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Congrats to everyone for still staying on the program. it doesnt matter if you lose today and not tomorrow. It matters that havent given up and you are still ON the program ;)




You've just said it all, Dalia! Thanks for this wisdom!


Been hovering!!!!! :( After having visitors for 3 weeks i went to my w/w meeting last week and had gained.:eek: First week back on plan and weigh in today and down 5lb :D

My cruise is only 10 weeks away and i would like to be under 200lbs


SW 254

CW 216


Jane, I'm so with you on this... my last weigh-in before my cruise is in like 13 weeks, and I'm hoping to be more than 20 pounds lighter before then :eek: YIKES! Let's keep each other motivated! Like you, last week I was up from where I'd been a month before.... I'd love to be 5 lbs down in my weigh-in tomorrow, but I don't see that happening. I'm having a tough time sticking to points as it is, and as I just turned 38, I'm supposed to lose another point. Yeesh.


Stay strong, all ... thin thoughts to you all!


SW: 246.2

CW: 211.4 (as of last Thursday 1/7)

GW: 154

Mini-Goal: 190 by 4/15/10

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Lani, only 38 so young....i wil be 57 in April!!!!!

I find it's when my daily routine gets changed i find it hard to stay on plan, like with visitors in the house. But i have no excuses now, it's a straight run through to mid March. Last year was the first time i had been on a cruise and all that food.....i know we can choose "good choices" but a foodie like me would rather choose cake over fruit when being "bad". I gained 14lb last cruise although it was a 3 week one......... jane :cool:

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UGH. Weigh-in not good. I did weigh in at home and was 0.6 down, but was 0.4 UP at WW WI today. Very sad. :(


I feel like I've basically eaten in control this week...sounds stupid when I'm forced to admit I burned through my 35 flex points on days 1 & 2 (Sat/Sun), and have since used another +32 points over my daily allowance over the following 3 days, and my week isn't over until Friday, and I may have left a few points out when logging, so the point overage could be higher in reality. [And I have to lose another point starting Saturday!! Blech.]


I admit did eat a bit much on Tuesday when friends came over to help celebrate my birthday and they sprung for ice cream after dinner... BUT, I never ate to "fullness" or being uncomfortable.


On the other hand, I do recall a few times eating seconds (of fairly low point/filling foods) when I didn't really need to, and I had a decided lack of activity, and I should be drinking more water (and not drinking the 3 cokes I drank this week).


Ugh, again. I just need to get on program, for real. I've been being really sloppy and I guess I need to get back to basics. Disappointed as my mini-goal of being around 190 by my cruise is looking even more unlikely -- I'll need to average 1.7 pounds lost per week, and I've NEVER had that pace. I'll just try to get as close as I can.


Jane, thanks for the encouragement... it does help. I'm with you on the out-of-routine stuff... but my out of routine actually started in May for me! May was our cruise, then summer socializing (food & drink!), Football tailgating (lots of food and drink), then Thanksgiving and then the December holidays. I just looked and I've lost a whopping 3.4 lbs since September 3. Yikes. (Though better than DH, who's up 1.4 over that same time period.) We did our best in our first 4 months (not surprisingly) which also coincided with our busiest time -- when we're preparing taxes part time... no time in the evenings and weekends means less temptation; no time to eat out or make a lot of "bad" food, or sit and veg and eat "bad" food. I'm hoping the "magic" was not that it was new, but that it was our busy time, and that I can recreate those results... then, I lost 21 pounds in 14 weeks, now I would ideally like to lose 21.8 in 13 weeks..... we'll see... :rolleyes:


Best of luck to you all -- thin thoughts to you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 211.8

GW: 154

Mini-goal: 190 by 4/15/10

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I made my mini goal weight today!!! Wahoo! It's not my official weigh in day though so I hope I can stay at this weight until Monday!!


Congrats! Maybe you can lose even MORE before Monday!


In case anyone is looking for a low-point dinner or lunch, I have had a couple of the Progresso light soups this week, and I think they are terrific. Only a few points for the whole can. I add a bit of salsa or a few extra 0-point veggies and often a teaspoon of a healthy oil if I need it for the day.


And Jane, I am not far behind you, turned 52 in November. I have just recommitted to WW, after waffling about it for a while(a few half-hearted, short-lived tries over the past couple years). So far, so good. Now I just have to keep it up!


Have a great week, everyone!



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In case anyone is looking for a low-point dinner or lunch, I have had a couple of the Progresso light soups this week, and I think they are terrific. Only a few points for the whole can. I add a bit of salsa or a few extra 0-point veggies and often a teaspoon of a healthy oil if I need it for the day.




I love those soups! I have em all the time, but only do the 1 cup servings at a time. That's a lot of soup and it really seems to fill me up!

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Good Morning, all,


WI this morning, down 1.8. I'll take it!


When I first did WW 8 years ago, I lost at a very fast pace, but being older I knew it would probably not happen that way this time. And losing that fast was probably not the best thing anyway in the long run.


I would still love to be below 180 for a beach weekend in early April, and close to goal by the cruise in late June, but I'll just keep plugging away and see where I end up!


I do have to say that I feel very comfortable OP again. The feeling of being in control is very empowering.


Good luck to everyone, have a great week!


SW 200

CW 194.6

GW 160

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WTG on the awesome WL! I'm struggling to get back OP since I've been sick I've been "comforting" myself with food. Oh well, today's a new day! Gotta get to my 10 lb goal lost b4 cruise!


You can do it, Ann!


My problem over the last few years was that I thought I could do the program "halfway" - and I never stuck to even that. A trip or an event would come up, and I told myself, well, it's just a day or a couple days, I can get back on track after...and I never did.


So this time I am committed to staying OP for the long run. As I mentioned before, it is empowering to do this successfully.


Oh, by the way, I went to Panera for lunch today (my favorite!), and they have an amazing new soup on the menu - it's Garden Vegetable with Pesto, and it's GREAT! And very low points (3 for the full bowl, 1.5 for the cup with a Pick 2). Much more flavorful than the previous vegetable they had.


Good luck to all!



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I love panera and stick with the you pick two. I will have to try the new soup, loved the veggie before and black bean. I stay away from the bread though, that is addictive so I order an apple instead.


Some weeks are better than others but after you have been on the WW program long enough you learn to balance things out. Once you get to goal weight it is easy to maintain. I think because it took so long to get there that it is not worth going back to your old habits. Often times the foods I used to enjoy I do not anymore, I do not find them worth all the points.

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I joined Weight Watchers 'between Christmas and New Year' registered for the e-tools ( love them)


50 X 50 ~~ I want to loose 50 Lbs by 50 which will be March 2011, 14 months away...


Start Weight : 186.8

Week 1: 181.2 - 5.6

Week 2: 178.4 - 2.8 Total -8.4 lb loss


I haven't decided on my ultimate weight goal although a minus 50 -55lbs I think is realistic...

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Goldeneye, just noticed we will be on the same cruise (2/27 Summit!) Looks like you're doing a B2B...we did the alternate itinerary last year.


Hi AnneJohn,

Look forward to meeting you for the connections party... Or sooner in the Martini bar !!

H'mmm I wonder if they do 'diet Martini's' :rolleyes:

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I love panera and stick with the you pick two. I will have to try the new soup, loved the veggie before and black bean. I stay away from the bread though, that is addictive so I order an apple instead.


Some weeks are better than others but after you have been on the WW program long enough you learn to balance things out. Once you get to goal weight it is easy to maintain. I think because it took so long to get there that it is not worth going back to your old habits. Often times the foods I used to enjoy I do not anymore, I do not find them worth all the points.


If I have the points to use, I do enjoy a piece of baguette with my soup (3 points), but since it's the crust that I love, I throw away the "innards" (soft bread in the middle)!! :rolleyes:


I made it to goal and lifetime 8 years ago and maintained easily for four years, but slipped back into my old habits over the last few years. Not a good thing! But that's certainly not a fault of the WW program, which I am convinced is the best "lifestyle" program out there. As you say, it is all a balance, like all of life!


Goldeneye & Ann, enjoy your cruise next month! Lots of veggies and fruits, and HAVE FUN!



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You can do it, Ann!


My problem over the last few years was that I thought I could do the program "halfway" - and I never stuck to even that. A trip or an event would come up, and I told myself, well, it's just a day or a couple days, I can get back on track after...and I never did.


So this time I am committed to staying OP for the long run. As I mentioned before, it is empowering to do this successfully.


Oh, by the way, I went to Panera for lunch today (my favorite!), and they have an amazing new soup on the menu - it's Garden Vegetable with Pesto, and it's GREAT! And very low points (3 for the full bowl, 1.5 for the cup with a Pick 2). Much more flavorful than the previous vegetable they had.

Good luck to all!





Thanks for the Panera tip. That's my favorite place to go for lunch when I can't take my own. Can't wait to try it.

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If I have the points to use, I do enjoy a piece of baguette with my soup (3 points), but since it's the crust that I love, I throw away the "innards" (soft bread in the middle)!! :rolleyes:


I made it to goal and lifetime 8 years ago and maintained easily for four years, but slipped back into my old habits over the last few years. Not a good thing! But that's certainly not a fault of the WW program, which I am convinced is the best "lifestyle" program out there. As you say, it is all a balance, like all of life!


Goldeneye & Ann, enjoy your cruise next month! Lots of veggies and fruits, and HAVE FUN!




Sue, That is great that you made WW lifetime program. I have been on it since July. I can see what would happen if you stopped counting points how it would be easy to slip up. I now have a couple of people at work that have come to me for pointers on this program. I know they do not count points or keep track and I told them that is the key to this program. I do that on the cruise, I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, keeps me filled up. I might splurge on one frozen drink per cruise for a treat or one dessert. I know how hard I have worked to lose the weight so I do not want to gain it back.

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Hi everyone, I finally made it back here. You guys wouldnt believe how busy life becomes...BUT I'm still on track for my my upcoming cruise. I have been working so hard.....and i see you guys have been working to.


I have to say that my fav places are panera n saladworks. what would i do without them? anyway, keep up the great work.


btw, im 32, started this at 204lbs. currently 161lbs. I want to be (for whatever crazy reason!?!?) 157lbs when i cruise.


shopping had not been enjoyable for a long long long time. AND now, now that i can actually wear pretty bras and pretty tops, and white jeans, I am feeling so happy!! last week, i bought jeans size 12 and size medium tops!!!! i can't believe my eyes. is that really me in the mirror??? i have been size 18 since college :( it really amazes me how far i have come. to date, I have lost over 42 POUNDS. 42 POUNDS!! I cant believe it.


I cannot wait to cruise :) Thanks for letting me share :)



(updated 1/21/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 5 weeks

Lbs to go: 4.6

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Congratulations on your 42lb weight loss, keep up the awesome work..


There was a girl at our meeting last night who announced it was the 1st anniversary of attending Weight Watchers..she's only 28, her start weight was 280lbs.... To date she's lost 79lbs


As for me, I managed -2.8lbs at the weight in bringing my total to -11.2lbs

BUT most important is that when I started this 3 weeks ago my Blood Pressure was 188/108 It's now 148/88. I've been making myself do 30 minutes exercise daily, I joined curves, and have incorporated 'healthy oils' Flaxseed and Olive in my daily diet.. Also started on Honey Cinnammon tea as per goog receipe ..(supposed to be good for heart and arteries)

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Hi to Everyone,


My name is Lin and I am new to this thread. We are going on our 4th cruise next Sunday! To Hawaii RT on the Golden Princess. We have done this one last year with a different line.


I am well aware of how much food they put in front of you. Even asking for small portions at the buffet does not work! So here is my problem.......I have lost 10lbs doing WW by myself in the last 3 weeks. That is not the problem LOL! I am very excited about my progress so far.


I plan on being as careful as I can be.....fruit or poached egg and toast for breakfast. Maybe salad of some kind for lunch. But we are going to the specialty restaurants a couple times, celebrating our anniversary and doing the Chef's Table.


I really do not want to loose the ground I have gained toward my goal which is another 40lbs. Could anyone give me some advice? What food for you was easy to choose to help you stay somewhat on track? I am going to bring my journal too.


Thank you


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Hi, Lin!


Congrats on your success so far, and good luck staying on track on the cruise.


Not everyone will agree with me, but you asked for advice, so I will give it. ;)


For us, at least, a cruise is a once every few years type of experience. And it sounds as if this is a special cruise for you, with an anniversary to celebrate.


What I would do is enjoy the cruise and NOT obsess about journaling everything. My strategy would be to concentrate on fruits and vegetables as much as possible, stay away from fried foods and more than just a little bread, and limit desserts to a few bites each. I am not sure what you mean about not being served small portions on the buffets; they are mostly self-serve, so you can have as much or as little as you like.


As for the special dinners? Again, some would disagree, but in the big picture, to spend these evenings stressing about how many points that dish is or not having dessert would detract from a very special experience. My opinion only.


Yes, there is so much to enjoy on a cruise OTHER than the food. But it is still a vacation, a release from everyday stresses and concerns.


However you decide to approach it, you know you can get right back on track when you get home. Over the course of, say, a year, a week of relaxation and time with those you love is more important than exactly how many points you eat. Your desire to stay on track is VERY admirable, and I wish you luck however you try to approach it.


Have fun!

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Oh! I can't thank you enough! I do believe this is exactly what I needed to hear. I agree with you that this is a very special trip. My husband loves you! He is very encouraging and helpful in a very loving way and worries that I would be distracted on vacation worrying about everything on my plate and not being able to enjoy our time together.


I have decided to take you advice and will post here when I return so I can get some much needed support. Thank you again for your kind words and thoughtful note.





Hi, Lin!


Congrats on your success so far, and good luck staying on track on the cruise.


Not everyone will agree with me, but you asked for advice, so I will give it. ;)


For us, at least, a cruise is a once every few years type of experience. And it sounds as if this is a special cruise for you, with an anniversary to celebrate.


What I would do is enjoy the cruise and NOT obsess about journaling everything. My strategy would be to concentrate on fruits and vegetables as much as possible, stay away from fried foods and more than just a little bread, and limit desserts to a few bites each. I am not sure what you mean about not being served small portions on the buffets; they are mostly self-serve, so you can have as much or as little as you like.


As for the special dinners? Again, some would disagree, but in the big picture, to spend these evenings stressing about how many points that dish is or not having dessert would detract from a very special experience. My opinion only.


Yes, there is so much to enjoy on a cruise OTHER than the food. But it is still a vacation, a release from everyday stresses and concerns.


However you decide to approach it, you know you can get right back on track when you get home. Over the course of, say, a year, a week of relaxation and time with those you love is more important than exactly how many points you eat. Your desire to stay on track is VERY admirable, and I wish you luck however you try to approach it.


Have fun!

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