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My Imagination 3 day Bahamas cruise review!!


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Hi All!! Let me introduce myself!! I am Nicole!! I just came back from a wonderful time on the Oct 10th Carnival Imagination Sailing with my niece and nephew and would love to tell you all about it. It's gonna stretch over a few posts and days so please be patient! I will also post lots of pics.




Myself, Nicole or Aunt Nicci to the kids, 33

My oldest niece Brittny, 18

My only nephew Louis, also 18




I have been on 3 cruises, 2 with Carnival. This cruise actualy was a free cruise that I won last year while sailing on the Celebration. There was a Malibu deck party one night and every time you bought a drink with Malibu rum in it, you got an entry to win the cruise. Well sure enough, they pulled out my entry and I won a cruise for 2.



This is me last year after I won the cruise with cruise director Paul Santly.



Now me being the coolest aunt ever, and also having no clue who to take with me. (my DBF is too chicken to step foot on a ship so he was out) I decided since both my oldest niece & nephew just graduated from High School, that I would take them as their graduation present. So now my free cruise cost me $$ to add a 3rd person and also upgrade to an outside cabin. But it was worth it.



So now that you have a little bit of info on us and how we managed to book this cruise, lets get started shall we!!


We decided to fly down the day before. We left Philly at 12PM Thursday and had an OK flight. We were a bit delayed and it was a bit bumpy once in the air. But before you know it, we were there.


We decided to stay in South Beach. I figured the kids would enjoy seeing the hip area that everyone likes to hang out at. We booked a room at the Ocean Five Hotel. It was a small, old hotel but it was very clean and the staff was very nice and helpful. Great for 1 night!



We then decided to go check out the beach and Ocean Drive. We were so excited to check out the beach and put our toes in the water. But wouldn't you know it, we no sooner step foot on the beach when it starts to rain. Just my luck!!




We figured it was gonna rain for a bit cause the sky to the west was almost black so we decided to go get something to eat. The kids really weren't in the mood to try some place new so we ended up eating at TGIFridays. Way to step out and taste what SOBE has to offer right, LOL!!! By the time we finish eating, the rain has ended.


We walked all along Ocean Drive and the Washington Ave and checked out all the beautiful art deco hotels. I think I took a photo of every hotel on the street. I promise I won't post them all though. Maybe just 1 or 2, LOL!!




After walking a while we were pretty beat. We decided to head back to the hotel and relax and watch the Phillies game. However, I had a small accident (woman, I know you will all understand) that required running around to find the CVS to fix my broken toe nail that just had a pedicure the day before, LOL!! My niece jumped and stepped back while walking into the hotel and hit my foot and broke took the top layer of 1/2 of my big toe nail off. Now I had a 1/2 purple 1/2 white toe nail, LOL!! All you ladies know that we can not walk around like that! We managed to find the CVS and then went back to the hotel and covered up the broken ugly nail and then were fast asleep to end the day.


Coming up:

Day 2 in SoBe and Embarkation.

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Day 2!

We decided to wake up early and head to the beach for a little while. Louis decided he would sleep in. So Brittny and I go to the front desk for beach towels and cross the street to the beach. The sun was just rising when we got there so I was excited to take some pictures. Don’t you know it, just as we lay our beach towels down, it starts to rain again!! I feel like I am not meant to step foot on the beach this trip!! But thank God it was only light sprinkles so we were able to stay for a little while. It was pretty neat because we watched the sun rise in front of us, and there was a rainbow behind us. Pretty cool I thought!! We took some pictures and then Britt collected some seashells then we headed back to the hotel.



The hotel arranged for a cab to be ready for us for 11:00. We came down about 10:40 and the cab came in lass then 5 minutes and we were on our way to the terminal. Brittny has cruised before and out of Miami so she was already familiar with the port, the city and cruising. But I was excited for Louis. This was his first cruise and had no clue how big the ships really are. As we drove on the causeway you could see the ship in the distance. As you get closer, you can start to see how big ships really are. Louis was impressed.


We get to the terminal and made it through security within 5 minutes of being there. There was no one else in line. We then headed upstairs to check in and our given zone 5 cards. We checked in and were quickly seated in the waiting area. I think we waited about 15 minutes before the started boarding. Our zone was called about 20 minutes after they started. We had our welcome aboard picture taken and were on the ship in no time.

We were all starving by this time since we didn’t eat breakfast so we headed right to the buffet to eat. We grab a table and the kids run off to get food.

We started a roll call for this cruise and there were a few of us chatting for a while about meeting up that day. Just as we sit down, I look up and see a woman sitting across from me. We both looked and realized that we were from the roll call. Here it was Kathy and Phil. We quickly introduced ourselves and started chatting about how excited we are to be there.

The kids come back with some food. Britt got something at the Mongolian grill and Louis had pretty much everything he could get his hands on onto his plate. This was when the light bulb went off in his head that you can eat as much as you want!! I think that made his whole trip, LOL!!

After lunch we headed to our room. I was excited because I had it decorated for them and my mom and sister also ordered some goodies for them. The room looked great and the kids loved it!! Our luggage came about 5 minutes after we got there so we were able to quickly unpack so we could enjoy the rest of the day.



We still had about 2 hours until sail away so we decided to check out the ship. I thought the ship looked great.

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Nicole, thanks so much for the review, I love it.

Two questions:

How did you get from the airport to SOBE, and how much did it cost?

And how much was the cab from your hotel to the cruise port?

Thanks a bunch, love all the photos. I'm getting so excited!


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Nicole, thanks so much for the review, I love it.

Two questions:

How did you get from the airport to SOBE, and how much did it cost?

And how much was the cab from your hotel to the cruise port?

Thanks a bunch, love all the photos. I'm getting so excited!




Hi Michele,


From the airport to SOBE was a flat rate of 32.00. From SoBe to the port was metered and came to about 21.00 if my memory is correct. Now we were at 4th & Ocean so it was pretty close to the bridge. May be more if you are further into SOBE.

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Embarkation continued!!

After checking out the ship it was about time for the muster drill. We grab out life jackets and headed to our muster station on the Promenade.


We arrived about 5 minutes before they announced it so there was no one there when we arrived. Soon people start pouring in. A couple asks if they we were holding the remaining seats for anyone. I say “yes, we were holding them for you.” So we start chatting with them and they ask were we are from. We tell them Philly and here they say they are from Delaware which is only 30 minutes away. Brittny actually lives near the PA-De border and used to work in De. She mentions were she used to work and the couple says that they are always in there and do they know a waitress named Sandi?? Brittny say “yes, that’s my mom.” What a small world huh? She mentions that she talk to her on the phone from time to time too. And even stranger, they are in the room right next to us!!!

Anyways, back to the review! Muster actually took a little longer than usual. People were talking, yelling and laughing that no one could hear the announcements. The staff had to get on a bullhorn numerous times and ask people to please quiet down and listen to the important information. It would have been over much quicker if they would have listened.

Finally it’s over so we run back to the room to put our life vests away and then head up to the Lido for sail away! We headed out to the front of the Verandah deck to watch. Now this was one of the only things I wasn’t happy with about this cruise. We were scheduled to leave at 4pm. Well, we didn’t push off the dock until 5:25. Now we were also facing the wrong way in port so we needed to go into the harbor further to a turning basin before heading out. I winded up heading to my room at 5:50 to get ready for dinner and we were still turning. We didn’t get to watch passing all the homes or South Beach since we had such an early dinner time. That is one of my favorite things about cruising and I missed it! L I have no idea why we left so late. They made an announcement but we couldn’t hear it where we were standing so if they did mention it, I missed it. But I got over it quickly, LOL!! We also had a roll call meet n greet scheduled for after sail away. But since sail away was so late, I missed that too. I tried to find everybody but I think everyone already went their own ways by then.

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We went to dinner and enjoyed it. The food was good, not amazing, but good. But we had a great waiter named Lovie and he really made it more enjoyable. My nephew fell in love with the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake! Then they did their usual dancing and singing and Brittny even got up and joined in on the action.


After dinner we headed to the show. It was a mix of Karl with a K doing impersonations and a comedian that was OK. No Vegas style dancing or anything. Now there may have been at a later or earlier time but if so, we missed it.

Then us being the Phillies fans that we are, we headed to the Pinnacle Club to watch the game. We met quite a few fans watching as well including a bachelor party that were loud and crazy, but oh so fun at the same time. There was about 20mof them and they kept throwing all their sail & sign cards in a hat and then would pick them back out 1 by 1. Whoever was the last one would have to buy the round. I saw 1 guy lose 3 times in the short time we were there. It was insane!! They kept asking if we wanted in but there was no way I was taking a chance and have to pay for all their drinks! It was more fun to watch! We also met another couple from our area that we hung out with a few times during the cruise. After the Phillies won, we decided to go to the casino for a bit.

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(Sorry, no pics for this one since it's all about the casino)


Now since the kids are only 18, this would be their first time in a casino. They were excited to go and try everything but I was nervous and scared for them. I think this was the only time I was over protective of them the entire trip. I stood right behind them and would not walk away. They insisted they were OK and that I should go play too. I didn’t go far. I went to the machine right next to them so that I could play myself but was still able to watch them closely. Britt quickly decided that slot machines were not her thing. Louis hit $20.00 on his machine and he thought he was on fire! So he wanted to sit there and play the same machine for a while. Britt and I then headed to the Roulette table. I let her watch quite a few hands and explained it all to her numerous times. The dealer also explained everything to her again just to reassure her. Would you believe her first hand she hit a number!! Talk about beginners luck!! She played for a little while and decided to quit when she was up some. She winded up leaving the table with $20.00 more than she started with. She was excited that she found her game.

We headed back to Louis and he claims he had the machine up to $120.00 one point. He tends to exaggerate a bit so I am not sure to believe him on that one. But since we were gone for about 45 minutes and he was at the same machine, he may have been telling the truth on this one.

So we decided that we had enough and now the kids wanted to check out the Disco. The kids were eager to do everything that they were now old enough to do. They show their ID to get in and are all excited. I decided not to go in so I sat and listened to the piano music that was playing on the promenade. I looked up and they around and headed right back out. They said it was all old people. I looked in and they were all my age!! But to them, that was old. Boy they really made me feel old just then, LOL!! I guess they were expecting all 18-22 year olds or something.

Since it was getting late we decided to call it a night. We were going to have an early morning the next day!

Next up:

Nassau and Atlantis!!

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love your review.......esp with the pics..........please please please post some pics of the Atlantis......when we were there 4 years ago, there was a huge black cloud over the resort as the ship pulled in.........we were supposed to go to the water park and as we departed the ship they told us it was closed due to the thunderstorms approaching.....so we went to the straw market and the girls got their Burberry purses......on the way back to the ship we got caught in monsoon rainfall. the water was up to our knees in some places.......we went back to the ship to dry off.........washed and dryed our clothes and just hung out on the ship for the rest of the day..........it was sunny at the ship and rainy throughout the island.......very wierd.........


anyway.......we are planning another cruise either this summer or next (2010) and want to try Nassau again for the Atlantis waterpark......can't wait to read your review.



Good luck Phillies :D (only cuz the Red Sox are out of it ):eek:



foxboro ma

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We were schedule to arrive in Nassau at 10am so we decided to wake up early and get a good breakfast before heading out. We found a table outside so we can watch us pull into port. It’s so neat watching the land get closer, bigger and then suddenly come to life with people. We knew it would be a while before we could get off the ship so we headed around to the front of the ship to see Atlantis. Brittny and I have both been there before so it was no big deal to us. Louis was impressed. We snapped a few pictures and then made our phone calls to my parents to let them know we arrived safely. Then we headed down to meet up with our tour group.





We decided to do the Atlantis Deep Dolphin Swim with Aquaventure. I really wanted to see more of the island since I have been to Atlantis before but the kids really wanted to do the slides and all. They also wanted to do the Dolphin Swim so we figured we would kill 2 birds with one stone. Now I am all for booking your tours independently but it actually turned out about the same price to book through the ship as it was to book solo. And we didn’t have to worry about getting our own transportation there.

We headed over to Atlantis and were taken to Dolphin Cay. We quickly were put into our wetsuits and in the briefing. They divided us up into small groups. Ours had 5 people in it. We started out with the deep swim. For those of you that don’t know what the deep swim is, you are given an underwater propeller that you can use to swim along underwater with the dolphins and keep up with them. It was soooo cool! Just being able to swim along side of them was awesome!! You could go as deep as you wanted too so you could really interact with them. I just wish I could have held my breath a bit longer so I could have stayed deeper with them.



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After we finished the swim we headed over to the foot push area. Now I was a little nervous about this. I thought you just laid there and they pushed you up out of the water kind of like you are water skiing. Well, it turns out that you are on a boogie board instead. I was thrilled because I have a hard time locking my knees when waterskiing and can never get up so I didn’t think I would be able to do it. The boogie boards were perfect for me!! We were paired up with Echo the dominate male of the group. He came over and put his nose into my foot and we were quickly flying across the pool. It was fascinating to feel how strong they are. They really are amazing creatures!! Then I got to watch both Brittny and Louis come across. The smiles on their faces were priceless!




After, we each got to give him a kiss and have our pictures taken with him and then feed him rub him down. Britt said eww when she threw the fish into his mouth so Echo spit water in her face for saying eww to his food. She thought that was pretty funny!! Echo did a few tricks in the water before we left and then we said our goodbyes. I can honestly say this was probably one of the best things I have done in my life. It was worth every penny that it cost!!




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