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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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hello all, just looking for some inspiration here before work when i came across all the talk about hysterectomy (hi Missou). haven't read all but just wanted to quickly suggest that hysterotomy be explored. this is where they take the lining of the uterus rather than the whole thing (no more periods). maybe it is not feasible in your case but boy i wished i had it instead of losing my uterus. it is much simpler surgery and has less negative side effects. my surgeon nicked my bowel and i ended up with emergency appendectomy a week later. most of us will be looking at bladder resection as the uterus helps hold the water works together. Also, i was shocked to discover after surgery that the intensity and quality of orgasms is initially very much compromised.


sorry if my commentary is presumptuous but just felt compelled to share as i wish someone had before my surgery.


anyway, off to work - wish me luck as i pass through the office kitchen many times during the day and the counter at present has cinnamon buns and chocolate chip cookies sitting on it! *sigh* : 6 mos to cruise date and 30lb to lose

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Good job Brenda. 2 for 2 may not be much, but it is a great start!!! I wanted to do the same, didn't say it because I knew pain would stop me :mad: and it did :mad:


Today, I feel good enough to do my exercise program :) I also intend to work on the resume of my trip in France. I just don't know if I will work in french or in english today ;)


I noticed since I started taking about my fibroids that many women have had this problem to. I don't know if they were as anxious as I am to get an hyserectomy. I read that women tend to feel less feminine at the thought of losing their uterus, some even had a depression. I will feel less bothered when I won't have any more red weeks :cool: The different back pains I have could be caused by the fibroids, so the pains should diminish when the fibroids are gone. That will be a great news danse004.gif


Take care everyone!!!

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hello all, just looking for some inspiration here before work when i came across all the talk about hysterectomy (hi Missou). haven't read all but just wanted to quickly suggest that hysterotomy be explored. this is where they take the lining of the uterus rather than the whole thing (no more periods). maybe it is not feasible in your case but boy i wished i had it instead of losing my uterus. it is much simpler surgery and has less negative side effects. my surgeon nicked my bowel and i ended up with emergency appendectomy a week later. most of us will be looking at bladder resection as the uterus helps hold the water works together. Also, i was shocked to discover after surgery that the intensity and quality of orgasms is initially very much compromised.


sorry if my commentary is presumptuous but just felt compelled to share as i wish someone had before my surgery.


anyway, off to work - wish me luck as i pass through the office kitchen many times during the day and the counter at present has cinnamon buns and chocolate chip cookies sitting on it! *sigh* : 6 mos to cruise date and 30lb to lose



Thanks for your comment, I was actually wandering about the bladder resection. I will talk about it with my surgeon because I know that if he takes all of my endometrium off, I will have no more red weeks. I am just worried that the fibroids might come back :eek:


I can't wait to see him on August 17.

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Good evening everyone - old and new friends!


Matt: Still working on the cruise review? Are you including any photos? We do need to see your fit bod that you worked so hard on! :p (Not those kinds of photos.. you know what I mean. Gosh that could be taken so wrong!)


Missou: Wishing those fibroids would just hit the road but you know, not having a red week - that is great.


Vickey: I hope you are having a great day! :)


Marsha, Kudos, Rene, Linda, and all you other losers - keep up the good



I'm hanging in there and am now 3 for 3 in my personal 30 day challenge. :D I'm taking it a day at a time so here's to tomorrow.


Take care all,


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Hello everyone

It seems as if the days and nights are not my own sometimes.

Yesterday was a very busy day worked till 2:00pm and then had an appointment to have blood drawn to check the white cell count will have results in a couple days but the ultra sound shows the shadow spot is still in the same location and still the same size. If count is down enough the will be able to biopsy it next week.


Matt....where is the review....waiting:D


Emmysmommy.....3 for 3 doing great.


missou....I will be so glad for you when they can correct this problem for you. You have had to deal with this too long.Red definetly is not your favorite color:D


kudos....Sept will be here before you know it and you weight will show it(for the better). I have till Oct:( till cruise,


riddle....here's hoping you read this before you leave tomorrow. Have a wonderful time and we will bew waiting to hear all about it when you come back.


Norwaylin and toonville....How do you like our little group...I see we haven't chased you away yet :D It must mean you like us.



My meal planning is so far okay with a few slip ups but my exercise is not as good as it was 3 weeks ago and I miss it but have to do as the doctors say. Hoping one more week and I'll be able to do the treadmill and weights along with my stairs that I was use to.


I have had so much zuchinni and squash donated to me that I have to find some new ones to cook them. Also enjoying the cabbage and cucumbers just wish our tomatoes would rippen.


I also want to aplogize for not posting the weights this week after promising I would but I will try really hard to get them back on track next week so listen up everyone loose big this week so I will have to report alot of loses next Monday.

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Hello everyone


I want to aplogize for not posting the weights this week after promising I would but I will try really hard to get them back on track next week so listen up everyone loose big this week so I will have to report alot of loses next Monday.


no worries.... you are under no obligation to amass all that information (it is harder than it looks!)


I wish you well in the waiting for all the tests and results.


Happy Friday!

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Marsha: Have a great time on your cruise!!! How exciting that all that waiting is over. :D Come back and let us know how it was.


Soooo... I don't like accountability so much right now... I should not have opened my big mouth to share my personal challenge! I'm in real danger of blowing it today.... I'm working from home this afternoon so no walk like I usually do around 2PM. Plus, I was so hungry from skipping lunch (busy wrapping things up at the office before I headed home) that I stopped at a teriaki chicken bowl place and ordered what would be an ok lunch. But....I usually only eat 1/2 of the chicken bowl ... I have eaten all but 5 grains of teriaki saturated rice. :o And, because I ate so much I'm feeling bloated and miserable and don't feel like running. I'll have to sit awhile and hopefully tonight I will at least walk on the treadmill. Dinner should be small and sensible. If I can control my eating and get on the treadmill I will do ok. I'll let everyone know.


Enough whining for now....

Take care all,


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Riddle - Have a great cruise. Enjoy the food and the relaxation!!!


Vickey - Don't worry about not posting the weights, I guess we not speack to you for a little while :eek:


Matt - Take your time and don't forget all the good details in your resume... Did I say the good details?? I meant the yummy details :p


Linda - Thanks for the info about your back pains, it gives me hope :)


Brenda - Thanks for your good wishes, I appreciate it 4167.gif

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Leaving very early tomorrow morning for 2-1/2 hour drive to airport. I know we will have Groundhog Day next week and time is going to stop....the cruise that never ends.




What time do you want me there to go with you ....cincy isn't that far from me:D

Have fun with:) or without me:( enjoy yourself.


no worries.... you are under no obligation to amass all that information (it is harder than it looks!)


I actually enjoy doing it , but these last couple of weeks is beyond me.:mad:


I wish you well in the waiting for all the tests and results




Happy Friday!

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Nowadays I feel so blah... I have no motivation to do anything even write you a little message... I was here early this morning and a few times since then, but I was to beurk to do anything or to post anything :eek::eek:


Just the thought of doing any exercises makes me feel worse and the thought of not doing anything is to demanding :rolleyes:


My new bras are getting to be to thight. I know I should be doing some exercises but I also know that I will not see any results or so little ones before I get operated. Knowing how our system works here in Quebec, it might take months even years before anything happens. The only reason it would be done quickly is if my case is an emergency. I don't think the constipation is too serious, even if it is chronic. That maybe could make my case more urgent.


Since his promotion, hubby is working 50 hours a week, 6 days a week in order to make everything work properly around him. I am lonely, I am discouraged, I have had to many health problems for so long. It started 22 years ago and I know it will not stop tomorrow bleu-triste-1238.gif

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I just had a good idea!! Maybe you could arrange a group cruise for us Winning-Losers. Or maybe we could arrange a meeting... I don't know, it could happen in Las Vegas or some place in the mid USA. As long as there are a lot of stairs :p:p:D:D

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I just had a good idea!! Maybe you could arrange a group cruise for us Winning-Losers. Or maybe we could arrange a meeting... I don't know, it could happen in Las Vegas or some place in the mid USA. As long as there are a lot of stairs




Sorry you are having a BLUE day, wish I was there to give you a big HUG don't give up on the exercise there are more benefits to exercising than losing the weight it is very important for your heart and a proven medical factor states it is also good for the mind. The stronger you make your body the quicker recovery from any surgery will be. Keeping you in my prayers that you will be able to get this taken care of soon.



Now for the issue of a Greet and Meet for Losers Las Vegas would be a nice place:) Count me in. But could we not turn off all the escalators this time:rolleyes:



Poor, poor riddle must be frazzled trying to get everything in order for tomorrow.


emmysmommy...is that the sound of the treadmill going I hear:D


Matt....still basking in the honeymoon mode.???????



Well I might as well call it anearly night since we have to get up early to set up the garage sale we have TONS of crap, junk aaaa......I mean good stuff to get rid of.

Would be nice to make enough to put a BIG dent in my cruise price which has finale payment due August 5th.

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Hi there,

We are cruising in 7 weeks and i need to lose about 15 pounds. Sounds doable, Yeah right. I am here for support. I decided to do Atkins.

How do you get the pics under your signature for time to cruise. Am new to the blog boards. Thanks

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BRENDA!!!! You better get on that treadmill and make it a 4 out of 4!!!! Understood?!?!?!


I hear ya!! :D I actually did a walk around the bay with my hubby this evening. It was about a 45 min hike with some hills so I figure it was probably better than 30 minutes on the treadmill. I'm counting it regardless! :p


Score: 4 for 4

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Good for you Brenda!! Today will be better I am sure and you will make it 5 out of 5!!! I will join you until the 22nd. I have to do my workout, I want to be able to put on my new bras for the whole cruise and I noticed that the Ab King Pro helps stimulate my red weeks. As Vickey pointed out, it is good for my health. It might even work on my constipation :eek::eek:


Today, I will do my workout, my Ab King Pro, the stairs and my treadmill. I have to do it!!! I must, I must, I must kick myself in the b...


When I will be on the cruise, I will forget the elevators as much as possible, I will do a lot of walking around the ship and a lot of good eating. It is possible to eat healthy and enjoy the good food on the ship! I think...


When I come back from the cruise, I will get back on track with you again Brenda.


So today is day 1 and when I come back on the board later, I will have done my workout and my treadmill... I promise!! The Ab King Pro and the stairs will be done later. My daughter is leaving in a week so the Ab King Pro, which is located right above her bedroom won't be a problem anymore.


The youngest is going to start looking for a job and when she starts working, I will adapt my workout around her schedule if ever she needs to sleep during the day.

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Good for you Brenda!! Today will be better I am sure and you will make it 5 out of 5!!! I will join you until the 22nd. I have to do my workout, I want to be able to put on my new bras for the whole cruise and I noticed that the Ab King Pro helps stimulate my red weeks. As Vickey pointed out, it is good for my health. It might even work on my constipation :eek::eek:


Today, I will do my workout, my Ab King Pro, the stairs and my treadmill. I have to do it!!! I must, I must, I must kick myself in the b...


When I will be on the cruise, I will forget the elevators as much as possible, I will do a lot of walking around the ship and a lot of good eating. It is possible to eat healthy and enjoy the good food on the ship! I think...


When I come back from the cruise, I will get back on track with you again Brenda.


So today is day 1 and when I come back on the board later, I will have done my workout and my treadmill... I promise!! The Ab King Pro and the stairs will be done later. My daughter is leaving in a week so the Ab King Pro, which is located right above her bedroom won't be a problem anymore.



Excellent! We will be team naughty and nice. You decide who will be nice! :p


I'm off to do my morning exercises.... I'm already hungry and it is only 6:45 am here.



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I think I should be the naughty one :eek::cool:


I had to stop my exercises a little because I had forgotten to eat. Eating a little before your exercises is very good you know. Then I stopped again because of the phone. My workout is now finish, time to step on the treadmill danse010.gif


After, I will take a break before going on the Ab King Pro and the stairs. I cannot be do demanding or my belly will shout STOP!!!! ;):p


Speak to you later 11_7_102.gif

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