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Problem with upcoming cruise ?


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I wonder how humans survived this long.....oh how did we ever survive without the last 30 years of medical developments??????????????



You don't need a doctor to deliver a baby. Heck, some people chose to have their baby at home with a midwife.


One case comes to mind of a woman that delivered her child at home, by herself, and never went to the hospital. Guess what? The baby is still alive....


Was the baby at 28 weeks gestation?? Babies are definitely born without doctors all the time, but a baby at 28 weeks survive without medical treatment? You certainly don't hear about that happening all the time... I certainly am not going to condone this person to break the rules that are put in place for the safety of their passengers... you never know and if there was even the slightest chance that something could happen and her baby could die (and there is that chance, regardless of how slim it is), why would anyone take that risk with their child??

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I wonder how humans survived this long.....oh how did we ever survive without the last 30 years of medical developments??????????????



You don't need a doctor to deliver a baby. Heck, some people chose to have their baby at home with a midwife.


One case comes to mind of a woman that delivered her child at home, by herself, and never went to the hospital. Guess what? The baby is still alive....


Keywords "Delivered at home", that means not on a cruise ship and almost certainly not at 28 weeks or less.


Oversimplifying the situation does not make it better.


The policy is in place for a reason; better to observe it.


Also, insisting she go on the cruise is selfish and inconsiderate of her unborn child AND the thousands of other paying passengers who are not paying for the ship to be re-routed because one person thought she was above the rules.

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I simply do not understand why you all are banking on the small odds of her delivering...prematurely....in a 4 day window. Now I'm no statitician, but those are awful small odds.


Seriously..... premature delivery......... in a 4 day window. The odds are stacked in the baby's favor, big time.

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I wonder how humans survived this long.....oh how did we ever survive without the last 30 years of medical developments??????????????



You don't need a doctor to deliver a baby. Heck, some people chose to have their baby at home with a midwife.


One case comes to mind of a woman that delivered her child at home, by herself, and never went to the hospital. Guess what? The baby is still alive....

Yep but I bet it was not 28 weeks gestation. I also know what can happen. Many babies and Mothers died in the past without medical attention. It can also happen in a hospital but I can say for a fact that I have saved many babies with the medical developments in the last 30 years. I have a few people sending me cards on their babies birthdays because if it was not for the medical developments made in the last 30 years those babies would not be here. One baby saved is worth every inconvience of being in a hospital.

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I simply do not understand why you all are banking on the small odds of her delivering...prematurely....in a 4 day window. Now I'm no statitician, but those are awful small odds.


Seriously..... premature delivery......... in a 4 day window. The odds are stacked in the baby's favor, big time.


I simply do not understand why someone would defend a person trying to go against Carnival's policy?


What is so hard to understand about the 27 weeks restriction? The policy is plain and simple - no pregnant passengers who are at or past 27 weeks gestation.

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I simply do not understand why you all are banking on the small odds of her delivering...prematurely....in a 4 day window. Now I'm no statitician, but those are awful small odds.


Seriously..... premature delivery......... in a 4 day window. The odds are stacked in the baby's favor, big time.


Why does it matter how small the odds are? We are talking about her child here! Does it really matter how small the odds are? If there is even the SLIGHTEST risk, it's not worth it!! Like I said, we watched as a women was taken off the ship in a foreign country, having just lost her baby... I'm sure she thought there was no risk and she was within the window of Carnival allowing her to go... I'm guessing if she could do it all over again, she probably would have vacationed another time and not taken the risk...


Doesn't matter about the odds... you keep talking about that, the FACT is that it happens... the FACT is Carnival doesn't allow women to cruise if they are beyond 24 weeks gestation for a reason... it really doesn't matter what the odds are.

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I simply do not understand why someone would defend a person trying to go against Carnival's policy?


What is so hard to understand about the 27 weeks restriction? The policy is plain and simple - no pregnant passengers who are at or past 27 weeks gestation.

It is 24 weeks now.

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I wonder how humans survived this long.....oh how did we ever survive without the last 30 years of medical developments??????????????



You don't need a doctor to deliver a baby. Heck, some people chose to have their baby at home with a midwife.


One case comes to mind of a woman that delivered her child at home, by herself, and never went to the hospital. Guess what? The baby is still alive....


You wonder how people survived? Well, guess what? Premature babies....many many of them didn't. Their little lungs cannot take in enough air. Before our medical developments, these babies didnt survive.The ones that did, spent years as opposed to months in a hospital. Sure, plenty of people pop out babies without any help. But please dont act as if people dont have premature labor, and complications. If you are so naive as to think that having a baby is honky-dory every time then why dont you go and spend a week in the NICU? I am sure you dont know what that acronym stands for: its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. That is where babies go that are born early. People have unexpected complications all the time.

So, therefore, two reasons why this woman should not sneak onboard:

1. Her baby,

2. the rest of the passengers (some of whom may have put off cruising themselves until after their own pregnancy).

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I simply do not understand why someone would defend a person trying to go against Carnival's policy?


What is so hard to understand about the 27 weeks restriction? The policy is plain and simple - no pregnant passengers who are at or past 27 weeks gestation.


Or lash out at people that are concerned about a baby's life :confused::rolleyes:

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Or lash out at people that are concerned about a baby's life :confused::rolleyes:


Not sure if that was a swipe at me but if you read my posts you will see that I have said repeatedly the baby is MUCH MORE important than whether or not she can cruise...

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I work at a hospital right off the interstate. I can not tell you how many people go into preterm labor/contractions from just riding in a car. No one can tell when this will happen, it is not worth the risk. I also agree there is no way he can say she will be ok. A test is only good during the time it is being done.

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Not sure if that was a swipe at me but if you read my posts you will see that I have said repeatedly the baby is MUCH MORE important than whether or not she can cruise...


LOL, no... you said you were not sure why someone would defend breaking the rules, and I said "or saving a baby's life"... I was agreeing with you.

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You wonder how people survived? Well, guess what? Premature babies....many many of them didn't. Their little lungs cannot take in enough air. Before our medical developments, these babies didnt survive.The ones that did, spent years as opposed to months in a hospital. Sure, plenty of people pop out babies without any help. But please dont act as if people dont have premature labor, and complications. If you are so naive as to think that having a baby is honky-dory every time then why dont you go and spend a week in the NICU? I am sure you dont know what that acronym stands for: its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. That is where babies go that are born early. People have unexpected complications all the time.

So, therefore, two reasons why this woman should not sneak onboard:

1. Her baby,

2. the rest of the passengers (some of whom may have put off cruising themselves until after their own pregnancy).



Oh nice. So now you want to get personal and insult me? How cute. Might I suggest that you spend a moment to find out who you are talking to before you assume that they don't know what they are talking about?


Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Cute. I've wondered all these years what that stood for, thank you for finally clearing that up for me. :rolleyes:

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LOL, no... you said you were not sure why someone would defend breaking the rules, and I said "or saving a baby's life"... I was agreeing with you.


Ooooops, sorry :o please forgive my defensiveness for I have been flamed in this forum one time too many...:o

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Oh nice. So now you want to get personal and insult me? How cute. Might I suggest that you spend a moment to find out who you are talking to before you assume that they don't know what they are talking about?


Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Cute. I've wondered all these years what that stood for, thank you for finally clearing that up for me. :rolleyes:



Sorry, what I should have said was that "one can only assume that you dont even know what the NICU is". This assumption is totally based on your previous comments that make it pretty clear that you are not familiar with premature babies, the ICU, or how important it is that you are close to a hospital with the proper facilities in case of early labor. I also assumed that you werent very familiar with it, due to the fact that you sounded pretty incredulous about just how many people experience complications with a pregnancy. You made light of something very serious with some pretty silly comments that just arent correct. So, might I suggest that you spend a moment getting to know some people that have had premature babies before you go making such comments.

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Sorry, what I should have said was that "one can only assume that you dont even know what the NICU is". This assumption is totally based on your previous comments that make it pretty clear that you are not familiar with premature babies, the ICU, or how important it is that you are close to a hospital with the proper facilities in case of early labor. I also assumed that you werent very familiar with it, due to the fact that you sounded pretty incredulous about just how many people experience complications with a pregnancy. You made light of something very serious with some pretty silly comments that just arent correct. So, might I suggest that you spend a moment getting to know some people that have had premature babies before you go making such comments.


I spent the first 3 weeks of my life in an incubator. Should I hold that against every other unborn child?


Person A had a preemie. Should I hold that against person B?


I have asthma. Should I not allow my friends to run for exercise because of my own problems?


I subscribe to the "survival of the fittest" club. Many of my coworkers give me odd looks at times because of this but I hold strongly to my beliefs.


You want to talk about facts? Here's a fact for you: Every single person is going to die. You cannot avoid it - it will happen. Not every fetus will live a full and happy life.


I pulled my head out of the clouds a long time ago and noticed life for what it truly is. Now we can go on and on about this and I'm sure there are some here that will bring up religeon. I see people say "Oh God bless your heart," "I'll pray for you..." or other nonsense like that constantly on these forums. That won't change the fact that we will all die and you can't save 'em all.


"....we will all die and you can't save 'em all." There would be no way that I could do my job or live my 'life' if it weren't for that one belief that I hold dearly.

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I spent the first 3 weeks of my life in an incubator. Should I hold that against every other unborn child?


Person A had a preemie. Should I hold that against person B?


I have asthma. Should I not allow my friends to run for exercise because of my own problems?


I subscribe to the "survival of the fittest" club. Many of my coworkers give me odd looks at times because of this but I hold strongly to my beliefs.


You want to talk about facts? Here's a fact for you: Every single person is going to die. You cannot avoid it - it will happen. Not every fetus will live a full and happy life.


I pulled my head out of the clouds a long time ago and noticed life for what it truly is. Now we can go on and on about this and I'm sure there are some here that will bring up religeon. I see people say "Oh God bless your heart," "I'll pray for you..." or other nonsense like that constantly on these forums. That won't change the fact that we will all die and you can't save 'em all.


"....we will all die and you can't save 'em all." There would be no way that I could do my job or live my 'life' if it weren't for that one belief that I hold dearly.



So, good thing you had access to a hospital and an incubator!

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So, good thing you had access to a hospital and an incubator!




Bottom line is STILL, this is against Carnival policy, they can deny her boarding and she will not get a penny back in reimbursement... bottom line is, if something happens and she or her baby don't make it, she won't have a leg to stand on in getting any expenses taken care of because she will have breached the contract of carriage... we can't stop her, and like you said, you can't either... but if she has any concern for her unborn child, and her family, she will make the right decision.

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So, good thing you had access to a hospital and an incubator!


I just realized I oppened myself up with that one....BUUUUT I was full term!




Bottom line is STILL, this is against Carnival policy, they can deny her boarding and she will not get a penny back in reimbursement... bottom line is, if something happens and she or her baby don't make it, she won't have a placenta to stand on in getting any expenses taken care of because she will have breached the contract of carriage... we can't stop her, and like you said, you can't either... but if she has any concern for her unborn child, and her family, she will make the right decision.



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I just realized I oppened myself up with that one....BUUUUT I was full term!


Exactly... a baby at 28 weeks has absolutely ZERO chance if there is no access to a NICU... so why take the chance? For a vacation? When you decide to have a child, you put the needs of that child ahead of your own... and that very much applies to this situation. At 28 weeks you shouldn't be that far from medical facilities... introducing viruses, and other illnesses can be picked up outside of the country... just not worth it.

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When I was pregnate with my first I went for my checkup and everything was fine that night I went into premature labor. So even if everything looks good it can change very quickly. Also at this stage of the pregnancy she might not look pregnate now but in three weeks she could really look pregnate.

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Okay here's the dilema.


We are having a family reunion on a cruise coming up in just a few weeks.


I just found out that my sister is pregnant, she was going to make it a surprise. She did tell me before hand since I was organizing (Just today unfortunatly) but the problem is that she is going to be 28 weeks or so on the cruise. (It's a 4 night)


Her doctor apparently gave her the okay, but it doesn't matter since the policy cut off is 24 weeks. So here's the dilema. It's impossible to cancel the entire reunion.


The debate amongst those who are "in the know" now is whether or not they will stop her when she attempts to board.


Having seen her today.. I can see that she has a stomach but she does not look as if she is obviously pregnant, perhaps just overweight. My assumption come cruise day is that she will look overweight but may arouse suspicion if she isin't wearing very baggy clothes.


Again the cruise is now just a three weeks away.


So what do you guys think. It's really not my decision whether or not she tries to get on anyway, it's all her. But do you think they will stop her if she attempts to board?


Her thought is this "Rep: My you are glowing how far along are you?" " "What do you mean? "Rep: Your baby.. how far along" Her: "Uhh, I'm not pregnant thank you very much"


I told her her only hope is that they didn't see her, but in reality I don't know that they would challenge her on it. What do you guys think? Anyone else have experience going after the limit with doctors permission?


Being married without children I've never had to deal with the pregnancy or children issues on a cruise. Any help is greatly appreciated (Both on helping her or discouraging her.. though I think her mind is made up.. she doesn't want to miss the reunion)


No, they will not board her. She must provide a letter from her doctor, on his letterhead, stating how far along she is and that she is fit to travel. She will be too fare pregnant to cruise.


Carnival must have this information prior to the cruise.....by fax or by mail and the passenger is required to present the original upon check-in. Here, from the ticket contract:


All expectant Guests further agree to provide Carnival, prior to embarkation, with a physician’s statement verifying that her gestational status is in accordance with this policy, and certifying her fitness to travel even if she will be less than twenty-four completed weeks pregnant upon disembarkation. Failure to do so shall result in the cancellation of the Guest’s reservation without refund, compensation or payment except as set forth in Carnival’s cancellation policy described in Clause 6, based on the timing of such cancellation.

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I find it interesting that if anyone even thinks of breaking the rules and smuggling alcohol onto the ship they are lashed out at incessantly. Now someone is considering breaking the rule against cruising late in pregnancy and it's okay? Not that I have a strong opinion either way, but I do find it ironic.

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I find it interesting that if anyone even thinks of breaking the rules and smuggling alcohol onto the ship they are lashed out at incessantly. Now someone is considering breaking the rule against cruising late in pregnancy and it's okay? Not that I have a strong opinion either way, but I do find it ironic.


How are the two related? the reason the rule is in place is because they don't have medical facilities to accomodate premature births... this is for the health and welfare of the mother and her unborn child... as well as the comfort of the other passengers... I really don't see what one has to do with another. Murder, and driving over the speed limit are both crimes... but they are in no way related.

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