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Hi all! I've been doing WW now (at least this time around!) for 13 weeks - so far I've lost 30 pounds!!! I decided I wanted to lose a bunch before our cruise - we're sailing on the Zuiderdam on September 29th through the Panama Canal from LA to Fort Lauderdale. It's a celebration cruise - my husband's 60th birthday and our 35th wedding anniversary! We've sailed on 3 previous cruises (all HAL). On those, I guess I was really careful because I didn't really gain any weight - plus I was a LOT more active than I am at home and work! I'm so glad to find this group - congrats to everyone who's working so hard at getting healthier!



SW - 233

CW - 202

GW - ??? (as of now probably 180, but we'll see.......)

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Hi everyone!



At the meeting yesterday I picked up the new Dining Out guide - more as a reality check than anything else. Man, have I ever been making bad choices! All the little salads and things that I have thought were maybe 3 or 4 points are about 9 or 10. And the little frosty at Wendy's? It's 6. I thought it was about 3. So this is why I have to journal, weigh and actually check points! :eek:




So on the dining out guide (I plan to purchase one this week)...what does it say a buffalo chicken salad is - if they list it - at Plucker's Wing Bar? My husband and I usually order one and split it (I take less than half - actually closer to 1/3) and use a fat free balsamic vinagarette dressing...no bacon and cheese. Just curious what a whole salad is in point value...if you don't mind checking for me. I'm having trouble finding the nutrition information on that item. I've just been guessing at it and trying to aim high so wonder if I'm on target - at all.



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I'd like to join your group! My name is Debbie and I have been on WW for 16 weeks now and lost 31.8 lbs woohoo! :D I actually started this current weight loss journey in Oct of 2008 with the Isagenix program. That lasted about 3 months because it was VERY expensive. I did manage to lose 52 pounds in those 3 months but could no longer afford the program...and the worst part...I was so lost when I finished the products and had to start back on my own, I ended up gaining 10 pounds within the first couple of weeks off the program! I am currently down 71 pounds since october and have about 30 pounds to go.




Awesome! I love hearing these stories of losing 30 lbs in 16 / 17 weeks. I'm hoping to be down at least 20 lbs, 30 would make me so much happier, by the end of my 17 weeks. So far I'm losing very very slowly almost 3 lbs in the first 2 weeks...but I'm sticking to plan. I only went over my daily points one time but only dove into my weekly points by 8 total. Plus I'm adding activity points in addition. So hopefully by sticking to plan religiously...it will start coming off. I've got multiple hormonal deficiencies (which I'm working on at the same time) so hoping my chubby body decides to join the program soon! My head and heart are in it...just gotta get my fat to join the game plan. I think one of the maybe unusual things for me is overall I haven't had to change my way of eating, I was already eating the same types of food...just that now I'm not allowing myself to grab a snack without really thinking it through...and planning my whole day's intake ahead of time. So consistently each day, I'm getting the same amount of food and not allowing binges on mexican food, snacking foods, etc.



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Betty, great weight loss so far...quit the snacking and you'll be fine....took me a long time to to accomplish that, but for the most part I have come to the realization that I don't have to eat everything just cuz "it's there", "I'm waisting" or "I paid for it"....We'll see how I do on my cruise coming up Sept.7...:eek:...anyway, there is a web site DWLZ.Com that has all the points for all kinds of reataurant foods...you'd be surprised!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!


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Okay I did the dreaded weigh in after the cruise. I waited a week but it didn't help. I gained 3 pounds. I'm okay with it.


I ate out every meal for 16 days and ate dessert on the cruise every night.

So 3 pounds isn't bad.


I'm back on program and will be okay.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Denise,

That's not bad at all. I hope I can just gain 3 lbs. when I go on my cruise in a few weeks. Did you do a lot of walking? Drink a lot of water?

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Hey Denise,

That's not bad at all. I hope I can just gain 3 lbs. when I go on my cruise in a few weeks. Did you do a lot of walking? Drink a lot of water?


I tried to walk a lot. I did the stairs as much as possible. Most times I beat my DH as he took the elevator. I drank a fair amount of water and ice tea.


I did bring 100 calories snacks for the land part of the cruise which helped since a lot of the time was spent sitting.


Are you doing the Caribbean?



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Betty, great weight loss so far...quit the snacking and you'll be fine....took me a long time to to accomplish that, but for the most part I have come to the realization that I don't have to eat everything just cuz "it's there", "I'm waisting" or "I paid for it"....We'll see how I do on my cruise coming up Sept.7...:eek:...anyway, there is a web site DWLZ.Com that has all the points for all kinds of reataurant foods...you'd be surprised!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!



No Judi - I'm not snacking NOW...I meant prior to WW, I might grab a snack (healthy but none the less, extra calories) without realizing it or thinking much of it...I'm sticking completely to plan. I only went over my points one day but stayed well under my weekly points/and activity points. I'm sure eventually it will start falling off...I just need some significant results to keep my motivation up...and to remember to drink lots of water and stay away from the sodium. I think that's one of my biggest culprits...just show me salt and I swell up! :-)

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Guest Crazeecat5
I tried to walk a lot. I did the stairs as much as possible. Most times I beat my DH as he took the elevator. I drank a fair amount of water and ice tea.


I did bring 100 calories snacks for the land part of the cruise which helped since a lot of the time was spent sitting.


Are you doing the Caribbean?



Hi Denise,

We are going to Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, Nassau & Freeport. Been to Nassau & Freeport, looking forward to GT & HMC.

I use a mobility scooter for long distances so I can't do a lot of walking. However, since I lost 20 lbs and am going to Physical therapy, I am able to walk a bit more now, which I intend to do on the cruise. I might even have my hubby take my scooter up & down in the elevator for me while I take the stairs, if I can!

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Hey Ya'll, it's me again. After running the 10k on July 4th I have been so indulgent that it would choke a cow. I hurt my knee running in the race. I had a super hard time walking for weeks so needless to say we didn't go to the gym at all, then 2 weeks off has led into 6 weeks off. I've gained 5 lbs since the last time I was on the scale. But here I am again and officially joined WW meetings again. I will have WI on Thursday evenings.


My gosh Sheryl :eek:. You're doing fantastic. I was only going to read the last few pages on the thread and as soon as I saw you have lost so much weight I went back and read all the pages from the last time I posted. AND you have a cruise coming up. How great would that be if you could do a few flights of stairs, even if it's only 1 flight a day. I'm sure those 20 lbs will make a world of difference.


Susan (from NS), you go girl. You're doing awesome too. I can't believe all that has happened.


Judi, you crack me up as usual. So close to goal.....someday I'll be there :rolleyes:. I love that you say what most of us are thinking up. The citrus stuff (yuk, been there, done that) was hilarious. I've often been to the point of needing to be rid of a few days worth and thought about that. You just crack me up.


Denise, 3 lbs ain't bad. I believe that will be my goal while we are on our Hawaii cruise. 3 lbs is "real" ya know. Kudo's to those who can cruise on this sea (pun intended) of food while on the vessle that keeps it afloat and not gain, but for us (we who struggle with weight) 3 lbs is fantastic. It could have easily been 10 lbs. Just proves this lifestyle change is becoming a part of you.


Misty, you're working it too. And so supportive as always.


I'll have to go back and read the thread again to get to know the new faces. So many of you. I do know this........you're all losers in my book :D.


So I can't decide something. Last time I was "officially" (joined) on WW I kept my weigh in book in an envelope and never looked at it. All I wanted to know is if I went down, up or stayed the same. Oh, and tell me if I need to drop a point. No 5 lb stars, no celebrations of anything until I was ready. It worked quite well actually. I didn't concentrate on the number on that scale and instead took notice of how my clothes were fitting and how I felt. But........I've also done WW where I did look every week and had great success with that too. The only thing with that is when I had an exceptional week and would only lose .2 or worse, gain, then it bummed me out. I liked knowing in my mind that "wow, I've lost X amount of weight" but I'm not sure if it was worth it. So I guess I just answered my own question. I think I'm going to seal it up again and not look. If I only lose .2 one week all I will know is that I went down. I hope that makes sense. I would love to lose 20 lbs before we cruise which is only 15 more weeks.


It's good to be back.


SW - 174

GW - 154 by Nov 21st.

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Guest Crazeecat5
Hey Ya'll, it's me again. After running the 10k on July 4th I have been so indulgent that it would choke a cow. I hurt my knee running in the race. I had a super hard time walking for weeks so needless to say we didn't go to the gym at all, then 2 weeks off has led into 6 weeks off. I've gained 5 lbs since the last time I was on the scale. But here I am again and officially joined WW meetings again. I will have WI on Thursday evenings.


My gosh Sheryl :eek:. You're doing fantastic. I was only going to read the last few pages on the thread and as soon as I saw you have lost so much weight I went back and read all the pages from the last time I posted. AND you have a cruise coming up. How great would that be if you could do a few flights of stairs, even if it's only 1 flight a day. I'm sure those 20 lbs will make a world of difference.


Susan (from NS), you go girl. You're doing awesome too. I can't believe all that has happened.


Judi, you crack me up as usual. So close to goal.....someday I'll be there :rolleyes:. I love that you say what most of us are thinking up. The citrus stuff (yuk, been there, done that) was hilarious. I've often been to the point of needing to be rid of a few days worth and thought about that. You just crack me up.


Denise, 3 lbs ain't bad. I believe that will be my goal while we are on our Hawaii cruise. 3 lbs is "real" ya know. Kudo's to those who can cruise on this sea (pun intended) of food while on the vessle that keeps it afloat and not gain, but for us (we who struggle with weight) 3 lbs is fantastic. It could have easily been 10 lbs. Just proves this lifestyle change is becoming a part of you.


Misty, you're working it too. And so supportive as always.


I'll have to go back and read the thread again to get to know the new faces. So many of you. I do know this........you're all losers in my book :D.


So I can't decide something. Last time I was "officially" (joined) on WW I kept my weigh in book in an envelope and never looked at it. All I wanted to know is if I went down, up or stayed the same. Oh, and tell me if I need to drop a point. No 5 lb stars, no celebrations of anything until I was ready. It worked quite well actually. I didn't concentrate on the number on that scale and instead took notice of how my clothes were fitting and how I felt. But........I've also done WW where I did look every week and had great success with that too. The only thing with that is when I had an exceptional week and would only lose .2 or worse, gain, then it bummed me out. I liked knowing in my mind that "wow, I've lost X amount of weight" but I'm not sure if it was worth it. So I guess I just answered my own question. I think I'm going to seal it up again and not look. If I only lose .2 one week all I will know is that I went down. I hope that makes sense. I would love to lose 20 lbs before we cruise which is only 15 more weeks.


It's good to be back.


SW - 174

GW - 154 by Nov 21st.

Hi Mel,

Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your hurt knee. Glad to see that you are now back on track....and that's what counts!

We are here if you need us!

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Went to my W/W weigh in today and had lost another 2lb, 14lb lost since the beginning of July and 30lb since i rejoined last year. Since signing up to do the overseas challenge[raising money for Diabetes]i'vefound it easier to stick to the W/W plan, i've still got lots of lbs to loose but any loss is better than no loss at all. Busy fund raising, writing letters to local resturants, supermarkets and local businesses, i'm working on the assummsion i will get one reply to every 10 letters i send!!!!

SW 254

CW 224


Trek Slovenia 2010


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Hi Misty,

Thanks. Haven't heard from you in a while. How are you doing? Hope all is well.



Sorry everyone!! I have been lurking, just been busy and haven't taken the time to post as much as I would like. We made the decision to sell our house, so we've been getting the paperwork together for that and trying to find a new place to live. It has been rough emotionally and I'm an emotional eater so I haven't been completely on program either. But, only a few pounds of damage have been done and I'm ready to re-focus and get back on track!!




Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 261.8 (21.6 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +0.6

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Guest Crazeecat5
Sorry everyone!! I have been lurking, just been busy and haven't taken the time to post as much as I would like. We made the decision to sell our house, so we've been getting the paperwork together for that and trying to find a new place to live. It has been rough emotionally and I'm an emotional eater so I haven't been completely on program either. But, only a few pounds of damage have been done and I'm ready to re-focus and get back on track!!




Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 261.8 (21.6 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +0.6

Hi Misty,

Welcome back...I missed you, girl!!

From one emotional eater to another, it's OK. Now you are back on track, that's all that matters!

Good luck selling your home. We tried last year, of all the worst times!:eek:

May try again next year, waiting to see when the market gets better. We haven't abandoned our dream to move to Florida.

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I'm sorry you have to sell your house Misty. I wish you happy and fast selling.


Sheryl, I just saw your post on the Glory roll call. Come on and go with us. We could help each other stay away from the pig bar (aka buffet).


Is anyone else interested in a unofficial WW group cruise? This would be on Carnival Glory, 9-25-10, 7 nights, New England/Canada, RT New York. The early saver rate is VERY good.


I have my first WI tonight although I won't look at it. I can tell I've lost something because I don't feel as bloated and the pants I have on today aren't slicing me at the waist. Still tight but better than last time I wore them.


Skinny vibes to everyone.

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Guest Crazeecat5
I'm sorry you have to sell your house Misty. I wish you happy and fast selling.


Sheryl, I just saw your post on the Glory roll call. Come on and go with us. We could help each other stay away from the pig bar (aka buffet).


Is anyone else interested in a unofficial WW group cruise? This would be on Carnival Glory, 9-25-10, 7 nights, New England/Canada, RT New York. The early saver rate is VERY good.


I have my first WI tonight although I won't look at it. I can tell I've lost something because I don't feel as bloated and the pants I have on today aren't slicing me at the waist. Still tight but better than last time I wore them.


Skinny vibes to everyone.

Hey Mel,

That is one of the dates we are thinking about. DHRobert & I are starting to get a little bored with the islands lately. We are not big beach people (I'm just big:eek:) so there is not always stuff for us to do. However, I am sooo looking forward to my cruise in 2 weeks! We went on the 5 day to Canada a few years ago and loved it. Would love to visit Boston so this one looks good to us. We will probably make a decision sometime within the next few months.

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OMG!!!!:eek::eek: I am HAPPY DANCING all over the place...see the smile on my face and my happy dancing feet?? I met goal!!!!!!! I missed the last two meetings cuz of a time mix-up and I went up to Chicago but went yesterday and down 4 pounds.....Met WW goal and I'm one pound away from my personal goal...:p;):):D...I don't believe it....I think I will try to get to 130...the WW goal is the most I should weigh for my 5'2" body and I'm right in the middle of size 8 to 10. I think if I go to 130, size 8's will fit me...right now they are too tight but 10's are too big..I never thought I would be here!!!! Living proof that a fat candy holic can resist the temptation ( I actually still do eat my candy, but don't eat every last smell)...Only problem is on Sept 7 I Cruise!!!! I believe I will be good though and not gain too much cuz it is only a 4 day...Jan is an 8 day and next Nov is a 12 day Med cruise (can't wait to see Turkey, Egypt and Malta...hopefully the food will be terrible)

Come on gals..dance with me...it's the only exercise I get!



SW 169.5

CW 136.0

GW 135

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OMG!!!!:eek::eek: I am HAPPY DANCING all over the place...see the smile on my face and my happy dancing feet?? I met goal!!!!!!! I missed the last two meetings cuz of a time mix-up and I went up to Chicago but went yesterday and down 4 pounds.....Met WW goal and I'm one pound away from my personal goal...




YAY JUDI!!! I'm dancing for you!!!

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Weel done Judi on reaching goal.........don't think i will ever get there, just want to be thinner.............getting there though!!!!!!!

Where abouts are you going in Turkey??? My daughter is married to a Turk and lives there.....believe me, you will LOVE the food!!!!!! :p

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Sorry for the long one here, it's been a week since I've posted and feel like I need to catch up again! I have been lurking, but just haven't had the energy to respond... I'm trying to get out of that habit!



Hi all,

I treat myself once in a while too. However, my treats come in the form of a meal that is not "program correct!" LOL Usually it will be after weigh in, if I'm going to do it. Like tonight it was Chinese food. Ate what I wanted. Didn't count points. Since I knew I was going to do this, I ate very lightly today. Now I am happy....


I think this is a pretty sensible way to "be bad" and reward yourself. You make some sacrifices to make room for that splurge... good for you! If this continues to work for you, this will probably be a great way for you to maintain the rest of your life. And still feel like you can eat what you want! How human! :eek:


I'm getting ready to go on a cruise at the end of this month. I just joined WW about a week and a half ago.


I'm actually looking forward to going on the cruise. I know they will have lots of good veggies, tons of fruit and I'm not a meat eater so I don't need to worry about the good meat meals.


I also am going to walk around the ship every day not sure how many times is a mile but I'll find out.


Also I changed some of my excursions so I could go on walking tours which will help get my exercise in.


When you are on the cruise let yourself feel like you are rich with your own private chef. You can request your food cooked however you like. Make good choices and you will do fine.


Welcome, and thanks for sharing these insights!


Hi everyone!


I had weigh in yesterday and was not particularly happy with it - up .2 - but I'm not going to beat myself up because I have actually been working out 5-6 days a week and my clothes are definitely fitting better. I'm a real mesomorph - I have a very large frame and gain muscle quickly - but that also means that my progress can be a bit slower until I gain considerable muscle mass.


At the meeting yesterday I picked up the new Dining Out guide - more as a reality check than anything else. Man, have I ever been making bad choices! All the little salads and things that I have thought were maybe 3 or 4 points are about 9 or 10. And the little frosty at Wendy's? It's 6. I thought it was about 3. So this is why I have to journal, weigh and actually check points!


But I'm more determined and more on-track today than I was two days ago. I'm going to have to really put the pedal to the metal now if I'm going to meet my goal of losing 10 before our cruise in September. I'm only down 2 ... so a long ways to go!


For rewards, I've decided I'm going to do $20 in my casino pot for every pound before this cruise, and if I meet my goal of 10# then I'll get a pedicure before we go away.


After that I think I'll do either a massage or something like that for every 10#. What I should really do is stop shopping until I meet a goal ... I should really ponder that tonight. If anything can motivate me, it's more clothes shopping or time at Sephora!


But here's a food shopping question for you WWers ... has anyone seen the Merita Light Hamburger or Hot Dog buns around lately? They were only 1 point each, but have totally disappeared from all of the stores around here. Same thing with the Peter Pan No Sugar Added Peanut Butter - but I found that on Amazon so have ordered 6 jars. The bun thing has me really perplexed. Did they quit making them, or were the calorie contents so out of whack that they couldn't product them anymore?? Just wondering ...





Great loss and great attitude, way to go!


Janine, you've just reinforced why it's so important to double-check the points of what you're eating... can make a surprising difference! Your determination is so important -- with determination like that you CANNOT fail. Also, I like your rewards ideas... I have to come up with a good set of rewards. I'm currently a bit shoe crazy (haven't been in my life until lately), so maybe I can't buy more shoes without hitting some goals...


As for the buns, I've never heard of them. We usually look for regular buns that equal 2 points per bun (kind of the crappy white-bread ones, but I love 'em). But for breads in general, lately, I've been happy with the Orowheat Sandwich thins (a thin burger-like bun for 1 point for the whole bun), Flat Out (flat bread that makes a nice wrap or a base for a pizza for just 1 point) and the Sara Lee 45-calorie/slice bread (1 point for 2 pieces of bread).


I can't comment on Carnival directly, but most of the lines seem to offer healthier alternatives at meals. You can always ask for things like steamed veggies, grilled chicken breasts, grilled steaks, etc. And there always seem to be sugar-free desserts, although I always find that I'm much happier with a few bites of the real thing!




On one cruise I did not gain a single pound in 12 nights. Here's what I do that seems to work:

  • drink all my water every day - plus about 50% more to make up for the extra sodium in prepared food
  • have a very light breakfast --- like an egg white or egg beater omelet with some fruit, or low fat/fat free yogurt, some fruit and an english muffin
  • stick to things like the salad bar for lunch - and then have veggies and meat only with oil & vinegar for dressing
  • allow myself a treat at dinner --- whether it is an appetiser or a dessert. But here's the key thing, if it is not absolutely fabulous then I leave it. No point in wasting Points on something that is not worth the extra hour of walking!
  • avoid the elevator at all costs, unless I'm dressed for formal night with high heels. My calves absolutely scream after a day of it, but then the pain abates. Of course I can avoid the pain by doing a lot of calf lifts and hamstring stretches before the cruise!
  • walk every day on the deck for at the very minimum 20 minutes, then walk on shore, stroll around the deck mid-afternoon, and again in the evening. Even one time around the deck can help!
  • Watch the frou frou drinks. They're loaded with calories!
  • Use the workout room if at all possible.
  • And here's the one that really kills me - I go to the workout room and weigh myself when we get on board. Then I weigh myself every day. Yes, I go up by about 3 # due to water weight and I know that will go away shortly after I get home, but this keeps me on track
  • And another biggie - but this one is psychological - I know in my heart that there will be more desserts, more bread, more cheese, more ice cream, more pizza again. I do not have to eat my fare! Sure, I'll enjoy if there is a real treat there, but I've gotten over the idea that "I've paid for it, I should take advantage."

Hope this is a little help ... and I'm sure others will add some tips!!!


Happy Friday everyone!

Great tips! Thank you! And I'm with you, I'd rather have a little of the real dessert than all of a sugar-free one (or none at all; sweets are not usually my downfall).


Good morning,

Well, all those little extra points I have been building up have caught up with me! I was up 1.6 yesterday. I'm not going to get upset though, its the first time I've gained since I joined in January. If I keep gaining I will get worried. However, we went to a wedding yesterday and they had what they called a "candy bar". Yep, I filled a box and ate it all. Then chips and cheesies on the table at the reception, so had to eat some of them too. Oh well, I will be on a water diet all week I guess. But it sure tasted good!!! I did dance a lot last night though, so got some exercise in.


Lani, I went on the website for the BMI. I don't really like it, haha. I'm looking at possibly 160 as my goal weight, which my doctor thinks is a good weight also. Well, according to the BMI, I will still be on the line of overweight/obese! Kind of ruined my day. Oh well, it will still be 100 pounds less than I did weigh and that can only be a good thing.

At our meeting yesterday our leader talked about how hard it is to lose weight in the summer. She says if you weigh the same in Sept as you did in June then you shoud feel you were successful. She says not necessarily the same weight every week, but up and down, and then the same in the end.



Susan -- don't feel to bad about the gain (I know how hard that is), but the important thing is getting back on that horse.


Also, Sheryl (below) is right about the goal -- do what is right for your body... you & your doctor know better than the stupid BMI scale. You might want to read more at those links about the BMI -- it was developed by a scientist trying to determine dosages for drug studies... it was NEVER meant to be used for weight loss/weight goals.


It's based on a normal-framed, completely sedentary individual -- for example, if the top weight in the "normal" range for your height is 150, it means that completely sedentary person of medium build at that height should weigh 150. If you're active, have a larger build, have more muscle (what about big boobs, too?!? :p), then your ideal healthy weight could well be more than that range. You need to do what's best for you and your body. Don't rely on some stupid scale!


Thanks also for the sanity about summer weight -- I know a lot of people say it's an easy time to lose weight with all the fresh produce and activities... but to me it has a lot more BBQ's, potlucks, get togethers with friends and family with lots of food and alcoholic drinks! For me it's harder than the Winter holidays. I've also been feeling a bit down about only losing 5.4 pounds in the 13 weeks since my cruise, when I lost 21 in my first 14 weeks (that 5.4 lbs does include my 1.8 gain from the cruise; with that out of there, I’ve lost 7.2 in that time). My motivation has been low (the “I WANT to eat that”, and then I DO), and the friends-BBQs-drinks think has gotten in the way… so Susan, thank you again for posting that tidbit! My leader hadn’t mentioned that; and it has made me feel so much better!


Hi Susan,

Don't worry about the BMI info. right now. Just concentrate on the goal that you and your doctor are happy with.


Hi all! I've been doing WW now (at least this time around!) for 13 weeks - so far I've lost 30 pounds!!! I decided I wanted to lose a bunch before our cruise - we're sailing on the Zuiderdam on September 29th through the Panama Canal from LA to Fort Lauderdale. It's a celebration cruise - my husband's 60th birthday and our 35th wedding anniversary! We've sailed on 3 previous cruises (all HAL). On those, I guess I was really careful because I didn't really gain any weight - plus I was a LOT more active than I am at home and work! I'm so glad to find this group - congrats to everyone who's working so hard at getting healthier!




SW - 233

CW - 202

GW - ??? (as of now probably 180, but we'll see.......)


Welcome! You are doing awesome! Congrats on the loss, the cruise & your milestone celebrations!


Okay I did the dreaded weigh in after the cruise. I waited a week but it didn't help. I gained 3 pounds. I'm okay with it.

I ate out every meal for 16 days and ate dessert on the cruise every night.

So 3 pounds isn't bad.


I'm back on program and will be okay.




Denise, I think 3 pounds is awesome! Way to stay (reasonably) on track on a long indulgent vacation! And now comes the "after," when you try to pay off the trip, both financially and calorically!


I use a mobility scooter for long distances so I can't do a lot of walking. However, since I lost 20 lbs and am going to Physical therapy, I am able to walk a bit more now, which I intend to do on the cruise. I might even have my hubby take my scooter up & down in the elevator for me while I take the stairs, if I can!


Sheryl, you are a total inspiration. For those of us without mobility problems (well, except for the gumption to get off the stinkin’ couch!), your story illustrates what this “getting healthy” thing is and should be all about – making our way to fuller lives. I’m so rooting for you that your weight loss continues to go well, that you stick with it, and that the loss helps you regain more and more mobility (and that all of those things help to make you happy!). You deserve it!


Hey Ya'll, it's me again. After running the 10k on July 4th I have been so indulgent that it would choke a cow. I hurt my knee running in the race. I had a super hard time walking for weeks so needless to say we didn't go to the gym at all, then 2 weeks off has led into 6 weeks off. I've gained 5 lbs since the last time I was on the scale. But here I am again and officially joined WW meetings again. I will have WI on Thursday evenings.


So I can't decide something. Last time I was "officially" (joined) on WW I kept my weigh in book in an envelope and never looked at it. All I wanted to know is if I went down, up or stayed the same. Oh, and tell me if I need to drop a point. No 5 lb stars, no celebrations of anything until I was ready. It worked quite well actually. I didn't concentrate on the number on that scale and instead took notice of how my clothes were fitting and how I felt. But........I've also done WW where I did look every week and had great success with that too. The only thing with that is when I had an exceptional week and would only lose .2 or worse, gain, then it bummed me out. I liked knowing in my mind that "wow, I've lost X amount of weight" but I'm not sure if it was worth it. So I guess I just answered my own question. I think I'm going to seal it up again and not look. If I only lose .2 one week all I will know is that I went down. I hope that makes sense. I would love to lose 20 lbs before we cruise which is only 15 more weeks.


It's good to be back.


SW - 174

GW - 154 by Nov 21st.


Welcome back, Peaches! You’ve been missed! Sorry you’ve been injured – heal fast! Good job on starting WW again – that silly determination again will always win the race.


Your approach (by not looking at your progress) fascinates me. I’m a numbers-cruncher by nature and profession, so I’d go crazy if I didn’t know what the numbers were. I also feel like if I didn’t know which weeks had gone “well” and which ones hadn’t (keeping in mind, of course, that one week's sins/virtues might show up a week or two later), I wouldn’t know how/when to adjust my eating/activity, etc…. but if this is what works for you, then go for it!


I can tell I've lost something because I don't feel as bloated and the pants I have on today aren't slicing me at the waist. Still tight but better than last time I wore them.


Isn’t that just the best, those clothes getting looser??? Good for you!


We are not big beach people (I'm just big:eek:) so there is not always stuff for us to do.


LOL, that cracked me up; I can totally relate to that! I’m with you… I don’t really like sand. But if I ever look good in a bathing suit, I might learn to like it… :cool:


OMG!!!! I am HAPPY DANCING all over the place...see the smile on my face and my happy dancing feet?? I met goal!!!!!!! Met WW goal and I'm one pound away from my personal goal......I don't believe it....I think I will try to get to 130...the WW goal is the most I should weigh for my 5'2" body and I'm right in the middle of size 8 to 10. I think if I go to 130, size 8's will fit me...right now they are too tight but 10's are too big..I never thought I would be here!!!! Living proof that a fat candy holic can resist the temptation ( I actually still do eat my candy, but don't eat every last smell)...Only problem is on Sept 7 I Cruise!!!! I believe I will be good though and not gain too much cuz it is only a 4 day...Jan is an 8 day and next Nov is a 12 day Med cruise (can't wait to see Turkey, Egypt and Malta...hopefully the food will be terrible Come on gals..dance with me...it's the only exercise I get!



SW 169.5

CW 136.0

GW 135


YAY, YAY, YAY, you!!!! I'm dancin'! You are such the inspiration! It can be done! So nice to hear, and yes, I’m a bit jealous; I gotta be honest!


Now to me—I reversed my 1.4 gain of last week and posted a 1.8 loss. Down 26.4 total now. I wasn’t able to keep to my (crazy) plan of only eating 20 flex points and getting 15 activity points – DH’s birthday was this week, so we had a gathering of friends at our house (with rum punch! And chocolate cake!) and then went out to yummy Mexican food with his folks this week. I could not resist the chicken in a family recipe of Monterey Jack Cheese sauce and a margarita. Yes, I know all the red-flag words were there, but I WANTED it!! -sigh-


I did do quite a lot of activity; I don’t have my tracker with me, but I think I’ve earned about 9 activity points or so; I have gone over my 35 flex points by a handful (like 4.5 I think), so with my activity points, I’m still technically on plan.


Going to REALLY, I MEAN IT, try to not use all my flex points this week, but keep my activity up and see where that gets me. I really, really want to be under 180 for my cruise next April. I hope that my visions of that will keep me on track. At the beginning of the year, my upcoming cruise did seem to help me keep my eyes on the prize… And maybe the shoe-buying rationing will help me out as well. ;)


Cheers, and happy losing everyone!


SW: 246.2

CW: 219.8

Mini-Goal: get under 217 SOOON, by 8/27, hopefully (under 217 is when my BMI moves from Obese Class II to Obese Class I HaHaHa)

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Guest Crazeecat5


Thank you for your wonderful words! I was feeling a little down because I only lost 1/2 lb this week and now I feel better. That's why this group is so important.

Here are my numbers now. I like to look at it!

SW 297

CW 277 1/2

GW 135ish

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I'm new to this thread. A little background of me. I first joined WW about 10 years ago after college and lost on the college weight. I'm 5'2" and was always an average of 125 give or take. After having my first child in 2004 I lost all that weight and was back to about 125 again give or take. Well I just had my second child in Sept of 2008 (so she will be one year in less than 4 weeks) and I'm still not back down to my 125. No matter what I do during pregnancy I still gain an average of 75 pounds so after giving brith and loosing the initial baby weight my starting weight was 173. At my last weigh in last Saturay I was 149.8, but I have been at around this weight for the past 5 months or so. I work out regularly, at least 5 days a week but my huge problem is I can't stick to points this time around. I have absolutely zero will power. Part of it is, I'm now a stay at home mom and I HATE it. I love to work, I miss it so much that I think I eat out of misery of being home. :( I have my cruise coming up in 74 days. I really would love to loose 20 pounds. I still won't be at my goal weight of 125 but at least most of my pre pregnancy wardrobe will fit me.


So enough rambling. Glad to join you ladies.:)

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Welcome Mommy (that sounds funny). Try to take it one day at a time. Whatever your weakness is (sweets, spicy etc...) eat it very slowly. Keep reminding yourself that this will not be the last time you get to eat _____ again. Are there some substitutes you could possibly incorporate? I'm sorry you don't like being a SAHM. I stayed home for a year with my 3rd one and didn't like it either. It was very hard not to want to eat all the time. I got addicted to the TV and along with TV comes commercials with all kinds of food. Can you take up a hobby? Keeping my hands busy sometimes helps me get over that "needing" to have something to eat.


Lani, I'm a numbers cruncher too (accountant) but for some reason I can go without looking at my weight. I think looking every week when I was previously doing WW caused me a lot of stress. I would be having a stellar week and "felt" like I had lost weight that week just knowing when I went to WI it was going to be at least 2 lbs. only to gain 0.2. It discouraged me a lot. Of course the next week I would lose 2.2 and feel fabulous. So the last time I joined WW I sealed my WI book in an envelope and told the girl that weighed me all I wanted to know was:

Did I lose weight?

Did I gain weight?

Did I stay the same?

Do I need to drop another daily point?

When I was told to drop a point it gave me a very good idea what my weight was but when I gained I had no idea if was 0.2 or 2.0 which is what I wanted. If I had 2 gains in a row she would tell to look over my journal and maybe I needed to re-evaluate something.


I'm not sure I'm making any sense but I'll use Sheryl (sorry) as an example. She got sad for a little bit that she only lost 1/2 lb this week. I do the same and measure my success only by the number on the scale instead of my other accomplishments/goals I have achieved by losing weight.


Anywho, I'll post more later, right now it's about 5:00 and I'm going home. There is a jack and diet coke calling my name.......only 2 points!!!

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