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~WeightWatchers Support~


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HI All


I think this group of WW cruisers is just wonderful! My name is Lisa and I am 43 and have been on and off WW for the last 12 years. I am truly determined to make it work this time! My first ever cruise was in January 2006 and I was at my heaviest ever, 239 lbs (I am 5'2"). It was a cruise with a huge group of friends and family and what sticks in my mind the most is an aunt saying to me "love this boat because even the big people are having fun, right Lisa?". Ouch! I vowed that the next time I cruised I would not be one of the "big people". Well, it's been a while but my bext cruise is 1/14/11 and I am so glad to have found a great support group! I started WW again on 1/4/10 at 221 and am currently 207.8. I look forward to sharing success and supporting through obstacles with all of you!




SW 221

CW 207.8

GW 150



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Goodmorning Luv2travel2beaches and DaveNLisa, Welcome to our little corner of the world.,,, We are glad to have you. This is a really good site, lots of good people that are taking the same weight loss journey. We are all in different stages of our weight-loss but are taking it a pound at a time. Just jump in !!!


Luv2-- that is a great recipe tip on the thins. I would have never thought of making them into a mexican meal. Variety and new recipes are always welcome. You seem to have some great ideas to share.



Lisa, I can only imagine how you must have felt when your Aunt made that remark. Sometimes people think their remarks are helpful but in reality they really hurt. My moment of awakening was when my Dentist asked me " when I was due " and I wasn't even pregnant. I was mortified! I cried all the way home. It still hurts to remember that moment. Hang in there though, you are not alone. WW meetings along with your friends here will help make things a lot easier. We share both successes and setbacks. That's what friends are for.



Have a great Tuesday everyone. Cari :)

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Hey all.. I've strayed and somehow fallen off the bandwagon. I don't know what I'm doing, but I've been eating like a freak for the past 10 days or so. I blame Spring Break and time off from work. I can't believe I picked these past 10 days of all times to do this.. I'm 23 days away from cruising NOW IS NOT THE TIME!!!! I haven't gotten on the scale since April 1st and I'm sort of afraid to at this point. Skipped my meeting last week (which I don't think I've mentioned.. I'm a WW employee, had to find a sub), but I will go back this week and (maybe) weigh in. So far today I've only had a WW chocolate smoothie, blended with 8oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 4oz of coffee, and about 8 ice cubes. Delicious and filling. I have left over brown rice and veggie stir fry that I made last night for lunch and I'm telling myself I NEED to go to the gym this evening. I haven't been since this whole freakish eating fiasco came with the exception of one run around the local reservoir, which is 5 miles. Anyway I'm back.. and subscribing to this thread so I get the emails on my Blackberry.. hopefully reading them will keep me motivated.


SW: 159.6

GW: 110

CW: 106.4 (???)

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Welcome newcomers! It seems like our thread is really filling up, this is great! It so nice to have other WW to share recipes, tips and stories with.


luv2, thanks for the recipe ideas. Black bean brownies? Sounds kinda strange, but I just might have to try them! :D Thanks!


AmongtheStars, don't worry about a slip. We all have them. You can't dwell on the past. What's done is done. The main thing is that you jump back on the WW plan and get yourself to a meeting! In the meantime, you have this thread for support :) If I were you, I would do a weigh-in. Worst case scenario you've gained some weight and will be motivated to get back on track in the following days. Best case scenario you've lost or maintained! Now if this was the case wouldn't you want to see the results? You never know what can happen :) I think it's best to hold ourselves accountable and face the scale no matter what. Sounds like you're off to a good start today! By the looks of your stats you don't have much to worry about. You're doing so well! Keep it up, you'll do fine.


I'm off to weigh-in in 10 hours and am always nervous for it. I think "what if this is the week where I don't lose anything?!" *gulp* But at least I will find out and can adjust my eating habits if need be.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Black bean brownies are seriously good stuff and you don't even know there are black beans in them. Everyone that tries them thinks they are great....even after they find out what they are made of. And think of the fiber and protein in them. Give them a try.


Thanks for all of the welcomes. My weigh in is tonight and I think I've done ok this week. The first 3 weeks I was back on program I did great, so I know it is going to slow down soon! Keep up the good work everyone.

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AmongtheStars, don't worry about a slip. We all have them. You can't dwell on the past. What's done is done. The main thing is that you jump back on the WW plan and get yourself to a meeting! In the meantime, you have this thread for support :) If I were you, I would do a weigh-in. Worst case scenario you've gained some weight and will be motivated to get back on track in the following days. Best case scenario you've lost or maintained! Now if this was the case wouldn't you want to see the results? You never know what can happen :) I think it's best to hold ourselves accountable and face the scale no matter what. Sounds like you're off to a good start today! By the looks of your stats you don't have much to worry about. You're doing so well! Keep it up, you'll do fine.


I'm going back to work and doing my meeting Thursday night, so I'll possibly get on the scale then.. as I said, I'm lifetime and an employee so I only need to get on once a month. Thanks for the words of encouragement and good luck on your weigh in!

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Well, I had my first weigh in tonight since starting and im down 5 lbs! Yay!! I got my walk-in before the meeting, felt like I was doing a last chance workout..lol! I had the Smart One's Chicken Bruschetta for dinner, not a fan at all.


Great Job! 5 lbs is fantastic for a first week. Pat yourself on the back!

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Well, I had my first weigh in tonight since starting and im down 5 lbs! Yay!! I got my walk-in before the meeting, felt like I was doing a last chance workout..lol! I had the Smart One's Chicken Bruschetta for dinner, not a fan at all.



You Go Girl !!!

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Well, I had my first weigh in tonight since starting and im down 5 lbs! Yay!! I got my walk-in before the meeting, felt like I was doing a last chance workout..lol! I had the Smart One's Chicken Bruschetta for dinner, not a fan at all.

Woo Hoo! That is fabulous.


I'm not a fan of the WW meals. I can make a higher volume meal for less than that. I do have individual portions of meals frozen and can pop that in as quickly as a WW meal.

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Woo Hoo! That is fabulous.


I'm not a fan of the WW meals. I can make a higher volume meal for less than that. I do have individual portions of meals frozen and can pop that in as quickly as a WW meal.

Well, I was sick in bed yesterday. I ate whatever sounded soothing, mostly tea and toast, a little ice cream and a few handfuls of peanuts.


I'm feeling much better today, although weak and tired. But I'll get right back on track, meet the HGs today, take a short walk because it is beautiful here!, and not eat any extra weekly or activity points today or tomorrow. Hopefully I didn't mess up my weight loss this week. I lose so slowly anyway, and I'm really, really wanting to hit the 50# loss since joining WW. I lost 14 lbs. before starting to attend meetings.

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Goodmorning WW friends, hope everyone had a great start to the work week. My daughter flew in from Calif. yesterday. We had an afternoon of lunch and shopping. We went to The Noodle Factory. I had the Oriental Chopped Salad with chicken and lite dressing on the side. It was so good and very filling as well, I couldn't eat the entire salad. We walked off our lunch by strolling the mall and hitting up some sales. LOL. Last night I picked up a Deli Roast chicken and shredded some of the white meat over top of salad greens and made a light dinner.


Today my daughter Tina, wants me to either go to a Yoga class with her or to the park and jog. I will opt for the park as it looks to be a beautiful sunny day. We are going out to dinner tonight at a little downtown bistro over in Muncie. Their menu changes daily so I can't really pre-plan but I will stay away from heavy cream sauces and look for something healthy that is grilled. I will be getting lots of activity points today and have several bonus points left so I will be alright.


I peeked at the scale yesterday and I am down an entire pound from last week's weigh-in. This will keep me inspired to stay on track. In addition, we saw some awsome swim suits and sun dresses yesterday while shopping. I did not try anything on as I want to reach my goal before buying anything new. I vowed to myself that when I reach goal this time I will do my best to maintain. This second time around it seems so much harder for some reason. Perhaps it's my age or just the fact that I know what it feels like to have reached goal and want to get back there NOW, but I realize that I didn't put the pounds back on overnight and they wont come off that way either.


Hope everyone has a great day! Welcome to all the new comers, this is a great thread. Cari :)

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Well, I was sick in bed yesterday. I ate whatever sounded soothing, mostly tea and toast, a little ice cream and a few handfuls of peanuts.


I'm feeling much better today, although weak and tired. But I'll get right back on track, meet the HGs today, take a short walk because it is beautiful here!, and not eat any extra weekly or activity points today or tomorrow. Hopefully I didn't mess up my weight loss this week. I lose so slowly anyway, and I'm really, really wanting to hit the 50# loss since joining WW. I lost 14 lbs. before starting to attend meetings.



I just realized that you are from Ohio, we are probably on the same weather pattern. Yes it has been beautiful. It finally feels like spring.

Hope you feel better. Cari

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I'm about 5 weeks into the start of the Weight Watcher plan. It has been really successful so far, and I am really enjoying it.


I am headed to the 4/18 cruise, and a little worried about how to handle the large volume of food selections on board.


I am also thinking this will be a very good opportunity to stay active through walking, swimming, and using the fitness center.


Can you give me some pointers, or lessons learned from your cruises?


Thanks so much!

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Congrats Ashley! 5 lbs is a lot. What a great success. Keep up the good work!


kleo, feel better! Maybe have some Progresso light chicken noodle soup? lol only 1 pt! Gotta love that. However... when I'm sick I just grab whatever's handy too.


Cari, sounds like you're having a nice time with your daughter and sticking to the plan. Good for you. It's such a struggle when guests are visiting. Shopping is a great way to get those points in! That is the excuse I use with my husband... heehee. I'm on the same page as you about not wanting to buy new clothes until closer to goal weight. I can be a bit of a shopaholic, but I think I'm going to stick to a new pair of shoes (or two or three) until I'm close to goal. I don't carry much weight in my feet LOL.


Sunnydaytona, have a fabulous time on your cruise! Try your best with exercise. Like everyone says, take the stairs! I personally love using the walking track on the ship. It's very entertaining to people watch while walking laps. Never a dull moment.


My weigh-in went fantastic last night! Far better than I was expecting. I lost 1.6 lbs! I hit my 5% mark! yayayayaya! I'm finally back into the 140's and very happy with it.


Hope you all continue to have a great week!


SW: 157.4

CW: 149.6

GW: 127.4

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Thanks everyone for all the kind words. I was really shocked that it was so much. These next couple of weeks should be interesting for me, I live just outside of Louisville, KY and Saturday is the kick-off to the Derby festival, which is like non stop events for the next 3 weeks :D! Lots of fun and family, but I'm not sure there's anything point friendly served at the chuckwagon, though...lol! Hope all are having a good week!

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I just found this thread and thought I'd join in. I started WW Wednesday of last week and when I weighed in yesterday I lost 3.4 which made me very happy. Of course I have a long way to go. I haven't been able to eat all my points yet but I know I'm still new to the game and very motivated at this point. Knowing me...I'll slack off as time goes by. I did good with WW about 15 years ago but gained it all back. Next cruise isn't until May 2011 - hope to be down by then.


Starting Weight: 184

Goal: 155

Weight after first week: 180.6



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I am going to have to follow this thread. I completely forgot that there was a board dedicated to weight loss on here. I rejoined Weight Watchers 8 weeks ago. I did WW about four years ago and lost around 45 pounds but over time, I gained it back because I quit tracking and started drinking Pepsi/Coke heavily again. I was up to 8-10 cans of Pepsi a day around nine weeks ago.


I love to travel with my 11 year old son and I got tired of taking all these fabulous trips all year and refusing to have my picture taken because of my weight. I went on a dream trip to the Rose Bowl for the first time to watch my beloved Alabama football team win the National title and there is not one picture of me in front of the Rose Bowl. I was so sad over the next two months about taking the trip and allowing my weight to interfere with enjoying it.


I finally realized that I had to get my weight under control and my Weight Watchers journey began! So I have now not had a Pepsi/Coke in 7 weeks. I hate to drink water and I cannot drink diet because I am allergic to Aspartame so that was not an option. I started drinking the Grape Propel water and I love it. The only two things I drink every day are Propel Water and fat free milk. I am hoping that I can eventually allow myelf to have a Pepsi or Coke every now and then but I am afraid that I will start drinking them and not stop again. I went ahead and purchased the "soda package" for my upcoming cruise in 6 weeks but I am not contemplating cancelling it because I do not want to open the flood gates. We shall see. I am starting with an personal trainer today and I am going to start working on toning while losing.


Thanks for allowing me to share and I look forward to taking part in this group. My info is below:


SW: 218

CW: 205

GW: 145

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Welcome welcome welcome to even more newcomers! This thread is really picking up!


saatchi, are you a Weight Watchers member? If so, there are lost of good posts in this thread to read through. Great tips and advice. WW is a wonderful program. I'm already down 7.8 lbs and couldn't be happier with how easy it has been compared to other diets I've tried. My favourite part of WW is the etools and website. So many helpful tools online.


Does anyone else read Hungry Girl's blog? I think it's fantastic! (It's on the WW website in case you haven't heard of it)


Good luck to everyone and happy losing :D

Almost the weekend!! WoOOoOOOOooOoooOoooO!!!!

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Welcome welcome welcome to even more newcomers! This thread is really picking up!


Thanks for the welcome. Every little bit of encouragement helps. On our Panama Canal cruise this past January I didn't even think for a second about taking a bathing suit - gee...maybe that could change someday.



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Welcome welcome welcome to even more newcomers! This thread is really picking up!


saatchi, are you a Weight Watchers member? If so, there are lost of good posts in this thread to read through. Great tips and advice. WW is a wonderful program. I'm already down 7.8 lbs and couldn't be happier with how easy it has been compared to other diets I've tried. My favourite part of WW is the etools and website. So many helpful tools online.


Does anyone else read Hungry Girl's blog? I think it's fantastic! (It's on the WW website in case you haven't heard of it)


Good luck to everyone and happy losing :D

Almost the weekend!! WoOOoOOOOooOoooOoooO!!!!



Hi Social, I saw the new Hungry Girl Book at Books-a-Million the other day. I browsed through it, it was very interesting. I have never read her blog, perhaps I will check it out. Oh, Congrats on your Wt. loss this week, way to go!


Rick and I took my daughter out to dinner last night. We went to a little Bistro and the menu was not too extensive, but I think I did OK. For starters, I had a salad with Blue Cheese dressing on the side, just dipped the fork. My entree was a NY strip, but I cut off about 3-4 oz of the leanest part and had the remainder boxed up for Rick's lunch today. The entree was served with a lemon zested asparagus which was awsome. I passed up the dessert cart but did have a small glass of Zinfandel. I am all out of bonus points now but my weigh in is tomorrow and I have stayed within my points range today. Tonight I am making some white meat chicken over a little pasta mixed with red pepper and peas.


A few days ago my home scale reflected that I was down 1 pound but this morning it looks like I am back up a pound, so tomorrow will tell.



Have a great evening. Cari


PS Welcome to all of the new posters. Wow, this is great. :)

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Well, I'm headed to the hospital tomorrow morning as my daughter is having baby #3. I'm so excited...but being in the hospital all day can be an eating challenge. So I have a little bag of all kinds of low point foods. This particular hospital also has a couple of low calorie choices on their cafeteria menu (If I have a chance to get to the cafeteria). So, wish me luck, both with the new granddaugter and my eating challenges! :D

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I subscribe to the Hungry Girl emails and have all her cookbooks. Absolutely LOVE her!


Weighed in tonight.. down 2.4lbs which made me hit the 10 I wanted to be down before cruising and I still have three weeks to go! Yeah!


SW: 159.6

CW: 104.0

GW: 110

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