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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Here are a few pointers about RED WEEK... :p


It is something that starts during puperty and finishes with menaupose. It is a "gift" only women have and that is very annoying for men...


During RED WEEK, the women's mood changes drastically to the great "pleasure" of men... They would ratter stay in the shed according to my DH :o I thing it would be a good idea sometimes :D It is also something that happens in the worse moments... During vacation for example... :mad:


Thanks Matt for giving us the opportunity to laugh a little and remember, we are not laughing at you. You just opened a door for me...


Love you 11_7_102.gif

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I didn't use my treadmill enough this week and I didn't do my stairs enough either, but so far, I have kept my weight. I will start my exercices right after this message!!! Stairs, abdominals and treadmill... It should take me about an hour or so. Later on this evening, DH and I will go out for a long walk :):):)


Take care Loosers!!!


P.S. What a way to call ourselves... Loosers :p:D:D

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I remember why I did not use the treadmill so much this last week... I can't wait to have results for my belly ache!!!!!!!

I did some adbominals and I went up and down the stairs 15 times and my belly wasn't in any kind of pain. I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes and now my belly hurts!!!


Abdominals don't hurt... Stairs don't hurt either... Walking on the other hand, hurts!!!!!


My generalist thinks it might be some kind of muscle pain. If it was a muscle that was hurting me, wouldn't it hurt when I was doing something esle than walking or sitting down with a straight back for a long period of time or in my red week???


I can't wait to see the specialist!!!

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While on the boat, indulge yourself!!! Don't worry, We will be here to help you get back on track once the cruise is finished... :):):)


Exactly my philosophy!!! Heck, I figure that I've paid (in more ways than one) for all those danishes, pizza slices, and creme brulees that I plan to eat on my cruise. :D

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Happy Saturday!


I did a short work-out session today, so that's marked off my list of obligations to fulfill.


So far I've eaten fairly healthy; oatmeal and a mini bran muffin for breakfast, a hard boiled egg for a mid-morning snack, and a Weight Watcher calzone for lunch. We are grilling pork chops and then having baked red potatoes with fresh green beans tonight so that should satisfy my cravings for some good home cooking!


Take care everyone,


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I was woken up before 6 am this morning by a not so dear snorring DH this morning... After being awaken so "gently", I get to read about crème brulés... That is true torture! :mad::p:o:D

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I am happy to say that I have done my daily exercice program... Although I did not go on the treadmill. My belly is doing fine and I don't want it to start acting up again today.


I went up and down my staircase 15 times, that means 300 steps in all. I also did some work on my abs. Later today, I may do the stair routine again. Those pounds and those inches are going to melt away!!!


Have a nice Sunday everyone. It is sunny here and my DH opened the pool yesterday. Don't worry, I will not use it just yet :D:D:D

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Hi everyone. This is a good chance for me to establish some accountability here. Thanks for the welcome. Normally I’ve been pretty good at being able to get the weight off when I put my mind to it. It’s just harder nowdays to put my mind to it :eek:. So to put myself on record:


SW – 178 3/28/09

TW – 170 5/1/09

CW – 160 5/31/09


Sailing 31 May on the Conquest. It was easy to hide the weight in ski clothes for our March ski trip, but bathing suits aren’t as forgiving. I believe I’ve got a good start, but need to pick up the pace a little.


I saw someone post about using the whey protein. If someone is having success with the whey, I’d like to hear more. I’ve done a little of that but wish the RDA% of cholesterol was lower. Battling high chol levels too. Tried 3 of the statins and came to the realization it would be less painful to die of high cholesterol than continue on the statins (tons of side effects that I’m still recovering from).


I’m not on any special diet, just a healthier diet, cutting fat, total intake, and exercising more.




Do you want me to post these numbers on Monday or submit new


I am the one who uses Whey Protein powder from time to time to fill in the voids or to use in a hurry.

I use Solgar

Whey To Go...mixed berry flavor

It is lactose free and no artifical sweetners

Calories.....100 (per 1 level scoop) Calories from fat.....5

Total Fat.... --1 g

Saturated Fat... --0.5 g

Cholesterol......10 mg

Total Carbs....8 g

Dietary Fiber... --1 g

Sugars....7 g

Protein....16 g

Calcium (from whey)......50 mg

Sodium(from whey).........75 mg


I usually add the powder to a blender with juice or milk(sometimes water) and add a piece or two of fruit such as a banana or strawberries and add ice. It is best to add frozen fruit(I freeze my bananas and buy frozen fruit.





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Don't forget tomorrow is weigh in day:D

And please add your measurements for the first of the month.:)


I feel as if my pants and under garments are bigger so here's hoping the numbers show it;)


I went to our local thrift store and found a brand new(still had orginal tag of $89.00) Lands End black one piece swimsuit with a skirt (to cover all my jiggles and wiggles:eek:) my price was $3.50:cool:

It is a size 16/18 and it fits a little snug but will fit nicely if I loose about 10 more lbs. I wear a size 18/20 now.

Also found a few tops and a short beige skirt wore it to work Friday and everyone said they could tell I had lost wieght.


We are having my cousin and her hubby over tonight for dinner and we plan on discussing our cruise and make plans on which excursions we are going to take. I want to do the River Wallace and Altun Ha Ruins Tour (that is where all the treadmill endurance will come in) on Belize.

And we have Victor Bodden Tour planned and booked for Roatan.

We don't know what we are doing on the other two islands might just shop and sight see.

They also want to go traveling with us to Las Vegas so we will help them decide that tonight hopefully the flight s will be cheap enough for them to book.

For dinner I am cooking spaghetti and salad. I cooked rice pasta and made my own sauce it will be added on separetly so I can control my portion and I will have a large salad. Might pass on the garlic bread or at least eat a small piece.

Then off to the Y tomorrow I plan on changing my work out this week to try and enhance the results.


Well better get off here and get started on getting ready for visitors.


BTW....Matt where are you I do hope you aren't mad at us...:confused:


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So here are my measurements!





Upper arm..15.75...15.5......-.25








Wow I lost 6 inches!!!


I'm melting... lol :)



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Here are my measurments



Neck..........14......13.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Upper arm...13......12.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Chest.........39......38.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Waist.........34......35........Gained 1 inch :(

Hips...........40......40........Lost 0 - Gained 0 :confused:

Thighs........22......21.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Calve.........15......15........Lost 0 - Gained 0


I lost a grand total of 1 INCH :confused:


On the other hand, I gained a lot of freedom in my mouvements since I stop taking the meds to maintain a good cholesterol level. I can walk with ease, not on the treadmill yet, but it will come. I can go up the stairs without grasping on the hand rails. I can pick up something on the floor with no pain. This feels soooo good!! According to my DH who gave me a good massage today, my muscles are in better shape, they are more toned and he really liked what he felt under his hands when he was working on me. I am sooo happy!!!


My goal for next month is to loose 5 or 6 more pounds and more than just 1 inch :p I now am able to wear my bra a little tighter and I can put on the Jeans I wasn't able to wear last month. I don't know why, I only lost a grand total of 1 inch :p:D


I hope you all have a good suprise!!!


Take care and sweet dreams XX

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Do you want me to post these numbers on Monday or submit new


I am the one who uses Whey Protein powder from time to time to fill in the voids or to use in a hurry.

I use Solgar

Whey To Go...mixed berry flavor

It is lactose free and no artifical sweetners

Calories.....100 (per 1 level scoop) Calories from fat.....5

Total Fat.... --1 g

Saturated Fat... --0.5 g

Cholesterol......10 mg

Total Carbs....8 g

Dietary Fiber... --1 g

Sugars....7 g

Protein....16 g

Calcium (from whey)......50 mg

Sodium(from whey).........75 mg


I usually add the powder to a blender with juice or milk(sometimes water) and add a piece or two of fruit such as a banana or strawberries and add ice. It is best to add frozen fruit(I freeze my bananas and buy frozen fruit.






Thanks for the info. I'll get you new numbers tomorrow (They better be better).


I may have to check into another brand of whey. I buy the Optimum Gold Standard whey (chocolate) for the boys and they really like it for the taste, but it also carries 30mg of Cholesterol (triple yours). Of course my boys are trying to go the other direction with their weight. I didn't know that teens could eat 24 hrs a day. Then again, I haven't been on a cruise yet either :D.

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Here are my measurments



Neck..........14......13.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Upper arm...13......12.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Chest.........39......38.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Waist.........34......35........Gained 1 inch :(

Hips...........40......40........Lost 0 - Gained 0 :confused:

Thighs........22......21.5.....Lost 0.5 inch

Calve.........15......15........Lost 0 - Gained 0


I lost a grand total of 1 INCH :confused:


On the other hand, I gained a lot of freedom in my mouvements since I stop taking the meds to maintain a good cholesterol level. I can walk with ease, not on the treadmill yet, but it will come. I can go up the stairs without grasping on the hand rails. I can pick up something on the floor with no pain. This feels soooo good!! According to my DH who gave me a good massage today, my muscles are in better shape, they are more toned and he really liked what he felt under his hands when he was working on me. I am sooo happy!!!


My goal for next month is to loose 5 or 6 more pounds and more than just 1 inch :p I now am able to wear my bra a little tighter and I can put on the Jeans I wasn't able to wear last month. I don't know why, I only lost a grand total of 1 inch :p:D


I hope you all have a good suprise!!!


Take care and sweet dreams XX



Hey that sounds good too! 1 inch but you feel good sounds amazing!!! Congrats! Hopefully you loose your 6 pounds next month!!!



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Hello Matt, if I am not mistaking, you are part of the male species...

If I am correct, it would be a miracle for you to have a RED WEEK!!! :p;) lollol341.giflollol201.gif


Definitely no need to explain. I knew what you meant. I was saying that we all have those weeks were we don't feel like doing anything.

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Here are a few pointers about RED WEEK... :p


It is something that starts during puperty and finishes with menaupose. It is a "gift" only women have and that is very annoying for men...


During RED WEEK, the women's mood changes drastically to the great "pleasure" of men... They would ratter stay in the shed according to my DH :o I thing it would be a good idea sometimes :D It is also something that happens in the worse moments... During vacation for example... :mad:


Thanks Matt for giving us the opportunity to laugh a little and remember, we are not laughing at you. You just opened a door for me...


Love you 11_7_102.gif


Thanks, I really really wanted the explanation. Haha. Don't worry, I feel the love on this board. I know all about those mood swings. Lived with 2 sisters growing up and now with my fiancee (who doesn't get the mood swings).


Alright as for my measurements: I will have to get you those. I forgot to get them.


But I was 198.6 this morning (GRRRRRRRRRRR italian surprise party saturday with such great food and dessert GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR). Only a .4 gain, so not bad. But I was shooting for 197. Guess i gotta work more this week.


Watching the Apprentice last night, i found out my new lunches for this next week. Tuna. In fact, bought the lunch kits today and it was a total of 8 dollars for 6 days of lunches. That is pretty good considering a day that I would go to lunch with the guys and get a salad was costing me 6 bucks. Also drinking Green Tea instead of regular tea now.


Good job to all the losers and I will get my measurements to you soon.


Oh, and I don't really check in on the weekends much and this weekend was so busy that I didn't have much time to do anything online. I had a surprise bday party for my friend Saturday, so that ate up a lot of my day with buying a gift for him and going to the gym in the am. And sunday was just a day for matt to relax, but don't worry, Matt is not leaving this group.

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Hey Matt, nice to hear from ya! Nice to hear you had a good weekend too.


Today is a nice warm sunny day with a high of 66F. I will do my stair routine and my abs routine hopefully 2 times since I am really not happy about my weight today... I am at 163 pounds... I gained 2 pounds since last week GRRRRRRRRR Ok I know these things happen, doesn't mean I enjoy them :mad:


I will be more diligent with my workout this week and with what I eat. I will have to control myself today, my daughter made some cookies yesterday and they are soooo good :o


Wish you all a terrific week and hope we all reach our goals for next month!!! A reminder to those who are going on a cruise... Your goal should be to have plenty of fun and plenty of rest!!!


Speack to you later and...

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HELLO LOSERS (even if you gained this week you are still a loser:D)


I will post the weights and measurements as soon as they get in.

I measured and weighed myself this morning but forgot to bring them to work but my numbers went down:)


***MATT I am so glad you are not going to leave us:)***



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HELLO LOSERS (even if you gained this week you are still a loser:D)

I will post the weights and measurements as soon as they get in.

I measured and weighed myself this morning but forgot to bring them to work but my numbers went down:)


Hey, don't call me a loser. I am a winner. haha.


But congrats on the numbers going down.

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sw 306

tw 240

cw 220

thinking i may be under my goal wieght by the july 5 cruise



sw 250

tw 208

cw 185


it was a good week for us agian. ive been running alittle on the treadmill along with my regular workouts. I also took a bodypump class at he gym which about killed me. we're getting really excited about the cruise.


sorry no measurements.

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Hello everybody!


Looks like a beautiful day today! So my goal this week is to lose as much weight as my body possibly can cause on Friday its weigh in for my biggest loser contest at work! So I have to hit the gym, do my workout video and jog everyday!


My weight as of this morning is...... 172 so I lost one pound! It doesn't bug me that I didn't lose more then one pound cause I know I didn't do enough this week to see more then that. I think i shouldn't even lost weight so I'm happy!


Hope everybody sees the numbers they want!!!



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Oh I forgot I had a question. Where is your waist at? Is it the smallest place on your stomach?-Jamie

It is exactly were I took it! Gotta keep it as low as possible ;)


Today was a good day for me. I took a 45 minutes walk and I didn't do it slowly. I did some work for my arms this morning and I just finished my stair routine. I will not do it a second time today. I will try to do my abs routine later on this evening. I was able not to indulge too much in the cookies. I am happy!!! :)


Have a nice evening my fellow winners!!!

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