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We have Zumba classes at our Y that I have been wanting to try out it just hasn't fit in to my schedule yet. Please let us know how it is!


Also, whoever first brought up Hungry Girl, THANK YOU! I am loving that website. We are going to try her Shrimp Scampi recipe on Thursday. Has anyone every tried the Shiritaki noodles? I hope they are yummy, because they sound like a fabulous substitute for high point noodles!!!


YES! Thanks for posting about Hungry Girl. I look forward to her daily email newsletter. Before WW, I was eating some of those "SHOCKING" foods. Love her tips. Thanks!

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A take a zumba class and a kickboxing class twice a week (on different days of course)! I am loving it. They have definitely loosened up these stiff bones of mine! You can certainly burn an enormous amount of calories with these workouts. It's all about cardio!

I've been doing them for quite sometime and I'm 52 and the oldest in my classes and I can just about hang with the younger ladies.

I go to the weight room at the gym before my classes and do 1/2 hr of strength training with weights and a few ab excercises.


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Tonight was my WI and I was down another 4.8 lbs :D, but with all the up and down the last couple of weeks that only makes my total loss since starting WW 23 lbs and 33 lbs total. (I did the first 10 on my own) It really feels like my total should be higher than that, but I will take it.


Anjanu you are right it is all about the cardio. I've been going to the gym and working out on the treadmill and recumbent bike and when I am faithful it definitely makes a difference in my WI's.


Does anyone have any exercise tips about firming the lower abdomen? That is one of my biggest problem areas. I always lose weight from the top down, really wish it was the opposite though as I am pear shaped...lol!!! TIA for any ideas!

Good luck to everyone WI's this week!

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Hi All! I'm doing a little dance today because I lost 1.8 pounds....a big jump from my 0.2 lbs last week! I'm soooo close to my 10%, which feels great. I even had a sliver of my mom's homemade pound cake, and enjoyed some lasagna, AND Veggie Lover's pizza from Pizza Hut. Knowing the points values of everything ahead of time helped so much.


I've found a couple things that work well for me:

1. I use the paper points tracker, and cross out 15 of the extra 35 points allowance, for a total of 20 extra points per week. I want to gradually get down to using just 10 extra points per week.


2. Doing something active for 30 minutes each day. I realized that I get bored very easily, so I do a step class, walk briskly on the treadmill at a 7 or 10% incline, and use the elliptical machine during the week, and run with my dog on weekends. I was finally able to run a mile without stopping a few days ago, which feels awesome.


3. Cutting back sodium- I took the advice of a bunch of the ladies here, and I keep a lot of 0 and 1 point snacks onhand at work. I've also reduced my use of the frozen lunches, making fresh foods with lots of veggies for lunch. I learned of a wonderful tuna salad recipe from Martha Stewart, and having that on the WW whole wheat rolls with arugula on top is soooo good. I can share the recipe if anyone is interested! My dinners usually consist of a ton of veggies with a grilled or roasted lean meat.


4. Drinking water. I've started drinking water like crazy! 6-8 glasses per day, along with a 20 oz hot green tea with Truvia in the mornings. To prevent boredom with water, I've been adding a cucumber slice and a lemon slice, or I'll use cucumber and lime. It's very refreshing, and no points for a drink with flavor. If I go out to a nice dinner, I'll have a (2 pt) glass of wine, or unsweetened iced tea with Stevia (I keep my packets of Truvia with me, and normally only need one anyway).


I splure sometimes, and if I know I'm eating out soon, I'll work out to earn most of the extra points for that day instead of relying on the points allowance. I'm very satisfied food-wise, and I feel really good. I have a goal of 175 for my cruise at the end of August, and with this week's WI, I feel like I can really get there!


SW: 190.8

CW: 183.6

GW (for cruise) 175

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Way to go Faith! It seems like you've got a really good plan going! I hadn't ever thought to add cucumber to water, I'm going to try that. I really like the Sugar Free Hawiian Punch mix-ins. The berry lemonade is very yummy. I would love to see that recipe as well, I am always looking for new recipes.

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Way to go Faith! It seems like you've got a really good plan going! I hadn't ever thought to add cucumber to water, I'm going to try that. I really like the Sugar Free Hawiian Punch mix-ins. The berry lemonade is very yummy. I would love to see that recipe as well, I am always looking for new recipes.



Thank you! This cruise has been a great motivator. I just purchased some new bathing suits, and also tried a couple that I had pushed waaayyy back in my dresser since I had a couple problem areas and was too shy to wear them. I tried all of them on, and I am almost where I want to be to wear all of them- and one of them is a bikini!:eek: That was a good wake up call for me! Can't wait to wear my suits without being self-conscious.


Here's the recipe for the tuna salad. I use good-quality white albacore tuna packed in water instead of oil. I have tons of fresh basil in my garden, and I was really surprised how well it went with the tuna and apple. It's really cool and refreshing.




Weight Watchers has 2-point wheat sandwich rolls that I use for this sandwich instead of the sourdough, and I top the sandwich with an arugula and baby greens salad mix, so it's even more filling and satisfying. I have this sandwich and a large glass of water for lunch, and I'm satisfied until it's time for a 0 or 1 pt snack before leaving work. I only eat about a 3-5 pt breakfast, so this recipe works well for me. Enjoy!


Oh yeah....I just signed up for Zumba class that begins next week. I can't wait!

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Ashley- Congrats on the 4.8!!!!


VonChap- What Zumba kit did you purchase? I winded up buying mines off of Ebay.


I purchased it on line at ZumbaFitness dot com. Still waiting for it to arrive. My first live class is next Tuesday night.



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Just came home from a camping trip with family in time for weigh-in. Lost again this week. I am thrilled because I had a hard time passing up the S'Mores, stacks of pancakes and other family camp-out traditions. Lost 1.2!


I really want to be under 200 before July.


Have a good weekend!




SW: 210

CW: 202.8

GW for 10-10-10 Cruise: 180

GW for 9-3-2011 Cruise: 135

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Hi Everybody!

Congrats to everyone who loss weight, maintained, or even gained an ounce or 2! Next week is a brand new week!


Faith thank you for sharing information that has helped you! Your information is priceless!


I've lost 2.2 lbs this week for a total of 6 lbs! I didn't lose anything the week before but forgot to post it. My short term goal is to be down 15 lbs by July 16.


Have a great weekend!




SW: 187.4

CW: 181.4

GW: 145

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Hi all~


This week's WI was disappointing (.4 lbs). I don't really understand it, as I walked two 5Ks (plus 2 miles two other days) and I stayed within my daily points. I guess I knew this day would come, I just wasn't ready for it yet :). Guess it is time to step up the excercise...:rolleyes:


Here's to this week...hopefully a better one :)


SW 223.4

CW 187.6

GW 170 (at lest for now)

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I need to lose 2 Lbs to make my goal of "below 200 on July 1st" So, I need to make this week a good one too. I am hoping that Zumba burns some calories. First live class is tomorrow night. I received an email from ZumbaFitness dot com and they said that my Zumba DVD kit is back-ordered by 10 business days. :(


I am off to walk-walk-walk!


Have a good week everyone!


SW: 210

CW: 201

GW for 10-10-10: 180 for Caribbean Cruise

GW for 5-24-11: 150 for Greek Cruise

GW for 9-3-11: 135 for TA Cruise

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Hey, all --

Sorry I've been AWOL... my attitude has been flagging, along with my resolve, but I'm working to improve and really get back OP. As always, I haven't fallen completely off the wagon (I still track faithfully except when I'm on vacation, and I'm still within 3 lbs of my lowest weight, which, strangely :rolleyes:, was the week before my latest cruise), but I've really been struggling with the "I really want to eat that, so I do" problem.


I think I haven't posted in so long because I'm sure that attitude is getting old -- I'm sure you don't all want to hear that every week!


I start tracking on Saturday, and I'm happy to report that this week is going better so far -- I actually have some Flex points left after the weekend! I know many of you don't use them at all, but they still are a life-saver for me, and since I've gotten back from my cruise (beginning of May), I don't think I've had a week where I didn't go WAY over my Flex points (like double or triple or worse!). I'm really hoping I can stay on track this week.


I just want to tell you I'm so proud of all of you!! You are all doing so well, and sticking with it is SO important for you. Please be good to yourself, take care of yourself, and don't feel guilty! You're doing the best you can, and I know WW is a struggle, but you're worth it!


Bronolvrs -- sending healing, calming thoughts to you!


Youngcruiser23 -- I understand the urge to only "eat what you know" but I encourage you to try some of the more "exotic" foods you encounter, especially when you travel. Local foods are part of the culture and nature of your destination, and you will be missing a big part of the "lesson" and joy if you skip this part. You won't like everything, but you may find new favorites, even low-point ones. You will probably be surprised! And just think, at one point in your life, you'd never had a burger -- you had to try it a first time before you knew you liked it... new foods are the same way! In my family, we were told if you tried a new food, you'd add an extra 75 days onto your life, LOL! :)


As for my weigh-ins the past few weeks, I've been up and down. Since I last checked in, I was up 1 lb, up 0.4 lb then down 0.8 last week. Hoping for a loss this week, but I've had so many "bad" weeks, I wouldn't be TOO surprised if it was a gain (but hopefully only a small one, please!!?), especially as I might have my own "bloating issue" -- that time of the month can be brutal for weigh-in for me, too.


Will be going to New York in mid-August -- would love to be down close to 10 lbs, but the way I'm going, down 5 would be cause for celebration!


Thin thoughts to you! I need 'em, too! :p


SW: 246.2

CW: 204.8

GW: 154

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This is a great board,I have been reading all the posts to get the hang of things.I learned about the Hungry girl site and have been there practically nonstop for the last few days too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I rejoined WW on mon for probably the 15 th time.I am a great fan of the program and it always works but my problem is complancency and great excuse making.

Well here I go again,50 lbs to bathing suit wearing:eek::eek::eek:

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Welcome nurse betty boop! I, too am a repeat weight watchers offender. I've just commited to this being my final time.


I haven't been on since we tried HG's Shrimp Scampi! The recipe itself was delicious, not a fan of the shiritaki noodles at all. We could not eat them by themselves. The were VERY chewy, not at all what you would want from a "noodle" product, but I did ask my WW leader about it and she said that the angelhair wasn't as chewy. So, I may try those and report back on those. On a much better note, we had Pasta Primiveria from WW new 100 best cookbook and it was very yummy and only 7 points for a huge 1 3/4 cup serving. My weigh in went well tonight as well down another 1.4lbs :D!!!!! Hoping everyone else has a great week as well!

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Last night was my fist live Zumba class. LOVED it! I will be going back to the class again. :D The hour flew by.


This was my fist exercise group class in almost 20 years. Dont worry. There are people that are all shapes, sizes and abilities in the class. Just do what you can do and have fun.


Here are some tips and comments:


The instructor told me to expect it to take about 5 classes to get all the moves. Yep, I am sure that it will take that long. Just keep moving. You are burning an amazing amount of calories. I was literally dripping in sweat.


Drink lots of water before the class and bring lots of water with you. One of the girls told me to take an Aleve immediately after the class. If you are out-of-shape, like I am, that is a good idea. By the time I drove home 20 mintues, I was feeling every muscle in my body.


Several people in the class told me that the live classes are easier and much easier to follow than the DVDs. So, if you have the DVDs, and gave up, give the live class a try. My DVDs still have not arrived.


Overall, this class showed me that I have not been working out to my potential. The daily walks that I have been taking have been tame, and I really can survive a hard work-out.


I feel GREAT this morning! :D


Take care,



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Hello all,


We went out of town unexpectantly - gone 10 days - got back Tuesday night and weigh-in was Wed morning. I was very happy with my 1.4 loss (in two weeks). I was afraid I would gain because I had to eat whatever was available but by trying to make good choices (at least most of the time) it all worked out.



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Today is WI Day....


Down 1.8 this week. I really want to be below 200 before next week's WI. I am starting to crave some of my old trouble foods; so, this week is going to be rough.




SW: 210

CW: 201

GW for 10-10-10 Cruise: 180

GW for 9-3-2011 Cruise: 135

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Oh poo. I'm up .8 lbs this week. :(

I guess it could have been a lot worse. Congrats everyone!


VonChap, you can do it! You can make your goal of getting below the 200 lb mark before your next weigh in. Let one of your trouble foods be a reward incentive for you for getting below the 200 lbs. Once you reach your goal next week, I'll bet you won't even want your trouble food!


I wanted ice cream so bad this week. I was in the supermarket drooling in the ice cream section and I said to myself, "Self, if I lose at weigh in this week, I will buy ice cream and if I don't lose this week, I will not buy ice cream".


I didn't lose so, no ice cream. I don't do fat-free ice cream so I need extra incentives to reward myself with it. I do love the "light" vanilla bean ice cream. Turkey Hill has it at 100 calories, 2 WW pts.





SW: 187.4

CW: 182.2

GW: 145

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Kim, You are SO close! Do a couple extra workouts and I bet you make it! HOW EXCITING!!!


Well, as promised, here is an update from my recent visit to the sugeon...


After reviewing my mammogram and doing an exam, the doctor believes I do have cancer. She asked me to consent to some genetic testing, which I did. I should have the results in two weeks or so. In the meantime, I am waiting for an appointment with the plastic surgeon, to talk about reconstruction options. My current problem is this is one of the PREMIER plastic surgeons in our area (and the one recommended by my surgeon) and they don't have any appointments available for a month :( As my doctor wanted to do the double masectomy within a month, I may have to find someone else. The plastic surgeon's office is going to try to find an opening for me, so please pray that something pops up soon :)


WI tomorrow! I'm a little nervous....


Oh yeah, after my husband and I talked with the surgeon, I cheered myself up by paying for our cruise :D HAPPY DAY!!!!

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Oh poo. I'm up .8 lbs this week. :(

I guess it could have been a lot worse. Congrats everyone!


VonChap, you can do it! You can make your goal of getting below the 200 lb mark before your next weigh in. Let one of your trouble foods be a reward incentive for you for getting below the 200 lbs. Once you reach your goal next week, I'll bet you won't even want your trouble food!


I wanted ice cream so bad this week. I was in the supermarket drooling in the ice cream section and I said to myself, "Self, if I lose at weigh in this week, I will buy ice cream and if I don't lose this week, I will not buy ice cream".


I didn't lose so, no ice cream. I don't do fat-free ice cream so I need extra incentives to reward myself with it. I do love the "light" vanilla bean ice cream. Turkey Hill has it at 100 calories, 2 WW pts.





SW: 187.4

CW: 182.2

GW: 145


Hi Sheryl,


I have actually been eating some of my "trigger" foods every week. I have just been paying with the points. Some nights I was stuck with just zero point soup and a salad for dinner because of what I ate during the day. But it is working for me. My trigger food is Mexican. I have been eating those low-point tacos at Taco Bell. My other trigger food is chocolate and ice cream. I have been eating those Skinny Cow 1 Point fudge bars...every day!


I am going to have to buy something for myself when I get below 200 lbs. Something for my cruise in October. :)


I hope we both have good weeks!


Take care,



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Kim, You are SO close! Do a couple extra workouts and I bet you make it! HOW EXCITING!!!


Well, as promised, here is an update from my recent visit to the sugeon...


After reviewing my mammogram and doing an exam, the doctor believes I do have cancer. She asked me to consent to some genetic testing, which I did. I should have the results in two weeks or so. In the meantime, I am waiting for an appointment with the plastic surgeon, to talk about reconstruction options. My current problem is this is one of the PREMIER plastic surgeons in our area (and the one recommended by my surgeon) and they don't have any appointments available for a month :( As my doctor wanted to do the double masectomy within a month, I may have to find someone else. The plastic surgeon's office is going to try to find an opening for me, so please pray that something pops up soon :)


WI tomorrow! I'm a little nervous....


Oh yeah, after my husband and I talked with the surgeon, I cheered myself up by paying for our cruise :D HAPPY DAY!!!!


My thoughts are with you. I am so impressed that you are sticking with WW through all of this. Please keep us posted.


Isnt paying off the cruise a great feeling?! :D

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Kim, You are SO close! Do a couple extra workouts and I bet you make it! HOW EXCITING!!!


Well, as promised, here is an update from my recent visit to the sugeon...


After reviewing my mammogram and doing an exam, the doctor believes I do have cancer. She asked me to consent to some genetic testing, which I did. I should have the results in two weeks or so. In the meantime, I am waiting for an appointment with the plastic surgeon, to talk about reconstruction options. My current problem is this is one of the PREMIER plastic surgeons in our area (and the one recommended by my surgeon) and they don't have any appointments available for a month :( As my doctor wanted to do the double masectomy within a month, I may have to find someone else. The plastic surgeon's office is going to try to find an opening for me, so please pray that something pops up soon :)


WI tomorrow! I'm a little nervous....


Oh yeah, after my husband and I talked with the surgeon, I cheered myself up by paying for our cruise :D HAPPY DAY!!!!




You seem to have a great outlook which will help you get through all of this. I sure hope that you'll be able to get in to see the plastic surgeon soon. Please keep us posted. I'm sure I can speak for all of us that we'll be thinking of you.



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Janice, I agree with Frances you have a fabulous outlook. The outlook you have really makes a difference. I have a very dear friend that is Cancer Free for a year as of today, and she has that amazing positive outlook like you as well. I'm sure it's not easy, it wasn't easier for her either facing a complete hysterectomy at 35 years old, but God got her through it and I am sure He will do the same for you.


Well, I went shopping today, I was in desperate need of new everyday skirts and much to my surprise I was not one but two sizes smaller :D:eek:! I nearly shouted in the dressing room when the smaller one zipped with no problems. This definitely gave me some momentum, as we had girls night at Outback this evening. I checked out their website before we left and their nutritional page is completely interactive, which is awesome. Did you know that they cook their steaks in butter? Who need those extra calories? Everyone at my table got a kick out of my ordering, but hey it's worth it to me, I've lost to dress sizes :D! Here's to two more by cruise time!!!

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Janice, I agree with Frances you have a fabulous outlook. The outlook you have really makes a difference. I have a very dear friend that is Cancer Free for a year as of today, and she has that amazing positive outlook like you as well. I'm sure it's not easy, it wasn't easier for her either facing a complete hysterectomy at 35 years old, but God got her through it and I am sure He will do the same for you.


Well, I went shopping today, I was in desperate need of new everyday skirts and much to my surprise I was not one but two sizes smaller :D:eek:! I nearly shouted in the dressing room when the smaller one zipped with no problems. This definitely gave me some momentum, as we had girls night at Outback this evening. I checked out their website before we left and their nutritional page is completely interactive, which is awesome. Did you know that they cook their steaks in butter? Who need those extra calories? Everyone at my table got a kick out of my ordering, but hey it's worth it to me, I've lost to dress sizes :D! Here's to two more by cruise time!!!




Yea! Two sizes down. That is great!


I am so looking forward to being two sizes down. I have a bunch of clothes in my closet that I would love to wear on my October cruise that are two sizes down.


What did you order at Outback? So far, I have my favorite Mexican restaurant under control but we do go to Outback too.


I am stuck between sizes. One size is too big and the next size down is a little too small. I have put some things in my "too big" box but am a few pounds away from leaving the larger size behind.



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