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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Good morning everyone. I feel so good today. My little pants fit better and better as time goes by. I will wear them on the Sea Princess!!! Everytime I try them on, I am more encouraged to do my workout!!! I just did try them on a few minutes ago and now, I am off to my training room!!!


Speak to you later!!!


Vickey, I hope you are feeling good and that your cruise was wonderful!!! I can't wait to hear about it!

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Good morning everyone!!! I hope you are ready to start a new week. I know I am. I have an appointment this morning and after, I will go to the office to finish up some work.


This morning, I am at 158.6 I'll have to be more carefull about my eating, I can only do so much exercises :o Yesterday, we celabrated my daughter's bday and mine and Hubby baked 2 cakes. There are some leftovers and they look really yummy :o I have to have a serious talk with him. I really need to stop having some much sweet thing in my house. I want to lose some weight and it does not seem to work. My daughter also wants to lose some weight, she really needs it and it would not hurt Hubby to start taking care of himself. We have to start working as a family!!! I am the one who needs to lose the smallest amount of pounds :p DD is in a really bad stage, if I am not mistaking, she is in the obese category :eek::eek: She has a lot of work in front of her!!!


Take care and keep on smilling!!

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Good morning everyone. I am here reporting in at 199.4. A little gain but not much. That is good news.


Even better news is that the Pittsburgh Panthers won Saturdays college game, Steelers beat the Vikings yesterday and the Yankees are moving on to face the Phillies in the World Series. Now, if only it was the Pirates instead of the Phillies I would be happy.

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Good morning everyone. I am here reporting in at 199.4. A little gain but not much. That is good news.


Even better news is that the Pittsburgh Panthers won Saturdays college game, Steelers beat the Vikings yesterday and the Yankees are moving on to face the Phillies in the World Series. Now, if only it was the Pirates instead of the Phillies I would be happy.



Matt: ALL your teams can't win.... give some of us losers a chance! :D Contrats to the Steelers though... they did a great job taking down the Vikings. :p


Good luck on your weight. You are doing great!

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Missou: Glad to know the massage helped after a rough start to the day.

I can relate to having sweets in the house. You are doing well if you stayed away from the cake!


I made brownies this weekend for hubby and some friends who were watching the baseball game. The good news is that they are all gone (whew!) but the bad news is that I had some. Oh well.


My weight today is 113.5.


I ran a 10K tonight - just because a 5K came and went so easy and I didn't really have anything else to do with my time this evening. It took about 65 min. to run 6.2 miles. Then I ate a banana and a Weight Watcher breakfast quesadilla.


My newest evening indulgence is sharing a bag of popcorn with my hubby. I'm not sure if this is a good habit but it is only about 75 calories and it satisfies my craving for something salty! :p


That's all for now. Hope all is well.


I'm looking forward to seeing how Vickey's cruise was.



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Home sweet home


I know I must be the only cruiser who has said that.

Had a good time over all but must admit that I should of waited till I was stronger:(

It rained the first four days so we did all excursions in the rain and no I didn't over due but got tired from just doing the simplest things and had to make some hard decisions about what I wanted to do and what I knew my body could do which has never been a problem in the past and watching the others do what I wanted wasn't any fun.:(

I am going to try and do a trip review later will let you know all know when I do.

I return to work on Wednesday and see the doctor next week (Thursday)for another treatment and then I should be able to go back to the Y to start excerizing again.

I didn' have much of an appetite on the ship so I don't know if my weight went up or not I gave up weighing myself and only do it at the doctors office and it has been creeping up to what it was so we will see.:mad:


I am glad to see everyone is still on here and we have a newbie joining us will catch up on posting later I need to get some rest.I have unpacked and washed everything but now need to catch up on some of the house work since we left my son home to fend for himself:eek:

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Matt: ALL your teams can't win.... give some of us losers a chance! :D Contrats to the Steelers though... they did a great job taking down the Vikings. :p


Good luck on your weight. You are doing great!


Well, the yankees aren't really my team. I root for them when the pirates season is over (which is usually about April 20th). I have liked them since 94 when i first saw them play in Kansas City.


And thanks on telling me I am doing great.

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Welcome home Vickey. Glad that you are back here.


Good morning everyone. I wanted to let everyone know that tonight I am starting back on my pilates dvds. I plan to do an hour of that tonight followed by crunches and pushups. I need to start working out more so that I can lose the weight.

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Good morning Winning-Losers!!! I am so happy to hear from you Vickey and I am glad to see that you feel up to going back to work. I totally understand how you felt about those excursions. With my knee and my back problems, I had to do the same very often :mad: I am sure you will be better for your next cruise!!!


Yesterday was really bad for me, I sacrificed myself and I took a lot of the cakes... I did not want Hubby to take them all, his belly doesn't need it and they were calling out to me. My eating was bad!!! Good thing I walked for about 2 hours. The downside to all of this... I am at 159.8 this morning :eek:


Last night, my knee was in serious pain and I took a major decision. I will stop the Hip Hop Abs and the treadmill for at least 2 weeks so my knee can heal properly. I will keep on doing the specific exercises to reinforce my leg. If after 2 weeks my knee is not back to normal, I will keep off the treadmill and the Hip Hop Abs for at least another week. Right now, I have difficulties to use the stairs :eek::eek: There is one problem with all this, I am now addicted to my training :o


I have the Maury-Windsor Pilates collection, that is a total of 19 DVDs. I am sure I will find a program that will satisfy my hunger for exercises and my need to do some cardio workout!! When my knee will be better, I will start my stairs program all over again. In 32 days, I will board a huge ship with a lot of stairs. I want to use them as much as possible!!!


The weight-in table is ready. I will wait untill tomorrow to post it in case anyone else wants to add their weight on it.


Take care everyone and remember Matt, I soon will be pushing you up those stairs!!! banana2.gif

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I go on the MyFitnessPal website to keep my weight banner up to date. This weekend, I started keeping a food and exercise diary on MFP and I started posting on the board. A lady talked about an elleptical machine called the Gazelle and I have it!!! I used it in 2005 and I was losing a lot of weight with it, but I had to stop because of my back. Back then, Hubby was not a massage therapist yet and I stored it at my parents. As soon as I read about the Gazelle I called my parents to make sure they still have it. I had told them they could sell it in a garage sell. Well, they still have it. I'll go pick it up tomorrow and Hubby will install it in the evening. Thursday, when the Gazelle will be installed, I will start using it. I hope the weight will go down as quickly as it was doing when I used it in 2005. I was loosing about 5 pounds a week!!! I know it has been 4 years and I am now in my premenaupose. This could change things a little :confused::o:eek::mad:


Here is the Gazelle, notice how easy it is on the knees!!!


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Vickey: WELCOME BACK! It is good to see that although a little pooped you are doing well. Whenever you are up to it, please give us some highlights of your cruise. I'm so glad that you let us know how you are doing.


Take care!


Missou: I remember the Gazelle. It actually looks like a fun workout. I think you have a good plan with letting your knee rest for a few weeks without the Hip Hop Abs and treadmill. See how it goes and as you tolerate more exercise with your knee I'm sure you will be back to your normal training addicted self! :D


By the way: I can relate to cake calling your name! The power of those sweet little things.....


Matt: I gotcha! You are not particularly a Yankees fan, not an Angel fan, but definitely a Pirates fan.


Now I'm going to sit back and watch Missou push you up the stairs.


I'll check in with everyone tomorrow - I think. I have a conference for the next two days that will be long and boring. The hotel will be catering breakfast, lunch and dinner. Usually the options are pretty healthy but there is always candy being shared since it is around Halloween. I went to the store and bought all the candy that I hate (chewy and sour candies are yucky!) so that I won't sit there all day eating candy. (I am an exhibitor at the conference so my booth is stocked with give-aways including the candy. In case anyone wondered why I need to have candy around.)


'nuff for now.


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Yeah, missou has been pushing me up the stairs. I actually don't think about the elevator, unless I am carrying a bunch of stuff in with me, which i don't have to do right now.


I wish Missou would come and break the elevators though. That was a good month when they were broken a year ago.


Well, i didn't get to do my pilates last night. Got home, made dinner for the wife, then had to run some errands. I didn't get back until 9 pm and was too tired to do anything. I plan on working out tonight though.


And I have seen the commercials about the Gazelle but never tried it. I just use the elliptical at the gym when we had a membership. I am planning on getting one though for our house and probably put it in one of the spare bedrooms and use that as a workout room for now.

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Good morning everyone!! You made my day, I have a tear of laughter in my eye :D


Brenda, while I am pushing Matt up the stairs you better be pushing Vickey up the road to recovery!!! No sitting down aloud!!! :p I hope you have a nice conference, but remember, the Candy Monster will be watching you




Matt, I am trying my best but your darn elevators are too tuff. They did too good of a job reparing them last year!!! I'll have to work on your selfcontrol so that you always take the stairs, even when your arms are full. The extra weight is good exercise!!! And if you need to do 2 trips in the stairs to carry everything, then good for you!!!


The Gazelle is a good workout, but I don't remember having so much fun on it!! :D


Today, I want to do my weight training, my Pilates and my AKP. I feel really good, I just hope my knee won't be a problem.


Have a nice day everyone and be good to yourself!!!

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Anchor’s Aweight!!!!

October 26th, 2009



SW....148 lbs

TW.....132...124.9..123....122.8.....122.5 ...121.1...117.5....119.6....116.6....115.2....114.3....115....113...113.5 lbs

CW....115 lbs

weight gained this week....0.5 lbs

Total....35 lbs

To Goal... GOAL REACHED!!!!! A 6 miles run should easily composate for the Pop Corn





SW.....220 lbs

TW....200....196..196.6..196.....194.8...195...201....200....199.4....199....199.6....200....200....200....199.... 199....200....199....199.4 lbs

CW....180 lbs

weight gained....0.4 lbs

Total....20.6 lbs

To Goal....19.4 lbs I am sure the Pilates will help you!!!





SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2...164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6....159.2....158.6 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight lost....0.6 lbs

Total...6.4 lbs

To Goal....23.6 lbs I will start a new Pilates DVD and work on it for an hour.





SW....236 lbs

TW...229...224...219.8..219.9.....218.6...219.6....225....229........236 lbs

CW....170 lbs

Weekly weight loss.....It is not important right now... You are fighting for your life!!!

Total......0 lbs

To Goal....34 lbs


You are doing great Vickey!!! Don’t give up!!!

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I am leaving at 3pm to go get my Gazelle. It fits perfectly in my car!!! I just need to go get a rubberish type of flooring because it had a tendancy to travel while I was using it and I don't want to damage my floor. :cool: I also need to check if I need batteries to use it. I think there is some kind of computer on it. If so, I will have to go and buy them.


Well, I'm off for good, I'll be back this evening!!!


See ya!!

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Missou: You will be glad to know that I did NOT consume any candy today. (That's not to say that I don't have any in my conference bag that may get eaten in the near future!)


I did good for breakfast: a low sugar oatmeal packet and a banana. Lunch was at the hotel and I had an open face turkey sandwich with only mustard, turkey, tomato, lettuce, and red onion. I did have a few cubes of potato salad and a small caesar salad. Oh and for dessert I shared a piece of carrot cake with my boss. (It was totally worth it!) Dinner was a mini kobe slider burger with grilled onion and some BBQ sauce. I also had some truffled mac & cheese (I'm sure not that great in calories but it was a small portion.) Still ahead, I plan to have my usual bag of popcorn! ;)


My feet hurt from standing in heels all day and I'm tired so no running tonight. My morning workout will have to suffice. :p


Take care all,


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The Gazelle is home and I can't wait to use it. Only problem is my knee. It seems to be getting worse :mad::( I'll have to be carefull tomorrow!!


Have a good night and Go Habs Go!!!


Glad the Gazelle is home.


And thanks for trying to get these elevators to break again. They are tough, I think the maintenance might have done their job for once.


I have been taking the stairs every day this week and even did them twice yesterday when i went out for some fresh air. I will probably do that again today just to get out of the office.


And all i have to say to you is Go Pens Go!!! (And I am a hockey fan :D)

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Good morning Winning-Losers!!


It is 86F...... In Barbados :rolleyes: Here it is 36F :eek:


I am glad that the Candy Monster did a good job with you Brenda :D

I think you did enough exercise at the conference. Standing up all day does burn some calories, especially in heels :cool:


Matt, I am glad to know my work on your will-power is beneficial!! I also love the idea of going out for some fresh air... and some stairs!! :D


This morning, I was on the Gazelle for a minute or 2 and my knee didn't like it :( I'll have to forget about using it for a couple of weeks if not a month. I will not be able to do as much as I wanted on the islands, but the most important thing right now is my knee. I'll have to work hard on its reeducation.


Have a nice day, be good to yourselves and the ones that you love!!

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the most important thing to worry about is how your knee is feeling. Don't push yourself too much and you have my permission not to take stairs if you have the option. You need your knee at near perfection for your vacation. None of us want you to miss out on any of the fun activities you plan to do on your trip.


TGIF. I am so tired today. I am thinking that we are going to be going to Phantom Fright Nights here at an amusement park in Pittsburgh. They transform the park into haunted houses and such. We went last year and got there late and all the lines for the rides were an hour, so we rode 2 things. This year we plan to be there early so that we can enjoy it more.


As for being kind to those we love, how is this: Installing curtain rods in bedroom to hang curtains, then hanging them, then fixing the basement door leading to the garage because it kept sticking, then running out to pick up stuff for dinner for my wife? I was so busy, I didn't get to do my pilates, but my pushups and crunches were done.


Time for me to think about how many times i want to go up the stairs today, already once.

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Good morning everyone, TGIF!!!!


I did a lot of work on my leg yesterday and I'll do even more today. I want to stabilize that knee as quickly as possible. I miss my cardio workouts and I want to take advantage of all I can during my vacations!!


Matt, did you go out at lunch time yesterday?


How are you Vickey, I hope your work is not to demanding and that you can rest properly. You need all your strenght for your battle.


Brenda, did the Candy Monster do a good job yesterday?


I did not buy any candies for the trick or treaders. That is less temptation for me and it safes some money for my upcoming vacations.


Have a nice day and don't let the Halloween bugs bite you!!

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Yes i went out yesterday at lunch and went out today as well.


I also didn't buy candy for the Halloweenies, but that is because the road we live on won't get any people there for trick or treating..


But we do have some candy at home, just in cause some of the neighbors do come over.


Only 2.5 more hours till it is the weekend.

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