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Carnival Legend June 15 Review


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I hope to post more later on today. I got the pictures from the couple that went with us and she had most of them from day 1 at sea so I was waiting on that for my review. And of course they are insisting I actually do some work around here. I should get at least day 2 and possibly some of day 3 up later on today.

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Let me start by saying that I'm a pool/lay around and relax kind of person during sea days so I knew what I had planned for that day. The only thing we had planned for today was the wine and food pairing.


Each morning on the lido deck they have bloody maries and mimosas on drink special. We ate breakfast outside on the lido deck that morning and I was soon enjoying my relaxing day at the pool. We started the day with mimosas and I moved onto a bloody mary not soon after. They became my drink of choice as they were very yummy. I should have asked what kind of mix they used but oh well. The boys came in and out of the pool area and became bored quite quickly, my dh isn't one to lay around at all. They ended up going to the Grand Cayman shopping talk and they came back with some great information but we both had excursions booked and we weren't sure exactly how much time we'd have after to shop.

We sat at the main pool because thats where the activities happened and even if we didn't participate I enjoy watching them. They called for volunteers for an activity and the next thing I know my dh was walking up to the stage. They had 8 volunteers and were broken up into two groups of 4 (2 guys, 2 girls on each team). For their first task they were each given a number and were to put themselves in an order called out by one of the assistant CDs.



Their next task was the "pass the orange under the neck".

My dh warned me that when I saw it on the video to not freak out because he had to grab one of the girls so the orange didn't fall off. He brags about how organized his group was because they arranged themselves in height order.



There next task was a scavenger hunt type thing. The CD would call out items and they would have to go into the crowd to get things, such as today's caper, lipstick, a thong, a sarong, etc.. Their last task was to collect as many bikini tops as they could.



Their final task was to dress one guy in their group in all the items they collected and they performed a little dance for the crowd, fake girl names and all.



The guy on the left was in my dh's group.



His group won hands down by the crowd's decision. They all won ships on a stick!! I was so excited as I kept hearing about them on here.


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After that win it was time for some drinks. I believe today the drink of the day was Coco Loco, which I was excited about because it was my favorite from my past cruises. They were offering them in the monkey head's and we had already said how much our boys would love them. So we had to get them.


(Sorry if that image isn't showing right, its showing up in photobucket the correct way but when I put it here its flipped)


We had the food and wine pairing at 3:00 so off we went to that. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't like any of the wines. I seem to enjoy the sweet wines but none of the ones they had appealed to me. My dh did enjoy some of them though and the food was good that they had with it too.

After that it was back to the pool to enjoy the last of the day. I had plans to try out the water slide that day but I never made it over there. We sat in or around the pool most of the day and talked with so many people.

The water always amazes me as to how blue it is.



It was formal night for dinner tonight so we all got dressed for dinner.



At dinner you saw people dressed in everything from tuxes to simple button downs and khakis. I never saw anyone turned away but really I didn't pay too much attention, everyone seemed to be dressed very well in one way or another.


Towel animal for tonight:



The comedian that did the show the first name was very funny and so we decided we didn't want to miss his adult show tonight. His adult show was quite disappointing. He was very good but the last bit of it seemed to fizzle out some. After that it was off to bed for some shut eye before a busy day of scuba diving in Grand Cayman for us and our friends did the Stringray City/Hell/Turtle Farm experience.


Grand Cayman to come soon....

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The Legend is getting some awsome reviews and a lot of them. When you debark that ship with such wonderful memories, you just have to put it down on paper.


Agreed. I didn't write one after I got off the Legend as good as these though! Mine is just in the reviews section.

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I am loving your review too! I have a ques about the food and wine pairing - what kind of food? Small appetizers? And no sweet wines? Red and whites? We may go anyway but wondered about the food especially.

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I am loving your review too! I have a ques about the food and wine pairing - what kind of food? Small appetizers? And no sweet wines? Red and whites? We may go anyway but wondered about the food especially.



I second this question - I'm excited about this, I didn't realize there were wine pairing tastings on board! FI will love it!


And secondly, did you find the pools crowded? I hate when you can't find a seat, FI and I love watching the main area, but always seem to be stuck on the back decks, even when we get out there at 10am.

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I am loving your review too! I have a ques about the food and wine pairing - what kind of food? Small appetizers? And no sweet wines? Red and whites? We may go anyway but wondered about the food especially.


If it is the same as on the Miracle - it is a food/wine pairing event held in the supper club - you get about 6 different glasses of wine (3 white/3 red) and a little platter of different foods: apple slice, tomato, piece of beef, lemon slice, salt, splenda...can't remember what else - but first you taste the wines alone, then with different foods, then with the foods either w/salt or splenda to see how the flavors change - it was very interesting. But bring pen/paper to take notes- I wish I did - or even better if they handed out notes to take home with you! There is a $10 charge - but they were very generous with the wines (and refills :D)



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I am loving your review too! I have a ques about the food and wine pairing - what kind of food? Small appetizers? And no sweet wines? Red and whites? We may go anyway but wondered about the food especially.



I second this question - I'm excited about this, I didn't realize there were wine pairing tastings on board! FI will love it!


And secondly, did you find the pools crowded? I hate when you can't find a seat, FI and I love watching the main area, but always seem to be stuck on the back decks, even when we get out there at 10am.


If it is the same as on the Miracle - it is a food/wine pairing event held in the supper club - you get about 6 different glasses of wine (3 white/3 red) and a little platter of different foods: apple slice, tomato, piece of beef, lemon slice, salt, splenda...can't remember what else - but first you taste the wines alone, then with different foods, then with the foods either w/salt or splenda to see how the flavors change - it was very interesting. But bring pen/paper to take notes- I wish I did - or even better if they handed out notes to take home with you! There is a $10 charge - but they were very generous with the wines (and refills :D)




The foods were appetizer like or small bites of something you might have with a main meal. We had 6 wines, 3 red and 3 white. I want to say one of the whites was somewhat sweet but not very. It was interesting tasting it without the food and then taking a bite after it to see the difference. I'm not sure which one but we had an apple after one and I really liked the taste after biting the apple but I can't see me eating an apple all the time with that wine. ;)

We had some cheeses, a piece of chicken, fruit, etc. I want to say we had some kind of fish too because I'm not much of a fish person and I remember a fishy taste of something that day and not liking it at all.

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miro is the best waiter ever!!!!

sorry we had him on the valor, it's great to see he is still with carnival


Yes he is!! We loved Miro!!!


Oh and I graduated from Georgia Southern!!! Go Eagles!

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We woke up and we were in Grand Cayman. We had to set a wake up call this morning because I believe we had to meet with our excursion at 8:30 at the end of the pier in Grand Cayman. Normally I was up way before then but we didn't want to chance it and miss our excursion. Our friends that went with us had to meet with theirs at 8:00, I believe this is how it was, I know we were about 30 min difference. Anyway... the night before Vicki ordered some sandwiches from room service for us to take with us, she had heard about the prices of food on here so we wanted to be prepared, plus we weren't sure if/when we'd be able to eat. We were going scuba diving and our friends were doing the Hell/Turtle Farm/Stingray City, both excursions were thru Carnival.

We tendered in and it was a really quick ride.


The view of the ship from the tender.



No sooner did we get off the boat were we attacked by the Carnival photo people. Now I am all for pictures but they went overboard in this port and we had our dive gear and were trying to get to our group and put it down. They stopped us not once, not twice but THREE times. Once with the pirate, once with the Grand Cayman life preserver, once for a shot with the ship behind us. We actually liked one of the pictures but there was so many people in the shot behind us that we didn't buy it. It was a bit overboard with the picture taking there and I LOVE pictures.


We found the area to meet our group and we sat and waited for a while since we were a bit early. None of the shops were open yet so we just hung out until it was time. The lady showed up to get our tickets and check our c-cards for the certified divers. My dh had packed up the bags that morning and he swore he put them into my bag, I couldn't find them anywhere. So off dh rushed back to the tender to run up to the room to get them. The lady said he probably wouldn't make it back with having to get on the tenders but she said she'd get us to the dive shop when he returned. I sat there worrying whether he'd make it or not. HE DID!! YAY! He said yep they were right where I left them so I wouldn't forget them. DOH! No worries, he made it in plenty of time as we were still waiting on 3 people to show. He said he jumped on a tender just as it was going back to the ship and then caught one on the way back just as it was leaving. YAY!!

Pirate ship in Grand Cayman



Once everyone was there we made our way to the bus area and hopped onto a bus to the dive shop, it was about a five minute ride there. The dive shop was Don Foster's. After we filled out paperwork they let everyone go get geared up and we took the time to shop for a dive t-shirt. We weren't sure if we'd have any time to shop afterwards so we wanted to make sure we got a shirt.


We hopped onto our dive boat and they told us some procedures, etc. We took about a 15-20 min boat ride out to the first dive site. The water was quite choppy too. Our first dive was to be a 70ft dive, after a buoyancy check we were off.

My dh had me take a pic of the dive boat just in case.



They had split us into two groups with the dive masters. We were in the first group to go down and once we were all in front of the boat we went down. Everything was going great, dh got down and I met him down there and we were doing good, looking around and watching. He pointed to our dive master and he was upside down between a ravine like thing, looked like he was looking at something. Once everyone was down in our group and we all gave the ok sign we were off....Well everyone but me. I started swimming and I started going up instead. My dh noticed me and up we went to the surface. We talked to the girl about it and she was telling me to concentrate on my breathing and such that I had plenty of weight, which I knew I did. So she asked the other dive master if he could take us down with him and we could meet up with our group once we were down. I couldn't get down at all this time. DH noticed that my weight pouch had fallen out, well crap!! Dive one is a total BUST!! So back to the boat we go and we just sit and wait. About 5 minutes after we come up another two come up, a dad and his son, the dad lost his entire weight belt. UGH! Not a good day with weights. We started talking to him and he said the dive master had my weight pouch! YAY!!! He just saved us some money! After the dive he gave it to me and said he saw it drop and thought I was dropping it because I had too much weight. We figured thats what he was going after into the ravine thing.


So we had to have a 40 minute surface interval. We had to wait about 15 minutes for the second dive group to get back up and once they were all on board and a head count was done they moved us to the next area. I can't recall the name of the first reef but the second one was called fish reef. It would be a 50ft dive. They told us that Carnival regulates how deep they allow them to take us and for the two dives they allow a 70ft and a 50ft.

We had about 15 more minutes to wait before we could go back down so after we had switched out our tanks and such we just sat on the boat. Lucky for dh and I we had our snacks we had brought. One of the guys on the boat did a "magic trick" for us. They were a very nice group and helped anyone out that needed it.


Dive 2 was much more successful for us.




Our pictures don't do anything justice at all. It was gorgeous.


After the dives they took us back closer to the pier where we tendered into, its near some public restrooms. We had said we'd meet back up with our friends as both our excursions were due to be over around 1:00. We got back to the port and couldn't find them so we tried to do some shopping but we had our gear with us and it was dripping water all over so we just headed back to the ship. We had about an hr until the last tender and we thought we could rush up to our room, drop off the stuff in the bathroom and catch the tender back for a little bit of shopping around the port. We did all that fine and got back down as a tender arrived and was dropping people off. There was a line to get onto the tender but it wasn't moving. We stood there for about 10-15 minutes and they still were only bringing people back on. A guy behind us commented that Carnival is the only cruise line that does that and not load a tender while they unload one. I think he had a Port Authority shirt or something or other. So we hopped out of line and headed back to the room. Good thing we got our shirts at the dive shop.

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Our friends said I could share some of their pics so here are some from their excursion. They said that Hell was boring, but its nice to say "been to hell". They both enjoyed Stingray City and said it was really fun. She enjoyed the turtle farm but he found it a bit boring.






For some reason tonight was the only night I took pictures of any of the food.

My dh had some corn/spinach appetizer. I think it had a scallop underneath it too. I'm not sure.



I had the sushi sampler appetizer. The two outer pieces were salmon and tuna I believe. I'm not sure what the middle piece was but it was too slimy for me and dh didn't like it either. The larger is a raw oyster and I'm not a raw oyster fan at all. I should have known better but I was trying to try new things.



After dinner we hung out in the piano bar with Brian. We stayed thre that night until about 3:00AM. We met a group of girls and another couple. We all had a blast. He took a break and we went to the dance club for a while but we headed back to the piano bar. He is very entertaining but he does need some more song choices. You couldn't go in there every night unless you wanted to hear the same songs or just some obscure ones that not many people know. He did do requests and if he knew them he'd sing it for you, he didn't know some of the ones we asked for but he said he'd try to learn them before the end of the cruise because the day we were in Belize was his day off and he'd have some time. We never made it back in though so I'm not sure if he ever learned them or not.


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I second this question - I'm excited about this, I didn't realize there were wine pairing tastings on board! FI will love it!


And secondly, did you find the pools crowded? I hate when you can't find a seat, FI and I love watching the main area, but always seem to be stuck on the back decks, even when we get out there at 10am.


Sorry forgot to answer your question about the pools. On sea days there were crowded. I usually got out there pretty early to get my seat. People started coming out and "marking" their chairs but I never really saw anyone that put stuff down and didn't return for hours. By 10am they weren't too crowded but were getting there. We usually ate by the pool so I'd go put my stuff down on a chair and have breakfast nearby at one of the tables.

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Sorry forgot to answer your question about the pools. On sea days there were crowded. I usually got out there pretty early to get my seat. People started coming out and "marking" their chairs but I never really saw anyone that put stuff down and didn't return for hours. By 10am they weren't too crowded but were getting there. We usually ate by the pool so I'd go put my stuff down on a chair and have breakfast nearby at one of the tables.


Thanks for the response, and the review! I think I prefer the smaller ships - there always seems to be 2 chairs next to each other in the main area. Oh well, as long as I get two tanning/drinking around the pool days, and a beach day, I'm a happy camper. :)

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Could you tell me which nights were your formal nights? I assume the First day at Sea was the first formal, how about the second?






Yes the first sea day so Monday night and then the night after Honduras, so Friday night.

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:D We board the Legend in 18 days and I am so ready! I am really enjoying your review. Can't wait to hear what you did in the other ports - expecially Belize. Was there a passenger talent show at the end of the week?

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We woke up late today since we had a late night in the piano bar the night before but we were just pulling into Cozumel when I woke up. This was to be my second time in Cozumel on a cruise, dh and I were in Cancun last year and did a resort scuba course and did our open water dive in Cozumel so we had a little time to explore afterwards.


This was our only port with no excursion planned. I had a mission for my mom though and that was to buy her a ring like the one I had bought when we were there in 2006. My dh was excited because he loves to haggle, me not so much. This was the first time I wasn't on the hunt for something to buy so my dh said shopping with me was much different this day.


We had breakfast this morning in the Unicorn Cafe and it was crowded!! I'm assuming it was because it was later in the morning than we had been getting up and the fact that we weren't arriving in Cozumel until 10:00. Not a big deal, I grabbed us a table and dh grabbed some food and then we switched off. Depending on what you wanted to eat the lines weren't horrible. I think the longest was the omelet line but that was daily not just today. After breakfast we were off to explore and shop. My main goal was to make it to Pancho's for some food.

We got off the ship easily and there was a huge crowd because of all the pictures, one thing they need to do is move it back a bit, which I know would be hard to do because they had two ships in port that day but it was a mess! I swear we took a picture but dh says we avoided it and I couldn't ever find one in the gallery so maybe we did.

We walked down the pier and up the escalator to the port area, this area had changed from the last time I remember and was now connected to the shopping area across the street. We stopped in a few stores but most of the places didn't seem to want to haggle too much. We made our way downstairs and I saw a Starbucks and pretty much ran inside. Thats always a huge compaint is the coffee that the cruiselines make, its always so strong. My dh said that it tastes like its made by a retired Navy guy. ;)

I was happy after that and geared to go.

These guys were all around the port area. They freaked quite a few people out that didn't notice them or realize they were real. It was funny to listen to how many people screamed as they walked by.



We made our way down the street and passed Senor Frog's.



Of course we had every intention of making our way back but that never happened. Our first stop into a jewelry store, I found a ring that dh and I both agreed looked like my mom. We only got the guy to come down to $300, I paid $85 for mine 2 years ago so we weren't planning on spending much more than that. I was wearing my ring and everyone kept trying to sell me earrings or pendant to go with it. I also had a bracelet that I had purchases in Cancun last year that matched the ring. The guy in this store asked how much we paid for it and I think dh told him $100, he said thats worth about $3000, the price of tanzanite has gone way up. Now maybe he was pulling or leg and maybe he wasn't, not that it really matters to me I just like the bracelet. Needless to say we walked out of that store with nothing. We stopped into a few stores and started making a few purchases here and there. We went down one of the side streets a way and found a few jewelry stores and I finally found a ring that I thought my mom would like, we got him down to $90. Of course these guys also told me how pretty my bracelet was too. DH talked me into looking at some pendants and I didn't see any I liked but the guy said give me some time I'll go look for something. We walked down the road a bit into some other stores and as we were walking by the guy told us to come back in he had it. It matched the ring perfectly and we really liked the way it looked. DH haggled again and I think we got him down to $75 but I'm not 100% sure. I'll have to take pictures for you, I just realized I didn't have any. After that store my dh made me take off the bracelet and put it away, he said too many people were eyeing it.


Our friends needed to take a taxi to go search for some things so they went off and we planned to meet back under the Mexican flag in the square and if it was raining at the restaurant across the street (Palmero's, sp). It had started sprinkling as we were standing there so dh and I jumped into another store after our friends go in their taxi. We finally made our way down to the restaurant and boy was it time to get inside. It started pouring on our way. We grabbed a table right at the entrance so we could see our friends if they pulled up. It was really starting to pour now too. We finally spotted our friends in their taxi and they joined us for some drinks and snacks. We sat and waited out the storms there. It probably lasted an hour or so but it was a pretty loud storm. They had to close off the glass door areas because the rain started coming down sideways. At least we weren't soaked.


After the rain stopped we headed into the square and looked around in even more shops. Someone here had posted a picture of the guy that had the pictures he made with spray paint. He was out and had his prints covered from the rain but dh and I spotted one with scuba divers and purchased it. Again I'll have to take a pic of that.

Here you can see the rain in the streets.



We walked along some of the back streets. We actually ended up back there because our friends wanted to find some tequila with a worm in it to take back to a friend of theirs. They had asked one of the guys in one of the stores we stopped by and he said thats the closest one.

So we just walked along that back street until we came to a major street and headed back to the main drag. We made our way to Pancho's and had lunch. We ordered our margaritas and listened to the band and just relaxed for a while. I had printed a coupon from their website for a free margarita with a meal. We gave the guy our coupon and he brought us all margarita's to go. Worked for me! We decided we'd just take a taxi back to the port.

Once we made it back to the port our friends headed back to the ship, I think I wore them out shopping.

My dh and I stopped in a few other stores, I needed to get some vanilla for my mom and the shops around there seemed to have the best price on it. We kept looking around at some of the other stores too. Dh had been looking for a black coral necklace for himself but never found one. We stumbled upon a kiosk that just happened to have some look a likes and he found one he liked along with a bracelet that he kept looking for last year in Cancun.


I had checked online and saw that we were going to have 4 Carnival ships in port that day but we only saw 3. We were docked next to the Holiday.



We have some friends that are cruising the Holiday soon so I snapped quite a few pictures during sailaway. If anyone wants to see them just let me know.

We sailed away at 6:00 and the Holiday blew its horn at us. I'm not sure if thats common or not. The last time I was in Cozumel we had to tender in because of the damage from the hurricanes.


That night during dinner they performed "My Girl" and so we made the boys get up and dance with the waiters.



We normally danced with them every night but tonight the girls took a break since the song was My Girl.

I'm not 100% sure what we did that night after dinner, I want to say we went to see the comedian and then went to his midnight show later that night. He was really good. I think his name was Happy something or other.

I seem to be missing the towel animal from that night. I guess I was so tired I didn't care.

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We had our cave tubing excursion booked with an outside company(the .net one) but I had read on one of the previous reviews to go down and just say that your with cave tubing to get a tender number. I read the Capers the night before and I couldn't figure out where to go to get it, the only thing I saw was about people not on any excursions at all. DH went to the pursers desk and asked where the cave tubing excursion was meeting so we decided to try there at 7:30ish. We got there and showed our email and he said oh outside companies meet in the Follies Lounge, we were in the Firebird so it was just a matter of going back out. We got to the Follies Lounge and there were others waiting but no Carnival person there. Shortly one of the assistant CDs arrived. She announced that if you had an outside excursion booked to meet her up front and she'd get you a tender number. I walked up and got #2 for the four of us. She told us to wait over on the left side and she'd start calling numbers for us around 8:15. Ok cool!!


Dh got tired of waiting.



They started calling some of the Carnival groups that were in the lounge and probably called about 10 of them before they started calling the white numbers. The Carnival groups had green numbers and they didn't call those in any order it seemed like.

They called white tender #1 and then promptly called #2-6, which I think that was all that was there at the time. So we all ended up on the same tender anyway. We were lead down to the tenders and off we went. The ride to shore was longer than Grand Cayman but it didn't seem that long at all. I think our waiter had told us it would be about 15 minutes but it didn't seem that long to me at all. I snapped a few pics.



As we were getting off the tender again the photographers were there but practically everyone was avoiding them as we all had limited time. I had spotted Tom and some others holding signs for his group and we found our way to one of them. He walked us over to a gazebo like area and we all began checking in. Our group had already pre-paid so we were all good to go. We still had a few missing that were booked though. We waited as there was another tender pulling up and he came back with a few others and we were off. We walked over to the buses and started loading up. He stopped me as we were towards the back of the line and asked the guys how much more room they had on the bus and he said they had room for 3, we had 4 in our group so he told us to stand here with him. He then said we'd have his son as our guide and we'd be in the van behind the bus (YAY!!!).

We hopped into the van and were off fairly quickly. Thomas introduced himself and started right away giving a tour and explanation of things around us. He told us to feel free to ask any questions we had.

I snapped a few pictures as we were headed out of Belize City.




Thomas is very knowledgable about Belize. He explained so much to us.

We passed a mountain range that he said they called the man in the mountain.

This picture is on the way back as I was sitting on the opposite side to get a decent picture of it on the way there so its not as good of a view. The high point on the left side is his nose and then as you move right its his chin. When you see it going to the caves its much easier to see.



I'm not sure how long the drive was 45 minutes maybe an hour, time passed pretty fast because Thomas was explaining things to us and talked pretty much the entire time about things in and around Belize.

We seemed to have arrived at the caves at the same time as the Carnival group because once we made it down to the water, guess who was there but the picture people yet again!! Our friend made a comment about what did they drop him in the middle of the jungle. ;) (He was getting sick of pictures at this point in time) I believe they took video of those on the Carnival excursion and they were taking pics as we were coming into the water of those jumping off the cliffs and swinging on the rope swing.

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Into the caves we go.

We had a short walk to the water area and Thomas had us walk across the river and drop our tubes. He then said go get in and get used to the water and cool off. Well the water was a bit chilly, not freezing by any means but chilly. We took advantage of it and played on the smaller rope swing, no one was using it and we jumped off the cliff.

Here is my dh jumping.



I jumped after him and of course after I jump he says "i hit bottom". Yeah it wasn't very deep but I didn't hit bottom though. It was fun though.

Thomas noticed that the other groups were about to get going so he yelled for us to come on because he wanted to get in front of them. It didn't really matter they passed us, we passed them in the walk. But it was nice to get started prior to them.

Beginning the walk:



Along the walk Thomas would stop and point out some different things. He said the jungle is ying and yang. Something bad but something good to fix it, I think is how he said it. Like a poisonous tree but one that you can make a remedy with.

He spotted a pineapple growing.


Grabbed some cotton for us and passed it along.


And pointed out a termite mound.


He hit it and broke it open some and pulled out some termites and ate some. He said that if we were ever on Survivor we could do the same and they have a minty taste. He let us all have a taste and yeah they did have a minty taste but the aftertaste wasn't that good.


Once again I don't know how long the walk was because he was explaining so much and we were enjoying ourselves I didn't really pay much attention.

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