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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Marlene, you are really a good motivator for everyone.


I vote we all get a do-over on Wednesday. I believe LiteWait will be back at her Thanksgivine Goal, Marlene will break the next decade, and Bonnie will have dropped her couple pounds too since she is feeling better now.


I know I should be proud of loosing 2.2 lbs but the weight loss clinic told me to anticipate 2-4 lbs a week. I'm selfish ... I want the full 4 lbs a week!!!


So who's in for a do-over on Wednesday? ;)


Marlene and I are going to limit ourself to Turkey and Green Beans on Thursday .... NOT. Just remember Marlene I'm going to be sitting across the table from you eyeing everything your eat. :eek: I'm really anxious to see you and how good you must be looking by now.

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Nana #2:


Are you saying you went to a Thanksgiving lunch TODAY? Ouch! Ok - even if you don't like water, start drinking it for the next 2 1/2 days and see what happens. I'm actually proud of you in that you said you had 1/2 slice of one pie and sliver of another. My philosophy is that when I get in that situation, get small helpings - just a small spoonful/ a taste to satisfy that taste bud or craving. And try your best to avoid the bread. Desserts - got to taste them sometimes. LOL


Ok - go get that water and push it down. Can't be any worse that the Protein shots, could it?



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A do over. Pre-Thanksgiving weigh in.. I would like to lose the 2 lbs by Wed am but I don't know. If I did I wouldn't feel so bad when I gain them back Thanksgiving day..:rolleyes:


I will check in with my Weight Wed. am. I will be leaving out of town shortly there after to my parents. I will try and check in up there. Believe it or not, they still have dial up in the Mnts. so it can be Slooow sometimes. I hope everyone is having a great week, safe travels and don't beat yourself up to much over a one day spluge on Thur!


Anyone doing Black Fri, shopping?


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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A do over. Pre-Thanksgiving weigh in.. I would like to lose the 2 lbs by Wed am but I don't know. If I did I wouldn't feel so bad when I gain them back Thanksgiving day..:rolleyes:


I will check in with my Weight Wed. am. I will be leaving out of town shortly there after to my parents. I will try and check in up there. Believe it or not, they still have dial up in the Mnts. so it can be Slooow sometimes. I hope everyone is having a great week, safe travels and don't beat yourself up to much over a one day spluge on Thur!


Anyone doing Black Fri, shopping?


Happy Cruising & Losing!




Ok - I'll post on Wednesday as well. Hopefully, my weight will not jump up. Then I would be very depressed on Thanksgiving. I've been really good today - very few calories. Protein shot this morning, protein bar at lunch, small 50 calorie bag of beef jery for snack, and grilled salmon and turnip greens w/vinegar for supper. Husband had big plate of onion rings. They can make it so hard for you to stay on your diet. So glad I don't have kids running around, that would be harder. I'm feeling better this evening so hopefully I can get up in the morning and work on the Zumba DVD for 15 minutes or so. Too cold right now for outdoor walk!!


Good luck all with your Thanksgiving weekend weight, but also enjoy yourself. LOL - do those two go together?:confused: Just remember not to beat yourself up over going off the diet a little on Thursday. Then jump back on the diet starting Friday and drink lots of water!!!


As for Christmas shopping, I'm about to get it done (mostly sitting her in my recliner and shopping online), but yes I will out on Black Friday. My husband and I are going to get in a fight (with others) at Walmart at 5:00 a.m. Friday morning. They will probably have one item of what we want and 50 of us wanting it. LOL Can't believe my husband wants to do that.


I'm also working on my infamous calendar that I do for my family. Robin can give you more information on that. You should see the faces of everyone when they start flipping through it and find that incriminating picture.............yeap, usually of my dear sister. :D This year will be no different.



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I will not .... I absolutely refuse to discuss the family calendar! :eek:

Let's just say that in 2009 my resolution is to find a way to get even with my sister!


This will be the first black Friday I will miss in the past 15 years with the exception of the year I was cruising. This year I will be working til 7:30am so the really good deals will be gone before I can get there. Marlene, you need to plan on getting there about 3am if its opening at 5am. If its a really good deal you are going after better get there even earlier. I'm jealous, wish my husband would do Black Friday shopping. Fortunatly, my son will be out and about this year so I will give him money and a shopping list. The good thing is that many places have Black Friday shopping online now. In fact, Walmart may be one of them.


If any of you are members of organizations that needs a good fundraiser. We watched a ball club last year sell Hot Chocolate on Black Friday to people who were there waiting in lines for the stores to open last year. They must have made a couple hundred dollars in 30 minutes. Heck, perhaps we should have a "Goin Cruisin" fund raiser.

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Hi guys - I'm back - count me back in. Have a picture to post but have to get email from co-worker that has it. Benefit went off wonderfully - the only hitch was the big Chicago Christmas lighting parade went practically past the door of the Trump Tower where we were. That meant the police wouldn't let the guests thru --OOOPS! Finally the hotel called the right office and got that square away. Instant crowd appeared. My assistant for the evening happened to be a volunteer who has made a career of teaching belly dancing and calinetics for over 35 years. Very interesting gal and of course this teeny little body. (She used to coach Michael Jordan's wife) Looked MUCH younger than her 57 years and very nice too. Don't you just hate it?:p

BTW, I thought I was late for weigh in and here its moved to Wednesday - love it. I weighed in at 168 - (that's good news) Got lazy about dieting for a while and had bounced few lbs back up. So, I'm not complaining - still in the lower decade. If I "lapse" again from posting - do me a favor and just drag me back in somehow. I was reading posts but not posting. Think I was getting ready to do my typical quitting - Shame On ME - Twigs are not allowed to quit!

Like the Wed. weight in idea - keep us on track and ready for Turkey Day. Personally I think I'll concentrate my eating on stuffing and cranberries (LOVE both) The pumpkin pie is my next downfall - cut off the crust I don't need that - then I can have more filling. Yum! Gonna take that suggestion and start downing tons of water tonight. Yes, I can enjoy Thanksgiving without being stuffed like a turkey - Gobble Gobble!

Doing my shopping online on Black Friday. My hope is to get it all ordered by that Sunday and then just sit back and wait for the packages to arrive. Works for me!;) Good luck to you with hitting the early a.m. sales. We did 5:00 Walmart opening year after year but boy did we get the deals - especially on toys for the grandkids!
Remember what Nana said:
[COLOR=darkorange]Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels![/COLOR]

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Checked Promowave tonight for Royal Caribbean discounts. This is what came up so apparently its finally operational again. I didn't find any discount I could use but hope that you do. Here's the link -


Good luck!;)

(That makes my third post in a row - told you I was back. ):D
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Glad you guys had a great fund raiser in Chicago and so glad you are back on board. So, we all know now that if we don't hear from Mango, start "chatting" with her anyway. She's still reading the posts!

I've struggled for the past 2 weeks with my weight with a total of 2 lbs lost in 2 weeks. (I did have a trip in there). My weight did drop yesterday morning by 1.8 lbs. Then I got up this morning and I'm down another 1.4 lbs more! Don't you just love it when suddenly you have the "big drop". I looked back at my daily weigh in chart and it happens periodically. So as of this morning I'm at 28 lb post - new weight 169.6. Robin, you said if we waited until Wednesday, I'd be down into the next decade. I thought, yeah right...... Of course, I still have to get through the next 24 hours until our next "official weigh in". I'm praying I can still be at 169.6 in the morning. I'm so tired of the big "7". It wasn't very good to me.

Robin and my mom called yesterday to ask what we could eat with the turkey. She said she was not going to make the mac & cheese this year - didn't want to tempt us. She's gotten on board with our weight loss goals. The others there may not appreciate the "missing M & C". She also asked if I was going to a family get together on Saturday. I told her I could only handle one big meal in a week and I was NOT going to watch everyone else eat. That was just wait too cruel.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hi Sass. So glad you haven't forgotten about us. We've missed you and your pictures. Congratulatoins on the "new decade". Just promise when work slows down you'll come back in and join us - we don't want to lose touch with you. Yes, during these economic times, there are worse things than being busy at work.

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I'm game to move every weigh-in to Wednesdays!!! Weighing in on Monday has never been good for me, especially after a particularly bad "weakend". This past one must have been extremely bad with a two pound gain yesterday and a 2/10 pound gain again today!!! I was good at lunch, though, and had a grilled chicken salad with fat free dressing. What I NEED to do is exercise, but I can find all kinds of excuses right now not to, but they'd be just that -- excuses. I'm beginning to feel the pressure of having our cruise 2 1/2 weeks away and I have SO much to do that it's easy to make excuses.

Welcome back, Mango and Sass. We missed you. Wonder if PunkiC is reading but not responding? PunkiC, where are you????

There's another lady on our cruise that has recently lost 40 pounds. She and I may end up being walking buddies while cruising. But, like I told her, it really depends on what the ship is offering at the time as to whether I will remain committed to walking like I plan to. It's been over 14 years since our last cruise and I've never done 7 nights, so I'm afraid the cruise itself will take precedence (sp?) over anything else.

Yes, I had Thanksgiving lunch yesterday. Except for the two tastes of pies, I thought I did okay -- mostly protein with one tablespoon of M&C (I know, I just couldn't resist). And they really were tastes of pies. I have to be honest, though, if I hadn't walked out of there with my sliver of peanut butter pie and not tasted it until I was halfway back to work, I may have eaten the whole pie. It was absolutely delicious.

We're going to Cracker Barrel for lunch on Thursday!!! I'm not much of a cook except for things that take 30 minutes or less to fix, and cooking for Thanksgiving is definitely against my grain. Plus, if we go out we won't have leftovers sitting there screaming my name for days on end. I do plan to cook a boneless turkey breast (for "leftover" turkey) and Robin's low-fat banana pudding (for "leftover" dessert), but that's all. We usually go to my parents' house, but it is a 6 1/2 hour drive there and "DH" has to work on Friday. Plus, we need to stay home with the dog because we're going to be taking him to "camp" while we cruise and it's just not fair to him to put him there more than that. He's still a pain in the you-know-what, but we love him anyway.

Have a great rest of your day!
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Hello everyone!! Marlene sent me over here so I'm checking in. Let me catch you up to speed. I'm 26 and have had 3 babies, 2 of which are a year and 10 days apart so I'm sure you imagine trying to get THAT weight gain off.
I ordered Zumba Mid-Sept and started the day it came in the mail, so I've been doing that 6 days a week for the last month and a half. I'm not big on weighing in because I'm the type that if I'm not seeing results as quickly as I want to, I'll get discouraged and give up. However, I weighed myself in September just to see where I was and I was at 162. Just this past Sunday while over at my In Laws', I weighed myself again and had to ask DH's parents if their scale was correct (which come to find out, it is. They put a 50lb weight on it and adjusted it to be right on) because it said I weighed 132.. 30 lbs in a month and a half, ALRIGHT!! So that has me pretty pumped up along with the fact that all of my clothes are too big so that can only mean I've been losing.
So here we are, 40 days away from sail day and I still have that last little bit. I'm starting to think that I have more toning to do than anything else.
Zumba is a blast!! If you guys are in to dancing, it's a great workout. You can find info at [url]www.zumbafitness.com[/url]. The best part is you forget you're "working out" :)
Anywho, count me in!!!!

CW: 132
Need to lose just a little bit more!
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Marlene ... whatya doing sending Jennifer over here ... heck she's already a T.I.T. (Twig in Training)!!!

Jennifer, welcome to our thread. Perhaps you can give us some encouragement and advice. That's amazing to have lost 30 pounds so quickly. What type of modifications did you do to your diet or was mostly the zumba that you contribute to your weight loss?

Bonnie, fine with me to start weighing on Wednesday. I really don't have a preference one way or the other.

Mango, can't wait to see your pictures.
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[quote name='angelkisses']Marlene ... whatya doing sending Jennifer over here ... heck she's already a T.I.T. (Twig in Training)!!!

Jennifer, welcome to our thread. Perhaps you can give us some encouragement and advice. That's amazing to have lost 30 pounds so quickly. What type of modifications did you do to your diet or was mostly the zumba that you contribute to your weight loss?

Bonnie, fine with me to start weighing on Wednesday. I really don't have a preference one way or the other.

Mango, can't wait to see your pictures.[/quote]

Twig In Training..LOL!!! Thanks for the welcome :P I really didn't do a whole bunch of major modifications and I don't really "diet". I just made myself start eating smaller portions and cut out having so much junk food (that was the hard part!), as well as took myself off soda. I do have the occasional Big Red (red cream soda for those Non Texans ;)) but I don't drink it like it's going out of style anymore. So those things combined with 6 days of Zumba (sometimes 2x per day just because I love it) is what I would say contributed to the weight coming off.

What kind of diet & exercise plans do you guys do? I need to do more toning but I hate crunches. Zumba has helped my stomach a lot though, I will admit that. It's just my lower abs that I've always had a problem shaping.
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Welcome, JuJuBee and CONGRATULATIONS on such a wonderful weight loss in such a short time....and without medicine (Angel Kisses/Robin and I depend on prescription appetite suppresants)!!! WAY TO GO! Since Marlene referred you, I assume you live closeby (I'm in Charlotte). You won't find better support than the ladies on this thread, even if I do include myself in the bunch!

Welcome again. Check back in from time to time (for most, it's more than once a day) for all the support you need.

Weigh in tomorrow, ladies. I sure hope those two nasty pounds are gone then! I've been very good today and even though I'm not back to 100%, I walked the steps up to thee 11th floor today.

Good night,

P.S. Can't believe I'm just now asking this, but do any of you watch "The Biggest Loser" on Tuesday nights? In years past, I would sit on the couch, eating Breyer's ice cream wondering why I can't lose weight like the contestants do!:o This year? I'm still on the couch so I don't miss a minute of the show, but I eat 60 calorie jello pudding cups or a Skinny Cow while I watch.:D
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Hi Jennifer! Glad you came over. Let me give you some of the background info here. Nana #2 (Bonnie) I found out lives about 20 - 30 minutes from me! Angel Kisses/Robin is actually my younger sister. As you can already tell, we do a lot of chatting on here.

Isn't Sass also doing Zumba? Jennifer, Sass has been working a lot of overtime at work so she hasn't been able to check in as much as before. PunkiC has been traveling lately and not able to check in. Hopefully we will hear back from her soon. She is doing the weighted hula hoops.

Nana #2: No I met Jennifer on another board "30 Lbs to 2/6/09". She has been encouraging me to do Zumba. I've started but I've never been a good dancer so I'm getting there "slowly".

Robin: Yes, Jennifer is already a T.I.T. However, I told her that keeping the weight off now is her biggest challenge and that this group plans to be there for each through 2009 so we don't gain our weight right back. AND she can be an inspiration to us!!!

Bonnie: I watched the first couple episodes of the Biggest Losers but my grandson has been playing indoor soccer on Tuesday nights and I haven't kept up with it.

Look forward to tomorrow's weigh in ...........well maybe I am......LOL

Member of the T.I.T. Club

Remember: [B][COLOR="Red"][I]"Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels"[/I][/COLOR][/B]
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You asked what type of diet we were all on. As mentioned, Bonnie and Robin are going to a weight loss doctor. They have been sharing with us some of the things they've been told, such as starting your day with a certain amount of protein within 3 hours of waking up. I've been starting my day with "Protein Shots". I also keep Protein Bars here as well. If you haven't had a chance, you may want to read through some of our older posts for some of the advice they've gotten from their doctors and have shared with us. Then we remind each other "DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER". And the encouragement and friendship from our group has gone a long way to keep us focused. We hope you will continue checking in with our group.

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[quote name='nana&poppy2526']Welcome, JuJuBee and CONGRATULATIONS on such a wonderful weight loss in such a short time....and without medicine (Angel Kisses/Robin and I depend on prescription appetite suppresants)!!! WAY TO GO! Since Marlene referred you, I assume you live closeby (I'm in Charlotte). You won't find better support than the ladies on this thread, even if I do include myself in the bunch!

Welcome again. Check back in from time to time (for most, it's more than once a day) for all the support you need.

Weigh in tomorrow, ladies. I sure hope those two nasty pounds are gone then! I've been very good today and even though I'm not back to 100%, I walked the steps up to thee 11th floor today.

Good night,

P.S. Can't believe I'm just now asking this, but do any of you watch "The Biggest Loser" on Tuesday nights? In years past, I would sit on the couch, eating Breyer's ice cream wondering why I can't lose weight like the contestants do!:o This year? I'm still on the couch so I don't miss a minute of the show, but I eat 60 calorie jello pudding cups or a Skinny Cow while I watch.:D[/quote]

Hi Bonnie, great to meet you! Thanks for the wonderful welcome and congrats :) I live in a small town in Texas about 50 miles SW of Wichita Falls. My husband grew up here and his parents live just across town so I guess this is where we're planting our roots.

I've never watched "The Biggest Loser". I hear it's a great show...Might start watching it!

Thanks for the welcome again and I look forward to getting to know you guys on here :)
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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']Hi Jennifer! Glad you came over. Let me give you some of the background info here. Nana #2 (Bonnie) I found out lives about 20 - 30 minutes from me! Angel Kisses/Robin is actually my younger sister. As you can already tell, we do a lot of chatting on here.

Isn't Sass also doing Zumba? Jennifer, Sass has been working a lot of overtime at work so she hasn't been able to check in as much as before. PunkiC has been traveling lately and not able to check in. Hopefully we will hear back from her soon. She is doing the weighted hula hoops.

Nana #2: No I met Jennifer on another board "30 Lbs to 2/6/09". She has been encouraging me to do Zumba. I've started but I've never been a good dancer so I'm getting there "slowly".

Robin: Yes, Jennifer is already a T.I.T. However, I told her that keeping the weight off now is her biggest challenge and that this group plans to be there for each through 2009 so we don't gain our weight right back. AND she can be an inspiration to us!!!

Bonnie: I watched the first couple episodes of the Biggest Losers but my grandson has been playing indoor soccer on Tuesday nights and I haven't kept up with it.

Look forward to tomorrow's weigh in ...........well maybe I am......LOL

Member of the T.I.T. Club

Remember: [B][COLOR=Red][I]"Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels"[/I][/COLOR][/B][/quote]

Hey Marlene! That's so cool that you guys live close! You can go hang out :)
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[quote name='NanaOfBKM']Jennifer,

You asked what type of diet we were all on. As mentioned, Bonnie and Robin are going to a weight loss doctor. They have been sharing with us some of the things they've been told, such as starting your day with a certain amount of protein within 3 hours of waking up. I've been starting my day with "Protein Shots". I also keep Protein Bars here as well. If you haven't had a chance, you may want to read through some of our older posts for some of the advice they've gotten from their doctors and have shared with us. Then we remind each other "DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER". And the encouragement and friendship from our group has gone a long way to keep us focused. We hope you will continue checking in with our group.


What kind of protein bars do you get? I've tried some in the past, like when I was in high school while cheerleading and such and I didn't like any of them-they tasted gross lol I like the Special K bars though and Nutri-Grains.. That used to be my lunch in school-2 Nutri-Grains and a bottle of water or maybe a chicken salad, 1 NG and water..maybe that's why I was skinnier back then LOL!

I will definately be checking in often. I usually get on the CC site a few times a day to check my threads that I post in so I'm sure you'll see me on here a lot :)

Thanks so much to all of you for making me feel welcome and a part of the group :) LET'S DO THIS!!!
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Welcome JUJUBee~

I am the original starter of this thread and group. We welcome everyone. It's a great group with alot of support. I was so impressed with your loss I have started researching the Zumba thing. I walk with Leslie Sansone DVD's everyday, usually atleast 4 miles. I have been dieting since Sept 2nd and have lost right at 20 lbs. I need to lose another 15.

I cruise over New Years so that was my inspiration and then I have another in April. SO by then I should be at goal.

I will try and check in, in the am. I have to have DS at basketball by 8:30 and need to really be at the DMV before that and then we are going to head up to my parents.

Weigh Ins: If everyone wants to weigh in on Wed. from now on that is fine with me. Does anyone not want to change?? That may also help give us a few extra days after Thanksgiving to get back to normal before weigh in on the 3rd.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, not sure I'll be able to checkin until next weekend sometime.

Happy Cruising & Losing!
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[quote name='Litewait']Welcome JUJUBee~

I am the original starter of this thread and group. We welcome everyone. It's a great group with alot of support. I was so impressed with your loss I have started researching the Zumba thing. I walk with Leslie Sansone DVD's everyday, usually atleast 4 miles. I have been dieting since Sept 2nd and have lost right at 20 lbs. I need to lose another 15.

I cruise over New Years so that was my inspiration and then I have another in April. SO by then I should be at goal.

I will try and check in, in the am. I have to have DS at basketball by 8:30 and need to really be at the DMV before that and then we are going to head up to my parents.

Weigh Ins: If everyone wants to weigh in on Wed. from now on that is fine with me. Does anyone not want to change?? That may also help give us a few extra days after Thanksgiving to get back to normal before weigh in on the 3rd.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, not sure I'll be able to checkin until next weekend sometime.

Happy Cruising & Losing!

Thanks Donna :) Zumba is SO FUN!! Marlene is working with Zumba and she's doing great~practice makes perfect! She'll be done with the beginner dvd and on to the 20 minute express in no time :) I'm addicted to it so I don't mind taking 20 minutes out of my morning to jam out..I love it!
Another reason I'm gunning to lose the weight (Marlene, not sure if I told you this yet!) is this coming spring, I'm trying out to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader (I only live 2 hrs north of Dallas) so I HAVE to be able to wear the uniform! My main inspiration is my first cruise in 2003. I'd just had my first baby a few months before and was also taking depo-prevera shots so it was impossible to lose any weight (infact, I gained 30 lbs after I started taking those shots!). I went to the Bahamas on RC with a friend of mine for my 21st bday and while it was fun, it wasn't as much fun as I would have liked. I refused to wear a bathing suit and I just felt horrible so I decided that since this is my & DH's honeymoon/my birthday present, I'm going to have an awesome time and actually SWIM and wear the cute clothes that I used to wear.
Just a little more background for you guys :)
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Hi JuJuBe - wanted to welcome you to our group. You are indeed already a Twig you skinny girl. But I'll bet those young kids keep you hopping!;) Nice group here and we do share our triumphs and backslides with this whole weight issue. Glad to have you join us - Welcome to the T.I.T.s - that is - Twigs in Training!

Was referred back to the ortho surgeon today for knee issues and he told me if I want to help my knee - you guessed it - lose weight. He says 12-15 lbs. lower would be MUCH better on this crazy knee of mine. Obviously I want to avoid knee replacement if I can. So now I have another real valid medical reason (besides all the other ones we know of) to get my rear in gear. Recommended a recumbent bike to give me exercise without stressing the knee. I'm going to look on Craig's list everyday and see if I can find a used one. So you guys are going to be hearing from me as I shed these lbs.

Wednesday weigh in sounds fine to me. At this point I'd agree to pretty much anything. Hope you are all more prepared for Thanksgiving than I am - working tomorrow and still need to shop so I can fix stuff to take to my daughter's. Yikes! Guess I'm shopping on lunch! :rolleyes:

Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels,

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Where in Texas are you from? My dad was born in Whitchita Falls, but grew up in Graham. His family is still there. Brother & Sisters. My grandmother passed away last Sept. Another brother lives in Fort Worth. Small world!

Happy Cruising & Losing!
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