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Spirit ~ Western Carribbean Review LONG


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We just got off the NCL Spirit today......back from the Western Carribbean. We enjoyed our trip so much that I am already looking at other itineraries. This cruise was our very first. We were a little anxious about what we were supposed to be doing but we really didn't run into any problems at all.


My whole group felt very pampered on the ship. No matter where you went or what you did there was always someone waiting on you hand and foot. We had a balcony room so we were able to enjoy some beautiful views in the mornings before we went ashore......just hanging out on the balcony was one of my favorite activities.


One of the most challenging things we encountered was trying to figure out shore excursions. I don't think we were alone in that area as I see lot's of postings on the boards about that particular issue. We spent a couple of weeks before the cruise trying to choose something we could book ahead. In the end we just got off the boat and made our choices then.


In Costa Maya we went to Pez Quadra and laid on the beach under the polapa's. I am fair skinned so I was constantly slathering on 50 sunscreen and I still got sunburned. My husband and brother-in-law did some snorkeling right off the shore and enjoyed what they saw. They did say the current was pretty strong and they both got a little nervous towards the end of their snorkel. My sister and I left the beach early and did some shopping. The shops are a little hard sell but not as bad as Santo Tomas.


We didn't do a shore excursion in Santo Tomas and we are regretting it. We did shop a bit though and it was a very hard sell experience. You have to really negotiate your price here and I struggled between feeling guilty for negotiating with people who kept telling me they really NEEDED my money and trying to get a fair price.


In Belize City we snorkeled with ecoadventures and had a good time. After snorkeling the excursions company took us to Bannister Island for a short while. The island was beautiful but it was such a short stay that you really didn't get much time to settle in and relax


Finally, in Cozumel we went to Chanakaab park. This park was so awesome! We snorkeled there, lounged there and let George the waiter bring us food and drinks all day. We did sneak in a little shopping but the weather started looking pretty bad so we went back to the ship. We ate at Carlos & Charlies and it was great food. One tip if you intend to go to this park.......when you get off the ship go to the informational booth before you leave the port area. The informational booth will give you vouchers for a free tshirt to be picked up when you enter the park.


We saw several of the shows on the ship. Loved them, lot's of fun.


I've read a lot of reviews on the board that mention the food, some good, some bad. Only one person in our group really enjoyed the food. We ate at Cagney's one night and we all enjoyed that. Anything we got at the Blue Lagoon was really good too. Blended drinks were the best! Raffles did not serve the kind of buffet food we were expecting from a buffet. I think we were expecting more traditional like fried chicken, roast beef, mashed or baked potato's, maybe some BBQ, tossed salad with condiments, a couple casseroles, etc. So, we kinda chalked up the idea that we didn't like the food more to the idea that we aren't used to it rather than it not being good. We ate at Windows and most of us felt the same way about that food as we did Raffles. I have a sweet tooth and thought I would really enjoy the desserts but they seemed a little odd to me too. One good thing about the food is that I didn't overeat! LOL Really, I think the food was probably fine for anyone who enjoys that type of food.


The soda card kinda bothered me. Fountain pop is sooooooo cheap I can't believe it cost me $100 for my husband and I to have flat soda. Soda is not served from a fountain. Soda is poured from a can into the glass or in the case of the bar right near the Blue Lagoon, several cans of soda were poured in a pitcher and then served from that..........very, very flat soda.


So, in summary.....when I go on my next cruise I will still get a balcony room, still bring lot's of tipping money as these people really take care of you, skip the soda card purchase and just pay for canned pop as I need it, pay more attention to when the shows are playing, take advantage of the spa services early on and not worry ahead of time about shore excursions and just find something to do when I get off the boat. Hope this information helps someone.

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Thank you so much for your great review! I see it is your first post- congrats and welcome to Cruisecritic! I agree about the soda card- waste of $$. I also agree about the desserts! If you click on my third Spirit review under my signature you can see me go on about what my kids called "mallow rubber" :D...

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I've read a lot of reviews on the board that mention the food, some good, some bad. Only one person in our group really enjoyed the food. We ate at Cagney's one night and we all enjoyed that. Anything we got at the Blue Lagoon was really good too. Blended drinks were the best! Raffles did not serve the kind of buffet food we were expecting from a buffet. I think we were expecting more traditional like fried chicken, roast beef, mashed or baked potato's, maybe some BBQ, tossed salad with condiments, a couple casseroles, etc. So, we kinda chalked up the idea that we didn't like the food more to the idea that we aren't used to it rather than it not being good. We ate at Windows and most of us felt the same way about that food as we did Raffles. I have a sweet tooth and thought I would really enjoy the desserts but they seemed a little odd to me too. One good thing about the food is that I didn't overeat! LOL Really, I think the food was probably fine for anyone who enjoys that type of food.


What kind of food did they serve on the buffet?

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I think some of the buffet options can be a little off putting if you are not used to them. Think volume, cost saving and Indian... lentil stew, braised chicken in a curry base... I put in my last review a description of what greeted me in the lunch buffet- "braised pork" I think it was. It was hockey pucks of Jimmy Dean-type sausage in a weak, watery broth.


The desserts are vile.


But hey, I love buffets! I always find something I like. And NCL food in the main dining rooms is very good overall.

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Hey, I'm with you on the desserts. I worked out really hard at Boot Camp for six weeks and my goal was always "two desserts a night on the cruise." I never even finished one! Other than the really good pancake banana one in the Asian restaurant, most were a disappointment. The strawberry one in Le Bistro tasted like a rubbery version of the strawberry jello/Cool Whip "mousse" one people used to take to our church potlucks. The creme brulee was like Jello pudding with a sugar crust on top. And they were out of cannolis in the Italian restaurant.


However, if you read my review, it is very positive. Life's too short to be ruined by bad desserts.



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I think some of the buffet options can be a little off putting if you are not used to them. Think volume, cost saving and Indian... lentil stew, braised chicken in a curry base... I put in my last review a description of what greeted me in the lunch buffet- "braised pork" I think it was. It was hockey pucks of Jimmy Dean-type sausage in a weak, watery broth.


The desserts are vile.


But hey, I love buffets! I always find something I like. And NCL food in the main dining rooms is very good overall.


I'm going to read your review right now, thanks. We sail on the Spirit in 3 weeks.

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Thanks for your review. We are sailing on the Spirit 3/29; our first cruise on this ship. We have already booked our excursions and looking forward to them. We like Cagney's; prime rib...yum! Also, we enjoy the $79 romance package because we enjoy dining at Le Bistro. The more we have cruised, the more we prefer the main dining rooms over the buffet. Just a nice chance to sit down, relax, and be waited on.:)

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yep, it really was your first cruise...thinking that "buffet" was going to have NORMAL food!! :D that's so cute, i hadn't thought about that when discussing cruise stuff. guess we need to put that in our warning list.

yes, buffets..on cruise ships..are more "international" then some of us are used to. good chance to try other foods. getting regular comfort foods can be difficult when you travel.

on any cruise ship, you need to step outside your comfort zone in more then one level..food being a very big level! forget the golden corral buffet..on the cruise ship it's international cruisine all the way. (even the chocolate buffets...dark chocolate)

i agree about the dessert, they could be much better. do love most of the creme brulees...and loved the fresh-made crepes in the buffet area. DH goes the whole week with no desserts, other then ice cream.


hint for next cruise (especially NCL): bring your own sodas! makes life a lot easier. i don't drink enough for a soda card, won't pay the bar price..i bring my pepsi and stay happy all week.


glad you enjoyed your 1st cruise and the spirit..there are some great excursions when you want some more adventure. the western caribe has great mayan ruins! (that's my thing)

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On the Pearl .... some of my favorite buffet food selections (its not all weird stuff)...


Ceasar Salad (fresh made)

Marinated fresh asparagus

Proscuitto ham

Shrimp Cocktail

Prime Rib medium rare with horseradish sauce

Basmati Rice

Vegetable stir fry

Fresh made desert crepes

Capuccino with 1/2 envelope Hot chocolate mix

Peach frozen yoghurt

Coconut ice cream

Multi grain bread

Pretzel bread

French toast

Fresh fruit

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We will be sailing for the first time on the Spirit in December of this year. I've booked our first balcony room on deck 9. What room did you have? Were you bothered by cigarette smoke from nearby balconies? We are currently booked in cabin 9522. I believe that sitting on the balcony will be one of my favorite activites too! Thanks for the great review.

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I'm not really sure what "type" of food it would be. I noticed different kinds of meat in some type of red sauce, seafood type casseroles, several types of rice. There was usually fruit and bread of all types. I think ceasar salad was available most nights. I think crepes was offered most nights but I have to say that I saw banana's that looked good 1 night, after that they were disgusting looking. One guy got in line behind me for a crepe and he asked about the banana's and when I confirmed thats what they were he said "well that ain't right" and left the line, LOLOL I did not eat the banana's either.

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i do hear what you are saying..my BIL, on the ncl star, order steak and baked potato every night for the whole cruise. never would, even, try anything from the menus.

the cruiseship have gone more "mainline" food, then they were..it was even more exotic or international, many years ago. while i, still, won't eat escargo, i do make an effort to try something new every cruise. they pasta dishes are usually pretty good. last cruise, the pasta was excellent!

did you know that you can order, in the main dining rooms, from the "always" available list? that includes a steak and baked tater.

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I find that whenever they have Indian food, go for it, especially the vegetarian items. A lot of the chefs are Indian and the food is really good.




I agree 100%. Carnival had/has a different theme in the buffet every day at lunch. Japanese, Mexican, Italian, etc. The Indian was by far the best. I've been very pleasantly surprised at how spicy some of the Indian food is on NCL and HAL, too. Yum!:)

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Won't go into the food thing. While we liked Chanakaab in Cozumel and it was great snorkeling - getting out of the dang water was almost dangerous. Might be tide dependant but the first step on most of the stairs were almost a foot or two above the water. You had to climb some slimy rocks to get there (almost crushed a fish ;)).


When we were leaving we did notice there was a real ladder by the pier near the dolphin area that sure would have been much easier to get up. Also, if you go there, make sure you either ask for the combo or if you bring you're own gear print off $2 coupons from the web site.


Its $10 cab ride each way (with up to 4 per cab). The pier we were at you went out, then up, then had to sort of walk through a retail area, and then go back down to get to the street. Returning there is an escalator that goes directly up bypassing the retail if you want.


But you might not want to do that. The little bracelet at Chanakaab has 2 for 1 drinks at Carlos and Charlies (we didn't notice until we got back on the ship and cut them off).


Except for the slimy rocks and getting out of the water we had a great time there.

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The spa had specials each day on the cruise. The best deals for the spa were toward the beginning of the cruise though. I think you could choose 3 items from the "spa menu" for $99 early on. Since I missed that special I got a massage on the beach in Costa Maya instead.


My BIL was the only one in our group who tried a lot of the different food and he appreciated the opportunity. It seemed to me like most of the passengers were Americans on our recent cruise and since the ship sails out of NO I'm assuming that would be the case most of the time. I wonder why NCL doesn't cater their menus to meet the tastes of their biggest client base. There is a plus side to leaving the menu's as is though......I never over ate, LOLOL. I do want to say that I think that anyone who is not adventurous in their food tastes, like me, should be able to find something they can eat at one of the restaurants. I never starved and as someone mentioned you can always eat at Windows every day and order a steak and potato.

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hint for next cruise (especially NCL): bring your own sodas! makes life a lot easier. i don't drink enough for a soda card, won't pay the bar price..i bring my pepsi and stay happy all week.


What kind and how do you pack your drinks? Thanks in advance.

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We will be sailing for the first time on the Spirit in December of this year. I've booked our first balcony room on deck 9. What room did you have? Were you bothered by cigarette smoke from nearby balconies? We are currently booked in cabin 9522. I believe that sitting on the balcony will be one of my favorite activites too! Thanks for the great review.



We weren't bothered by cigarette smoke on our balcony but be prepared for it in other areas of the ship. Also, I think if you had a smoker in a balcony near yours that could be an issue. The casino was tough to take but that is true for most casinos and if you go there you have to accept that. We had to move tables several times outside because of cigarette smoke and many times when we were watching shore from public areas we had to move because of cigarette smoke. Many people in my extended family smoke so I am used to making adjustments so we can all enjoy being together. Our room was 11616. I know many people say the rooms are small but we thought it was adequate and our steward kept it well stocked with whatever we needed, gave us great towel animals and tried to clean our room when we weren't in it. Our room was below one end of Raffles and I thought we might have noise but we didn't hear any even once.

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we just take some pepsi. we can, usually, get more sodas in any of the ports. we like to take the small bottles, simply because we can reseal them.

last cruise, we had a carry-on with a 6pk of pepsi and a couple of bottles of water (to take on excursions). since the spirit doesn't have a refrig in cabins below suite level, we don't get too carried away...just something to keep in the ice bucket for when we need it.

the cruise before that, we had family...they had a old suitcase filled with a couple 6pk of dr pepper, a 6 pk of pepsi for me, diet pepsi for the DH and a case of water. that time they had a luggage tag on it and it got delivered to the cabin with the other luggage.

just don't call and ask NCL, the reps will tell you it's not allowed..BUT

at the ports, they allow it as long as it's not booze.

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