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Bored Teens


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Last spring I met parents on the roll call board, and asked for other similar aged passengers for my 15 year old daughter. She thought the idea was lame, but I eventually got her to go to the other kids mysapce and simply say "hey were ging on the same cruise together". By the time the cruise came she had 10 friends all excited to meet each other. A year later she is still texting, and myspace-ing several of them..She had the time of her life. It was difficult to get her or the others to actually make the first move, but she is glad she did now. btw She is a very shy reserved peron so it was a BIG step for her. They lived in 02. Stuff like that is more fun when you have a group.

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Be aware, however, that most of the ports you will visit have no age limits for alcohol. If the kid has a coupla dollars, he can buy just about anything at any bar ashore.... Don't know if that would be an issue with yours or not.


G'ma - no problem ABSOLUTELY no problem with my boy getting served in a bar in another country because Mom and Dad will be right next to him the entire time! I will let them have freedom on the ship, with a curfew, and rules. Break the rules, break the curfew and they are going to be hanging with Mommy and Daddy!! :D

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You can also have your sons- or you- post on the roll call for your cruise. Ask if there are any other teens going and they can at least "meet" before the cruise. My DD did that before our first cruise and met another teen girl. They talked, made other friends on board and had a great time. Our last cruise there weren't any teens on the roll call and the Fantasy was filled with 100 15-year-old dancers. Club O2 was always too packed to go to so that cruise wasn't as much fun. Have a great time- they will, too.

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Encourage your teens to go to the meet and greet the first night. We went on the Liberty last July, my daughter thought it was gay, but by the middle of the week, she started hanging out in Club 02 with the other teens. She wished she did it sooner. We went with another family on the cruise, they had a daughter the same age of ours, they weren't getting along so instead of sitting around being bored, my daughter went to Club 02 and had the BEST time. She still keeps in contact with the teens she met. She was 15 on the cruise. We are now planning our next cruise for July 2010 with other people that we had met on this cruise!:D

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Let me tell you what -- Club O2 looks like FUN! My hubby and I walked past there and they were having some dance video game party -- we were a little envious :) I know there's an orientation for them -- I saw it in the capers :) And it's the first night if I remember?

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I hope they have something for the teenager the first nite as we are on the Victory - Port everyday.


I'll re-iterate what a bunch of others have said... For better or worse, the main activity for a 15 y/o on the cruise will be hanging out with other kids his age. There really aren't alot of structured activities, no matter what the Capers say. The kids that age can come and go as they please. So if it looks lame, they just bag it and go back to the Lido Deck to talk, be angsty, and eat more Pizza/Burgers/Ice Cream.


For example, when we were on the Victory my 14 y/o on showed up to the orientation. The Youth Councilor went over a few things, had everyone introduce themselves, and then tried to get the kids into doing the Cha Cha Slide (they were in the Disco). The boys fled out of there like the wind, and spent the rest of the night just exploring the ship in their little pack.


Another example... later in the week they met in the Lido buffet area after dinner for a "Blackjack Tournament". The Councilor showed up with one deck of cards. She explained the rules and they played on a couple vacant tables using pocket change as chips. It was hardly a well oiled activity machine, and that night it was the girls that bolted because they thought it was lame.


There's even less structure for the older Teens. Club O2 on the Victory is near the ping pong table and mini golf. Mostly the 15-17 y/o's just hang out there, indoors or outdoors depending on the weather, coming out occasionally to eat or hit the arcade.


None of this is bad per se. But just illustrates that 99% of their fun will come from socializing. And there's no way to tell if he'll hit it off with the other kids until you get there.

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On our Disney cruise my two teens were ages 17 and 14 and were BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS! My two younger children had the time of their lives! And trust me we are not rich enough for my kids to get bored with so many things to do . (In reply to a previous poster) I really, really hope this time around they will have a better time. Then, I couldn't even get my teen son to leave the room! (which put a damper on mine and my dh's personal time.:rolleyes:

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There's even less structure for the older Teens. Club O2 on the Victory is near the ping pong table and mini golf. Mostly the 15-17 y/o's just hang out there, indoors or outdoors depending on the weather, coming out occasionally to eat or hit the arcade.


Well, here you have said the magic words for my 15 year old, ping pong! That kid loves ping pong - he is going to be excited that there is a table on board. The 12 year old will be playing basketball! and looking for girls!

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Did you mention that they also allow the girls into the teen club? :)


In the 15-17 age range the girls are often more busy trying to make friends with the other girls on the cruise, sorting out who their CBFF (Cruise BFF) is going to be, establishing the pecking order, etc. Alot have boyfriends at home. All are on board with their families and have curfews and other restrictions.


A few might like to flirt. But it's hardly like the episode of the Love Boat where Scott Baio hooks up with Kristy McNichol. I only say this because it was truly painful to watch my son and his little pack of cruise buddies try to break through those barriers to no avail.


But... I still think they had fun trying.

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This is our first and we are bringing to teens 15 and 17 both male. Need activity ideas to reassure them they are not going to be bored.


My son still fondly remembers being 16/on a cruise/playing twister with teenage girls in bathing suits. He made alot of friends,kids are better at this than adults- was always running to do something with them on the ship. We really only saw him at dinner and in port. Your boys will have a ball.

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I'll re-iterate what a bunch of others have said... For better or worse, the main activity for a 15 y/o on the cruise will be hanging out with other kids his age. There really aren't alot of structured activities, no matter what the Capers say. The kids that age can come and go as they please. So if it looks lame, they just bag it and go back to the Lido Deck to talk, be angsty, and eat more Pizza/Burgers/Ice Cream.


For example, when we were on the Victory my 14 y/o on showed up to the orientation. The Youth Councilor went over a few things, had everyone introduce themselves, and then tried to get the kids into doing the Cha Cha Slide (they were in the Disco). The boys fled out of there like the wind, and spent the rest of the night just exploring the ship in their little pack.


Another example... later in the week they met in the Lido buffet area after dinner for a "Blackjack Tournament". The Councilor showed up with one deck of cards. She explained the rules and they played on a couple vacant tables using pocket change as chips. It was hardly a well oiled activity machine, and that night it was the girls that bolted because they thought it was lame.


There's even less structure for the older Teens. Club O2 on the Victory is near the ping pong table and mini golf. Mostly the 15-17 y/o's just hang out there, indoors or outdoors depending on the weather, coming out occasionally to eat or hit the arcade.


None of this is bad per se. But just illustrates that 99% of their fun will come from socializing. And there's no way to tell if he'll hit it off with the other kids until you get there.



I agree. My son was 15 y/o on our cruise last year. He went to the Orientation on the first night. I looked in the door after about 15 minutes and he was standing by himself pretending to be reading an informational paper. There were about 6 other kids that showed up. The person in charge of the 02 club wasn't introducing anyone or trying to get the kids together. My son waved over to me that he wanted to leave. He never connected/met any other kids on the cruise. He commented that most of the kids he thought either had a friend with or relative with. We even met a woman from North Dakota who had 2 15 y/o boys with (son & friend). They were both sports players (which my son is too). My husband hinted that my son didn't have anyone to hang around with and she never said anything and just walked away. He was BORED the whole trip. We are cruising again in 3 weeks. I hope that he can meet some kids on this trip.

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What ship will you be on?

What kind of boys are they?... sports...girls...music...games...etc...


We took 15 and 17 y/o boys with us a few years back and they had a GREAT time! We almost never saw them except when we walked by the O2 club or saw them at the pool. It is great that they had each other so the comfort level was there to start, but then they got to know other teens their age and hung out with them. So the boys didn't get bored with each other... and were so occupied that boredom never entered into the picture... except when we made them go to the ruins instead of doing the beach buggy rides in Mexico!

I have a picture of our son laying across the laps of 8 girls... he did not know any of them very well, and some of them did not really know each other... but he said he needed a "brag" shot to take back to his friends at school, so the girls all obliged him and huddled onto one of the long sofas in the hallway in front of the O2 club... it is a great picture and he has such great memories of that!


Have them check in at the O2 club and the rest should take care of itself... ENJOY!!

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We came off the elevator one night and found my daughter, niece, along with some other kids riding up and down the hallway on a luggage cart...having the best time of their life....the things kids do to entertain themselves. Most of the time, we found our daughter hanging with the other teens she met right in front of the teen club. Definitely go on the boards before the cruise to see if anyone is cruising with teens. We did that and we ended up meeting a bunch of people the night before the cruise for dinner.

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What ship will you be on?

What kind of boys are they?... sports...girls...music...games...etc...


We took 15 and 17 y/o boys with us a few years back and they had a GREAT time! We almost never saw them except when we walked by the O2 club or saw them at the pool. It is great that they had each other so the comfort level was there to start, but then they got to know other teens their age and hung out with them. So the boys didn't get bored with each other... and were so occupied that boredom never entered into the picture... except when we made them go to the ruins instead of doing the beach buggy rides in Mexico!

I have a picture of our son laying across the laps of 8 girls... he did not know any of them very well, and some of them did not really know each other... but he said he needed a "brag" shot to take back to his friends at school, so the girls all obliged him and huddled onto one of the long sofas in the hallway in front of the O2 club... it is a great picture and he has such great memories of that!


Have them check in at the O2 club and the rest should take care of itself... ENJOY!!





We will be on the Inspiration. I think you are right - having other kids with does help with the comfort level. I remember being a teen (years ago) and I would have had a hard time going to meet other kids my age without having a friend/relative with. I was lucky to have a sister that is one year younger, so we always had each other to help break the ice. My son did try to meet other kids, but with no luck. He can be shy at first (which is normal for most kids his age). I will encourage him to go to the 02 orientation on our next cruise, but doubt he will be interested.


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Our daughter was 15 when we cruised on the Conquest last summer. We had to force her to go to the O2 meeting the first night. After that...well...we never saw her except the times we insisted she meet up with us for family dinner, etc. In fact, I remember one night hunting all over the ship for her at 1am when she didn't show up in the cabin! It scared me to death...but we found her and 5 other friends on the lido deck playing chess. She is still texting and 'myspacing' with about 10 teens from the cruise. What memories!

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While we don't have teens, I have friends who have cruised that do. Teens just like to hang out...if they find a few teenagers to hook up with, they will have a huge group before dinner the first day. In any cruise I ever been on, the kids seem to hang in groups especially if there is a basketball game or something going on. Maybe find some friends at school who have cruised would help as well. They could explain what there is to do and would have a more positive impact than adults tell them.

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This is our first and we are bringing to teens 15 and 17 both male. Need activity ideas to reassure them they are not going to be bored.


Bored??? Never!!!


We have been taking our two (now) teens since they were young. As they get older, their circle of friends grow each cruise. We're usually tracking them down at the wee hours and begging them to come to bed.....because we're old and tired! LOL


You're teens will have an awesome time. You too!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Club O2 can be fun or a dud, it just depends on the makeup of the kids on the cruise. They need to go to the meet and greet.


There were parties, socials, Karaoke, Texas Hold-em, Scavenger Hunt, Guitar Hero and dances. NintendoWii, XBox and Playstation2 are available also. There was also a shore excursion (Horseback Riding) planned. They also served some sort of food.


The first night DD was given a mesh carrybag. Have your sons get those for you. They make great bags for the wet stuff.


If you get your boys the lanyard at the casino do that before they get their ClubO2 sticker. The casino would not give me a lanyard for DD because they knew that she was under 18. I gave her mine and I got a new one.



You are so right. My DS 13 1/2 on our next cruise in April, does not like the clubs, never has. Since he was nine, this is what he does...


As soon as we get on the ship he heads for the game arcade. On every cruise since he was 9 it has taken him about 20 min. to make a new friend. My DS had never been bored on a cruise. We are sailing on Carnival and I am going to have him check out the new 12-14 club, however, if he doesn't like it, its back to the arcade!:D

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Does anyone have any info on the carnival12-14year old excursions? It looks as though its just the kids, (no parents). How long are they, what are they, what port is it at? Any ideas...please...


I don't know anything about them, but I know I would never allow my child to go anywhere in a foreign country without the DH or myself. Just me, but I don't care how careful they are, he's safer with us. On the ship I don't mind giving him his freedom, as he's proven over the years to be very trustworthy. We have certain rules (no going into anyone else's cabin without notifying and asking permission first, checks in with us every 2 hours, unless other arrangements have been made). We breakfast together every morning, and share at least half our dinners together. Lunch he's on his own whenever he wants. We give him $10 a day spending money (if he needs more he just has to ask), and before the cruise I always get a couple of rolls of quarters and put them on his pillow at different times during the cruise, which he loves to be surprised by and uses them at the arcade. Hope this helps!:D Have a great cruise!:)

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Be aware, however, that most of the ports you will visit have no age limits for alcohol. If the kid has a coupla dollars, he can buy just about anything at any bar ashore.... Don't know if that would be an issue with yours or not.


G'ma - no problem ABSOLUTELY no problem with my boy getting served in a bar in another country because Mom and Dad will be right next to him the entire time! I will let them have freedom on the ship, with a curfew, and rules. Break the rules, break the curfew and they are going to be hanging with Mommy and Daddy!! :D



Exactly!!!!! I totally agree G'ma! So far, never a problem, but if my kid ever took a drink after I have given him the freedom of the ship, I would be

very, very, very, upset, and the person or persons that gave him, or got him the alcohol, would be very, very, very sorry!:mad: It is something I would report immediately. I don't care what other people do, live and let live I say, but don't dare give my underaged child alcohol or drugs!!!! As far as in port - he is never out of my sight unless he is with the DH and I'm doing something else. It is one of the reasons that shore excursions for 12-14 yrs old club kids is off limits for him.

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This is our first and we are bringing to teens 15 and 17 both male. Need activity ideas to reassure them they are not going to be bored.

We took our son on his first cruise when he was 15 he went to the Club 02 and met lots of friends, we didn't see much of him during the cruise, except at dinner! They had dances, played video games and hung out in the pizza/icecream area . He came home with stuff they gave them at Club 02 and won a trophy with the ship on it etc. He had a blast, we just had him check in several times a day and a curfew at night. He loves Cruising, just like us!

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