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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Forty-one years with the same man???? WOW! You must've gotten a GOOD one!!! :D Congratulations on your successful marriage.


Our cruise (Dec 14-21) was out of Port Canaveral. You've probably already said (and I'm sure Nana #1 has), but I don't remember what I wore to work today! -- What ship are you sailing on? We were on the Mariner of the Seas, which is on its last cruise from the east coast, moving to LA via South America on a 46 day cruise (three cruises put together) very soon. If you have a chance to sail on her, I would highly recomment it.


I think 160 is a reasonable goal for 2/21/09. That's 11 pounds in (not quite) two months. Stick with high protein/low carb/low fat foods. And, be sure to exercise if you don't do anything but walk or take the steps instead of the elevator, or park at the far end of the mall so you have to walk a ways to get in. Anything is better than nothing.


I think you can do it! What do you fellow TITS (my daughter-in-law HATES that word!!!) think???


Okay, good night NOW!


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Again this morning, I weighed 160.8 -- up .8 of a pound from the morning we left for our cruise (2 weeks & 2 days ago).


I guess I need to use the "correct format" here, but since I don't really know what my numbers were when I first logged on to this thread, I have to use the numbers I do know:


SW - 222.2 (with clothes, at clinic, on 05/05/08)

LW - 160.8 (last week)

CW - 160.8

GW - 143 (w/o clothes, by 05/05/09)


And, an extra line:

LOW (last official weigh in - at clinic, with clothes) - 167.8





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When we started this journey we said, "let's lose 30 lbs by new years" and today is new year's day. It's very fitting that we have our weigh in today. I went back to the original posts and looked at my goals (since I have revised some since then). Here's what I posted:



SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 190.7 (9/14/08)

CW: 187.4

GW: 170 by Christmas, 160 by cruise on 2/21/09


Well, ladies, I have exceeded those goals! Here are my current #'s:


SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)

LW: 161.4 (12/23/08)

CW: 160.6 for a 37 lb loss!

Goals: I WILL go into the next decade by next week. Yes!

GW: 152.6 by 2/21/09 for a 45 lb loss. Actually I'm going to try really hard to hit that next decade of 149.9.:rolleyes: I can't remember the last time I was in the "4" decade.


Pam: Have you decided the type of diet you are going to go on? I always start with South Beach, Phase 1. I can lose 6 to 7 lbs in the first two weeks and then as we all know, I slow down to about a 2 lb week loss for a while and unfortunately, move on to a 1 1/2 lb loss per week. If I were you, I would set my ultimate goal of 159.9 by your cruise. I know that you are leaving a little early to go to Florida so you probably have about 6 - 7 weeks to diet before you leave. DON'T FORGET TO GET YOUR WATER BOTTLE HANDY AND DRINK THOSE 8 GLASSES/BOTTLES OF WATER DAILY! You can fudge a little and get that 0 calorie drink mix for some of those. Also, check out the protein "shots" at Walmart and drink that every morning when you first get out of bed (within 3 hours). If you don't know what we are referring to, I can send you a picture via email. LOL



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How was everyone's NY? DH and I didn't do anything special-just went to friends' house and played this card game called Shanghai. It's kind of like Phase 10 but more frustrating..However, I do find myself wanting to play lol

I'm going to see about copying the rules and Phases down from my friend Tara that taught us so we can practice on vacation LOL

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*bump* How is everybody today?? I wish I could say I'm good but I'm about to blow my top. The bank was supposed to release our money today and haven't and we've been waiting for them to call us back for almost 2 hours. Why do they even hold checks?? Especially something like Worker's Compensation..don't understand it.


Right now, I'm so frustrated and I have no constructive way to stew other than gripe. My brain keeps telling me to eat but I'm fighting it. Of course, it helps that I don't have any junk food in the house!

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Hi everyone,


My DH and I have started our diet. It hasn't been easy, first to know what we can eat and what not to. One of the hardest things for me is drinking lots of water. I miss my diet dr pepper. (don't know if it is allowed on phase 1 of south beach diet.


We got thru the holidays and now have to really get down to business. Glad that I have your support, as I am going to need it.



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Congratulations Pam (and Weldon) on starting your diet. Sorry - diet drinks are not on the South Beach diet, particularly Phase 1. As you will hear from others going to a weight loss doctor, they tell you "no" as well. The important thing that happens in Phase 1 of SB is to get all of those cravings for sweets, breads, and all of those bad things out of your system. I promise it does work! Once you get past Phase 1, if you are still having a craving for a diet Dr. Pepper, you can treat yourself occasionally. I have had a sinus infection, and have been drinking a lot of diet drinks over the past few days and may weight jumped up. I think they make me retain fluid. For the most part, 2 or 3 a week is my limit. When i did phase 1, my day was:


Breakfast - egg omlet sometimes with fat free cheese and either mushrooms or lean home.


lunch - salad with olive oil vinegarette dress, often with grilled chicken tenders on top. Cook up those chicken tenders and put them in the refrigerator so they'll be readily available.


afternoon snack - string cheese


supper - small grilled steak, grilled chicken breast or grilled salmon with a side salad (again with the low calorie dressing).


bedtime snack - sugar free fudgesickles and dreamsicles. You can have 75 calories! I usually got one of each. Dreamsicles are great as they are only about 15 - 20 calories. You have to buy these - great for those sweet cravings!


The SB book has some good recipes. I often do/did the stuffed mushrooms with spinach and "mashed potato surprise" which is actually steamed (in microwave) cauliflower, put into a food processor and add low fat half/half and that butter spray you can buy. When you are dieting it's surprising how good that can taste to you. LOL


If you want me to email a recipe to you, let me know.




Have a great weekend, all, and not a WEAKEND!



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Got the money released at almost 5pm.. after the fact that my hair had already been cut but oh well. Got my nails and pedi done so now I need to do laundry and get the girls packed and ready to go to Nana's tomorrow.


Jen, I hope and your husband have a wonderful time - calm seas, safe trip and make lots and lots of memories! You deserve this special time away with your DH. ;)



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Jen, Have a wonderful time on your cruise.......be sure and check back in with us when you return. We want to hear all about it.


Marlene, Thanks for the info. It is not easy....I am trying to find caffeine free diet dr pepper here in Merced. The website said that caffeine free diet sodas were ok. It is just hard knowing what to do. Weldon can't eat any fish (he is allergic) and so many of the receipes are for fish. I had a salad with tuna today for lunch. We also have never been a breakfast person so that is also hard. We will make it though. Thanks for your support.



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Mornin all!! LOL I can't sleep-I keep running everything I have to do today through my head..

Take the babies to my mom (6 hr drive round trip) and pick up Kaitlyn

Take Kaitlyn to Rob's mom & dad-make sure she has enough clothes and all of her stuff for school

Shop for clothes and other necessities such as batteries, sunblock and Phase 10 cards lol


Lay out the folder with travel docs and Birth Certificates, etc etc

Put batteries in the camera

Do my dishes (thank heavens there aren't many!)

Change the litter box

Take out the trash...

The list goes on and on!

I may have to take some benedryl tomorrow to make sure I get some rest lol

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I pick up bags of chicken breasts and bags of chicken tenders at the grocery store. Those are a standard item in my freezer. I also pick up those cheap box of small New York strip steaks at the grocery store. What about trying a protein shot (not listed on SB but seem to help us here on the board) for breakfast - only 3 oz - and then eat an egg omelet for lunch, then chicken & salad for supper. We are only talking about 2 weeks on Phase 1. I normally stick with Phase 1 for a little longer (3 or 4 weeks) and then I start weaning off it and doing my own thing. If you weigh each day you will quickly see which foods are causing you to retain fluids, etc and which help you to lose weight. I also find that on SB Phase 1, it will keep your incentive up as you will see the weight drop off quickly. You may also want to pick up a SB book on Half dot Com or in a local store (to get it quicker).





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Mornin all!! LOL I can't sleep-I keep running everything I have to do today through my head..

Take the babies to my mom (6 hr drive round trip) and pick up Kaitlyn

Take Kaitlyn to Rob's mom & dad-make sure she has enough clothes and all of her stuff for school

Shop for clothes and other necessities such as batteries, sunblock and Phase 10 cards lol


Lay out the folder with travel docs and Birth Certificates, etc etc

Put batteries in the camera

Do my dishes (thank heavens there aren't many!)

Change the litter box

Take out the trash...

The list goes on and on!

I may have to take some benedryl tomorrow to make sure I get some rest lol


Don't take too much benedryl or you will sleep for 24 hours straight! I know it's stressful but it's also exciting. Right? This is something you have been planning for a long time. I promise it will all come together for you. You are going to have a wonderful cruise - ADULT time! It's going to be so worth it. So take a deep breath and go to it!


I do, however, understand where you are coming from. I've been thinking I have forever before my Feb cruise but then start thinking of clothes I need to buy, etc.



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Although I'm suffering from a reoccurence of the sinus infection, I'm having a pretty good day. My husband had a bottle of antibiotics he never took so they started those yesterday. I think they are helping.


I had been really bad on New Year's Day plus was taking Day Quil/Nyquil again and my weight jumped up 4 lbs! I don't know what it is about that RX but apparently it makes me retain fluid. Stopped taking it and started being more serious about the diet. Weight is off those 4 lbs plus an additional pound. Better than that - I'm in the next decade! Got so excited I went shopping for clothes...............GW Boutique. LOL Then I went to Kohls to look at their sale items. I actually enjoyed doing that - clothes were fitting so much better. I bought 12's today - jean skirt and Liz Claiborne jeans (from GW boutique) :D I tried on one pair of 12's that were too big!!! I think went to Kohl's and bought a couple new tops. Got two jackets that had been $54 and were 80% off! Then another top that made my waist look small - it had been $54 and got it 1/2 off. Didn't matter how much it cost - when I saw it made me look smaller I'd have paid $100 for it. :D My husband is taking a nap before we head out to our grandson's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese (I promise to get a salad and diet drink, no pizza). I hope he's going to be impressed with my new outfit!!


Found something very tasty at Walmart you should try. It's made by Special K and it's snack crackers. There are two flavors. You get 24 crackers (about 1" square) for 90 calories! I had skipped breakfast and lunch and just ate a bowl with some flavored water. It was wonderful! I felt I was cheating and I wasn't. And they were only $2.00 a big box (about 7 servings). Can't beat that - hope price stays that cheap.


OK - I'm being long winded. Have a great weekend. I guess Jen is headed out to her cruise. With all those kids - she deserves some adult time. If you happen to check in, Jen, just know we're thinking about you!!!



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Hey all!

We got all the kids shuffled to their respective destinations and did our shopping. Times like these, I wish I was a man LOL We went to Old Navy and Robert was done shopping for the whole trip in about 10 minutes LOL I on the other hand, found ONE tank top there, 1 at Vanity and the rest of my clothes (a pair of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, 4 shirts, bra, undies, and flip flops) came from Target. I'm set though so that's one less thing to worry about.


Since AA is now charging $15 for the first checked bag per person one way, we consolidated everything into one big suitcase. Lots of fun lol The carry on, I wasn't sure what to put in it right away so I put in swimsuit/cover; Rob's swim trunks/flip flops and then the camera and travel papers will go in in the morning.

*Sigh* I'm starting to relax some but I won't be totally mellow until I'm ON the ship.


Hope you guys have a great week, I'll try to check in from the ship while I'm uploading pix.


*Big hugs to everyone!!!!!*

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Jen - I can't believe you and your hubby waited until the day before the cruise to go shopping for the cruise...... and to pack in one suitcase! Wow - that's great! I always tend to over pack. I overheard a conversation between my daughter and husband last night who are going on a cruise with their kids in a couple weeks. She was talking about packing everything for the kids - making sure they had everything they needed for any type of weather, etc. (she does tend to ALWAYS overpack - even for overnights at our house). Her husband told her 1 sweatshirt, one pair jeans, one bathing suit, 2 pair shorts, couple tops...for each kid. They are going for 7 days.... He asked her if she wanted him to pack for the kids. LOL - guess he knows she overpacks too.


By the time you read this I hope you are on the ship so you can sit back and relax!



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Nana #1, don't worry; I'm still here. Not very encouraged by my weight or by my inability to keep my hands (and, worse yet, mouth!) off of things that I have no business touching. Between Thanksgiving, Christmas, and a cruise, I got used to eating just about anything and that has proven to be a hard habit to break. Then came New Years!!!


My next official weigh-in is Tuesday and, while I've said all along I'll be happy if I'm at the same weight, I know in reason that I will be very disappointed if I am. I have two days to lose whatever I can, but this being a WEAKend, I'm doubtful.


I bought a new Leslie Sansone "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD. My old one was a VHS tape and I needed it on DVD to be able to walk indoors. I did one mile with her two nights ago and have done nothing since.


I think my problem (okay, one of them) is that the cruise was my incentive to lose weight. Now the cruise is over and I have nothing to incentivize me anymore. We are going to Nassau (flying) for Super Bowl weekend (sure hope the Panthers are in it) at the end of January, but, quite frankly, we've been there (same hotel, same everything) so many times that it's hard to get excited about that trip. Plus, we're going with a group and, as we all know, sometimes group things are not as much fun as individual things.


Hopefully tomorrow is a new day and I'll have a new, better outlook on life tomorrow.


I hope Jen and Mango are having fun!

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We all knew going into this weight loss thing that it's a lot easier to lose weight for a special event/vacation/cruise and then we get back and we never get focused again. We vow we won't come back and once again GAIN our weight back, but once we get "off track" we (at least me and I'm sure a lot of us) tend to do the Yo Yo diet. That's why I keep saying, come back on the board when you get back. Bonnie, you are doing what I do everytime I get back from a special vacation and I want this board's help not to yo yo again. I think you should plan something special for later in 2009 that will get you excited about losing weight and keeping it off. Wouldn't it be worth the add'l cost? What about the Halloween cruise that Robin and I are going on. Cost is great ($325 pp inside cabin/$375 outside cabin with $50 pp on board credit - enough to cover the mandatory tips). Only two ports - one the private island they have and one in Nassau. From what I understand the one on the private island, the ship will provide the meal, you just buy your "drinks". That will only leave Nassau as far as port expensives. Wouldn't it be worth the money to have iincentive ? Robin can give you more details if you are interested.


Either way Bonnie - you have to set new goals - new incentives! You can do it!!!



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Thanks for the pep talk, Nana #1.


Something I forgot to mention earlier...


I finally remembered to look at Walmart for protein shots and bought all they had -- 7 fruit punch flavor. They're up to $2.08 now. I must say that I agree wholeheartedly that the 26 grams of protein are MUCH easier to swallow than the 42 grams are, because they're not as thick. Hopefully, Walmart will be restocked soon because my new plan is to do one 26-gram protein shot and one egg white (total of 31 grams of protein) every morning.


Also, I saw advertised in the US Weekly (first one I have ever bought in my entire 54 years, and only bought it because Michelle, the Biggest Loser, was featured on the front and I wanted to read what she had to say) I bought last week something called "Slim Shots". Then, in today's coupon section, there was a $3 off coupon for Slim Shots! Here's what the US Weekly says: "France's top-selling diet aid is now available in America! SlimShots, the liquid shot that helps you reduce your appetite by up to 30% all day without feeling hungry. Just one shot, the size of a coffee creamer, reduces hunger for up to eight hours. All natural. Delicious vanilla flavor. Won't cause jitters. Now at GNC, CVS Pharmacy, Walgreens and Wal-Mart, Sally Beauty or slimshots.com".


I don't know if they should be mixed with the appetite suppressant pills I'm already taking, but I'm going to ask Tuesday. Thought someone out there might want to try 'em and let the rest of us know if they work. I just went to the website and it looks like they'll send you three boxes with 30 in each box for $59.98 + $7.99 shipping. Cheaper than my pills, that's for sure!


Nana #2 (and Robin) -- it sounds like your Halloween cruise is quite a deal. How many nights? Where does the ship leave from? What cruise line? The only reason I wouldn't consider it is the Nassau part -- been there, done that SO many times. But, I am curious as to whether there are other cruises, going to other places, at that price. Another "problem" is that hubby & I had a "junior suite" with a balcony on the Mariner, so I think we may be somewhat spoiled now!!! (Hopefully there is a picture attached.)


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I bought the protein shots at Walmart Saturday (in Belmont) and they were still $1.97. I sometimes have problems with the # they have available. The store in Gastonia has an end cap with some. Robin found some at one Walmart that had been moved to a different section of the store. I try to buy 7 a week. They have the Slim Shots at Walmart. I've read about them before too and almost bought them back in September.


The Halloween Cruise is 5 nights leaving from Jacksonville, Florida on a Saturday, returning on Thursday. I think it's about a 6 hour drive for us. My husband and I have a balcony suite booked in February but figured for the price, it was worth trying just the Ocean View this time. It's on Carnival Fascination, which doesn't have balcony rooms. My thoughts are that we are going with a group so we won't be in our room much. We are also going to Nassau in February but I think it will be so different with a group. I can already tell you that this group in October will be a Party Group - we're looking for our Halloween costumes!


Whatever you decide, you need to plan something fun for the end of the year - something you will want to look nice and slim for! Need that motivation! (Good excuse to book another trip - right?)



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