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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Hope everything is ok for you. I am hoping to continue my good weekend today. Got another family bday party to go to. (i wish they all weren't around the same time)


I have been good this weekend and now am going to be tempted with all the goodies they have out for the party. Oh well, I will be smart.

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Hi everyone.

I have had several bad days:(

Since last Friday morning I have been in the hospital,it started Thursday with a severe migraine and vomitting. It got so bad that I couldn't hold my head upright and couldn't even keep water down. I got dehydrated.

They say it was brought on by a sinus infection and viral infection:confused:

My white count was messed up and my potassium was way off.

Because of my cancer history they had to start me on a high dose of steriods again and had an IV drip for 2 days to re-hydrate. Got released this morning early only after my blood levels even out.

I am truly going to hate standing on the scales tomorrow.

I feel exhausted.

You would think I'd loose weight this week but I feel so bloated from the IV and from not working out not to mention the meds.

Any way they said I could go back to regular activities but not to overdo.



Here's hoping everyone else had a good week end and will have a great weigh in tomorrow.


Going to take a nap without all the noise of the hospital (not a place to rest for sure):eek:


Yikes! Vickey, I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience, I hope you are rested and feeling better. I'd say don't even worry about weighing yourself tomorrow. Just skip it and pick it up next Monday.


I hope you are feeling well.


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Oh boy Vickey, what a bad weekend. Hope you feel better soon. From my experience, a stay in the hospital is a good way to loose a little weight. The IV is only liquid and once you have evacuated it, the weight loss should show. As the doctors say, start slowly and you will be back on track in on time. Take care ;)


Red week should start today and with it, comes PAIN and BLOATING... :mad::mad: I really hope I'll be able to wear my jeans everyday of the week...


I realized this past week that my body is getting stronger. Most of my pain comes from muscles atrophia. I am in pain today, but it is not as serious as it was just a month ago and as you know, I am incressing my workouts. I used to have a lot of pain in my neck and since I started my arm routine, my neck feels so much better. DH will be very happy!!


Yesterday, I went on the treadmill and walked at about 2.5 m/h and had to stop after 6 or 7 minutes because of back pain :mad: Besides that and my arms routine, I didn't do anything else.


Today, I feel better, I will start my workout right after this message. I feel up to doing everything :D:D


Take care my fellow winning-loosers!!!

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Thanks for all the well wishes.

I did get some much needed rest, my DH and DS's have been so sweet waiting on me hand and foot.Rather making me do what they say.

I am so glad that this didn't happen in two weeks when we will be in Las Vegas.:eek: I had no warning it just came on so quickly, but doesn't want to leave as quick.


Missou....IV's are glucose so I can just imagine what they have done to my weight. Even through I did not eat much for 3 days my body has to eat to loose mostly due to my thyroid condition. And I dread what the increased steriods are going to do.

Sorry you aren't feeling well and really sorry that it is going to be another red week.:mad:


Matt...hope you have a nice time at the b-day party. And glad to have you back home safe.:)


I am going to try and start on my regular routine tomorrow and hope it will all fall in place.



emmysmommy.....I will be brave and stand on the dreaded monster tomorrow and hope for the best but will deal with the worst.



On that note don't forget to post your weights tomorrow:D

Hope everyone is a LOSER(except for missou she is a winner)

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Hope everyone is a LOSER(except for missou she is a winner)


Didn't you notice the name I gave us?? The winning-loosers!!! It says it all no???


Today, I changed my workout... Instead of doing my regular exercices, I did some clean-up in the house. I haven't work so hard on the cleanning for many years because of the pain. Guess what... I am off to my bed to do my abs routine!!! Pain is not an issue :D:D


Live long and in shape or prosper if you prefer ;)

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Good Evening all you losers. I did have a great time at the Bday party. It was for my future Brother in law who is 6. Yeah, sounds a bit odd, but my fiancee is 24. She has young parents. The family lives in the woods and we shot bb guns pretty much all afternoon. Cake was good (small piece for me).


Right now I am on the phone with my real estate agent working on a deal for the house we are looking at. Might be sleeping on the offer for now and waiting to see what can happen with it tomorrow. The people seem to want to sell the house, but seem to want to let it go for much less than what they are asking. Oh well, if not, then we will go back out and look around some more.


Well, here hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow. And Vickey, don't worry, take this monday off. And, I will do an extra 160 steps just for you tomorrow so you won't have to do them. Just relax and get better.

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Red week should start today and with it, comes PAIN and BLOATING... :mad::mad: I really hope I'll be able to wear my jeans everyday of the week...


Ugh! Me too! You should have seen my eating frenzy yesterday!


Today, I feel better, I will start my workout right after this message. I feel up to doing everything :D:D


Glad to hear it!


I ran today but that was penance for yesterday. My daughter and I made a pumpkin pie and I had a huge slice.


When I did my grocery shopping this week I bought some whole wheat pastry flour to make some healthy cookies. (Seriously, Ellie Kreiger from Food Network says they're healthy) Red week is really affecting me in the sweet tooth area! I bought some tofu, splenda and tons of fresh fruit and veggies. I'm planning to make some veggie soup and a mixed berry gratin with the splenda and tofu. If these things turn out tasty I'll share the recipes. Oh, back to the cookies for a sec.... they have whole wheat flour, nuts, oats, raisins, apple butter (I'll use applesauce) and bran flakes among other standard cookie ingredients. I want to make a batch and freeze some. I can get them out of the freezer, throw one in my bag and have a healthy snack in the afternoon at work.


Ok, enough about food!


I was down for the count for about an hour and a half tonight. (It reminded me of Vickey's episode but to a much smaller degree.) I had such a bad headache that I was nausated and had to go lie down upstairs. I took an Aleeve and after awhile it passed. I told my hubby that you know I'm not feeling well if I don't finish my angelfood cake that I was in the middle of eating. (Not to worry! When my headache passed, I did successfully finish it.)


Sorry, I'm gabby tonight.


I wish you all well and good luck with tomorrow's weigh in.



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Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie. It's nice to have group support with weight loss.

We all know the do's and dont's about food, but often times we do not make good decisions.

I am an emotional eater and my weight has ballooned the past 3 years. It's summertime, and a bit miserable. I am determined to get back into those clothes in the closet.

Joining this thread will help me get on the bandwagon.

I read an earlier post regarding hip-hop abs. I have the CD's and they are fun.

I need to exercise consistently, and I will be seriously starting tomorrow. I'm packing my gym bag and off to the gym after work. :)

SW.....starting weight...225

TW......todays weight...225

CW....cruise weight... at least 175 lbs.


Wish me luck, and good luck to all.



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Hi, I'm Kim from Australia and I'm sailing on Mariner on September 13. I would dearly love to lose about 14 kg ( 30 lb ) before then which is a big job I know. I think this thread is wonderful, its so great to see so much support. Do you mind if I follow along ? Thanks, Kim :D

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Welcome to the group both of you, kbfromaus and cateyes2u. Always glad to have new people onboard our group. I will have to say that you both will have to join in our Stair Climbers club. We have 4 people that i know of. Me, emmysmommy, missou and vdarrell. It is a nice challenge that started because I walk up 160 steps at work everyday. Then others started to join, so you should join us too. Don't worry, missou and I don't push too hard, right Vdarrell.


Alright, time for business. Weigh in day, Matt314hew is now at 197. A 1 pound loss, but that is good, as my last 2 weeks have been a minimal gain/loss.

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Welcome to the winnig-loosers circle Kim and PJ, glad to have you aboard. Hope to see you join the stair climbers club. I go up and down my stair case about 25 times and I try to do it everyday. There are 10 steps in my staircase. That means a total of 250 steps up and 250 steps down. Will you join us?



I hope you feel better today Vickey. Don't forget what the doctor said, take it easy at first.


Brenda, I am really glad to see that I am not the only one who has eating frenzies during red week. You should have seen me yesterday at dinner time... For penance, I took an energic walk for an hour or so afterwards.


Finally, yesterday, I felt so good that on top of doing all my clean-up, I did most of my exercice program. I did every thing, I just didn't do all the counts. This morning I woke up and realized that my whole body misses my hubby.. What do I feel?? PAIN!! A good hot bath should help but still, a good massage would be so much better.


My eating frenzy showed on my scale this morning :(:(:( My weight was at 162.6 :(:(:(


I am so frustrated. In the past 2 months, I have exerciced more than I ever did for the past 4 or 5 years. I do a lot of cardio and a lot of abs and nothing shows. My waist line stays the same, my weight doesn't move... I feel that something is wrong in my belly, but I have to wait to be sure. Is it the reason why my scale doesn't move as quickly as I would want it. I feel that with the exercice I do, it should have went down at least a pound a week, especially with the increase I am able to do. I feel stronger, it could be that I am replacing grease mass with muscle mass, but shouldn't it show with my measuring tape???


DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!! 16 more days until I see him.


Red week is blues week too grrrrrrrr


Take care everyone

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Welcome to the board PJ and Kim. We’re glad to have you as a part of the group. I think you’ll find this board to be a very encouraging group. Other than having to put up with being called “a bunch of losers”:D we put it in the right context and love every minute of it.:cool:


Vicki – Sorry to hear about your troubles. My prayers go out for you. Please take your time and make sure you return to health before attempting to push weight loss. Definitely don’t overdo it!


Well this weekend was a special weekend for me and my family. We celebrated my Grandmothers 100th Birthday!!!!!:) :) What a woman! It’s only been in the last couple of years that she has started using a walker. She was still driving at age 90. Now granted she only went through about two tanks of gas per year, but still she would complain about the little old ladies that drove too slow and would get in her way on the way to the store.:eek: She’s a real icon for our family and we absolutely love her.


Now, of course, all that celebration created problems with my diet, but not too bad. I was down a couple of pounds about mid-week, but after the weekend I only ended up down 1#. That makes my last two weeks before the cruise a little tougher, but I’m determined to make it. :cool:


SW 178

TW 165

CW 160

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Thanx for the birthday wishes missou. We were so afraid she was going to wear out during the course of the party with all the people coming by. But to our amazement when the party was over she wanted to join our families when we went out for pizza afterwards (4 almost 5 generations). She out-ate me (I guess that's good since I'm trying to be a "loser"):p

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Sorry to be MIA today but had another little set back.

My migraine came back not as severe but non the less it returned.

Doctor wanted to run a few more tests.

I still haven't gotten around to weighing myself today and don't really want to.:mad:

Congrats to all of you that had a good week and for the rest of us we just have to keep on thinking positive and stay motivated.


I will post all the weights as soon as they come in.:)


Sorry to run but I promised DH I would only be on here for a minute and then rest.I think he wants me well for our up coming trip to Vegas:rolleyes:


Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers you all are so sweet and LOVED.

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Vickey: You can put me down for 127.0 today. It's not as much as I had hoped but it's still a loss.


Welcome to the new folks, and congrats to those who lost this week, and hang in there for those who didn't get the results they expected. This is a journey and at times it will feel more like a marathon instead of a sprint. It's all good!


Gotta go run - literally! :D


Take care,


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Well this weekend was a special weekend for me and my family. We celebrated my Grandmothers 100th Birthday!!!!!:) :) What a woman! It’s only been in the last couple of years that she has started using a walker. She was still driving at age 90. Now granted she only went through about two tanks of gas per year, but still she would complain about the little old ladies that drove too slow and would get in her way on the way to the store.:eek: She’s a real icon for our family and we absolutely love her.


Wow, congrats on your grandmother's 100th bday. My great aunt, recently passed, was 98 and was still driving. Her passing came quickly, as she fell and had a stroke. But she was a true inspiration to me and I strive to live as long as she did, and that will be getting healthier.


Vicki, don't worry. Relax and get rested for your Vegas trip. Your deserve to rest. I did do an extra set of stair climbing for you yesterday. Hope you are feeling better.

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Hi everyone,


I'm a newbie. It's nice to have group support with weight loss.


We all know the do's and dont's about food, but often times we do not make good decisions.


I am an emotional eater and my weight has ballooned the past 3 years. It's summertime, and a bit miserable. I am determined to get back into those clothes in the closet.


Joining this thread will help me get on the bandwagon.


I read an earlier post regarding hip-hop abs. I have the CD's and they are fun.


I need to exercise consistently, and I will be seriously starting tomorrow. I'm packing my gym bag and off to the gym after work. :)


SW.....starting weight...225

TW......todays weight...225

CW....cruise weight... at least 175 lbs.


Wish me luck, and good luck to all.







WELCOME we are glad to have you aboard.:)

What plan are you using to get you at your goal weight?

WARNING..WARNING....you have to watch Matt and Missou they have this fetiish about stairs and they will gently glide your hinny towards them and make you go up and down them:D



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Hi, I'm Kim from Australia and I'm sailing on Mariner on September 13. I would dearly love to lose about 14 kg ( 30 lb ) before then which is a big job I know. I think this thread is wonderful, its so great to see so much support. Do you mind if I follow along ? Thanks, Kim :D



WELCOME aboard glad to have you join us. We are a bunch of winning losers.:D Would like to join our Monday weigh ins if so please feel free to post your weight and measurements(these we post on the first Monday of the month)


Welcome to the group both of you, kbfromaus and cateyes2u. Always glad to have new people onboard our group. I will have to say that you both will have to join in our Stair Climbers club. We have 4 people that i know of. Me, emmysmommy, missou and vdarrell. It is a nice challenge that started because I walk up 160 steps at work everyday. Then others started to join, so you should join us too. Don't worry, missou and I don't push too hard, right Vdarrell. Right ......that is why I'm all bruised and sore from the pushing(shoving) you and Missou did....But I know yudid it because you both love me:cool:


Alright, time for business. Weigh in day, Matt314hew is now at 197. A 1 pound loss, but that is good, as my last 2 weeks have been a minimal gain/loss.


A loss even efter all the b-days you do is great.

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I ran today but that was penance for yesterday. My daughter and I made a pumpkin pie and I had a huge slice.


When I did my grocery shopping this week I bought some whole wheat pastry flour to make some healthy cookies. (Seriously, Ellie Kreiger from Food Network says they're healthy) Red week is really affecting me in the sweet tooth area! I bought some tofu, splenda and tons of fresh fruit and veggies. I'm planning to make some veggie soup and a mixed berry gratin with the splenda and tofu. If these things turn out tasty I'll share the recipes. Oh, back to the cookies for a sec.... they have whole wheat flour, nuts, oats, raisins, apple butter (I'll use applesauce) and bran flakes among other standard cookie ingredients. I want to make a batch and freeze some. I can get them out of the freezer, throw one in my bag and have a healthy snack in the afternoon at work.


Ok, enough about food!


I was down for the count for about an hour and a half tonight. (It reminded me of Vickey's episode but to a much smaller degree.) I had such a bad headache that I was nausated and had to go lie down upstairs. I took an Aleeve and after awhile it passed. I told my hubby that you know I'm not feeling well if I don't finish my angelfood cake that I was in the middle of eating. (Not to worry! When my headache passed, I did successfully finish it.)


Sorry, I'm gabby tonight.


I wish you all well and good luck with tomorrow's weigh in.





Brenda...I hope you are feeling better. I know what ever this is it hit me hard. And I don't have the strenghth to hit it back:D


Welcome to the winnig-loosers circle Kim and PJ, glad to have you aboard. Hope to see you join the stair climbers club. I go up and down my stair case about 25 times and I try to do it everyday. There are 10 steps in my staircase. That means a total of 250 steps up and 250 steps down. Will you join us?



I hope you feel better today Vickey. Don't forget what the doctor said, take it easy at first.


I'm tryint to take it easy but it's difficult as my mind has different plans it is not use to being down and out.


Brenda, I am really glad to see that I am not the only one who has eating frenzies during red week. You should have seen me yesterday at dinner time... For penance, I took an energic walk for an hour or so afterwards.


Finally, yesterday, I felt so good that on top of doing all my clean-up, I did most of my exercice program. I did every thing, I just didn't do all the counts. This morning I woke up and realized that my whole body misses my hubby.. What do I feel?? PAIN!! A good hot bath should help but still, a good massage would be so much better.


My eating frenzy showed on my scale this morning . My weight was at 162.6 :(


I am so frustrated. In the past 2 months, I have exerciced more than I ever did for the past 4 or 5 years. I do a lot of cardio and a lot of abs and nothing shows. My waist line stays the same, my weight doesn't move... I feel that something is wrong in my belly, but I have to wait to be sure. Is it the reason why my scale doesn't move as quickly as I would want it. I feel that with the exercice I do, it should have went down at least a pound a week, especially with the increase I am able to do. I feel stronger, it could be that I am replacing grease mass with muscle mass, but shouldn't it show with my measuring tape???


DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!! 16 more days until I see him.


I wish you had that appointment over with so they can put your mind at ease and let you know what might be causing the pain,glad you are feeling stronger with all the exercise you do. Also know that it sounds as if the exercise might be adding muscle not lost pounds.


Red week is blues week too grrrrrrrr


Take care everyone


Welcome to the board PJ and Kim. We’re glad to have you as a part of the group. I think you’ll find this board to be a very encouraging group. Other than having to put up with being called “a bunch of losers” we put it in the right context and love every minute of it.


Vicki – Sorry to hear about your troubles. My prayers go out for you. Please take your time and make sure you return to health before attempting to push weight loss. Definitely don’t overdo it!


Thanks prayers are always appreciated.



Well this weekend was a special weekend for me and my family. We celebrated my Grandmothers 100th Birthday!!!!!:) What a woman! It’s only been in the last couple of years that she has started using a walker. She was still driving at age 90. Now granted she only went through about two tanks of gas per year, but still she would complain about the little old ladies that drove too slow and would get in her way on the way to the store.:eek: She’s a real icon for our family and we absolutely love her.


Being in the medical field of gerictrics I love hearing that you grandmother is still so alert and spri at 100:) I bet she is a sweet heart.


Now, of course, all that celebration created problems with my diet, but not too bad. I was down a couple of pounds about mid-week, but after the weekend I only ended up down 1#. That makes my last two weeks before the cruise a little tougher, but I’m determined to make it.


SW 178

TW 165

CW 160

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dont even wanna post this



sw 306

tw 234 (yeah its a gain)

cw 220



sw 250

tw 204

cw 185



Jon..you have been so consistant with your weight loss that I wouldn't let this get you down. You both have done great and I still am encouraged with the weight loss that you both have lost.


Wow, congrats on your grandmother's 100th bday. My great aunt, recently passed, was 98 and was still driving. Her passing came quickly, as she fell and had a stroke. But she was a true inspiration to me and I strive to live as long as she did, and that will be getting healthier.


Vicki, don't worry. Relax and get rested for your Vegas trip. Your deserve to rest. I did do an extra set of stair climbing for you yesterday. Hope you are feeling better.


Thanks that was nice of you...but I think I will do then today for myself maybe not as many but will do at least one set of them.

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Hello everyone

Hope your day is going great mine is better than what it has been lately.:rolleyes:

I did make it to the Y this morning and worked out on the treadmill for 40 minutes and have done the stairs (all 32) once only.

I am eating back on plan.


I got on the scale and it wasn't nice I gained.

I am 225lbs a gain of 3 lbs.:mad:


I still have a few more that haven't posted their weights so I will get this up by tonight or Tomorrow.



BTW.....who wants to volunteer to post them for me on Monday June 1st?????:D I will be in Vegas :p Hopefully winning so I can buy me some new clothes for my cruise or alot so we can book another cruise.;)

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