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~WeightWatchers Support~


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SW - 244.5 lbs

CW - 229.25

GW - 151 lbs or less


I started WW online at the end of September, lost 21 lbs but regained some after an op at the beginning of December and two weeks on holiday in Orlando over Christmas and New Year. I celebrated my 40th on 18th January so lots of cake and champagne consumed there.:D


We booked our first ever cruise yesterday, sailing in July this year.


If I get back into my WW now, then even if I manage to lose a pound a week I can get enough pounds off to feel a benefit before we travel out on 4th July.

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I'm getting there. Down 1.8 lbs this week. Not as much as I'd like but at least the scale moved since it didn't budge last week. Went way over all my points last week, daily weekly and excercise so I'm surprised I lost any!


SW 209

CW 195.4

GW 175

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Oh my god!! everyone is doing so good. this inspires me, since i had a terrible weekend.


I went shopping for clothes for the cruise, (since i have nothing that fits nice)...spent six hours there and didnt eat. i tried to make it home, but could NOT, ruby tuesdays was there in the mall. i ordered that chesapeake catch, thinking it would not be that much points, i ate it and loved it. but then ... then i looked it up --- it was TWENTY TWO points. oh god!!! now i have to exercise (and i HATE exercising)....


point of the story --- next time i go to the mall, eat, bring lots of snacks, and if i must order , order an appetizer and go home.




(updated 1/21/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 5 weeks

Lbs to go: 4.6

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SW 186.8

CW 175.6

GW undecided .. around 130 ish


This week -2.8

Total -11.2


Ate way over my points last night plus a couple this evening, did an extra unplanned 20 mins on treadmill last night after my comfort food dinner and went to curves today..

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Congrats to everyone and good luck. We can do this!


WI this morning, down 2.0. Love feeling in control, hope the scale keeps moving!


My goal this week is to add some exercise. It is going to be cold and snowy here, so it will be treadmill and videos. We just got a new dvd player that allows us to stream Netflix right to the tv, so no excuses!




SW 200

CW 192.6

GW 160

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Hi everyone, my name is Montie 52 yr young.

We are going on our cruise in 74 days! S. Carb.

Well, I had lap band surgery almost 5 yrs ago. Lost very well, (116lbs) But have gained back 22 lbs over the last 1 1/2 yr. I think God just did not want me to be any thinner. Plus I discovered I love WINE!!!! it loves me too.

So we have not cruised since I lost all the weight, so my buddy and I joined WW Jan 20,2010 so its only been a week, but boy, do I feel better. Like someone else said, more in control. Eventhough I could not eat much with the band, I was making really bad choices. Fried everything. this plan is so great, as you are eating more healthy and getting in more veggies and fruit than most diets. I go tonight and we will see if working out more and eating on plan is working. My goal, I know its big, is to loose 20 lbs before we cruise April 11th.


Good luck everyone, and so glad I found this site.



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Hello to all, I haven't posted in awhile but I have been keeping up with everyone's news. Some great weight losses! Congrats and keep up the gopod work.

It is now exactly one year since I joined WW. My total loss is 58.4 pounds. I did really well from Jan to Aug and then was kind of sragnant from Aug to Dec. I gained 3.3 pounds from Dec 23 to Jan 16. said ok this is enough, got very strict with myself and watched my points, tracked and lost 5.2 lastb week!

I have been watching very closely again this week and still tracking.

i would like to lose 15 more pounds by my cruise in April.

montie- we are sailing together, we will have to do some walking or time in the exercise room!

I have been trying to get in more exercise too, so far so good.

Jane, when do you leave for your cruise? I wish we could be "seeing" each other again this year. St Martin is one of our stops again this year, but it won't be the same without "Queen" playing alongside of us, and everyone singing and cheering on both ships.

Good luck to everyone with their weign ins this week.


SW 264

CW 205.2

mini goal 190 by cruise- April 11

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Hi Susan, I'm glad your weight is still coming off, mine has been up and down!!!! I went to w/w this morning and had lost 3.5lb.

I only have 6 more weeks before we cruise and my mini goal is to loose 14lb by then. We leave on 17th March, flying to Barbados arriving in Crete 8th April.

SW 254

CW 219

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Hello girls, and a special hello and welcome to all the new people...Just got back from an eight day cruise and while I did not concern myself with points, I managed to gain 4 pounds...That is fine though, cuz my goal weight was 136, I went down to 132 and with the gain I am still at goal!!! Some background for the new people. I started WW in Feb of last year..62 years old, 169 pounds, 5'2" and do not exercise at all. I had to go to 136 to reach my max for my height and didn't think I would ever do it!! I hit life time status in August. The hardest for me was staying away from candy. I make sure I drink two liters of water a day and stay as far away from candy as I can...I haven't cut it out of my diet, but I no longer make meals out of Baby Ruth candy bars! If I can do it by just changing that small part, I'm sure anyone can do it. When I started I was in size 14 and now wear a size 6!!!! I'm astounded everyday....even went for the Life Style Lift in November....everyone comments on how my hair cut and weight loss have taken years off me!!! So keep up the hard work and I guarantee it will pay off...Till next month...may the skinny fairy sprinkle her magic all over you...


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Whoops, missed posting after my weigh-in on Thursday... I'll make it up now.


Welcome, all you newbies! Nice to see some new posters here!! Nice to see some of the oldies come out of the woodwork, too... Susan.... Judi... am I forgetting someone!


Oh! I can't thank you enough! I do believe this is exactly what I needed to hear. I agree with you that this is a very special trip. My husband loves you! He is very encouraging and helpful in a very loving way and worries that I would be distracted on vacation worrying about everything on my plate and not being able to enjoy our time together.


I have decided to take you advice and will post here when I return so I can get some much needed support. Thank you again for your kind words and thoughtful note.




Subtchr's advice is EXACTLY what I would have said. I've been on 2 vacations since I started WW, and done exactly that, with good results. On my 2 week cruise last May, I ate whatever I wanted, but focused hard on being VERY mindful. I didn't track a thing. When I was no longer getting that SUPREME joy out of my bites, I stopped. At buffets, I tried to fill 1/2 my plate with fruit/veg (even if there were dressings, etc. I didn't beat myself up about that). I tried lots of different things, did not eat another bite of things I did not LOVE. Had appetizers and dessrts, ate lots of croissants and french bread with butter, lots of wine & champagne. I did take the stairs more often than not and avoided frou-frou drinks (more by preference, but I did consider the calorie-to-pleasure ratio and didn't like the math result, so I abstained... but if I had been jonesing for a frou-frou drink, I would have ordered one!). Tried to drink lots of water. At the end of the 2 weeks, I was up only 0.8. No worries!


Oh, and GO DUCKS!!


Hello to all, I haven't posted in awhile but I have been keeping up with everyone's news. Some great weight losses! Congrats and keep up the good work.

It is now exactly one year since I joined WW. My total loss is 58.4 pounds. I did really well from Jan to Aug and then was kind of sragnant from Aug to Dec. I gained 3.3 pounds from Dec 23 to Jan 16. said ok this is enough, got very strict with myself and watched my points, tracked and lost 5.2 lastb week!

I have been trying to get in more exercise too, so far so good.


Susan, good to hear from you! Your progress sounds like mine, but you lost a whole bunch more than I did from Jan-Aug last year. :p From Aug through Dec I lost a grand total of 4.2 lbs.... not great, but could have been worse!


My 1/14 WI was not good... up... but last week, 1/21 was good: down 2 lbs. I would love to lose again this week, but am very nervous, having gone to fancy, fattening restaurants for 4 of the last 5 nights... and have been going WAY over points. Oh well, at least it was all tasty, and I was being somewhat mindful. :o


And umm. Yep, I should really get back on the treadmill or the Wii fit... :o


As of Thursday 1/21/10:

SW: 246.2

CW: 209.8

GW: 154

Mini goal: 190 by 4/15/10 (Steep goal!!)

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Hello my name is Daniela I’m am 27 years old. I am married to a wonderful hubby and have two beautiful boys. I’ve been doing WW online for about a year on and off. We are taking our 1st family cruise in April. I want to loose at least 15 lbs…So far I have managed to keep 10 lbs off… I want to wear a bathing suit so bad that I bought one to motivate me lol

SW 144.6

CW 134.4

GW 120 or less

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Weigh-in today: down 2.4! Yippee!!


I'm not sure how I'm down after all my rich, fancy-restaurant meals and lots of wine/champagne lately, but I'll take it. Now I really need to be good or I just know it will catch up with me next week. (Might anyway. :eek:)


Plus tonight we're going to a campaign kickoff party (probably will be fattening nibbles there), we're going to a 50th birthday party tomorrow night (probably lots of drinking, lol!) and a 40th birthday on Saturday at a nice restaurant (more fattening food!). God help me... ;)


I'd really like to keep my downward momentum, so I can get that 20 lbs down by cruise time...


Thin thoughts to you!


SW: 246.2

CW: 207.4

GW: 154

mini-goal: 190 by 4/15/10 (17.4 lbs left in 11 weeks left to go... :eek:)

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So glad I came across this forum! I actually started weight watchers when I booked our first cruise! I will not tell my history just let you know that I have dealt with being overweight my WHOLE life! I just had my 2nd baby, another little boy and I am trying to get back in shape. We are leaving in 30 days so Im hoping to lose about 10-15 more! I just started working out last week adn I am TRACKING TRACKING TRACKING!!!





(5'8 height!)

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Weigh in time for me tonight !! Don't like the fact it looks like I've plateaued after 4 good weeks... :( Well I guess I'll know in a few hours.. Anyway it motivated me to do 30 mins on the treadmill and my DH 'finally' put my rebounder together that has been sitting in its box gathering dust for the past 2 yrs!! So I did an additional 10 on that...


Good Luck everyone and as OP say's TRACKING TRACKING TRACKING ..

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Weigh in time for me tonight !! Don't like the fact it looks like I've plateaued after 4 good weeks... :( Well I guess I'll know in a few hours.. Anyway it motivated me to do 30 mins on the treadmill and my DH 'finally' put my rebounder together that has been sitting in its box gathering dust for the past 2 yrs!! So I did an additional 10 on that...


Good Luck everyone and as OP say's TRACKING TRACKING TRACKING ..

We are doing the Southern Carribean Cruise Feb 28 out of Puerto Rico on Carnival Victory!

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Hello everyone! Mind if I join you? I joined WW in January, I had joined before but was not focused at all. I am hitting the big 40 in April and am determined to be down 15 by then which will be close to my goal. We are going on the CArnival Glory April 11th sailing and therefore will be turning 40 the last day of the cruise. I also want to celebrate by wearing a bikini for the first time! We live in NW ontario and came up the city yesterday for a quick weekend getaway. The kids and I were at the mall and they wanted a treat from Rockey Mountain Candy, usually I splurge and get a few treats but I got a small tiny scoop of ice cream and left it at that. When we went out for dinner instead of splurging as I usually do when we go to really good restaurant, I asked for a grilled chicken breast and baked potato. I am really trying to focus on the goal ahead and what it will take to get there! I am looking forward to chatting with all of you on this thread and a few others that I have found!


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Hey guys, I weighed in today....was super super super excited!!!! This is the FIRST time in over 6 years that I have been UNDER 200lbs!!!! I am so committed and so ready to keep this losing going. I too would like to be in a bikini again someday!!!! I cannot believe I am under 200 again, for hte last 3 years, the lowest I would get was 202!!! Then i would give up and bounce back up. Weigh in was good today!!!


SW- 211

CW- 198.2

GW- 170

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Hello everyone! Mind if I join you? I joined WW in January, I had joined before but was not focused at all. I am hitting the big 40 in April and am determined to be down 15 by then which will be close to my goal. We are going on the CArnival Glory April 11th sailing and therefore will be turning 40 the last day of the cruise. I also want to celebrate by wearing a bikini for the first time! We live in NW ontario and came up the city yesterday for a quick weekend getaway. The kids and I were at the mall and they wanted a treat from Rockey Mountain Candy, usually I splurge and get a few treats but I got a small tiny scoop of ice cream and left it at that. When we went out for dinner instead of splurging as I usually do when we go to really good restaurant, I asked for a grilled chicken breast and baked potato. I am really trying to focus on the goal ahead and what it will take to get there! I am looking forward to chatting with all of you on this thread and a few others that I have found!



Kathy - congrats on your joining WW, and your wonderful self-control yesterday! That part - of making the better choices - is what I am hoping will begin to become second nature for me, so this won't be a 'temporary diet', but a permanent lifestyle change.


At my WI today, I made my weeks goal of the 10 lb mark (10.6 actually). I didn't realize until I got home to plug it into e-tools that I also made my 5% milestone. :D


Congrats to everyone on this board - I'm so glad I found it! I don't post often, but enjoy reading everyone's trials and tribulations, and mostly, successes!




SW 182.8

CW 172.2

GW 150

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Goldeneye & Kathy - Welcome, and congrats on working toward your goals!!


Hey guys, I weighed in today....was super super super excited!!!! This is the FIRST time in over 6 years that I have been UNDER 200lbs!!!! I am so committed and so ready to keep this losing going. I too would like to be in a bikini again someday!!!! I cannot believe I am under 200 again, for the last 3 years, the lowest I would get was 202!!! Then i would give up and bounce back up. Weigh in was good today!!!


SW- 211

CW- 198.2

GW- 170

Congrats to you!!! I have to admit, I'm envious! I haven't been under 200 in at least 12 years! (Probably more.)

Kathy - congrats on your joining WW, and your wonderful self-control yesterday! That part - of making the better choices - is what I am hoping will begin to become second nature for me, so this won't be a 'temporary diet', but a permanent lifestyle change.


At my WI today, I made my weeks goal of the 10 lb mark (10.6 actually). I didn't realize until I got home to plug it into e-tools that I also made my 5% milestone. :D

Big congrats to you!!! That's a huge step and a big boost -- you are on your way to your ultimate goal!


Boo...going in the wrong direction on the scale this week....had a rough week...back to basics!!!


So sorry for you (I feel your pain; been there several times)! But stick with it -- you'll be going back the right direction in no time!


Thin thoughts to you all!

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Hi again, I got weighed in yesterday and stayed the same. I was down 5.2 last week so I'm ok with this. Just have to really watch so I don't go up.

I was away for a 24 hour conference from yesterday to today so ate a lot more than I should have, so I will really try to be good the rest of the week.

Lani, we do sound the same, and I also have that 190 goal by Apr 10th. Keep our fingers crossed, and track, track, track!


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At my WI today, I made my weeks goal of the 10 lb mark (10.6 actually). I didn't realize until I got home to plug it into e-tools that I also made my 5% milestone. :D





Congrats, Judi! 5% at a time, right? :D


I was glad to see your pictures from the Explorer, since we are doing the 5-day to Bermuda in June. Was the beach at Tobacco Bay? It's BEAUTIFUL! We are planning to go either there or Horseshoe Bay, I think. Our plan is to take a tour of the island by taxi on the morning we dock, then the afternoon at the beach. The next morning we will do a snorkel boat tour. I am beyond excited! Any advice?


I am having a good week food-wise so far, but I am staying away from the scale until WI on Tuesday.


Good luck to everyone!



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Have a great cruise, Firemonkey!


WI today, down 1.8. I'll take it! Exercised a couple times this week, have to add more of that. Tough to fit it in the day, but I know it's worth it, so I will try.


Good luck to everyone!


SW 200

CW 190.8

GW 160



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oh ladies, its almost here. almost here. btw, is anyone crusing the feb 27th cruise to the caribbean? that's my cruise :)


i have been struggling this week :( but i hope to make my goal -- gotta make my goal. and thanks for inspiring me everyone.


i was just thinking about how addicted i have become to tracking and meetings. what will i do while im on the ship? before i get there i will be spending time in miami for a week....i hope to go to a meeting over there. im officially addicted to this :eek:




(updated 1/28/10)

Goal: lose 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Wks to go: 4 weeks

Lbs to go: 3.2

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