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One meal a day


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Yeah...that's the thing is that it really is different for everyone. Remember that the bottom of the lowest range of WW is actually 900 cal a day. And that is always where I have to go to in order to lose a few pounds. Heck I already spend so much time at the gym, I can't add more time for exercise, so I have no choice but to eat less!! :o But I am healthy as a horse...and I've been doing this long enough that I can say that it does work, for me. But we all have to find our own way.


ttrrr sounds like she is very active during the day besides the exercise she does. I really think she is not getting enough calories. I think you said before that you have a desk job and that makes alot of difference in how many calories you burn in a day.


I would never recommend going under 1200 unless you've had your metabolism checked and know that your body needs less than that for basic functioning.


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ttrrr sounds like she is very active during the day besides the exercise she does. I really think she is not getting enough calories. I think you said before that you have a desk job and that makes alot of difference in how many calories you burn in a day.


I would never recommend going under 1200 unless you've had your metabolism checked and know that your body needs less than that for basic functioning.



I would not recommend anything, all I can do is offer advice based on my experience. But if she is trying to lose, and cannot (and I've actually forgotten now what she was asking!! :D), I can't see how too many calories is the problem. Yep...having a desk job makes a HUGE difference, unfortunately!! :o


One other thing...most people are terrible judges at estimating their calories. I think there was a study done that showed people, on average, underestimated their caloric intake by at least a third. Food scales are a wonderful thing!

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Well, if she is eating less...and exercising a lot..then I am dumbfounded why she is not losing weight.


BUT people who exercise a lot (and I've done this) think that it's a license to continue eating the same way or more..and it's not. So they burn 500 calroies in the gym then wreck it by having a jumbo bagel to "refuel".


If you eat too less, then the thermodynamics of the body gets thrown out of wack. The body DOES require a certain degree of calories to function..and it's generally around between 1500=2000 per day. But you can actually go for 40 days with no food and live. You wont be in great shape physiologically but it can be done.


Long story short: ALL diets have to some degree, eating less, portion control, etc. No magic. Common sense.


What works for me is eating what I want..BUT the correct portion sizes, and limit the starches, etc..and a dessert treat once a week.


I rarely eat out anymore..I can't stand "chemical" food. Eating out, even the "healthy" choices can be like a poison. Better to do make your own food.


Reality check: There is no way to be nice or diplomatic if you have gorged yourself, and are FAT. Maybe overweight sounds a little kinder, but it is the same as being FAT. Better to face the painful reality and DO something about it instead of sugar coat it.


ttrrr sounds like she is very active during the day besides the exercise she does. I really think she is not getting enough calories. I think you said before that you have a desk job and that makes alot of difference in how many calories you burn in a day.


I would never recommend going under 1200 unless you've had your metabolism checked and know that your body needs less than that for basic functioning.


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When I said not everything is black and white I wasn't refering to food calories vs calories burned. I totally agree you have to burn more and eat less. 1200 calories was just a number I was using for an example. With all the reading I have done I have not found any medical proff . So my question was plain and simply does anyone know of any medical proof that this is dangerous long term as a way of life? I felt great when I ate like this when I was younger and only changed because I was pregnant. I never had a weight issue until I ate the (right way) which is so highly reccomended today. When I grew up we never ate 5-6 sm meals or snacks. Makes me wonder if that is why kids are have such a weight problem today healthy food or not more meals usually means more calories. My parents I babysit for would freak if I did not feed their kids meals + snacks. I don't serve junk food. But calories are calories. I see 6 small meals the same as 3 meals +3snacks. Maybe some of you somehow have gotten this impresion but I don't gorge my food but I do get cranky when I eat so often because it just makes me hungrier. Sorry if I have not worded some thing properly but with kids hanging off me it is sometimes a little hard to concentrate. :D

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When I said not everything is black and white I wasn't refering to food calories vs calories burned. I totally agree you have to burn more and eat less. 1200 calories was just a number I was using for an example. With all the reading I have done I have not found any medical proff . So my question was plain and simply does anyone know of any medical proof that this is dangerous long term as a way of life? I felt great when I ate like this when I was younger and only changed because I was pregnant. I never had a weight issue until I ate the (right way) which is so highly reccomended today. When I grew up we never ate 5-6 sm meals or snacks. Makes me wonder if that is why kids are have such a weight problem today healthy food or not more meals usually means more calories. My parents I babysit for would freak if I did not feed their kids meals + snacks. I don't serve junk food. But calories are calories. I see 6 small meals the same as 3 meals +3snacks. Maybe some of you somehow have gotten this impresion but I don't gorge my food but I do get cranky when I eat so often because it just makes me hungrier. Sorry if I have not worded some thing properly but with kids hanging off me it is sometimes a little hard to concentrate. :D

Don't feel you need to apologize. Remember to take from all posts what you feel is helpful and forget about the rest. Its your choice....all of it. It also sounds to me like you are doing a great job with the way you eat. I personally feel an encouraging post is so much more effective than one that beats us down. So if you ever need encouragement, I am here for you.....

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When I said not everything is black and white I wasn't refering to food calories vs calories burned. I totally agree you have to burn more and eat less. 1200 calories was just a number I was using for an example. With all the reading I have done I have not found any medical proff . So my question was plain and simply does anyone know of any medical proof that this is dangerous long term as a way of life?


No. As I already stated, the reason this would not be recommended, is that it encourages eating disorders (such as binging).


There is NO difference in eating all your calories for a day in one meal, or 6, if you can sustain your hunger. Most people can't do that, so if you can, go for it. Okay??? :rolleyes:

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I don't think more meals leads to more calories. There is no way I could get all my calories for a day in one meal. I split it up so I can be fueled with nutrients throughout the day.


If you want to eat all of your calories in one meal and feel good and are healthy go ahead. But if you are not losing and you want to then you should look at some other way to do it. Your body is different now than when you were younger.


Are you trying to lose or do you just want to eat one meal a day? And out of curiosity how many calories are in that one meal?


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I don't think more meals leads to more calories. There is no way I could get all my calories for a day in one meal. I split it up so I can be fueled with nutrients throughout the day.


If you want to eat all of your calories in one meal and feel good and are healthy go ahead. But if you are not losing and you want to then you should look at some other way to do it. Your body is different now than when you were younger.


Are you trying to lose or do you just want to eat one meal a day? And out of curiosity how many calories are in that one meal?



My take is that she is trying to lose, but feels that she is eating too much and could manage her calories better, and feel better, if she just ate the one meal (and granted it would need to be a pretty decent one!!). Apparently she used to do this, and it worked for her. I don't see any reason for her not to try it. I couldn't do it though...I just can't eat a large enough amount at one time to last me an entire day. I would be curious to know how many calories in a day she is consuming, or if she tracks that. I think that is critical for losing weight.

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I wasn't loosing any weight when eating more meals just gaining at times which is why I was thinking of doing the one meal a day. From experience I have much better contol in every which way when I eat one meal only. I don't feel hungry all the time and I don't get any cravings . I actually don't know exactly how many calories I would eat with the one meal. I Eat at supper time eat till I feel satisfied then stop. Because I am only eating one meal I am very careful that it is healthy and well balanced. I do take a multi vitamin as well just incase. But I don't have all the extra calories that my body does not seem to need. I don't know why, I just don't get full or satisfied when eating more meals. I only get hungrier and then I start to get cravings (causing me to get cranky unless i give in to them) . I only feel great when I eat the one meal a day. When I was in track when I was younger I ate like this, maybe it is just the way I'm built. More meals for me also mean more tired don't quite understand why. Maybe I have an allery to certain foods that I never eat with my one meal a day. (cereal? Bread? who knows). I just know My one meal usually consists of vegetables, meat, and( rice,potato or pasta) and a glass of milk.

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There can be many reasons why we stop losing weight. One I have recently realized could be medications we are taking. My doc just told me that now that I have stopped the pill I may notice a change in my weight for the good! WOO HOO! This may be why I have trouble losing those last 10 pounds. I sure hope so.

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Brenda33, about the pill whats strange is that I never had a period for years and when my doctor put me on a week dose pill I got pregnant. He doesn't even know how I had two kids seing as how I have endometrios. Needless to say after my first child I could never use any form of birth contol. Nothing worked on my body. A few years after my second child I ended up having to get a hystorectomy as my uterous was enlarged and deterioating. As I said the doctor didn't even know how I could get pregnant let alone carry them full term. All I know is that I am trully blessed with my two kids and I'm glad the norm does not seem to be what works for me.

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Brenda33, about the pill whats strange is that I never had a period for years and when my doctor put me on a week dose pill I got pregnant. He doesn't even know how I had two kids seing as how I have endometrios. Needless to say after my first child I could never use any form of birth contol. Nothing worked on my body. A few years after my second child I ended up having to get a hystorectomy as my uterous was enlarged and deterioating. As I said the doctor didn't even know how I could get pregnant let alone carry them full term. All I know is that I am trully blessed with my two kids and I'm glad the norm does not seem to be what works for me.

Wow....I have heard so many horror stories about the pill. I just hope I go back to normal soon!! I have a fibroid in my uterus...takes up half of it!!....that causes my bleeding. Now the doc is talking of freezing the lining. I am hoping for something like this instead of the hysterectemy. And yes, kids are truly a blessing.....my last little guy really keeps me young!

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My friend had the freezing done it worked for a short time, she ended up having to get a hystorectomy. Actually I as well as a few people I know would agree the hystorectomy was well worth it. If they don't take the overies it shouldn't through you into early menopause. Myself not having to deal with uncontrolable bleeding and clots made this operation for me highly recommended. My doctor said if you don't need it anymore why have it. Plus I had no choice with it desolving in my body it was just not safe. I had fibroids too, Now because I still have my overies I do still have endometriosis until I go through menopause.

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My friend had the freezing done it worked for a short time, she ended up having to get a hystorectomy. Actually I as well as a few people I know would agree the hystorectomy was well worth it. If they don't take the overies it shouldn't through you into early menopause. Myself not having to deal with uncontrolable bleeding and clots made this operation for me highly recommended. My doctor said if you don't need it anymore why have it. Plus I had no choice with it desolving in my body it was just not safe. I had fibroids too, Now because I still have my overies I do still have endometriosis until I go through menopause.

I don't want the hysterectemy because I don't want to be cut open again. Regarding the weight loss thing.....my stomach is not tight anymore from 3 c-sections and cutting it open again would totally destroy it and me.....I would lose any self confidence I have. My mom agrees with you to just get the hysterectemy....she says it made her feel so much better.....

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My stomach was never cut open they pulled it out through my cervix. Ask them to do it that way much quicker with healing and absolutly no scars. They just sow the top of the cervix to seal it. I agree about feeling better, never a worry again. I have yet to meet someone who wishes they had not done the surgery, especially if your done having kids. Just think no more personal monthly shopping ever again.

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My stomach was never cut open they pulled it out through my cervix. Ask them to do it that way much quicker with healing and absolutly no scars. They just sow the top of the cervix to seal it. I agree about feeling better, never a worry again. I have yet to meet someone who wishes they had not done the surgery, especially if your done having kids. Just think no more personal monthly shopping ever again.

Doctor said because of my 3 previous c-sections having it removed through cervix is not an option for me.....:mad:

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Intresting? even if they took it out piece by piece? I would think they would not want to cut open again? I wonder why that is? I know once you have had a c-section you could not properly deliver a baby naturally, but the uterous is so much smaller and can be taken out in peices if necessary. Thats what I understood anyways.

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Intresting? even if they took it out piece by piece? I would think they would not want to cut open again? I wonder why that is? I know once you have had a c-section you could not properly deliver a baby naturally, but the uterous is so much smaller and can be taken out in peices if necessary. Thats what I understood anyways.

This is what I was told over 4 years ago. As I get into this with the doctor again, I will question it. I want to make a smart choice. I want the best and safest solution.....its very scary making choices.

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I used to work for a couple of weight loss clinics, one of which I learned that eating one meal a day is not healthy. Your body will think it is in starvation mode and store the fat instead of burning it. As someone else suggested eating 6 small meals a day is the best way to do it as your body has to keep burning what you take in.quote=tttrrr;18367375]I was just reading another post and they suggested one meal a day. Actually I used to eat like this befor I had my second child and it worked great I was slim in great shape and felt great never hungry never tired. I only stopped doing it when I became pregnant. I have thought about doing it since but was scared it was dangerous to do it long term. They have done studies that show eating a low calorie diet may even make you live longer. So does it really matter wether you eat one meal or 6 sm if you are getting the same calories? All I know is that it worked great for me years ago. The first few days are hard and I do get headaches when I first start but then I felt great! What do you think? is there any proof of it being dangerous or does it just p the grocery stores off. Let face it they would lose alot of money from me alone:D

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This is what I don't quite understand some articles I have read say your body wont go into starvation mode unless you are underweight. If you are carring extra weight your body is not starving plus I would be still taking in some calories during the day but through liquids (milk, Juices). I know juices can be high in sugar so I stick mainly to the vegetable juices. So I do get some calories but I'm controling my sometimes uncontrollable urge to chew, chew,chew. I eat even when i'm not hungry because I love to chew food. One meal a day seems to control this habbit for me. Eating vegetables all day long does not seem to help, I just get hungrier and eventually cranky. Other foods can make it even worse, trust me I have tried for years to eat the right way. I do hope that one day I will be able to stick to 3 healthy meals. Probably when I finally change my career so I am not always around food. But right now I need to get the weight down to fit into my clothes for the cruise.

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I used to work for a couple of weight loss clinics, one of which I learned that eating one meal a day is not healthy. Your body will think it is in starvation mode and store the fat instead of burning it.


Oh for goodness sakes. This is the silliest thing I have ever heard.

Absolutely NOT true. I cannot believe you would fall for this stuff!!!

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Just thought I would let you know I am now done day 4 of this plan and feeling great no mood swings, no cravings and not hungry I am feeling more confident, stronger and energetic. I cut out grains today except for rice and the ones I'm allowed as per the easiest diet ever. Tomorrow I will start cutting out the sugars. This way of eating is going alot easier then I thought it would. When I get full control of the plan I may start spreading my calories throughout the day. But for now this is working great for me so I will stick to it.

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