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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Don't worry about the the weigh ins. Just post when you are feeling better. If i wasn't leaving, I would post them for you this week. Maybe someone will step in.


2 more days. Getting ready to take stuff to the reception site. I have to finish up 2 of my classes still (Accounting and Java). I have 1 accounting test to take (need to get a 78 to get a B, and only have had 1 test over that out of 4 so far). I have a Java test and one program to write.


Alright, time to eat (Toast, as we have nothing in the house due to the honeymoon).

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Originally Posted by vdarrell viewpost.gif



Week of July 13th (2 weeks since last weigh in)




SW...231 lbs

TW....223.....209....209....207 ....207 lbs

CW.....180 lbs

Bi-Weekly weight loss... broke even

Total weight loss......24 lbs

To Goal....27 lbs



neck....15.5.....15....15 inches

arms.....14....13....13 inches

chest....42.5....42....41 inches

waist.....41....40....39 inches

hips....47.....45.....45 inches

thighs....27.....25....25 inches

calves.....16.5.....16...15 inches

Total inches lost....10.5 inches




SW....306 lbs

TW....255....224..201 lbs...?

CW.....220 lbs

Weekly weight loss....lost 23 lbs

Total ......105 lbs

To Goal...exceeded goal by 19 lbs:)



SW....250 lbs

TW....218....201....185 lbs...?

CW...170 lbs

Weekly weight loss...16 lbs

Total....65 lbs

To Goal....15 lbs



SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6 lbs...stand by

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss......1.3 lb loss

Total......17.4 lbs

To Goal....48.6 lbs



Arms.....14 1/4.....14 1/4....13 inches

Bust.......45.....44...44 inches

Waist.....44.....43 1/4....43 inches

Abd....49.....49....48 inches

Hips...51....50...50 inches

Thighs....26 1/2.....26...25 1/2 inches

Calves.....15 1/2....15.....15 inches

Total inches lost......6 3/4 inches



SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1 lbs

CW....115 lbs

Bi-Weekly weight lost.... 1.4 loss

Total.....26.9 lbs

To Goal...6.1 lbs



Neck.....14....13.5.....14 inches

Arms.....13....12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39 ....38.5...38.5 inches

Waist.....34....35....32.5 inches

Hips.....40 ....40....39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5...20.5 inches

Calves.....15....15...14.5 inches

Total inches lost...5.5 inches



SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196..196.6..196.....194.8... 195 lbs

CW....180 lbs

Bi-weekly weight loss... lost .8 since last week

Total....25.2 lbs (didn't update this)

To Goal....14.8 lbs (didn't update this)



Neck....16 1/2.....15 1/2 inches

Arms....15......14 inches

Chest......38.....38 inches

Waist.....36...36 inches

Thighs....22....24 inches


Total inches lost.....


Kudos 2 fly

SW...135.7 lbs

TW....135.7 ...134.5....133.1...132.4 ....132.2

CW....120 lbs

Bi-weekly weight loss...... .2 lb loss

Total....3.5 lbs

To Goal...12.2 lbs



Waist.....30 inches... 29" Lost 1"!!!! yay!

Stomach....34 inches ... 33" Lost 1"!!!!



SW....205 lbs

TW.....185 lbs....177...175.4 lbs...? did you post?


Weekly weight loss...1.6 lbs

To Goal..... lbs



Bust ....45.5 inches

Arms....13.5 inches

Under bust...36 inches

Hips/Belly.....45 inches

Thighs....24 inches

Calves...15.5 inches



SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...158.4 lbs... in Paris!

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight loss....3 lb loss

Total...6.6 lbs

To Goal....23.4 lbs



Neck......14 ....13.5....14 inches

Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5 inches

Bust....39...38.5...38.5 inches

Waist....34.....35...32.5 inches

Hips.....40....40...39 inches

Thighs....22....21.5....20.5 inches

Calves...15.....15....14.5 inches

Total inches lost.....5.5 inches


Rene( NEW)

SW....276 lbs

TW.....272 lbs.....270.5....268 ... 264 lbs.

CW.....165 lbs

Bi-Weekly weight loss....4 lbs

Total weight loss...12 lbs

To Goal.....99 lbs

Sorry if I messed this up!



Arms....17 inches

Bust....45 inches

Under bust....39 inches

Waist...44.5 inches

Hips....58 inches

Thighs....32 inches

Calves....16.5 inches



SW....178 lbs

TW.....158lbs.....166 lbs... no weigh in

CW....160 lbs

Weekly weight loss...8 lbs gained due to cruise food

Total....12 lbs

To Goal.... Met his cruise goal and cruised happy



Ok, thought I'd try to post the weights. This is harder than it looks. :o Sorry if I messed up anyone's numbers.


Not everyone was available to post their weights so maybe next week we will see more posts.


Take care!


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Hi everyone

I just got home, I have been in the hospital for the last week and half.


Take really good care of yourself and I hope you get well soon, I'll be thinking about you.


Hey Matt, tomorrow is the big day!!! I hope you and your bride will have a very happy and healthy life together, full of love and happiness! Have a wonderful cruise too, enjoy yourselves and don't forget your push ups and your squats ;)


Thanks Brenda for posting the weight history, I'll give my after France results next Tuesday so I know were I am at exactly. Yesterday, I found that my jeans were a little thight :eek: That was to be expected after 16 days of indulgment in french food and french wine...


Last night, I got to taste a sinfully delicious desert... It was made up of vanilla ice cream dipped in a lot of Bayley's covered with a lot of whip cream.... It was not the wisest choice, but it was so good :eek::eek::D

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I'm in the 129's. :D Hopefully I can do well this weekend and not go up in weight to much.. One of our new neighbor's is having a house opening. Its from 1oam-12pm. Of course food will be provided. :rolleyes:


But I seem to be doing well on my plan. So is my husband and he isn't trying to lose weight. He lost 5 pounds. :eek: He thought there was something wrong with our scale...

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I'm in the 129's. :D Hopefully I can do well this weekend and not go up in weight to much.. One of our new neighbor's is having a house opening. Its from 1oam-12pm. Of course food will be provided. :rolleyes:


But I seem to be doing well on my plan. So is my husband and he isn't trying to lose weight. He lost 5 pounds. :eek: He thought there was something wrong with our scale...


Congrats on being in the 120's!!! :D Why do men lose the first 10 pounds without any effort??? Errrrrr! (Good for him though.)


Happy Friday!

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Last night, I got to taste a sinfully delicious desert... It was made up of vanilla ice cream dipped in a lot of Bayley's covered with a lot of whip cream.... It was not the wisest choice, but it was so good :eek::eek::D


Yummy!!! Vacations were meant for some indulgences so no worries. Just come back to us and we'll let you have those rich, wonderful delights! :p


Take care,


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Matt: Wishing you the very best for tomorrow and always. We look forward to hearing about the wedding and the cruise. You have worked hard to reach your fitness goal and for that I am proud of you.


Here's to a lifetime of love and happiness and may you never lose sight of the prize that your bride is today and will be for years to come. And may your bride cherish you and bring you joy all of your days. Cheers! :)


Sending my best,


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good morning everyone. Tomorrow is the big day. I won't be checking back until Monday July 27th when i get home from my cruise. So everyone be good, do the stairs, laugh, and be losers.


my final weigh in is 194.4. So that is good, only 14.4 more to go to make the 180.. and only 4.4 to make 190.. Time to go eat soemtihing for breakfast.. and then a busy busy day.

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Brenda...thanks for doing the weights/measurements

Vickey...we miss you. Hurry back and GET BETTER!

Matt...congratulations, enjoy and we'll hear from you soon

Missou...hope to hear from you soon. Hope you are having a great time in France


Everyone else: have a good weekend



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I've kinda slacked off this past week (taking care of a sick husband and then just got lazy) but I've lost another 1/2 inch in my waist but I think it moved a few inches south as I put on a 1/2 in my hips! The great news is I don't have to buy any shorts for our cruise....I can wear the ones I wore two years ago that didn't fit last month! :D I have 6 more pounds to go! Keep up the good work everyone!

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I don't know my exact weight, probably about 180. I have 222 days until the cruise. I have gained about 30 lbs since the last one, and want to get back to that weight. I want to look really hot in my swimsuit, and intend for my husband and I to give the bed in our cabin a good workout. It's alot more fun when you feel good about the way you look. I am starting off slow with the weightloss, but will kick it into high gear before winter. I can't do too much now, because I will get bored with the workouts like I always do. :mad:

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I don't know my exact weight, probably about 180. I have 222 days until the cruise. I have gained about 30 lbs since the last one, and want to get back to that weight. I want to look really hot in my swimsuit, and intend for my husband and I to give the bed in our cabin a good workout. It's alot more fun when you feel good about the way you look. I am starting off slow with the weightloss, but will kick it into high gear before winter. I can't do too much now, because I will get bored with the workouts like I always do. :mad:


Hi cruisefan! Don't worry about the scale - you'll know if you are making progress by how your clothes fit. I didn't have a scale until I had been trying to lose weight for about 3 months.


We usually post our weights and measurements on Mondays. You don't have to do either but you can tell us how your are progressing and where you are at in your journey.


Take care,


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Good morning everyone.


Vickey: Thinking of you today and wishing you well.


Matt: Bon voyage! Enjoy your cruise with your bride. :D


Marsha: Thanks. The figurine was from some on-line clip art. I was going to select a photo of a wedding cake but then I started craving cake so I switched themes!


So.... guess I'll talk about losing a little...

I had a mini goal to reach by today and I didn't quite make it. After I ran yesterday and took a shower I weighed myself to see where I was and I was quite happy. (Thinking this goal was doable.) Today I wake up and weigh myself and the scale did a reverse on me!! (I know I shouldn't go by the number from day to day... but it still gives me a number that makes me obsess whether I'm doing things right. crazy huh?) I even made a wise and healthy choice from the menu when we went out to dinner last night with my family (summer salad with greens, peaches, feta, red onion, and some chicken breast with a lite vinegrette dressing.) And here's the even more amazing thing.... I passed on cherry pie! ME, I know...no pie. :eek:


So I'll do my regular morning exercises, I'll still try to run later today, and I will still try to be good today because even if I don't reach my goal today - there is always tomorrow! :p


Take care,


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I know I'm early, but I will not be able to post my weight tomorrow. So I'm doing it today.


SW 135.7

CW 129.9

GW 120.0


I was down to 129.0 but have gone up a bit.


I have change some of my diet around, I'm trying to have smaller portions. I tend to have the same amount as my husband LOL.. So I'm cutting that back. Also I'm increasing my Omaga 6&3 fatty acidic and that seems to help keep my cravings for sugar and carbs down.


Although, I don't know how this week will is goingto go, being I'm, coming up on my time of the month. :( I hoping to drop a few more pounds, but I'll see what happens, not going to be to hard on my self.

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Good evening everyone.... how's everyone's Monday?


Not sure if many will be posting weights but I'll start...(well, besides kudos2fly)


Today's weight: 120.0 (I didn't quite break into the teens like I wanted but next week I AM going to be there!)


Gotta run errands tonight so I'll try to get on the treadmill later. Just thought I'd drop by and see how everyone is.


Take care,


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I am home and red week has really begun.... Two reasons to be sad :(:( :p The flight was smooth, but after 8 hours in the plane, I just wanted to arrive home!!! Tomorrow morning, I will weight myself. I want to know were I stand. I will also call my doctor; I have a few things to ask him.


Take care of yourselves everyone and enjoy your cruise Matt and Mrs Matt

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