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I Have No Willpower!!

Ship Addict

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Hi everyone. It's been ages since I posted on this board. I don't think I've lost anything since the last time I was here, but I am perpetually trying to lose weight. My problem is I have NO willpower. If I see a food I want, I eat it. I find some way in my mind to rationalize why it's okay.

  • Today won't count -- I'll do better tomorrow.
  • I still have time today to work out.
  • I'm too tired today to work out, I'll do it tomorrow.
  • This is a special occasion, we don't do this very often.
  • It just plain tastes good and I want it!


And besides that, I just feel overwhelmed with all the changes that I need to make.

  • I love bread and usually will have 2 rolls before dinner. DH definitely wants the bread, so I can't tell them not to bring it.
  • I love wine and like to have at least a glass daily.
  • Sweets are a terrible weakness for me, especially chocolate.
  • If I'm at a restaurant and paying $10 or more for an entree, I want FOOD, not a salad.
  • I love rich, flavorful foods. Just last night we had boneless buffalo wings and fried mushrooms. I knew the whole time I should be ordering the grilled chicken breast, but how do you turn down boneless wings???
  • Mexican foods are a particular weakness for me, and forget about the margaritas!!!

I'm barely 5' and closing in on 35 pounds higher than what I want to be. the weight really shows. I want to be a MILF again!!


Where do I start??

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You can start by telling me what MILF is? I am serious! I just cannot even make a guess here! I am sure it is something easy to figure out.


Now on where to start on your weight loss. A new mind set. Today is the day, no time like the present! It's going to be a lifestyle change not a diet and you will not deprive yourself.


I would make sure I got cardio work in at least 5 days a week. I know people who go to the gym for a couple hours everyday. Sorry but that is not me. I do about 40 min. either on the treadmill or outside. Combination running/walking. I starting with walking and when I started running it really helped to get rid of belly fat. If you don't want to run you can do interval walking. Go fast then slow. Hills are great!


Eating, don't try to stop all your favorites at one time. It will probably leave you feeling deprived. Eat only one roll, try to make it whole wheat.

Wine is not bad as long as you keep it to one glass (not a huge one.)

Chocolate, again teach youself moderation. I allow myself 6 dark chocolate kisses a day. Somedays I don't eat any but I never feel like they are so bad that I can't eat them. As soon as something is I can never have it it becomes the only thing I want.

I eat whatever I want. I watch the portion size. Most restaurants serve way to much. Cut the meal in half right away, get a take out box and box it up. Have it another day.

I do try to eat healthy, whole grains, vegetables. But I don't place so many restrictions that is feels like I can't eat out or enjoy a meal. I like to cook and eat way to much.


So short version. Watch the portion size and get cardio exercise.

You can make the changes to be healthier! Don't wait till tomorrow, start today!


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You can start by telling me what MILF is? I am serious! I just cannot even make a guess here! I am sure it is something easy to figure out.




Thanks for your suggestions Kelly. LOL I knew someone would ask what a MILF is. It is a crude guy acronym for Mothers I'd Like to F___. I used to be one of those, but have let myself go the last 5 years or so cos I am just so overwhelmed with time commitments!


I HATE cardio. I have been doing yoga for the past 3 weeks or so and I really like it cos it works on strength and I feel GREAT afterwards. And sometimes it does get your heartrate up -- it just depends on what you're doing. But I can't seem to fit it in every day. I think as far as exercise goes I will just try to make yoga a habit for now, and then once I feel like I HAVE to exercise almost on a daily basis then I will start mixing in a little cardio every now and then.


I will try to work in some of your other suggestions on food. Funny thing is, I know what I SHOULD be doing, just making myself do it is a totally different animal!!



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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but while yoga is great for strength, flexibility, your core, it will not help alot for weight loss. You need to do cardio. It's like doing alot of crunches and wondering why your stomach isn't getting smaller. The muscles are firming but they are under a layer of fat.

Find something that you like. You don't have to love it just tolerate it. After you start seeing results you might start to like it! I never thought I'd run but I knew I had to change my routine. After I started to see my stomach going away I started to like it.

If you want to eat more you need to exercise more. Check out myfitnesspal.com you can track your calories and exercise. They have alot of helpful info and a message board for more support and ideas.

Good luck on your goal!


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That's the problem..you wanted it all, you ate it all, and now you are fat.


My suggestion is that you ask yourself things like "why do I need to eat a dozen doughnuts when the serving size is 1" etc.


If I were you, I'd eat the CORRECT serving sizes of all the foods you now enjoy. 3 meals, sitting at the table, and 2 snacks. A 30 minute brisk walk per day. Period.


You can get a thousand ideas here that are good, but in the end you are the only one who can push yourself away from the table and put down the fork. We all have 24 hours in a day and time commitments. My schedule I am sure beats yours hands down. But I shut up and push myself out the door to the gym or the park at 5:30 am. and let go of other things in my life I used to think had to be a priority.


That's the simplest approach I can offer you. Sooner or later you have to suck it up and make the adjustments. We can't do it for you. And if you keep complainign about it and do nothing, then you only reinforce being fat.


And exercising isn't a license to keep eating the same amounts you currently eat. That's why you see the same fat people at the gym never losing weight. They think because they exercised for half an hour on the treadmill it's ok to go and eat a 500 calorie bagel to "refuel".


"I am Menina and I approve this message" :)


Thanks for your suggestions Kelly. LOL I knew someone would ask what a MILF is. It is a crude guy acronym for Mothers I'd Like to F___. I used to be one of those, but have let myself go the last 5 years or so cos I am just so overwhelmed with time commitments!


I HATE cardio. I have been doing yoga for the past 3 weeks or so and I really like it cos it works on strength and I feel GREAT afterwards. And sometimes it does get your heartrate up -- it just depends on what you're doing. But I can't seem to fit it in every day. I think as far as exercise goes I will just try to make yoga a habit for now, and then once I feel like I HAVE to exercise almost on a daily basis then I will start mixing in a little cardio every now and then.


I will try to work in some of your other suggestions on food. Funny thing is, I know what I SHOULD be doing, just making myself do it is a totally different animal!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I totally feel you on the no will power.

I set a goal for myself to loose 54 pounds by my cruise in March. I have lost 7 pounds so far! It is really hard to stick with it, but I want to wear a bikini on the cruise, and look great in it.


Here are some tips I have used to restrain myself:


1. DON'T buy it. If your tempting foods are not in the house, you cannot eat them.

2. Only cook enough food for what you will eat. If that means only cooking rolls for your hubby... then only make enough for him.

3. Replace tempting food with something that is still satisfying but that won't be as bad for you. Here are some examples:

a. Jello or fat free pudding instead of ice cream or other desserts.

b. Baked chips instead of regular

c. Ground turkey or chicken instead of hamburger. This works great in chili!

d. Replace all dairy products with low fat or fat free versions

4. If you get a craving, go brush your teeth. This will almost always get rid of my craving.

5. If the above does not work, sip on herbal teas. I like mint or peach.

6. Drink LOTS of water. Most of the time when I think I am hungry I am really just thirsty.


Hope this helps! Good luck!

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  • 3 months later...

Ship addict I totally here what your saying I also wish I could eat what ever I want when ever I want and not have to exercise. Thats also my problem for loosing weight I don't like dieting or restricking any food. Makes me want it more as well. I just have to get my head around it and accept thats just the way it is. If I could learn to stay within my calories without cutting any food out it would be great. Actually the ww points system worked great for me a few years ago and I never cut out anything just had to cut down alot of calories. I just wish I never fell of the track because it's been very hard to get back on. Good luck! you'll find your way. Just keep trying.

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I know it's hard but what I do is DON'T THINK ABOUT IT JUST DO IT!!! When I dwell on losing weight (or anything for that matter, going grocery shopping, to the bank, ect...) that's when I get a case of the "F its"!!! It really helps to find a hobby too. Anything will do, just change your focus and don't think about doing it for months and years but just for that day!!:rolleyes:

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try not to eat alot.....i was 185 2weeks ago and now im 175.....im 5'7'' so im still fat but losing 5 pounds a week for 4 weeks until my cruise is like 20 pounds....usually i eat and drink like 1 mcdonalds large diet coke and half of a subway sub or like 1 packet of oat meal and a diet coke...its like 7 oclock right now and i litterally havent eaten anything today...nothing.....but im about to have 2 meetballs.....i also drink lots of water....i use to eat all day long and now that im on this habbit i am use to it and i can go a whole day with out eating...its workin for me and i plan on gaining it back on the cruise

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Actually the one meal a day worked for me when I did it years ago and I felt great. I was scared that it was dangerous to do long term so I stopped. Maybe I should try that again till my cruise anyways. I wonder if its dangerous long term. Shouldn't calories be calories no matter what time of day it's eaten?

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Actually the one meal a day worked for me when I did it years ago and I felt great. I was scared that it was dangerous to do long term so I stopped. Maybe I should try that again till my cruise anyways. I wonder if its dangerous long term. Shouldn't calories be calories no matter what time of day it's eaten?


Yes...calories are calories and it does not matter when you eat them. Use your common sense, and your own body. If you can eat just one meal a day, and feel fine, and NOT BINGE LATER ( and this is the reason that one meal a day is not recommended) and that works for you to lose, then I see no problem with it. But the key here it making sure it does not cause you to overeat later...it tends to have that effect on others.

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i just posted about 2 meetballs......i usuall eat 5-6 meetballs when im not dieting but i diddnt realize how much my stomach has shrunk...I COULD ONLY EAT 1 1/2......and they are small ones to...not those big kinds....i have looked in the mirror befor and turned to the side to see my shape and my gut poped out alot and now it is MUCH BETTER!!!! I never really realized how much this works.....my mom tells me that it is sorta like fasting and says its bad for me so i just say "its for religious perpose" and she says "what religion" and i say "pwltc" and she asks what that means and i say "people who like to cruise"

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Yes...calories are calories and it does not matter when you eat them. Use your common sense, and your own body. If you can eat just one meal a day, and feel fine, and NOT BINGE LATER ( and this is the reason that one meal a day is not recommended) and that works for you to lose, then I see no problem with it. But the key here it making sure it does not cause you to overeat later...it tends to have that effect on others.

i feel absolutly fine!

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Hi everyone. It's been ages since I posted on this board. I don't think I've lost anything since the last time I was here, but I am perpetually trying to lose weight. My problem is I have NO willpower. If I see a food I want, I eat it. I find some way in my mind to rationalize why it's okay.

  • Today won't count -- I'll do better tomorrow.
  • I still have time today to work out.
  • I'm too tired today to work out, I'll do it tomorrow.
  • This is a special occasion, we don't do this very often.
  • It just plain tastes good and I want it!


And besides that, I just feel overwhelmed with all the changes that I need to make.

  • I love bread and usually will have 2 rolls before dinner. DH definitely wants the bread, so I can't tell them not to bring it.
  • I love wine and like to have at least a glass daily.
  • Sweets are a terrible weakness for me, especially chocolate.
  • If I'm at a restaurant and paying $10 or more for an entree, I want FOOD, not a salad.
  • I love rich, flavorful foods. Just last night we had boneless buffalo wings and fried mushrooms. I knew the whole time I should be ordering the grilled chicken breast, but how do you turn down boneless wings???
  • Mexican foods are a particular weakness for me, and forget about the margaritas!!!

I'm barely 5' and closing in on 35 pounds higher than what I want to be. the weight really shows. I want to be a MILF again!!


Where do I start??



I don't remember posting all of this...but dang it sounds JUST LIKE ME! I am only 31, 5'4" and now weighing 142. I weighed 120 my entire life until this past year. And I always make the same excuses! Not anymore. Today is the day. I bought fancy new workout pants and everything lol! I am, will, going to hit 120 by my cruise departure 9/5!

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Hi everyone. It's been ages since I posted on this board. I don't think I've lost anything since the last time I was here, but I am perpetually trying to lose weight. My problem is I have NO willpower. If I see a food I want, I eat it. I find some way in my mind to rationalize why it's okay.

  • Today won't count -- I'll do better tomorrow.
  • I still have time today to work out.
  • I'm too tired today to work out, I'll do it tomorrow.
  • This is a special occasion, we don't do this very often.
  • It just plain tastes good and I want it!


And besides that, I just feel overwhelmed with all the changes that I need to make.

  • I love bread and usually will have 2 rolls before dinner. DH definitely wants the bread, so I can't tell them not to bring it.
  • I love wine and like to have at least a glass daily.
  • Sweets are a terrible weakness for me, especially chocolate.
  • If I'm at a restaurant and paying $10 or more for an entree, I want FOOD, not a salad.
  • I love rich, flavorful foods. Just last night we had boneless buffalo wings and fried mushrooms. I knew the whole time I should be ordering the grilled chicken breast, but how do you turn down boneless wings???
  • Mexican foods are a particular weakness for me, and forget about the margaritas!!!

I'm barely 5' and closing in on 35 pounds higher than what I want to be. the weight really shows. I want to be a MILF again!!


Where do I start??


Until you really truly want to change, no amount of planning and trying is going to deliver results for you. You will know when you have that "ah ha!" Moment. Things will fall into place and you will no longer post a list of reasons why you will not be successful before you've even begun ... you will instead have a list of reasons why you will be successful!


My first suggestion is to quit looking at the total picture, and don't try to change everything about your current eating and exercising at once. Make small changes that add up to big changes over time.


Example. Start drinking more water. Wear a pedometer (just having one of these things on makes you want to move more.) Instead of two rolls, have one. A glass of wine every night, ok ... but what's your glass hold? pour yourself a couple ounces less.


Watching what you eat and losing weight doesn't have to be about denial. I know, I refused to give up my Friday night Pizza and Beer tradition. I was still successful at reaching my goal.

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Binge? For what? I don't get it. What is so much fun about porking out like that. So you can beat yourself up for overdoing it?


Wouldn't it be healthier to eat everything and small bites of it and enjoy it, instead of go whole hog??


but belive me, I WILL BINGE ON THE CRUISE!!! :p
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I think most people realize they have their "ah ha" moment when they finally realize they are the only ones that can push themselves away from the table, and accept the fact they are always going to be viewed by most people as overweight and unhealthy.


Society can't change, so you have to.


You have to make the decision to get healthy and do it the right way. It's not about postiive thinking. It's about education, meal planning, wise choices, and a whole lot of common sense.




Until you really truly want to change, no amount of planning and trying is going to deliver results for you. You will know when you have that "ah ha!" Moment. Things will fall into place and you will no longer post a list of reasons why you will not be successful before you've even begun ... you will instead have a list of reasons why you will be successful!


My first suggestion is to quit looking at the total picture, and don't try to change everything about your current eating and exercising at once. Make small changes that add up to big changes over time.


Example. Start drinking more water. Wear a pedometer (just having one of these things on makes you want to move more.) Instead of two rolls, have one. A glass of wine every night, ok ... but what's your glass hold? pour yourself a couple ounces less.


Watching what you eat and losing weight doesn't have to be about denial. I know, I refused to give up my Friday night Pizza and Beer tradition. I was still successful at reaching my goal.

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