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Imagination 8/11-16 Review with pictures


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My family, myself, 3 DD 17,19 and 24 as well as my BFF sailed on the Imagination .


Pre Cruise

We flew in from 3 different locations on Sunday , I flew from Washington DC to FLL with my 17 and 24 YO DD. Our flight US Airways was delayed an hour.

MY BFF flew in from North Carolina, US Airways, arrived 2 hours before us.

I had arranged with Go Shuttle for a pick up at the airport, as there were 4 of us and luggage a private car was less expensive. Our driver was waiting for us. We had a nice ride to Miami, with commenatary along the way. The cost was $90 with tip and meet and greet , we gathered our luggage and off we went. We arrived at the Hyatt Miami ( bid $60 on priceline and got a suite.)





DD #2 was flying in from New York and her flight was delayed for 4 hours so we decided to go to dinner while we waited. We took the people mover its free to Mombo for some Cuban food.ry%3D320


DD #3 tried alligator tips .....but they were not really a hit.




Of course we had to try the local beer...



Our bill came to $80 and we had alot to eat, along with the alligator tips, and beers we had cuban steaks, calamari, soups, salads and deserts .

It was a great evening, we sat outside, listened to music, and got in the cruise mode.


When we got back to the Hyatt I went with my BFF to the bar at the hotel to wait for DD#2 and watched some Olympics.

I had reserved Go Shuttle for her and paid on line for transportation from Miami Airport to hotel.($18)


We also made arrangements for transportation to the port the next morning We had a car coming for us at 10:30AM, for a cost of $6/PP

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I'm looking forward to hearing more about your cruise but my first question is ~ what is a people mover? I asked this on another thread and then lost the thread so never found out.




It is a bus on rails that Miami has. We didn't take it because we walked everywhere but I was dying too. I took some pictures of it.:)

I'm looking forward to the rest of the review as well!

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It is the transpotation system around Miami, it is above ground, buses on rails, no drivers, thestop at the stations and then move on. They do a loop and some go down a side track.


We were on this cruise as well so I look to see more.

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We love to get on the ship as early as possible, and I tend to get to places early rather than late. Drives my DD's crazy..but anyway.


We had our driver pick us up at 10:30AM, we were booked in a suite so we knew we would get on early.


He arrived right on time and of course the girls were still getting ready, we had to have just the right embarkation outfits on;) .


It was a short drive to the port and I never get over the excitment of seeing the ship for the first time.


The Imagination is special for us, as my DH and I were married on her 7 years ago. I was looking forward to seeing the updates. You could see the water slide in the distance. I made up my mind right there I was not going on that !


We arrived and our luggage was whisked away and off we went to wait in the VIP Lounge .We were in the new terminal and the lounge was wonderful


Here is DD #3 in just the right outfit



Here is #2



you can see how nice the VIP lounge is and how much room there is


#1 DD is having some camera issuesry%3D320

There is only water which was kind of warm, we had brought our own cans of soda that we had from the hotel.

But the room itself was lovely, there is not a bathroom in the lounge but outside not too far away.

We were the second to arrive by about 11AM and were the only ones for about 30 minutes .

At about 11:30 or so we were escorted onto the ship, we were the very first passengers on board and went right to the Lido for lunch, I checked my watch and it was 11:46AM....and our cruise had begun...:)

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After we had a great lunch on the Lido we found our way to our cabin, we were fortunate enough to have a great suite in a wonderful location.


This was the view from out side our cabin over looking the Atrium



the ship is in great shape , clean and shinny, does not look her age at all.



The new Atrium bar was a great place to hang out, we had a drink there almost everyday. My BFF and I each purchased a soda card and used it to the max. We both love diet coke..



When we got into the cabin, the girls started to settle in to our home forry%3D320

the next 5 days.

DD #3 picked her bed right away.



DD #2 and #3 decided to get the beds ready and relax for a while.



and before we even sailed they got started with ordering room service.








More tomorrow...time to watch Olympics....still not over the lose expereinced by the USA softball team today. Being a softball mom it was heartbreaking to see...:(

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Hello there,

Thank you for your nice review. I would like to contribute with a little correction, with all due respect of course.

Alligator tips, calamari, and the rest of the food in your plate as well as the Presidente beer ( Dominican ) is NOT Cuban food. Next time you come to Miami may I recommend that you visit Versailles Restaurant on calle ocho, or even La Carreta Restaurant for tasty, inexpensive cuban food.





My family, myself, 3 DD 17,19 and 24 as well as my BFF sailed on the Imagination .


Pre Cruise

We flew in from 3 different locations on Sunday , I flew from Washington DC to FLL with my 17 and 24 YO DD. Our flight US Airways was delayed an hour.

MY BFF flew in from North Carolina, US Airways, arrived 2 hours before us.

I had arranged with Go Shuttle for a pick up at the airport, as there were 4 of us and luggage a private car was less expensive. Our driver was waiting for us. We had a nice ride to Miami, with commenatary along the way. The cost was $90 with tip and meet and greet , we gathered our luggage and off we went. We arrived at the Hyatt Miami ( bid $60 on priceline and got a suite.)





DD #2 was flying in from New York and her flight was delayed for 4 hours so we decided to go to dinner while we waited. We took the people mover its free to Mombo for some Cuban food.ry%3D320


DD #3 tried alligator tips .....but they were not really a hit.




Of course we had to try the local beer...



Our bill came to $80 and we had alot to eat, along with the alligator tips, and beers we had cuban steaks, calamari, soups, salads and deserts .

It was a great evening, we sat outside, listened to music, and got in the cruise mode.


When we got back to the Hyatt I went with my BFF to the bar at the hotel to wait for DD#2 and watched some Olympics.

I had reserved Go Shuttle for her and paid on line for transportation from Miami Airport to hotel.($18)


We also made arrangements for transportation to the port the next morning We had a car coming for us at 10:30AM, for a cost of $6/PP

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Sounds good. We got picked up at 10:30 as well and checked in about 11:00. There were a couple wedding parties that they boarded and then we followed them. After the picture etc, we walked onto the ship at noon. The nicest thing about that was no lines at the buffet yet.


Waiting for more.


Looking at the pictures of the girls, I am surprised I do not reconize them. My son and his friend had a little following all week, we laughed all week as everytime they returnmed from ping pong or where ever they were telling us they met more girls.

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Hello there,

Thank you for your nice review. I would like to contribute with a little correction, with all due respect of course.

Alligator tips, calamari, and the rest of the food in your plate as well as the Presidente beer ( Dominican ) is NOT Cuban food. Next time you come to Miami may I recommend that you visit Versailles Restaurant on calle ocho, or even La Carreta Restaurant for tasty, inexpensive cuban food.




Lol Murcielago, is friday and you are talking about La Carreta, lol I feel like having the Carretero Steak with chimichurri sauce with moros and Maduros lol. and of course some flan lol, Presidentes are good beers I drank a few last year in Punta Cana lol

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while the girls got settled in the cabin, we decided to walk around the ship,check out the dining room and make a spa apointment and book a cabana.


First stop was the excursion desk, the line was not too long , so we booked our cabana. We had our choice of a few and went with the pink. It cost $199 and when we booked our choices for beverages and shoe sizes were requested. It was stated that the cabana was for 4, we had 5 but knew we would never all be there at once.


We were told we would get 4 bottles of water, and our choice of 6 sodas, as well as fruit, veggie tray , chips, dip


After that was taken care of we made our way to the dining room, we had the late seating in the Spirit Dining room...we found our table 288 in the back and it was set for 11 . It seemed a little tight but we were not really worried about it.


We continued to wander the ship, checked out Serenity, it was empty at that time and as we were not moving yet seemed hot and humid.

We planned to go back at another time, but actually never got there. It did seem like it would be a nice place to realx and read a book.


The updates at the pool were very nice, the last time we sailed her , there was a large slide . Now in its place was a relaxing area with more shade.



We never actually sat by the pool, as BFF has a pool in her yard and we belong to a pool club down the street. The girls of course spent time sunbathing. The found a nice spot overlooking the pool down from the ping pong tables. Tanning was their #1 priority. They really did not hang out with any other kids or teens on the ship. They get along really well and as they no longer live together, with #1 living on her own and #2 away at college , they wanted to spend time together.


We eventually made our way to the spa and BFF and I made an appointment for the embarkation special. head to toe massage with a mini facial. ( 75 minutes) It was $129. we both got a 4PM appointment and looked forward starting the cruise relaxed.


Next we stopped by the Library , that is the location of my wedding 7 years ago. We also stopped by the Mirage Lounge. We had our recpetion there. Both looked as I remember them. Was a little sad that DH was not with me:( .


We made our way back to the cabin to get ready for the life boat drill and found that our luggage had arrived


The girls were relaxing on the balcony



Our room steward Robert had stopped by to check on us, and give us his schedule as well as phone numbers to reach him.


We had a little time before the drill started and I encouraged the girls to unpack.

We had a ton of room for our cloths and suitcases. We each only had 1 big suitcase as I told the girls we would not pay for an extra. They somehow managed to get all their stuff in 1.


I than took all the cell phones and loced in the safe as to limit the temptatation to text or call incuring international roaming charges.


It was now time for the life boat drill....as usual there were those who did not think they needed to go and strolled in late. During the drill it started to rain, and our muster station was by the Lido pool ..One guy jumped in the pool cause he was getting hot. But as life boats drills go it went well.


Next we were off to our spa treatment, while we were there we heard the announcment that our departure would be delayed as a passenger had a medical emergency and had to be taken off the ship to a local emergecny room, and we were waiting for an ambulance to arrive. Never did find out any details about that.


My spa treatment was wonderful, by the time I was done I was totally relaxed and in just the right mode to fully enjoy my cruise.


I told the girls they could book a spa treatment, so 1 and #2 had something that helped decrease celluite. DD #3 was not intrested in going to the spa.


It was now time to get ready for our first dinner.........:D

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it was time to get ready for dinner....my DD's love to get dressed up and regardless of the dress code they always wear a dress and spend a long time getting just the perfect look.


luckily we had plenty of room for all girls to prepare for the evening






dinner the first night is always so exciting, everyone is waiting outside the doors and for the first time you make your way to your table....and there is always the anticipation of who your tabe mates might be


we arrived at our table first and took our seats...we anxiously waited to see who would join us....as we watch various individuals and groups pass we finally saw a family of 4 with 2 girls close in age to the DD's approach...and yes they were sitting with us....as everyone got settled and introductions were made we started to settle in..our waiter Philip and his assitant Micheal were right there ..getting to know us..


BFF and I ordered our diet cokes and I inquired about my drink coupons..I like to pre order drink coupons...I give a few to DD #1 .


My drink coupons arrived and I decided to order a bottle of wine..I always debate brining my own, but somehow never get around to that ...one bottle lasted BFF and I 2 nights...



DD #2 ad 3 ..dressed up every night..as did the young girls at our table.


As we got to know each other we all wondered who would take the 2 extra chairs at our table...suddenly a 30 something single guy appeared at the table...we all looked at him and he looked at us, a table of 8 women of various ages...and 1 other male..:eek: .he kind of looked like he wanted to run away...he sat down and suddenly it became very quite...and still that empty chair!!!!

For what seemed like an eternity no one said a single word..finally BFF spoke up and introduced our group..in just a few minutes we were all chatting away...yet still the empty chair:confused:


Much to my surprise and delight most of the guests were dressed well, as a matter of fact I did not see any shorts, jeans or sloppy outfits the entire time...


Now the food..as always wonderful, between the 10 of us we must have tried everthing..the soups both hot and cold were wonderful...I had cold mango, lobster bisque, I had shrimp cocktail almost every night...

the portions were perfect, jsut enough...


our young table mate had a double meal or desert each night ..we told him he was our hero...


Our wait staff was attentive and BFF and I had a diet coke waiting for us each night...I must say the girls all developed a crush on our bar guy...and he spend alot of time at our table ...


next on to the show......

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...ah yes the still empty chair!!


We were now on to the show, DD's decided to skip the show and go back to the cabin and watch the Olympics and no doubt order some room service.


Since there was only 1 show that night it was rather crowded, BFF and I found some seats on the second level...


Our cruise director George, known as Jorge after 5PM did a great job of getting us all excited. He was very entertaining engaging the audience . We laughed our heads off...the comedian as well as the singers, and dancers were also very good..


After the show BFF and I walked around for just a little while, listening to a little music and having a drink.


We got back to the cabin and the DD's indeed had ordered room service, an hour or 2 had passed since the last meal:rolleyes:


a towel animal awaited us



day 1 was over.......off to bed we went looking forward to a relaxing day at sea....

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