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I don't know anything about the Challenge. What is it? I had my meeting Wed and nothing was said. Congratulations and have a great cruise..Raise a glass of Water to those you are leaving behind!! Wish I was there!!



Visit www.teamweightwatchers.com for the details. I'm looking for a 5K to walk close to my area. I wasn't able to find a team but I'll go it alone if I must.

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I signed up for the walk-it challenge. My husband said he will walk with me. We have to get ready for hiking in Alaska.


I weighed in tonight and I lost 2.4. :)

I was nervous because I actually used some of the 35 extra points. My home scale wasn't looking promising either. I guess it all evens out. Last week was 0


Back to work after a week off so that will help. No temptation at work.




SW 221

CW 203

mini goal 3.2 till 10%

GW 149

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I've been off and on WW for about 7 years. I have a 17 month old daughter and my weight right before she was born was 192 (I'm 5'6").


Now today I am 133, it's taken 17 months, the last 2 months I've lost around 15, but I've done it. Now we're getting married on a Carnival ship in 5 days and taking a 4 day Wedding Cruise.


I have been slacking though lately, feeling like I can cheat more because I've reached my goal. I am also anxious about gaining weight on the cruise. I'm going to stick to light breakfast and lunches, saving 10 points or more for dinner.


Good luck to everyone!! Stick with it and you'll feel good in your skin.

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yep. four pounds! That is the most I have ever lost in one week.


I usually do the points system, but this time I tried CORE. I focused mainly on protein and good carbs (fruits/veggies) and VERY FEW other carbs. A little "good fats"--olive oil, mostly.


I wasn't hungry at all (shocking!) during the week.


I exercise at the gym every morning for 1 hour (treadmill and elliptical).


I know this pace won't continue, but it was a great and highly motivated start!

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Well, weigh in was yesterday afternoon and I only lost one half pound!!!:mad:

I so want to be able to loose two or three pounds a week instead of just 1/2!!! How do you girls do it??? I only get 18 points, and I try to be good!! dcrobin, I'm gonna try your CORE of meat eggs and veggies for the next week and see how that goes.

CaliCruiser congratulations on meeting goal!!! Your goal is the same as mine, but I'm only 5'2"!!! If I hit it I will be thrilled!! On your cruise if you gain 5 pounds (which seems to be about the average) I have no doubt that you will be able to get it off quickly. Just do allot of walking on the ship and use the exercise room and pool and I'm sure you won't even gain that 5 pounds!! Don't try to eat everthing in sight and stay away from those fabulous desserts. Take a little of everything and allot of nothing and I'm sure you will be fine!! Down here (I'm in the South now) at parties, weddings, everything, they eat heavy appetizers. So you get a taste of everything, but no dinner plates. I like this style so much better because you really don't have to worry about portions. You are able to control what you eat. Good Luck on your cruise!

SW 169.5

CW 151.0

GW 135.0


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OK, folks, I'm back after my grumpy post last week. I came to the conclusion that my gain last week was at least partly due to water weight -- the prior few days had been light on veg and water... I had weighed myself at home last Thursday after I woke up, then had my noon WW weigh-in. Then, I watered up on weigh-in day last week, and weighed myself the next morning at home and was down 3.4 pounds -- in one day! Yep, pretty sure water was a contributing factor.


At weigh in today I was back down the 2.6 lbs I was up last week, so compared to 2 weeks ago I'm dead even. I'll take it! I may not make my goal of hitting my 10% by next week, but I'm OK with that... I still hope to get darned close, though!! This whole program is about getting back up when we fall, yes?


LisaDee, thank you so much for your encouragement last week after my gripe post. It really did help!! I so needed that, and your response is exactly what makes these boards so helpful!!


dcrobin, welcome, and congrats on the big loss!


sanda, I know you're on your cruise this week, but great loss last week!


berglunds, policecruiser, derrick22, LisaDee -- you are doing great!


Welcome, CaliCruiser2222... at goal?? Only 133lbs?? What an inspiration! And JudiDM is probably right about all those virtuous things you can do on your cruise to avoid gaining... but I will be enjoying myself (read: eating and drinking more than WW plan allows!) on my own cruise. I do plan on being "in control" and not stuffing myself, and I plan to hit the gym and do a lot of walking during the excursions (might even take the stairs from time to time!), but I'm confident in the fact that I've lost what I've lost, so if I gain during the cruise, I should be able to lose it, too, without too much trouble. I don't often get pampered and get to eat such sumptuous food very often, so this is a "splurge" monetarily and calorically. Just like I don't spend all the time like we do on vacation, the plan is to go a bit crazy on vacation as far as food/drink, but "pay" for it later. ;)


JudiDM, your .5 lbs is still great! Moving in the right direction. I can tell you, I was so upset last week I would have paid real money to have been down .5 lbs. As PrincessTiff would have said (where is she, anyway?), that's 2 more sticks of butter GONE!!! As for why you're not losing more: are you sure you're eating ENOUGH? If so, and your exercise/water intake/veg & protein intake are high enough, have you tried the Wendie Plan? That might kick start you.


And for those of you scared to use your flex points, don't be. They are what make this program so much like "real life." Some weeks I've used all mine (and more, if I'm honest), and still lost. I think sometimes those occasional extra calories can boost your weight loss, as the Wendie Plan might suggest.


Cheerio, and best wishes on big losses, all of you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 226

Mini-goal: 221.5 by 4/30 :eek: (last weigh-in before cruise)

GW: 154



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Hey Lani, great attitude!! I know any loss or staying the same is better than a gain!!! I just wish it were faster!!! You're right, we have lost some people! Princess Tiff and a bunch of other ones too! Can everyone be on cruise???? I wish they would come back, I love reading their stories. I just wish I were a better writer. I'm really better on the phone or in person!! What is the Wendie Plan? Did we talk about it before and I missed it? Please fill me in...I'm up for most anything!!;)


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The Wendie plan is to take ALL your weekly points, then divide them up according to how you typically would use them-----


say if you had 25 per day, that would be 175 total points (not counting your activity and flex points)


If you knew you were going to have a church dinner, for example, on Sunday, or you were going away for the weekend, your week might look like this:










Still totals 175 points, but the idea is to go high and low alternating with your points. The premise is that it tricks your metabolism into working steady, not knowing if you have a high or low pt day coming.


It DOES work, so far as it tricks your body up from eating the exact same amount of points each day, especially if you never eat bonus points!

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Actually, you DO want to include Flex points. The original Wendie plan used the old Points "ranges" -- now your daily points are your minimum daily intake (the bottom of the range) and the Flex points are what made up the rest of the range (up to the maximum).


You still need to eat your minimum set points for the day -- not eating enough can DEFINITELY induce a plateau. I have to admit, I've been distressed by reading so many people's concerns that they'd -gasp- eaten some of their Flex points. Many of my biggest losses have happened when I've eaten more of my Flex points. I suspected it was something to do with the metabolism "shake up" like the Wendie plan suggests. So, if you're not losing, you might try eating a bit more (but of course, try to make it nutritional foods). I also wonder if it's a matter of you getting more energy by eating a bit more (plus it may boost your mood), so you end up being more active or energetic in your regular activities?


(I had written up a response to this last night, but CC's boards weren't working right and it didn't post. I saved it, so I'll try to post it again... I'd put in some interesting links I'd found.)

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I've been off and on WW for about 7 years. I have a 17 month old daughter and my weight right before she was born was 192 (I'm 5'6").


Now today I am 133, it's taken 17 months, the last 2 months I've lost around 15, but I've done it. Now we're getting married on a Carnival ship in 5 days and taking a 4 day Wedding Cruise.


I have been slacking though lately, feeling like I can cheat more because I've reached my goal. I am also anxious about gaining weight on the cruise. I'm going to stick to light breakfast and lunches, saving 10 points or more for dinner.


Good luck to everyone!! Stick with it and you'll feel good in your skin.



I know exactly what you mean!! My DH and I are cheating more than we are counting and the weight is creeping up a bit! We still have not weighed in this month! We know better!! This is the 2nd time around for both of us. We talked about his at meeting last week. You kind of lose the excitement of watching the weight come off every week. I know that we should celebrate staying at goal every time we weigh in, but it doesn't work that way on our little heads!


Keep up the good work everyone! There are some great success stories here!!



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(I had written up a response to this last night, but CC's boards weren't working right and it didn't post. I saved it, so I'll try to post it again... I'd put in some interesting links I'd found.)


Here's the post that I had tried to post on Thursday:


Judi, this site has a good explanation: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=99187

It started out in the days when WW gave you a point range, and the Wendie Plan has you vary it to "jump start" your metabolism. Now, of course, the current plan has your daily target as your minimum, so now it's a matter of varying how you use your flex points to do the same thing.

I really haven't had an unexplainable plateau -- my "bad weeks" were easily explained! -- so I haven't tried the Wendie Plan. There has been some controversy on the web about the plan... but I guess it could work.

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Thanks for the words on using the flex points. Makes sense. I was always afraid to use them.


I just came back from a overnight conference and had to use my flex points.


I did make good choices (except the homemade chocolate chip cookie) and feel good about it. I always over eat at these things because the food is there.


I didn't even have any wine and it was free, and only one piece of cheese.


I started walking during lunch so this will help.





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smeanie -- welcome to our WW thread!!


You will love Alaska, the scenery is just breathtaking! Which ship are you on?


Even though you won't be lounging in a bathing suit, depending on the excursions you choose it can be a very active cruise so you'll be glad you lost those extra pounds.





Lisa I willbe on the Diamond Princess. This is only my second cruise. First was on Costa

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I feel your pain. My third week on WW I gained a pound. I was devastated. I didn't cheat and I track everything that goes in my mouth. I was so annoyed at myself for the rest of the night. The following week I only lost 1.2. I lost but still expected more.


Just think tax season is over.


We didn't put the weight on overnight and its going to take a while to get it off. I'm in it for the long run this time. I would like to to be able to hike in Alaska and go up the stairs at work without huffing.


We can all help each other.




SW 221

CW 205

mini goal 10% 199.6

GW 149




When are you going to Alaska?

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Thanks for the words on using the flex points. Makes sense. I was always afraid to use them.


I just came back from a overnight conference and had to use my flex points.


I did make good choices (except the homemade chocolate chip cookie) and feel good about it. I always over eat at these things because the food is there.


I didn't even have any wine and it was free, and only one piece of cheese.


I started walking during lunch so this will help.







That is fantastic -- isn't that what this process is really about: learning to make good choices? There have been days when I've used more than the daily points allowance, and at first felt bad about it. But then I remembered to what I would have eaten, before starting WW, and I realize how far I've come.


To forego the wine, or only have one piece of cheese, or have only one cookie -- isn't that a victory?


"Back in the day" for me would have been several glasses of wine (even if I weren't really enjoying them) because it was free, or because the bottle was already open, or because... Or it would have been lots of cheese, just because that first one tasted so good, or several cookies, because I already ate one, and how much difference could another make?


Little by little, we're replacing undesirable habits with better ones. That's long term victory. If you deny using flex points here and there, this way of eating won't feel very fun long term (no splurges?!?), and it will be too easy to go back to those old ways. We don't need them. You can use flex points to splurge, and your daily points allowance to get you back on track afterward.


Cheers, and congrats at successfully handling that conference!!

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Joining! I'm WWing, and have both my wedding and cruise to count down to. Wedding is August 22nd, and cruise right thereafter!


SW: 233

CW: 203.8 (almost -30!)

GW: 180, for now


I'm putting 233 as my SW, even though I didn't start WW until I was about 226. 233 is my highest ever (funny how that sticks in your memory, right?). I was only there for a day or two, but I count it anyway.

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Joining! I'm WWing, and have both my wedding and cruise to count down to. Wedding is August 22nd, and cruise right thereafter!



Welcome and August 22nd is a great day! I will be married 22 years on August 22nd. :)


How nice to have two goals and this forum to help.


Keep it up.



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I've been off and on WW for about 7 years. I have a 17 month old daughter and my weight right before she was born was 192 (I'm 5'6").


Now today I am 133, it's taken 17 months, the last 2 months I've lost around 15, but I've done it. Now we're getting married on a Carnival ship in 5 days and taking a 4 day Wedding Cruise.


I have been slacking though lately, feeling like I can cheat more because I've reached my goal. I am also anxious about gaining weight on the cruise. I'm going to stick to light breakfast and lunches, saving 10 points or more for dinner.


Good luck to everyone!! Stick with it and you'll feel good in your skin.


I think you're on your cruise already but wanted to say great job on your loss. I think the hardest part (for me at least!) is the maintenance phase of weight loss. I just lose my focus and drive. So to keep it up for 17 months is amazing!


Congrats on your wedding!! I hope you have a wonderful cruise.



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At weigh in today I was back down the 2.6 lbs I was up last week, so compared to 2 weeks ago I'm dead even. I'll take it! I may not make my goal of hitting my 10% by next week, but I'm OK with that... I still hope to get darned close, though!! This whole program is about getting back up when we fall, yes?


LisaDee, thank you so much for your encouragement last week after my gripe post. It really did help!! I so needed that, and your response is exactly what makes these boards so helpful!!



I agree, just get back up, dust off and and keep on going!! And I'm glad my comments were helpful :)



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To forego the wine, or only have one piece of cheese, or have only one cookie -- isn't that a victory?


"Back in the day" for me would have been several glasses of wine (even if I weren't really enjoying them) because it was free, or because the bottle was already open, or because... Or it would have been lots of cheese, just because that first one tasted so good, or several cookies, because I already ate one, and how much difference could another make?


I agree with you completely. I've been a little off the rails these past couple of weeks but my choices have been much better than they would have been before WW. So I'm going to count that as a mini victory rather than bumming about the things I ate and the workouts I missed.



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Joining! I'm WWing, and have both my wedding and cruise to count down to. Wedding is August 22nd, and cruise right thereafter!


SW: 233

CW: 203.8 (almost -30!)

GW: 180, for now


How exciting to have a wedding and a cruise to look forward to. My 10-year anniversary is on August 21st. It's flown by so quickly!!


You're doing fantastic on your weight loss, keep it up!



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