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Dying to Hear How Bad the Majesty Trip Back Was


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lady82004-I was not intending to dispute any of your account. It was an impressive calm description. My comments were intended towards those that appeared to blame NCL, find fault, wether alarms went off, crew reaction etc. Perhaps I was not clear, I apologize.

Your experience was to say the least scary, without any doubt. I was trying to point out how emergency plans on vessels do in fact call for limited alarm activation ( does not mean passengers will not hear them). This is intended to limit response and perhaps maintain a sense of normal in other areas.

People in need find that time passes "slowly'. This does not mean people affected by the emergency do not have the right to be serioulsy stressed by the event.

While I did not get scared when a wave hit mefishing, my friends were. I have to admit, water on deck 5 on the Majesty is a bit of a issue ( I was not very clear on that). I know for a fact at least 1/2 of the 12 famly members on our cruise would have "freaked out'.

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Wow! I was on the Dawn at the same time and though we had a rough ride. With 17 - 24ft. seas, I spent Saturday reclined on the balcony focussed on the horizon. My husband and kids were fine. I can't begin to imagine the horror experienced, although our captain kept informing us of their situation. Then you had to pay for your own phone calls! On the Dawn, not only did they open the phone to the passengers, but they OPENED THE BAR FOR THE AFTERNOON on Sunday. I can't say enough about how wonderfully we were treated. Up until Saturday, this trip was way more than I expected and I am very impressed with NCL and the way they handled the situation. I feel sorry for the people on the Majesty.

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While I wasn't on that ship I did watch the Bridge Cam that day on numerous occasions and I never saw any Green water over the bow. I would think that in 50 foot seas there would have been plenty of that. I believe it was the Boston paper that said the Coast Guard said it was more like 25 feet, still a rough ride for a smaller ship with a flat bottom. I have always heard the real cruise from Hell dates back to 2001 on the Zenith and NCL Dream coming back from Bermuda and getting into the so called Storm Of The Century. Yes, the same storm the Movie was made about. The Zenith had windows broken out as well and I believe they were from the waves not something on deck. Once the ship got back to NY there was actual damage to the hull in the front that needed to be repaired. Just goes to show you the N Atlantic can get rough in the fall and winter. Of course the QE2 with it's V hull would have plowed right through those waves at 20 knots. Some ships are made for rough seas while most are not.

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I have always heard the real cruise from Hell dates back to 2001 on the Zenith and NCL Dream coming back from Bermuda and getting into the so called Storm Of The Century. Yes, the same storm the Movie was made about.


That storm was from the early 1990's. The movie was only a year old in 2001.

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Oh yes, that is correct because it happened the year after I was on the Horizon. I Don't know why I typed 2001.


Perfect Storm 1991 - Dreamward maiden voyage Dec 1992 - that said I was on the Dreamward (Dream before the strech) in 97 when the the Zenith returned to NY with hull damage and broken windows. I was on a 13 day repo ending in NY for the first Bermuda Cruise of the season.


The story has a lot in common with this trip on the Majesty. It shows the respective wisdom of the captains. Both the Zenith and the Dreamward departed Bermuda at the same time. Both hit 30-40 foot seas. Lots in comon with this trip. TVs falling. I have tape of an older gentleman falling through the glass divider between the hallway and the Four Seasons that was there before the strech. The ship sounded like it was hitting a wall over and over and felt like someone was on the and off the brakes.


All the doors to the deck areas were locked. The Terrices dining room was closed. The GAR company did their show in chairs. We ate dinner in the Bistro with 6 other passengers.


The difference in the two trips. We did not get into NY until 6 PM. The Captain of the Dreamward slowed the ship to a safe spead. The Zenth pushed ahead got in to NY just a couple hours late and paid the price.


There was no storm just two giant highs. One off the New England cost and one south of Bermuda creating 50- 60 knot west winds and seas like I have never seen.

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Lady8 2004:

Had to register so that i could encourage you to contact NCL. The same evening of the accident (or morning, to be exact) I called home myself. I had just finished typing an email on Deck 5 in the Internet Cafe saying that I was a bit scared, and had just heard a lady screaming...that a window had broken.


Having survived the stress of hearing the screams, seeing the people RUNNING down the corridor yelling to get back to the cabins for life jackets...and then seeing the Internet Manager calming telling me that he would be shutting down the computers...as I looked up and saw water RUSHING down the corridor in the MIDDLE of the ship...on its middle deck..... I simply wanted to call home and say "Well, don't worry about that email. We are still afloat...but please don't come to the pier tomorrow at 7AM, because we won't be there!"


So.. I made the call at 12:30am Sunday morning. I talked (to be more precise, I kind of breathlessly rambled) for about 15 minutes. I needed to 'talk off' the whole experience of running w/ lifejacket in tow up to my station, trying to find where my lifeboat was and -having SEEN the water - being absolutely CERTAIN I would be on a lifeboat in minutes.


The next morning - although i saw no one in my corridor for the whole rest of the day - they had managed to slip me my on-board bill. There was my call for $89.25.


I went up to the purser's desk, and told them to remove the charge from my bill. After an initial response of "You may be partially refunded, since we are giving everyone 5 minutes free today.", I calmly (and politely) responded that I would be getting the entire charge removed, and asked when I could follow up to see if that had been done. When I returned later that evening to inquire, they told me that the charge had been removed.


I would HIGHLY recommend that you call NCL to have them reimburse you for your calls.


Also...I had a couple of responses while reading this thread:

Yes, I believe with all they had to handle, the crew did a good job. I can't imagine working in those circumstances.

I thought that the captain did us a disservice by not staying back for another day, but I also got the impression from all his announcements, that he really did think that the storm would abate.


HOWEVER, I truly believe the CRUISE LINE could have done a better job of handling the aftermath. At the very least they could have compensated with free well drinks for the afternoon...or some nominal sort of compensation. Nothing big...just enough to acknowledge that we had been through, as the captain said in one announcement "a rather remarkable voyage".


Lastly.... Really, unless you have been in someone's shoes, or been EXACTLY where they were, don't judge so harshly someone's opinion.

We are all different...and react in many different ways in times of crisis! :)


This was my very FIRST cruise...and I can say that I would like to go on another... but most probably not again on the Majesty (unfortunately)



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Thanks for the input, I heard it was on Fox25 news last week. Did you here anything about it? I heard it was being investigated and maybe we will get some kind of refund all I'm looking for is the calls to be removed. I had to make a few calls since my kids where in 2 different places and since they kept changing the times. I didn't even add my calls up, but I know it was alot. oh ya did you know that the railing was missing a piece even before all this happened? My thoughts are that it wasn't strong enough because it wasn't connected and thats what went threw the window. If the railing was fixed from the beginning this probaly wouldn't of happened.

Lady8 2004:

Had to register so that i could encourage you to contact NCL. The same evening of the accident (or morning, to be exact) I called home myself. I had just finished typing an email on Deck 5 in the Internet Cafe saying that I was a bit scared, and had just heard a lady screaming...that a window had broken.


Having survived the stress of hearing the screams, seeing the people RUNNING down the corridor yelling to get back to the cabins for life jackets...and then seeing the Internet Manager calming telling me that he would be shutting down the computers...as I looked up and saw water RUSHING down the corridor in the MIDDLE of the ship...on its middle deck..... I simply wanted to call home and say "Well, don't worry about that email. We are still afloat...but please don't come to the pier tomorrow at 7AM, because we won't be there!"


So.. I made the call at 12:30am Sunday morning. I talked (to be more precise, I kind of breathlessly rambled) for about 15 minutes. I needed to 'talk off' the whole experience of running w/ lifejacket in tow up to my station, trying to find where my lifeboat was and -having SEEN the water - being absolutely CERTAIN I would be on a lifeboat in minutes.


The next morning - although i saw no one in my corridor for the whole rest of the day - they had managed to slip me my on-board bill. There was my call for $89.25.


I went up to the purser's desk, and told them to remove the charge from my bill. After an initial response of "You may be partially refunded, since we are giving everyone 5 minutes free today.", I calmly (and politely) responded that I would be getting the entire charge removed, and asked when I could follow up to see if that had been done. When I returned later that evening to inquire, they told me that the charge had been removed.


I would HIGHLY recommend that you call NCL to have them reimburse you for your calls.


Also...I had a couple of responses while reading this thread:

Yes, I believe with all they had to handle, the crew did a good job. I can't imagine working in those circumstances.

I thought that the captain did us a disservice by not staying back for another day, but I also got the impression from all his announcements, that he really did think that the storm would abate.


HOWEVER, I truly believe the CRUISE LINE could have done a better job of handling the aftermath. At the very least they could have compensated with free well drinks for the afternoon...or some nominal sort of compensation. Nothing big...just enough to acknowledge that we had been through, as the captain said in one announcement "a rather remarkable voyage".


Lastly.... Really, unless you have been in someone's shoes, or been EXACTLY where they were, don't judge so harshly someone's opinion.

We are all different...and react in many different ways in times of crisis! :)


This was my very FIRST cruise...and I can say that I would like to go on another... but most probably not again on the Majesty (unfortunately)



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No heart feelings here, :D your comments are fine and I believe everyone has there own story. Did you here anything about the people that where boarding when we where getting off? I can't even believe that they had to go back to Bermuda in that ship. I wouldn't be happy seeing all the water damage and the shops where closed and just everything a mess I would think it was the worst ship ever, if I didn't know the story behind it all.

lady82004-I was not intending to dispute any of your account. It was an impressive calm description. My comments were intended towards those that appeared to blame NCL, find fault, wether alarms went off, crew reaction etc. Perhaps I was not clear, I apologize.

Your experience was to say the least scary, without any doubt. I was trying to point out how emergency plans on vessels do in fact call for limited alarm activation ( does not mean passengers will not hear them). This is intended to limit response and perhaps maintain a sense of normal in other areas.

People in need find that time passes "slowly'. This does not mean people affected by the emergency do not have the right to be serioulsy stressed by the event.

While I did not get scared when a wave hit mefishing, my friends were. I have to admit, water on deck 5 on the Majesty is a bit of a issue ( I was not very clear on that). I know for a fact at least 1/2 of the 12 famly members on our cruise would have "freaked out'.

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i was on the majesty during all of this i was in the rendevous lounge when the "incident" happened and i have never seen such complete chaotic terror in my life even if you were on the ship you cant understand unless you saw what those of us in the lounge at the time saw it seriously felt like i was on the titanic there was broken glass and water everywhere and smoke people running screaming including crew memebers which i dont blame them for it was terrifying i pretty much just froze luckily my friend was with me she was yelling for me to get moving. i didnt really sleep the whole rest of the trip because i just kept seeing the poor man whoo was all bloody. but now im off the ship and i can look back at the whole experience differently halloween was the weekend after and i didnt have a costume so i went as a norwegian majesty survivor haha.

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HOWEVER, I truly believe the CRUISE LINE could have done a better job of handling the aftermath. At the very least they could have compensated with free well drinks for the afternoon...or some nominal sort of compensation. Nothing big...just enough to acknowledge that we had been through, as the captain said in one announcement "a rather remarkable voyage".
I'm sorry but I don't agree that the cruise line should offer refunds of any kind when things like this happen. Yes, letting everyone call home at their expense is expected. But wanting something else for free? I guess I don't get how getting something for free makes it better. If I was terrorized as many have said, how does a free drink make that better? You said the captain mentioned the rather remarkable journey...that was acknowledgement of what happened. I've been on transatlantic flights with turbulance so bad that I was physically ill. I knew we were going to plunge to the ocean. I never got anything from the airline except the captain apologizing for the bumpy ride.
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i was on the majesty during all of this i was in the rendevous lounge when the "incident" happened and i have never seen such complete chaotic terror in my life even if you were on the ship you cant understand unless you saw what those of us in the lounge at the time saw it seriously felt like i was on the titanic there was broken glass and water everywhere and smoke people running screaming including crew memebers which i dont blame them for it was terrifying i pretty much just froze luckily my friend was with me she was yelling for me to get moving. i didnt really sleep the whole rest of the trip because i just kept seeing the poor man whoo was all bloody. but now im off the ship and i can look back at the whole experience differently halloween was the weekend after and i didnt have a costume so i went as a norwegian majesty survivor haha.



i was on that ship that got back to boston on the 25th i have never considered myself claustrophobic until the last few nights on that ship i thought i was going to die that night. i was in bed sleeping and my friend came running to my room telling me we had to go that there was water and smoke everywhere and some guy was bleeding i was soooooo scared i will never set foot on a cruise ship ever again which is too bad because up until that happened i was really enjoying myself.


And anyone should find these posts credible :rolleyes:


"How can you be in two places at once when you're really noplace at all"

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I have read with great interest, the perspectives of other passengers on board the Majesty. I know we were not alone in our terror. You had to see it to believe it. We have been on 4 other cruises and LOVED cruising. After this trip though, we won't cruise again. Here are several points that haven't been addressed:1. Reimbursement: What about missing a day of work? My husband and I had Monday all arranged and both of us had important meetings. Because my husband is a sales rep, he had to reschedule an important meeting with a client. No one had mentioned this aspect of this disastrous cruise. Also, my mother, who was caring for our son, had to miss both Sunday and Monday. How can Norwegian not acknowledge this huge inconvenience and loss of wages? I am paid by the hour and Monday ended up being unpaid....2. The captain: why didn't he leave early or go to Florida like another ship did? What was his motivation in sailing through the storm, financial? 3. Announcements: Was the captain being 100% truthful when he told us better weather was right ahead? And, where were the specialists that were supposed to meet us when we disembarked? I believe he announced this to redirect people's anger........so, passengers would begin to think about spouting off to the "specialists from Miami"...rather than take their anger out on the crew. Did anyone think of that? Did that bother anyone? I am still upset with how things turned out. The Majesty cruise was our first "official" vacation in over 10 years....and the last three days were harrowing, to say the least. The captain should not have gone out in those seas. When we were in BDA on Thursday, people on the ship behind us told us there was a huge storm at sea and that their captain was leaving that afternoon, 1 day early, to go around it. This was NOT a rogue storm. My mother saw the storm on Good Morning America. Why are people saying that these events occur on the ocean, etc.....not true in this case. It WAS forecast. 4. Fellow passengers that found people's terror and panic funny: shame on you. Where is your compassion? You are gleeful about the fact that you weren't shaken up. Well, most people that we spoke with were. You guys are in the minority. I don't know why you'd laugh at other peoples pain. Shame, shame.

More later...Thanks for listening. Feel free to respond!

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Were you on the ship? If so, what is your perspective?
Why does someone have to have been on this cruise in order to express an opinion? People come to the boards to share their story. People comment on it. An opinion isn't negated because the poster wasn't there. It's an opinion...that's all.
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Here are several points that haven't been addressed:1. Reimbursement: What about missing a day of work? My husband and I had Monday all arranged and both of us had important meetings. Because my husband is a sales rep, he had to reschedule an important meeting with a client. No one had mentioned this aspect of this disastrous cruise. Also, my mother, who was caring for our son, had to miss both Sunday and Monday. How can Norwegian not acknowledge this huge inconvenience and loss of wages? I am paid by the hour and Monday ended up being unpaid

Would you be calling an airline and demanding lost wages because your flights were delayed due to storms? This happens all over the country every day, but people don't demand reimbursement or recompense from the airlines. Just a thought on point number one.

2. The captain: why didn't he leave early or go to Florida like another ship did? What was his motivation in sailing through the storm, financial?


First of all, the other ship you are referring to went to Florida because they had an extremely ill child on board, who required immediate medical attention. The ship docked, dropped off the child and his parents along with their luggage, and promptly continued on their way north - through the same storm we were in. The only reason they had to do this is because helicopters could not fly in the weather. Ships, on the other hand, are built to withstand what we went through, and much more. The captain's motivation in heading north was surely to get people back as close to on-time as was possible- which is important, as evidenced by the outrage you displayed about having lost wages and inconvenienced your family members. I wonder, though, would you have been as outraged about losing those wages if your free extra day on board the ship had been in fair weather?

3. Announcements: Was the captain being 100% truthful when he told us better weather was right ahead? And, where were the specialists that were supposed to meet us when we disembarked? I believe he announced this to redirect people's anger........so, passengers would begin to think about spouting off to the "specialists from Miami"...rather than take their anger out on the crew. Did anyone think of that? Did that bother anyone? I am still upset with how things turned out. The Majesty cruise was our first "official" vacation in over 10 years....and the last three days were harrowing, to say the least. The captain should not have gone out in those seas. When we were in BDA on Thursday, people on the ship behind us told us there was a huge storm at sea and that their captain was leaving that afternoon, 1 day early, to go around it. This was NOT a rogue storm. My mother saw the storm on Good Morning America. Why are people saying that these events occur on the ocean, etc.....not true in this case. It WAS forecast.


First of all, there were representatives of NCL clearly visible in the Black Falcon Terminal, and outside the terminal as well. I cannot imagine how you missed them - they were all wearing very obvious scarves and ties and carrying clipboards. I personally witnessed them having consultations with a number of passengers.

Secondly, it is unfortunate that this was your first official vacation in ten years, but it is certainly not NCL's fault that the seas were very rough. Now, with regard to the forecast - I have done extensive research into the weather at sea from Bermuda to Boston, beginning on Wednesday 10/20 and through the following Wednesday. I have studied the data from ships and bouys, and from the NWS. The captains of all four cruise ships which were caught in that storm all made the same decision, based on the same information which I researched. The "front" was NOT expected to develop into the storm it became. The Captain was not lying to us - he was telling us the truth based on the information he was given. Additionally, I could find no information to support your claim that any ships left Bermuda a day early - I can, however, find evidence that a ship left St. Georges and moved to Hamilton as part of it's scheduled itinerary. It left Hamilton and continued north on Friday as scheduled, as well.

4. Fellow passengers that found people's terror and panic funny: shame on you. Where is your compassion? You are gleeful about the fact that you weren't shaken up. Well, most people that we spoke with were. You guys are in the minority. I don't know why you'd laugh at other peoples pain. Shame, shame.


Why shouldn't we be gleeful about the fact that we weren't shaken up? I'm a particularly joyful person on any given day, and find the good in all things. I rather enjoyed the wild seas, as did my husband and the other couple with whom we were travelling. I also rather enjoyed a free day of vacation! Now as far as being in the minority - what makes you so sure? Did you poll everyone on board? We found lots of other passengers who were thoroughly enjoying the adventure, and captured many of them on video laughing and having a great time, in spite of the weather - in fact, because of it. With regard to your remark that we found your terror and panic funny - please - quote what has been said on this messageboard to substantiate your claim? I don't think any of us have in any way indicated that we found humor in any individual's terror or pain. Many of us simply made the best of the situation, while others made the worst of it. Life is like that.

Finally, Swoosh2005 makes a very valid point. Read all your documentation - front and back. If you had done this prior to sailing - perhaps you wouldn't have taken the trip. If you did read it, and still took the trip - then had the audacity to blame the Captain for your misery, then shame on you!

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I simply wanted to state my feelings/opinions about the Majesty, not make anyone angry. The reason I feel those were "gleeful" are in the minority? Just reading the other postings indicates that, and we DID speak with many on board who found the trip harrowing. I am intrigued by the fact that some posters seem to take some of the comments personally....it has nothing to do with you. You don't need to defend Norwegian. People are allowed to say and feel what they want. I, too, am a "joyful" person, however, I did not find joy in anything on that ship from Friday to Monday. And, lost wages aren't the only factor with missing a day of work. My husband and I had people lined up to see us and I take my commitments seriously, so it ended up they were inconvenienced too. It is what it is, and there's no point in saying what might have been, like if it had been a pleasant day at sea would I still be upset at missing Monday? For the record, I would still have been upset, knowing that people expected me to be somewhere to meet them. I feel bad enough about the experience, and don't expect posters to be defensive about something that has nothing to do with them, unless of course, you have some unknown connection to NCL!!!!! It's all about perspective and yours is different from ours and that's fine. Let's leave it at that.

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I've been following this threat with interest and I was not there but would like to make a few general comments - Yes I'm sure it was very frightening and uncomfortable but like others I would have tried to make the best of a bad situation (that has to be done many times in life not only on sea on vacation). I too would have felt bad about the inconvience it would have caused many people but it is a fact of life that things happen. Not all goes as we want it to. This is one of the reasons I usually pay for cruise air so that if something happens at least they will help make other arrangements. As far as reimbursement come on it was one of those things and I for one feel bad that people think they must be reimbursed for every little inconvience and also that our society is so sue happy. I could site many examples but will just leave it at this. Don't go on any vacation land or sea and expect all to go as you want it to. Always little things and sometime big things happen. I sure under these circumstances I would have been frightened but would have tried to make the best of it and "go with the flow" being very upset does nothing but make it worse.


Just my take on it as an outsider looking in.

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I have read with great interest, the perspectives of other passengers on board the Majesty. ...


Here are several points that haven't been addressed:



Fellow passengers that found people's terror and panic funny: shame on you. ....


Shame, shame. ...


More later...Thanks for listening. Feel free to respond!

Questions were posed - I answered them.

Aspersions were cast - I replied.

Responses were welcome - I responded.


We are equally entitled to post our thoughts and opinions.


For the record, I have no affiliation with, or "unknown connection" to NCL.

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I feel bad enough about the experience, and don't expect posters to be defensive about something that has nothing to do with them, unless of course, you have some unknown connection to NCL!!!!! It's all about perspective and yours is different from ours and that's fine. Let's leave it at that.
It's difficult to leave it at that when you accuse members here of having some kind of connection to NCL and their bottom line just because someone questioned your posting. It seems that it's easy to make those accusations because you don't like that someone else had a differing opinion. That's uncalled for. That's my own personal opinion. As for you, your expereince was what it was. Thanks for sharing it.
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