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One meal a day


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I was just reading another post and they suggested one meal a day. Actually I used to eat like this befor I had my second child and it worked great I was slim in great shape and felt great never hungry never tired. I only stopped doing it when I became pregnant. I have thought about doing it since but was scared it was dangerous to do it long term. They have done studies that show eating a low calorie diet may even make you live longer. So does it really matter wether you eat one meal or 6 sm if you are getting the same calories? All I know is that it worked great for me years ago. The first few days are hard and I do get headaches when I first start but then I felt great! What do you think? is there any proof of it being dangerous or does it just p the grocery stores off. Let face it they would lose alot of money from me alone:D

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The only "dangerous" thing here would be that this sort of thing sometimes encourages eating disorders in many people. You would do best to not make drastic changes in eating behavior (other than eating healthier of course) as you want to make changes that can be permanently sustained. If you feel that one meal a day is something you can sustain, and it does not cause other issues, then there is no harm in it at all.

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I have read that one meal a day slows your metabolism down so you lose less wait. Your body thinks it isn't getting enough so stops burning as much fat. Eating 5 small meals a day actually helps you lose weight faster. I always forget to eat and I gain weight when I eat fewer meals than when I eat more small ones. Portion size seems to be the key for me.

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Well that is what i'm hoping is that it wasn't dangerous. Once I got used to it I found it very easy to maintain (holidays are hard though). During the day I drink lots of water, coffee with milk, diluted juices, and some times a light hot chocolate. So it's not like I'm not having any calories. I realise it may not seem the healthiest diet but I actually don't binge on the plan and when I eat I eat very healthy because in my mind if i'm eating one meal I can not afford to have the junk food. The only light sugars I have are in the drinks. If anyone has any info about long term let me know. Thank you

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I used to eat the same way when I was young....one meal a day. I had no problems with it at all. So healthwise, it should be fine. However, eating small portions several times a day does increase your metabolism helping you lose weight. But I have learned that something that works for someone else may not be what works for you. Finding your own way is the perfect plan. It includes much trial and error. Do whatever feels great for you and works for you.....so long as it is not a danger to you. We who persist and never give up even after small failures are the ones who truly succeed in this battle of weight. Good luck!

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I agree that 5 small meals would be heathier and may speed up my motabilism my problem is that I have been trying to do this for years now and eating during the day usually gets me binging in the afternoon. Honestly I don't know how I am not 500+ lbs. I love food and think I am addicted to the crunching and chewing motion. I never get full or satisfied either. But when I eat one meal I don't have this problem and I actually eat healthier except for it being one meal.:confused: I know my mother in law says shes ate like this all her life and she seems healthy except for the fact that she smokes and drinks. Food is my only bad habbit. Except for these cruise forum as my hubby would say:D I love reading the posts!

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I agree that 5 small meals would be heathier and may speed up my motabilism my problem is that I have been trying to do this for years now and eating during the day usually gets me binging in the afternoon. Honestly I don't know how I am not 500+ lbs. I love food and think I am addicted to the crunching and chewing motion. I never get full or satisfied either. But when I eat one meal I don't have this problem and I actually eat healthier except for it being one meal.:confused: I know my mother in law says shes ate like this all her life and she seems healthy except for the fact that she smokes and drinks. Food is my only bad habbit. Except for these cruise forum as my hubby would say:D I love reading the posts!

As you lose weight and your stomach shrinks you will also feel full easier. Even though I have adapted the healthy lifestyle there are times I feel I can just eat and eat too......but I think that is all in my mind....eating out of emotion. Emotions play a large part in the way we see food. I think you should try not to think about it so much...when to eat, etc....eat when you are hungry and if its once a day.....fine.....but only eat when hunger arises....and when you do eat, think about what kinds of foods you put in your mouth.....and if sometimes its not the right things....its ok....just make it right the next time. We all fall off the wagon now and again. I personally have been very ill this week and have a few comfort foods, however, I know when I am feeling myself again I will be right back on the wagon. I think I finally have a grasp on my weight......acceptance of ones self is a huge part of it......

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Thats the funny thing with me, i'm not hungry until I eat then watch out.:eek: No control. Unless I do the one meal, well I think I will do this I really hope I wont regret it. If I could get my head around it I would eat the 5-6 small meals or even three. But my clothes are tight, I exercise alot and nothing is comming off right now. I might only do it till the cruise and then try again to force myself to the proper way of life. I do emotional eat although I am totaly satifsied and happy with my own personal and family life. I run a dayhome and the only stress I have is brought in from the outside from all the kids and families I deal with. I know if I did not do this as a career this would not be an issue.

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I have read that one meal a day slows your metabolism down so you lose less wait. Your body thinks it isn't getting enough so stops burning as much fat. Eating 5 small meals a day actually helps you lose weight faster. I always forget to eat and I gain weight when I eat fewer meals than when I eat more small ones. Portion size seems to be the key for me.


No no no no. This is NOT true. This is one of the silly myths that gets bandied about and gives people excuses to overeat.


I do eat frequent small meals myself, but it's because I simply cannot eat a large amount of food at one time, and I'm a snacker, so it suits me better. Absolutely NOTHING to do with my body's metabolism. :rolleyes:

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No no no no. This is NOT true. This is one of the silly myths that gets bandied about and gives people excuses to overeat.


I do eat frequent small meals myself, but it's because I simply cannot eat a large amount of food at one time, and I'm a snacker, so it suits me better. Absolutely NOTHING to do with my body's metabolism. :rolleyes:

I wish I couldn't eat a large amount of food at one time! LMAO

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How many of you are medical professionals and speaking on this topic with previous medical knowledge?


And why would OP come to an anonymous message board and ask a question that could potentially affect your health? (I say potentially because, as a person who has battled with food issues my entire life, I believe that eating one meal a day is unhealthy, but I am NOT an expert).


You should talk to your doctor and get advise from a professional on what is or is not healthy eating habits.

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I've read all your posts. We all feel your pain and frustration as we've all been there.


My suggestion: Lighten up and stop trying to find a quick fix. Take everything you eat now, eat half of it. Learn to read the labels and keep sodium to 2000mg per day or less. and EXCERCISE. NOT just a stroll on the treadmill..like exercise until you are sweating.


I just think you are trying too hard, looking for too many quick fixes.


Just focus on getting healthy. You don't have to eat the junk food. You don't have to eat the garbage. Why keep that crap in your house?


Try to eat like a thin, healthy, person. You don't see them porking out on garbage, they eat regular meals, don't overindulge, and enjoy their food. Eat to live, don't live to eat.

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How many of you are medical professionals and speaking on this topic with previous medical knowledge?


And why would OP come to an anonymous message board and ask a question that could potentially affect your health? (I say potentially because, as a person who has battled with food issues my entire life, I believe that eating one meal a day is unhealthy, but I am NOT an expert).


You should talk to your doctor and get advise from a professional on what is or is not healthy eating habits.


The OP is looking for advice on losing weight. I don't think a doctor's opinion is really required for that, but if the OP has other health issues as well, then of course I would agree. "One meal a day"...sure most any health professional will tell you that it is not recommended. I stated that as well. But the reason it is not recommended, is because it CAN cause eating disorders, IF you are the type of person that is affected by such things. If you know your body well enough, and you have the discipline, there is absolutely NO reason that one meal a day would be harmful.


And as far as the metabolism slowing down, there are many MANY studies that have been done on this very issue - and I've read them. There is NO discernible effect on metabolism from less frequent eating. It doesn't matter WHEN you eat. What matters is WHAT you eat, and how much.


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My opinion is that you should see what your BMR is. Don't eat less than those calories or you aren't giving your body enough nutrition to function. Plus you should add calories for how active your lifestyle is. Do you sit for a job all day or are you doing alot of walking, stairs, chasing kids. Then add for exercise.


It is not just a matter of eating less. It's a matter of feeding your body enough good food so it will be healthy.


I eat 3 meals plus 2 or 3 snacks. Depending on exercise I eat between 1500-1800cal per day. No foods are off limits but I do limit the amount of junk food I eat. Fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads & cereals, protein are all important foods to fuel the body.


Like Gathina said, there is not a quick fix for healthy weightloss.

You might try myfitnesspal.com to see what your calorie intake could be and to log your foods. You might be surprised to see how much you can eat and still lose weight.


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I want to hijack this thread momentarily to say

"Hi Brenda, hope all is well with you!"


Hi Kelly......I have been ill.....but hopefully doing better soon. I'd love to chat with you, if you would like to leave your email.

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Hi Brenda, I miss you! We miss you on the other thread..YOUR thread, dear..the one that inspired so many..where have you been girl??!! M


Hi Kelly......I have been ill.....but hopefully doing better soon. I'd love to chat with you, if you would like to leave your email.
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I think there has been a bit of misunderstanding. I do eat very healthy except that I can eat large amounts and still be hungry. I don't eat store bought cookies, rarely chips I consider anything other than whole grains, vegetables, fruit, meat and dairy (milk,yogurt) junk food. The only cookies I eat would be ones I make from whole wheat. But I do love home baked foods. I run a dayhome so yes I do run all day long after little babies and kids. I also exercise at 5:00 am in the morning bike/treadmil, weights and stretches. and swim and go walking on the weekend . I also have done alot of reading on this subject and I haven't found any medical prof that you have to eat a certain amount of meals. Whether it's one meal or six meals 1200 calories a day is 1200 calories a day. Yes eating small frequent meal should keep your sugar leves balanced but for me it makes me starved and cranky not a good trait when taking care of young children. I find with the one meal I stay calm always, more enegetic much more happy because I am not always worrying about what I'm eating healthy or not. I eat one very balanced healthy meal . some calories throught the day with beverages. Gauthina I'm sure you mean well but you are comming across as a little rude in my posts as well as in other peoples. Not every thing is so black and white. People have to find their way, and find what works for their body, and what keeps them happy and at peace. I am glad your way works for you but I have been trying for years (the right way) and it does not work for me. All the best.

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I also have done alot of reading on this subject and I haven't found any medical prof that you have to eat a certain amount of meals. Whether it's one meal or six meals 1200 calories a day is 1200 calories a day. Yes eating small frequent meal should keep your sugar leves balanced but for me it makes me starved and cranky not a good trait when taking care of young children. I find with the one meal I stay calm always, more enegetic much more happy because I am not always worrying about what I'm eating healthy or not.


You are right...it does not matter one whit. So if it works for you, then run with it. So...what is your question?



Gauthina I'm sure you mean well but you are comming across as a little rude in my posts as well as in other peoples. Not every thing is so black and white. People have to find their way, and find what works for their body, and what keeps them happy and at peace. I am glad your way works for you but I have been trying for years (the right way) and it does not work for me. All the best.


I think you are misreading. Often people trying to lose weight NEED a bit of a wake-up call. Weight loss certainly is a challenge and the road to success will not take exactly the same turns for everyone. However, one thing that certainly IS true, for everyone, is the fact that the reason we get fat, is that we are not burning off the calories we eat. Plain and simple. THAT, is black and white. Eating less, better, and exercising more, is certainly good advice for anyone trying to lose weight.

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tttrrr, with all you do in a day 1200cal sounds low. I'm only 5'2, 117lbs and I'd be non functional at 1200. Now getting that many in in one meal would also be hard for me unless I was eating something like lasagna, garlic bread.


I do know that I eat more times a day and more food than my sister who tries to do the one meal a day. But I exercise more and weigh less than her.


If it works for you that's great but I still think 1200 sounds low.


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tttrrr, with all you do in a day 1200cal sounds low. I'm only 5'2, 117lbs and I'd be non functional at 1200. Now getting that many in in one meal would also be hard for me unless I was eating something like lasagna, garlic bread.


I do know that I eat more times a day and more food than my sister who tries to do the one meal a day. But I exercise more and weigh less than her.


If it works for you that's great but I still think 1200 sounds low.



Yeah...that's the thing is that it really is different for everyone. Remember that the bottom of the lowest range of WW is actually 900 cal a day. And that is always where I have to go to in order to lose a few pounds. Heck I already spend so much time at the gym, I can't add more time for exercise, so I have no choice but to eat less!! :o But I am healthy as a horse...and I've been doing this long enough that I can say that it does work, for me. But we all have to find our own way.

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