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Hi everyone,


So they opened a Chick Fil A right by work last week. I endured the loooonnnnnngggggg drive through line today and got one of their salads. They actually have surprisingly good choices! For whatever reason I got the chicken tenders one with fat free honey mustard dressing. They gave me croutons and sunflower seeds, but I left those off. It was a really good sized salad and only came out to 10 points! Not so bad for my main meal of the day. Chick Fil A also has a nutrition calculator on their site, so you can select exactly what you've ordered, then run it through the WW calculator. If I had stuck to the grilled chicken and had the light Italian dressing I would have saved about 4 points, but what the heck.


Just passing this along ... Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

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OK, I said last week I'd come back and write more and I hadn't gotten to that, so I'll make up for it now. Sorry about the tome now!


To the results first: I'm down 1 lb. since last week. Hoping for a little more, but I'll make it up next week, right? I'm really itching to get under 217, as that's the bottom of the Obese Class II :eek: for my height [5'6"], and I'd love to only be Obese Class I, HAHA! :rolleyes: Only 3.2 lbs until I'm only obese! Yeesh.


And I'll be going on a business/vacation trip the week of Labor Day, and I'd really like to get to 211 (35 lbs) by then (but I'd be satisfied with 213). Wish me luck! I know I CAN do it, I just gotta stay OP!


We still eat out, I just watch what I eat when we do. I love Chinese food, but don't eat it too often. And I count the points. Sheryl- I too love my Pepsi, and drank close to 2 liters a day, but have not had any since January.

Hi Jane, don't get discouraged, keep up the good work. look at all your successful weeks, and don't dwell on the not so successful ones.

We booked a cruise for next April. Whoppeeee! We're excited! We're going on Adventure of the Seas again but doing the Barbados route. I hope to be near my goal weight by then.

~Susan from NS


Great tips, Susan! And congrats on your new cruise (nothing like vacation to inspire you to stick with it, yes?) We're thinking about booking a Windstar cruse from Lisbon to Barcelona next April, and I'd too like to be near goal by then.... maybe only 20 lbs (or less) away from goal? That would be amazing, in my book.


Lani - I completely relate to the "I WANT this" attitude. I just try to "earn" my splurges with Activity Points. Lately I've been walking on the Wii Fit while watching TV. I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance, so the 2 hour episode last night was plenty of time to get 60 minutes of walking done. Plus, I'm not sitting on the couch wanting to snack while I watch.


Thanks for the tips! Keep 'em coming!


I wholeheartedly believe in occasional splurges!! I think that is what makes this a lifelong program. By using the flex points, the occasional splurge is built into the program without undoing all of our hard work. And since we are limited to the 35 flex points, we still have to have the discipline to pick and choose what is worth the splurge.


Agree 100% (or more!) I can't stress enough that Flex points have been my saving grace. Without them I would have felt so discouraged and weak-willed, I never would have stuck with this plan. And I NEVER would have made it to 26 lbs. this quickly. I have never lost weight like this before.


I am losing very slowly but it is coming off. I saw some friends yesterday that I hadn't seen in about a month and they noticed the difference! I am down 16 lbs. and am feeling better already.


Congrats, Sheryl! You should be VERY proud of yourself! This shows you can do it (and hopefully this past success will help you through the tough times). You deserve it!


I bought a bag of bird seed last week and it was 33 pounds and I could hardly lift it. Then I thought, its hard to believe I was carrying 1 and 1/2 of those around on my body all the time! No wonder I feel so much better and can do so much more.

Weighed in yesterday and I'm down another 2.2 pounds for a total of 53.6. I have now lost more than 20% of my original weight.

Today is my Dad's 75th birthday so we are having a barbecue at my place, BUT I will eat fairly sensibly, have lots of salad, and I'm making a dessert that is 4 points per portion, but I'm making it with low fat cream cheese, low fat pudding and low fat cool whip. It might be still 4points, but will have less fat! And it has lots of fresh strawberries in it, so I get a fruit in too.



Susan, I love the bird seed image -- so illustrative! My body (externally) has not changed significantly -- unless you are a close loved one and knew fairly intimately where all my fat stuck out before :eek: -- so I'm guessing I've lost most of my weight internally so far. (Which is fine, right?). I can tell you that just before I started WW, I started walking up the stairs 2 flights at work (the break room is up there), and I can certainly get up there with a lot more breath than I used to. It used to be quite a struggle, but I suppose if I were carrying a 26-lb weight, I'd be struggling still, yes? And that's what I was carrying around in January.

And your tips are very helpful, thank you!


I've had a better weekend and think I'm down maybe a lb. I missed my meeting this week so on Thursday I'm really hoping to be down at least 2. I'm having fun exercising and have been trying the different free videos on the exercise on demand channel. Does anyone else have that channel? I love it! I can try before I buy! I did one of the Jillian Michael's 25 minute workouts this week and was absolutely ACHING for two days afterwards. That is a good thing (albeit painful)


Congrats' date=' Janine, and good on you for trying the different exercises! I don't know if I get that channel, I will have to check!


My goals this week are to stay OP, and I think I'll try to do at least 15min of Wii Fit a day (hopefully I'll get a few 30 minutes and/or 45 minute workouts in there). I really, really enjoy it, and how can I claim I don't have time for 15 minutes? I make time for lots of TV and Facebook, right? :o


SW: 246.2

CW: 220.2

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 211 by 9/24


[link=http://www.3fatchicks.com/'] [image noborder]http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar-retro4/cartoonstar01/lb/220.2/211/220.2/.png[/image][/link]

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Hi everyone!


I just started WW on Monday so today is only my 4th day on program. Doing great so far!


I made a deal with myself that if I stick on the plan without cheating then I will be able to go on my cruise I have set for Aug 27th which leaves out of NY and goes up to New England/Canada.


If I don't....well then I won't go on the cruise. But there is not going to be anyway I will let that happen!


I also decided to reward myself for every 25 lbs I lose with a cruise! So it is giving me lots to look forward to.


I feel like with my rewards I'll make it this time. I've heard of other people who used rewards for reaching smaller goals and they did great. So I'm giving it a try.


Since I have about 100 lbs to lose that means I'll have four cruises to look forward to! YEAH!


Do any of you use any type of rewards?


Looking forward to getting to know you guys better.



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Hi Joanne, and welcome. This is a great place to talk about your successes, and sometimes bumps in the road. Lots of encouragement and tips from everyone. Giving yourself rewards sounds great. I'd love to go on a cruise for every 25 pounds I lost. I'd have two to plan for already. Unfortunately, flying from Nova Scotia means I have to pay almost as much airfare as cruise fare!

Janine, that peanut butter pie looks delicious! I'm going to check and see if we have the exercise on demand channel. As you all know, I have been very slack in exercising this summer. I have way too many excuses why I'm not doing any. I did walk a couple of times this week, at a normal pace, not quickly! Oh well, at least I was moving, that's more than other weeks.:)

I got weighed this morning and I'm down another 1.6 pounds. For a total of 55.2. ONEDERLAND is in sight! Not close enough yet though.

Jane, it would have been nice to meet up with you in the Caribbean, Oh well, maybe another year.

Lani, congrats on the 1 pound loss. Where do you get the values for obese class one and two? I'd like to know how obese I am. :rolleyes:

Happy Sunday to everyone!

~Susan from NS


SW 264

CW 208.8

mini goal 200

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I'm back from Alaska and had a wonderful time. I'd go back in a heartbeat and I'd take Alaska over the Caribbean anytime. We only had rain for about an hour the two weeks we were there. I even wore shorts several times.:eek:


I tried to be good. I brought my 100 calories snacks for long bus/train rides and walked instead of using the elevators. I did okay. I did have desert every night and not the low fat one either.


According to my scale I gained about 5 pounds. I can handle that. I went right back on program yesterday. I will wait until next Monday to weight in.


Hope everyone is doing well and getting skinny.



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I got weighed this morning and I'm down another 1.6 pounds. For a total of 55.2. ONEDERLAND is in sight! Not close enough yet though.


Lani, congrats on the 1 pound loss. Where do you get the values for obese class one and two? I'd like to know how obese I am. :rolleyes:

Happy Sunday to everyone!

~Susan from NS


SW 264

CW 208.8

mini goal 200


Susan, congrats on the 1.6 pound loss!


As far as gauging your obesity, ;) it's based on your BMI. BMI over 30 is Obese; 30-35 is class I, 35-40 Class II and over 40 is Class III.


Basic info on BMI can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_mass_index and more detailed info on the strata can be found on the WHO website at http://apps.who.int/bmi/index.jsp?introPage=intro_3.html.


Hope that helps!



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Hi guys! I am absolutely at a plateau with my weight loss. Just seeing if anyone had any tips for me.


I am a 25 year old female, getting ready for my wedding dress in October! I have been a vegetarian for most of my life but do succeed in getting my protein, fiber, etc. I started out at 188 and am now at 167. I have done WW informally and have really become aware of counting points. I work out with cardio and moderate weight lifting.


I am definitely proud of my loss so far but I would love to lose some more by Oct! What is one tip that has worked for you?


Any help is appreciated!

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Guest Crazeecat5
Hi guys! I am absolutely at a plateau with my weight loss. Just seeing if anyone had any tips for me.


I am a 25 year old female, getting ready for my wedding dress in October! I have been a vegetarian for most of my life but do succeed in getting my protein, fiber, etc. I started out at 188 and am now at 167. I have done WW informally and have really become aware of counting points. I work out with cardio and moderate weight lifting.


I am definitely proud of my loss so far but I would love to lose some more by Oct! What is one tip that has worked for you?


Any help is appreciated!

Hi there,

Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding!

Sounds like you need to give your body a jolt. Drink a lot of water. Do you track what you eat? If so, go back and look at where you had a good loss and follow that menu for the week. This might work....hope so!

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Hi there,

Welcome and congrats on your upcoming wedding!

Sounds like you need to give your body a jolt. Drink a lot of water. Do you track what you eat? If so, go back and look at where you had a good loss and follow that menu for the week. This might work....hope so!

Thank you!


I drink tons of water. Especially living in AZ, I need it! I do track food, but unfortunately, I throw my little notes away weekly. I will have to start keeping them!


Last month, I had a horrible two weeks with junk food and I didn't gain a thing. It's frustrating where when I have junk, nothing... when I eat super healthy... nothing. I have tried to have a balance with a few treats to give myself a mini-jolt here and there, but nothing. haha


I have also switched up my meals, workouts, am getting enough sleep, etc. I have been tested for thyroid problems (runs in the family) and other things and the only result says I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. I have cut out much "fatty" dairy, upped my fiber, all they say to do!


I lost weight 3 years ago and barely even tried! Sorry to keep going on... needed to get that out! :o

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Had my weigh in today and after two weeks of gaining i finally got my act together and lost 6.5lb, a total of 12lb since early July and 28lb over all. I lost 42lb last year but have faffed about since christmas, up and down but hope it's down hill all the way now!!!!

SW 254

CW 226

GW ??????

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Guest Crazeecat5
Thank you!


I drink tons of water. Especially living in AZ, I need it! I do track food, but unfortunately, I throw my little notes away weekly. I will have to start keeping them!


Last month, I had a horrible two weeks with junk food and I didn't gain a thing. It's frustrating where when I have junk, nothing... when I eat super healthy... nothing. I have tried to have a balance with a few treats to give myself a mini-jolt here and there, but nothing. haha


I have also switched up my meals, workouts, am getting enough sleep, etc. I have been tested for thyroid problems (runs in the family) and other things and the only result says I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. I have cut out much "fatty" dairy, upped my fiber, all they say to do!


I lost weight 3 years ago and barely even tried! Sorry to keep going on... needed to get that out! :o

Hey, that's fine. Vent on....that's what we are here for!!


I have lost 16 lbs in about 3 months. It's coming off very slowly. Except for 2 times (I stayed the same), I have always lost something each week. My WW center was closed last week, so I will go tomorrow for my weigh in. 2 weeks should equal 2 lbs, the way I've been going! LOL More would be great. Not sure what I will see. Had some ups and downs.

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Hi. I'm new to WW - okay not new, but newly re-joined WW after years of being a non WW. I'm looking for a group that can give me tips to help me stay on plan when cruising. I'm heading out on the Conquest in Oct and want to be sure I don't sabatoge my efforts. Losing while on vacation would be great, but maintaining will be my main goal. Like I said, I'm just getting started on WW so only a little progress so far. I'm hoping WW is so second nature by then, that it is easier to stay on plan. I know the usual things like skipping desserts and bread, but do any of the lines - especially Carnival - have WW type fare?



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Thank you!


I drink tons of water. Especially living in AZ, I need it! I do track food, but unfortunately, I throw my little notes away weekly. I will have to start keeping them!


Last month, I had a horrible two weeks with junk food and I didn't gain a thing. It's frustrating where when I have junk, nothing... when I eat super healthy... nothing. I have tried to have a balance with a few treats to give myself a mini-jolt here and there, but nothing. haha


I have also switched up my meals, workouts, am getting enough sleep, etc. I have been tested for thyroid problems (runs in the family) and other things and the only result says I have high cholesterol and triglycerides. I have cut out much "fatty" dairy, upped my fiber, all they say to do!


I lost weight 3 years ago and barely even tried! Sorry to keep going on... needed to get that out! :o


The main thing is to keep at it! As for the eat junk = no gain vs. eat right = gain.... don't believe it. Do be aware that sometimes a virtuous/sinful week might take 2 (or even 3 weeks) to be reflected in your result. I've seen it happen. But I picked up a mantra a while back, and you will see it from me often: "Be more stubborn than your scale: keep doing the right things and it WILL go down."


Over time, those "do the right things" will pay off... and I FULLY support the periodic treats. If you don't have them, you'll give up completely no matter how good your results are. Nobody wants to live without periodic treats, so giving them up would mean you were really unhappy, or it would cause you to give up, and neither one of those is a desirable outcome.


Sheryl is right about the tracking -- it's vital. And you should keep your notes -- I refer often to mine to remind me what was working, and what wasn't. I also sometimes forget what little "tricks" I was using, so that's helpful, too.


One other suggestion I have, related to tracking, is to double check (fairly often!) your portion sizes and re-calculate points for what you think you have memorized. Every now and them, I'm shocked to discover what I was estimating as 1/2 cup of something, turns out to be 1 cup when I measure it periodically. When you don't measure, your estimator grows a little out of whack after a while! Also, double-checking those points every now and then can help. I had been eating some granola bars that come 2 to a pack, and was counting them as 2pts (1 per bar).... turns out I had figured the points as 2 once upon a time... but originally I was eating 1 at a time. Weeks later I'm eating 2 at a time and still calling them 2 points (for the 2 bars) before I double-checked and had a little wake up call!


One last suggestion: as you lose (assuming you have lost!), are you decreasing your points accordingly? Since part of the Daily Points Allowance calculation is based on weight, you need to make sure your decreasing that DPA for every 10 pounds you lose.


Had my weigh in today and after two weeks of gaining i finally got my act together and lost 6.5lb, a total of 12lb since early July and 28lb over all. I lost 42lb last year but have faffed about since christmas, up and down but hope it's down hill all the way now!!!!

SW 254

CW 226

GW ??????


YAY, barkingmad!!! Nice 6.5lb loss!! That's uplifting, no? I understand that "faffing about" completely... I've been stuck doing that since my cruise. Some people's "binge season" is during the holidays, but that isn't my biggest downfall, I think... I do worse in summer when there are lots of get-togethers & weekend drinking.... my willpower and tenacity (when it comes to sticking to points) has been taking a beating. I'm kind of yo-yoing right now, up a little, down a bit more, down a little, up a little, etc. I'm still on a generally downward slope, but very slowly, and herky-jerkily. -sigh-


Hey, that's fine. Vent on....that's what we are here for!!


I have lost 16 lbs in about 3 months. It's coming off very slowly. Except for 2 times (I stayed the same), I have always lost something each week. My WW center was closed last week, so I will go tomorrow for my weigh in. 2 weeks should equal 2 lbs, the way I've been going! LOL More would be great. Not sure what I will see. Had some ups and downs.


Sheryl, you are doing fabulously!!!! I know it seems slow, and I can commiserate... I've lost only 3.6 lbs in the past 13 weeks (3 months). I lost 21 in the previous 15 weeks, so the past 3 months has been very discouraging!! I do confess that I had a 2-week cruise in there, so that derailed me a bit, but thankfully not completely... in any event, your slow-but-steady will win the race, I am confident.


So to my weigh in... -sigh- ... at home, I was up 3 lbs :eek: over last week. My activity was WAY up over the past week, but my eating (and drinking!!) was up even more. (I'm currently on day 6 of my WW food-tracking week, and I've already used up my flex points plus another 29 extra points :eek:; it wasn't offset by one day leaving 1 regular daily point uneaten, or by my 20 activity points. :o


I think last night/early morning I was also carrying around a lot of water weight. I pounded the water (and watermelon) this morning, and by my noon weigh-in, I was only :o up 1.4 officially. Ugh. Makes me want to cry. But instead I will get back on the horse and start eating right!!!


My goal this week is to use 20 or fewer flex points, and earn at least 15 activity points. I MUST start learning to live within my daily point range. It has been a struggle. ESPECIALLY on these summer weekends.


Cheers to all and I hope you're doing better than I am!


SW: 246.2 (since 1/22/09)

CW: 221.6

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: under 217 (which will get me out of the Obese Class II BMI range, LOL!)

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Hi. I'm new to WW - okay not new, but newly re-joined WW after years of being a non WW. I'm looking for a group that can give me tips to help me stay on plan when cruising. I'm heading out on the Conquest in Oct and want to be sure I don't sabatoge my efforts. Losing while on vacation would be great, but maintaining will be my main goal. Like I said, I'm just getting started on WW so only a little progress so far. I'm hoping WW is so second nature by then, that it is easier to stay on plan. I know the usual things like skipping desserts and bread, but do any of the lines - especially Carnival - have WW type fare?




Hi, Betty, Welcome!


I know that my recent posts have been up and down (with my weight!), but I do feel like a success in that I got off my two-week cruise in May and I only gained 1.8 lbs. As I put very few restrictions on myself for my vacation, and the fact that I "allowed" myself to gain 5-10 lbs without self-recrimination, I think that 1.8 was a giant success!!!


That being the case, I will say that you shouldn't beat yourself up too much about "slippage" while you're on vacation. Vacations are about monetary AND caloric splurges, often (and that's ok). Just try to be sensible. On my cruise, I did not refrain from any croissants (with butter & jam), french bread (with butter), wine/champagne, rich buttery sauces or desserts. I DID try to fill up on veggies and water, I tried to limit my portions of those high-calorie/fat items (wasn't totally successful, but I didn't beat myself up about slips), I mostly only ate desserts and other rich things until I truly had "enough" or was simply in that "satisfied" range (again, not 100% successful) and limited sodas & high-calorie alcoholic drinks (my cruise had all-inclusive alcohol, so I mainly stuck to champagne, wine, mimosas, bellinis, etc.). I also tried to stay somewhat active.


I admit, not a lot of "dieting," I just tried to be mostly "sensible." Since skinny people I know can gain several (sometimes many!) pounds on a cruise, I felt "normal" for a change, and realized it can come off later (if I get back on plan!), just like your budget takes a hit on vacation and you sometimes have to pay it off after!!


Best of luck to you!

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I'm back from Alaska and had a wonderful time. I'd go back in a heartbeat and I'd take Alaska over the Caribbean anytime. We only had rain for about an hour the two weeks we were there. I even wore shorts several times.:eek:


I tried to be good. I brought my 100 calories snacks for long bus/train rides and walked instead of using the elevators. I did okay. I did have desert every night and not the low fat one either.


According to my scale I gained about 5 pounds. I can handle that. I went right back on program yesterday. I will wait until next Monday to weight in.


Hope everyone is doing well and getting skinny.




Denise, this is a little belated, but WELCOME back!! Nice to see you again.


Good job at keeping the gain down on your cruise. Five pounds is not too bad (I've known skinny-minis who gained upwards of 9 pounds on a 7-day cruise!). I like to hear you weren't depriving yourself -- you at least know you can have desserts and then manage it when you get back. :) Sounds like you were quite sensible on your trip, so that's a victory, yes?

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Great weigh in....down 3 lbs! I am now down a total of 19 lbs. WooHoo!


I treat myself once in a while too. However, my treats come in the form of a meal that is not "program correct!" LOL Usually it will be after weigh in, if I'm going to do it. Like tonight it was Chinese food. Ate what I wanted. Didn't count points. Since I knew I was going to do this, I ate very lightly today. Now I am happy....

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Hi. I'm new to WW - okay not new, but newly re-joined WW after years of being a non WW. I'm looking for a group that can give me tips to help me stay on plan when cruising. I'm heading out on the Conquest in Oct and want to be sure I don't sabatoge my efforts. Losing while on vacation would be great, but maintaining will be my main goal. Like I said, I'm just getting started on WW so only a little progress so far. I'm hoping WW is so second nature by then, that it is easier to stay on plan. I know the usual things like skipping desserts and bread, but do any of the lines - especially Carnival - have WW type fare?







I'm getting ready to go on a cruise at the end of this month. I just joined WW about a week and a half ago.


I'm actually looking forward to going on the cruise. I know they will have lots of good veggies, tons of fruit and I'm not a meat eater so I don't need to worry about the good meat meals.


I also am going to walk around the ship every day not sure how many times is a mile but I'll find out.


Also I changed some of my excursions so I could go on walking tours which will help get my exercise in.


When you are on the cruise let yourself feel like you are rich with your own private chef. You can request your food cooked however you like. Make good choices and you will do fine.


Have a great time! I'm sure you will.



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The main thing is to keep at it! As for the eat junk = no gain vs. eat right = gain.... don't believe it. Do be aware that sometimes a virtuous/sinful week might take 2 (or even 3 weeks) to be reflected in your result. I've seen it happen. But I picked up a mantra a while back, and you will see it from me often: "Be more stubborn than your scale: keep doing the right things and it WILL go down."


Over time, those "do the right things" will pay off... and I FULLY support the periodic treats. If you don't have them, you'll give up completely no matter how good your results are. Nobody wants to live without periodic treats, so giving them up would mean you were really unhappy, or it would cause you to give up, and neither one of those is a desirable outcome.


Sheryl is right about the tracking -- it's vital. And you should keep your notes -- I refer often to mine to remind me what was working, and what wasn't. I also sometimes forget what little "tricks" I was using, so that's helpful, too.


One other suggestion I have, related to tracking, is to double check (fairly often!) your portion sizes and re-calculate points for what you think you have memorized. Every now and them, I'm shocked to discover what I was estimating as 1/2 cup of something, turns out to be 1 cup when I measure it periodically. When you don't measure, your estimator grows a little out of whack after a while! Also, double-checking those points every now and then can help. I had been eating some granola bars that come 2 to a pack, and was counting them as 2pts (1 per bar).... turns out I had figured the points as 2 once upon a time... but originally I was eating 1 at a time. Weeks later I'm eating 2 at a time and still calling them 2 points (for the 2 bars) before I double-checked and had a little wake up call!


One last suggestion: as you lose (assuming you have lost!), are you decreasing your points accordingly? Since part of the Daily Points Allowance calculation is based on weight, you need to make sure your decreasing that DPA for every 10 pounds you lose.

Great input, thanks! I have lost about 21 lbs so far and have adjusted my points for that.


I like your mantra! :D Thanks again! It helps to hear your feedback.

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Hi all,

Great weigh in....down 3 lbs! I am now down a total of 19 lbs. WooHoo!


I treat myself once in a while too. However, my treats come in the form of a meal that is not "program correct!" LOL Usually it will be after weigh in, if I'm going to do it. Like tonight it was Chinese food. Ate what I wanted. Didn't count points. Since I knew I was going to do this, I ate very lightly today. Now I am happy....



CONGRATULATIONS SHERYL!!! You are doing terrific!!!

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Guest Crazeecat5
CONGRATULATIONS SHERYL!!! You are doing terrific!!!

Hi Misty,

Thanks. Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing? Hope all is well.

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Hi everyone!


I had weigh in yesterday and was not particularly happy with it - up .2 - but I'm not going to beat myself up because I have actually been working out 5-6 days a week and my clothes are definitely fitting better. I'm a real mesomorph - I have a very large frame and gain muscle quickly - but that also means that my progress can be a bit slower until I gain considerable muscle mass.


At the meeting yesterday I picked up the new Dining Out guide - more as a reality check than anything else. Man, have I ever been making bad choices! All the little salads and things that I have thought were maybe 3 or 4 points are about 9 or 10. And the little frosty at Wendy's? It's 6. I thought it was about 3. So this is why I have to journal, weigh and actually check points! :eek:


But I'm more determined and more on-track today than I was two days ago. I'm going to have to really put the pedal to the metal now if I'm going to meet my goal of losing 10 before our cruise in September. I'm only down 2 ... so a long ways to go!


For rewards, I've decided I'm going to do $20 in my casino pot for every pound before this cruise, and if I meet my goal of 10# then I'll get a pedicure before we go away.


After that I think I'll do either a massage or something like that for every 10#. What I should really do is stop shopping until I meet a goal ... I should really ponder that tonight. If anything can motivate me, it's more clothes shopping or time at Sephora!


But here's a food shopping question for you WWers ... has anyone seen the Merita Light Hamburger or Hot Dog buns around lately? They were only 1 point each, but have totally disappeared from all of the stores around here. Same thing with the Peter Pan No Sugar Added Peanut Butter - but I found that on Amazon so have ordered 6 jars. The bun thing has me really perplexed. Did they quit making them, or were the calorie contents so out of whack that they couldn't product them anymore?? :confused::confused: Just wondering ...



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But here's a food shopping question for you WWers ... has anyone seen the Merita Light Hamburger or Hot Dog buns around lately? They were only 1 point each, but have totally disappeared from all of the stores around here. :confused::confused: Just wondering ...




No help here. I wish I could find light rolls myself.

I do use the WW sandwich rolls for hamburger rolls and even resorted to cutting my hot dog to fit on a thins sandwich roll.



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Hi. I'm new to WW - okay not new, but newly re-joined WW after years of being a non WW. I'm looking for a group that can give me tips to help me stay on plan when cruising. I'm heading out on the Conquest in Oct and want to be sure I don't sabatoge my efforts. Losing while on vacation would be great, but maintaining will be my main goal. Like I said, I'm just getting started on WW so only a little progress so far. I'm hoping WW is so second nature by then, that it is easier to stay on plan. I know the usual things like skipping desserts and bread, but do any of the lines - especially Carnival - have WW type fare?




Hi and welcome Betty!


I can't comment on Carnival directly, but most of the lines seem to offer healthier alternatives at meals. You can always ask for things like steamed veggies, grilled chicken breasts, grilled steaks, etc. And there always seem to be sugar-free desserts, although I always find that I'm much happier with a few bites of the real thing!


I've successfully - and not so successfully - cruised several times. On one cruise I did not gain a single pound in 12 nights. Here's what I do that seems to work:

  • drink all my water every day - plus about 50% more to make up for the extra sodium in prepared food
  • have a very light breakfast --- like an egg white or egg beater omelet with some fruit, or low fat/fat free yogurt, some fruit and an english muffin
  • stick to things like the salad bar for lunch - and then have veggies and meat only with oil & vinegar for dressing
  • allow myself a treat at dinner --- whether it is an appetiser or a dessert. But here's the key thing, if it is not absolutely fabulous then I leave it. No point in wasting Points on something that is not worth the extra hour of walking!
  • avoid the elevator at all costs, unless I'm dressed for formal night with high heels. My calves absolutely scream after a day of it, but then the pain abates. Of course I can avoid the pain by doing a lot of calf lifts and hamstring stretches before the cruise!
  • walk every day on the deck for at the very minimum 20 minutes, then walk on shore, stroll around the deck mid-afternoon, and again in the evening. Even one time around the deck can help!
  • Watch the frou frou drinks. They're loaded with calories!
  • Use the workout room if at all possible.
  • And here's the one that really kills me - I go to the workout room and weigh myself when we get on board. Then I weigh myself every day. Yes, I go up by about 3 # due to water weight and I know that will go away shortly after I get home, but this keeps me on track
  • And another biggie - but this one is psychological - I know in my heart that there will be more desserts, more bread, more cheese, more ice cream, more pizza again. I do not have to eat my fare! Sure, I'll enjoy if there is a real treat there, but I've gotten over the idea that "I've paid for it, I should take advantage."


Hope this is a little help ... and I'm sure others will add some tips!!!


Happy Friday everyone!

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Good morning,

Well, all those little extra points I have been building up have caught up with me! I was up 1.6 yesterday. I'm not going to get upset though, its the first time I've gained since I joined in January. If I keep gaining I will get worried. However, we went to a wedding yesterday and they had what they called a "candy bar". A long table with all different kinds of candy and little boxes for you to fill. Yep, I filled a box and ate it all. Then chips and cheesies on the table at the reception, so had to eat some of them too.:( Oh well, I will be on a water diet all week I guess. But it sure tasted good!!! I did dance a lot last night though, so got some exercise in.

Lani, I went on the website for the BMI. I don't really like it, haha. I'm looking at possibly 160 as my goal weight, which my doctor thinks is a good weight also. Well, according to the BMI, I will still be on the line of overweight/obese!:eek: Kind of ruined my day. Oh well, it will still be 100 pounds less than I did weigh and that can only be a good thing.

Welcome Betty, you picked a good thread when you decided to join this one. Lots of great tips from everyone all the time.

Welcome back Misty!

Also, welcome back from your cruise Denise. I'd like to do an Alaskan cruise sometime. It took me a long time to get my husband to go on a cruise, and now I guess it will take me a long time to convince him to go somewhere other than the Caribbean. He loves it there.

I am lucky in one respect, we have a bakery here that does no fat, no sugar bread and pizza shells. He says the bread is 1 point for 4 slices, however, our leader says we should count 1 point for 2 slices. He makes both white and whole wheat. And it tases great. I'm not sure if he does rolls or not, i will have to check next time I'm in.

At our meeting yesterday our leader talked about how hard it is to lose weight in the summer. She says if you weigh the same in Sept as you did in June then you shoud feel you were successful. She says not necessarily the same weight every week, but up and down, and then the same in the end.

Anyway, i'm definitely exercising this week!!!

Have a good week everyone!

~Susan from NS

SW 264

CW 210.4 (+1.6)

mini goal 200

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Guest Crazeecat5
Good morning,

Well, all those little extra points I have been building up have caught up with me! I was up 1.6 yesterday. I'm not going to get upset though, its the first time I've gained since I joined in January. If I keep gaining I will get worried. However, we went to a wedding yesterday and they had what they called a "candy bar". A long table with all different kinds of candy and little boxes for you to fill. Yep, I filled a box and ate it all. Then chips and cheesies on the table at the reception, so had to eat some of them too.:( Oh well, I will be on a water diet all week I guess. But it sure tasted good!!! I did dance a lot last night though, so got some exercise in.

Lani, I went on the website for the BMI. I don't really like it, haha. I'm looking at possibly 160 as my goal weight, which my doctor thinks is a good weight also. Well, according to the BMI, I will still be on the line of overweight/obese!:eek: Kind of ruined my day. Oh well, it will still be 100 pounds less than I did weigh and that can only be a good thing.

Welcome Betty, you picked a good thread when you decided to join this one. Lots of great tips from everyone all the time.

Welcome back Misty!

Also, welcome back from your cruise Denise. I'd like to do an Alaskan cruise sometime. It took me a long time to get my husband to go on a cruise, and now I guess it will take me a long time to convince him to go somewhere other than the Caribbean. He loves it there.

I am lucky in one respect, we have a bakery here that does no fat, no sugar bread and pizza shells. He says the bread is 1 point for 4 slices, however, our leader says we should count 1 point for 2 slices. He makes both white and whole wheat. And it tases great. I'm not sure if he does rolls or not, i will have to check next time I'm in.

At our meeting yesterday our leader talked about how hard it is to lose weight in the summer. She says if you weigh the same in Sept as you did in June then you shoud feel you were successful. She says not necessarily the same weight every week, but up and down, and then the same in the end.

Anyway, i'm definitely exercising this week!!!

Have a good week everyone!

~Susan from NS

SW 264

CW 210.4 (+1.6)

mini goal 200

Hi Susan,

You have a great attitude....it helps in times like these!

Those breads some yummy!

Don't worry about the BMI info. right now. Just concentrate on the goal that you and your doctor are happy with.

Have a great day all!

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