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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Whew - there's sure alot to do this time of year (as if you didn't already know that!) Thought I would take a few minutes just for me and pop in to see what's going on here. Almost finished with the shopping - the wrapping is tomorrow's plan - then on to cooking/baking etc.


Our cruise is our big gift for hub & I - not buying presents for each other - go on cruise January 1st so what more could I want! Instead I decided to do a fun thing for him for Christmas (he's such a big kid at heart). I'm doing a bunch of little surprises for the Twelve Days of Christmas just for him.


First Day: One Roll of Quarters - the commemorative Hawaii ones (he's been saving all of the state quarters for 10 yrs and this one was the last left to complete his set) Obviously a good choice by the smiles!


Second Day: Two Happy Cruisers - a really special framed black & white photo of us taken on a catamaran sail last year..


Third Day: Three Nutty Turtles - three little boxes of DeMets turtles (one of his favorites


Fourth Day: Four Pair of Sox for Piggies Wiggling - four pair of short sox like you wear with shorts - never had them for some odd reason)


Etc. Etc. (some other things are # 8 - Fishing Lures a swimming , a pedicure (for #10 Tootisies A Gleaming - he discovered how wonderful they were a couple years ago) and finally #12 - 12 months of Happy Fishing (subscription). Can't remember all right now but you get the idea.


Its been fun and so cute that he's so smiley with every card and little gift. :p The twelve days end on Christmas Eve.


Been "falling off the diet wagon" but I keep jumping right back on and trying not to stray toooooo far. Hope I can lay claim to some kind of loss by Wednesday. We had a family party this weekend, Employee Appreciation breakfast and Special Christmas Luncheon last Friday. Like all of you temptation seems to be everywhere. Tonight I am packing a very complete breakfast,lunch to take to work - can't afford more temptation:o:o:o



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Mango - "12 Days of Christmas" is so cute! Did you just make up the 12 days or did you find that printed somewhere? So doesn't your husband not "feel obligated" to buy you something for Christmas? My hubby and I do not buy anything for each other. We take that extra money and spending it on the kids/grandkids. I keep going overboard with the dear grandkids - keep buying extra "little things". And my plans were to "cut back" this year. Oh well............good intentions anyway. All 3 grandkids are spending the night with us again on December 23 and the day of Christmas Eve. We picked out gingerbread kits this weekend - each picked out a different kit. They will decorate sugar cookies. I also have the makings for "Snowman Soup", "Reindeer Poop" and "Magic Reindeer Food". They will make, put into zip lock bags and put poems on the bag. Snowman Soup - each pack will have a pack of hot chocolate, minature marshmallows, chocolate hersheys and a candy candy for stirring. Reindeer Poop - the chocolate, oatmeal and peanut butter patties with a cute poem about the reindeers not being potty trained. The Magic Reindeer Food - mixture of dry oatmeal, sugar and colored sugar that kids put out in the yard to help reindeers find their house. And, yes, I have each child 3 small gifts for them to open something during the night or next day.


Looks like several of you are working on wrapping gifts this week. Good luck! Turn on the Christmas music, turn on the lights on the tree, make yourself a diet hot chocolate or diet spiced cidar, and have fun with it!


REMEMBER: NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THING FEELS. We have to remember that the next two weeks!!!



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What cute ideas!! I might try the 12 days next year :) And the Snowman Soup, Reindeer Poop, and Reindeer food are too precious! Might have to get all my kiddos over here and make some :)


On terms on weight this week, I've been stuck at 134 so I'm hoping to get rid of some of that by Wed. for weekly weigh in. Zumba does amazing things so I have no doubts that at least a few of them will come off. I'm actually considering taking the instructor training class in Feb. There's a gym in Graham which is about 30 miles from here that doesn't offer Zumba so if I do that, I may see about teaching there. What a fun way to help others get into shape and fall in love with Zumba while staying in shape myself and you can't argue with making extra money!


Christmas will be finished on Friday. It's been a little complicated with Robert being home. We agreed that we wouldn't buy eachother anything but he needs a new pair of Chukkahs so I will be picking him up some of those. With his back still being hurt, he is planning to go with me but yesterday, his mom told him that his dad needs him to help him with something on Friday so that we could get him to stay home.... Sneaky, I know but I can't wait to see his face when he gets them :D


He keeps asking what he should get me and I keep telling him nothing. He knows I need new clothes since everything I have is entirely too big but I don't expect any of that for presents-I like to buy my own stuff! But I managed to find some really cute cocktail dresses on walmart.com-2 of them are $17 and the other is $30 plus several cute jeans. I'm not buying anything until right before the trip though! I just want them because I need them :)

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Jennifer - you are so lucky that you can wear the little cocktail dresses - sleeveless I'm sure. I can promise I'll never be able to wear sleeveless dresses again. As you get older, something happens with those upper arms - they grow wings or something. I don't think any amount of exercise will take care of that!


Robin - on Christmas Day be sure you get Matthew to sing for you. Boy does he sing - loud, with all the motions, and sings one song after another one. He entertained everyone at Target on Saturday. LOL I love to hear him sing "Santa Claus is coming to Town", then he'll kick into We Wish You a Merry Christmas or another song. He woke me up at 6:30 Sunday morning singing Jingle Bells, and not sure the chorus - the whole thing! (For those of you who don't know - he's my almost 3 year old grandson. He is wide open all the time!)


Did better on the diet thing today - hopefully by Wednesday, I will have lost a little.


Jennifer - I agree. I have 2 mos before our cruise, so I plan to wait until a couple weeks before the cruise to go shopping. I've already told my husband I will need a complete wardrobe. We just cashed in some very very old savings bonds that his mom had (been clearing out the estate). These bonds had stopped earning any interest so we decided to bite the bullet, cash them in, pay taxes on them and be done with it this year with the remainder of the estate. Anyway, he's already said I could use some of that money to buy clothes. YEAH! I have been buying up a few sequin/dressy tops on Ebay and plan to buy a dressy/formal pair of pants (Black) once I know what size I need. We have two formal nights and then plan to do the Supper Club on our anniversary (so that's 3 dressy nights).


I wonder what Nana #2 had to eat for supper tonight........I hope she is having a great cruise!!!



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Jennifer - you are so lucky that you can wear the little cocktail dresses - sleeveless I'm sure. I can promise I'll never be able to wear sleeveless dresses again. As you get older, something happens with those upper arms - they grow wings or something. I don't think any amount of exercise will take care of that!


Robin - on Christmas Day be sure you get Matthew to sing for you. Boy does he sing - loud, with all the motions, and sings one song after another one. He entertained everyone at Target on Saturday. LOL I love to hear him sing "Santa Claus is coming to Town", then he'll kick into We Wish You a Merry Christmas or another song. He woke me up at 6:30 Sunday morning singing Jingle Bells, and not sure the chorus - the whole thing! (For those of you who don't know - he's my almost 3 year old grandson. He is wide open all the time!)


Did better on the diet thing today - hopefully by Wednesday, I will have lost a little.


Jennifer - I agree. I have 2 mos before our cruise, so I plan to wait until a couple weeks before the cruise to go shopping. I've already told my husband I will need a complete wardrobe. We just cashed in some very very old savings bonds that his mom had (been clearing out the estate). These bonds had stopped earning any interest so we decided to bite the bullet, cash them in, pay taxes on them and be done with it this year with the remainder of the estate. Anyway, he's already said I could use some of that money to buy clothes. YEAH! I have been buying up a few sequin/dressy tops on Ebay and plan to buy a dressy/formal pair of pants (Black) once I know what size I need. We have two formal nights and then plan to do the Supper Club on our anniversary (so that's 3 dressy nights).


I wonder what Nana #2 had to eat for supper tonight........I hope she is having a great cruise!!!




Good morning!!


Thanks for the encouragement for my arms when I get older LOL I can't wait to go shopping! It's been forever since I've bought myself new clothes or even Robert for that matter. You know how it is-once you have kids, their needs come first and foremost!! Sadly, I know some people that don't treat their kids that way and I often find myself wondering why they even had kids to begin with. I guess I learned a lot of my parenting ways from my own parents. I was spoiled, I admit. I only wish I had done a better job of showing my dad how grateful I was. "Thank You Daddy" just doesn't seem like it was enough now that he's gone and I look back at everything.


Anyway.. Rocked it out with Zumba yesterday and am getting ready for my morning session for today. I bought some yogart and Special K bars the other day for snacks so that I can make sure to stay on the healthy side. Rob's mom made bread pudding the other night and kept offering me some but I didn't want it. Ever since I completely cut junk food out, I haven't really wanted any. I had a day not long ago where I wanted anything sweet I could get my hands on but I was forced to eat the healthy stuff lol Tobie, one of the DCC, said she heard somewhere that it takes 7 days to break a bad habit-I think she and whoever said that is right! My husband and kids have resented me some for cutting out all junk food but it's better for them in the long run too!!


Hope you guys have a rockin' week!! :)

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Mornin Gal Pals!

Taking a short break from house work so I thought I would check in :)

Made it to the In-laws' today to drop of Aly to play for awhile and hopped on the scale while I was there.... 132! Doesn't sound like much but 2 lbs is 2 lbs, right??

How's everybody doing? I have a confession to make: Last night we had tacos and I had 2 :( I couldn't help myself! I LOVE tacos and I was really quite hungry by the time supper came around and so I had 2 of them but I'm pretty sure I worked them off this morning between Zumba and some of the cleaning I've already accomplished.

So.. That's where I stand as of right now with 18 days left before sail time...and it's a lloooooooonnnnnnng 18 days!!! Seems like it's never going to get here!

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instead of the doc dance LOL!!!


Drum roll please, rum pum pum puuuuum...I weigh 145.3, oh yeah, it's your birthday..LOL!!:D


I am soo excited to see 145!! If I can only stay there! Anything else is awesome between now and the cruise on the 29th. It will give me a little room. I don't want to come back and be over 150:mad:


Hope everyone is doing as well!! It's pouring rain here again. But snow in the mountains. SO we will have a white Christmas if we can get up there!


SW: 171 (9/1/08)

LW: 148.0 (as of 12/10/08)

CW: 145.3 (as of 12/17/08)


Total Loss of: 26 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mini GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.) I MADE IT!! So maybe 143 next week???

Final GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09

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Talk about underarm wings! Taylor talked me into trying a beautiful sleeveless halter dress this past week. Looked great except for those darn wings. I cam out of the dressing room flapping and told Taylor look at me I can fly. Found a machine at the Y that suppose to work on that area so I have been doing like 50 zillion each time I go ... can't see a difference.


Marlene, can't wait to see Matthew at Christmas. Taylor is at the age where there's just not much "excitement" in her eyes when it comes to Christmas. I miss having a little one around that I can ride around and look at Christmas lights with or sit back and watch the Christmas classics on TV or who wants to help decorate the Christmas tree and wrap presents. My son who is 22 enjoys all this even more than my 15 year old but unfortunatly he shares that with girlfriend now rather than dear ole mom. Oh, poor pitiful me.... now you got me feeling sorry for myself.


Oh ... found out last night I have to work on Christmas night. Doesn't that just bite. My husband who works in the same place but has a little more seniority got it off. They said the only way I could get off is that he had to give up his day so they could let one more person be off. Management drew the line right before they got to my name so I'm the first person who requested off that has to work. My husband told our boss that if I should end up tied up to the bed that night and unable to work it would be totally our of my control. She didn't find that very amusing. Oh well, I try to be positive and thankful that I at least have a job that pays pretty good, has decent benefits and job security so many people would love to be in my position and just have the opportunity to work. Also, when I get off on the 26th I will not have to go back until after New Years.


Now for the diet stuff. I started out having a very bad week. Tried to make the changes the new doctor said but it just wasn't working for me. Needless to say the days of not drinking diet soda were short. The only thing different I really did was increased my fiber and yet still went several days without a BM. My scales were just not moving. I might be down 1/2 lb and then up a 1/2 lb but was basically stuck in a plateau. I started doing some online research about plateauing in diets and kept coming across the zig-zag plan. It said if you were counting calories and were on a 1200 calorie a day diet to break it down and eat 1600 calories one day and then 800 the next and so on until you got out of the plateau. So I did ... a couple days ago I enjoyed that double cheeseburger from McDonalds AND a pack of MM's with Peanuts AND a double dose of Green Tea. My stomach seemed to start co-operating a little better and it did the trick. Today I am 3 lbs lighter and will watch everything I eat for the next few days. If I go another few days without dropping anything I'm going to try to zig-zag again. I'm sure my doctor probably wouldn't agree and I know it worked pretty well for just about all of you during Thanksgiving week.


Now, I need to really look at my goals as I have met my initial January 16th goal. FINALLY, I can say I lost 30lbs. I'm going to set my new goal for 205 but actually hope to loose a few more pounds. I just don't want to get discouraged during Christmas.


SW 241.5 (October 13)

Last Week 213

CW 210.4 (Week 9) .... 31 lbs total.

GW by 1/17 - 205 (Temporary New Goal)

GW by 2/14 - 195 (I really want to get into the next century)

GW by 10/31 -170



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Posted last night but system was very slow - doesn't look like it every posted so will try again.


Congratulations on all the weight loss this week! I didn't have a great week. I guess it was a plateau week for me. Finally on Wednesday morning I did drop one lb.:mad: BUT at least the scales finally moved. I officially met my goal of 35 lbs by Christmas Eve. However, I would like to have a little cushion built in by next week.


Robin, I agree about the "zig zag" although I hadn't seen it called that (until I went back and "googled" it). Our bodies sometimes think we are going to "starve it" so it will save up anything we eat for a "rainy day". So T.I.T.S. ..............I hereby declare December 24 & 25 are official Zig Zag Days for all T.I.T. members. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

I weighed again this morning (Thursday) and scales continue to go down (an additional .6 lb today) so hopefully next week will make up for the low loss this week.


Here are my numbers:


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 163.6 (12/10/08)

CW: 162.6 (12/17/08) - 162.0 as of 12/18/08


GW (REVISED): 45 LBS BY CRUISE ON 2/21/08 - 152.6 LBS



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Checked this thread late last night but the truth is I was so darn tired I just gave up and went to bed --- Take me on a cruise where I just dress for dinner and someone waits on me - After dinner we drop in at the casino and go enjoy the show ---- while someone else turns down the bed and leaves chocolates on my pillow!!!! Wake up in the morning and you are at a new port! Now that is truly a vacation!


Weighed in at 165.8 yesterday morning. Little teeny drop but nonetheless - its less which is pretty good considering all the food events etc.


Glad you guys liked the 12 days idea. Hearing the song gave me the idea. I've been having fun with it and hub is huge smiles over the nightly surprise. Today is Day 7 so he's getting Lucky Seven A-Smiling - pictures of our seven grandchildren as well as a Lucky Seven bonus: seven gold $1 coins to go a-gambling on the ship! Think I'll do this again next year too - that way I'll be on the lookout for gift ideas way ahead.


Marlene - couple years ago we did a variation of your Reindeer bags - we put "Frosty Poop" bags in every mailbox on our cul de sac. Don't really remember the little jingle but it was something about "heard you were bad" and this is all you get. Can't quite put the rhyme together now but it was cute. (Liked the ideas you had and of doing with the grandkids too.) BTW, there's a fruitcake in our neighborhood (same one) that's gets mailed anonymously house to house every year.


We used to have a neighbor Tom who really really lit up his house at Christmas (think Chevy Chase style) Anyway, neighbor directly across the cul de sac looks out one snowy morning and he's puzzled to see a big orange electric cord running right across the street directly to his house. Of course he has to go check it out - Well Tom had run several hundred feet of cord across the street and all the way to the back of his house -with a big sign - Gotcha! at the end of the unplugged cord. Toooo funny.


We leave for Miami on New Years Day - got the clothes out - only need to put half back and I'll be good to go. Have last P.T. session for my knee tonight - doing better and planning on spending lots of time with my feet a-dancing on this cruise.


Well enough of this - better get my nose back to the grindstone and get something done - Darn!


Doing the Cruisin' SOOOON Dance, :p:p:p


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Donna - remember when you started and said "I want to lose 30 lbs to New Years?" You are within 4 lbs my friend! I am so proud of you!!! And I do understand the "weight loss dance". Ok everyone - it's confession time. When you get on your scales and see that drop or that goal met, how many of your do a song and dance in celebration? I have to confess - I DO!!!


Mango - last PT today? I hope you are now feeling so much better and can really go on that cruise and have and have the time of your life.


I have 65 more days before cruising - but that means I have 65 more days to lose more weight before I go. We have this guy on our Roll Call that tells us everyday how many days we have to go. LOL It's amazing how you get to know people on these boards. I've already met a couple in California that we are doing an excursion with. The young guy mentioned above (his GF will be 30 on the cruise - I'll be celebrating my 35th wedding anniversary.....) is staying pre-cruise at the same hotel as us. We have plans for to get with them for a "night cap" and for a tailgating party at the hotel before we board our 11:30 shuttle. Right now the 11:30 shuttle from hotel to ship has about 12 or 14 people that are linked to the Roll Call. We'll get to know each other before we even get on board. I think that's going to be so cool!


Mango - sounds like you guys have a wonderful neighborhood - lots of fun people! Ole Tom must be a hoot!


Jennifer - hope you get to go shopping this weekend without hubby!



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Shoot yea, I'll be the first to admit that when I see the numbers go down, I start hollerin "132 MOM!!" was what I told Rob's mom yesterday. Her response: "GOOD JOB!" She wants to borrow my Zumba while I'm gone to kind of try before she buys lol My best friend Casey has also requested Zumba for Christmas-I'm tellin ya'll I'm a walking billboard!


OK so proud moment of the day.... I ordered something I haven't had since before I got pregnant with Kaitlyn which would be summer of 2001..... A SWIMSUIT! Since you can't find any in stores this time of year, I ordered mine through Victoria Secret.com-it will be here by Christmas Eve. I also bought a cover up to go with it since you can't just walk around the ship in your suit but yea, I was so excited!



Yes I get to go shopping without Robert tomorrow!! He has no clue what I have planned :D


Anywho better run before he peeks over here.


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I haven't bought a new bathing suit in quite a few years either. That's on my list of things I want to do before my cruise, but I can tell you it won't be anything from Victoria Secret. Much too old and big for that! Maybe if I keep losing, by the time I go in October I can go a little more daring.........................then again, maybe not. LOL


Did you have any of that icy weather earlier in the week? I know my co-workers in Dallas had some road issues that morning.



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They were the only ones that had any suits I liked. I'm pretty picky... one of my "flaws" lol


We have had cold weather and a little bit of ice up around Wichita Falls but nothing where I live which is 48 miles SW of Wichita Falls. I know I heard about several roll overs down towards Windthorst which is off 281, south of WF. Luckily though, nothing around our area too serious. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70s and the same for Saturday with Sunday cooling back off again. No wonder we're all sick!

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Here in northern IL we are definitely sealed in ice. We didn't get as much snow accumulation as was predicted but we sure have ice. Just so long as the power stays on we're fine. Took a vacation day today to get cooking done etc for family party tomorrow so at least I can give it some time so the roads are salted before venturing out. Guess I'll do some cookies this morning (its pretty early) so I get something done -but do you know how easy it would be to just go back to bed? ;)


BTW if you are looking for deals JuJuBee -check out A.B. Lambdin site. They are having a clearance (on small sizes mostly) but the prices look great. Saw this on another thread and they are supposed to have good quality stuff.


Donna - WAY TO GO! Congrats - all your hard work has sure paid off!!!


ZIG ZAG Days for T.I.T.s -- now that sounds pretty funny in itself! :D Thought it was something else when they starting pointing South - Hmmmmm !!!!



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Mango - good luck on the family party! I hope you were able to get some things done today and didn't end up back in bed. LOL


I've been coming down with a nasty cold the last couple days - feeling bad - weight jumped back up which made me feel even worse. I decided "to heck with it". I'll just zig zag today. What is it about having a cold, feeling achy, that makes you want to just eat something good? I grilled me TWO cheese sandwiches (did use fat free cheese). I have not been eating ANY bread! THEN...... I ate TWO (yeap - two ) cups of weight watchers mint chocolate chip ice cream. Up until I ate all of this, I did pretty good today. I think the rules are when you do this, you don't weigh for a couple days.....I actually did read that somewhere. Not I'm going to take some Nyquil and go to bed. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I hope you don't have to go out and do a lot of shopping. It's going to be so crowded this weekend!!



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Hey ladies! How is everybody feeling?

Marlene, I'm sorry to hear you're sick. It's always the worst time before the holidays to come down with something.


Mango, what kind of site is that? I've never heard of it but I'll definitely check it out thanks :)


We're doing Christmas today so I won't be back online until later tonight-that is, if I can get the kids to bed after all those presents! Plus, my nephew will be staying with us for a few days while he waits for my brother to pick him up on the way to his great-grandparents (half brother thus the "his" since I'm not related to that side). Looking forward to seeing his face when he opens his Guitar Hero: World Tour for his Wii and I can't wait to see Rob's face when he gets his Chukkahs ;)


Have a great day gals!!

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Just checking in to say "I survived the weekend". Except for a Christmas play yesterday that my grandkids were in, I stayed in bed/laid around, watched Christmas movies on TV and took DayQuil and NyQuil. Got very depressed when I weighed - weight had gone up close to 5 lbs!!! I was so depressed that I thought about not posting for a couple weeks as I was embarassed to say I'd gained weight. But then I thought about it and realized I would only be hurting myself. To clarify, I wasn't eating as I should, but nothing so over the top to make me gain this kind of weight. I assume maybe the RX made me retain "bodily fluids etc". I drank a lot of water (flavored - couldn't handle plain water and being sick) and didn't take the RX after yesterday morning. I've dropped 3 of those lbs this morning. So please keep your fingers cross for me that I can get 2 more lbs off before Christmas or I'm going to be totally depressed with this diet thing.


Hope everyone is ready for Christmas now and can sit back and relax. Those of you who had family parties this weekend, I hope you had a great time. We're missing a couple people who are no longer posting - hope they join us again the first of the year!


In case I don't get the chance later - hope all of your have a very Merry Christmas / Happy Holiday Season!!



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Hey gals! How is everyone?

Today was D Day... I got my swimsuit.. Tried it on and it really doesn't look as bad as I was thinking it would! Still have some toning to do but in general, MUCH better than before. GOD BLESS ZUMBA and YOU GUYS! Without any of ya'll, I wouldn't have stuck to working out-THANK YOU for being there :)


I hope you all are doing great and geared up for a wonderful Christmas!


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Congratulations on fitting into your bathing suit! I'll never have the body of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, but at least I can now fit into my vacation clothes again! I was cleaning in my closet this afternoon and ran across a short casual skirt I've worn previously and a two pairs of skorts and they all fit! Actually, I have two sizes of vacation clothes, and the ones I tried on today are the smaller set of vacation clothes!! I have to also say that I've lost enough weight now that I can actually go into my closet and find something to wear. There were times previously that I would try to find something to wear to go to church or out to eat and couldn't find anything that fit. I'd be in tears and often just not go. So glad I've gotten past that stage.


We do have a great group of gals on this board. I hope Nana #2 comes back from her cruise and checks in. I also miss Sass and a couple others that haven't been here lately. I wish we had email addresses so we could prod them along!



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Congratulations on fitting into your bathing suit! I'll never have the body of a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, but at least I can now fit into my vacation clothes again! I was cleaning in my closet this afternoon and ran across a short casual skirt I've worn previously and a two pairs of skorts and they all fit! Actually, I have two sizes of vacation clothes, and the ones I tried on today are the smaller set of vacation clothes!! I have to also say that I've lost enough weight now that I can actually go into my closet and find something to wear. There were times previously that I would try to find something to wear to go to church or out to eat and couldn't find anything that fit. I'd be in tears and often just not go. So glad I've gotten past that stage.


We do have a great group of gals on this board. I hope Nana #2 comes back from her cruise and checks in. I also miss Sass and a couple others that haven't been here lately. I wish we had email addresses so we could prod them along!




Way to go Marlene!!!!! I know how you felt when nothing fit, I've been down that road. I'm so proud of you and how far you have come. Not just you but all the ladies! Just goes to show the power of friendships, even though we've never met IRL :) Nothing is impossible, especially if you have someone taking the journey with you.


I hope Nana #2 comes back soon too and I agree, we should all exchange emails so if we don't hear from eachother, we can find out what's going on. I'll leave mine on here if you guys want it: mrsmontgomery2006@hotmail.com :)

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Jen - I've added your email to my contacts so you can't escape us now! My email is my sign on here (nanaofbkm) at yahoo dot com.


Looks like my weight has now come back off and I may end up with a one lb loss on top of that. One lb/week for the past two weeks would suck - but after the week I've had, I'll try not to complain too much. I may post my final results later today since tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we'll all be so busy tomorrow!!





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Yay! I'll add yours too :)


Yay for that lb coming off too! I've upped the Zumba-started doing Sculpt & Tone which is 45 minutes and incorporates the toning sticks. The plan is to alternate that with Flat Abs every other day. We'll see how that works for the next 12 days.


I sure am ready to get my birthday over with lol Seems like these next coupld of weeks are going to drag :rolleyes:

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Wanted to check in before things got too hectic and do my weekly weigh in. My goal is to maintain my current weight for the next week!!

SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 162.6 (12/17/08)

CW: 161.4 (12/23/08)

GW (REVISED): 45 LBS BY CRUISE ON 2/21/08 - 152.6 LBS



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Had to stop in to wish you all a wonderful Merry Christmas!


Weighed in at 167 today. Not feeling too well (so darn tired) I hope to heck I am not getting s___ - don't even want to say that bad word - it's too darn close to vacation! (We leave on January 1st). Think I will take a nap this afternoon and try to get lots of rest this weekend. Only have two days work next week and then I am off until Jan. 16th!!! Hooray! BTW, I hope any of you that were down for the count are well now and enjoying the holiday.


Merry Christmas!:p:p:p


(Remember the 24th & 25th have been officially declared zig-zag days for T.I.T.s - Enjoy!)


Best wishes,


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