizza as soon as I opened my eyes, and without being too graphic, I knew my body was rejecting it. DH had his own pizza, and he never got sick at all.

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May 2, continued: Shopping, Siesta Key & Venice


Another thing we like to do is explore. The first year we went, we put 1300+ miles on our car in 10 days. Yes we went to Disney four of those days, but we stayed real close to Disney. That's how much we explored our first year! I found out beforehand that exits for Siesta Key were rather close to the Ellenton outlet mall. I was real curious about that place; I read so much about the sugar-soft sand. So after trying to eat in Sarasota, there we were at Siesta Key.




Someone got married on Siesta Key while we were there! They had a harp player, and when they were done, they released beach balls onto the beach instead of rice or bubbles. That was a cool idea.


I found the beach to be nice. It is all the things I read about, but we still prefer Fort DeSoto. In any case, I am glad we went. I can say I was there, and have pics to prove it. Isn't that what exploring is about?



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May 2, continued: Shopping, Siesta Key & Venice


We decided to explore some more. I saw a sign in Sarasota saying that Venice was only like another 15 miles south, so that's where we headed. I also read a lot about this place, it's the one place in the world where the most shark teeth accumulate. We followed signs in Venice to the beach, and much to my delight, we ended up at Sharky's on the Pier! (Another place I read about!) We quickly made our way behind the restaurant to check out the beach.






To my dismay, I found the sand much darker here. No matter, again, been there done that. You can kinda see a building in the beach pic on the right. That's where we set up camp and watched the sunset.







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May 3: Fort DeSoto Park


Woooooo! I LOVE Fort DeSoto! The first year we went to Florida, we stayed on Clearwater Beach. In our first day of exploring, we came across signs for Fort DeSoto Park in St. Pete Beach. I had read about that place, as it included the '#1 Beach in America' in 2005. I was dying to check it out, and so we did.... and fell in love with it. So much that we returned the next day and the next. From Clearwater Beach to Fort DeSoto and back sure racks up miles quick, but no matter. That place is worth it, in our opinion. So last year, we stayed at the Dolphin Beach Resort because it's so close to Fort DeSoto. I could go on and on about Fort DeSoto, but I'll just say that if you are considering an extended stay in the Tampa area, even just one day, check this place out. I could almost be a tour guide for the place, so if you'd like to know about it, let me know.


So there's the background, now to our day. We did a little shopping, and stopped at the FedEx to mail home dirty clothes. Something that's becoming an annual thing. We buy so many new clothes and things on our trips that we have to mail some things home! I really craved a salad since yesterday, so we went to the Ponderosa not too far from Fort DeSoto... and off we go to Fort DeSoto! We got engaged last April at the North Beach of Fort DeSoto (the aforementioned #1) as the sun went down. So needless to say, that's why it's extra sentimental to us, and why we were excited to go back.




Fort DeSoto is named such because it was a fort defending us in the Spanish-American war. There are still structures standing, both in this area and on the nearby Egmont Key. You are free to climb the structures, and do so for a great overview, as seen in my above pictures. This place on this day was the most busy we had ever seen it, but the park is large enough at over 1,100 acres and seven miles of beaches to absorb us.


Off to the North Beach, which by the way I just found out was rated the '#1 Beach in America' for 2008 by TripAdvisor!




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May 3, continued: Fort DeSoto Park


We came onto the North Beach in a roundabout way, and found ourselves in the same exact spot where we got engaged last year. I played in the waves while DH went shell hunting. We've had some luck over the years here and at Egmont Key last year. He found some great sand dollars! (I wore sand dollar earrings for my wedding.) We had some basic swim goggles, but they weren't working to DH's liking for shell hunting. He wished for a snorkel mask, and guess what! As if a genie appeared, he stumbled across a high-quality snorkel mask buried in the sand! As for me, I found a cool shell and offered it to a little boy nearby. By this time, I was just laying out in the very shallows of the edge of the waterline. This little boy declined my shell, instead delighted himself in running circles around me, literally. He was so cute! Here he is...




As it neared time for sunset, I changed into clothes and sat at 'our' picnic table.




My 'boyfriend' and his family were nearby. Other kids in his group had a blast feeding the seagulls with potato chips. They'd hold one up and a seagull would come from the opposite direction and steal it from their hand. They'd run up the beach with seagulls following. "Mine Mine Mine Mine" Can you hear it now?




And now, in the words of Yusef, 'Shhhowtime!'





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May 3, continued: Fort DeSoto Park


DH loves to take sunset pictures. He always takes a lot, in hopes of capturing the perfect one. Thank God for digital cameras! Between snaps, he played in the sand a little.





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April 30 - May 3: Florida wrap-up


We normally fly into Florida on a Thursday. This year the flight schedule was changed to Wednesday and Sunday flights only. Oh darn, an extra night in Florida. ;) I was very much excited for that. To wake up Thursday and already be in Florida. Obviously it didn't work out as planned, but at least I was able to put my toes in the sand. I am also very much thankful to have shaken the sickness so quick and enjoy thoroughly the days I did have on the Gulf. To think that tomorrow I would be going under the Skyway was an exciting thought. I had gone over that bridge at least twice each of the last three years now.


Tomorrow I will be boarding the Legend, but probably because of my lost day and my lack of appetite I wasn't really psyched for it. Even though I would be returning to Mexico on Wednesday....


Stay tuned!

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May 4: Embarkment day!


So today I woke up and I was sad. I even cried as we left our hotel, but that's something I do every year when we pack up and head for Orlando to see Mickey. I just LOVE being at the beach. Three days a year on the Gulf just isn't enough. We do go to the Atlantic at least one day a year out of our week in Orlando. I do LOVE Disney and this year I am really looking forward to going back to Mexico especially, but I can't shake the sadness I feel to leave the Gulf. I am very easily adaptable however, so my sadness is always short lived. As we embark on new adventures, whether it be Orlando or a cruise, my excitement soon breaks through.


We rented our car at the airport we flew into, therefore we had to return it there. But, our TA talked us into booking the transfer to the Port from TIA. ??? We could easily get a taxi from one airport to the other was the logic. So we grab a cab. Our driver asked out of curiousity why we were going from one airport to the other. I explained. He said he could take us directly to the Port for $42. Problem is, we already prepaid our transfers. I told DH let's just have him take us direct instead of messing with our *heavy* luggage. He could talk to the TA when we got back, or let's just eat the money if we have to. So we went directly to the Port and arrived there like 11:30 ish.... and there she was!




We made our way to the embarkment area. Because we booked a suite, we had VIP embarkment, and boy was that nice! We sat in a chair while the couple in front of us finished, then we sat down at the desk and gave info blah blah blah. It sure was nice to sit in a *very* short line instead of stand in the other line. Soon we were done and with S&S card in hand we were on our way!


We boarded the ship and I immediately felt like I was walking in an elevator. I knew seasickness is NO concern for me; I just wanted to convey that feeling for those who have never cruised. It wasn't rocky by any means, we were docked and the Bay was ultra-calm, I was just physically aware of the buoyancy.


Any trace of sadness was long gone by this point. New frontiers! I was so excited! As it was barely 12, we just explored the ship. We looked in the photo gallery in anticipation of our week to come. The atrium and glass elevators are something to see, that's for sure.




DH found the hamburgers and fries. I tried, successfully, to eat a hot dog. It sure was frustrating to not have an appetite! I was looking forward to 24 hour pizza, but you gotta know that was a NO. But, at least I was long over being sick!


More exploring... we found the mini golf! We never did take the time to play, though.





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Review is great so far--keep it coming!!!!

Glad you you got well quickly--yup sounds like food poisoning.


Awesome review! Looking forward to the rest of it!


I've been sick on vacation before. It's horrible! Ugh!


enjoying your review!! I'm sorry you got sick on your vacation. I just had a 24hour bug last week and I wanted to die.


I'm looking forward to the rest =) beautiful pictures!


Thanks to you guys (gals) too!

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