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The dogs we have for two weeks have settled in very well and i'm walking about 4 miles a day. I went to my W/W class today and have lost another 1.5lb and only one more weigh in before my cruise.....just hope i don't gain it all back.

SW 254

CW 224.5

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Well it was weigh-in day. I lost 1.4 lbs. I was very worried I had gained weight this week. It was a stressful week and I used a few flex points during the weekend.


SW 268.4

CW 261.4

GW 160

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I would love to join this thread. I've been on WW for a while now and have lost interest and motivation. I need to lose around 50 lbs but I would be satisfied with 25 - 30 lbs at this point. I keep telling myself that 25 lbs is not really a lot of weight to lose and to look at all of the people who have lost way more than that.


NOTHING seems to motivate me. It scares me because sometimes I think I might just give up all together and that's not acceptable. I think I'm just in a really bad funk and can't get out. Any words of wisdom.


I forget to mention that I find the meetings to be useless. Everything they teach is common sense not rocket science. Sometimes I wish they would get more into the psychological aspects of why we eat not what we eat.


Sorry, just very frustrated and disappointed in myself.



Hang in there!!! Everyone has had their ups and downs and frustrations during their "journey" It sometimes just feels good to vent to someone who knows what you are talking about. That's why we are all here!! To help and encourage and listen! I know what you are saying about your meeting. Going every week and hearing basically the same thing can be tedious. Maybe see if there is another leader that may be better suited to you? I have had the same leader for 14 months and I love her! But my BFF didn't care for her at all. To each his own! I just always try and remind myself that even as "bad" as I have done on any given day, it's a helluva lot better than I would have done without WW!!


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hey everyone..Welcome to all the new people!! It seems every time I post there's a slew of newbies. We are all in this together and trust me, we all need encouragement and a place to rant once in a while...Diets suck big time, but we all need to loose the weight or we wouldn't be here! WW's is all about portion control and willpower. Instead of saying NO TO DRUGS, I must say NO TO CANDY. This is so hard for me and have nothing but respect for you ladies who have lost so much weight! I have been going through hell for just the 16 pounds that I lost!! So it really helps all of us when one of us rants, because then we can pull our ranks tighter and support each other and realize that we are not the only ones that are having a gawd awful time with this diet stuff.

Anyway, I have an extra WW pocket guide that has the point values of the foods in it, just email me and I will get it to you Diane. Weighed in today and low and behold I lost one pound...I'm doing the Happy Dance!!

( that should be enough exercise to get me a fun size three musketeer!)

SW 169.5

CW 153.5

GW 140


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hey everyone..Welcome to all the new people!! It seems every time I post there's a slew of newbies. We are all in this together and trust me, we all need encouragement and a place to rant once in a while...Diets suck big time, but we all need to loose the weight or we wouldn't be here! WW's is all about portion control and willpower. Instead of saying NO TO DRUGS, I must say NO TO CANDY. This is so hard for me and have nothing but respect for you ladies who have lost so much weight! I have been going through hell for just the 16 pounds that I lost!! So it really helps all of us when one of us rants, because then we can pull our ranks tighter and support each other and realize that we are not the only ones that are having a gawd awful time with this diet stuff.

Anyway, I have an extra WW pocket guide that has the point values of the foods in it, just email me and I will get it to you Diane. Weighed in today and low and behold I lost one pound...I'm doing the Happy Dance!!

( that should be enough exercise to get me a fun size three musketeer!)

SW 169.5

CW 153.5

GW 140



Judi thanks alot. How do I email you I don't see your email address. I think I really need a points guide. I thought I had a very good "eating" week and I also joined water aerobics this week and last night at my biggest loser weigh in I only lost 1/2 pound. At least it was a loss and not a gain.



SW 204.2

CW 197.4

GW 165 to 170 by Nov. cruise time

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Dianne, sorry, I guess it's a different board that allows you to email each other... my email is judimathisen at yahoo dotcom. Heck, a half a pound is okay, but if I had to suffer through a water aerobics class twice a week, I would want to loose a bunch more than that!!! I get discouraged so very easily.. I'll send you the pocket guide and you can find out how many points you can have and I bet if you follow it and keep up with your water aerobics that fat will just melt off!! Keep up the good work and I'll hear from you soon


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We are going for a US-vacation in August with our (at that time) newly wed-friends, and will end it with a Bahamas-cruise with Norweigan Sky. I joined the Weight Watchers in January and feel like I am on the right way. It is not my first, or second, or third time there, but I hope this will be the last one, even though it will be for the rest of my life!


Since I got married in June 2001, my husband and I have visited 49 of the US-states, Hawaii is still left to explore. The problem for me is that two, three weeks vacation in a car doesn't help keeping the weight, and when I have returned home, I haven't felt that I had to go on diet. I blame all my pounds (actually it is kilos in Sweden) on my US-trips, but I want to go there in the future as well, and you can't gain 5-7 pounds every trip in that case...


SW: 203,5

CW: 187,4

GW: 145,5

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I forget to mention that I find the meetings to be useless. Everything they teach is common sense not rocket science. Sometimes I wish they would get more into the psychological aspects of why we eat not what we eat.


Sorry, just very frustrated and disappointed in myself.


I see your point however it is more reinforcement that I am not alone. I also find that I get a lot of tips and tricks. I also don't like paying and not having something to show for it.


Each of us eats for many different reasons so there is no way WW could go into the psychological aspect.


I know it doesn't help you but you are not alone.




SW 221

CW 205

GW 146

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Since I got married in June 2001, my husband and I have visited 49 of the US-states, Hawaii is still left to explore.


Welcome, berglunds. Wow, you've seen more of the United States than me and probably most of Americans!! I'm heading to a map now to see how many states I've visited :)



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I would love to join this thread. I've been on WW for a while now and have lost interest and motivation. I need to lose around 50 lbs but I would be satisfied with 25 - 30 lbs at this point. I keep telling myself that 25 lbs is not really a lot of weight to lose and to look at all of the people who have lost way more than that.


Welcome, hellokitty!


25-30 pounds is totally doable and you don't have to deprive yourself, you just need to follow the plan. Stock your pantry and fridge with healthy foods and track what you eat. Set aside time each day to exercise. Even a half hour daily walk will make a difference. What motivates me is looking at pictures from when I was thinner and then looking at photos from more recently. There's one photo that my husband took of my son. I was in the background walking away and my butt looked huge! I keep that picture handy to remind myself why I'm doing WW!!


Good luck, we're here for you!


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Congrats on all the recent losses posted above, you ladies are doing great!!


So after 2 weeks in a row of gaining I was thrilled to see that I lost 2.5 lbs this week! I couldn't believe it and got on and off the scale three times. I am now officially back in the 140's, yay!! And even better, when I logged my weight online (I do online only) it told me it told me to retake the quiz to determine my new point value and it didn't change! I lost a point when I went from 160's to 150's and thought I'd lose another when I went into the 140's but I didn't (which is good because I only get 20 pts and I don't think I could live on less than that.)


SW: 168.0

CW: 149.5

GW: 145.0


Lisa :D

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First of all, welcome brnsnbrws, gslice, hellokitty & berglunds!


And congrats to the great progress, derrick, barkingmad, ryoku, judiDM & Lisadee!! Nice work!


Although I'm completely stressing about all the taxes I have to finish very quickly, I'm still managing to stay on plan... but cutting myself slack a bit -- I only need so much stress in my life right now. If I REALLY feel like I need a snack, I will get it... and track the points! :)


I made a pledge last week to get on the treadmill 2x and I'm happy to say I've done that so far -- once last Friday (my WW food tracking starts Friday, so that was day 1 of the week) and once on Monday. I'm feeling pretty good about that. Don't think I'll get on it today, but I may be able to get on 2x next week, but if it doesn't happen, I won't cry. There literally may not be enough time for that. Sleep will take precidence, for sure.


OK, now for my weigh-in news: down 2.6 lbs today!! W00t! I'm really hoping to get my 10% done before my cruise, and it looks like I could actually make it -- only 4.5 lbs to go!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 226.0

GW: 154

MiniGoal: 221.5



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Congratulations to everyone on their weight loss this week. Any loss is much, much better than a gain! Welcome to all the new people, you will find lots of help and encouragement on here!

I got weighed in today, usually on Saturday but I'm not going to be home on Sat this week and have to work tomorrow so did it today. The big news is I lost 2.8 pounds! So now a total of 33.4 pounds.

When I joined on Jan 24 I set a goal for myself to be down to 240 by my cruise next week, when I reached that on March 5 with six weeks til the cruise I thought maybe I would be able to get to 230 by the cruise. well its next week and I have 0.6 to go.

So hopefully, but if not, I won't be disappointed.

I am fighting a terrible cold right now and the cruise is 10 days away, I hope its gone by then.

Heading to bed! Good luck everyone and happy Easter.

Oh, our WW instructor said today her favorite quote is= "its not about will power, its about want power!" makes sense to me.


SW 264

CW 230.6

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Hi all and thanks for your warm welcome!


I know there can be a difference in definition of "visit a state" - we once met an immigration officer that said that it only counts when you have slept there ;O). In that case our 30 minutes of West Virginia won't count, I guess... But we did put down our feet in the soil, so we count it!



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Congratulations to everyone on their weight loss this week. Any loss is much, much better than a gain! Welcome to all the new people, you will find lots of help and encouragement on here!

I got weighed in today, usually on Saturday but I'm not going to be home on Sat this week and have to work tomorrow so did it today. The big news is I lost 2.8 pounds! So now a total of 33.4 pounds.

When I joined on Jan 24 I set a goal for myself to be down to 240 by my cruise next week, when I reached that on March 5 with six weeks til the cruise I thought maybe I would be able to get to 230 by the cruise. well its next week and I have 0.6 to go.

So hopefully, but if not, I won't be disappointed.

I am fighting a terrible cold right now and the cruise is 10 days away, I hope its gone by then.

Heading to bed! Good luck everyone and happy Easter.

Oh, our WW instructor said today her favorite quote is= "its not about will power, its about want power!" makes sense to me.


SW 264

CW 230.6


Congratulations on your wt. loss! Hope your cold gets better and you step on the ship feeling healthy and thin! Have a great cruise!

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Weigh in tonight - I stayed the same.:(


I am okay with that. While I didn't have a bad week it wasn't the best. I try not to use the 35 extra points and this week I used 7 of them. While it may not seem like a lot it probably threw my system off. I also started vacation so my routine changed. At least it wasn't a gain.


The weather has finally started to turn so hopefully I can get outside to walk.



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Hey Denise, last week you lost 1.5 pounds so you are still doing good by not gaining!!!! I'm afraid to weigh in on Wed. I felt actually thin on Saturday, but today is a feel fat day...I think too much Easter Brunch and egg salad!! We will see on Wed! Keep up the good work.


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You are so right. Its not a gain.

I know what you mean about feeling fat. Somedays!!!!!!


I started converting my clothes from winter to summer and I could fit into some things that I couldn't before so that makes me feel good.


Good Luck Wednesday



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I haven't been on here in a few days!! Where did everyone go?? LOL! I ate terrible this weekend. Mad at myself, but what can you do?? Went right back to program on Monday! It was great food, but boy did I feel like crap Sunday night!! My body is just not used to eating like that! Hope everyone has a good week!


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How exciting to see this board! My quit(haha) story is as follows:

I started WW in April of 2005 by the end of that year I had lost about 30 lbs. I had finally reached a modified goal wieht in Aug of 2007! Took me all that time to loose 35lbs! With that I figured that I had this maintaince thing figured out, as all the time between 2005 and 2007 I hovered 5-8 lbs away from goal. Then I hit goal, and LIFETIME woohoo.....THEN I decided to take a "break" and I am sure that you all know the rest! So here I am taking a cruise to Alaska in Aug. Now I know it is not the typical, lounge poolside cruise, but none the less I want to be as close to goal as possible! So here I am! Thanks for letting me join!


SW 178

CW 171


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Weigh in tonight - I stayed the same.:(


I am okay with that. While I didn't have a bad week it wasn't the best. I try not to use the 35 extra points and this week I used 7 of them. While it may not seem like a lot it probably threw my system off. I also started vacation so my routine changed. At least it wasn't a gain.


The weather has finally started to turn so hopefully I can get outside to walk.




Congratulations on not gaining! That's an accomplishment. Keep at it.

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