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Hi all,

Getting ready for my cruise this Saturday. We are leaving for Baltimore on Friday. Looking forward to a nice (and on program) seafood dinner there. I am planning my strategy for the cruise. Small breakfast, lite lunch and good choices at dinner, with a dessert. If I can keep it down to a 1-3 lb. gain I will be happy. If I stay the same, I'll be even happier!



Have a fantabulous trip!!!

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Happy Dance all over the place for Jane:D:D!!! Three pounds GONE!!

Happy Dancing little feet for you ...33pounds GONE!! That's as much as I had to lose, and I know how hard that was!!!! Keep up the good work...Mel's Skinny vibes must be working...;)


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Went to my w/w class today and was down 3lb. :D:D:D


SW 254

CW 221





My weigh in didn't go quite as well, but I haven't been on program so I wasn't surprised. BUT I am motivated to get back on track, stay there, and go back to having losses again. I KNOW it works so why haven't I been doing it??? No matter, I am doing it now!!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 264.2 (19.2 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - +2.4


Goal for this week - Track EVERYTHING!!

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Happy Dancing for Jane........shimmy, shake, make the earth quake, turn, kick, stomp, stomp.......ha, that has to be good for 1 activity point :D. Don't know if you listen to country music there but that was a great hit for Shania Twain.


Misty, good for you picking yourself back up and dusting off and getting OP again. You're so close to your 10%. Hang in there and start with 1 thing at a time. Remind yourself why you want to lose the weight.


My leader waves a magic wand over all of us before we leave the meeting. So more skinny vibes to all and a wave of the magic wand.



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Have enjoyed reading through these posts. It has been a tough summer for

me. My Mom died on June 2 and my Dad died on July 1. I have a twin sister, Sharon. Sharon had been asking me to go to WW with her for some time. I have more weight to loose then she does. One of the last things My Mom said to me was, "you really should go to WW with Sharon". I said, yes, I will do that.

Since this is my last promise to my Mom, I am determined to do it. I joined five weeks ago and am down by 15.4 Lbs.


What has been the hardest for me, is cooking. I would make some sort of casserole, three or four nights a week and am finding it difficult to stay within points and still give my husband something he enjoys. (he has no weight issues)


Two things I am trying now is drinking more water and increasing my activity.


Long term goal is to loose about 80 lbs.


Reading through these posts is very helpful. Helps me realize, there are a lot of us in the same boat. Speaking of that, my next cruise is on 09/12/09. I have to be careful to not blow all my hard work.



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Misty, welcome back to Program...you can do it..a little at a time...it's a hard, bumpy, loooong road..but we Will travel it and get to our goals...we are here for you girl...track every bite and do a few chew and spits...if it doesn't taste wonderful, it's not worth the points...we have to think like thin people and only ingest what is wonderful...Good luck on the upcoming week...


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Hey Carol, welcome to our thread...Like I said to Misty, it is hard to relearn how to eat..Don't worry about the cruise, there is no way you can gain back all that you have lost in just one week!! If you gain, just start over..I have done that allot!! I don't do casseroles, but maybe someone here can help you out with that..Good luck to you and Sharon and I'm so very sorry about the loss of your Mom..My mom died seven years ago and I still miss her everday...Do Mama proud and you'll feel great about yourself and your promise..


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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Welcome back Misty! It's a bumpy road that we have to travel but we will make it, none the less! We are here for you and I know you will make it!


Welcome Carol. It is a wonderful thing you are doing for yourself. Your mother is looking down upon you, feeling so proud, I am sure.

Not sure what kind of casseroles you are making but maybe you can "lighten" them up a little by using less fattening ingredients. For example, substitute whole milk with 2%, regular cheese with fat free cheese and so on. Also, watch the sodium in some of the ingredients.


Ok so I am weighing in tomorrow night before I leave for my cruise on Friday. I am hoping to make some good choices and yet allow myself some enjoyment. I have worked very hard and although, I don't want to ruin it, I do want to reward myself a bit. I know...skinny people don't use food as a reward. This one time won't hurt!

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Hey Carol and welcome. I've seen you on the boards in various places so it's good to have you here. Wow, you have an extra special incentive to do this and make your Mom proud. You've done fantastic so far.


Lighten up casseroles by:

instead of mayo use light sour cream

instead of full fat cream of mushroom/chicken soup use the 98% fat free

I use skim milk and 2% cheese

use the leanest cuts of meat

leave a section for you that doesn't have any extra's sprinkled on top

use whole wheat pasta's

add extra spices/flavors that are 0 points like garlic, onion, fresh ground pepper


Cutting down on DH's fat intake will help with things like cholesterol and high blood pressure. Perhaps make him a healthy side dish to make up for some lost calories if he is like my son and needs every calorie he can get.


You'll be fine on your cruise. Take the stairs instead of the elevators, find the scale first thing and weigh again every few days just to make sure a gain isn't getting out of hand. Not sure which cruise line you're on (Princess is where I think I've seen you post ???) but if it is Princess take the dance classes to have active fun. Cut calories when you can and indulge on what really matters. And I love what Judi said.......think like a thin person. If what you're eating isn't absolutely fabulous don't keep eating it and waist points. Only eat what is worth the points.


Hope that helps.




p.s. dream skinny tonight everyone.

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When i cook meals we all eat the same, apart from breakfast and midday. For breakfast i always have cereal[it's not breakfast otherwise!!!!!] my husband and adult son eat bacon, sausage etc. Midday i try and have a salad with no meat. Salad is lettuce, cucumber,beetroot, tomatoes, radish, onion all piled high on the plate.They usually eat a sandwich. Evening meal we all eat the same, meat, potatoes and aways two veg. I also make casseroles, meat and veg. When they eat pastry i might have a W/W ready meal.... .....if i can only stay focused and not eat the biscuits, cake, chocolate etc i would be thin, thin thin!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you all for your encouragement and helpful suggestions. I am going to try some of the lighter alternatives that will still let me be creative in the kitchen.

I find the WW dinners to be safe and know I cannot depend on them for the rest of my life to maintain my weight. I think by rethinking how I put the meals together I can integrate this into a more healthy life style. There are a few things I have vowed to give up such as fries, they usually are not that good and so should not be a really big deal. I do like sour cream, all cheeses, salty crunchy food and oh yes, sweets. These will be my personal challenge. I have to say it does feel better to be 15 pounds lighter, so I try to keep my thoughts from things I know are not good for me.

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Thank you all for your encouragement and helpful suggestions. I am going to try some of the lighter alternatives that will still let me be creative in the kitchen.

I find the WW dinners to be safe and know I cannot depend on them for the rest of my life to maintain my weight. I think by rethinking how I put the meals together I can integrate this into a more healthy life style. There are a few things I have vowed to give up such as fries, they usually are not that good and so should not be a really big deal. I do like sour cream, all cheeses, salty crunchy food and oh yes, sweets. These will be my personal challenge. I have to say it does feel better to be 15 pounds lighter, so I try to keep my thoughts from things I know are not good for me.



Have you tried any of the WW 1 point bars? The peanut butter is good. Also the 2 point bars, chocolate chip brownie is wonderful. You can heat up the brownie and put some cool whip on it for a devine treat.

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Have you tried any of the WW 1 point bars? The peanut butter is good. Also the 2 point bars, chocolate chip brownie is wonderful. You can heat up the brownie and put some cool whip on it for a devine treat.


I am going to do that. I thought I was being smart when I found slender bars on sale at the store for 1/2 the cost of WW bars but when I calculated the points they have 4 points. I am going to let my husband eat those and get some of the WW ones at my meeting on Monday.

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Guest Crazeecat5

The Fiber Plus bars are fabulous. They are only 2 pts. The chocolate chips ones taste like rice krispies treats dipped in chocolate. Yummo!!

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The Fiber Plus bars are fabulous. They are only 2 pts. The chocolate chips ones taste like rice krispies treats dipped in chocolate. Yummo!!


I'm a HUGE fan of the Fiber Plus bars too!! My favorite is the dark chocolate and almond, but they're both yummy!!! MMMmmm!!!

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Hi, all... sorry for my absence... I didn't do my usual thing where I was just lurking the whole time, I wasn't getting the emails letting me know the thread was being updated. Not sure why, maybe because I wasn't actually going back to the thread. Oh well. Happy to be back!


First some responses:


Mel -- congrats on your loss and thanks for all the tips! And questions...


Something I did this weekend that I'm proud of: I did get some exercise in... and I did eat/drink fairly mindfully... Did better on Sunday with this than on Saturday. But mindful eating is a big thing for me.


Oh, and great packing tips, BTW.



Rzcruzes: Welcome to our group!


Sheryl: Have a great cruise!! You will be missed, but please come back and tell us all what a great time you had! Congrats on increasing your mobility! I'm hopeful you can keep that up on your cruise -- I imagine it would make things more convenient if you can keep it up. But don't push yourself to far -- take care of yourself! And please don't feel afraid to indulge some; this is your vacation, for heaven's sake. Just make sure you really enjoy any "damage" you do, otherwise it won't be as worth it! :p


Misty: on the yogurt w/Kashi -- I do this too. But I only count 2 points per cup of Kashi GoLean Crunch (I can't remember if I mentioned this already... sorry if I have). I know it comes out to 3 pts if you calculate the whole cup... but it's 1 pt per 1/2 cup, and my WW Point book says only 2 points per cup, so I'm going with it!! :o


And congrats on getting yourself back on track! I had a really tough time getting back on track after my cruise, and after summer started. But I'm there again, and I did continue to lose some weight in the meantime. (Pats herself on back.) It's all about getting back on program... Failure isn't the falling down, it's the staying down, as the saying goes.


Susan: Hang in there, you're doing great. Don't let the "fluke" little gains get to you... keep doing those right things and the scale will cooperate eventually.


Jane: Congrats on your 3 lbs! You are shrinking!


Judi: Congrats to you, too! You are wasting away... we'll miss you when you're gone... :D


Carol: Welcome to you as well! Sorry for your personal losses, but congrats on taking the big step to join WW, and good job on your weight loss so far! You can do this, and you deserve it. Your mother is proud of you for sure, just for deciding to take care of yourself.


As for my cooking/eating suggestions, I'm big on portion control. I'm making mostly the same things I was (trying to cut back on butter a little.... yum... butter...), but just eating ONE portion (or just two, some days!) rather than 4 or 6 actual portions (yes, I was eating that much... I found that out when I started actually measuring out what the portion should be). I boost casseroles by adding veggies... DH and I love mushrooms, and they're surprisingly filling and satisfying, so I bulk up casseroles that way... more satisfaction for fewer points. I also will eat a big salad, light on dressing, to help fill me up when I have a "tiny" portion of a casserole or other high-point dinner.


OK, as for my progress.... This past week was not as successful for me with regards to eating/exercising (a couple of birthday celebrations, and a food/wine festival...). But could have been worse. On the plus side, remember last week when I was down, but I thought it should have been more due to all my exercising and eating well (but I was having a bit of menstrual bloating last week at weigh in time)? drum roll....


Down 2.4 lbs this week!! This makes 30 pounds lost excactly! Finally made it under my 217, so I'm officially out of the Obese Class II BMI range, and into Obese Class I. Yay for me!!


I do think it's funny that I've been so obsessed with this goal lately, as I've been a BMI pooh-pooher for years. But that is how WW gets their suggested goal weight ranges. I've decided I should give them a shot... I've opened my mind up to new way of eating/exercising, so I've decided to go with my BMI goal UNLESS, as I get closer to that goal, I decide that it would be too thin... Which I may do. But I'll hold out a bit longer.


Anyhoo, I'm very pleased! Did some clothes shopping last night... DH has been wanting me to bag the baggy clothes for a while. I was pleasantly surprised I actually was down a size or two (depending on the item). I think I'm officially out of the 20s as far as sizes go (unless something runs really small). Everything I got last night was either an 18 or a 14/16. :)


My goal this week will be to actually post another loss next week! Seems like everytime I acheive a milestone, I go up the next week. Trying not to back-slide!


Skinny vibes all!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 216.2

GW: 154

Next mini-goal: 210 (by 10/8/09 would be FAB... 10th wedding anniversary is 10/9... that's 6 weeks, I could do it!)


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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Just back from weigh in....lost the 1 lb that I gained last week. So happy about that. Now ready for vacation. I promise to talk to you all when I return, whether my news is good or bad. Have a great 9 days everyone!!:D

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Welcome to Carol.

Lani- 2.4 pounds and a total of 30 is awesome! I'm not even looking at the BMI anymore. Isn't it great to buy clothes in sizes less than 20!!! I was looking at clothes the first of the summer and saw crop pants on sale. I asked the sales lady if they came in size 18, (up to that time I was always in the plus size section and didn't know if "regular" clothes went to 16 or 18). Anyway she told me that they did because she had bought a pair of size 18. She then said she couldn't believe she had to buy size 18 and was disappointed. I was elated!!! Isn't it funny how we view things.


Sheryl- congrats on your 1 point loss. Have a great trip. We will all be waiting to hear how it was.


I buy "Curves" bars. they work out to 1 point and are really good. They are available in our grocery stores and dept stores. I believe there are Curves gyms in the US so you should be able to buy them there too.

Our leader is always reminding us to eat simply filling food so we are full longer. I try but don't always succeed.


I have been tracking and watching portions this week so hopefully it will show up on the scale on Saturday.


My big news is the doctor has decreased my blood pressure medication again. This is what I was on several years ago, and then had to be increased twice. In May she decreased it and now again today. That alone shows me how much healthier I am with losing the weight.


Keep it up everyone!!


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I am happy!!! I weighed in 2.6 lbs lighter!!

We are going to friends tomorrow, we'll eat out so I am hoping I can make good choices!

I am going to try and concentrate on getting more exercize this week. It's pouring down rain here, so I have to find a subsitute for walking today.


Welcome to Carol.

GApeachessweety: I love those WW bars.....hmm maybe too much! LOL


I hope everone has a great weekend.


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Sheryl, great loss and I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise. Looking forward to your return.


Lani, happy dancing for you girl. :eek: 30 lbs. :eek:. And I hate to be a bummer but when the book and the nutrition info differ we are supposed to use the N.I. to calculate points. I love to go shopping for smaller size clothes. Congrats on the new sizes. This time around I will get to go shopping right in my own closet and wear some things I used to love to wear and actually wear the new things I had bought (tags still on them) but never was able to wear because I didn't stick to the program. I know this won't make sense but sometimes clothes shopping has a negative effect on me. I buy the smaller sizes and am thrilled but then a few days later I start relaxing and don't track or I eat 1 meal of terrible stuff, then another and the chain reaction starts. I think to myself that I just bought size 12's and my goal is a comfortable size 10, and well I'm not far from my goal so eating this or that won't hurt anything. WRONG I AM !!! Sorry, I didn't mean to make this about me :o. 6 weeks, 6 lbs., piece of cake....pun intended. :D


Fiber One also makes bars for just 2 points. The chocolate chip tastes like a candy bar to me. Lots of fiber doesn't usually bother me but those make me feel "fluffy" inside ;).


Susan, that is wonderful news about the BP meds. I'm sure your doctor is very pleased as well. I've been on BP meds since I was 39 (now 46) and that is one of my goals is to get off of it if possible. {{{{{super skinny vibes}}}}} for your weigh in.


Went to my meeting last night. Down again!!!! It was a new lady doing the weigh in and she started to tell me before I could stop her so I know I lost 1.something.


Have a great OP day and more {{skinny vibes}} to all.

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