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Just a quick visit to say hello as i'm back from a week in Spain then on Monday we are off to the seaside here in the UK for a few days. I'm going to w/w tomorrow to see what damage i've done, hopefully not tooo many lbs gained. England is enjoying an Indian summer but still cold after high temps in Spain last week. Will have to put the shorts away and get the jeans and fleeces out.

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Hi Weightwater girls. My name is Karen, I am an Registered Nurse, and DH and I love to cruise. I just found this board this morning and am seriously looking at rejoining WW. My problem is that the closest meeting for me is 17 miles away. There is a TOPS meeting only 2 miles away. Has anyone ever tried TOPS and if so, could you share with me, the pros and cons of this weightloss program? Thanks in advance. :)

Congratulations on everyone's determination....


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Morning Kids,


Well, I did go to the meeting last night and I gained. All in all it wasn't that bad for 3 weeks of not counting points except in my head :rolleyes: and not journaling. I also looked at my weight for the first time since starting back. I gained 1.2 lbs. So my stats are:


SW = 174

CW = 168

GW = 154 by 11-22 cruise

Loss = -6.0 lbs.


I'm still positive because it could have been much worse.


Today is going to be VERY challenging. We are having a chili cookoff here at work today. This is actually a big contest and we bring in a few of our customers and vendors to be the taste testers. Each dept picks a person to make it so there are about 10-12 crock pots full of chili. Now you can't have chili without all the fixin's so there are fritos, cheese, sour cream, corn bread, crackers, cakes and cookies. My goal today is to have 2 bites of a friends chili w/nothing on it then stay away from it all. I don't even want to go back in the room. I brought a chicken breast and greenbeans for lunch. A co-worker also brought zucchini and banana bread along with the bagels and cream chez my boss brings every Friday. My goal is to leave it at the very thin, about 1/4 inch, slice of zucchini bread (I figured it had more fiber :rolleyes:) and not have anymore nor a bagel. Whew, I'll be glad when this day is over :p.


Todays Goal:

2 bites of chili w/o anything else

1 very thin slice of zucchini bread

eat my chicken and greenbeans for lunch

stay away from all the cakes and cookies

Journal everything


Hi Mel!! Great job planning ahead and allowing yourself a little taste without over doing it. It sounds like you have a great strategy in place, I hope it helped you make it through the day. Also, you have a great attitude about you're little speedbump...just keep plugging away!!!



HI BARKINGMAD!!! Hopefully the scale was kind to you today. :)


Hi Weightwater girls. My name is Karen, I am an Registered Nurse, and DH and I love to cruise. I just found this board this morning and am seriously looking at rejoining WW. My problem is that the closest meeting for me is 17 miles away. There is a TOPS meeting only 2 miles away. Has anyone ever tried TOPS and if so, could you share with me, the pros and cons of this weightloss program? Thanks in advance. :)

Congratulations on everyone's determination....



Hi Karen & Welcome! You are definately not an intruder. The wonderful women (and men) welcome everyone with open arms! I think you'll find this a very inspirational and supportive place to be.



I had a pretty good day yesterday and I'm on my way to having a pretty good day today. Yesterday someone brought in ooey gooey chocately cookies and I resisted the temptation. Now, I know that the WW plan allows for little treats such as those when properly counted in our points allowance, but I also know myself and it would not have been just one little treat. So, I thought it was safest to stay away entirely, so that is what I did. When I got home I treated myself to a single serving bownie made with the no pudge brownie mix and raspberry yogurt. MMMmmm...


Today is good so far. We went to the Movie tavern for lunch and I had looked at the menu ahead of time and knew I was going to order the tilapia, rice and green bean with a side salad. It may not have tasted as yummy as some other things on the menu might have. BUT now that it is a couple of hours later I sure feel better about the decision than I would be feeling about some of the other choices on the menu. :)


Keep plugging away everyone!!! You CAN do it!!

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi all,

I'm still plugging away at WW. You know, I really feel like it's just my way of life now. Hope I can keep it up!


MEL...... we are official now. come on over to the thread. See my signature below.


Anyone else want to join us on the Carnival Glory out of NYC 9/25/2010 to NE/Canada? It is an official CC group cruise and I am your group leader!

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Hi Everyone!

Well, I pulled it off:D! Third week in a row with a loss! Down .6 That is such a confidence booster! I have 38 days before the cruise and I just might make that 10 pounds I hoped I could get off. I had a lot of challenges this last week, some I passed, some I failed:(, but I am getting closer to being back OP. And I owe it all to you guys. Reading the posts every day has really helped. Peaches - love your goals for the Chili Day! Things like that really help me. loladuvall - yep, the old me would have had 2 cream sticks by 9:30 & by 3 in the afternoon would have been back for about 2 more of the donuts! So yes, the mindset is working in that I can stop the majority of the time!

Thank you to all my new friends!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.

SW 271.4

CW 192.6

GW 160 ish

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Hi all,

I'm still plugging away at WW. You know, I really feel like it's just my way of life now. Hope I can keep it up!


MEL...... we are official now. come on over to the thread. See my signature below.


Anyone else want to join us on the Carnival Glory out of NYC 9/25/2010 to NE/Canada? It is an official CC group cruise and I am your group leader!



YAY Sheryl!!! CONGRATS!!! I'd love to join you, but my husband is not allowed to take time off in September. :( & I just can't bring myself to go without him. I think you're going to be a great leader, though!!


Hi Everyone!

Well, I pulled it off:D! Third week in a row with a loss! Down .6 That is such a confidence booster! I have 38 days before the cruise and I just might make that 10 pounds I hoped I could get off. I had a lot of challenges this last week, some I passed, some I failed:(, but I am getting closer to being back OP. And I owe it all to you guys. Reading the posts every day has really helped. Peaches - love your goals for the Chili Day! Things like that really help me. loladuvall - yep, the old me would have had 2 cream sticks by 9:30 & by 3 in the afternoon would have been back for about 2 more of the donuts! So yes, the mindset is working in that I can stop the majority of the time!

Thank you to all my new friends!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.

SW 271.4

CW 192.6

GW 160 ish



WHO-HOO Becky!! You're well on your way to your mini goal (and that other goal too!) Keep up the good work! Remember as long as you have more successes than failures, you're on the right path!


I've had a pretty good weekend & I have to pat myself on the back for saying "NO". That is a HUGE challenge for me!! Tonight we were out shopping and only had about an hour left before my daughter's bedtime. My husband suggested we hit a drive through since we didn't have time for dinner. I told him that he could chose the place because I was just going to eat a lean cusine or something lower in points. YAY ME!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

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Hi Weightwater girls. My name is Karen, I am an Registered Nurse, and DH and I love to cruise. I just found this board this morning and am seriously looking at rejoining WW. My problem is that the closest meeting for me is 17 miles away. There is a TOPS meeting only 2 miles away. Has anyone ever tried TOPS and if so, could you share with me, the pros and cons of this weightloss program? Thanks in advance. :)

Congratulations on everyone's determination....



Welcome to the WW thread/group. If you do decide to join WW again I hope you post often.


Never heard of TOPS.



Hi all,

I'm still plugging away at WW. You know, I really feel like it's just my way of life now. Hope I can keep it up!


MEL...... we are official now. come on over to the thread. See my signature below.


Anyone else want to join us on the Carnival Glory out of NYC 9/25/2010 to NE/Canada? It is an official CC group cruise and I am your group leader!


I saw that Sheryl, I posted.


Hi Everyone!

Well, I pulled it off:D! Third week in a row with a loss! Down .6 That is such a confidence booster! I have 38 days before the cruise and I just might make that 10 pounds I hoped I could get off. I had a lot of challenges this last week, some I passed, some I failed:(, but I am getting closer to being back OP. And I owe it all to you guys. Reading the posts every day has really helped. Peaches - love your goals for the Chili Day! Things like that really help me. loladuvall - yep, the old me would have had 2 cream sticks by 9:30 & by 3 in the afternoon would have been back for about 2 more of the donuts! So yes, the mindset is working in that I can stop the majority of the time!

Thank you to all my new friends!

Good Healthy Vibes To All.

SW 271.4

CW 192.6

GW 160 ish


That is fabulous. You're doing a great job.

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I had a pretty good day yesterday and I'm on my way to having a pretty good day today. Yesterday someone brought in ooey gooey chocately cookies and I resisted the temptation. Now, I know that the WW plan allows for little treats such as those when properly counted in our points allowance, but I also know myself and it would not have been just one little treat. So, I thought it was safest to stay away entirely, so that is what I did. When I got home I treated myself to a single serving bownie made with the no pudge brownie mix and raspberry yogurt. MMMmmm...


Today is good so far. We went to the Movie tavern for lunch and I had looked at the menu ahead of time and knew I was going to order the tilapia, rice and green bean with a side salad. It may not have tasted as yummy as some other things on the menu might have. BUT now that it is a couple of hours later I sure feel better about the decision than I would be feeling about some of the other choices on the menu. :)


Keep plugging away everyone!!! You CAN do it!!


I know what you mean about starting something then get carried away with it. I would be okay if I knew it was all gone after I had a small piece but knowing there are more is what makes it difficult.


You are workin' it baby!!!!! Didn't it feel great not to be all bloated after you finished eating and still bloated even hours later. That is the way it was for me Friday. I stuck to my plan and when everyone else was walking around holding their bellies saying how awful they felt, I just looked at them (with a little sympathy) and thanked myself for not doing that to myself.


YAY Sheryl!!! CONGRATS!!! I'd love to join you, but my husband is not allowed to take time off in September. :( & I just can't bring myself to go without him. I think you're going to be a great leader, though!!

I hope you'll reconsider coming with us.


I've had a pretty good weekend & I have to pat myself on the back for saying "NO". That is a HUGE challenge for me!! Tonight we were out shopping and only had about an hour left before my daughter's bedtime. My husband suggested we hit a drive through since we didn't have time for dinner. I told him that he could chose the place because I was just going to eat a lean cusine or something lower in points. YAY ME!!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!


Keep up the fabulous work.

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As for me......well, I didn't really have such a good weekend. I did stick to my plan on Friday and for dinner I ate a Zaxby's grilled chicken salad with 1 pack of lite ranch mixed with their hot sauce. It was Saturday that was miserable. Started off well with a peanut butter (2 tbsp) sandwich on double fiber bread. It was our first meeting with the wedding planner so when we got thru I had a chick-fil-a sandwich (yes a regular one). Then it went downhill from there. My in-laws had a low country boil supper for the whole family. While I only ate a few bites of it (because I don't like it) but I totally made up for that with the desserts. I had 2 ooey gooey brownies, 4 cookies, blueberry cream chez thing, those candy corns, then had mixed drinks on top of that.


Sunday wasn't any better. My Son came home from work (he works nights) with a bag full of McD's sausage biscuits and a dozen donuts. I had no willpower at all. I ate a biscuit and 3 :eek: donuts. I don't even like donuts but some reason they tasted sooooo good.


I just blew it all the way around, no doubts, no questions about it. I had a plan going to my in-laws that I failed to keep. I had planned on having a great OP day yesterday that I failed to do. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. What's done is done and today is a new day and so far so good. My goal this week is not gaining. I'm not even thinking about a loss.


I hope everyone else had a great OP weekend like Misty and Sheryl and {{{skinny vibes}}} to all.

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As for me......well, I didn't really have such a good weekend. I did stick to my plan on Friday and for dinner I ate a Zaxby's grilled chicken salad with 1 pack of lite ranch mixed with their hot sauce. It was Saturday that was miserable. Started off well with a peanut butter (2 tbsp) sandwich on double fiber bread. It was our first meeting with the wedding planner so when we got thru I had a chick-fil-a sandwich (yes a regular one). Then it went downhill from there. My in-laws had a low country boil supper for the whole family. While I only ate a few bites of it (because I don't like it) but I totally made up for that with the desserts. I had 2 ooey gooey brownies, 4 cookies, blueberry cream chez thing, those candy corns, then had mixed drinks on top of that.


Sunday wasn't any better. My Son came home from work (he works nights) with a bag full of McD's sausage biscuits and a dozen donuts. I had no willpower at all. I ate a biscuit and 3 :eek: donuts. I don't even like donuts but some reason they tasted sooooo good.


I just blew it all the way around, no doubts, no questions about it. I had a plan going to my in-laws that I failed to keep. I had planned on having a great OP day yesterday that I failed to do. I'm not going to beat myself up about it. What's done is done and today is a new day and so far so good. My goal this week is not gaining. I'm not even thinking about a loss.


I hope everyone else had a great OP weekend like Misty and Sheryl and {{{skinny vibes}}} to all.


Great attitude Mel! I'm glad you're not letting it get you down!!


I'm working on another good day today. I've been OP and am determined to skip the goodies at my daughter's t-ball party. Why must everything be celebrated with food???

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Hi Ladies,

I'm still here. I went back to WW last Wednesday. Two of the teachers I work with said they were going that afternoon and I said to hell with it and went.

I was down .4 without dieting.


I am aware of what I eat I just wasn't trying. Now I am trying and will return to the gym.


Weigh in will now be Wednesdays.

Skinny vibes to all.



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Hi All,

Mel, it sounds like you and I had the same kind of weekend! Mine started out good with the .4 loss, then went to rice, salad & fish for lunch :), then cider and donuts for supper:o(the cream stick on Friday started it), and from Saturday evening to tonight my Mother and I split a bag of Dove candy:(:eek:! Now, I look at it that the old me would have continued with half a dozen more donuts, and the whole bag of candy in one day:rolleyes:, but that was the old me! The donuts are gone, the candy gone, so BACK ON TRACK! But when you are coming down with a cold, how do you get the omph to ride that stationary bike!?!

Sheryl - I agree, why does everything have to be centered around food? I will get back in the grove again this week, but think I will probably be up a little with my 'glitch' over the weekend.

Denise - Good For You!!! Sometimes the information is just under the brain and still works!

Good Healthy Vibes to All.

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Weekly meeting this evening. Now down 27.6 lb. since July 20th. Happy for that but had a rough day. Stayed within points but felt really hungry all day. Hard to describe but it felt like a blood sugar thing. Nothing I ate satisfied me and felt kind of ditzy all day long. Hope that feeling is gone by tomorrow.


I know no one likes to blow their points but just want you to know it sure helps me to see one can have a bad day and not beat themselves up and be motivated again the following day. Thank you for sharing that.



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Hi Denise - YAY!! a loss without trying!! Now that you're trying, hitting the gym and sending out those skinny vibes, things will get even better!


Becky - Kudos for you for getting back on track!!! That's the spirit!! I wish I had the answer to finding the oomph to get on the bike, I haven't quite found mine and I don't even have a cold standing in the way. You can do it though, I have faith in you!


I know no one likes to blow their points but just want you to know it sure helps me to see one can have a bad day and not beat themselves up and be motivated again the following day. Thank you for sharing that.




I completely second that sentiment!! I couldn't have said it better myself, so I quoted you instead!!


I hpoe you're feeling better, Carol!!


Hello Sheryl!! Sorry you won't be able to make your meeting for a while, but we've got your back!!



I'm prety pumped tonight. I got back to my regular meeting. The new meeting was nice, but I missed my "old" meeting. I'm also very proud to say that my fears of the strange scale were completely unfounded because I not only held on to my loss from last week, but I added to it. I have a whopping 4.6 pound loss for the past two weeks! YAY ME!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 258.6 (24.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -2.6 last week -2 this week :cool:


Goal for last week - Continue to track, stay in points and also measure portions this week. I completely forgot to measure my portions, oops! But I did track and stayed within my points every day but one.

Goal for this week - track, stay OP & drink all of my waters.

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Hi Ladies,

I'm still here. I went back to WW last Wednesday. Two of the teachers I work with said they were going that afternoon and I said to hell with it and went.

I was down .4 without dieting.


I am aware of what I eat I just wasn't trying. Now I am trying and will return to the gym.


Weigh in will now be Wednesdays.

Skinny vibes to all.




Be proud of yourself. Your loss proves you are changing the way you see food.



Hi All,

Mel, it sounds like you and I had the same kind of weekend! Mine started out good with the .4 loss, then went to rice, salad & fish for lunch, then cider and donuts for supper(the cream stick on Friday started it), and from Saturday evening to tonight my Mother and I split a bag of Dove candy! Now, I look at it that the old me would have continued with half a dozen more donuts, and the whole bag of candy in one day, but that was the old me! The donuts are gone, the candy gone, so BACK ON TRACK! But when you are coming down with a cold, how do you get the omph to ride that stationary bike!?!

Sheryl - I agree, why does everything have to be centered around food? I will get back in the grove again this week, but think I will probably be up a little with my 'glitch' over the weekend.

Denise - Good For You!!! Sometimes the information is just under the brain and still works!

Good Healthy Vibes to All.


OMG!!! Was it donut weekend or what? And the old me would have had a couple bowls of chili and brownies Friday, the fried chicken strips at Zaxbys instead of a salad, eaten 2 sausage biscuits, had lunch on top of the donuts, then drown in a bowl of ice cream. I'd say we've come a long way :D.


Weekly meeting this evening. Now down 27.6 lb. since July 20th. Happy for that but had a rough day. Stayed within points but felt really hungry all day. Hard to describe but it felt like a blood sugar thing. Nothing I ate satisfied me and felt kind of ditzy all day long. Hope that feeling is gone by tomorrow.


I know no one likes to blow their points but just want you to know it sure helps me to see one can have a bad day and not beat themselves up and be motivated again the following day. Thank you for sharing that.




Wow Carol. Wow. 27 lbs since July 20th. Wow Carol. I'm sure you're having fun shopping for new clothes...probably in your own closet if you're like me. Did I say Wow!!!:D


I surprised myself with these feelings. Last time I was OP I would get so discouraged by a off program day that it would put me in such a horrible mood. I don't know if I'm older or wiser or both :rolleyes: but I have realized I am human. No pun intended. Humans make mistakes and I've done a lot of that lately with regards to WW. We pick ourselves back up when we do stupid things like oh say.....fall down the stairs :o. Why not with WW?

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I'm prety pumped tonight. I got back to my regular meeting. The new meeting was nice, but I missed my "old" meeting. I'm also very proud to say that my fears of the strange scale were completely unfounded because I not only held on to my loss from last week, but I added to it. I have a whopping 4.6 pound loss for the past two weeks! YAY ME!


Starting weight - 283.4

Current weight - 258.6 (24.8 lost)

Short term goal - 255 (10%)

Long term goal - 155

Change this week - -2.6 last week -2 this week :cool:


Goal for last week - Continue to track, stay in points and also measure portions this week. I completely forgot to measure my portions, oops! But I did track and stayed within my points every day but one.


Goal for this week - track, stay OP & drink all of my waters.



Misteeeeee, where are you Misteeeeee? OMG Woman!!!! We won't be able to see you before long you're shrinking so fast :p. How wonderful for you. You'll get your 10% in 2 more weeks at this rate.


HaPpY DaNcInG for you

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Hi, folks!

Sorry for my latest extended absence.... My 76-year-old mother took a doozy of a fall last Tuesday night and ended up in the hospital. She badly broke/dislocated her shoulder, badly lacerated her cheek and broke some bones in her face. Eventually had surgery to replace the top of her arm bone and was in the hospital just hours short of a full week. She is on the long road to recovery now, but this situation has kept me hoppin'!


Oddly, I'd been really in touch with this forum the few days just before this happened, and in my adrenaline-soaked time to/in the hospital with my mom, I really needed calming down by disinterested outsiders.... I thought of you all, and really wish I could have been in a position to post. I knew you would all be the perfect balance of comfort/support/etc. I hope you all felt the waves of affection I sent all of you that night!


I don't have much time to write (I hope to get back here and respond to specific posts), but I did at least want to put in an appearance.


Congrats to all you losers and anyone simply keeping their chin up and plugging away! Welcome newbies!


I did weigh in last week -- was down 3.2; more than I expected, and erased my feeling bad for having "up" weeks the 2 weeks prior (.4 and 1 lb, respectively). This week I was back up a pound, so I'm down 0.8 overall since I got back from my trip to Dallas over Labor Day week. I'm not really too sure of why I'm up a pound (other than natural body fluctuations, perhaps?), since, for some reason, I've felt exceptionally in control with food the past week+plus. I haven't had too much of the "I must eat that... I can't stop thinking about how good that will taste." Instead I've had more of the "that was only OK, so I'm not going to continue eating that."


That could go away tonight (I'm fairly certain!!) since DH and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary tonight at a gourmet restaurant that features mushrooms (we LOVE mushrooms!). [Here's info on it if anyone cares: http://www.joelpalmerhouse.com/Scripts/aboutus.asp]


I plan to go all out tonight, and just be mindful... try not to eat to suffocation... Basically, I'm going to treat tonight's dinner like a cruise/vacation, where I don't limit myself -- I will just try to savor what I eat and not go TOO excessive. This has worked for me on vaca (only slight gains), so I'm not too stressed about it. Just have to be "good" this next week.


Thin thoughts to you all!


SW: 246.2

CW: 214.4

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: near 210 by end of month; near 205 by Thanksgiving...

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Lani- I am so sorry to hear about your mothers fall:eek:, but happy to hear she is recovering. It is not easy to stay on anykind of schedule under those circumstances!

Mel, How right you are, we pick ourselves up after an accident, or whatever, why is it so hard go do it with WW. I look at old photo's of myself, then look at myself in the mirror and see the difference but it is so hard to get the last 30 some pounds off! Last weekend was a complete and total bust, started the week out good, and lost it again today:(. Never got out of the office yesterday to get weighed, not sure if I can get to meeting tomorrow or not, but according to my scales I am up 1.5:o. This has been my problem since May. Up - down - up - down! AGH:mad:!

Misty, how great you are doing! Bravo!

To all of us - I agree - we can and will do this!

Good Healthy Vibes to All.

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We are going on a carnival cruise March 28th to the western Caribbean. I have been with weight watchers since the first week of May and just this past Thursday I have lost 25lbs. I have the hardest time on the weekends. I tend not to track points at all and end up trying to get the couple of pounds off that I picked up over the weekend.

Is anyone going on a cruise soon? I am looking forward to this one, our kids and grandkids are going too and they are so excited.

So far there has not been much posting for our cruise date, hopefully that will change the closer we get to departure. Our last cruise critic group was large, we went to the West Med last September, and it was great! We stayed so active that i only gained 2lbs.

Look forward to hearing from some fellow weight watchers, maybe this will help me with the weekends!



starting weight 230

current weight 205

goal size 12?:)

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Hello everyone, no, I did not disappear off the face of the earth. I've had a very busy fall so far, I've checked the board a few times but didn't have time to do any posting.

Lani-I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is starting tom feel a little better. I am a registered nurse and worked in orthopedics for over 25 years. I know how [painful these injuries can be! And you lost 3.2 pounds besides, that is awesome. And Happy Anniversary!


Becky- I have been up and down the last of August and Sept, but have had a loss the last 4 weeks, so hang in there. Its hard to do that sometimes, but as has been said on here many times, be more stubborn than the scale! And you did have some nice losses!


Karen- welcome- TOPS- I have heard of it but never went to it myself. We do have TOPS here in Canada. It means Take off pounds sensibly. I know a couple of ladies who go and they like it. It is not as expensive as Weight Watchers, but I don't know if there is a group leader at each meeting either. I like WW.


Carol- 27.6 pounds since July. That is fantastic!!! You must feel so much better!


Sheryl- Is Sydney one of your stops next year on the New England/Canada cruise? It would be so nice if it was and we could meet up and I could give you your own personal tour!


Misty- You are right. Why do we celebrate everything with food? There should be other ways to celebrate.


Last weekend was very full of food for me. We took a lady who works with us and is retiring out for dinner, for Chinese food. Then my hubby and I ate out Saturday night. Then I was at a Pot Luck dinner on Sunday and took a pregnant co worker out for dinner on Monday. I did pretty good with my choices up to Monday. Then I ate way too much. I was full after my main meal but everyone was having dessert so of course I had some too. Well, I was so uncomfortable! I thought I was going to be sick. I haven't had that feeling for MONTHS, and I don't plan on having it again. Anyway when I got weighed on Thursday I was down 0.2 of a pound. I was happy with that! My usual weigh in day is Saturday, but I've been getting weighed the last couple of weeks on either Fri or Thursday( whenever I can) due to all the other things going on in my life on Saturdays.

This weekend is Thanksgiving in Canada so we are having my whole family here for turkey and all that goes with it. I hope to stay OP.

I have been back to water aerobics one night a week for the last three weeks. I hope to be able to get there more than once, but its only 3 nights a week and I teach brownies on one of them. Even if I can get there twice, and I'm going to start going to Zoomba. (I think thats how its spelled)Its a dance exercise class. I have spoken to a couple of ladies who go and they can't believe the workout you get. There won't be any this Monday because of the holiday but I hope to go the week after. Its on mondays and Wednesday but weds is my brownie night. Then my hubby and I are going to Calgary on the 20th for 9 days. So I won't be doing any exercise out there. Maybe walk?


I'm not sure who wrote The Bikini Club. It was a library book. The next time I'm in there I will look to see who wrote it. Well, I've almost written a book myself tonight.


Good luck to everyone. Skinny vibes to all!

~Susan from NS


SW 264

CW 207.4

mini goal 200

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