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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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163.8 :(:( I did not lose the 6 :(:( What is wrong with me????? I have been moving a lot more in the past 6 months than I have in many years, I am being careful when it comes to eating and I can't lose weight. Good thing I am doing the exercises or else I think I would have gained a lot. I just left a message to my neurologist, maybe he will find a reason why I am always in pain around my spinal cord.


It is very cloudy and grey outside, it is a reflection of how I am feeling today :(:(



Hope you all feel better than I am and that you are having a good day.

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163.8 :(:( I did not lose the 6 :(:( What is wrong with me????? I have been moving a lot more in the past 6 months than I have in many years, I am being careful when it comes to eating and I can't lose weight. Good thing I am doing the exercises or else I think I would have gained a lot. I just left a message to my neurologist, maybe he will find a reason why I am always in pain around my spinal cord.


It is very cloudy and grey outside, it is a reflection of how I am feeling today :(:(



Hope you all feel better than I am and that you are having a good day.


Missou, with all the working out you are doing, you are probably gaining muscle. That is what was happening with me when i was lifting a lot. I would burn a lot of calories, but end up increasing the scale, because of muscle building.

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Missou, with all the working out you are doing, you are probably gaining muscle. That is what was happening with me when i was lifting a lot. I would burn a lot of calories, but end up increasing the scale, because of muscle building.



I have been working out for 6 months now, I am not at the beginning. Ok, I did not do as much this summer but losing 1.2 pounds in 6 months and doing all the exercises I am is not normal in my head.


What is bothering me the most is the pain that just won't go away. When you start working out, it is normal to be sore a little, but after 6 months??? I feel that something is wrong with my body, I wish I knew what... I haven't stop walking this summer and it is one thing that is causing me a lot of pain.

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I attended an unusual reunion on Saturday. The catholic church where I grew up had an elementary school that I attended for 8 years. Well, our church is going to close next year (school closed in 1986) and will be merged with another local parish. Someone thought it would be a good idea to have a reunion for anyone who ever attended the school, as well as the teachers, nuns and staff. There were over 500 people in attendance. I saw so many former neighbors and friends. Also, I saw my second grade teacher (one of the nuns who attended). She was always so nice. We had a meet and greet in the church hall at 3pm, mass at 5pm and then a buffet dinner. I didn't overdo it, but did have cake after dinner. There were trays of crackers and cheese, but I only had one cracker and a piece of cheddar cheese before dinner.

[NOTE TO MATT: I had to take the stairs (at least 30 per trip) to the basement where the hall is located -- did it twice. Once was when I first arrived and then had to go upstairs to mass and back down for dinner.



I am hoping that when your other medical situation is resolved that you get relief from the back pain. I couldn't believe how much it helped me. I used to walk from the bus stop to my apartment (a block and a half) and had to stop halfway to stand against a light pole before I could continue. After surgery, I noticed that I had very little back discomfort. I hope you can feel better soon.

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Well I'm back from my cruise.. had a nice time but of course did gain some weight I left at 129 now my weight is 131.8. So up 2.8 pounds. :eek: So need to get back down again.. I'm back to eating my normal way.. But need to get in exercising and "really" stay away from carbs and sugar, including having wine or beer at night... Had enough drinks on the cruise anyways.. LOL we are not even big drinkers.. We found that out on this cruise.. I brought 2 6 packs of NA beer for hubby and 12 "little" bottlers of win for me.. I only had 6 and hubby only did 4 beers.. So I ended up taking the reast home. We did have some fruity drinks also but only about 3 about a piece. Not much. Next time I only bring 1 perday for us. If that. We only spent $52.45 on drinks...


Now its back to getting my weight down to 120...

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Hi everyone

It has been a good morning,afternoon but the evening is becoming another story. I was able to work a little day from 8:00am to 2:00pm and it feels as if I put in 24 hours straight. My energy level is still low.

I did manage to make some veggie soup Sunday and a few other healthy foods to eat.

And the doctor says I could start doing some walking next week:)

Missou....I hope you get everything worked out medically, poor thing you have been dealing with these problems for so long. Hang in there.


Get back to you all later


My weight for today is 229 lbs:mad:

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Missou - I sympathize with you. I have not been working out like you have but I know what you mean. I do not know if it is my age or what but unless I really really cut my calorie intake to no more than 1200 per day and exercise at least 1 hour a day I cannot lose weight. It just will not come off. But it sure comes back on easily.


I have not been good since my cruise. I swim a lot but my eating is not at all good. I have not gotten into my routine since my cruise. It is like once I get off I cannot get back on track again. Anyone have any ideas???




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riddle Missou - I sympathize with you. I have not been working out like you have but I know what you mean. I do not know if it is my age or what but unless I really really cut my calorie intake to no more than 1200 per day and exercise at least 1 hour a day I cannot lose weight. It just will not come off. But it sure comes back on easily.


I have not been good since my cruise. I swim a lot but my eating is not at all good. I have not gotten into my routine since my cruise. It is like once I get off I cannot get back on track again. Anyone have any ideas???




I don't know what type of diet plan you are on, but if you eat any carbs then that may not help you. I would stay completely away from carbs and sugar. I know its hard to do. I just got back from our cruise on Sunday. My problem is with cokes. We don't have them at home, thank god. But I do get them when I'm out. Its an easy crutch for me. :( But tomorrow after I stock back up on "good" food for us to eat, then I'm going to go to a non-carb & sugar eating.


My mother lost 70 pounds on the Athkins diet when she was 63. So I think people can still lose weight even if you are older. She didn't do a lot of exercising either. Also watching your portions may help.

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I feel better tonight, thanks for your support. I did not do a thing today and tonight, hubby has a music practice with a small orchestra, so I will get a little massage when he comes back at 10:30. I hope it will be enough.


If I feel good tomorrow, I will try the Hip Hop Abs again after my training. Later on, I will go out for a walk. I need to study for an event that is coming on with work. I also have to do an e-training before October 5th. I have a chance to go visit the Queen Victoria in Quebec City on that day. I promise not to forget my camera.




It is like once I get off I cannot get back on track again. Anyone have any ideas???


A big quick, you know where?? ;):D Seriously, you started to swim and it is really good, you can add some walking for a few days and then, something else. Slowly, but surely your motivation will come back. It is how I did it after my trip in France. During my cruise, I did think of you guys a lot actually, everytime I was in the stairs, and it kept me motivated.



Sleep thight everyone dormir026.gif

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I know this is off topic, but it does offer exercise ...

I was in Barbados in 1997 and took the Jolly Roger excursion. It was a lot of fun. They had a plank that people jumped off to go into the water after dropping anchor. Also, there was a rope that people swung out over the water and dropped in. We did the bunny hop up and down the stairs (see, there is exercise on this party boat -- not just drinking). I heard that they stopped this party boat for some reason. I was wondering if it was a temporary thing. We had a lot of fun and it wasn't real expensive. As usual, there was rum punch, beer, etc., and I think some food as well.

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Hi guys! I'm really not AWOL, I've been working on my cruise review and photo albums. Plus having to go back to work .... well.... I suppose I can't be on vacation all the time.


I'm still trying to lose the 8 pounds that I gained on the cruise. I still have 5 to go.


I took it easy this weekend moving my son and his wife into their new place and running around getting stuff for their new house and celebrating my dad's birthday - so no treadmill for me.


Today I'm back on track... ran for only 1/2 hour but I did have two long walks during breaks at work today.


As for eating... I'm still trying to get back to portion control (hard to do after abandoning all efforts on the cruise.) but today was better.


Vickey: I hope you get your strength back and continue to get better.

Missou: Sorry you continue to have pain issues.

Matt: I'm back to doing my stairs!

Kudos: So... how was the Valor??

Marsha: I can so relate to trying to get back on track again. Hang in there.


I'm still trying to decide where to cruise next. It probably won't be until early next summer so I'll have plenty of time to hang around with all you buddies of mine. :D


Take care,


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Hello Brenda, welcome back :p


I feel a little better even if hubby was too tired to work on me last night. I will try to do some workout and some walking. I can't wait to talk with my doctor today. I hope he'll be able to help a little even if I know I'll need to wait for a GYN to do his work.


Around 10am, my daughter is coming for breakfast and we'll have some eggs benedictin with a lot of fruit and veggies hmmm!!! OK, the sauce is not the best idea, but she is coming to see me and she hasn't done that in many years. Mother - daughter relationships are not always easy. She is 20 and gaining a lot of maturity. This is good for us :)


Well, time for me to go train before 9am. Then, I'll use the next hour to prepare for my big visit :D:D:D


Speak to you all later.

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I just finished my training. There is one movement I didn't do because of my back. I also did 30 ups and downs in the stairs. I will go for a walk when my daughter leaves and I will do the Hip Hop Abs afterwards. My youngest is not here this morning and I can do all the noise I want :cool::cool: Funny thing, except for the stairs, I didn't do any :p:D


Today is a good day outside and it has a great beginnig for me too danse004.gif


Marsha, another trick that has helped me a lot since last March is coming here often to talk about my training. It really keeps me on my toes. I feel somewhat obligated to write something else than "I was lazy today" and I don't want to say anything just for the fun of it. Coming on the tread several times in the day helps me to be motivated.


I hope today is a good day for you all 11_7_102.gif

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good morning all. Just wanted to check in with everyone.


Had my slimfast meal bar for breakfast (chocolate brownie, so it gives me the chocolate I like and it is also a brownie, so it makes it seem like i am eating junk). Lunch today is left over hamburger helper. Dinner will probably be some salad or something light.


Going to be doing stairs when i get home, as I don't have much room in my living room right now to do any workout dvds.

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Good evening everyone.

Missou...keep coming on and posting I love reading your posts they keep me motivated.


Matt....don't forget to do my stairs too:Dyou did say you would. Sounds as if married life is keeping you busy;). Soon i will be taking the stairs two at a time.(wishful thinking)


Emmysmommy....glad to hear you are getting back on track. Would love to read about your trip.I am afraid I will love cruising so much that I will be wanting to cruise every month.


Riddle...you can do it just take one day at a time. I know how hard it is to get back on track when you get off, food is an addiction and once I give in it is hard to get off,, I just need to understand this and follow through on a ten step addiction plan like I did several years ago, It really worked when I followed the plan but like any other addiction it has to be monitored and that is the hardest part.


Norwaylin...I read your post and couldn't help but laugh visualizing doing the bunny hop with matt pushing me up the stairs and missou pushing pushing me down them. I bet it would be quite amusing to watch especially if alcohol was involved...by the way did you do it, if so how did you fare on it. Congrats on being good at your school reunion.Hope you had fun.


kudos....I also know alot of people who have lost on the Atkins Diet but it is one diet that I can not do because of my thyroid condition and I am glad it worked for your mother.


RQFIN and Desilin...hi glad to see they haven't chased you away before I got to meet you. Hope to read more about your loses.



Today went a little better at work we started the first of the flu shots for some of our patients. I get mine Thursday so that way it will be in my system before we cruise.

I really have to watch all those nasty little BUGS that are going around. We have alot of the aides with bronchitis and I am trying to not breath their germs.

I tried to watch my diet today but lost the battle half way through the day:mad:

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By the time I got home I was too tired to even think about taking the time to eat healthy I ate what my DH fixed and it wasn't healthy :eek:Hot dogs and chips., it wasn't until after that I realized that I made veggie soup and could have ate that:mad:.


I WILL do better tomorrow I will even try to do a little more walking but still have to take it easy on the stairs so missou stay away from the elevators PLEASE.


32 more days till we cruise :)

My goal is to try and get those nasty 8 lbs I have gained off before the cruise.

I would hate to have my new clothes to be too tight on me:eek:


My cousin who is cruising with me is coming over tomorrow and we are going to print out our luggage tags and fun passes and get copies of everything we need ran off to have ready and I want to show her all the cruise reviews and pictures I have found on the forums about the Legend Ship and the Western Carribbean cruise we are taking as she doesn't do the computor.


BTW...my little sister Cindy said to tell my Loser friend hi and I let her know I did read the comments she made about me being stubborn (she always did have a way stretching the truth:rolleyes:) me stubborn NO WAY ...not me...she must have me confused with our older sister.:confused:


Well good night for now thanks for letting me vent 3 weeks worth of pent up feelings.




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Okay just returned from dinner at a Japanese steak house with 3 friends. Ate way too much but don't really think it was bad stuff. I brought some of it home for lunch tomorrow.


Tomorrow is my day to get back in the groove totally. I want to do it and I will by golly if it takes me all day.


DH is out of town so it is just me and the dogs. I did something really stupid at work today and it took me 2 hours to fix it - that is the kind of thing that makes me want to eat junk!


Great to hear you sounding so good Vickey. Missou - how was your visit with your daughter?



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Our lunch was really good and we were able to talk a little. It is a start. I hope we can keep on moving foward.


Vickey, I can easely see myself pushing you downstairs :D:D But I swear I will leave those elevator alone until you are ready.


I got a good massage tonight and I already feel a big difference in my back and my shoulders :cool:


This afternoon, I was so tired, I was falling asleep in front of my computer. I did not do the Hip Hop Abs nor the walk. I was really out of it. I don't understand what happened. Well, tomorrow is another day and my body will be in better shape.


Sleep tight and sweet dreams


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