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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Ruth,

Yes I have done a little more than usual this past week. Although I am handicapped, I did do more walking this past week, as compared to none before. I am hopeful that the loss will show soon enough!

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Yeah...I guess I can be a bit of a cheerleader if it's about something worth cheering. And your hard work definately deserves a cheer. :D


I've been to my meeting and I'm happy to report that the scale was very kind to me. I lost 4.6 pounds this week. WHO-HOO!!! I had a good week this week. I managed to survive dinner out and 2 cookouts and stay on program. (I did use some flex points, but I consider using them part of the program.) I will be honest and report that I did not accomplish my mini goal of 120 minutes of activity. But, that's OK. The nice thing about setting goals for myself is that there is no punishment for missing every now and then. My new goal for this week was actually given to my group by our leader, I'm going to do some kind of resistance exercise twice this week.


My leader also shared some words of wisdom that are very simple, but hit home for me so I thought I'd share too. "Being overweight is hard. Losing weight is hard. Maintaining our goal weight is hard. We get to chose which 'hard' we want to face.


I hope everyone has a great week!




Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 271.2

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

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Guest Crazeecat5

OH, Misty , I am so proud of you!! You worked very hard & deserve that great loss. You have a great attitude about your goal....don't give up, you can do it!

Have you started to see the results of your 12 lb. loss yet?

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Sheryl - Thanks for the encouragement, you are very kind. :) I tend to be pretty hard on myself about weight loss sometimes, and as a result I get frustrated and give up. This time around I'm trying very hard to be nice to myself & hopefully that will help me have the endurance to make it through.


I haven't really noticed results quite yet. Part of that may be because I mostly wear elastic-waist pants. Maybe I'll get brave and wear my jeans tomorrow. If there is going to be a difference I'll probably notice it then.


Good night everyone, I hope it was a good day!

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Way to go Misty! Awesome loss and keep up the good work. You know you can do it. And get those jeans out!!! I always had "test" jeans of various sizes to have another way besides the "stupid scale" to monitor my success.


Sheryl: WW is designed to work without exercise so don't sweat it! I do not know what your handicap is, but walking more than before is a great. Keep it up! Are you able to use resistance bands for some strength training? I think those are great.


I'm having a good week and know I will see a big loss this week. I cheat and weigh myself at home. I know, really bad!!! Eating has been back in control and started counting points again and I have been to the gym or ran every day. Off for a run in a bit and then over to the gym for a weight lifting class. I have to get rid of these flabby arms!!


Hope everyone has a great OP day! :)

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Ruth,

You go girl...sounds like you are right on track!


I have arthritis in my knees and can't walk very much. I use a scooter for longer walks like the supermarket, department stores , etc. I try to walk around the house for about 5 minutes at a time. Have even walked to the corner of my street a few times. I'm hoping (and my dr. says it will) that once I lose weight I will be able to walk better. I hope so.


Kristy and everyone else, have a great WW day!


Andrea...come out, come out, wherever you are!!

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OMG Kristy!!!!! You had a fabulous week. Keep doing what you're doing because it's workin' for ya. Be proud of yourself!!!


Ruth, keep up the great week. I hope you enjoyed your workout.


We belong to Lifetime Fitness and last night was our personal trainer night. He killed our arms and abs. In 60 minutes I burned 225 calories just using the weights on the stability ball. I woke up soooo hungry this morning. I love it:).


Anyone up for a mini challenge? Like getting all the health guidelines in today? Or maybe just one like oil. Are you getting your 2 servings of oil a day? What are your tips for getting in that oil?


For me I put a tsp of olive oil on just about anything.....except yogurt. That was nasty. Anyway, after I finish cooking I drizzle the oil on my meat or the rice or over a veggie. I find rather than cooking with it that it makes me feel better and keeps things moving along better if I drizzle it. Sometimes we make protein smoothies at home and I put the oil in that. If we have a salad I always put a tsp of oil on it no matter which dressing I use. I've put it on a toasted english muffin then topped it with an egg and turkey bacon for my own egg mcmuffin.


Hope everyone's a loser that has WI today..........and drink that water.



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I'm up for the challenge. I thing that is part of my problem. I do stay within my points but don't eat everything I am suppose to.


I do usually eat a big salad with dinner to help me get in my vegetables. Its not that I don't like vegetables. I have to do better with the fruit.


Thanks for the hint about the wind on the glacier. I haven't read that one. We are going July 24th.



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Happy Dance today....weighed in and down another pound....this one pound a week is going to kill me...I long to lose 4 just once!! I think I'm getting the gist of the eating thing down..I should, I've been doing this for 14 weeks!! Where are you Lisa????? Are you letting me beat you? You haven't posted in over a week! Robin, I think next week I'm going to try to cut my carbs out and see how I do. Everyone is doing so good, we'll be skinny *itches in no time!!


SW 169.5

CW 147.5

GW 135.0

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Hello everyone, i came back from my 3 week cruise yesterday, it was lovely, lots of good food, hot sun. Was very lasy and weighed in this morning at W/W and i'm up 14lb..........oh well back on track and hopefully a loss next week. Was there anyone on here that was on "Adventure of the Seas" on April 24th in St. Martins???? Did you enjoy the "sail away" party with "Ocean Village"????? I was on that ship waving my flag, singing and waving, it was also my birthday so if you were on there i hope you enjoyed my birthday party!!!!!!!!

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Judi DM - CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss!! I'm doing a happy dance for you. :) It looks like you're almost to your goal, keep it up!


Mel, that is an interesting challenge. I usually do pretty good getting everything in but the oil. I haven't tried too hard to find a way to get it in quite yet since it's only my 4th week, but I never really thought of drizzling it on. I guess that makes sense, I just hadn't really considered it. Maybe I'l give it a try this week.


barking mad - Good job getting back on track! The extra "souveniers" you brought back from the cruise should be gone in no time.


I did wear my jeans today and they felt pretty good. :D I bypassed my loose pair and went straight for the snug ones and they were pretty darn comfortable today. YAY!!


I haven't done my resistance exercises yet, but I did go to the school today with my daughter's kindergarten class. Lots of walking and chasing kids around. Where do they find their energy?? I know I got some good exercising because I was pooped when I got home!!

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Hey Barkingmad- I was on Adventure of the Sears in St Maartin on April 24. I was on the top deck of our ship singing too! You all looked to be having sooooo much fun. I was wishing I was on your ship (not that I didn't enjoy our cruise). Maybe we waved to each other. I was amazed that every person on your ship knew the words to every song that was played. Don't worry about your extra pounds, three weeks on a cruise ship must have been wonderful and you can get back on program again now. How was your transAtlantic crossing? Did you have any rough seas?


I have been having a not too bad week. Only got to aqua aerobics once but I will go again tomorrow night. I think I'm going to buy a bicycle.


Congratulations to all the great weight losses this week.



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Hi Susan.....small world eh!!!!!! Had a fantastic cruise, enjoyed the crossing, Atlantic was very smooth. Weather was hot but windy, 35 knotts across the deck, I saw dolphins up close to the ship but not much else for 6 days. We had 1 rough day out of 21 but that was from Maderia to Cadiz, a force 10!!!! Can you remember what you were wearing that day and i'll get my photos out, as at the beginning there weren't that many people on top deck!!!!


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I hope you guys have room for one more WW. My name is Lisa and I'm 42 yrs old. This will be my second time with WWs. My first time was about 3 yrs ago. I lost a total of 25 lbs, then I got the crazy idea I could do it by myself. Well, I was totally wrong-I gained 10lbs back from when I left. I've been really struggling the past couple of years, so I thought I better give it another try. I've always been heavy, but after having my two kids (they're actually teenagers now) the pounds have just piled on.

So, here are the not so good lookin' numbers:


SW 215.9

CW 211.6

GW 145.0

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I'm not going to WW right now but have many times in the past. I found a receipe for Black Bean brownies. Yep that's right Black Beans! Has anyone else tried these?


Well I made them last night after hearing good reviews online about them and let me tell you they were awesome!! They were moist and my family couldn't even tell I used black beans.


I looked up the points and I think it's about 2 WW points per serving. Just something interesting to try if you haven't and not feel guilty about! :)

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Tried KFC's new grilled chicken last night. I pulled off as much of the skin as I could and it was still awesome! Has anyone tried WW's ice cream in the little cups? I had the Mint Chocolate Chip and it was great.


Welcome Lisa. Like Misty (hi Misty!), I have only been here a few weeks too. It's a great place for us WWers.


Jesscap5....can you share that recipe with us? Would love to try it.


Ok, off to go food shopping.

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Opps I forgot :rolleyes: lol




One box of brownie mix


One 15 ounce can of black beans



Drain can of black beans. Rinse. Fill can of drained black beans with water. I filled them just so the beans with covered.


Puree the black beans..I used my magic bullet.


In a large bowl dump the dry brownie mix and black pureed beans in and mix until well blended.


Bake according to the box directions.



It's super easy! ;)

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Hi everyone,


Thanks for the welcome:). I heard about those brownies, but haven't tried them yet. I have a can of black beans and have been trying to think of what to do with them-sounds like brownies this weekend! I saw this book called "Hungry Girl 200 recipes for under 200" at Barnes&Noble. Most of the recipes list the WW points in it. Does anybody have it or heard of it? The recipes look fairly easy to do.


Have a great day!

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Hey Lisa, welcome...You are our 2nd Lisa...Lisa D has been our little cheerleader and she has been missing since before Mothers Day!! Hungry Girl is a WW web site that is very food informative, sign up for their newsletter at hungrygirl.com ...another good one is dwlz.com they have all the restaurants listed with the points for all menu items.dwlz stands for Dotties Weight Loss Zone. Good luck and let's lose weight!!!!


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Happy Friday!!!!!


Welcome to the newbies. I'm kinda new here as well.


I've heard about the brownies but hadn't tried them. I had also heard they are good. I believe brownies are in order for the rainy weekend :p.


Anyone watch Survivor or Hell's Kitchen? I just can't wait for the finale of Survivor and Jeff calls out Coach on his "warrior" crap and "dragon slayer" and lets don't forget the pigmies. LOL. He cracks me up. And I can't believe Chef picked Danny over Paula. I thought Paula was the better chef and always had it together. What about Amazing Race? Anyone watch? I so wanted the mother and deaf son to win it. I think they played an excellent game and did remarkably well. Anyone for Biggest Loser? I didn't think Helen looked healthy at all. Her hair was way thin compared to the show and her arms looked like sticks. She didn't look like she kept up the weight training at all and went anorexic or something after she left campus. Hmmmm what else do we watch.......Harpers Island! OMG, great show!!!!


Any takers on the oil challenge? Weekend challenge #1) get both servings of oil in a day. #2) be creative in the way you get it in #3) try a new oil like sunflower, flax seed, olive oil. #4) post your results on Monday so others get more idea's on getting in those all important oils.


Starting Monday the challenge will be liquids. Getting in all your water servings each day......and then some.


Whew, last night was personal trainer night again and boy are my legs sore today. He had us doing one leg squats. 3 sets/15 reps each leg. Then hamstring curls, backward lunges, forward lunges, jumping jacks, then arms, then abs. We both left feeling like spaghetti. I'll get a cardio gym day in one day this weekend. How are all you exercisers doing? What is your exercise plan for the weekend?


I'll try to remember to dig out some of my WW recipes this weekend to share. I'm feeling some chicken alfredo next week.


I hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend. We are getting rain for the most part which we still need.



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Guest Crazeecat5
Hey Lisa, welcome...You are our 2nd Lisa...Lisa D has been our little cheerleader and she has been missing since before Mothers Day!! Hungry Girl is a WW web site that is very food informative, sign up for their newsletter at hungrygirl.com ...another good one is dwlz.com they have all the restaurants listed with the points for all menu items.dwlz stands for Dotties Weight Loss Zone. Good luck and let's lose weight!!!!


Hey Judi,

Thanks for the websites. They are great. Especially like Hungrygirls. I 've been printing recipes all afternoon! Think I'm going to buy the cookbook. Looks great.

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Judi - Thanks for the hungrygirl website. There are tons of good recipes on there!


I've been walking everyday (when it's not raining), up to 25 minutes. Not really sure how far I go. I need one of those-pedometers. I started out at only 15 minute walks it took me 2 weeks to get up to 25 minutes. I also bought some of those resistance tubes to work my upper body. Man, those are hard to do and I'm using the light ones. My arms are so shakey after I get done.


Keep up the good work everybody and have a great weekend:)

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