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Ladies and David,

I am still here. I got away from posting and from eating properly.

I haven't returned to meetings and I've missed going to the gym and that is part of the problem.

School started two weeks ago and life has returned to crazy. I can handle that.

I plan on going back to the meetings on Monday.




SW 221

CW 194

GW 146

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Okay ladies and gentleman,

I weighed in today and was up 3.2 pounds. Now I need to give myself a good talking to and get back on the losing track! I did not have a gain from January to August, and then its been up 1.6, down 0.8, up o.4, down 2.2 and now up 3.2. I was on vacation for a week, but NOT a cruise! I did eat out a lot though. Anyway, tomorrow I start tracking, counting points and going for a walk. Tuesday my aqua-aerobics start again and I WILL be there.

When I look at my leader saying to try to be the same in Sept as we were in June, I'm still down 4.6 from what I was on June 26, so now I don't feel so bad, but I'm still going to do all of the above. We are going away again the end of October so I need to be back in the groove by then.

Have a good week all, I think we need to start sending challenges to each other again, so I'm challenging everyone to track ALL foods and points for the week!


~Susan (from NS)

SW- 264

CW 211

Mini goal- 200

+ 3.2 this week

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Glad to see many of you are coming back!


I'm still plugging away, especially after my post cruise weight gain. I am having a good week so I hope to see a loss on Thursday!

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Hi guys!!! I'm back from my mini four day cruise and hopefully I didn't gain anything..The food on NCL wasn't that impressive, so I don't think I have much worries..I like the desserts on Carnival MUCH better..probably drank more of the fru-fru drinks than I should have, but hopefully by my weigh in Weds they won't show! I'll check back on Wed and let you know!! Hey everyon, let's GET BACK ON PROGRAM!! We still weigh less than when we started, so let's keep it going...I need the Happy Dancing !!


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Happy Monday Ya'll,


First things first....I did not weigh in on Thursday because I took a bad fall down our basement stairs and got pretty banged up. The good news is.....I didn't sit around the last 4 days and eat everything in sight. I didn't journal but I know from the things I did eat I didn't do too bad. Hoping this Thursday's weigh in will be a good one.


I think the challenge is a great one. Journal every single day no matter how bad we think it might be.


Sheryl, 3 lbs isn't that bad. And you are back on track even before weigh in and that is a major accomplishment in itself. You're doing great. And you may even lose the 3 lbs quickly because you shocked your system. Before on WW when I hit a levelling off point I would shock my system and eat what I wanted for a few days then get back on track and the weight loss started again. I emailed you this morning :).


For everyone that gained.....hang in there. Remember this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. We go thru ups and downs in life and will always do the same with weight loss. Find your mo-jo again.


Happy dancing for all the losers.


Judi, that will be fantastic if you didn't gain on the cruise. Looking forward to hearing about it.

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GAPeaches...Thanks for the support and suggestions. I am now more motivated than before. I'm looking forward to doing things that I never would have been able to do before losing weight...Parasailing, climbing the Ruins in Belize, and Jetsking in Grand Cayman. Although I am only halfway to my goal weight...I definatly feel and look much better.


I took your advise and went for dinner the other night. It wasnt that difficult to find healthier selections...However the salt content is outrageous.


A friend told me about about a great website which gives info abour Carnival ships.


They have several great pages. The sample menus are also listed.



Dawn, I'm glad I could help. Eating healthier on the cruise will be a challenge I'm not going to lie ;) but it doesn't have to be impossible. I'm so glad you're feeling so great. You will have a blast doing those things on your excursions. Parasailing is a lot of fun.


About eating out....don't forget too that you can order your meal without any extra butter or oils. Some restaurants will put a pat of butter on steak and chicken after they are cooked to make them look more juicy and taste delicious. Also, try the fat free italian, vinegarette type salad dressings if you like those flavors as they are usually very good. Of course, butter and sour cream on the side for the baked potato too. I just end up telling our waiter/waitress that I want everything as low fat as possible and don't add any butter or oil to anything. If you have a Applebee's where you live their WW menu is fabulous. May fav is the fish for 6 points. Also try finding the restaurants website and look for nutrition information as a lot of them do have it. If you can't find the website try www.dwlz.com This lady has/did WW for a long time and started a website listing all kinds of restaurants and the points values.


Your positive attitude is contageous so keep it up :D.

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I began transitioning into fall clothing this week. I put on my denim capris for weigh-in and I stayed the same. Going from shorts to denim capris adds weight to the scale....at least that is my story and Im sticking to it. :p


Starting Weight: 272.0

Current Weight: 205.6

Short Term Goal: 199 (by Cruise on 11/1)

WW 1st Goal: 160


I had a bad weekend. I feel like I ate everything in site. But I started today with aerobics and the elliptical machine, and a motivation to get myself back on track.


GAPeaches...I took your advice and went out for for lunch twice last week. Once I had a salad and the other time I had a turkey burger with a pickel...No Fries. So I didn't do too bad, but the biggest thing was that I realized that I can give up a little control.:rolleyes:



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I began transitioning into fall clothing this week. I put on my denim capris for weigh-in and I stayed the same. Going from shorts to denim capris adds weight to the scale....at least that is my story and Im sticking to it. :p


Starting Weight: 272.0

Current Weight: 205.6

Short Term Goal: 199 (by Cruise on 11/1)

WW 1st Goal: 160


I had a bad weekend. I feel like I ate everything in site. But I started today with aerobics and the elliptical machine, and a motivation to get myself back on track.


GAPeaches...I took your advice and went out for for lunch twice last week. Once I had a salad and the other time I had a turkey burger with a pickel...No Fries. So I didn't do too bad, but the biggest thing was that I realized that I can give up a little control.:rolleyes:





LOL Dawn, I always wear the same thing to weigh in and I'm already thinking about having to bite the bullet (and prolly have a WI where I stay the same) when I have to switch from light weight capri's to a long pair of pants. But just think, it's only for 1 week. I'll keep wearing the same thing every week after I make the transition. ;) I think your story is a good one.


That is fantastic about eating out. I had 2 taco's fresco style from Taco Bell last night myself. Do you have a dining out guide? If not, worth every penny.


{{skinny vibes}} to you today.

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Well I'm a little excited. I broke down and went to the doc yesterday to have them look at my leg from when I fell and of course they weighed me. They always call it out so there was no hiding from it. Their scale showed I've lost about 9 lbs. HaPpY DaNcInG.


SW = 174

CW = 165 approx

GW = 154 by 11-21 for Hawaii

Real GW = 135-140


I'm still not going to look at my official WI though. Not until my last WI before my next cruise.


Skinny vibes to all today.

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Hey Mel, thanks for the almost 10 pound weight loss...now I can do some seriouse HAPPY DANCING before my weigh in!!!!:D Don't you feel GREAT!! I weigh in with the same clothes every week. Light cotton gym shorts thing and a wife beater undershirt! I wear clothes over the outfit, take off my real pants and t-shirt or sweat shirt before weigh in, and put it back on after!!! I have been doing that since Feb when I started. I think it is my lucky outfit!! I have a meeting on Wed at my weigh in time, so I won't be able to weigh in until Thurs. I'll be back then!!

Hey Arizona Sky, you better have that wedding gown altered to fit your new body! Feels good doesn't it? Let's keep on track everyone and I'll check back Friday...Let's eAt like skinny people all week..


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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

Congrats on the great weight losses! Hoping for a decent one this Thursday.


Had brunch at Denny's today. Ordered off the senio menu so that I could get 1 scrambled egg, an English muffin ( no butter, gave 1/2 to hubby), 1 sausage and fresh fruit. It was yummy!

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Hi everyone! I'm happy dancing for all of the good weigh ins & am thinking losing thoughts for all of the weigh ins coming up.


I definately had a better week this week & my efforts showed on the scale. I'm determined to keep it going in the right direction again this week! Thank you to everyone for your tips and support!!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 262.4 (21 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1.8


Goal for this last week - Track Everything and stay within my points (using Flex points). --I did track everything, but went over my points a little. I still consider it a success and vow to do better this week.


Goal for this week - Track Everything and stay within my points (using Flex points).

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Hi all,

Congrats on the great weight losses! Hoping for a decent one this Thursday.


Had brunch at Denny's today. Ordered off the senio menu so that I could get 1 scrambled egg, an English muffin ( no butter, gave 1/2 to hubby), 1 sausage and fresh fruit. It was yummy!


Sheryl, what a fabulous idea. I'm proud of you.



Hi everyone! I'm happy dancing for all of the good weigh ins & am thinking losing thoughts for all of the weigh ins coming up.


I definately had a better week this week & my efforts showed on the scale. I'm determined to keep it going in the right direction again this week! Thank you to everyone for your tips and support!!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 262.4 (21 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -1.8


Goal for this last week - Track Everything and stay within my points (using Flex points). --I did track everything, but went over my points a little. I still consider it a success and vow to do better this week.


Goal for this week - Track Everything and stay within my points (using Flex points).


HaPpY DaNcInG for Misty. I'm sure you are thrilled!!! Next week will be even better.


{{skinny vibes}} to all today

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Gosh! I hate it when I'm timed out!


I'm new to this particular thread. But, you all seem very supportive, & that's what I need to get my motivation going again! I joined WW at Work 9/04, before my husband & I went on our 15th anniv cruise the following May. Lost almost 25 lbs. Since then, even w/WW, I have gained 15 back, & need to lose those again. My husband is a chef, who will be hanging up his hat next month, but will still be teaching here at Purdue, just not cooking for the University President anymore. He still cooks at home (or our boys & I would probably starve!), but he seems to be home less often now, since he's scrambling to do lesson plans for classes he hasn't taught before! I just don't like to cook, & I don't do it well. We go to the gym 4-5 days/week (elliptical, some lifting) for about 30 mins/visit. When I'm training for walking 1/2 marathons, I'll walk on Saturday mornings, too. I could walk at lunch, but I really prefer to knit!!! :D My job is rather sedentary, but I do walk a 15 min round trip to my WW at work meeting on Tuesdays.


Here are my stats:


Starting Wt: 183

Current Wt (ww scale is 2# more than mine at home)


Mini Goal: 168

Goal weight: 155 at most!


Thanks for your supoprt!!!! (I know...I really need to move more, & control my portions!)

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi there,

Welcome! You have come to the right place. Motivation is abound here. You've already taken the first step....you found us! Good luck and check back often. Remember, you can do this!!

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On Saturday night at midnight i took part in a charity walk raising money for a local childrens hospice. Over 300 ladies took to the streets of Bedford here in the UK and we all had a great time. I took 2hrs 50mins to walk the 10miles.

Well it was my w/w meeting today and i had lost 3.5lbs, making a total of 22.5lb since the beginning of July and i am almost back to what i was at the beginning of December when i started faffing about. I joined w/w in Jan 08 and have lost a total of 38.5lb. I had lost 41lb but totally lost it and kept yo-yoing but i hope by December 09 i'm lighter than 08!!!!


SW 254




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Welcome to all the newbies. This is a great place to be! Lots of advice and support. Congratulations to the 'losers' this week. Keep up the good work.

I have been back on track this week. And I have been tracking everything and counting points. Hopefully it will show on the scales on Saturday. I walked a couple of times too. I tried to go to aqua aerobics on Tuesday night. there were several ladies outside the pool door, but it was locked! The website said it started again on the 15th but when I called yesterday, it doesn't start until next week.:( Oh well, I tried anyway, and I will definitely be there next Tuesday!

Heading for work, talk soon. Good luck everyone!


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Guest Crazeecat5

Good morning to all my WW friends,

Tonight is weigh in for me. I think I had a good week. Hope to get some of the post cruise pounds off.


Skinny vibes to all!!

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Thanks for the happy dancing Mel!!



Thanks for your supoprt!!!! (I know...I really need to move more, & control my portions!)





On Saturday night at midnight i took part in a charity walk raising money for a local childrens hospice. Over 300 ladies took to the streets of Bedford here in the UK and we all had a great time. I took 2hrs 50mins to walk the 10miles.

Well it was my w/w meeting today and i had lost 3.5lbs, making a total of 22.5lb since the beginning of July and i am almost back to what i was at the beginning of December when i started faffing about. I joined w/w in Jan 08 and have lost a total of 38.5lb. I had lost 41lb but totally lost it and kept yo-yoing but i hope by December 09 i'm lighter than 08!!!!



Great Job! Jane!! 10 miles & for a good cause too!! You must be very proud!! And 3.5 pound loss to top it off!! You keep going at this rate and you will be lighter by Dec 09!!


I have been back on track this week. And I have been tracking everything and counting points. Hopefully it will show on the scales on Saturday. I walked a couple of times too. I tried to go to aqua aerobics on Tuesday night. there were several ladies outside the pool door, but it was locked! The website said it started again on the 15th but when I called yesterday, it doesn't start until next week.:( Oh well, I tried anyway, and I will definitely be there next Tuesday!



Susan - Good job getting back on track, even if your aqua aerobics class failed you. You will do it next week!!



Good morning to all my WW friends,

Tonight is weigh in for me. I think I had a good week. Hope to get some of the post cruise pounds off.


Skinny vibes to all!!


I'm thinking thin for Sheryl!!!

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Weight loss is not just about eating less. There is so much more to it and it takes a lot for people to also help themselves from the inside as well. I was just telling my DH over the weekend that I want to start eating like a skinny person. We had pizza Saturday, my DH and my Son, and I did order ours with veggies only and very little cheese. My Son ordered a pepperoni and with lots of cheese. So we sit down to eat and I told myself that I was only going to have 1 slice (this place cuts them huge) and then walk away. I was completely satisfied, hunger wise, with 1 slice but as soon as I finished that one I got a 2nd slice. My mind instantly went to a 2nd slice while I was eating the last few bites of the first. My Son sat there after 1 slice and talked a bit and watched a little more TV (we were watching a football game) and he never got up to get a 2nd slice. I offered to get him another one when I got up to get us another but he responded that he would get another one in a minute. That was when I realized that he doesn't see food like I do. He doesn't have that mentality that he must eat his share of food before someone else gets it. I think deep down I feel the need to eat "my fair share" before it's gone as if it will never be there again. I'm not sure where that is coming from as there was always plenty when I was growing up and I'm not the president of the "clean my plate" club either. Lots of things to think about and reflect on.


Hi, all! I'm back -- can't believe it's been over two weeks since I posted -- many apologies! I really meant to, 2 weeks ago (I was down a pound!), but last week I was out of town for a buisiness/pleasure trip. Was in Texas, so ate lots of yummy, fattening things I don't get often in my neck of the woods. (mmmm.... fried oyster po'boy... BBQ...mmmm)


Anyhoo, after that week [did good in some areas, really bad in others (though with my eyes WIDE open)], I came back only 0.4 lbs up. So I'm still down over 30 lbs! But it's looking less likely I'll hit my mini goal of 210 by 10/8/09... but 211 or 212 should be possible (3.6-4.6 lbs in 3 weeks) , and I'll just shoot for that.


I quoted Mel above because I read this post a few days ago (I've been catching up the past few days), and it really hit home for me. YUP, I can relate. Can definitely say that I sometimes decide just a few bites into something that I want seconds, or finish a too-huge portion rather than stop and put it away for later.


My parents will tell you (and recently did say, to my surprise) that our household was not a "clean plate club" one, but I will say that you were chastised if you ever took too much food, and left some on your plate... it was considered "wasting it," which was just about the biggest sin, in my recollection. I know in their hearts they were just trying to point out to take less the following time and that you could always take more if you were still hungry, but hearing "You didn't finish! You took too much! Take less next time!! What a waste! Tsk, tsk, tsk..." makes you want to finish everything you took the following time, whether you were satisfied or not. And I'd wager a child (or most people) have a hard time determining (easily) what a proper portion is. Human nature (survival) makes you want to take extra... just in case. So, without my parents intending it, I learned to clean my plate. Now I'm trying to un-learn that.


Anyhow, Mel, thanks for posting your experience! I'm trying to keep that in mind, and catch myself when I'm about to "pre-determine" when I'm going to have seconds (well before I've finished my firsts!).


Cheers, all... skinny vibes!


Oh, and welcome newbies and congrats to all of you who are still sticking with WW through thick and thin (hopefully thinner...)!!! :D


SW: 246.2

CW: 215.6

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 211ish by 10/8/09 (day before 10th wedding anniversary)

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Guest Crazeecat5

Lani....Welcome back! I only have a minute to post because I am leaving for my WW meeting. After reading your post and re-reading Mel's, I can truly relate to both of them. My mother was a "finish what's on your plate" person which is most certainly one of the reasons my portion sizes are (were!) so big. That is my biggest problem.

Anyway, I'm on my way. Will check back later or tomorrow!

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Guest Crazeecat5


I lost the 3 lbs. that I gained on the cruise. I can't believe it....I'm so happy. Dancing all around my house!


Onward and upward ( I should say downward) from here!

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