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Denied Passprt


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Doesn't make any difference at all. If the mother was a drug addict' date=' the father should have sued for custody to remove them from a dangerous situation. Children need support whether their mother is a drug addict or not. To NOT pay child support is being a deadbeat dad. To NOT have the children removed from the drug addicted mother is called child neglect.[/quote']


Do you realize that parents with custody are entitled in MOST states to a state appointed attorney??? Iowa, Missouri and Arizona only charge the custodial parent $5.00 per court appearance. Pray tell how a working parent wanting custody of the child, currently paying child support and fighting the STATE of XXXX can afford an attorney????? Contested custody cases can EASILY accrue $5-15,000 in attorney fees.


I AM a non practicing attorney. I do all the research, write most of the legal briefs. I have to hire a local attorney to accompany me to court. I am licensed in California, did not practice long enough to get reciprocity with other states. I own an international logistics business instead of practicing transportation law.


DH and I have spent in excess of $33,000 on top notch attorneys whose only requirement is to APPEAR in COURT since our long saga started in 1997. I cannot practice in Iowa or Missouri and the other attorney merely is my mouthpiece JUST TO GET the STATE of IOWA to abide by their own law. DH's ex has a State Paid attorney for $5.00 per court appearance. Continuances, motion hearings, delay, delay, delay cost her next to nothing. It costs us somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 per hour and I do most of the paperwork and research.


We are fortunate that we have the resources to pay these attorney fees. MOST non-custodial parents DO NOT have the resources to fight the STATE of XXX. Remember, you are fighting the STATE with almost infinite resources, NOT the parent. Food for thought!!!

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Do you realize that parents with custody are entitled in MOST states to a state appointed attorney??? Iowa, Missouri and Arizona only charge the custodial parent $5.00 per court appearance. Pray tell how a working parent wanting custody of the child, currently paying child support and fighting the STATE of XXXX can afford an attorney????? Contested custody cases can EASILY accrue $5-15,000 in attorney fees.


I AM a non practicing attorney. I do all the research, write most of the legal briefs. I have to hire a local attorney to accompany me to court. I am licensed in California, did not practice long enough to get reciprocity with other states. I own an international logistics business instead of practicing transportation law.


DH and I have spent in excess of $33,000 on top notch attorneys whose only requirement is to APPEAR in COURT since our long saga started in 1997. I cannot practice in Iowa or Missouri and the other attorney merely is my mouthpiece JUST TO GET the STATE of IOWA to abide by their own law. DH's ex has a State Paid attorney for $5.00 per court appearance. Continuances, motion hearings, delay, delay, delay cost her next to nothing. It costs us somewhere in the neighborhood of $300 per hour and I do most of the paperwork and research.


We are fortunate that we have the resources to pay these attorney fees. MOST non-custodial parents DO NOT have the resources to fight the STATE of XXX. Remember, you are fighting the STATE with almost infinite resources, NOT the parent. Food for thought!!!


Just being nosey, but why not take the bar exam in the states that are involved so that you can represent yourself?

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That 6 month thingie is pretty much standard for all the countries of the world....including Canada.

Not... really...


Canada will allow a US citizen into the country with a passport that has less than 6 months of validity. It's valid up until the day that it is not valid, not six months before it's invalid. The difference though is that you need to renew it before you leave if you plan on staying after the passport is invalid, that's the reason for the 6 month thing (I believe that after 6 months in the country you need to apply for permanent residence).


AFAIK, the only time a US citizen will need a passport for travel is if they fly to a non-WHTI country, which is most of central-America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.... Don't know about Antarctica though. :D

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Just being nosey, but why not take the bar exam in the states that are involved so that you can represent yourself?


Because I run a 24/7 international business, travel about 150 days internationally per year and really have no desire to study for torts, contracts and procedure in foreign jurisdictions just so I can take a bar exam in another state. I have seriously thought about it many times, but as long as I have the capability to pay the bills, I really have no desire to be licensed in Missouri or Iowa. I am licensed to practice in Federal courts, which is applicable to my business. So I stick with my California license which OCCASIONALLY comes in handy.

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I had to renew my passport five months before its expiry date because it wasn't good for six months....yup, your wonderful US government is so paranoid that I, as a Canadian who as ZERO interesting in staying in the US longer than my vacation time, needs my passport to be good for SIX months in case I decide to stay. Let's see I have a home, four cats, a job, family, and my whole life in Canada, why would I want to stay in the US where I'd be so freaking worried for my life that I'd stay indoors!!!!


I paid to renew it, but I wasn't happy.....


Worried for your life in the US? You mean the guy on the bus who hacked someone's head off in the next seat in Canada didnt scare you? Only the creeps in the US? Do us a favor.. stay home..


BTW.. the 6months on the passport.. has to do more with the country you are vacationing in.. ie France, Argentina-etc..

and this rule applies to US Passports also..




Some countries require that your passport be valid for 6 months beyond the date of your trip- and some airlines too..




You do not need a passport (yet)




Perhaps if your country was attacked by 19 foreigners your country would be a bit more cautious or as you like to say, paranoid..


and by the way... Your country has not issued any travel warnings about the US.

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This has NOTHING to do with your TA, or the Cruise Line. Sounds like someone needs to be contacting a lawyer and getting this child support issue taken care of.

Instead of taking a cruise, use the money to pay on the child support.


Thank goodness I do not have issues with my ex. He is here every 2 weeks when he gets paid to pay his support, he still gets to cruise, he still has a new car, lives in a SMALL apartment, but has made adjustments so that he can afford to do what he wants, as well has take care of the payments required for his girls.


Sorry, I didn't word that quite right, what I meant was I'd call Carnival or my TA (whichever I booked with) and ask them if one is on a "list" per se (someone's list, gov't. whomever) but did not have a passport, would they be allowed to board. I'm not saying to call Carnival or the TA to get the support paid, lol. Sorry if I worded that wrong. :o Though I think others have answered that one already, it makes no difference if you've paid your child support or not, you are certainly welcome to sail with a BC and DL.

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Passports are not required on cruises departing from and returning to the same US Port. Those are called closed-loop cruises and are granted an exception from the passport requirements, even in the FINAL rules issued for post-June 2009. It doesn't matter where the cruise goes, as long as it leaves from and returns to the same US port. Gov't-issued photo ID, such as D/L and proof of citizenship, such as certified B/C, are sufficient.
It is true that the United States does not require a passport for closed-loop cruises, and MOST closed-loop cruises do not go to locations that require a passport of US citizens. Note however that there are a few longer closed-loop cruises that go to countries that DO require a passport of US citizens, so it DOES MATTER WHERE THE CRUISE GOES.
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That is no reason not to "support" your child. It is a great reason to go back to court and get cutody of your child though. What the custodial parent uses the money for as long as the child is being taken care of is no ones business but the custodial parent.

It's not always non-payment. A friend had moved from one state to another and the two states screwed up the paperwork and payment tracking. It took years to straighten out and all that time he couldn't get his passport. He had the paperwork to prove he was up to date but they couldn't match it to theirs.

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It's not always non-payment. A friend had moved from one state to another and the two states screwed up the paperwork and payment tracking. It took years to straighten out and all that time he couldn't get his passport. He had the paperwork to prove he was up to date but they couldn't match it to theirs.


ANOTHER case of the states NOT helping to straighten out problems. EVERY state gets FEDERAL money to beat non custodial parents over the head for child support, whether it is owed OR NOT. NO state that I know of has ANY incentive to help out. The State is cutting off Federal funds when they FINALLY agree that child support is paid. Most states just IGNORE legal reasoning, as they loose money when they are not ACTIVELY trying to collect child support, owed or not.

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Because I run a 24/7 international business, travel about 150 days internationally per year and really have no desire to study for torts, contracts and procedure in foreign jurisdictions just so I can take a bar exam in another state.



What? You don't want to have to take the time and money to sit through the bar exam yet again? But it was so fun the first time.:rolleyes: The thought of having to take the bar exam again gives me nightmares so I definitely can't imagine doing it when it is not necessary for your job.

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ANOTHER case of the states NOT helping to straighten out problems. EVERY state gets FEDERAL money to beat non custodial parents over the head for child support, whether it is owed OR NOT. NO state that I know of has ANY incentive to help out. The State is cutting off Federal funds when they FINALLY agree that child support is paid. Most states just IGNORE legal reasoning, as they loose money when they are not ACTIVELY trying to collect child support, owed or not.


Well, let me tell you one that will help out and do the right thing, (sometimes)

Tennessee. My DH's case got screwed up and they sent a garnishment for his IRS return. He was never late on any of his payments and he knew this and he had his records. He made a phone call and talked to the attorney (the states) and told her the situation. He had to fax her the info. the next day and within a week all garnishments were taken away.

I do not pay the state of TN $5.00 each time me & my ex have to go to court for him not paying his child support. They do take $25.00 a year for taking the payment from him (when he pays) and direct dep. it to my account.

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How about THREE lawyers in three different states for children that are currently 38 and 35???? We have been battling an Iowa 1980 child support order that was sent to Missouri for jurisdiction and MODIFIED in Missouri in 1984. In 1997, after a change in the Iowa law in 1996, which was 1 year AFTER we quit paying child support for the youngest, the State of Iowa started after DH for the DIFFERENCE between the original amount and the MODIFIED amount.


Missouri states DH is PAID in FULL (even went to jail on an Iowa warrant in 1997 and was released with NO MONEY DUE as Missouri Child Support has jurisdiction). Iowa states we owe the difference (ex post facto law) and Arizona is riding the gravy train because EACH letter they send to try to collect what MAY or MAY NOT be owed entitles them to Federal monies for child support collection.


We have spent more in attorney fees that Iowa has EVER contended we owe. It is now the principal of the thing. I am a non practicing attorney and have some of the best legal help in the above states working for me. Thank goodness, DH has a passport that is valid until 2015, so he is OK there.


PLEASE DON'T ASSUME a non-support denied passport is a result of non payment of Child Support. Sure, there are a lot of mothers (and some fathers) that are owed back support. But since the 1989 Centralized Child Support laws and Federal Support guidelines which RESULTED in FEDERAL PAYMENTS to the States for ATTEMPTED collection efforts, NO STATE has any interest in trying to straighten out problems. They loose money if they take cases off the books.


I'm off my soap box.


Hmmm, well you do indeed make a point, but I think the assumption is reasonable in this case,,,The OP said BACK CHILD SUPPORT,,,she never implied that it was an unfair back amount, or money not truly owed,,,so I think it was pretty much implied,,,I think it's a reasonable assumption, if indeed I did make an assumption.


Either he needs to make arrangements to pay child support,,,,or he needs to make arrangements to prove he doesn't owe it,,,,in either case, he needs an attorney, which is what I was agreeing with,,



And certainly you are correct,,,there are some rare cases of completely UNFAIR amounts owed,,,,my SIL went though something very similar, and fortunately got it straightened out,,,


However, let's face it,,,,in most cases of back child support owed,,,it is truly OWED.


I didn't mean to sound like a biotch,,,but this exact situation is very close to my heart, as I was unsupported by my father for most of my childhood. While my Dad was traipsing Europe on vacation, my mother was unable to provide me or my sister with the little extras like the class trip to Washington, new prom dresses, and braces,,,,


Fortunately, she managed all the necessities,,,I love her all the more for it, but I simply do NOT have a relationship with my father to this day,,,



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Well, let me tell you one that will help out and do the right thing, (sometimes)

Tennessee. My DH's case got screwed up and they sent a garnishment for his IRS return. He was never late on any of his payments and he knew this and he had his records. He made a phone call and talked to the attorney (the states) and told her the situation. He had to fax her the info. the next day and within a week all garnishments were taken away.

I do not pay the state of TN $5.00 each time me & my ex have to go to court for him not paying his child support. They do take $25.00 a year for taking the payment from him (when he pays) and direct dep. it to my account.


You and your DH are VERY lucky. He had his case resolved to the satisfaction of all and you evidently get free legal representation every time you go to court with your ex. Wish more states were so progressive. But most states want the money from the Feds more than they care about children and how they ruin parents lives with erroneous info.

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What? You don't want to have to take the time and money to sit through the bar exam yet again? But it was so fun the first time.:rolleyes: The thought of having to take the bar exam again gives me nightmares so I definitely can't imagine doing it when it is not necessary for your job.


Not about the job-I own the company. And I know enough transportation law to get myself and the company out of most jams (although I do have house counsel).


But CONTRACTS/TORTS??? I was taught criminal law by Vince Bugliosi and Aaron Stovitz right after they tried the Manson trial (Southwestern University School of Law-1971). 98% on the California Baby Bar in Criminal Law (I always wanted to be a criminal defense attorney). Torts by some guy that was a ha-ha at best-read the cases, pass the Baby Bar-scored 84%. Contracts-by a Superior Court Judge who sat with his feet on the desk, couldn't see him over the desk and READ cases to us. I have learned far more about contract law on my own and in business than I EVER learned in school. My Baby Bar score-72. JUST enough to pass.


The Missouri Bar would be a lock-could pass without a lot of studying. Have thought a whole lot recently about taking the Missouri Bar. Could retire on my farm and defend the criminal cases in my small town. Won't make me Robert Shapiro, but could make me a few bucks.


FORGET taking the Bar in Iowa. They are just plain backwards. Have to go to the Drake Law Library frequently just to decipher the differences between about 45 states and Iowa. Even though Iowa is one of the premier transportation states in the Union, their statutes conflict with almost all other states.


Would I take the Bar again??? Yes, just to see if all that education REALLY means anything. You may feel the same way 30 years from now.

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If you are denied a passport for whatever reason can you still board the cruise ship by providing a valid state i.d. and a valid birth certificate?


Yes. As long as you have a ceritified birth certificate you will be fine.....


I'd worry that there might be an arrest warrant on him for back child support.

If that is the case he will get on the ship but the law will be there to take him off.


Please........could you imagine:confused: Arrest warrants for every person behind on child support:cool: LOL!!!

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Please........could you imagine:confused: Arrest warrants for every person behind on child support:cool: LOL!!!


I once had an arrest warrant issued to me for late (ok, 4 months late) library books,,,,,


I kid not,,,,,


I paid my fine and returned the books and they dropped the charges. Holly

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I had a deadbeat husband. When they finally found him my kids were in their 30's and he had to pay child support every week. They asked me if I wanted to deny him a passport and I said yes. Until they found him and he made payment arrangements, there was a warrant out for his arrest.


So if the boyfriend of the OP is hiding from his x-wife, there is probably a warrant out for him and they will deny boarding. If they know where he is and he's just in arrears he can probably get on the ship with I.D. His x-wife probably asked that they deny him a passport.

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:eek: I didnt know they did that!



Oh yes Maam, they surely do,,,,ask me how EMBARRASSING it is to have a friend who just happens to work at the police station (thank GOD) call you and tell you to get your BUTT to the library and pay your fines so they don't have to arrest you!!!!!



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I had a deadbeat husband. When they finally found him my kids were in their 30's and he had to pay child support every week. They asked me if I wanted to deny him a passport and I said yes. Until they found him and he made payment arrangements, there was a warrant out for his arrest.


So if the boyfriend of the OP is hiding from his x-wife, there is probably a warrant out for him and they will deny boarding. If they know where he is and he's just in arrears he can probably get on the ship with I.D. His x-wife probably asked that they deny him a passport.


That's why I don't understand why folks earlier in the thread assumed that this problem could just go away because the child is now in their 30's. To be in arrears for that long means SOMEONE had to "do without" so the kids could have what they needed for year after year after year, and the person doing without surely wasn't the one who wasn't paying and now wants a passport to take a cruise.


Just because now the kids are grown doesn't mean those back payments are irrelevant. If nothing else, if the person who still owes a few thousand in child support were to make those payments current, perhaps the parent who spent years struggling to make ends meet without the court-mandated payments they should have had could be the one to take a cruise?


To the OP, be glad that for the time being a BC and DL will suffice. I predict in another year or two it won't. Of course, I'm also one who thinks that if someone wins the lottery while they owe back child support their KIDS just got rich.

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