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Plateaus...longest Running?

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I'm usually posting on the "Need a Buddy..." thread and the "Need to Lose 30..." thread, but this time I needed to start one.

I'll admit that I'm still affected by the needle on the scale. My clothes are fitting better and better, I can SEE a difference in the mirror, and my tape measure is showing that I am losing inches. But my weight is hardly changing. I went FIVE WEEKS without a change, basically. I've got a total of 9 lbs. off in 8 weeks, and I'm okay with slow loss but I want to see the loss be steady, too.

I know that some of you have reached goal weights, while others are still losing. I'd like to know how long your longest plateaus were? I had one, a few years back and it lasted for TWELVE WEEKS! I had lost 20 lbs., treadmilled for 10 weeks straight, then hurt my back and had to slow down. My weight loss stopped entirely, despite the fact that I was eating what I knew was right. At the end of the 12 week plateau, I began to lose again after a weekend shopping trip that involved a lot of walking and 2 larger meals a day, rather than 3 moderate. It was just a weekend thing due to brunch offerings at the motel, etc., but I began to lose immediately and over the course of the next week or two, lost 7 lbs. more.

Any one else have tips or other info on plateaus?

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I'm usually posting on the "Need a Buddy..." thread and the "Need to Lose 30..." thread, but this time I needed to start one.


I'll admit that I'm still affected by the needle on the scale. My clothes are fitting better and better, I can SEE a difference in the mirror, and my tape measure is showing that I am losing inches. But my weight is hardly changing. I went FIVE WEEKS without a change, basically. I've got a total of 9 lbs. off in 8 weeks, and I'm okay with slow loss but I want to see the loss be steady, too.


I know that some of you have reached goal weights, while others are still losing. I'd like to know how long your longest plateaus were? I had one, a few years back and it lasted for TWELVE WEEKS! I had lost 20 lbs., treadmilled for 10 weeks straight, then hurt my back and had to slow down. My weight loss stopped entirely, despite the fact that I was eating what I knew was right. At the end of the 12 week plateau, I began to lose again after a weekend shopping trip that involved a lot of walking and 2 larger meals a day, rather than 3 moderate. It was just a weekend thing due to brunch offerings at the motel, etc., but I began to lose immediately and over the course of the next week or two, lost 7 lbs. more.


Any one else have tips or other info on plateaus?


I tried losing as soon as I came back from my last cruise in March. I basically lost and gained the same 1-3 lbs until May when I started using the Wendie Plan with Weight Watchers( I also added cardio and sculpting work outs) The latest thing I have read about plateaus is that you need to keep your metabolism up by changing what you do. The change in your activity and diet the weekend that you began losing probably did this. I don't entirely understand this but since I have been varying my calorie intake during the week with one very high day and a few very low days I have been losing every week, usually over a pound. I know that's not very much weight loss very fast, but they say it is best to lose it more slowly so you can keep it off. I have a friend who has been watching her calorie intake very closely, and works out 2-3 hours a day including a bootcamp program that sounded like pure torture! She has actually gotten larger... her arms are huge and it's not all muscle! She's going to try the Wendie plan as a few other coworkers have done so and started losing again.

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I'm in a plateau right now. I started WW on 1/5/08 and by 5/24/08 had lost 50 pounds. Since then I have only lost 8.2 and most of that was in the beginning of June. I am up one week, down the next, up, down, etc... I work out and follow the plan, but my body is rebelling!

My leader and my sister (who does this with me and is my biggest cheerleader) keep telling me to just keep doing what I am doing and my body will kick back in to losing!

I am losing lots of inches though. I have to buy new clothes all the time. I am down 2 or 3 sizes, depending on the store I buy at, I have gone done 3 cup sizes in my bra as well as 3 sizes around. I feel great and can see my body changing, but it is a bit frustrating at times!

Tina in Antioch, CA

Norwegain Star 10/18/08

First cruise EVER!

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I tried losing as soon as I came back from my last cruise in March. I basically lost and gained the same 1-3 lbs until May when I started using the Wendie Plan with Weight Watchers( I also added cardio and sculpting work outs) The latest thing I have read about plateaus is that you need to keep your metabolism up by changing what you do. The change in your activity and diet the weekend that you began losing probably did this. I don't entirely understand this but since I have been varying my calorie intake during the week with one very high day and a few very low days I have been losing every week, usually over a pound. I know that's not very much weight loss very fast, but they say it is best to lose it more slowly so you can keep it off. I have a friend who has been watching her calorie intake very closely, and works out 2-3 hours a day including a bootcamp program that sounded like pure torture! She has actually gotten larger... her arms are huge and it's not all muscle! She's going to try the Wendie plan as a few other coworkers have done so and started losing again.


I do a calorie bump up one day per week...quite often Friday night for a dinner, but it's not that big of a bump...maybe not enough to make a difference? I asked others what the WENDIE plan is? Is that an acronym for something? I got the impression that it's about a weekly calorie boost but I'd like to know more. I think WW is a great program, by the way, and I use it to model what I do, pretty much.


I understand what you mean about those intense workouts that some do....I've seen the same thing that you are talking about. People can actually get larger if the eating habits don't change. Some people generate MORE of an appetite with working out and if the food issue isn't controlled, the weight just goes up. I know that exercise would speed up my weight loss but I have my own thinking on exercise and I don't want to depend on it to lose and maintain my losses, if that makes any sense. I want exercise for later when I want to build muscle and be more fuel-efficient and have a healthy heart, lower blood pressure, etc., but I don't want to work out to lose weight, necessarily. I want to maintain my dietary changes enough to continually lose.


I've averaged about a pound a week, so it's what happens after this week that concerns me. I hope that I will be dropping regularly again.


If you can explain the WENDIE thing and give me a rough idea of how much you bump up calories on that one day, then decrease on the others, I'd appreciate it. I'm sort of going through the thinking/strategizing phase again.:)

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I'm in a plateau right now. I started WW on 1/5/08 and by 5/24/08 had lost 50 pounds. Since then I have only lost 8.2 and most of that was in the beginning of June. I am up one week, down the next, up, down, etc... I work out and follow the plan, but my body is rebelling!


My leader and my sister (who does this with me and is my biggest cheerleader) keep telling me to just keep doing what I am doing and my body will kick back in to losing!


I am losing lots of inches though. I have to buy new clothes all the time. I am down 2 or 3 sizes, depending on the store I buy at, I have gone done 3 cup sizes in my bra as well as 3 sizes around. I feel great and can see my body changing, but it is a bit frustrating at times!


Tina in Antioch, CA

Norwegain Star 10/18/08

First cruise EVER!



Hi Tina...I've been following your posts and really appreciate this one. I wanted to bounce questions off of others who are going through this. So here's one for starters....Are you saying that even with no big changes on the scale since early June, you still are seeing your body size changing at the same time? That's what is happening to me, too. I saw a 1 inch drop in my waist, just over maybe the last 3 weeks. I'm losing about 1/4-1/3 inch per week, so far. Isn't it strange? There has to be a transfer of fat loss, but water gain, I believe, for this to happen. If we are losing inches, then we are losing fat, so if, let' say, you lose 2 lbs. of fat, your body is absorbing an extra couple pounds of water. Since water takes up less room, I think?, your size could shrink but not your weight. Eventually, the body let's go and gives up and you win. I KNOW that it is true because I've seen others go through this, but often we get frustrated and shed some tears along the way while waiting it out. I'm not to that point yet, but MAN, I'm antsy for the pounds to go!


Hopefully, the more people who share info here, the more we will figure out what to do. Maybe there is nothing to do but be patient and wait it out because it just may be a natural part of weight loss. When you think about it, if I didn't have a scale, I wouldn't know what was going on with my weight....I'd just keep seeing my size decrease and be thrilled enough with that! Maybe I ought to shoot my scale and have a funeral, play taps, bury it in the backyard and wave bye-bye! But I'm a scale addict; so not likely!;)

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Hi Tina...I've been following your posts and really appreciate this one. I wanted to bounce questions off of others who are going through this. So here's one for starters....Are you saying that even with no big changes on the scale since early June, you still are seeing your body size changing at the same time?


YEP! Unfortunately I didn't take my measurements when I started my journey (I finally did this weekend), but I have gone down at least 1 size since early June so inches are definately coming off! And I can totally tell when I look in the mirror that I am losing inches. I am starting to see something that actually resembles a waist! LOL!!!!


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I do a calorie bump up one day per week...quite often Friday night for a dinner, but it's not that big of a bump...maybe not enough to make a difference? I asked others what the WENDIE plan is? Is that an acronym for something? I got the impression that it's about a weekly calorie boost but I'd like to know more. I think WW is a great program, by the way, and I use it to model what I do, pretty much.


I understand what you mean about those intense workouts that some do....I've seen the same thing that you are talking about. People can actually get larger if the eating habits don't change. Some people generate MORE of an appetite with working out and if the food issue isn't controlled, the weight just goes up. I know that exercise would speed up my weight loss but I have my own thinking on exercise and I don't want to depend on it to lose and maintain my losses, if that makes any sense. I want exercise for later when I want to build muscle and be more fuel-efficient and have a healthy heart, lower blood pressure, etc., but I don't want to work out to lose weight, necessarily. I want to maintain my dietary changes enough to continually lose.


I've averaged about a pound a week, so it's what happens after this week that concerns me. I hope that I will be dropping regularly again.


If you can explain the WENDIE thing and give me a rough idea of how much you bump up calories on that one day, then decrease on the others, I'd appreciate it. I'm sort of going through the thinking/strategizing phase again.:)


Wendie is named after the person who came up with the "plan". It's really still the basic weight watcher plan, but in WW you have a target point intake based on your weight and activity level. You also have 35 "extra" points that you can use throughout the week. The Wendie plan consists of alternating the calorie intake each day with one super high day followed by lower to slightly higher point intakes. It really isn't complicated. The super high day for me is 35 points. I weigh in on Monday ( with a sneak peek on Sunday:D ) so my super high point day is on Wednesday or Thursday, so I can rid my body of excess water weight brought on by the increase in sodium intake on that super high day. This is the only plan I have found that doesnt make me crazy with hunger. Oh sure, the super low days are a bit of a challenge, but knowing that I can look forward to a normal regular day a few days a week makes it doable. The activity points do not always get added in, I know of a few people that use them. I have used them when I know I am going to go over my planned points for the day and I just need a few more, I'll do a 30-40 min cardio workout to make up for it:p . For more specific information you can google Wendie Plan or look on Spark People. If you are dropping sizes but not losing pounds, you have to be looking much thinner too! So the pounds are sure to follow. I've heard that weight loss usually does slow down after the initial big loss, because you do need less calories to maintain that smaller size:( .

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YEP! Unfortunately I didn't take my measurements when I started my journey (I finally did this weekend), but I have gone down at least 1 size since early June so inches are definately coming off! And I can totally tell when I look in the mirror that I am losing inches. I am starting to see something that actually resembles a waist! LOL!!!!





I actually wish I had taken my measurments on day one, but at the time I couldn't bear the thought and figured I might get down about the whole thing (worse than I was) so I nixed the tape measure. I actually said the same thing on Sunday walking into church..."Hey, I'm getting a waist!" I have a favorite black skirt and that was so tight before...then it fit...and now it is starting to get a little sloppy! Yay! I'll be happy to get rid of it and buy a new favorite black skirt in a smaller size. I also was able to wear a favorite button-up shirt that I wasn't able to wear in over a year because the buttons were all too tight. It fit perfectly.


The weird thing is that while my waist is getting smaller, and my arms a bit, and my face, my hip measurements are staying the same. I am guessing here, but I carry my weight low, first (pear-shape), then gain it last in my face, shoulders, arms...so I think maybe the weight will come off in the opposite direction...upper body first, then lower body. Just guessing on that one.


Thanks for the feedback!! It helped encourage me a lot today.:D

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YEP! Unfortunately I didn't take my measurements when I started my journey (I finally did this weekend), but I have gone down at least 1 size since early June so inches are definately coming off! And I can totally tell when I look in the mirror that I am losing inches. I am starting to see something that actually resembles a waist! LOL!!!!




Hi Tina...I wanted to ask you another question....with 50 lbs. off, are you noticing any big difference in how you physically feel, as in joints, etc. The reason I am asking is because it was actually physical stiffness and pain in my hips, knees, ankles, feet, that motivated me to deal with this weight problem and get it behind me. I notice a little improvement and believe that when I get more than 20 or 30 off, the improvement will be great. So how are you feeling in that regard?

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Hi Tina...I wanted to ask you another question....with 50 lbs. off, are you noticing any big difference in how you physically feel, as in joints, etc. The reason I am asking is because it was actually physical stiffness and pain in my hips, knees, ankles, feet, that motivated me to deal with this weight problem and get it behind me. I notice a little improvement and believe that when I get more than 20 or 30 off, the improvement will be great. So how are you feeling in that regard?


Oh yes, definately! I am not as sore anymore and I just feel better in general. My feet used to ache and don't anymore! I do not get tired climbing one freaking flight of stairs!


I also have diabetes and it is getting so much better! I am completely off one med and the other has been cut in half. My morning fasting blood sugar number is the lowest it has been in 3 years!

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I was 275lbs from november of 06 until januaryish of this year...however i packed on a ton of muscle mass and lost several inches off my waist..i tell myself the pounds dont matter as long as the fat keeps dropping but you all know we want that scale to show lower numbers regardless.

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I was 275lbs from november of 06 until januaryish of this year...however i packed on a ton of muscle mass and lost several inches off my waist..i tell myself the pounds dont matter as long as the fat keeps dropping but you all know we want that scale to show lower numbers regardless.


I was interested to read this because I had just posted the question on another thread..."Do you know of any men who have ever plateaued?" I really never heard of a guy on a plateau before. Yours really makes sense due to the body building. By the way, had to laugh about your other post about the tilapia, etc. I think that would be hard to be around all of those sweet snacks every day.


When people ask how much weight you lost, or are losing, they're never interested in what my tape measure says. They only want to know what my scale says. I'm going to have to get over that, but it makes me uncomfortable when I have to say, "I'm still at the same weight," for 5 weeks in a row. Maybe I need a new snappy comeback.


P.S. My son is into body-building, too...that whole "dinosaur training" thing.

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Oh yes, definately! I am not as sore anymore and I just feel better in general. My feet used to ache and don't anymore! I do not get tired climbing one freaking flight of stairs!


I also have diabetes and it is getting so much better! I am completely off one med and the other has been cut in half. My morning fasting blood sugar number is the lowest it has been in 3 years!



The change in your meds is the coolest thing of all!!! Many relatives of mine are/were diabetic due to obesity. I am not but was worried that if I continued to put on weight, I'd find myself there. My uncle was full-blown, did the daily insulin shots, lost toes and fingers, etc. Not a good way to live. So great to hear about the improvement in foot pain, stairs, etc. Those are the things that I look forward to. I have 43 lbs. to lose to get to my goal. My problem is that I am small-boned. I have small wrists and ankles and those bones are telling me that I can't afford to be fat without some serious consequences down the line. I want to bounce up and down the stairs again (not like a beach ball,;) , but like a kid again:D )!

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I was interested to read this because I had just posted the question on another thread..."Do you know of any men who have ever plateaued?" I really never heard of a guy on a plateau before. Yours really makes sense due to the body building. By the way, had to laugh about your other post about the tilapia, etc. I think that would be hard to be around all of those sweet snacks every day.


When people ask how much weight you lost, or are losing, they're never interested in what my tape measure says. They only want to know what my scale says. I'm going to have to get over that, but it makes me uncomfortable when I have to say, "I'm still at the same weight," for 5 weeks in a row. Maybe I need a new snappy comeback.


P.S. My son is into body-building, too...that whole "dinosaur training" thing.


I'll tell you the fun part tho, is people stopping you and telling you "hey youve lost a ton of weight" then saying "nope havent lost a pound in over a year"..ha ha...

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Okay...I'm sure that the plateau is over now....I'm down about 2.5 lbs since my Monday weigh-in (it's only Thursday). I was all geared out to start plotting and scheming against this thing, but it resolved itself. I wanted to post that the day after weigh-in, I had an extreme sense of hunger. I haven't been starving myself...in fact, I would guess that I eat more than many on "diets" but I'm trying to make myself keep a steady pace and not send my body those "starvation mode" signals; so I keep eating. On Tuesday, I ate a bigger breakfast than my normal, had a very healthy, but light lunch, and got this huge appetite in the afternoon. I didn't overeat but I felt so hungry. Could that have been an indication of a change in my metabolism? At any rate, I lost the next day and again, my morning weigh-in showed me down another 1/2 lb or thereabouts.


If it weren't for using my tape-measure through this 5 week long plateau, I would have probably been too discouraged. I expect more of these in the future, but am not excited about them. I really might have to hide my scale when I see another one come on.

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