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Just got back from a 9 day cruise and gained 3 lbs. I decided to enjoy myself, didn't count points, but didn't go hog wild either. Just ate small portions, but enjoyed my desserts too! I have been back 5 days and already lost the 3 lbs. I did do the stairs everywhere I went. We were on the 5th floor and the food on the 12th, so got some good exercise in. I also walked about a mile on the ship everyday and swam alot. I was very happy I could do this and then jump right back on WW. I figure if I am going to do this the rest of my life, I need to enjoy life, live a little and not always count the points. It worked for me. Good luck on your cruises!

This encourages me. It's my plan too. Take the stairs, walk walk walk, swim, relax, eat and drink what I want in moderation and get right back on plan when I get home. So glad it worked for you.

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The recipe builder discrepancy happens when you are putting 0 point fruits and veggie into the recipe. The recipe builder takes the nutritional info for the entire recipe and divides by however many servings; it doesn't realize some of that NI is for fruits and veggies.


I just want to encourage everybody. I've been following this plan since Monday. Yesterday (Friday) was my weigh in day. I lost 4.2 lbs.!! I have been on a 6 MONTH plateau. I'd be up a pound, down .2 lbs. At my previous weigh in I was only .8 lbs. less than I was June 11th, despite following the plan as written.


I went from 24 points to 29 points plus. I also used 3-5 points a day for fruit, so I really got 8-10 more points. But you can't compare the two. Points and Points Plus are not the same. So try not to do that.


For those gaining, your body may need a week or so to adjust. Also, are you eating all the dairy servings, oils, enough fruits and veggies and whole grains? How much processed foods are you eating?


If this plan isn't working after several weeks, by all means go back to what was. But I'll encourage you to give it a shot for several weeks first, working it as written, and see how it goes.


I am allergic to gluten, so I am not eating any processed foods. I am allergic to all WW brand foods. No whole grains for me!


I talked to WW. This plan is to break the habit of some users from processed foods. Since I didnt have that habit on the old plan, this increase in points really means a lot more calories for me. I have to eat a lot more food to reach those 29 points. I have gained on this plan, even with walking more than 15 miles this week. (+2.5 pounds this week on the new plan)


My doctor told me that she still believes in WW, but to stop eating when I am full and dont feel like I have to eat 29 points.


So, if you have already cut processed foods from your diet, this new plan may be too many points for weight loss.


I am giving it one more week...



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Just got back from a 9 day cruise and gained 3 lbs. I decided to enjoy myself, didn't count points, but didn't go hog wild either. Just ate small portions, but enjoyed my desserts too! I have been back 5 days and already lost the 3 lbs. I did do the stairs everywhere I went. We were on the 5th floor and the food on the 12th, so got some good exercise in. I also walked about a mile on the ship everyday and swam alot. I was very happy I could do this and then jump right back on WW. I figure if I am going to do this the rest of my life, I need to enjoy life, live a little and not always count the points. It worked for me. Good luck on your cruises!


Good for you! You enjoyed yourself, got in exercise and got back on the program when you got home. That will be my plan next month.



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I lost 2 lbs. this week, not sure how but I was pretty happy. I'm starting the new program today. My daughter lost 3.6 the first week on the new program. I gained 4 lbs on our cruise last year and lost it the week we got back. Thats my plan for our cruise in Jan. enjoy myself, but don't go crazy and lots of walking. Nancy

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I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Freddie from NYC. I have been struggling with weight all my life. I lost 150 lbs in 1995/96 and it all came back because I let go of commitment.

I joined WW last year and lost about 25 lbs over a few months. I was doing great and lost momentum. I am looking forward to getting back on my horse tomorrow and fairly excited about the new plan. I love fruit and hope it will be effective. I will check in periodically. I wish all of you luck in your weight loss journey. I am booked on the Celebrity Summit in April and although I like having a cruise as inspiration to lose, I need to do it for every day of my life, not just 7 days.

SW- 287


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At last, I found someone at WW to talk to about the new program and Gluten Free dieters. I need to make some modifications to the plan in order for it to work with a GF diet.


While everyone elses bread, baked goods, etc were going up in points, my GF brands stayed about the same. Some even dropped in points with the new program. So, with an increase to 29 points, I was grazing all day.


I need to change my points to match the average for regular food. For example bread should be 2 points and not still the 1 point, etc. I made the changes and can already feel a difference.


Thank goodness, I thought that I was losing my diet mind! Hopefully, I take off the 2.5 pounds that I gained on the plan last week and start losing. I have cruise clothes to fit into for March!


Have a great week,



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Hello my name is Chris.

Freddie told me about this thread and thought why not join.


I have been dealing with my weight problem ever since I had my last child.

Would really like to get back to the size once known. If not close.


I need to make some modifications in my food intake. Love carbs. That is my weakness. Especially italian bread, pizza, rolls, biscuits. I better stop, making myself hungry. :o


Wonder what diet really works....:confused:

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At last, I found someone at WW to talk to about the new program and Gluten Free dieters. I need to make some modifications to the plan in order for it to work with a GF diet.


While everyone elses bread, baked goods, etc were going up in points, my GF brands stayed about the same. Some even dropped in points with the new program. So, with an increase to 29 points, I was grazing all day.


I need to change my points to match the average for regular food. For example bread should be 2 points and not still the 1 point, etc. I made the changes and can already feel a difference.


Thank goodness, I thought that I was losing my diet mind! Hopefully, I take off the 2.5 pounds that I gained on the plan last week and start losing. I have cruise clothes to fit into for March!


Have a great week,




I'm so glad you figured this out!! I haven't been on this particular forum in forever (I'm in maintenance, though after two trips to Vegas, two weeks in Hong Kong, and 3 Packers games which means tailgating with not healthy foods, I'm up 5 pounds). I came here to see what people were saying about the new program, and your gaining .5 pounds a day was so puzzling to me. I've always eaten whole foods, trying to stay away from processed, so I was concerned. After two days on the new program, I'm down 1.5 pounds:). Best of luck to you in your journey.

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Hello my name is Chris.

Freddie told me about this thread and thought why not join.


I have been dealing with my weight problem ever since I had my last child.

Would really like to get back to the size once known. If not close.


I need to make some modifications in my food intake. Love carbs. That is my weakness. Especially italian bread' date=' pizza, rolls, biscuits. I better stop, making myself hungry. :o


Wonder what diet really works....:confused:[/quote']


Any diet can work to take off weight. However, it needs to be a lifestyle change, which is what is so great about Weight Watchers. WW encourages healthy eating, but is also realistic...if you want a cookie, have a cookie (but not 3 or 4). Completely cutting out one type of food leads to feelings of deprivation, which can lead to binging. Good luck!

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Hello everyone. I haven't checked in for a while thought I would give you an update. I am down 41 lbs. I plateaued for a while but now looks like the weight is coming off again. Only nine more lbs til next goal weight. Will have to readjust again! Today I get out the big black trash bag and pull everything from my dresser and closet that is too big! Have a great week!:D



SW 283

CW 242

CGW 233

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Hello everyone. I haven't checked in for a while thought I would give you an update. I am down 41 lbs. I plateaued for a while but now looks like the weight is coming off again. Only nine more lbs til next goal weight. Will have to readjust again! Today I get out the big black trash bag and pull everything from my dresser and closet that is too big! Have a great week!:D



SW 283

CW 242

CGW 233


Congratulations! That is GREAT! Keep us posted. I need to good news to keep me motivated right now.



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At last, I found someone at WW to talk to about the new program and Gluten Free dieters. I need to make some modifications to the plan in order for it to work with a GF diet.


While everyone elses bread, baked goods, etc were going up in points, my GF brands stayed about the same. Some even dropped in points with the new program. So, with an increase to 29 points, I was grazing all day.


I need to change my points to match the average for regular food. For example bread should be 2 points and not still the 1 point, etc. I made the changes and can already feel a difference.


Thank goodness, I thought that I was losing my diet mind! Hopefully, I take off the 2.5 pounds that I gained on the plan last week and start losing. I have cruise clothes to fit into for March!


Have a great week,



Kim, I'm glad you were able to get answers and feel better about the plan now.

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I'm so glad you figured this out!! I haven't been on this particular forum in forever (I'm in maintenance, though after two trips to Vegas, two weeks in Hong Kong, and 3 Packers games which means tailgating with not healthy foods, I'm up 5 pounds). I came here to see what people were saying about the new program, and your gaining .5 pounds a day was so puzzling to me. I've always eaten whole foods, trying to stay away from processed, so I was concerned. After two days on the new program, I'm down 1.5 pounds:). Best of luck to you in your journey.


Day 2 on the modified Gluten Free Points Plus and I can tell a huge difference. I have stopped grazing all day on extra points and I feel like I am losing. I am waiting until Friday to get on the scale.


A big motivator for me this year was buying clothes that were too small and then dieting into them. I just received a shipment of some clothes that I ordered for our March cruise. Those are now hanging on my closet door so that I can see them every day.


Have a great week!



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Day 2 on the modified Gluten Free Points Plus and I can tell a huge difference. I have stopped grazing all day on extra points and I feel like I am losing. I am waiting until Friday to get on the scale.


A big motivator for me this year was buying clothes that were too small and then dieting into them. I just received a shipment of some clothes that I ordered for our March cruise. Those are now hanging on my closet door so that I can see them every day.


Have a great week!



Kim, I'm doing that, too. I've bought 5 dresses off of eBay for our April cruise. They are hanging on my closet door to keep me motivated.

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Wow! I just found this site. How cool is this! I have been going to WW since Jan '05 and lost 50lbs to get to goal by Oct '05. I stayed at my lifetime weight for nearly two years. I am currently 20 lbs above goal and am focused to get back there. I have alway battled my weight. I lost 50 lbs in 1985, 1995. and then with WW in 2005.

Unfortunately I have to blame cruising for a lot of my weight gain. But I'm not about to give it up!

At my goal weight my husband bought me a tight backless evening gown called the Mermaid dress. I have worn it many times but it currently doesn't fit. I really want to take it on Oasis. I need to lose about 10 lbs to be comfortable wearing the Mermaid dress. Wish me luck!

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Unfortunately I have to blame cruising for a lot of my weight gain. But I'm not about to give it up!

At my goal weight my husband bought me a tight backless evening gown called the Mermaid dress. I have worn it many times but it currently doesn't fit. I really want to take it on Oasis. I need to lose about 10 lbs to be comfortable wearing the Mermaid dress. Wish me luck!


I have gained some weight cruising too! :o


The back of my closet door has several items hanging that will hopefully be packed for my March 25th cruise. I need to lose about 15 pounds for those to fit and 20 pounds for them to look great. So, the count-down has started. :)


Welcome to our board. Keep posting..



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Hello my name is Chris.

Freddie told me about this thread and thought why not join.


I have been dealing with my weight problem ever since I had my last child.

Would really like to get back to the size once known. If not close.


I need to make some modifications in my food intake. Love carbs. That is my weakness. Especially italian bread' date=' pizza, rolls, biscuits. I better stop, making myself hungry. :o


Wonder what diet really works....:confused:[/quote']


Welcome Chris. I have lost 25+ pounds in the past 6 months with Weight Watchers. It can work!


We look forward to hearing from you!



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At last, now I am losing on WW Points Plus. Down 1.6 pounds and my WI is tomorrow. Still have not lost all the weight that I gained during the first week of WW Points Plus :(, but at least I am heading in the right direction now!


Still not a big fan of the new plan. I now feel as if I am on a "diet" instead of something that I can adopt for a "way of life".


Anyway...Have a great weekend,



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This is my first week on it and won't have a weigh in until next Wed. But I think I like it. I think I will eat a bit healthier. I found I would drop fruit or milk to get in some of the 'carb' things or Wine that I prefer. Now I can still get my fruit and with these extra points, drink more milk.

I'm really enjoying the online tools. I'm really trying to track now.

It's a really tough time to be putting the new program to the test though because I have 3 Christmas partys before my next weighin:mad:

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I reached LIFETIME! My 6 week maintenance is over and I did it successfully! The first couple of weeks were tough. I went way up then way down, but after that I've been steady. It's great! :D Now I need to cancel my payment haha but I will still continue to pay for etools, they're the best! Oh and Canada is supposed to be getting the iPhone and blackberry app this month WOOHOOOOOOO!


I'm still on week one of the new PointsPlus plan. Since I'm lifetime I have 35 daily points! It sure is a lot. I already ate a ton of fruits and vegetables so I am finding 35 points to be a bit much. If I gain weight on the new plan, my points will drop. It's the same as the old maintenance plan. I think I'll be ok. I haven't been tracking much since I started maintenance and things are going great! I feel like I've made a huge lifestyle change and truly know how to eat healthy. I keep an eye on the scale to make sure I'm not going crazy, but so far I'm doing well :) Christmas is impossible with all the chocolate. I cannot resist it. Since that's my problem, I hop on the treadmill an extra 30 mins or do some stairs before bed. I find as long as I keep up my exercise I can have an extra treat or two in a day. I exercise probably 6-7 days a week. Owning a treadmill is key for me in this cold rainy winter weather.


At our meeting they had a bunch of brochures on the new PointsPlus for specific dietary needs. One of them was for Gluten Free, another for older people, younger people, etc. And thank you WW Canada for getting the chocolate pretzel bars!!! Thank you thank you! They are the best thing ever. Now 2 points, but totally worth it.


In case anyone is still skeptical of the new plan... my team leader has lost 7 lbs on PointsPlus since September. One of our receptionists has lost 15 lbs on PointsPlus since June! She was in the test group for it and is loving the new program. It really does work, so don't fret :D


Good luck everyone!!!

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I reached LIFETIME! My 6 week maintenance is over and I did it successfully!


CONGRATULATIONS Socalcruiser! That is great news. I hope to reach my goal in 2011. I have lost 30 pounds since June 1st. (on the old plan) and looking forward to taking the rest off too. You have been an inspiration.





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At last, I found someone at WW to talk to about the new program and Gluten Free dieters. I need to make some modifications to the plan in order for it to work with a GF diet.


While everyone elses bread, baked goods, etc were going up in points, my GF brands stayed about the same. Some even dropped in points with the new program. So, with an increase to 29 points, I was grazing all day.


I need to change my points to match the average for regular food. For example bread should be 2 points and not still the 1 point, etc. I made the changes and can already feel a difference.


Thank goodness, I thought that I was losing my diet mind! Hopefully, I take off the 2.5 pounds that I gained on the plan last week and start losing. I have cruise clothes to fit into for March!


Have a great week,






That's GREAT news! Very happy for you!!! Looking forward to seeing the numbers drop off...

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Hello all,


Well I was down 1.8 ponds on Friday :D and up 4 today...I had my last breast reconstuction done yesterday, so I know where the weight came from but still discouraged to have to loose those 4 pounds again. :rolleyes:


Hang in there and have a GREAT WW week!


SW: 223.4

CW: 173.4

GW: 160 (or 150...we'll see)

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I reached LIFETIME! My 6 week maintenance is over and I did it successfully! The first couple of weeks were tough. I went way up then way down, but after that I've been steady. It's great! :D Now I need to cancel my payment haha but I will still continue to pay for etools, they're the best! Oh and Canada is supposed to be getting the iPhone and blackberry app this month WOOHOOOOOOO!


I'm still on week one of the new PointsPlus plan. Since I'm lifetime I have 35 daily points! It sure is a lot. I already ate a ton of fruits and vegetables so I am finding 35 points to be a bit much. If I gain weight on the new plan, my points will drop. It's the same as the old maintenance plan. I think I'll be ok. I haven't been tracking much since I started maintenance and things are going great! I feel like I've made a huge lifestyle change and truly know how to eat healthy. I keep an eye on the scale to make sure I'm not going crazy, but so far I'm doing well :) Christmas is impossible with all the chocolate. I cannot resist it. Since that's my problem, I hop on the treadmill an extra 30 mins or do some stairs before bed. I find as long as I keep up my exercise I can have an extra treat or two in a day. I exercise probably 6-7 days a week. Owning a treadmill is key for me in this cold rainy winter weather.


At our meeting they had a bunch of brochures on the new PointsPlus for specific dietary needs. One of them was for Gluten Free, another for older people, younger people, etc. And thank you WW Canada for getting the chocolate pretzel bars!!! Thank you thank you! They are the best thing ever. Now 2 points, but totally worth it.


In case anyone is still skeptical of the new plan... my team leader has lost 7 lbs on PointsPlus since September. One of our receptionists has lost 15 lbs on PointsPlus since June! She was in the test group for it and is loving the new program. It really does work, so don't fret :D


Good luck everyone!!!


CONGRATULATIONS! That is awesome!!! You will love the WW app! WW did a great job with it!

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Socialcruiser23: That is great that you are now a Lifetime member - congrats on a job well done!


Kim: You'll probably do real good now that you know how to adjust your points.


Janice: I'm happy for you that the breast reconstruction is over and it is behind you now. Stay healthy.



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