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Are 1st timers allowed at the Past Guest Party?


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Not sure if this is a badly botched attempt at humor or a completely thoughtless question.


Each invitation will have the name of the past guest ONLY. It will not say, "and guest!"

If that is in any way unclear, then there is no way to explain it to you.


"Sneaking" an UNINVITED guest in to the party is easy. Bringing a non-invited guest is RUDE to all other past guests, your host, Carnival, yourself, and most of all your "GUEST."



I handle it a several ways. I have been known to call the CS desk as ask, and every time I was told it was just fine.

Other times I have just given my invite away. Water downed drinks and that same silly video that I have seen a million times, it’s not a major loss if I miss the “event”.

Now PC’s (Perfect Cruisers), I have a question, if I miss the event for whatever reason and a first time cruiser attends in my stead, have I committed some unforgivable immoral cruising sin?

But now you have me thinking… perhaps next time I’ll just send the 1st time cruiser off with my soda card to use while I attend the event. Alternatively, perhaps, I take the 1st time cruiser along and not allow her to have a free drink and share my flask that I filled from my stash of smuggled booze before we left the cabin.

Hey Dan, not a bad pic of a kit car, it is amazing what one can do with some fiberglass and a VW bug!

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Well its not always a lot of money...... I hit Platinum in I think 35 total nights doing nothing but dirt cheap 3/4/5 night cruises.... in less than a year! (Yep I set out to do it that way) One Platinum benefit I love is the free laundry service.


Yeah I know, I have ruined it for everyone that took a bunch of 7 night cruises... :-) Actually, I think the benefits offered for 10 cruises on Carnival are better than what is offered on the other lines.


But the question I can't wait to ask is......... am I less entitled to sneak in a lowlife newbie cruiser for the free drinks at the returning guest party then lets say someone that took 70 nights to hit the platinum level that I only took 35 nights to hit??? :-)


Hi Rogue

I was comparing to what i have paid on my last two Carnival cruises.. I think the first one was shy of of $1800 on a 5 day.. (yep paid tooooo much) and on our 8 day Miracle it was about $2300 or so

So if I round off to $1000 pp x 10 cruises x 2 people.. I am thinknig $20,000. worth of business from two people is nothing to sneeze at for Carnival or any business for that matter.... especially considering this does not include any monies spent on board..

Just my thinking...



Now regarding the PG Party. ..I just get the impression that some cruisers believe they are part of some exclusive country club.. I am sorry I dont get it? Free food on a cruise that includes food? A couple of drinks ? So what? And if it is true that CC is 1% of all cruisers ... how many first timers are showing up for these PG Parties? And if its also true that Carnival is the most successful cruiseline.. could be those PG parties are that crowded because of repeat customers...


I just don't see the need for the 'anger'... Now if we talking about first timers cutting in line in the VIP section I would understand the resentment...


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Is all this fuss necessary for an hour of finger food and a few free drinks?


Hey get it right..... it is cold finger food and watered-down drinks!

Don't you understand when a person lives on a high horse and has no life, feeling morally superior to others on CC no matter how lacking such a foundation may be is critical to that persons happiness! By suggesting otherwise, you may cause such people to climb down off their high horse and then they would be faced with the overwhelming reality of their short stature! You would not want to be responsible for that now would you?

I hope I have cleared this up for you and you will promise to never ever question the value of such points of view ever again! For some, delusions of moral authority is all the joy they have in their entire life and I dare hope you would not be so crass and uncaring to take such from them.

Best Regards............ :-)

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Hi Rogue

I was comparing to what i have paid on my last two Carnival cruises.. I think the first one was shy of of $1800 on a 5 day.. (yep paid tooooo much) and on our 8 day Miracle it was about $2300 or so

So if I round off to $1000 pp x 10 cruises x 2 people.. I am thinknig $20,000. worth of business from two people is nothing to sneeze at for Carnival.. especially considering this does not include any monies spent on board..

Just my thinking...



Trock, I may have mislead you...... (shame on me) although the fare for the cruise was often dirt cheap, I paid dearly via my bar tab and at times at the Craps table!!

By the way, I hope we end up on the same cruise someday, I am sure (we) you/your other half, me/my other half.... would have a blast.

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Trock, I may have mislead you...... (shame on me) although the fare for the cruise was often dirt cheap, I paid dearly via my bar tab and at times at the Craps table!!


By the way, I hope we end up on the same cruise someday, I am sure (we) you/your other half, me/my other half.... would have a blast.



Well then book the May 8 Miracle out of NYC!! (My tab at the crap table is shameful! LOL)

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I would talk to the purser's desk, and see what they say. I understand that you want your Aunt to go but it is a PAST GUEST party. The worst thing that could happen is they say no.


As for sneaking her in, what would happen if you got to the door they asked for you invites and you hand them to them and they say sorry you can't enter without an invite...I'm sure your Aunt would turn many different shades of red with embarrassment. I don't think that would happen but how terrible would you feel IF it did.

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I handle it a several ways. I have been known to call the CS desk as ask, and every time I was told it was just fine.


Other times I have just given my invite away. Water downed drinks and that same silly video that I have seen a million times, it’s not a major loss if I miss the “event”.


Now PC’s (Perfect Cruisers), I have a question, if I miss the event for whatever reason and a first time cruiser attends in my stead, have I committed some unforgivable immoral cruising sin?


But now you have me thinking… perhaps next time I’ll just send the 1st time cruiser off with my soda card to use while I attend the event. Alternatively, perhaps, I take the 1st time cruiser along and not allow her to have a free drink and share my flask that I filled from my stash of smuggled booze before we left the cabin.


Hey Dan, not a bad pic of a kit car, it is amazing what one can do with some fiberglass and a VW bug!


The question is not if the PG party is worth attending or not. When I do attend, I do not eat the hors d' oeuvres. Nor do I drink the drinks off the tray.


The question is whether or not one should take an uninvited guest to ANY Party.

If you were willing to research manners and etiquette, you would/will find that ASKING a "host" [however one views that host status] if one might bring along an uninvited guest is considered extremely rude. And the host, avoiding rudeness on their own part, will say, "By all means!" That does not forgive the rudeness of the asker, nor does it mean that the host is pleased.

You are free to disagree with the proper conduct.

You are free to elect to not follow proper conduct.

You are even free to say that the proper conduct is wrong, but you would be the one that is wrong.


Am I a "perfect cruiser?" I don't know or care. I do have a personal code of honor.


Part of the code says that if it [whatever it is] is not mine, I don't want it.

Like if a merchant gives me too much change, I DO give it back. Even the one a few weeks ago that gave me an extra $20. bill in change. I said, "You gave me the wrong change." WITH a smile on my face. She immediately got VERY defensive and stated that she had given me the right change. With her attitude, it was tempting to say OK and walk away. But I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't say that right, You gave me $20 too much."


It wasn't mine, I didn't want it. [applies just as much top party invites as it does to money.]


My code also says if it is mine and you try to keep it from me, I'll rip your face off. So much for "perfect."


Am I "holier than thou"? If you think so, thats your hang up. I don't even consider your conduct when examining my own. I yam what I yam.




Some Spyder replicas are made of FG and many VDub parts. Espicially the floor pan. Those are the low men on the Totem Pole. Some are frame up constructions without a single VW part. And some have hand laid all aluminum bodies. One must delve deeply into each machine to tell the differences. Some have meek VW powerplants in the 110 HP area. Others have Porsche power up to and above 300 HP. Some even have water cooled engines with V8 power. That runs contrary to the idea of the car. Which is sufficient power, very lightweight, and superb balance. A big V8 destroys the balance and handling and makes it an exteremely squirelly auto to drive. But almost all of the cars look terrific.


As in much of life, you can't tell a book by its cover.



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I have never been to a PG party and probably never will, but nor would I bring a guest if it was their first time cruising. It's not like you guys will be together 24/7 on the cruise, at least I hope not. This post made me think of how angry people became at the guy in Philly who snuck into the Carnival tent and didn't wait in line last week when a big thing of candy was supposed to be broken. It seems as though folks want to selectively follow some rules and stand on moral authority when it suits them otherwise.

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For years Carnival bastardized the definition of formal and couldn't care less what Mr Dictionary thought. The dictionary was, and still is, irrelevant when discussing anything to do with Carnival. That went for formal, for cruise elegant, for past guest, and for anything else.


Personally, I think the elitists continue to try to find some minor battle victory ever since they lost the formal dress war.


With all the cutbacks being made, I wouldn't be surprised if there are cutbacks in all the cruise line entitlement programs.


If Carnival made the pg soiree a pay event, I wonder how many would attend? If they scheduled them in the mornings, what would that do to attendance?

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For years Carnival bastardized the definition of formal and couldn't care less what Mr Dictionary thought. The dictionary was, and still is, irrelevant when discussing anything to do with Carnival. That went for formal, for cruise elegant, for past guest, and for anything else.


I get it. You are not wrong. Its just that the terrible Webster's-Carnival-Funk&Wagnalls Cartel re-wrote the book. Yeah, sure!



Personally, I think the elitists continue to try to find some minor battle victory ever since they lost the formal dress war.


Lacks challenge!



With all the cutbacks being made, I wouldn't be surprised if there are cutbacks in all the cruise line entitlement programs.


Are you now going to mimic your hero and break into a long eloquent, and smoooothly delivered speech thats says absolutely nothing about anything?



If Carnival made the pg soiree a pay event, I wonder how many would attend? If they scheduled them in the mornings, what would that do to attendance?


Pay event or morning schedule STILL would not make it OK to show a total lack of manners by bringing the uninvited.


But the pay idea would 100% eliminate the 1st time cruiser attendance and end these kinds of threads for ALL TIME!!!!:rolleyes:



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Gosh...Im sad how some people are rude that someone asked a simple question about a party. I understand that some people find it SOOO HORRIBLE that someone that wasn't a past guest go to this party. Like it is just a loss of all integrity. However I'm sure some of these people have ran red lights or not come to a complete stop at stop signs. Yet the way yall speak to one another makes me sad. I may not write intulectually... infact I just spelt that wrong...but we need to be kind to one another. We all have something HUGE in common. We love to cruise. CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG. Sorry I had to vent. It just made me feel bad cause I dont like people to bicker. So sorry for the babble...My Bad :o

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Some Spyder replicas are made of FG and many VDub parts. Espicially the floor pan. Those are the low men on the Totem Pole. Some are frame up constructions without a single VW part. And some have hand laid all aluminum bodies. One must delve deeply into each machine to tell the differences. Some have meek VW powerplants in the 110 HP area. Others have Porsche power up to and above 300 HP. Some even have water cooled engines with V8 power. That runs contrary to the idea of the car. Which is sufficient power, very lightweight, and superb balance. A big V8 destroys the balance and handling and makes it an exteremely squirelly auto to drive. But almost all of the cars look terrific.


As in much of life, you can't tell a book by its cover.




You are right, well about the cars anyway. A truly hand built, aluminum skined, properly build Spider “kit” is as good, if not better than, the real thing. You removed my being able to say something like, "No one ever confuses my XK150 FHC or S1 DHC or S1.5 2+2 E-types with Kit cars" Why? Because I now know that you know truly what you are speaking of on the subject, and I must and do respect that....

Dan, its no fun when you are being reasonable. Darn it. :-)

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having read about half way through this thread can I sum it up the way I understand it?

Posters here have confirmed that the past guest party invitations are made by name to specific past Carnival cruisers. If your aunt isn't a past cruiser and doesn't receive an invitation she isn't invited. if you wish to sneak her in somehow that is up to you but not the original question you asked so I won't attempt to try to indicate how ytou might get away with doing that.


I hope that answers your question politely and without flaming.


Now, I'm going to make a comment which is perhaps a little less polite and it is simply that I had to laugh when I read this part of your original post:

We would feel really bad abadoning her while we go to the party :( and we always go to the party so skipping it is out of the question.


Just because you have always gone to the party before why is it out of the question to skip it this time? Is their some kind of prize for perfect attendance that you would lose by missing one past guest party?


If you think your aunt would be terribly upset about being left to her own devices for 40 minutes or if she has some disability or problem that would make it very difficult for her to cope on her own then don't go to the party, I doubt that anything terrible will happen if you miss this one party. If on the other hand if you think that, as an independent adult, she can manage for an hour or so without your company and you really want to go, explain the situation to her and go. Problem solved.

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I get it. You are not wrong. Its just that the terrible Webster's-Carnival-Funk&Wagnalls Cartel re-wrote the book. Yeah, sure!


But the pay idea would 100% eliminate the 1st time cruiser attendance and end these kinds of threads for ALL TIME!!!!:rolleyes:



You are correct that I am not wrong. I am in sync with Carnival. That makes you odd man out.


You're kidding, right? 1st time cruisers would be the only ones in attendance if it were pay per view.

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What do they do at the past guest party is it like the captains party? This is our second cruise so we will get invited.:)


They show pictures of all the Carnival ships on a screen and let people applaud when a ship is show that they have cruised on.


The drinks and food are more or less similar.

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You are right, well about the cars anyway. A truly hand built, aluminum skined, properly build Spider “kit” is as good, if not better than, the real thing. You removed my being able to say something like, "No one ever confuses my XK150 FHC or S1 DHC or S1.5 2+2 E-types with Kit cars" Why? Because I now know that you know truly what you are speaking of on the subject, and I must and do respect that....


Dan, its no fun when you are being reasonable. Darn it. :-)


Actually brake technology, suspension technology, and engine and ignition performance are all far superior to what was available in 55.

A 55 "Giant Killer," would only be half vast today.



Lots of E and D Jags kits available. And even a 427 CobraS/C front end kit to paste onto a Miata.:p Remember the Rolls Royce front ends for old VW bugs?

There is even a Morgan+2 replica kit. I thought an authentic Morgan WAS a kit.:D:eek:



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Good grief what is the problem here? I was just on a cruise, invited to the past guest party, was with a first time cruiser, called the purser's desk and asked what am I to do and they said you are allowed to bring 1 guest. Enough said!



This is the norm on every cruise........

There is no problem.

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What part of PAST GUEST does not any of the posters here who advocate bringing them understand? It is a party for those who have sailed Carnival before....not those who have and have a family member/friend/acquaintance who have not been on a Carnival cruise before that they think can't bear to be torn from their side for 45 minutes to an hour.


Personally, if I don't actually qualify for something, I don't try and get it.


To the OP: If being with your aunt is so important and she can't be left to her own devices for 45 minutes or so, then SKIP THE DANG PARTY AND SPEND YOUR TIME WITH HER! I can't belive a party is more important to you than your aunt.

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Everyone is throwing around this proper etiquette crap, and honestly, who is right?.....Its all a matter of how you were raised, i challenge anyone to show me in writing proof of otherwise proper etiquette.


I was brought up with the knowledge of it being totally acceptable to bring a guest/date to a formal party you have been invited to.


At the same time, IMHO, the past guest parties are WAAAAAAYYYYY overated, about 10 years or so ago it was worth going to, now, its cheap booze with cheap hors d'oeuvres. They used to be a step up form the captains cocktail party, now they are just as cheap and chintzy.


To the OP though: I do not see a problem at all with you bringing a guest to eh past guest party. Don't let people tell you otherwise either.


Happy Cruising!

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I do not attend past guest party's as the food is terrible and I do not drink alcohol.


But the past guest party is a "perk" for past cruisers and if you are NOT a past guest, you have not earned the right to that "perk". I fully understand people who have eaned the right to attend the party not wanting those that have not still getting their only "perk" too.


And in all my 7 years of cruising, I have never seen an invitation that said, and guest on a past guest party invite. And trust me, I have OCD and have to read every single word of every single paper I am given.

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To be honest, even though DD did win the Sun King dinners, pix with the Captain that came to our cabin all nicely framed and signed, and about 10 pounds of Carnival hardcover books, the hors douvers (sp) were the worst we ever had on the ship or anywhere, the drinks were very very strong (I couldn't believe it either) and we lost out on an hour of deck chair time sailing the Med. as we had to get a little dressy for the party.


Other than that it,:D we were glad we went! LOL.

Truthfully, we will go to the party again when we sail out of NYC on the Miracle in 2010. I figure if I keep saying it, the money for the cruise will turn up somewhere! I say it over and over again, 12 days on the Freedom Grand Med was cheaper than what I priced out 8 days on the NYC Miracle for 6 people in 2 cabins. Heck, the Victory out of San Juan, including airfare is cheaper than the Miracle out of NYC! Carnival, I keep asking you, are you listening to your paying public???:confused:


I wonder if a cruiser from Montana pays the same as a cruiser from NYC? They do ask where you livel on the website presumably for "special deals" Ok I already know the answer to that question.

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