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Newbies question on tipping


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[quote name='firefly333']You do eat on the ship somewhere so those waiters in the dining room who also do shifts in the buffet or whever are getting no tips.

Unless you are taking your own food, I dont understand why you would do this. If you eat in a buffet style restaurant you dont tip there either? Even though folks are still clearing your table and bringing you drinks?[/quote]
Amen Firefly......if we were paid the few bucks those people get paid for the hours they work, most of us (hopefully) would be ashamed to not leave the tips as assigned. We always tip extra on top if the tips taken and especially, don't forget the Maitre 'D. They truly make very little in salary and depend on the tips to help support their families, (children) at home. :o
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[quote name='Michelle M']Amen Firefly......if we were paid the few bucks those people get paid for the hours they work, most of us (hopefully) would be ashamed to not leave the tips as assigned. We always tip extra on top if the tips taken and especially, don't forget the Maitre 'D. They truly make very little in salary and depend on the tips to help support their families, (children) at home. :o[/quote]
Yes, but CCL's own documentation indicates a certain amount for Lido staff, and that's what he pays. I understand everyone's point, but the problem seems to be with the way CCL chooses to break it down and communicate it.
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[quote name='picklebongo']If it is as cotton asserts and others have agreed with her, that the suggested tip for Lido waitstaff is a dollar a day and $5.50 for the dining room, it appears as though excited cruiser is following the Carnival dictates. Granted you may disagree with her, but Carnival should not break up the tips based on areas of dining since staff work in multiple areas.[/quote]

And I just realized that you wrote pretty much what I did. First. Maybe I subsconsciously plagiarized you.
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[quote name='Michelle M']Amen Firefly......if we were paid the few bucks those people get paid for the hours they work, most of us (hopefully) would be ashamed to not leave the tips as assigned. We always tip extra on top if the tips taken and especially, don't forget the Maitre 'D. They truly make very little in salary and depend on the tips to help support their families, (children) at home. :o[/quote]

Sorry people should not tip because of ones income. Tipping is for service IMO........
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[quote name='VentureMan_2000']So in essence, you are tipping 33 cents for each meal on the LIDO deck for someone to provide service to you, and clear your place... and I'm only assuming you used the Lido Deck 3 times a day.

Is 33 cents what you normally TIP...?

There is only one reason to remove a TIP... and that's to be Cheap. Use whatever words you want to justify... but lets be clear... your actions indicate you are Cheap, while you likely hope people focus on your words. :cool:[/quote]

And I would think waiting on the Lido is much more work than the dining room.. Some people always make and leave a mess...
I guess those trays of food magically appear and refill themselves.. and dirty dishes and glasses.. just hop into the dishwasher...:rolleyes: ;)
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[quote name='Wennfred']I have no comments because I just finished up a bottle of wine and having some Cheez-its and feeling really wooooo hello, the room is now spinning Yippy ~~~ :D anyways, once again no comments, the last time I made a comment on this very same issue, I was banned for a week LOL.


Fred the room spinning is another thread... lol
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[quote name='Cotton'][B]Well, pickle...it's not what [I][COLOR=darkred]I say[/COLOR][/I], but what Carnival has had in their info booklets, online, etc. for a long, long time. [/B]

[B]$5.50 dining room waitstaff[/B]
[B]$3.50 cabin steward[/B]
[B]$1.00 Lido buffet/bistro staff[/B][/quote]

And since it's the same staff servicing both areas.. its not a break up, its the tip that is given to those areas?.. Just trying to understand the tip removers' logic, if there is any...
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[quote name='trock']And since it's the same staff servicing both areas.. its not a break up, its the tip that is given to those areas?.. Just trying to understand the tip removers' logic, if there is any...[/quote]

lol Trock, logic to been stingy???


They have no excuse and all of them know what they are doing.
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[quote name='Michelle M']...especially, don't forget the Maitre 'D. They truly make very little in salary and depend on the tips to help support their families, (children) at home. :o[/quote]

[B]Not true. The Matire d' is a salaried employee and makes very good wages. [/B]

[B]I tip a MD only if he has performed a special service for me. Otherwise, if he is good at running the dining room, he is earning his salary.:) [/B]
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[quote name='Leo Jay']As much as I hate cheapness, the way Carnival breaks it down, it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that someone would think it appropriate to remove tips for a service he/she isn't using. I understand the idea that the staff moves around, but since that's the case CCL really shouldn't break it down that way. In fact, I don't know why they break it down at all. They should just [U]mandate the $10.00 as a fixed minimum[/U], and tell you you're free to tip additional if you wish. I never really pay attention to the breakdown though, because $10 a day seems pretty modest for the 24hr service and attention anyway...[/quote] Yes, or at least lump all dining services together. $3.50 for cabin steward, $6.50 for food services.

At the risk of sounding stingy as well :o , I have a question. On some of these tipping threads, I've read that the same dining room waiters are also the ones who provide room service. But I'm also told that room service should be tipped separately. Now, we'll probably eat in the dining room most nights, maybe only get room service once or twice, so we'll leave the auto tips and tip the room service guy separately, but what if someone ate every meal in their room? Are they expected to both tip the room service guy and the dining room guy? If they are the same staff, do they get tipped twice that way? Like I said, no biggie if I have room service once or twice, but double the tips would add up for folks who have lots of room sevice.

Then, I also noticed that Camp Carnival offers "dinner with your friends" most nights. If a passenger's kids are eating dinner in the kid's club, who is serving them? Do those servers share in the auto tips, or do they expect separate tips?
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[quote name='trock']And since it's the same staff servicing both areas.. its not a break up, its the tip that is given to those areas?.. Just trying to understand the tip removers' logic, if there is any...[/quote]

But if it's the same staff, CCL shouldn't break it up. How would a customer know it's the same staff? Even so, CCL is choosing for some bizarre reason to indicate how much each portion of the service is worth. They are saying that dining room service is worth $5.50/day and Lido service is worth 1.00/day. CCL is saying that. I don't personally agree with it, but there it is.
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[quote name='Leo Jay']But if it's the same staff, CCL shouldn't break it up. How would a customer know it's the same staff? Even so, CCL is choosing for some bizarre reason to indicate how much each portion of the service is worth. [B]They are saying that dining room service is worth $5.50/day and Lido service is worth 1.00/day.[/B] CCL is saying that. I don't personally agree with it, but there it is.[/quote]

I think you are forgetting that they are distributing based on the assumption that folks eat dinner in the dining room so most of the tips go to the waiter and assistant waiter. They are also assuming you are leaving the tips on your account so they go where Carnival decided was the best division. By removing $5.50 a day, more than half of the per day tips Carnival has allocated, you are not doing as Carnival said, you just are choosing to interpret it that way. Everyone has their own way, you nor I can say which is correct or what Carnival intended. Lets not read something into the distribution.
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[quote name='excitedcruiser']I can tell you as a fact that I have never eaten in the dining rooms. I'm sorry that you don't believe that. It's not my thing. I have only eaten at the buffets and I like to eat at my own time. I am glad that you have your opinion as I have mine. I doubt that it will change anything that a person wants to do. You can dislike what I do and that is fine. I have no problem tipping and I do so according to the service I receive. [COLOR=red]I will not comment on this anymore as I think it has been hashed enough.[/COLOR][/quote]

[quote name='Terry305']Did anyone notice how the person that stir the pot in this thread has dissapear????

Incredible lol


If you mean excitedcruiser she said she was done in her above post.;)
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I can only say one thing after been participating in this forum, the majority of the people tip, and those are the good news lol


There are a lot of people that are very stingy and I can see that many of those workers are not fully compensated, so in other words , some are getting royally stuck by these smart ****^^^******?????:eek:
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[quote name='firefly333']I think you are forgetting that they are distributing based on the assumption that folks eat dinner in the dining room so most of the tips go to the waiter and assistant waiter. They are also assuming you are leaving the tips on your account so they go where Carnival decided was the best division. By removing $5.50 a day, more than half of the per day tips Carnival has allocated, you are not doing as Carnival said, you just are choosing to interpret it that way. Everyone has their own way, you nor I can say which is correct or what Carnival intended. Lets not read something into the distribution.[/quote]

Ah, but I'm not forgetting anything -- I pay my tips and don't worry about the distribution at all. I actually think the tip should be mandatory to avoid both confusion and chiseling. So I'm not interpreting anything in any particular way. I'm simply saying that if someone is specifically told that a certain [U]specific[/U] amount is being charged for a certain [U]specific[/U] service it's not [B]unreasonable[/B] for them to conclude that if they don't use that particular service, there's no reason for them to pay for it. The average customer doesn't come onto cruisecritic.com and dissect these things to the nth degree. They kind of, you know, take things at face value.

Yes, there are some people are determined to be cheap, and who, despite truly understanding how it works, will come up with all sorts of rationalizations for not paying for what they really know they ought to be paying for. But it's no use worrying about those people, if they're determined to be cheap, they're going to be cheap, no use me complaining about it, it's their money not mine. If Carnival thinks it's enough of a problem, they'll change the way they do it.
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[quote name='Leo Jay']But it's no use worrying about those people, if they're determined to be cheap, they're going to be cheap, no use me complaining about it, [B][COLOR=red]it's their money not mine. If Carnival thinks it's enough of a problem, they'll change the way they do it[/COLOR][/B].[/quote][URL="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shirleymajors.com/images/smiley_with_thumbs_up.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.shirleymajors.com/&h=398&w=654&sz=19&hl=en&start=1&um=1&usg=__mxdKvtsSHWBFjJbeBtBkavu9Zb8=&tbnid=rltCYpUJHLxkjM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=138&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthumbs%2Bup%2Bsmiley%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX"][IMG]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:rltCYpUJHLxkjM:http://www.shirleymajors.com/images/smiley_with_thumbs_up.gif[/IMG][/URL]
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[quote name='Leo Jay']^Which is not to be taken in any way as an endorsement of cheepbasturdism.

Absolutely not!:) But sometimes donchathink some take it way beyond far to try to justify [I]why people are cheap[/I] then the cheapos themselves:D Over and over and over and well you get the picture;)
Like you said if it were that big of a problem Carnival will deal with it.........and they should......
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[quote name='Kurbanfan']Absolutely not!:) But sometimes donchathink some take it way beyond far to try to justify [I]why people are cheap[/I] then the cheapos themselves:D Over and over and over and well you get the picture;)
Like you said if it were that big of a problem Carnival will deal with it.........and they should......[/quote]

Auto-tips IS the solution. People skipping the final [tipping] night's dinner to avoid tipping was the problem. The hassle of removing auto-tips is evidently effective enough to stop the routinely cheap from removing their tips. Those [the OP] whose "life basis" is to be as cheap as possible at all times, are beyond an effective remedy.

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[quote name='Kurbanfan']Absolutely not!:) But sometimes donchathink some take it way beyond far to try to justify [I]why people are cheap[/I] then the cheapos themselves:D Over and over and over and well you get the picture;)
Like you said if it were that big of a problem Carnival will deal with it.........and they should......[/quote]
No, you misunderstand. I'm not justifying cheapness. I'm trying to explain that while some people clearly are deliberately cheap, others might simply be mis-interpreting the guidelines.

Because some people seem unwilling to or incapable of understanding this distinction, I try and try to make it clearer for them in progressively more simple language. But I'll keep trying if people keep misunderstanding. I'll go down to 2 syllable words next time.
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[quote name='Leo Jay']No, you misunderstand. I'm not justifying cheapness. I'm trying to explain that while some people clearly are deliberately cheap, others might simply be mis-interpreting the guidelines.

Because some people seem unwilling to or incapable of understanding this distinction, I try and try to make it clearer for them in progressively more simple language. But I'll keep trying if people keep misunderstanding. I'll go down to 2 syllable words next time.

You misunderstood me.......I was not talking about you;)
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[quote name='dan40']Auto-tips IS the solution. People skipping the final [tipping] night's dinner to avoid tipping was the problem. The hassle of removing auto-tips is evidently effective enough to stop the routinely cheap from removing their tips. Those [the OP] whose "life basis" is to be as cheap as possible at all times, are beyond an effective remedy.


I agree! I don't think there is a problem............
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