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You are all so awesome -- thanks for all your support; especially crazeecat, sanda & Judi, thanks for the special welcome back!


Judi -- you'll get those 2 lbs. back, maybe the splurge will kick start the old metabolism, right? :p


Crazeecat, congrats on the loss!


Susan, I have a couple of tricks for the pervasive hungries: other than just trying to slam lots of water, and maybe some fruit (though sometimes fruit just makes me REALLY hungry a short time later), I have had some success with mental exercises.


In many cases I've been able to talk myself out of being hungry (such as, "I had a big meal just a little while ago, I'm still pretty full") -- I think in past years I've done the opposite -- told myself I was hungry so I could eat more after I'd eaten enough. :rolleyes:


At other times, I've tried to mentally accept the hunger pains, even be proud of them, a little. If I can endure a little while, they go away, and the hunger pains are just little grumbles, not real pangs. I tell myself "welcome, hunger!" and wear it as a badge of courage (internally -- I'm not announcing it aloud! :o). And as I know I'm eating enough (the problem is I'm usually still eating too much!), I'm not worried about this as a neurosis... yet. ;)


There are also 0 point recipes and ideas out there you can try (celery sticks dipped in salsa is just one example), and some of that 2-point popcorn can be pretty darned satisfying, as well as a 2-point Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. (All washed down with plenty of H2O of course).


Hope those ideas are of some help.


Now on to my results. Down 1 pound. I went in the right direction, but my loss wasn't as big as I'd hoped... just 0.6 lbs away from my 10% (which I'd been hoping to acheive by the end of April... oh, well.).... mustn't complain. I know Judi's probably growling at me complaining... I've been there, that's how I felt when I was in that position!


SW: 246.2

CW: 222.8

MiniGoal: 222.2 (10%)

GW: 154



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Hey Whoopee Sheryl.....I'm getting my exercise in by doing a Happy Dance for you!!!!

Lani...I'll do a Happy Dance for you too...I really do need the exercise girls..;) If you would have exhaled when you weighed, maybe that .6 would have vanished!!!!

Let's keep it up girls and get skinny ( or at leastless fluffy):D


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Hi all, i've been lurking on here but as i've been away again since my cruise and not really motivated i haven't been posting. Well that's all changed!!!!!!! I went back to W/W on Wed, weighed in and as i can't go next Wed i went to class today as if i don't go regular i'll eat for England. Well, i had lost 6.5lb[don't we wish we could loose that every week!!!!!]

I've also signed up for a challenge in 2010. I'm off to Slovenia[June 2010] treking in the Julian Alps, 32k over 4 days, all money raised is for Diabetes.....so i'm trying to loose weight, get fit and raise money.......£1500 in total.

Before i go i'm doing another transatlantic cruise March/April 2010 and the one i did this year saw me gaining 14lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SW 254

CW 230.5


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Sheryl - YAH for you. Broke the 1 pound rut.


Less than a week to go to Alaska and today I tried on my formal clothes.

Guess what? My palazzo pants don't fit. :) Not even close.


Now I'm panicking. :eek: I already bought a new dressy white and silver top to go with them. I thought of trying to have them taken in but decided on a long black skirt that I have. My other formal dress still fits although its big, it will do.


I bought a few new tops and it was nice to finally shop in the ladies department. Haven't been there in many years.


One of my bathing suits works and the other is going to charity. Nice feeling.


Not sure if I want to weigh in Monday or not. I put my membership on hold for the month so I would have to pay full price.


Everyone have a nice Sunday.



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Welcome back Jane- WOW- 6.5 pounds. That is fantastic! Congratulations.

Congratulations to Sheryl for more than 1 pound. Way to go girl!

Have a great cruise Denise. It really is so nice to have clothes that are too big. Most of the new clothes I bought for the cruise in April are too big for me now. I hate to have to keep paying for new clothes but I'm not complaining. I was thinking at my weigh in yesterday that we should start doing a clothes swap. There are always people bigger and smaller than you so everyone would save money but have clothes that fit.

Speaking of my weigh in, I lost 1.2 pounds so I'm officially over the 50 pound mark!!!!

BUT, I have been very slack on exercising. I just can't seem to make the time, which I know is an excuse as I made time all winter and spring. I have a whole list of excuses, its too windy, its raining, its too hot, .....

I wish we had an aquafit class in the summer. I really liked going there. It will start up again in Sept and I will be right back at it, but I need to get motivated to do something now!

Good luck to everyone this week.

~Susan from NS

SW 264

CW 213.8

GW ???

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Guest Crazeecat5

Good Sunday morning all,

Thanks for all of your good wishes. Hope this last loss is the start of a new trend....the 1 1/2 lb. trend!


So now that I have lost 13 1/2 lbs., I do notice a little bit of a difference. My abdomen/stomach area has gone down a bit. My face looks a little bit thinner. Not really noticing too much with my clothes yet. One pair of capris are too big but they were a little big when I bought them. Can't wait until some of my other clothes fit me again!

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I love it when my clothes are too big for me!!!;)

Hey Barkingmad...do you ever stay home?? Way to go girl...wish it were me..I think we are going to do a 12 day Mediterranean cruise next year...I would love to see Greece,Egypt and Malta. It leaves out of Barcelona. I'll have to start skimming money off the top to do it though...One less meal a day won't kill us, so I figure I'll kill two birds with one stone, lose weight by not eating and have extra money for a cruise. And please don't feel bad about cruise weight...that is something that we can work to get off..it's when I gain 14 pounds and haven't been on a cruise that scares me!!:eek: Also, since you're from UK how many stones do I weigh? It sounds much better than 143 ponds!!


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Congratulations, that is awesome!



Thanks so much for your mental exercises (there are people who would say that my brain could definitely use some exercise!;):p, and for taking the time to post the link. Just what I needed.



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Speaking of my weigh in, I lost 1.2 pounds so I'm officially over the 50 pound mark!!!!

BUT, I have been very slack on exercising. I just can't seem to make the time, which I know is an excuse as I made time all winter and spring. I have a whole list of excuses, its too windy, its raining, its too hot, .....

I wish we had an aquafit class in the summer. I really liked going there. It will start up again in Sept and I will be right back at it, but I need to get motivated to do something now!

Good luck to everyone this week.

~Susan from NS

SW 264

CW 213.8

GW ???


Congratulations. 1.2 and 50 pounds. What an accomplishment. :)


You don't have to go outside to exercise.;) (coming from one who doesn't exercise in the house yet)


I took a walk with the dog the other day. The dog didn't know what to do. :D She never gets walked. Maye that's why she's over weight too.:eek:


Every little bit helps.



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Denise - That's pretty funny. It sounds like your exercising is going to help the doggie too!


Sheryl - WHO-HOO on breaking the 1 lb barrier and venturing into the 1 1/2 lb territory!!! And isn't it great to start to see your results pay off?? You go girl!!


Susan - WHO-HOO for your 1.2 pounds and another WHO-HOO for losing 50+ pounds!! That is incredible!!!


Barkingmad - WOW on your 6.5 pound loss!! WOW!!


Lani - WHO-HOO for your 1 pound loss too!! That 10% goal is just around the corner!!


Judi - I've got my fingers crossed for you today.


OK, and I apologize, I looked and looked and I think I forgot to post last week!!:o:o:o Oh well, there was nothing to report, I stayed the same. BUT this week I did manage to lose 1 pound!! I was so happy I happy danced on the Wii fit for an hour last night!!

Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 260.8 (22.6 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1.0

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I'm doin a Half Happy Dance...Down 2.5!! Thats not really so good cuz I gained 2 pounds last week, so I lost the gain and only lost 1/2 of my weekly goal of 1 pound and didn't lose 1 pound last week so my 2.5 loss is realy a minus 1.5...I know that doesn't make sense, but it does to me, and I always listen to the voices in my head. So next week I have to lose 2.5 just to be even!!!!!Anyway, I'm happy I lost!!! and according to Barkingmad, I only weigh 10 stone 1 pound!! That sounds so much lighter!!

I saw all kinds of fat on the side of the road, and that must be the road we are traveling,cuz everyone is losing soooo much!!

Have a great cruise Denise, and I'm really happy that your clothes don't fit!!

Susan, unbelievable that you have lost over 50 pounds!! That's a whole suitcase FULL of stuff that you no longer have to lug around!!

Misty keep it up, you're doing great!!!

I for one never would have believed I could have lost as much weight as I have. When that lady told me I had to get to 135, I told her I would never even see 140, and here I am at a pound and a half away!! I'm not starving, but I do have to fight my sweet tooth, and that will probably always be my demon. I have learned to love water and miss it when I forget it at home. I drink 2 liters a day, and am surprised when it's gone!

This travel is hard, but doable, you just always have to be aware of what you are shoving in your mouth. I find that being accountable to family, friends, WW meetings and you guys keeps me on track.

CW 141.5

LW 143

GW 135 (:eek:6.5 pounds to go)


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Guest Crazeecat5

Wow, you guys are doing an awesome job! Keep up the great work!

I'll be weighing in later......not sure about this one!

I had a "bad " meal the other day...went to 5 Guys burgers for the first time. I really wanted to try it. I had saved most of my points and also had almost all of my extra points to use on this one meal. It was great. I went right back on track so hopefully it didn't do too much damage. We will see.....

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This travel is hard, but doable, you just always have to be aware of what you are shoving in your mouth. I find that being accountable to family, friends, WW meetings and you guys keeps me on track.



So true, I couldn't have said it better myself.


Thanks for all the well wishes and skinny vibes.


Boarding passes are printed and the bedroom is full of clothes to be packed (and I'm on the computer. :eek:)


I will succeed and make good choices.


Good luck to all, I expect lost of pounds to be gone.


Thanks and I'll post when I get back August 2nd.



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Way to go on your losses, Barkingmad, Susan, Sheryl, Misty & Judi!! You are my inspiration.... I CAN get back on track, I know it!


Denise, congrats on your old clothes being too big -- that is FANTASTIC, isn't it? I know it kinda sucks to have to spend money on new clothes, but what a great reason, yes??


Thanks, Judi & Misty for your encouragement! It does mean a lot! Unfortunately I backslid a bit -- up 0.6 this week, so my 10% is a little further out of my grasp. But I will still get it, someday!! It is my time of the month, so I blame bloating to some degree.


I do have to confess that in general, since I got back from my cruise I am having trouble sticking to my points. Especially on the weekends -- I start my WW tracking week on Saturday, and lately I've just been blowing through all my points and all my flex points (plus extra points, if I'm honest) by Sunday night. I'm having that resentment crop up -- the I WANT to eat this. Because I WANT to. And I'm struggling with the "this is all I get to eat all day??" and the knowledge that as I lose weight, my points allowance will go down. I'm just throwing my pity party.


Other than weekends, my weekdays are generally better, and I'm kinda able to stick to my points. Some nights I have to do some exercise to get enough points for dinner, and sometimes I just try to stay close on points (and eat reasonable quantities). So, I suppose it's good that I haven't gained (overall I'm down 1.8 since before my cruise -- I gained 1.8 on the cruise, so I've taken off 3.6 since I got back total).... I'm still basically on program (sort of) and not gaining overall, so that's good. I also have been doing more exercise (mainly Wii Fit lately), so that's also a huge victory for me. I've just really been unmotivated to stick to my points too closely, and I've just got to adjust my attitude.


I did have a food find I'd like to share: Kashi GoLean Hot cereal http://www.kashi.com/products/golean_hot_cereal_hearty_honey_cinnamon.

Only two points, and kept me satisfied until lunch. I've been very good on points today, so I can go home and have some Smartfood cheddar popcorn (one of my temptations)!!


Susan, I'm so happy some of those tips (and the link) had value for you! As you can tell, I'm not 100% perfect (or close to that!) on these techniques, but I'm working on them, and when my attitude is in the right place (which is where it HASN'T been lately), they really have worked for me. You've inspired me to pay attention again and focus on these techniques to push me through.


Happy losing to all of you!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 223.4 (up 0.6 since last week -- 22.8 lost since 1/22/09)

mini goal: 222.2 (10%) Soon????

GW: 154

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Great news.....I lost 2 1/2 lbs. WooHoo!

I am now down 16 lbs. and past my 5%!


Lani.....try to keep your chin up. Keep plugging away and it will work for you again!




GW 140 ish

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Boy can I ever identify with that "But I WANT to eat this" attitude. That has been my attitude for most of the past couple of years. I'm slowing working my way back to realizing that if I don't adopt a lifestyle change then I'll never get to where I want to be, which is 38 pounds lighter than I am now, and firmer and healthier than I am now.


I had a good day today - stayed on program and walked over 14,000 steps! I only manage to get those steps in when I walk for an hour on the treadmill at the gym. So I'm very happy tonight.


A couple of foods/drinks that I'm enjoying: Dannon Light and Fit Cantaloupe yogurt, it sounds wierd but it's really good. And Baja Bob's Sugar Free cocktail mixes. They have no calories (at least the Strawberry Margarita one) and are pretty good. Check them out if you enjoy having the occasional cocktail, you only get the alcohol calories this way. I suppose you could make virgin cocktails with them also - but that would take all the fun out of it. ;)



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Guest Crazeecat5

Good morning all,

About 2 years ago, I bought a pair of classic jeans (not stretchy) and only got to wear them twice. They were snug when I bought them and very quickly, became too small. So yesterday, after losing 16 lbs., I decided to try them on. To my surprise, they fit! No laying on the bed, struggling to close them. The button closed and the zipper zipped with no effort at all. I was so excited! I am now so psyched to continue on. I had told my husband that I needed to buy new jeans and now I don't. I had them in my closet all along:D

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Went to class this morning and have lost another 3.5lb.......was very, very pleased!!!! Wondered if i would loose at all as i lost 6.5lbs last week and that was after only 3 days back on the programme....but i'm not complaining!!!!! The plan is to loose 28lb by christmas and with 10lb down i'm well on track. I've signed up to do a charity challenge in Slovenia next year and raise money for diabetes. I have to raise £1500. Say it quickly and it doesn't sound a lot!!!! So i have 3 aims in life at the moment....loose weight, get fit and raise money

If anyone wants to look and read about me then go to


SW 254

CW 228


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Sheryl-that is great. Doesn't it feel good to put on clothes that were too small and now fit!

Jane- Fantastic weight loss again this week. Good luck with your fundraising.

Crazeecat5- way to go girl! Wonderful news that you have passed your 5% mark.

Susan- thats awesome that you walked over 14,000 steps. I have been having a lot of trouble getting motivated to do any exercise this summer. I went to water aerobics all winter and spring, but none available in the summer. However I did walk Thursday and Friday evenings, so better than nothing. I never think to use the pedometer, I do have one but its never with me!

I guess Denise is on her cruise now, lucky gal!

lkakers- don't be upset with gaining .6. Just get back on track and you will be fine. Its when we get off track and then say the heck with it that we really have a problem. Good luck this week.

I got weighed this morning and I'm down another 1.2. So I'm doing the happy dance this week again. I've set my new mini goal as 200 pounds. When I started in January I did not think I would ever get this close to it.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

~Susan from NS

SW 264

CW 212.6

GW ???

mini goal- 200

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Hi everyone,


May I join you?


I'm a WW lifetimer who went bad and is now crawling back ... :( BUT, I started going back to meetings last week and although I'm not OP, I'm working on it (baby steps). DH's 50th is this weekend so we're going a little crazy, but I made a WW peanut-butter pie instead of a cake and have kept a lot of the garbage out of the house.


I hit my goal weight in September of 06, but had a horrible, awful job then and every week there would be some suggestion from my coworker that I shouldn't leave on-time to go to my meetings. So I quit going to meetings and gained back all the weight and more. By the time I walked out last September I was not only at my highest weight but I was popping ativan like candy. Not a good situation. Not a good place to be. And Thank God I am out of there! I tried a doctor supervised program earlier this year but it wasn't a good fit with me. So I'm back at WW where I know that it works and I know that it is sensible!!!


My first goal is to lose 10 lbs before our cruise on September 13th (that's only 8 weeks away! :eek: And then at my meeting this week I made a goal to LOSE a pound on that cruise!!! Ah well, if I can lose the 10 before then I know I can do that. I did a 12-nighter last year and didn't gain an ounce, so I should be able to do 7-nights and lose at least a bit (or maintain?).


I have a bike and like to ride that a few mornings a week, before the heat becomes overwhelming. And I am now weight training again, which I love. My DH travels 4-5 days a week, so I don't have the excuse of having to cook for a bunch of people. My challenge is just me. As two of you have just posted here, I have an "I Want" mentality, combined with an "I don't deserve" mentality.


I'm not big on posting weight numbers, so I'd like to just post my goals if that's alright.


Weight-to-initial goal: 10

Weight lost: 0

Ultimate Goal: 25lbs


Hope to get to know all of you over the next many weeks!


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Welcome....Welcome... We will all get skinny together!!! I'm going on a four night to Bahamas on NCL Sept 7-11th so I'll let you know how hard it will be...I have never cruised and dieted, but several of the ladies have with not too much trouble. I have lost almost 30 pounds and I'm almost sure I won't gain that much:eek: ! Now the eight day in January may be more of a challenge!!


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