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Hi everyone!

It's taken me several days to read most of these posts, and I'm finally caught up! It's so nice to hear the stories of people going through the same thing as me! For many of the posts it was like reading my own thoughts!

Anyway, I started Weight Watchers online at the beginning of January (a total New years resolution cliche ;)). I had done WW in the past, twice, and only lasted a couple of months each time. I'm reaching that point with this round, but I've found a lot of motivation to keep at it through reading all of your posts, so thank you all for that!

I am 26, and I have always been a little chubby, for as long as I can remember. I am also pretty tall (5'10) and semi big boned (I think everyone uses that one as an excuse! :)) After high school I went away to college and let my health completely get away from me! I went from being on several sports teams, to starting to smoke and eat foods that were not notritious at all.

By now I've kicked those habits thankfully!

I've been dabbling in getting back to the gym. I feel great after going, every time; but for some reason even though in my head I know I will feel great afterwards, it's hard to make myself go!

I'm looking forward to keeping up with this forum; I'm so glad I came across it!


SW: 205

CW: 190

GW: (Actually not sure about this. WW Online says 160, but I felt great as a senior in high school at 175 or so, so for now I'm going with 175.)

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Well tonight is my 2nd meeting. I'm really curious to see how my weigh-in goes. I don't feel like I've lost any weight, but it sounds like most people lose around 5 lbs their first week! Or at least that's what I've heard. I'm expecting to have lost a bit, but I wonder what the exact number is going to be. It doesn't feel like 5 lbs or even close :( I was extremely diligent my first week about counting points, measuring foods and eating healthier. I guess I'll find out soon :o


I hope everyone else is doing well!


Wish me luck tonight!

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Well tonight is my 2nd meeting. I'm really curious to see how my weigh-in goes. I don't feel like I've lost any weight, but it sounds like most people lose around 5 lbs their first week! Or at least that's what I've heard. I'm expecting to have lost a bit, but I wonder what the exact number is going to be. It doesn't feel like 5 lbs or even close :( I was extremely diligent my first week about counting points, measuring foods and eating healthier. I guess I'll find out soon :o


I hope everyone else is doing well!


Wish me luck tonight!


Good luck! I will warn you that I doubt 5 lbs. is the norm... I'm a big girl, so you might expect I'd lose a lot the first week; I lost 3.6. I was sick the next week so missed weigh-in, but then was down 4.6 the following. So that was 8.2 lbs in 3 weeks, an average of 2.7/week.


Has anyone tried the new WW chocolate-carmel-pretzel 1pt bars? They gave out free samples this week at the meetings here. They are so very good. They just hit the spot for that 3pm crash that I have every afternoon. One with a cup of herbal tea does the trick. I bought the Pizza-pretzel snack chips this week too. Havn't tried them yet. I have to keep a WW snack arsenal or I get in trouble.


I love a salty-sweet (being mainly a salt/fat craver)... I loved em. Reminded me of a Take 5 candy bar (chocolate, caramel & pretzel).

I don't love them more than the mint-chocolate ones, though... I LOVE those. :D


Today was my last weigh in before i leave for my cruise on Wednesday and i had lost 4.5lb making a total of 48lb.

Last year i cruised for the first time and gained 14lb on the 3 week cruise even though i thought i was "being good". This year i'm hoping not to gain so much!!! My plan is to walk the mile each morning, use the gym and take part on the mountain bike shore excursions. In August i'm taking part on a charity trek raising money for Diabetes so i don't want to gain.

For anyone one struggling with weight loss and excercise, i joined a gym at the beginning of February to improve my stamina and fitness ready for the trek and for the first 2 weeks STS, then the next week gained 1.5lb, even though i was following weight watchers, then last week and this lost 4.5lb. So don't give up as it will start falling off.



SW 254

CW 206


Jane, you really are an inspiration! Congrats at the 48 lbs gone, and don't worry about any gain. You'll take it off again. And good for you on the gym and sticking with it. You are proving my favorite motto: "Be more stubborn than your scale, keep doing the right things and it go down!"


Thin thoughts, everyone!

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Ok I am new here, but I am hoping it is ok to ask for support. I went to the doctor today and although he was ok with my 16.8 weight loss since the beginning of Feb, he is wanting me to lose another 33.2 lbs in order to have a surgery that I need. The problem is due to insurance, I need to have the surgery by the middle of July. I really need help with this one!

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Ok I am new here, but I am hoping it is ok to ask for support. I went to the doctor today and although he was ok with my 16.8 weight loss since the beginning of Feb, he is wanting me to lose another 33.2 lbs in order to have a surgery that I need. The problem is due to insurance, I need to have the surgery by the middle of July. I really need help with this one!



Goodmorning PCL, I am new to this thread too. I just returned to WW after not following plan for a year and a half. I made it to goal then went through a divorce and gained 27 lbs back. My first weigh in is this Fri morning. I have 27 to get back to goal but want to lose 33 lbs. SAME AS YOU ! :) ( I have 33 weeks till my cruise and 1lb a week would do it) but it would be nice to lose it before then.


Just follow plan and don't worry too much about the scale as it will go up and down a little depending on a lot of factors. The important thing is to stay on plan. My WW leader stated that sometimes not getting enough lean protein in one's diet could cause a slight gain. I have been careful to focus on this during each week.


We have digital scale here at home, simular to the one used at WW. My BF weighs each day. Because it is tempting, I do too, but have seen myself go up as much as 1 lb in one day. This is weighing first thing in the morning before eating or having coffee. I am ONLY going to weigh at my meetings from now on. It is discourging to me to see myself go up on the scale when I know I have followed plan and excercised.


July is 4 months away, so 33 lbs divided by 16 weeks is 2.6 lbs per week. Everyone is different, so this may be possible. Just keep your chin-up and keep motivated. If you have lost 16.8 lbs since Feb then you are well on your way. You are an inspiration to me. :) Cari

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Jumping on board here.. I'm a WW Lifetime member since May 20, 2008 - trying to currently lose a little more before my cruise on May 7th! I just really got back on program 4 weeks ago and have lost 5.4lbs since then.. stats are...




SW: 159.6

GW: 118

CW: 109.2


Total lost: 50.4lbs.. hoping to make it at least 55 by cruise day!


And I weigh in either Thursday or Friday depending on my work schedule.. will be Friday this week. :)

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Hi pcl,

Hoosiercouple is right, don't worry too much and just stick to the plan. It may seem like a lot of weight now, but just wait until your next weigh-in when you've lost a few more lbs. You'll be feeling great and not have as much to go!

My goal is to lose 30 lbs. I lost 2.2 in my first week. I was hoping for more, but oh well, it's still good. Then my husband said to me "it's awesome! you've only got 28 more lbs to go!". It put things in a different light for me. 28 seems a lot less than 30 to lose. I felt a jolt of motivation :)

My meeting last night was all about portion control. About half of the group admitted they do not measure their food. Our team leader told us it's very important. Things like licking the bowl of cookie batter after you've thrown the actually dough in the oven can add up to an extra 500-1000 calories per day! Now I will definitely think twice about eating an extra olive while I'm making a salad or half a potato out of my corned beef tonight! It all adds up and adds up quickly! *gulp* measure measure measure!

Good luck pcl! You'll do great I'm sure:D and good luck to you as well Hoosiercouple.


Onto week 2 for me!


SW: 157.4

CW: 155.2

GW: 127.4

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I've had a positive attitude all week then yesterday I jumped on the scale and was up 1lb from the beginning of the week. I have followed plan and excercised. I have seen others on this thread having the same problem. I am just going to weigh knowing I tracked and followed plan and just keep on going. My weigh in and meeting is tomorrow. Wish me luck. Cari.

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I have said it many times but will say it again: "Be more stubborn than your scale. If you do the right things, it WILL go down."


Yep, staying on plan is key. And I have stepped on the scale one morning, and then the following morning been up 2.4 lbs... so your daily weight can vary a LOT. Pay no attention. Some weeks you'll be up and won't be able to explain it, another week down a bunch that you can't explain. But stick to plan and it WILL come off over time.


Keep in mind that, for those of us who are women, our hormone production controls a lot of our daily/weekly weight fluctuations. Hormones control water retention, blood sugar regulation, etc. Over the past 14 months with WW, I can tell you that during the week of my period, I can expect to be up a pound or two. Just part of the game. Oh, and sleep (or lack thereof), stress & the right/wrong nutrients affect our hormone production pretty dramatically. This is why you can't pay too much attention to the short-term, you must look a little longer out.


I also want to reinforce the measure-measure-measure bit. It's vital. And even when you get to a place where you can estimate, check back in by measuring again every so often to make sure your estimates are still fairly accurate. Your "eyes" will grow slowly over time, often, so you want to make sure you're not under-counting your points.


July is 4 months away, so 33 lbs divided by 16 weeks is 2.6 lbs per week. Everyone is different, so this may be possible. Just keep your chin-up and keep motivated. If you have lost 16.8 lbs since Feb then you are well on your way. You are an inspiration to me. :) Cari


PCL, I agree with Cari... 2.6 lbs per week is very agressive, but it is possible. You probably will want to make sure you stick strictly to your daily points, and limit your use of flex points (and make sure you drop a point for every 10 lbs lost). For me, this would be near impossible, but you have a real carrot hanging in front of you (or stick, depending on your perspective! And your 16.8 lbs since Feb is indeed impressive and inspiring!


For me, I did ok this week... stuck mostly to plan, but did go over my points allotment (including flex points) last week, and this week will be the same, as I went out for St. Pat's on Tuesday and had a TON of beer :eek:. I was up last week, but back down this week (almost back down to my lowest weight). My goals have not been serving me well, as it would take a miracle to reach 50 lbs lost by 4/15, as I'm currently at 40.2... yes, it's possible... I will still try. I keep going back and forth over the same few pounds.


On the plus side, I have been getting more comments than ever regarding my looking like I've lost weight. Finally! My first 15 lbs didn't make me look any different. The next ten, and I looked a little smaller and dropped 1-2 lbs. The past 15 I really haven't changed sizes too much (maybe another .5-1 size), but I must be toning up (:confused: maybe the yoga class I've now gone to 3X??). Who knows. If I drop a size before my cruise, I'll take that over the 10 lbs lost. :o


Cheers all... thin thoughts to you!!


SW: 246.2

CW: 206.0

GW: 154

MiniGoal: 195/196.2 by 4/15 :D

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We go to our meeting on Thursday nights, we went this time and my DH got is 5% and another 5 lb star. I lost 4.4 lbs and am now down a little over 21 lbs. I can do this and I am excited about getting there and staying there this time. Thank you all for everything, I know I am going to need lots of help and encouragement...I get bummed out really easily!

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WooHoo, did my weigh-in Friday morning. Down 3.4 lbs from last week. I will never have to look at the same number on that scale ever again.


Looking towards another great week following the WW plan. We have officially entered Spring. It is time to dig out all of those cute pastel Spring outfits to wear. What could be better that that? Easter will be here in 2 weeks. It is time to start making our plan of action for that holiday meal. We are going to my BF's parents house where their traditional Easter meal is brown sugar glazed Baked Ham with Mac and Cheese, a homemade cheese ball stuffed with pepperoni, homemade buttered rolls and the yearly triple German Chocolate Cake. WOW! How 'bout those points?


Here is my Easter plan of action, and donation to their buffet table: I am going to bake a Pork Tenderloin; nice and lean. I am going to bring some baked sweet potatoes. Others can put the brown sugar and butter on top, I will have mine plain with a sprinke of cinnamon. Also, I will bring a nice green salad with a bottle of Fat Free dressing. For dessert I will make the WW cake that I so often use for holidays and special occasions.

Here is the recipe if anyone does not already have it in their collection.


1 box of cake mix (any flavor)

1 can of diet soda (any flavor)

2 egg whites.


Mix the above ingredients together and bake as directed in a sprayed 13 x 9 pan. I use Pam spray. Cut into 12 servings. 3 pts each.


Suggested combinations. Chocolate cake & diet Cola, Lemon Cake mix and diet 7-up or Sprite. Spice cake and diet cream soda or root beer, Pineapple cake mix and diet orange soda ......any combo will work just get creative. The cake will be very moist, this is especially good with the chocolate mix as it resembles a very fudgy brownie. There is no frosting but you could top it with fat free cool whip or berries depending on the flavor of cake.



I also have a WW recipe for a wonderful carmel apple salad. It is made with cut up apples, sugar-free butterscotch pudding mix, Fat free Cool Whip and mini-marshmallows and chopped nuts, optional. I will have to dig it up as it is delicious and would make a nice addition to the Easter table as well. I will find it and post it on this site.


Wishing everyone a great Week and remember the motto: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Cari :)

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HI everyone, had my weigh in yesterday and was down .8 I'm happy with that. We sail 3 weeks from today so I have less than 3 weeks to lose 3.2. My mini goal is 200 pounds by our cruise, but I'd really like to be below it. It would be the first time in over 20 years!

Spring weather has arrived, although we had a very mild winter.

Cari- thanks for the cake recipe, and I'm looking forward to your caramel apple salad recipe, it sounds delicious. It will be great to make for Easter dinner.

Our daughter bought a new home in the fall and they are inviting all our family and all his family for dinner on Easter. So I will need some low points foods.

Have a good week everyone!


SW 264

CW 203.2

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Thought I would share the Top 10 reasons to know if you are a dedicted Weight Watcher's Member.


10) You dream of ways to reduce points values for your favorite comfort foods.


9) You take 2 extra pee-breaks before your weigh-in.


8) All of your pantry items have point numbers written on them.


7) You Freak-Out when you accidently take a sip of your friend's regular soda pop.


6) You find that you are replacing your 3 month water filter every 2 weeks.


5) You think of extremely creative ways to earn extra activity points so you can induldge in an extra treat.


4) You start calculating points on your co-workers lunches.


3) You actually look forward to eating a can of green beans with a splash of vinegar, BECAUSE IT'S FREE.


2) You have the points value memoized from every restaurant between work and your home.


and the #1 reason that you know if you are a dedicated WW member is:


**** You start valuing points more than money. " I can't possibly afford points for that ! "


Have a good one everybody. Cari :D

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Congrats, Judi! 5% at a time, right? :D


I was glad to see your pictures from the Explorer, since we are doing the 5-day to Bermuda in June. Was the beach at Tobacco Bay? It's BEAUTIFUL! We are planning to go either there or Horseshoe Bay, I think. Our plan is to take a tour of the island by taxi on the morning we dock, then the afternoon at the beach. The next morning we will do a snorkel boat tour. I am beyond excited! Any advice?


I am having a good week food-wise so far, but I am staying away from the scale until WI on Tuesday.


Good luck to everyone!






I was just reading the board and realized I missed your post.


The beach we went to in Bermuda was Horseshoe Bay. We took the bus from near the dock, and when we got to the beach walked all the way to the left near the rocks where it was not very crowded, and the rock formations made little coves and tunnels to explore. The water was a bit too rough that day for snorkeling, but perfect temp (we also went in June).


My weight loss is slowing down (I can only blame my laziness with the tracker on the weekends), but still going slowly downward. People are starting to ask me if I got new glasses or if I changed my haircolor (no to both), so I assume that means my face is getting thinner, but not SO much to be obvious.




SW 182.8

CW 168

GW 150

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I was down 0.8 last week bringing my stats to..


SW: 159.6

CW: 108.4

GW: 110 (they caught me at 10lbs below goal and made me adjust.. ooops)


Total weight loss: 51.2lbs.



Wow! Way to go AmongTheStars! You've done it! I'm curious how long it took you to lose it all. I have similar stats as you. I was 157.4 to start and have a goal of around 127.4. I'm 5'3". I have my 3rd weigh-in tonight and am anxious to see what I'm at now.


Have any tips or advice since you've reached your goal weight?

It's really motivating to see your numbers :)

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I started September 25, 2007 and hit goal (which was originally 125) on May 20, 2008 so about 8 months.


Advice since reaching goal.. no matter what you do continue to weigh, track, and measure. I also find for me still going to my meeting (the same one for almost 3 years now!) and getting on the scale every week is a HUGE help!


Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great, let us know how your weigh in goes!

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AmongTheStars, that's great. I agree that measuring is key. It's so true that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs. I think I'm going to buy a food scale after work today. I haven't been eating much meat lately in fear I'm not calculating points right. I want to make sure I get enough protein.


And I had another great weigh-in! Down another 2.2 lbs! It was funny because I overheard 2 other members weigh-in at a 2.2 lbs loss. I wonder what's going on with their scales? haha. Ok by my as long as I'm losing.

I feel a lot more motivated now. I've almost lost 5 lbs! I even feel my clothes fitting a bit better. Today at work I'm wearing a blouse that I haven't worn in months because it was a bit too snug. I feel great :D Today is a good day!


SW: 157.4

CW: 153.0

GW: 127.4


Happy losing everyone :)

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HI Everyone!

Can I join your group? You are all doing so well ;)


A little about me. I am Nora I am 47. I joined WW on 3/10/10 and down 7#

I will take time and read all the posts.


Have a great day!

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HI Everyone!

Can I join your group? You are all doing so well ;)


A little about me. I am Nora I am 47. I joined WW on 3/10/10 and down 7#

I will take time and read all the posts.


Have a great day!



Hi Nora, I'm Cari, 47 also. Been back to WW now for 2 weeks after not attending meetings for 18 months. I reached Lifetime in 2004 and maintained until 18 mo ago when I gained back 27 lbs. ( went through a difficult divorce at that time) I am back on the WW wagon again, this time I'm losing for ME. Last Friday was my WW weigh in and I lost 3.4 lbs, tomorrow is my weigh in again, so I will see. I just keep telling myself that nothing tastes as good as thin feels.


I love the WW products that they sell at the meetings. They can be a little pricey but I realized that they have fiber and vitamins and will keep me full longer that the grocery store 100 cal packs and simular items that are low in calories and fat but have no fiber.


Again, welcome. Cari in Indy. :)

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Welcome Boop! Congrats on your weight loss so far, that's great!


So I need some advice from everyone. I am heading out of town this weekend for my husband's nephew's 10th birthday. We will be staying with his family for 2 nights, 3 days. I know that I will be using up most of my 35 week points this weekend, but I'm concerned about going over. Friday my husband and I are going into San Francisco for brunch, but I've already looked at the menu and found a low-fat option. That's one meal I don't have to worry about too much. I am concerned about the rest of the weekend. I thought about measuring cereal into baggies and hoping they have skim milk or buying some up there cause my brother-in-law always cooks us eggs, waffles, etc for breakfast. No way I'm using up my points all on breakfast. I'm also worried about counting points. At home I know the value of everything in my fridge... but what about their fridge?! eek!

Does anyone have tips on staying with family for the weekend? I already plan on bring some WW snacks with me (for sure the 1 point bars!).


Thanks in advance :)

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Hi Social, This is what I do when visiting my Sister out of town;

I buy an inexpensive bowl, from Dollar Tree or Walmart, and purchase different types of fruit and make a pretty fruit bowl to give to her for a centerpiece. It serves two purposes, nice bowl for her to keep and plenty of fruit to eat and share.

In addition, I also travel with a WW arsenal. Plenty of 1 and 2 pt bars and packets of Crystal Lite. I also premeasure my Special-K protein plus cereal. I like this brand because it is only 2pts and that includes the skim milk. It has 10g of protein which helps keep me full through lunch. I usually cut up half a banana over top as well.

I can't remember the brand off hand but there are these little single serve packets of low-fat and fat-free salad dressings too. They do not have to be refrigerated. I find them at Walmart in the Salad dressing asile. Our last vacation was Sept 09 so I don't have any left but I brought these in my luggage to my Sister's home as they only use regular salad dressings. The regular dressings can really rack up the points. I did buy a package of Thomas' Whole Grain Lite english muffins to contribute to their house as well. Only 1pt each. I put just a little lo-cal peanut butter on these and cut up half a banana to top it off with. I had these for a snack when the rest were having pie in the evening and watching TV.


Hope this helps. Have a wonderful visit with your family. Cari.:)

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