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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Janine,

Welcome! So glad you found us. We are a great group here so stop by often.

I am going on an 8 day cruise in about 6 weeks. My mini goal was to lose 20 lbs. before the cruise and I've already lost 16 lbs. My next goal is to stay the same when I return from the cruise. I am going with a plan in my head, light breakfast and lunch then a good sized dinner. I will allow myself 2 treats a day. I don't drink so alcohol won't be a problem for me.


You mentioned a WW peanut butter pie. Can you share the recipe for that? It sounds divine......

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I have been doing WW both mtgs and online since 3/17/09 and I am down 43.6 lbs so far. It is a great program and if I stay OP it does work :p


I am cruising on 1/3/10 on the Carnival Pride out of Baltimore..we have never sailed on Carnival before only RCCL several times. My goal is to be light enough to ride a horse on the beach in the Bahamas by then. I am hoping to be down to 160-150 by Christmas. Right now I just want to get to onederland :o At my mtg last week we talked about vacations and staying OP etc. I think with all the fresh foods it shouldn't be too hard. I am not sure about Carnivals food, I know RCCL's was amazing.

Well nice to meet you all (so to speak) and happy sailing

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Hi everyone,


I had a very unsuccessful weekend, although I did make dramatically better choices than I normally would! So today I'm back at it and have done pretty well. I just used the last of my points, and was able to have a 100 calorie ice cream bar and a glass of wine. Today I did weights in the morning, then tried one of Jillian Michael's videos (22 minutes of misery!). But it feels good. One of the women at work does WW but doesn't go to meetings. She has lost 22.5 lbs in the last couple of months and attributes it all to just working out. I know, I know ... that's what we all need to do!


I will post the peanut butter pie recipe here later. It is very good and very rich. It only took about 20 minutes to make. You keep it in the freezer, but I thought it was better when just a bit soft rather than frozen solid. DH seemed to enjoy it. I told him that I was going to take the leftovers to work and he said, "NO". So it's cut into slices and is in the freezer so he can eat it next weekend. Fortunately it's too sweet for me ... I tend to like salty crunchy instead!


Sheryl - you're really a step ahead of me if you don't drink alcohol. I am sure that's where I get a lot of my extra calories during the week. So I have put the brakes on more than 1 glass of wine a couple of times a week. When you look at the calorie counts of the frou frou drinks on cruises, you KNOW where the 3 or 4 pounds come from! Just not worth it!!!


Will check in again later in the week. Hope everyone is having a good week!



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Janine,

Glad to hear you had a good day today. Keep it up....you can do it!


Now I'm really salivating over that pie!


My biggest problem is that I am a "food" eater. Sweets and snacks are easy for me to control. It's the size of my meals that is my problem. I am learning to control it everyday!

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Welcome to our thread, WaterBaby!


Sheryl, thanks for the continued encouragement and congrats on the 5% and the "new" jeans! What could be better?? I just wanted to add that I'm just like you -- my issue really isn't snacks or sweets (well, it can be from time to time... 2x a year brownie or m&m fix, or that bag of Smartfood cheese popcorn or Doritos), it's mealtime. Specifically dinnertime. I do best if I can keep my points consumption low in the day time so I feel like I can splurge a bit for dinner... it's way more satifying for me to consume more at night, even if it isn't the healthiest way to eat.


Jane, congrats on your 10 lb. loss in 2 weeks!! That's amazing! What an inspiration!


Susan, congrats on your loss, and thanks for the continued encouragement.


I'm happy to report that I'm doing better about staying OP -- didn't use all of my flex points by the end of Day 2 this time, so that's a huge victory!! :p (This hasn't happened in a while!) :o I've also been getting in some Wii Fit and treadmill action. Actually my abs are still sore from what felt like a fairly tame Wii Fit session on Monday... I did a wide variety of activites totaling 45 minutes, and just had a good time, so the slight soreness in my abs is kind of neat... Hoping I show decent loss tomorrow! (Crossing fingers!!)

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Okay girls, let's form a line...it's HAPPY DANCE TIME!!! Went to weigh in this am and 1.5 pounds GONE!:D:D I'm happy!!! .5 to go till 30 pounds gone!!! Only 5.5 pounds left till goal!! I can not believe that this is really working...I'm not ever hungry and I definitely don't feel deprived...One reason I think this is working for me Sheryl is that it has been 1 pound at a time. I've been doing this for about six months (started Feb 4). I would love to lose 10, 5 or even 3 pounds a week, but I know that as soon as I would start to eat normal it would come back on! Surprise, I am eating normal..just not seeing how much candy or cake I can have before someone else eats it all!! I do eat lots of vegetables and drink 2 liters of water everyday, but I cheat all the time and have never exercised. My cheating is very controlled though..many times I have had to chew and spit!!...Anyway, I'm happy and on my way to goal:p

SW 169.5

CW 140.0

GW 135.0


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My 21 yr old daughter just joined WW and talked me into re-joining. I had the negative thinking that I would just wait until AFTER our August cruise. But I joined.


Is there any where here at CC where I could find examples of menus onboard? We are on Adventure of the Seas and our travel agent said they will have low fat menus.

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After two good weight losses i went to class this morning and had gone UP 1.5lb for NO REASON :( I've put it down to having weighed in on Sat so my true reading will be this coming Sat. I'm a bit p******d off but trying not to eat too much junk.......

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Welcome, KBS1607!! Good for you for starting WW now... no real reason to wait, and you can get a jump start on your post-cruise weight loss! :p


Okay girls, let's form a line...it's HAPPY DANCE TIME!!! Went to weigh in this am and 1.5 pounds GONE!:D I'm happy!!! .5 to go till 30 pounds gone!!! Only 5.5 pounds left till goal!! I can not believe that this is really working...I'm not ever hungry and I definitely don't feel deprived...One reason I think this is working for me Sheryl is that it has been 1 pound at a time. I've been doing this for about six months (started Feb 4). I would love to lose 10, 5 or even 3 pounds a week, but I know that as soon as I would start to eat normal it would come back on! Surprise, I am eating normal..just not seeing how much candy or cake I can have before someone else eats it all!! I do eat lots of vegetables and drink 2 liters of water everyday, but I cheat all the time and have never exercised. My cheating is very controlled though..many times I have had to chew and spit!!...Anyway, I'm happy and on my way to goal:p

SW 169.5

CW 140.0

GW 135.0



Wow, Judi, GREAT JOB!!! And I LOVE your attitude -- mine is the same... I'd love to lose more, but I want to learn a proper eating habit, not do a crash course, lose a lot of weight by starvation, and realized I still don't have a clue how to eat properly. This is partly why we (DH & I, that is) are not doing fake suger, fake butter, and we're doing very few low-fat items (LF sour cream is ok, and sometimes we do LF cheese, but mostly it's full-fat for us). I want to learn what a "normal" amount of food is.... at its full-caloric-ness.... so when I'm out in LIFE, I know how much to eat of stuff.


DH and I are viewers of VH1's Celebrity Rehab, and one of the patients in that said something to the effect of "I know how to get sober, that's no problem -- I don't know how to live." I understood that like crazy. I know how to get thin (ignore all my inclinations and eat practically nothing!), but I don't know how to live normally with food.


For example, I know that thin people can have a binge once in a while and still stay thin... but how do I do that?? How much is the binge, how often can I get away with that, and what do I need to do after it? I feel like the flex points are giving me those guidelines. And I'm sure I'm the only one out there who actually likes to binge, right? :rolleyes: ;) I really would hate to lose the ability to indulge periodically, so I'm happy I'm learning a sensible way to do it.


OK, done being a WW cheerleader for the moment. Back to being a Judi cheerleader... Yay, Judi!! :D

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After two good weight losses i went to class this morning and had gone UP 1.5lb for NO REASON :( I've put it down to having weighed in on Sat so my true reading will be this coming Sat. I'm a bit p******d off but trying not to eat too much junk.......


So sorry to hear that, Jane.... but yep, you're probably right about it being a time-of-week thing....can make a huge difference. My Wii Fit likes to remind me that a person's weight can fluctuate up to 2 lbs/day just due to normal body rhythms.


Good for you for trying to stay OP -- you can do it, and that 1.5 will be back off in no time!!


Remember my favorite maxim:

Be more stubborn than your scale. If you keep doing the right things, it will go down.

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Guest Crazeecat5
Welcome, KBS1607!! Good for you for starting WW now... no real reason to wait, and you can get a jump start on your post-cruise weight loss! :p




Wow, Judi, GREAT JOB!!! And I LOVE your attitude -- mine is the same... I'd love to lose more, but I want to learn a proper eating habit, not do a crash course, lose a lot of weight by starvation, and realized I still don't have a clue how to eat properly. This is partly why we (DH & I, that is) are not doing fake suger, fake butter, and we're doing very few low-fat items (LF sour cream is ok, and sometimes we do LF cheese, but mostly it's full-fat for us). I want to learn what a "normal" amount of food is.... at its full-caloric-ness.... so when I'm out in LIFE, I know how much to eat of stuff.


DH and I are viewers of VH1's Celebrity Rehab, and one of the patients in that said something to the effect of "I know how to get sober, that's no problem -- I don't know how to live." I understood that like crazy. I know how to get thin (ignore all my inclinations and eat practically nothing!), but I don't know how to live normally with food.


For example, I know that thin people can have a binge once in a while and still stay thin... but how do I do that?? How much is the binge, how often can I get away with that, and what do I need to do after it? I feel like the flex points are giving me those guidelines. And I'm sure I'm the only one out there who actually likes to binge, right? :rolleyes: ;) I really would hate to lose the ability to indulge periodically, so I'm happy I'm learning a sensible way to do it.


OK, done being a WW cheerleader for the moment. Back to being a Judi cheerleader... Yay, Judi!! :D


After reading your post, I realized that you have said, in a nutshell, exactly what I have been feeling for the last 10 weeks, since I started WW. I too, have not substituted many foods but am learning to deal with things. There are still a few things I am having trouble with ie..Chinese food, my favorite and potato chips, my only well loved snack. I have totally cut out potato chips because I cannot just stop at 15 or whatever the amount is! DH & I went to a Chinese buffet the other night for the first time in a very long while. I blew it...thank good ness it was only one meal though. Need to stay away from that, too, until I feel ready to handle it. I was a big regular soda drinker and now only allow myself one a day, for which I count the points. Same with real sugar and butter...not using too much but am counting them in. These things are part of "my world!"

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Thanks for the Cheers Lani and welcome new gals...if I can do it, you can do it. Sheryl, have you tried the little portion size Pringles? They come in little 100 calorie cups. Not sure of the points, but I'll bet it's like 2. That might help you. Also, I have been noticing how my skinny friends eat. They don't take full portions and always leave something on their plate...I have learned not to belong to the Clean Plate Club anymore! Also, when you're eating, take a break and slowly sip on some water...you stop shoveling food in and it gives your tummy a chance to tell your brain you've had enough! A lot of times, when I want something, but don't know what, I'll grab a banana or plum or cherries or grapes and have a glass of water w/lemon. That will fill me up and stop my grazing instinct!


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Hi everyone!


Y'all have been busy!'


JudiDM - Congrats!!!! You must feel so proud! I love the idea of "cheat and spit". Absolutely MUST try that. There are days when I almost wish I could be bulemic because I regret after swallowing. ;)


I too struggle with certain foods in the house. If a package is sealed I'm okay. So if there are 20 bags of chips in the pantry they will not call my name until someone cracks that seal. Once it's open then it is fair game. Last night I did so well until late in the evening when I scarfed down not one but TWO slices of the peanut butter pie in the freezer. I could handle one within my points if I used my APs, but two was a no go.


My mother eats like a skinny person. She has a couple of bites of a dessert and then pushes the plate away because she's satisfied. Years ago I read the "Weigh Down" book and they focused on my one issue ... There WILL be more {{{insert food here}}} and I don't need to eat all of it NOW. That ladies is the crux of the biscuit for me.


KBS1607 - there are "healthy choices" on the menu, but you can't really rely on that. It is easier to be OP at breakfast and lunch. For breakfast, stick to things like oatmeal or egg whites. You can have an egg white or egg beater omelet made in the dining room. Walk AWAY from the pastries, bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes! At lunch, carefully make your way through the salad bar by choosing veggies and ignoring the cheese and things like pasta salad. I like to have a veggie salad with some turkey or ham on top for protein. The best choice for salad dressing is vinegar and a slice of lemon from the iced tea bar. For me, the biggest dinner problem is bread. They'll keep bringing it around until dessert. Avoid the bread and you'll save about 5-6 points alone there. And finally, if you order something and it isn't fantastic then just leave it on the plate. Don't waste points on something that isn't fantastic!


>> Okay gang - my method tonight is going to be early so I'm not tempted by that PB pie. Hope you all have a great couple of days!!



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Sheryl and Lani, I too believe losing 1-1.5 pounds per week is the best way to lose. If you look at my overall loss it averages 2 pounds per week, but I lost a lot the first few weeks and have evened off at 1-1.5 per week for a few weeks now. It took 6 weeks to lose 6.4 pounds!

We still eat out, I just watch what I eat when we do. I love Chinese food, but don't eat it too often. And I count the points. Sheryl- I too love my Pepsi, and drank close to 2 liters a day, but have not had any since January. I drink diet 7up when I do have any, but I know Pepsi is my weakness and I'm afraid if I do have one, then the next day it will be two, and so on. I pretty much eat regular food, just in moderation. I do look at the fat content in things now. And eat the things with the lesser fats.

Hi Jane, don't get discouraged, keep up the good work. look at all your successful weeks, and don't dwell on the not so successful ones.

We booked a cruise for next April. Whoppeeee! We're excited! We're going on Adventure of the Seas again but doing the Barbados route. I hope to be near my goal weight by then.;)

Good luck to everyone with their weigh ins this week.

~Susan from NS

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Welcome - Janine, Tokanm & KBS 1607!! Thanks for joining us!!


Janine - I'm also looking forward to the PB pie recipe, even though it sounds like it could be dangerous!!


Tokanm - I like the "onderland". I'll be there...someday.


KBS 1607 - Excellent choice, joining WW now & not waiting!


DH and I are viewers of VH1's Celebrity Rehab, and one of the patients in that said something to the effect of "I know how to get sober, that's no problem -- I don't know how to live." I understood that like crazy. I know how to get thin (ignore all my inclinations and eat practically nothing!), but I don't know how to live normally with food.


WOW...I really like that and it makes so much sense.


Lani - I completely relate to the "I WANT this" attitude. I just try to "earn" my splurges with Activity Points. Lately I've been walking on the Wii Fit while watching TV. I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance, so the 2 hour episode last night was plenty of time to get 60 minutes of walking done. Plus, I'm not sitting on the couch wanting to snack while I watch.


SHERYL - I'm doing the happy dance in "classic" jeans for you!! Down 2.5 pounds last week, & past your 5%. YAY SHERYL!!


Judi - WHO-HOO!! Down 5 lbs in 2 weeks!! That took care of your little hiccup & then some. :)


Susan - Thanks for the food tips, although I must admit that the cocktails sound yummier than the yogurt. :o


Barking Mad - I did a happy dance for your 3.5 but then I say your 1.5 gain...you're probably right that the day of the week threw you off. Do you go back to Saturday next time? Still, overall 2 lbs in 2 weeks is a good accomplishment!!


Sanda - YAY for 1.2 pounds gone!!


I had my weigh-in this week and was SHOCKED to lose 3 pounds!! WHO-HOO!!! I had even gone to Spaghetti Warehouse the day before my weigh-in and used a LOT of my flex points on that one meal. I usually use my flex points, but not all on one meal the day before my weigh in :eek:. But, it obviously worked out OK. I did a lot of walking this week, so I think that helped me tremendously!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 257.8 (25.6 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%) (Just 2.8 more to go!)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -3.0

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I am glad I re-joined now, too. I will be having dessert on the cruise but I lost 3 pounds on our 10 day Mediteranean cruise because of all the activities. And dd is going to some exercise classes with me.

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Not weighing in until next Wed, had a tough time yesterday but hopefully not too much damage done!!!!

Sanda[susan] When in April are you away.......i'm also cuising around Barbados but by April i think we will be halfway across the Atlantic!!!! Still remember the sailaway in St Martin!!!!!:)


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Hi, ya!

I've been reading all your posts and will add more later (too much work to do now) but just wanted to update since I just weighed in.


[drum roll]


Down 2.2 lbs!! Got my 10% and my first 25 lbs.!!! :D


See, a person can get back on track! And it's a testament that you really can eat all your flex points and still lose big! I guarantee I have not had much deprivation at all this past week, and in some cases really indulged. So stop the guilt when you eat something you enjoy, please, all of you??


Congrats to you other losers out there!


SW: 246.2 (1/22/09)

CW: 221.2 (-2.2 lbs. since last week)

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 205 by 10/9/09 -- 10th wedding anniversary



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Got weighed in too. After my big blow out at the Chinese buffet, I was glad to see that I stayed the same. I usually get a water build up with Chinese food too. I have been a little swollen so hopefully, there is some water I will lose. My usual WW place is closed next Thursday due to a vacation bible study class. Not sure if I will be able to make another meeting so I will REALLY need you guys!!:D

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Congrats on the 2.2 loss, Lani!! and I holeheartedly believe in occasional splurges!! I think that is what makes this a lifelong program. By using the flex points, the occasional splurge is built into the program without undoing all of our hard work. And since we are limited to the 35 flex points, we still have to have the discipline to pick and choose what is worth the splurge. :D


Congrats to Sheryl for staying the same even after post-Chinese food bloating!!! You probably really have a loss that was hidden by extra water, so the next weigh-in will probably catch it up for you. Good luck finding a meeting next week, if not, we're here for you!!


Barking mad - I'm sure there is not too much damaged. "Just shake it off and take a step up!" (That's from a story my leader shared with us a few weeks ago. ;)

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I'd like to join your group! My name is Debbie and I have been on WW for 16 weeks now and lost 31.8 lbs woohoo! :D I actually started this current weight loss journey in Oct of 2008 with the Isagenix program. That lasted about 3 months because it was VERY expensive. I did manage to lose 52 pounds in those 3 months but could no longer afford the program...and the worst part...I was so lost when I finished the products and had to start back on my own, I ended up gaining 10 pounds within the first couple of weeks off the program! I am currently down 71 pounds since october and have about 30 pounds to go.


I love weight watchers because you really can eat anything you want...you just have to own up to what you eat (by counting those points).


One thing that works for me when I hit a plateau.... I found a really great tasting Whey Protein shake (similar to the makeup of Isagenix) and I drink one of them (incorporating the points into my daily total) My shake is 2 poits (3 points with a half of banana blended in). It keeps me full and keeps me from snacking on "not so good" snacks. The 3 points of protein works better for my weight loss than the 3 points of something like cookies, cake or some other sugary snack I like. If I do this 3 or 4 times a week, I notice I lose more and haven't really "sacraficed" much.. replacing those 2 or 3 points per day isn't a big deal for me.


Sorry I wrote a book here lol, I just like to share ideas (and get ideas) from others. What works for me may work for someone else. :)

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Debbie,

Welcome to our group! Wow! 71 lbs. down....that's terrific!! I am losing very slowly but it is coming off. I saw some friends yesterday that I hadn't seen in about a month and they noticed the difference! I am down 16 lbs. and am feeling better already.

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Hi Debbie, Welcome! You will find lots of tips and encouragement on here. It is a great group of ladies who all love to cruise and all want to eat healthier and lose weight. 71 pounds since October is amazing. I started in January and have lost 53 pounds. It makes such a difference to be that much thinner. I bought a bag of bird seed last week and it was 33 pounds and I could hardly lift it. Then I thought, its hard to believe I was carrying 1 and 1/2 of those around on my body all the time! No wonder I feel so much better and can do so much more.

Weighed in yesterday and I'm down another 2.2 pounds for a total of 53.6. I have now lost more than 20% of my original weight.

Today is my Dad's 75th birthday so we are having a barbecue at my place, BUT I will eat fairly sensibly, have lots of salad, and I'm making a dessert that is 4 points per portion, but I'm making it with low fat cream cheese, low fat pudding and low fat cool whip. It might be still 4points, but will have less fat! And it has lots of fresh strawberries in it, so I get a fruit in too.

That peanut butter pie sounds good, I'm waiting for that recipe.

Jane, we are sailing from Puerto Rico on April 11. It would be so cool if we "saw" each other again. If we knew we were going to be in the same port we could arrange to meet. We will be in Barbados on April 13. I've started looking at places to visit on each of the Islands. There is so much to see and so little time!

Good luck everyone this week.

~Susan form NS

SW 264

CW 210.4

mini goal 200

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Good morning everyone!


The peanut butter pie is still in the freezer ... we're working our way through it. As promised, here is the recipe. It's from WW website.


1/2 cup(s) reduced-fat peanut butter

4 oz light cream cheese

4 oz fat-free cream cheese

12 oz fat-free sweetened condensed milk

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

1 cup(s) lite whipped topping, thawed if frozen

5 tbsp mini chocolate chips, divided

6 oz pie crust


In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat together peanut butter and both types of cream cheese until smooth. Gradually beat in milk and lemon juice; fold in whipped topping and 4 tablespoons of mini chocolate chips.


Spoon peanut butter mixture into prepared pie crust and smooth top. Chop remaining tablespoon of chocolate chips; sprinkle over top. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze until firm, at least 4 hours. Slice into 10 pieces and serve. Yields 1 piece per serving.


It's 7 points per serving if you cut the pie into 10.


Next time I make it I will use an Oreo crust because the graham cracker crust doesn't really do that much for the flavour.


It's very good right out of the freezer, but better if it has a few minutes to thaw a bit.




Welcome Debbie! I just found this group a couple of weeks ago and am crawling at a snail's pace to get back OP. Your loss is fantastic! You should feel really proud of yourself! I have a girlfriend who did Isagenix whenever she needed to lose a few pounds. She'd lose about 9 lbs in a week, then would gain it all back in the next few weeks. She recently did a physician monitored program and lost 35 lbs in about 2 months. She looks fantastic ... but I hope she can keep it off. That is the struggle for all of us!


I've had a better weekend and think I'm down maybe a lb. I missed my meeting this week so on Thursday I'm really hoping to be down at least 2. I'm having fun exercising and have been trying the different free videos on the exercise on demand channel. Does anyone else have that channel? I love it! I can try before I buy! I did one of the Jillian Michael's 25 minute workouts this week and was absolutely ACHING for two days afterwards. That is a good thing (albeit painful)




Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!


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Sanda, it would have been cool to have met up in the carribean but just looked at my itinery and we are cruising around the carribean 17th-26th March, then transatlantic, flying back to the UK from Crete 8th April, so long gone when you are cruising. Anyone else in the carribean in March 2010?????????????

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