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I volunteered to drive so I only drank water. I chose grilled seafood with salad. Everyone around me had creamy sauces and french fries!!!


I did have a small piece of birthday cake. But hey life's too short not to eat cake occasionally ............ don't you think?


JulShut, I just want to echo everyone else here who said you did great! I think we all also need to remember that this is a life change, not a diet. We're all trying to learn how to take care of our bodies so we maintain a healthy weight. Everyone, even thin people, eat dessert once in a while. We're just learning how to have treats now and again without gorging ourselves on the treats. Also, we're learning to eat healthy the rest of the time so those treats aren't so disastrous.


Let's all try to not swallow so much guilt with our food!


I'm sure I've said this before, but my husband and I are not doing any "diet" foods -- no fake sugars or butters. We're using WW to help us determine proper portions. So now, instead of eating 6 portions of dinner, we're only eating one -- or slightly more, if we're just not satisfied. But no matter what we eat, we're counting the points... and then adjusting the rest of our eating (or use our flex points) to accomodate anything over our daily points allowance.


We're also trying to learn to forgive ourselves, and to really pay attention to how we're feeling. And if we're somewhere where it's hard to calculate the points right as we're eating (at a party or a new restaurant, for example), we're trying to eat only until we're satisfied, not stuffed (this is new for us!). Then after the fact, we figure our points and move on from there. So far, so good!

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Thanks, PT. I like the idea of getting at least 5 pounds below goal. :) I could cut my points back again by 4 to try to have some cushion. I have to weigh in next week and since they changed the Lifetime rules to say that you can't be more than 2 pounds below your goal to weigh in, I'll have to go easy this week and go full out next week. I'll let you know if I get there.



PC Double check that with your leader. I know that you cannot be more than 2 pounds above your goal weight, but I think that you can be further below it than 2 pounds. DH was pretty sure too. Not that we would ever be that much below goal. :rolleyes: I give you props for that!

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PC Double check that with your leader. I know that you cannot be more than 2 pounds above your goal weight, but I think that you can be further below it than 2 pounds. DH was pretty sure too. Not that we would ever be that much below goal. :rolleyes: I give you props for that!


I was surprised by that also. They made the change in February this year, at least at my meetings. I went to weigh in and I was 6 pounds below my goal weight and they told me the new rule. I had to adjust my goal weight down. So much for that cushion!

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Welcome policecruiser and sanda, great to have you joining us!


Congrats Tiff for your fabulous 3 lb loss!!!


So I fell waaaay off the wagon this weekend. Our best friends visited from out of town and I ate large portions of all kinds of things I shouldn't have -- pasta, garlic bread, potato chips, dip, mexican food, oreos, and glass after glass of wine. I didn't exercise Sat/Sun/Mon and couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning to work out but I'm going to try to hit the treadmill after work and before my son's soccer practice.


I ate well yesterday and today but I know my sins of this weekend are going to show up on this scale either this week or next.


Luckily we don't have any upcoming plans that will involve major eating or interfere with exercise so hopefully this is just a small blip. My kids have their Spring Break next week so I'm taking the week off of work and we're taking a "staycation" ( staying at home.) If the weather's nice I hope to drag them on some bike rides, hikes, etc.


Hope everyone else is staying on plan and getting lots of exercise!


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Welcome policecruiser and sanda, great to have you joining us!


Congrats Tiff for your fabulous 3 lb loss!!!


So I fell waaaay off the wagon this weekend. Our best friends visited from out of town and I ate large portions of all kinds of things I shouldn't have -- pasta, garlic bread, potato chips, dip, mexican food, oreos, and glass after glass of wine. I didn't exercise Sat/Sun/Mon and couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning to work out but I'm going to try to hit the treadmill after work and before my son's soccer practice.


I ate well yesterday and today but I know my sins of this weekend are going to show up on this scale either this week or next.


Luckily we don't have any upcoming plans that will involve major eating or interfere with exercise so hopefully this is just a small blip. My kids have their Spring Break next week so I'm taking the week off of work and we're taking a "staycation" ( staying at home.) If the weather's nice I hope to drag them on some bike rides, hikes, etc.


Hope everyone else is staying on plan and getting lots of exercise!



We've all been there. One out of town guest and we fall off the wagon. Sounds like you are going to get right back on again. Hang in there.

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I need a huge kick!! I don't know whats going on, and I am feeling so discouraged.

I weigh myself at home every Sunday.

My trip is in 30 days and my goal was to lose 5-10 pounds.

I haven't lost anything!

And when that happens, I go thru an emotional eating binge....

then I feel horrible....

Someone smack some sense into me please.........

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I'll come along for the "cruise":)


I married with an 18 y/o DS. I'm 51 going to be 52 the day we start our Alaska cruise/tour in July. For the most part I have been overweight my whole life. My Mom was so its inherited! :D


My lowest weight was in 1986 (135) when I met my husband. I had just made lifetime member of Weight Watchers. Since then its been all up hill. :eek:


I joined weight watchers again on 2/2 right after I came back from a short 3 night "girls only" cruise. My husband is joining me dieting. I go to the meetings. Of course he has lost 18 pounds and eats regular ice cream every night.:mad:


I weigh in on Monday nights and lost 2.6 pounds. :D


I still have to fit in a exercise routine. The weather is just breaking here in the north east so I hope to get outside soon.


SW 221

CW 206

GW 146


Next goal is to hit my 10% - 6 pounds to go.


I look forward to learning and losing with everyone here.



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I need a huge kick!! I don't know whats going on, and I am feeling so discouraged.

I weigh myself at home every Sunday.

My trip is in 30 days and my goal was to lose 5-10 pounds.

I haven't lost anything!

And when that happens, I go thru an emotional eating binge....

then I feel horrible....

Someone smack some sense into me please.........


mamalicious, hang in there... drink some water, or tea, or... take a bath, wash your face, read a magazine... whatever little thing will make you feel good. If you absolutely feel like you must snack on something "bad" (nothing is really bad if you like it, IMHO), then measure out one portion put it on a nice plate/bowl/etc., eat it very slowly, with very small bites, chew very well and ENJOY it. And only eat it if you really want it. And if you really want a second portion, allow yourself to have it. But measure & enjoy. And then count the points (using your weekly flex points or activity points if necessary), tell yourself it was totally worth it and pat yourself on the back for not eating 6 times what you did.

Trick here is not never straying, it's getting right back on program. (Just like the rest of life, right?)




DO NOT resort to self-sabotage. It's just your psyche's way of trying to feel like it's in control ("well, I totally know why I'm not losing any weight, so I can't feel like I totally tried and failed. I'm not losing because I keep having emotional binges. If I really tried, I could do it...").


Another thing I read in a book was that we self-sabotage (by overeating, if that's your thing, and it is mine, obviously) because we are trying to recreate the disapproving parent (or other authority figure). We're used to being yelled at, scorned, disrespected, etc., so if we overeat, our own voices in our heads repeat those same awful things that disapproving authority figure did, and in a sick and twisted way we feel comforted by that. We need to stop doing that, and allow ourselves to say nice things to ourselves, and let ourselves be happy and proud. But we're not used to those mental conversations, so we work to return to the terrible, self-loathing we're comfortable with.


Another thing to think about when you're tempted to say bad things to yourself: What if a stranger were saying those things to your best friend, parent or child? Would you try to put a stop to it? Would you defend your loved one? Well, it's time you only said things to yourself you'd like someone to say to your loved ones.


Hang in there, and you will be fine. You CAN absolutely lose weight before your cruise. Your fight ISN'T over, you have plenty of time. Don't give up now. BE MORE STUBBORN THAN YOUR SCALE.

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One more thing, mamalicious, and I think it's good for all of us... the following was posted in the RB's Daily WW Chat thread a few times, and it really has a nice sentiment.


If you're headed in a negative direction, getting back on track may seem hopelessly out of reach. Yet by taking just three steps you can completely change your prospects for the better.


Take one positive step, and you'll stop moving backwards. Take a second positive step, and you'll begin moving forward.


Then take the third step in a positive direction, and suddenly you've established real momentum. From that point, each successive positive effort comes more naturally and easily.


No matter how low you may be, at any point you are just three steps away from a whole different outlook. Just three small, positive actions can get you headed solidly in a new, empowering direction.


In addition, taking three positive steps will give you a real sense of commitment. These actions will get you quickly and firmly invested in your own success.


Wherever you are now, you are just three steps away from being well on your way to whatever goal you choose. Now is indeed the best time to act.


-- Ralph Marston



This just underscores part of WW's brilliance: even if you go over points, even WAY over, then no worries, you start all over tomorrow. And each week you get a new flex points allowance. Starting over is what it's all about. You only fail if you don't keep starting over.



"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.”

-Mary Pickford

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And before I get totally lost in my melodrama, WELCOME, derrick22! You've done fantastic work -- only 6 lbs from 10%?? You should be very proud of yourself!


I'm like you in several ways: my hubby is following along w/WW, but he's not going to meetings. We started on the same day, he started out smaller than me and he's lost 20 lbs, and I've lost 17. Since he started out smaller, is taller, and has lost more weight, it's also way more obvious so he gets all the attention! I'm so happy for him, but ya know, I gotta admit I'd like a mention every now and then! :o


He also gets a ton of points a day and some days it kinda gets on my nerves. ;) But when I want a happy thought, I think about the day he took leftover pizza to work, ate one greasy piece for breakfast, the other 4 for lunch, and all but killed his million points for the day. I'd been really "good" that day and after a fairly low-points dinner, I still had 8 or 10 points left. I, feeling very proud of myself, and having a pretty low level of tact, announced this fact and declared I was thinking of having a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich.. but that I'd still have points left over. The venomous, hate-filled, glare he shot me :mad: was 10 times worse the ones I'd harbored on those days I was hungry and I'd run out of points while he wondered what else was going to feast on... :p


I'm about 8 lbs from my 10%... I'd really like to get there by my last weigh-in before my cruise. That weigh-in date is 4/30... a tall order... seems insurmountable, but still, I will try!)


Oh, and I'm like you in another way: I'm totally a balcony snob!! :D


Welcome, welcome! This is a great thread, and I can tell you will be a gread addition!

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I need a huge kick!! I don't know whats going on, and I am feeling so discouraged.

I weigh myself at home every Sunday.

My trip is in 30 days and my goal was to lose 5-10 pounds.

I haven't lost anything!

And when that happens, I go thru an emotional eating binge....

then I feel horrible....

Someone smack some sense into me please.........

:) My trick when I'm upset and therefore sooo want to eat (usually chocolate) is I make myself do the exercise first. If I don't exercise enough (for bonus points) and can't fit it in my daily allowance I'll have half of it. I also promise myself something I really want to do or buy (not food related. Retail therapy usually lifts my mood. One of my friends has photos of her previous extra large self taped on the fridge, pantry etc. She lives by herself and removes them before guests arrive :D

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They can be very addicting. but have you tried the Fiber One bars? It is just like eating a candy bar (to me) and only 2 points! They have a few different flavors, but the chocolate and oats is my absolute favorite! I have to hide them from my DH! And if you eat too many, you get a stomach ache. That really keeps me from splurging on too many of them!

Oh and here is my WW mantra

Adding calories to a bad day will not make it better, what is your back-up plan?

That is taped to the front of our fridge!:)

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Next goal is to hit my 10% - 6 pounds to go.


I look forward to learning and losing with everyone here.




Welcome aboard, Denise!!


You are going to LOVE Alaska!! We did a southbound cruise from Whittier to Vancouver back in 2005 and it was amazing. We were planning on Alaska again for this summer but with the economy so uncertain we decided to scale back and do a Bahamas cruise that departs from a port we can drive to. Maybe next year we'll get there!



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Such great advice from lkakers, JulShut and terrielynn!!! I think I need to print out your quotes and paste them on the pantry door with a big ole photo of my pre-WW butt! ;)



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Although i lost 1lb last week at W/W i still wanted more......this is due to the fact i lost 40lb last year but lost the plot from Dec to early March and gained quite a few lbs back!!!!! I found this week hard as all i wanted to do was EAT so was really pleased to loose 2lb, a total of 11lb in March and 28lb since Jan 08. I have 2 more W/W weigh in's before i go off on my cruise on 21st April. Someone from class was on a weeks cruise around the carribean last week and when she weighed in today she had lost 1lb..........so there's hope for all of us!!!!!!

SW 254

CW 228 :)

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Although i lost 1lb last week at W/W i still wanted more......this is due to the fact i lost 40lb last year but lost the plot from Dec to early March and gained quite a few lbs back!!!!! I found this week hard as all i wanted to do was EAT so was really pleased to loose 2lb, a total of 11lb in March and 28lb since Jan 08. I have 2 more W/W weigh in's before i go off on my cruise on 21st April. Someone from class was on a weeks cruise around the carribean last week and when she weighed in today she had lost 1lb..........so there's hope for all of us!!!!!!

SW 254

CW 228 :)


Way to go, barkingmad!


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Hi again,

I was wondering if there are any kind of aqua aerobics on the ships. I have been doing aqua aerobics since I joined WW in Jan and really enjoy it.

I'm not really one for gym equipment but will use it while cruising if I have to. But if there were some kind of aquafit classes it would be great. Maybe I will have to start one of my own. ;) We sail on April 19 on Adventure of the Seas.

Its great reading here every night, so much encouragement from everyone. Just what we need.

Keep up the good work everyone!


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Congrats to all you losers...and I am a loser too. Went to my WW (didn't go last week cause I was sick) and lost 3.2 for a total of 8.8. I feel reallllllly good and hopefully will stay motivated!


SW: 160

CW: 151

GW: 135

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Although i lost 1lb last week at W/W i still wanted more......this is due to the fact i lost 40lb last year but lost the plot from Dec to early March and gained quite a few lbs back!!!!! I found this week hard as all i wanted to do was EAT so was really pleased to loose 2lb, a total of 11lb in March and 28lb since Jan 08. I have 2 more W/W weigh in's before i go off on my cruise on 21st April. Someone from class was on a weeks cruise around the carribean last week and when she weighed in today she had lost 1lb..........so there's hope for all of us!!!!!!

SW 254

CW 228 :)




Wow I consider it an accomplishment if I don't gain more than 5 lbs.!!

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Although i lost 1lb last week at W/W i still wanted more......this is due to the fact i lost 40lb last year but lost the plot from Dec to early March and gained quite a few lbs back!!!!! I found this week hard as all i wanted to do was EAT so was really pleased to loose 2lb, a total of 11lb in March and 28lb since Jan 08. I have 2 more W/W weigh in's before i go off on my cruise on 21st April. Someone from class was on a weeks cruise around the carribean last week and when she weighed in today she had lost 1lb..........so there's hope for all of us!!!!!!

SW 254

CW 228 :)

:D Thats going to be the test for us - the next cruise! I've already promised myself that I am going to have a guiltfree wonderful time. I am going to exercise in the morning before breakfast in the gym and on sea days walking round the deck. I intend to eat what I want to a certain extent - that is I'm not going to deny myself but I'm not going to overindulge either. I have found that my body is now used to smaller portions so I will eat only until I'm satisfied. (not as in the past - eat until I have to loosen my buttons ;))


I was listening to the radio today. They were interviewing a pastry chef. The interviewer asked her how she stays so slim whilst making such delicious pastries. She replied "I don't ever eat more that half. I know that its not the last pastry I'll ever have. There's always tomorrow"


So I'll order what I want, including dessert, but won't go crazy :)



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Thats going to be the test for us - the next cruise! I've already promised myself that I am going to have a guiltfree wonderful time. I am going to exercise in the morning before breakfast in the gym and on sea days walking round the deck.


I gained 5 lbs on my last cruise so I will definitely need to change my habits this time. :eek: My body just isn't used to eating eggs and sausage every day for breakfast, but they were so much more appealing than the fruit and cottage cheese on the buffet line!!


I'm hoping to do lots of walking on deck. Hopefully it won't be too windy up there. My friend tried walking on the treadmill one morning on a sea day and said it was too hard because the ship was bouncing around.



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