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I will join you. If I lose the 10 that would put me under 190 wow I will work harder 187 here I come


I am going to start on Friday and will post my start weight on Friday morning. I need the extra push...



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Hi Kim, Angela


Well I weighed in and gained .2lbs so i went down .6 and gained .2 the next week. How does this encourage me to continue!!! I was really down this morning and obviously didn't stay on plan tonite (I had the "what the heck" attitude) So in three weeks I've lost less than half a pound. At this rate i'll never lose anything.


Ok so what should I do now? I keep my journal, my downfall is carbs and i hate salads..... I know I have to remember to drink my water.


I'd love to do the challenge but I don't know if I'd lose anything at the rate i'm going.



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Ok so I did some calculations. If I lose 1.8 lbs per week from here out until my cruise I will should be able to lose around 27 lbs. Which would put me around 170. Wow I really can see it. This makes me work even harder. So there's my challenge to myself. 

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fi'fi, yes, I usually lose during that time of month too. However, the week prior to that is when I hardly lose anything. That's when I bloat really bad.


Despite my drinking and pigging out on Saturday night I lost .2 lbs this week. Not much, but at least it's the right direction. I've walked a lot the past 3 days. If I keep it up I'm sure it will show next week. This weekend I'm going out of town to visit my mom and grandpa. Luckily my mom is on Jenny Craig so eating healthy should be easy.


Welcome to all of the newcomers!


Happy HUMP day everyone! We're half way to the weekend :D wooooo!


SW: 157.4

CW: 135.8

GW: 127.4

Age: 24

Height: 5'3''


I think I will be readjusting my goal to 125. I'm slow to do it cause that means having to lose even more, but eventually I'll suck it up and put it on paper.

How much did you lose before you went down a dress size before I started weight watchers I weighed 218lbs in jan of this yr. I wore a size 18 lost 11lbs several inches now in size 16. Down 10 lbs with weight watchers 197 and size 16 starting to feel a little looser on me. Hopefully another 10 and several inches will get me into some 14's.

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How much did you lose before you went down a dress size before I started weight watchers I weighed 218lbs in jan of this yr. I wore a size 18 lost 11lbs several inches now in size 16. Down 10 lbs with weight watchers 197 and size 16 starting to feel a little looser on me. Hopefully another 10 and several inches will get me into some 14's.


fi'fi, I was about a size 12 at 157.4 lbs when I started. I went down to a 10 at around 7 lbs lost. Now at 21.6 lbs lost I am a size 6. I feel great being a size 6, but I still have a lot of flab on my stomach. I'm not quite comfortable in a bikini yet. I might have to take a sunny vacation when I reach goal since I might reach it this winter. I really have experienced that inches go faster than pounds. The activity makes such a difference too I find.

Good luck! Sounds like you're doing awesome :-) Have fun shopping in smaller sizes :)

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Hi Everyone.

I am up for the 30 day challange again even though I didn't do so hot last time. But I am very thankful that I haven't gained over the summer. (those skinny cow ice creams have been a life saver for me).

3 weeks till my next cruise. This should be good incentive.


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How much did you lose before you went down a dress size before I started weight watchers I weighed 218lbs in jan of this yr. I wore a size 18 lost 11lbs several inches now in size 16. Down 10 lbs with weight watchers 197 and size 16 starting to feel a little looser on me. Hopefully another 10 and several inches will get me into some 14's.


So far, I have lost about 23 pounds. I have gone from a size 18/20 to a size 14...and heading to a size 12 in some of my clothes. I have lost a lot of inches due to Zumba; so, I think that's why I am dropping sizes faster than weight.



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fi'fi, I was about a size 12 at 157.4 lbs when I started. I went down to a 10 at around 7 lbs lost. Now at 21.6 lbs lost I am a size 6. I feel great being a size 6, but I still have a lot of flab on my stomach. I'm not quite comfortable in a bikini yet. I might have to take a sunny vacation when I reach goal since I might reach it this winter. I really have experienced that inches go faster than pounds. The activity makes such a difference too I find.

Good luck! Sounds like you're doing awesome :-) Have fun shopping in smaller sizes :)


A size 6...I would not know what to look at in the stores. :) Congratulations!


I have also found that the inches are pouring off faster than the weight. I now know that exercise is the key. This is my first time with WW adding a lot of activity. In the past tries with WW, I did lose weight, but not this fast.



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Hi Kim, Angela


Well I weighed in and gained .2lbs so i went down .6 and gained .2 the next week. How does this encourage me to continue!!! I was really down this morning and obviously didn't stay on plan tonite (I had the "what the heck" attitude) So in three weeks I've lost less than half a pound. At this rate i'll never lose anything.


Ok so what should I do now? I keep my journal, my downfall is carbs and i hate salads..... I know I have to remember to drink my water.


I'd love to do the challenge but I don't know if I'd lose anything at the rate i'm going.





I have found that I dont lose very much when I stick within my daily points, but I fill the day with a bunch of processed food. Chips, WW meals, breads, etc. I lose the most when I eat some breads, meats and veggies.


Have you tried the new 100 calorie bagles or sandwich buns? They are about 1 point each if you pick the whole wheat varieties. Also, what about the new steamer bags of veggies? We like those and we also love the 1 point Green Giant microwave single-serving veggies.


A few times a week, I have a veggies only dinner. I eat all my daily points, but a few dinners are veggies only. (including a sweet potato). I think that eating your points earlier in the day lets you burn those off before dinner.


Water-water-water. I use a lot of the WalMart variety drink mixers. Just like Crystal Lite but lots cheaper.


I never eat my extra weekly points and I dont turn APs into more food to eat. I stick to my daily points only. If I have a special meal in a restaurant or something, I eat low point for the rest of the day. Zero point soup saves me on those days.


Thats what I have been doing on this round of WW.



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I'm down 1.2lbs! Wahoo!!!

I truely thought I was going to be up. I had a bar crawl this past Saturday, so I thought all the beer consumed would have been enough to put me up. Nevermind the stupid supermarket chocolate chip cookies my grandmother bought. 3pts a piece for those stupid little things.

Yay for those extra 35 pts. hah

I made the Jennifer Hudson Broccoli & Sausage casserole last night. It came out pretty good. I substitued turkey kielbasa for the turkey italian sausage. I couldn't find any in the store & i don't really like it either. ;)

I think i'll try the WW Mac & Cheese recipe next week. My grandmother makes homemade mac & cheese once a week. It's so delicious, but really not WW friendly. I'll try this recipe & see how it does.

My little secret to you, if anyone has end of the summer cookouts coming up.

I buy the Jennie O turkey burgers (4pts), use the presliced WW cheese(1pt) & Arnolds Sandwich thins Whole Wheat(1pt). 6PTS TOTAL! :rolleyes:

Compare that to a Bubba Burger(11pts), slice of American Cheese (2pts), burger bun(3pts) 16 pts total :eek:

Dont' get me wrong, I love a nice juicy burger as much as the next person, but 10 extra points for it, really isn't worth it to me. I'd rather be able to have a beer, a couple chips, a bite or 2 or potato salad, and a little brownie or cookie too!

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My little secret to you, if anyone has end of the summer cookouts coming up.

I buy the Jennie O turkey burgers (4pts), use the presliced WW cheese(1pt) & Arnolds Sandwich thins Whole Wheat(1pt). 6PTS TOTAL! :rolleyes:



I make the Jennio O burger at least once a week. I also use the WW cheese and a 1Pt sandwich thin. Love it!

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Welcome Angela! I have found that this board to be a great help. I do WW on-line since meetings are a long way from my home. Its good to have WW people to talk to during hte week.


I am going to do a 10 lb challenge from August 20-September 20th. Anyone is welcome to join in the fun. After last week, I need a challenge to keep me from slipping off of track.




Hi Kim.

Count me in! I too need a challenge. If I can lose 10 lbs that would put me in the 160s! Whoo Hooo! August 20th start date is great! I weigh in the morning so tomorrow's a great day to begin!

Good luck everybody who takes on the challenge!


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My wi is at 187.1 today. (Down -1.9 from last week)


My 30 Day Goal is 177.1...I am so looking forward to the 70's before my 10-10-10 cruise. :)


So, here we go: 30 Day Challenge

SW: 210

CW: 187.1

GW: 175 for 10-10-10

GW: 170 for 10-10-10 Dream Goal for Cruise

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My wi is at 187.1 today. (Down -1.9 from last week)


My 30 Day Goal is 177.1...I am so looking forward to the 70's before my 10-10-10 cruise. :)


So, here we go: 30 Day Challenge

SW: 210

CW: 187.1

GW: 175 for 10-10-10

GW: 170 for 10-10-10 Dream Goal for Cruise


Congrats Kim on your 1.9 lb loss! I guarantee you that in 30 days or less you will feel great at 177.1! :)


My weigh in today is 177. I'm down 2 lbs this week.


My 30 Day Challenge Goal is 167.





SW: 187.4

CW: 177

GW: 150 for 12/11/10 Cruise

GW: 145 would be golden!

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Hi everyone

Just found this thread. And luckily today is the start of the 30day challenge. I have already had breakfast and usually I would say I would start tomorrow then, but i'll start right now. I have a lot to lose. Have started w/w more times then I want to say. Next cruise is just over a month away.


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Hi everyone

Just found this thread. And luckily today is the start of the 30day challenge. I have already had breakfast and usually I would say I would start tomorrow then, but i'll start right now. I have a lot to lose. Have started w/w more times then I want to say. Next cruise is just over a month away.



Welcome Puddlebay! I have a lot left to lose too. I am going to attack Phase 2 of the plan after my 10-10 cruise. This is not my first time on WW, but it is sticking for me this time. I think its the extra excercise.


We have a great group here, and it is a lot of fun to read everyone's ideas.



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Hi Kim

Thanks for the welcome. Sitting here tonight with a bottle of water instead of my usual glass of red wine. For each glass of red wine I don't drink that's 3 points .

I am hoping that being part of this 30 day challenge will keep me focused.


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since the 30 day challenge started yesterday. my weigh in is on sat. so today i will start at 0 lost for the 30 day challenge. my goal is 10 in the next 30 days. that would put me down to 185. im going for it





cruise goal weight 165-175 ( nov 27 2010) 3 mths and 1week to go

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My husband and I just walked a 6 mile trail in 90 minutes. Thank goodness the trail was flat. It has been many years since I have walked 6 miles and never without stopping. I am feeling it! BUT 5 APs! I hope this shows up at WI!



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Hi Kim


I agree with you that you have to have your proper "point" calculations and make the right choices and that will help in the weight drop. Unfortunately in Canada we do not have the wide variety that you do in the US when it comes to WW meals and good diet and low point foods. We are getting better but we have to come up with our own variations on things!!


Just read some of your other posts with regards to you having lost 23 lbs. How long has it taken you?? I wish i could lose at least 5 lbs to kick start me in the right direction. Hopefully this week I will see my doctor and he will clear me to start exercising and that might help me start shedding some weight.






I have found that I dont lose very much when I stick within my daily points, but I fill the day with a bunch of processed food. Chips, WW meals, breads, etc. I lose the most when I eat some breads, meats and veggies.


Have you tried the new 100 calorie bagles or sandwich buns? They are about 1 point each if you pick the whole wheat varieties. Also, what about the new steamer bags of veggies? We like those and we also love the 1 point Green Giant microwave single-serving veggies.


A few times a week, I have a veggies only dinner. I eat all my daily points, but a few dinners are veggies only. (including a sweet potato). I think that eating your points earlier in the day lets you burn those off before dinner.


Water-water-water. I use a lot of the WalMart variety drink mixers. Just like Crystal Lite but lots cheaper.


I never eat my extra weekly points and I dont turn APs into more food to eat. I stick to my daily points only. If I have a special meal in a restaurant or something, I eat low point for the rest of the day. Zero point soup saves me on those days.


Thats what I have been doing on this round of WW.



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