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Hey Jane, (Barking mad) I think you came to this thread pretty early on too, but left for a while on one of your many weeks cruises and came back...We started this in Feb..It started after another thread called "Wait Watchers" got a name change..I remember that my goal weight seemed so very far away and unobtainable!!! I have since had 14 people I know sign up for WW!!!I guess they figure if I can do it ANYONE can!!! And that is true, so you gals and guys out there keep it up...it really does work!!


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I think the W/W programme is a lot different here in the uk, we have an American lady who comes to class and she says our programme is a lot easier to follow. I am on 23 points a day and that is worked out on height, weight, age, lifestyle, as you loose weight so the points go down. We can also "earn" bonus points with excercise but don't have to use them.


Jane, we do things the same way here. Our points for the day are based on our height, weight, lifestyle and age. We also drop a point when we go from say 170 to 160. We earn activity points and can use those extra points for more food but we don't "have" to use them.


I'm sure some of the points for food are different because of the ingredients and what the UK does and doesn't put in food vs. the US. I think, and maybe wrong, that we tend to eat more fat here than ya'll over there.

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I totally agree that eating "regular" food while on WW will help make this a true lifestyle change. It's funny how "regular" is so different for each of us. I always only buy 2% cheddar or part skim motz, and we only use splenda not real sugar, and neither my DH nor I can stand regular soda, we have to have diet cause the other is too sweet. I only buy 2% cottage cheese and low fat sour cream and skim milk. Now I don't buy fat free anything, accept milk, because that's just groce. Don't get me wrong....I love the full fat stuff, especially ranch dressing, but this is just how we are used to eating. My DH has high cholesterol too so anywhere I can cut the fat and he still likes it is a bonus in my book.


Lani, woooooo hoooooo for your loss. I'm sure you'll reach your mini goal next time.


So I had weigh in last night and was "down" again. Still didn't look though. Happy dance for me.


SW = 174

CW = less again

GW = 154 by our Hawaii cruise


Later Taters

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OMG, Misty, your dinner sounds sooooo good. Are you getting somelike the stove top stuffing? If so I need to look closer for whole wheat. When I eat starchy carbs I prefer the whole wheat.


Yep, the stuffing was Stove Top, hopefully you'll be able to find it in your market.


Thanks for this idea. :)

Never thought to do this.

What flavor yogurt do you use?



You are very welcome! That's the fun part of sharing :).

I've used the Amaretto cheesecake and the berries n cream. Both were pretty good. And, of course you can use any cereal and fruit that you like. I've used the Cheerios crunch with blackberries and that was pretty good too.


I also pretty much wear the same thing. I don't want to go one week in light weight capri's and a cotton top and then next week go in jeans and a heavier knit top. Can make the difference in whether I lose, maintain or gain. As long as I'm consistant every week then I feel like I'm getting my true weight.


What are your weigh in rituals?



I pretty much wear the same thing too. I try to eat somewhat similarly throughout the day since my weigh-in is in the evening. I guess my other ritual is I have pizza night the night I have WW. (after weigh-in) It sounds kind of silly, but it's easy because I'm getting home late so I don't have to cook and I can use up any flex points if I want.

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For all of you (or us) that are on this weight loss journey...what do you suggest for cruise wear without buying a whole new wardrobe? I'll HOPEFULLY be well on my way towards my weight loss goals by mid October. I'm sailing Oct 18 (Carnival Conquest). What are your recommendations for buying clothing for this cruise. I'm sure I won't be able to wear my larger items - I'm down about 6 lbs with WW and about 4-5 pre WW...so now about 11 lbs from my current wardrobe. I want to look nice and like I fit in on the cruise but don't want to buy a whole wardrobe when I know it's not my the final size I want to be...and for that matter right now I don't know if that will be a size 12 or 14, large or extra large size. And I do have some ripples (aka cellulite) so I need items that camo the ripples. I've been wearing 16's but they're getting pretty baggy and dumpy looking but not sure I'm completely a size 14 yet. So IF my body has caught on that we're in this for the long haul, I could conceivably lose 10-20 more by cruise time. I'm basing that on how I'm doing so far - I've been on WW officially for 4 weeks. So...your suggestions or advice please!



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Misty, since I'm the "cooker" in the family, they have no choice but to eat what I am serving...I know kids are different and even before I was on WW I would cook stuff that DH and kids liked and I would only have salad or veggies. My family,since I have had them so long, has gotten used to my choices and cooking and tend to eat what I make...on WW my cooking really didn't change that much...never had a problem with food...it was the dang candy.


Misty, I meant to answer your question last night and ran out of time then forgot this morning :rolleyes:.


Having a DH and 5 kids to cook for sometimes it is a struggle when I'm on program. Some of my strategies are to

1. make some low fat items anyway. I sub low fat ricotta cheese, low fat sour cream, 2% cheese, etc... They never know the difference.

2. I take a portion out for me when I want to make a casserole. If I use chicken I take my 3 oz out, only use 1 tbsp of cream of "whatever" soup, use low fat mayo, less cheese and just make my own small casserole. The best part is I get to eat the whole thing.

3. If I make something like Kraft Mac & Cheese and I think I may want some of it then I prepare it different. I only use a splash of skim milk and the cheese pack and leave out the butter. Nobody will ever know.

4. Most of time I stay away from the starchy carbs at night. That way I have extra points for a ice cream or cherry cheesecake yogurt treat.

5. I always keep low fat dressings on hand. Most of the time I just use 1 tsp oil and balsamic vinegar and it only cost me 1 pt. Goes perfect with strawberries on a salad.

6. I do actually measure and weigh what I eat. WW has the serving spoons so you can spoon up your portion easier than getting out the measuring cup. I also own their scale.

7. I never fry anything.

8. Try only having a half portion. If I really want some mashed potatoes I have 1/4 c instead of the 1/2 c portion. Lets me have something for only a point or 2.


Hope that helps a little bit.


I'm with you -- I cook, and others have to eat what I cook (which means they have to eat what I like, as I only cook what I like!!). Luckily, my DH and friends are easy to feed. I wouldn't make anything different -- if what I'm making is good for me, then it's good for them... If I were making something that wasn't particularly points friendly, then I'd just watch my portions of it, fill up on veg/salad/etc. and let the others do as they deem appropriate. My whole strategy on WW is to eat regular food, all the time... that way when I'm at goal, I'll know (roughly) how much of the regular food to eat on a constant basis. I just know I need to eat less, rather than focusing on substitutions. But I do concede that low-fat sour cream is ok, and avoiding excess fats when cooking (especially when using non-stick cookware)... but full-fat sour cream does still tastes better... but low-fat is just fine! :p



Thanks for the tips and opinions, after I posted I did get to thinking that I really should be cooking the proper stuff for my family anyways. My daughter is 5 and I'd love to help her avoid the struggles I've had with weight. The problem is my husband, who is nicknamed "beanpole" for a reason, has never had a struggle with weight or food and doesn't quite understand where I'm coming from. Luckily, food isn't a passion of his and he'll probably eat pretty much whatever I throw at him. (Or just not eat it and not really give it a second thought.) Thanks again for sharing!!

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Hi Betty, My first suggestion is a nice pair of black slacks. You can super dress them up with a sequined/shiny top and accessories or you can dress them down with a more "work" style or "Saturday night" top. Perhaps choose 1 dress. Don't know how many nights your cruise is but at least 1 dress would be great and since it's October you could get one that is again black and sleveless and add something like a jacket one evening, then no jacket with a scarf, and endless possibilities in accessories. For the day take at least 1 pair of super comfy jeans. You can wear those a couple times then use the laundry (either the service or the facilities) and just keep wearing those. Jeans are so universal to me that I don't pay attention at all to the different styles and I don't think anyone would know you've only worn the 1 pair the whole trip. Casual tops are easy. Just keep it simple and go out on a limb and accessorize in places you never did before.


You'll pack less too :D


Congrats on your weight loss.

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Hello All: Can I join in on the fun? :)

I got serious with WW last week after a week on a "Bowflex" diet. Too limited and boring for me. DH is staying on it for awhile more (but he's jealous at all the good things I can have on WW), I can tell!


I have continued to gain more and more over the past few years until I can not stand it anymore. I feel awful, hate to go out, except to cruise, of course!

We have a long trip planned for November & December this year and I just hate to go and feel and look so fat and unhealthy! We're doing 2 Back to Back cruises, one Med and one transatlantic, and will be gone well over three weeks. I usually lose weight on a cruise so I am going to do my best not to gain this time.

I live "just North of Atlanta" (Marietta), and am in my late 50's (very late)LOL.



BTW: Judi I must say I drove through your lovely town last Saturday. Eufaula has been one of my favorite places since I was a young girl. How lucky you are to live in such a pretty place. :)

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Hey Betty, I agree with Mel. I think for every 10 pounds or so you go down a size. My problem area is "the muffin top" and I wear Spanx higher power pantie with everything...it smooths out all those bumps and ripples!! and it's pretty comfy. I live where it is 90's most of the time and I still wear it all the time, even with shorts and t shirts. Those blousy shirts with the empire waist are always good camouflage and heavy knit t shirts that don't hug your body are good (Jones New York brand @$14). One pair of dark jeans and two pairs of shorts should do it...change out the tops and accessories... and one plain dress. People really don't pay that much attention to what you wear if you change change your top. People look at your face when they talk to you , so they concentrate on the top your wearing but by the second day they forget the day before.

Rz of course you can join us...especially since you know where Eufaula is!!! And I do live in one of those old houses...as you come in from Atlanta when you first hit the old part, I live 1 block East of 431!!! Next time, come visit!


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Thanks for the welcome. I just may do that; stop on my way through Eufaula, but I would let you know when I was coming (as a good southern lady would do). LOL

I was on my way to the other side of Dothan (and just over the Florida state line) to my Mother's family reunion. I have alot of family in that area and all over Florida. I was born a New Yorker (upstate) but my Mother was a southerner, born and raised in Dothan. Did you say in previous posts you were Italian? I'll be in Italy in Novemebr, any relatives you'd like to say "Ciao" to, for you?


As far as what to wear on your cruise, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Judi has the right idea, change up some tops, jewerly, and scarves with black bottoms (skirts or trousers) and you'll be fine. On a 7 night cruise they will have a formal night , and a "semi-formal", I usually wear a sparkley scarf or jacket with "Bling" jewelry. It's all good. :D


Rosemarie :)

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Hi Rosemarie,


I went on my first ever cruise this year, a three week transatlantic, loved it and have booked again for next year :). The cruise line is finishing next Oct so this is the only chance to do the trip. We did Barbados to Majorca this year and next is Barbados to Crete. The cruise line is free eating and no dressing up which i found to be really good as i'm not into fancy frocks!!!!! The bad news was i gained 14lbs!!!!! :eek:

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It sounds like you had a grand time. What's the name of the cruiseline?

I've cruised for a number of years, and have just grown tired of the dressing up. We go on the transatlantic cruises to relax, meet people and have as few demands on us as possible (a change to our everyday (real) lives! Ha-ha. I usually bring several books with me as well as some recorded on my IPod to lay back and just listen to.

The first cruise is in the Med, so being mindful of WW in Italy will be my biggest challenge. I love Italian food!! I usually lose weight on cruises only because I walk everywhere, and eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks in between. My eating habits are terrible and normally I do not eat until dinner time (which is usually late), and no exercize. :eek:

For me it's easier to watch what I eat when I have a Chef preparing all the food! I hope that will work for me this time.

When do you go on your cruise?



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Getting ready for my cruise this Saturday. We are leaving for Baltimore on Friday. Looking forward to a nice (and on program) seafood dinner there. I am planning my strategy for the cruise. Small breakfast, lite lunch and good choices at dinner, with a dessert. If I can keep it down to a 1-3 lb. gain I will be happy. If I stay the same, I'll be even happier!

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Hey Sheryl....have a great time!!! Relax and drink your water...remember that you are not going to gain back all that you have lost and when you get back you can start on program again..a little set back is all right..don't beat yourself up about it... I leave on the 6th!!! I keep giving myself the same lecture!!:p We are all in this together for the rest of our lives!!!! That's a long time, and one week is really just a SMALL moment in time.

Have fun..think skinny person...my motto is "chew and spit"!:rolleyes:


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Hey Betty, I agree with Mel. I think for every 10 pounds or so you go down a size. My problem area is "the muffin top" and I wear Spanx higher power pantie with everything...it smooths out all those bumps and ripples!! and it's pretty comfy. I live where it is 90's most of the time and I still wear it all the time, even with shorts and t shirts. Those blousy shirts with the empire waist are always good camouflage and heavy knit t shirts that don't hug your body are good (Jones New York brand @$14). One pair of dark jeans and two pairs of shorts should do it...change out the tops and accessories... and one plain dress. People really don't pay that much attention to what you wear if you change change your top. People look at your face when they talk to you , so they concentrate on the top your wearing but by the second day they forget the day before.

Rz of course you can join us...especially since you know where Eufaula is!!! And I do live in one of those old houses...as you come in from Atlanta when you first hit the old part, I live 1 block East of 431!!! Next time, come visit!



Thank you! Great ideas, all. My bottoms are my biggest issue - where MOST of the bumps and lumps are. LOL I think I'm just going to wait until the first week of October and see what the best size choice is and pick up a few items. I actually went thru my closet yesterday and cleaned out a lot of clothing (everything that is currently a little big) and took inventory of what I have that might work. I also have a very few smaller sized shorts/capris. Guess I was hopeful. :-) Frankly I hope I need a whole new wardrobe by then...even if it means giving away everything I have and buying only a few pieces to get me through to the next size. Thanks again everyone but def keep the ideas coming if you have additional thoughts.



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Good Mornin'


Rz, I am in Suwanee. We don't live that far from each other. Welcome to our group. You'll find lots of support here.


How was the weekend? I had a good one and have to pat myself on the back. We went to see my parents, who live in the north Georgia mountains, and went to a good ol' country BBQ place. I ordered the chopped chicken breast with baked beans and coleslaw. It came with french fries and a piece of texas garlic toast as well. I only ate approx 3 oz of the chicken, 4 bites of beans and 4 of coleslaw, 1/2 of the toast and about 10 french fries and boxed up the rest. Then, my Mom has been putting up fresh peaches all last week and back at her house she made a peach cobbler. I only had about 3/4 c of hot cobbler and a little less than 1/2 c low fat vanilla ice cream. I ate what I wanted in moderation and was very satisfied. I didn't leave there feeling all bloated and miserable and it felt good. I tracked the points and tried to figure on the high side just to be safe and totalled it at 18 points. I would hate to see what the points would have been if I ate that whole meal and a whole bowl of cobbler and ice cream like I would have done a month ago.


What did you do this weekend to make you feel proud?

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Sheryl, yoooooo hooooo Sheryl, I hope you come back to the boards this week before you leave.


I hope you have a fabulous time on your cruise. Your plan sounds good for maintaining your weight loss. I'm sure you'll be walking around on deck and getting a little more exercise which will help. Another thing I just thought of, or did I read it on the boards :confused:, but you could head to the gym or spa and find the scale and weigh when you first get there. Go back a few times during the cruise just to keep an eye on it. Don't worry because it's going to be off from the scale at weigh in but weighing when you first get there will give you a true weight on that scale so you'll be able to keep up with it the whole week. That way if you have a goal of gaining no more than 1-3 lbs you'll know if you need to skip a snack or just have a few bites of dessert a couple nights. That is what I plan on doing while on our Hawaii cruise.


I expect a full review when you get back :).

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Thanks for the yogurt idea. I am not a fan of plain yogurt and I do love the WW flavors. Make me think I am eating dessert. I bought blueberries now I need the cereal.



Enjoy. Let me know how it was driving to Baltimore. Don't forget to use the stairs. Most times I walked and my DH used the elevator and I beat him. He has bad knees so I excused him. :D



Try a local thrift shop. I got a nice pair of jeans for $7 and a few tops for $3 each. One still had the tags on it. They even have a good selection of formal wear.



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Hi Rosemarie


The cruise line we went on was Ocean Village, when we stopped at St Marteen we were alongside Independence of the Seas and Sanda[also writes on here] was on that ship and we looked so tiny next to it. There was a walking track around the ship, 8 laps was 1 mile but i never bothered!!!!! Next year i aim to be more active as i don't want to gain too many lbs. We cruise 17th March from Barbados with about 10 days in the carribean arriving at Maderia on Good Friday, Almeria, Spain on Easter Monday, than Crete on 8th April. Jane

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GAPeachessweety: No we don't live too far apart. We looked at alot of houses in Gwinnett county. We actually put a contract on one in River Plantations. It wasn't meant to be. We love Atlanta and do not miss Wash DC one bit (except we have a son there; him I miss)! Thank you for the welcome.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Thanks for all of our good wishes for my upcoming cruise. Yes, I will try to do the stairs...hopefully I won't need to use my scooter too much. I walked around a local small grocery store today...big accomplishment for me! My physical therapy has ended but I am keeping up with the exercises at home. It's the best I can do, for now. As I lose more weight, I'm hoping to be able to walk more. Hoping for a good weight loss this Thursday before I leave!

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Guest Crazeecat5
GAPeachessweety: No we don't live too far apart. We looked at alot of houses in Gwinnett county. We actually put a contract on one in River Plantations. It wasn't meant to be. We love Atlanta and do not miss Wash DC one bit (except we have a son there; him I miss)! Thank you for the welcome.


That's how we feel about NYC. We don't miss it, just our son and some other family that live there. We love it here in Pa. Would like to move on down to Florida someday.

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Good evening, I hope everyone is safe after hurricane Bill. We had some heavy winds and rain but nothing like they were afraid we would get. Today was very calm again. Much cooler though. It chased all the humidity we were having away.

Got weighed on Saturday, up 0.4 pounds. Not too bad. I seem to be stuck in that 1-2 pound slump. Up and down. I'm just trying to get through the rest of the summer and then getting back on track in Sept. Of course, we are going on vacation the first week of Sept so it may be the week after before I get on track.;)

Welcome to all the newbies, this is a great thread. Lots of support and ideas.

Bon voyage to everyone cruising in the next week or so. Have a great time and worry about your weight after you get back home!

Good luck with weight losses this week.



SW 264

CW 210

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