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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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good afternoon everyone. I am just getting ready to go out tonight to go see Into the Woods. It is a musical.


I helped my mother in law move some stuff into their new house today. 5 hours of lifting and carrying in the heat.


And yesterday we found out we have a new addition to our family. No, not yet you guys...


Our friend found a little kitten outside her place and we took it in. He is so adorable. We have 2 already and now we have a third. One is 14 years old, one will be 2 this year, and this little tyke is 4 weeks. Well, until tomorrow, hope all are doing well and losing.

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Knock Knock who's there it is me again.:eek:


Can you tell I am trying to stay away from house cleaning:rolleyes:

I did do some of my cooking for the week with having tests and some treatments starting this week and having to still put in a work week I am cooking easy grab and eat meals and snacks.

So far I have boiled my eggs(I eat alot of boiled egg whites for protein),boiled up the cabbage/potatoes/onions (my dear neighbor and some patients family has been giving me veggies from their gardens). I pickled some cucumbers and cleaned sliced and have ready to eat my veggies for salads and snacking.

I froze my bananas and grapes(love these), made a batch of whole wheat pasta for several meals----1.pasta salad made with fresh cucumbers/onions/grape tomatoes/green /yellow/red peppers and carrots then add my Waldenfarms Italian dressing and a little lite mayo. 2. pasta with low sodium tomato/garlic/onion sauce and turkey sausage.

I already have my turkey meatloafs(use muffin tins to make indivual serving size) made and made more turkey sausage.


Now if I can just stay away from all the junk that has been calling my name and they talk louder since I have been on steriods.:eek:



My DH is working 3-11pm today and I am bored and being lazy...I have an entire house that needs my attention and is yelling at me to clean it, but the earplugs are helping me not hear it:D


I have plans to go to the Y in the morning I have to try and keep my weight at least the same if not down during all this, as last time I had gained the 85 lbs I am trying so hard to lose, and I will have to be not so active after the surgery for a couple of weeks so I had better do it now:(


But I am going to do it

Day by Day

Step by Step

And most important of all

Prayer by Prayer


Thanks again for letting me ramble on and for helping me get out of doing my housework;)

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good afternoon everyone. I am just getting ready to go out tonight to go see Into the Woods. It is a musical.


Sounds wonderful have a great time.


I helped my mother in law move some stuff into their new house today. 5 hours of lifting and carrying in the heat.


Now that is a workout, tell me there was stairs involved:D


And yesterday we found out we have a new addition to our family. No, not yet you guys...


Aw shucks I was hoping to be a grandmother, since neither one of my sons want to co-operate with giving me a daughter-in-law or grandchildren.


Our friend found a little kitten outside her place and we took it in. He is so adorable. We have 2 already and now we have a third. One is 14 years old, one will be 2 this year, and this little tyke is 4 weeks. Well, until tomorrow, hope all are doing well and losing.


You are such sweethearts for taking in a stray believe me when I say this , to one who has taken in so many strays that I need to start a pet store or a zoo. What are going to name him.

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I was just able to change our seats on our flights a little while ago. I had to call JetBlue and the lady had an idea and changed the 1 for an i in the conformation number... It worked!!! Why didn't I think of that one expressio172.gif




My gym room is almost finished and the treadmill is downstairs. It still needs to be put together but the worse part is done sau07.gif


I placed a shelf against the wall in which I placed my old portable computer and once the treadmill will be all ready to use, we'll place it so that I can watch a movie or a tv show that is on a DVD while I am doing my walking. I also still need to bring the AKP downstairs, but since it is ackward to pick up I prefer to let hubby take care of it. I don't want to hurt myself. I'll ask him to bring it downstairs tonight and tomorrow morning, I will do my training in my new room saut007.gif


The best thing about this arrangement is that my computer is not in the same room. I had the bad habit to stop my training to go on it. Now that all my training equipment is in another room, I'll have no reason to stop.

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I see that our Vickey is a little lazy today... :eek: Good for you, it is good once in a while ;)


I love your idea to bake your meatloaf in a muffin pan. I am the only one who likes it here so I was sacrificing this nice meal. Now, I need to find a good recipe in all of my different cookbooks. Thanks Vickey 11_7_102.gif



Matt, what a nice gesture. You should go to the vet to know exactly how to take care of your sweet baby. It makes me so angry to see that someone could leave this baby out like this. It is so revolting. Good thing there are good people like you in the world.

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missou....here is the recipe I use....I am a go as you go cook but here is the basics

ground turkey

oats or you could use brown rice

onions chopped

green pepper chopped

carrots shredded finely

Italian seasoning

onion powder

garlic powder



mix all ingredients together and cook till done in muffin tins (can be frozen in individual servings)

Optional ***Coat with no salt added tomato paste/sauce and a little brown sugar.



Glad you got your gym almost hooked up and ready to go. watching a movie or tv does help the time go faster...don't know how I could do the treadmill at the Y if I didn't have my Zune movies/ music and books downloaded on it.

Also glad you got your seats changed.



I use my muffin tins to make alot of individual servings to freeze or just because I eat it and no one else things like:

**Rice bake....brown rice,shredded carrots,onions,celery,green peppers and then add a mixture of egg and cheese and bake till done.

** egg pies.....eggs,onion,green pepper, and cheese topped

**potato bake....potato sliced very thin, onion sliced very thin and then heat mixture of skim milk--fat free cream cheese--low fat cheddar cheese in a pan on stove pour over sliced potato and onions bake till done


These make just the right one serving portions to help with portion control

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We are not ready for kids just yet. But I will be an uncle again in November and my other sister is pregnant too. So 2 new nephews or nieces coming soon.


There were steps that I had to walk up, but not many. I was out for 5 hours.. I wish i would have weighed before i left to know how much i lost. Hope to see a loss tomorrow.


As for the stray. We are thinking of Gizmo, as he looks like gizmo from Gremlins. Or Teddy. We were just naming stuff while walking through the city today and my wife said Roosevelt and I said Teddy. So maybe Gizmo Teddy.


We love our cats and could not think of parting with this one now. He was locked in our bathroom while we were gone for about 7 hours.. and now he is crazy... running back and forth on our couch. He finally pooped today after he has had a good bit of moist cat food. We are trying to get a vet appointment for tomorrow.

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We are not ready for kids just yet. But I will be an uncle again in November and my other sister is pregnant too. So 2 new nephews or nieces coming soon.


I was just kidding, enjoy your time together kids will come soon enough.


There were steps that I had to walk up, but not many. I was out for 5 hours.. I wish i would have weighed before i left to know how much i lost. Hope to see a loss tomorrow.


I hope you have a good loss tomorrow....Me too. But my hopes are not to high right now.


As for the stray. We are thinking of Gizmo, as he looks like gizmo from Gremlins. Or Teddy. We were just naming stuff while walking through the city today and my wife said Roosevelt and I said Teddy. So maybe Gizmo Teddy.


We love our cats and could not think of parting with this one now. He was locked in our bathroom while we were gone for about 7 hours.. and now he is crazy... running back and forth on our couch. He finally pooped today after he has had a good bit of moist cat food. We are trying to get a vet appointment for tomorrow.



You are truly a big old teddy bear yourself. Gizmo sounds so cute.

We have three cats and a dog not counting all the strays we feed outdoors and the ones that have passed on. Sometimes I wish we lived on a huge farm so we could keep everyones throw aways. I take it you are going to have it neutered.


How is the new house thing going did you get it?

Are you all caught up on thank you cards?

Are you getting any rest since being married, with all this stuff you are trying to do? I do hope so we don't need OUR Sarge sick and worn out.



Well it is almost 12:00am and time for bed DH just got in from work he doesn't usually work 3-11's and we both have to get up early:eek:

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I'm tired and ready for bed but I wanted to check in. The reception was wonderful - everything turned out perfect. (Except the cake I ordered had the bride and grooms cake just stuck to the sheet cake - weird!) Anyway, since it was a buffet and a lot of appetizer and hor d hoerves (or however you spell it) was laid out I was very good about just eating the veggies, a couple strawberries, and only two bites of an artichoke dip. All else about the meal was good - veggie lasagna, green salad with lite dressing, and 1 small slice of garlic bread (it was really small, honest).


However, I did have 1 small glass of red wine, no champagne (not a lover of the bubbly) and yes, I admit it, a slice of cake. Not a large slice, not a small slice, just an average slice of white cake with whip cream frosting.


BUT... I did squeeze in an hour on the treadmill for an hour and cranked up the speed since I wanted to burn LOTS of calories.


With all things calculated I figured I'm over my calorie limit and today would have to be listed as a not so good day for my challenge.... I'll know more tomorrow when I weigh myself. :p


Vickey: Thanks for the well wishes and greeting. You are very kind.


That's all the rambling I can stand for now.



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You are truly a big old teddy bear yourself. Gizmo sounds so cute.

We have three cats and a dog not counting all the strays we feed outdoors and the ones that have passed on. Sometimes I wish we lived on a huge farm so we could keep everyones throw aways. I take it you are going to have it neutered.


How is the new house thing going did you get it?

Are you all caught up on thank you cards?

Are you getting any rest since being married, with all this stuff you are trying to do? I do hope so we don't need OUR Sarge sick and worn out.



Well it is almost 12:00am and time for bed DH just got in from work he doesn't usually work 3-11's and we both have to get up early:eek:


We love animals, so we would love to keep every animal we see. We are going to get him Declawed in the front and neutered.


We are still waiting to hear back from the bank. It is a short sale house, which has taken longer than ever (2 months now).


We have finished all the thank yous. And I am getting good sleep, normally. Last night was not great. We got home at 11 and the little kitty wanted to play. And we keep him in the bathroom, so that the others don't get him and so he stays out of trouble. Well, i was on kitty detail last night and finally got him to settle down by 1230. Put him down and closed the door, and he cried. So i went back in with him and held him and put him down again. He was silent. Got up at 530 and now at work since 730..

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Good morning every one, It is a rainny day here... again... All though I did not do my training yesterday, I do count it as a good day because of all the work I did for my training room. I am now up to 7 out of 9. My youngest had a problem last yesterday and I told hubby to fix it instead of working on my back... Not such a good idea... I did some bad movements during the move and now my back hurts :mad: All do my best today, but I am not making any promesses.


Tonight is my daughter's house warming party, she is a good cook and she eats healthy. That is good for me 541.gif


Brenda, I am glad you had a good evening yesterday. Since you were so good with the food, I would count yesterday. You can't always be perfect expecially with wll those hors-d'oeuvres calling you. You made good choices and should be proud of yourself.


Thanks Vickey for the recipe, it looks good, I sure will try it.


Matt, has Vickey said, you have time for a baby, anyway, you are going to have some work with Gizmo :D

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Last week, I forgot to put in my measurements and I was wandering how I was doing with them these days. I decided to take them today so I know where I stand.



SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8...160.8 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight loss....2 lb loss

Total...4.2 lbs

To Goal....25.8 lbs



Neck......14 ....13.5....14...14 inches

Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5...13 inches

Bust....39...38.5...38.5...38 inches

Waist....34.....35...32.5...31.5 inches

Hips.....40....40...39...39.5 inches

Thighs....22....21.5....20.5...21.5 inches

Calves...15.....15....14.5...14.5 inches

Inches lost in the month.....Gain of .5 inches

Total inches lost.....5.0 inches

I knew I could see a difference on my waistline!!! sau11.gif

I am also glad to see France was not so hard on me. I hope that on my coming cruise I will keep my motivation and do a lot of stairs shrek-smiley.gif





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Well here is my weight 131.1, stomach 32.5, & waist 28. Seems I'm losing inches more then weight. :p To me that's just as good. I started out at 34 on the stomach and 30 on the waist. I have been 130-131 for about 5 days now...


Well I eat the last of the jelly beans... No more of those anymore. This week I'm really going to cut out sugar and carbs...:)

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We love animals, so we would love to keep every animal we see. We are going to get him Declawed in the front and neutered.


We are still waiting to hear back from the bank. It is a short sale house, which has taken longer than ever (2 months now).


We have finished all the thank yous. And I am getting good sleep, normally. Last night was not great. We got home at 11 and the little kitty wanted to play. And we keep him in the bathroom, so that the others don't get him and so he stays out of trouble. Well, i was on kitty detail last night and finally got him to settle down by 1230. Put him down and closed the door, and he cried. So i went back in with him and held him and put him down again. He was silent. Got up at 530 and now at work since 730..



Preparing for daddyhood...you will (when the time is right) make a great dad.


I'm tired and ready for bed but I wanted to check in. The reception was wonderful - everything turned out perfect. (Except the cake I ordered had the bride and grooms cake just stuck to the sheet cake - weird!) Anyway, since it was a buffet and a lot of appetizer and hor d hoerves (or however you spell it) was laid out I was very good about just eating the veggies, a couple strawberries, and only two bites of an artichoke dip. All else about the meal was good - veggie lasagna, green salad with lite dressing, and 1 small slice of garlic bread (it was really small, honest).


However, I did have 1 small glass of red wine, no champagne (not a lover of the bubbly) and yes, I admit it, a slice of cake. Not a large slice, not a small slice, just an average slice of white cake with whip cream frosting.


BUT... I did squeeze in an hour on the treadmill for an hour and cranked up the speed since I wanted to burn LOTS of calories.


With all things calculated I figured I'm over my calorie limit and today would have to be listed as a not so good day for my challenge.... I'll know more tomorrow when I weigh myself. :p


Vickey: Thanks for the well wishes and greeting. You are very kind.


That's all the rambling I can stand for now.





You need to count this as a good day...with all the temptations you had around you and you made the choices you did I think you did GREAT.





My weigh in wasn't as good as I want but at this point I have to settle for it. 219.6 lbs haven't done my measurements but will later when I get home...it looks as if it will be a long work day.

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Hi everyone! I have three months before we cruise and I'd be happy to lose 20-25 pounds by then. I've had a bit of help, though. I had Lap-Band surgery in March and have lost 37 pounds. It may not sound like a lot to some people, but I'm over 50 and menopausal...LOL...so I will take what I can get! And, I don't plan on having my doctor take my fill out for the cruise. I'm just going to have one bite of everything..LOL. Good luck to all of us! Vacations are SOOOOO worth it!

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Well, my cruise is over. It always seems as if I can make time stand still while I am on vacation but that never works.


We started out by flying from Columbus to LaGuardia. As soon as we arrived we found out our flight was delayed over 2 hours. Then the delays just kept getting longer. I spoke to a frazzled agent who told me that there was a security incident at LGA and they had shut down the airport for a while. All flights were jammed up. Our plane was leaving LGA to Columbus and they were not letting any flights out. Finally, they seemed to locate a new plane and a new crew and we got out. My DD is petrified of flying and this made a bad situation almost unbearable. Once on the plane I had the flight attendant talk to her and that helped a lot. So, we got to NYC late and did not get to do a lot of what we wanted to do. The real bummer was that I had a pedicure the day before and the nail girl used the pumice on my heal and went too deep and cut me. It was very painful to walk around NYC. We used the hop on/hop off bus but you still have to walk a great deal. I had no knee pain whatsoever (which was wonderful) but I just do not walk fast enough to keep up with a 27 year old (DD).


We woke Sunday morning to pouring rain in Times Square. DD braved it to pick up a few souvenirs. We headed to the pier about 10:30 and were put in the CAS waiting area. We waited about 1/2 hour and were some of the first on board. We explored the ship while we waited for the dining room to open. Had a very nice lunch, went up to the top deck to see Lady Liberty and go under the bridge. Rain held out for that and then started up again.


We got into our cabin, cleaned up and went to dinner. After dinner we somehow managed to fall asleep and sleep through the comedy show and the entire night. So much for the night life.


I have gotten too windy already. Sounds like a review. In a nutshell, the sun came out Tuesday morning and stayed out till noon when the rain started. We spent way too much time in the casino (which was not good to us), went to a lot of shows and ate too, too much. I was in first place in the slot tournament but lost in the finals. First prize was $500, consolation a bottle of champagne.


Seems like we walked constantly and even I did a lot of steps. We had a fabulous time in Bermuda and the sun gods smiled down on us all 3 days. We left Friday night and the weather was nice through Sunday morning. We disembarked easily and took a cab to the airport. Then the fun began again. We got wait listed on an earlier flight but never got on (our luggage did though). DD was panicked again because of the plane/helicopter crash into the Hudson. We finally got out of the airport about 3:45 and into Columbus. We were on the road by 6:00 and home by 8:00 - exhausted.


Unfortunately, I had to be at work at 7:00 today so I am beat. Will probably do a full review later.


I am afraid I really blew my diet though.



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We missed you but was thinking about you:)

I hate delays, but your poor daughter I know that had to have been rough and more fearful for her. coming and going.

Sorry you had to take the nasty rain we have been getting here with you:mad:

We just had another big storm at 4:00pm today:(

Please do finish your trip review loved what I was reading, great job on the winning in the casino.

Week vacation just isn't long enough especially when you have to return to work:eek:

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[quote name='riddle']Well, my cruise is over. It always seems as if I can make time stand still while I am on vacation but that never works.

I am afraid I really blew my diet though.


Welcome back! Glad your knee held up so well. By my way of thinking, when I am cruising I am not counting calories. :cool:
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Welcome back Marsha. I'm glad to hear the delay and the rain did not ruin your vacation. Can't wait to read more.

Today, I had a problem with my monitor, it just would not open :mad::mad: I spent part of the day on the phone with a technician from Dell and after making me do all sorts of things he agreed that I needed a new one. I'll receive it in a few days. The problem is one that has been coming and going for about a year and a half and tonight the monitor works. I'll still get a new one :D:D

We went at my eldest for a family dinner and we mentionned a family sping cruise. Everyone would love to go :o:D I can't wait to see how things work out with this.
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I did my training, but it was too hot and humid to do anything more. I was good with my eating except for a small slice of pecan pie that my daughter had prepare for desert... It was really good!!! I can say that I am at 8 out of 10. I maybe could of done better, but I am satisfied wirh my day.

Have a good night everyone and sweet dreams [IMG]http://www.emoticonland.net/smileys/Dormir/zz22.gif[/IMG]
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[quote name='riddle']Well, my cruise is over. It always seems as if I can make time stand still while I am on vacation but that never works.

We started out by flying from Columbus to LaGuardia. As soon as we arrived we found out our flight was delayed over 2 hours. Then the delays just kept getting longer. I spoke to a frazzled agent who told me that there was a security incident at LGA and they had shut down the airport for a while. All flights were jammed up. Our plane was leaving LGA to Columbus and they were not letting any flights out. Finally, they seemed to locate a new plane and a new crew and we got out. My DD is petrified of flying and this made a bad situation almost unbearable. Once on the plane I had the flight attendant talk to her and that helped a lot. So, we got to NYC late and did not get to do a lot of what we wanted to do. The real bummer was that I had a pedicure the day before and the nail girl used the pumice on my heal and went too deep and cut me. It was very painful to walk around NYC. We used the hop on/hop off bus but you still have to walk a great deal. I had no knee pain whatsoever (which was wonderful) but I just do not walk fast enough to keep up with a 27 year old (DD).

We woke Sunday morning to pouring rain in Times Square. DD braved it to pick up a few souvenirs. We headed to the pier about 10:30 and were put in the CAS waiting area. We waited about 1/2 hour and were some of the first on board. We explored the ship while we waited for the dining room to open. Had a very nice lunch, went up to the top deck to see Lady Liberty and go under the bridge. Rain held out for that and then started up again.

We got into our cabin, cleaned up and went to dinner. After dinner we somehow managed to fall asleep and sleep through the comedy show and the entire night. So much for the night life.

I have gotten too windy already. Sounds like a review. In a nutshell, the sun came out Tuesday morning and stayed out till noon when the rain started. We spent way too much time in the casino (which was not good to us), went to a lot of shows and ate too, too much. I was in first place in the slot tournament but lost in the finals. First prize was $500, consolation a bottle of champagne.

Seems like we walked constantly and even I did a lot of steps. We had a fabulous time in Bermuda and the sun gods smiled down on us all 3 days. We left Friday night and the weather was nice through Sunday morning. We disembarked easily and took a cab to the airport. Then the fun began again. We got wait listed on an earlier flight but never got on (our luggage did though). DD was panicked again because of the plane/helicopter crash into the Hudson. We finally got out of the airport about 3:45 and into Columbus. We were on the road by 6:00 and home by 8:00 - exhausted.

Unfortunately, I had to be at work at 7:00 today so I am beat. Will probably do a full review later.

I am afraid I really blew my diet though.

Welcome home Marsha. Don't worry about the diet, as I know exactly how you feel. But that is why I am still on this group. We are a 'family' now. And we need each other for support.

I can't wait for your review. I know people are still waiting for my picture review.
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Oops! Forgot to post my weight yesterday...

116.6!!! Getting there :D

It was a busy, busy, busy day but I did manage to get on the treadmill for an hour and then I had some cream of wheat (skim milk) for dinner. Weird huh? I have some strange cravings.

Gotta run to work now. (Can you believe they block access to Cruise Critic there?? The nerve.)

Have a great day!
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